AGENT/NETWARE0000755000000000000000000000000011761422161007631 5ustar AGENT/NETWARE/LANAgent.lan0000755000000000000000000014015110003157614011776 0ustar NetWare Loadable Module LANAGENT.LANwyp4iiii[ Intel(R) LAN Adapters SNMP Agent LONGSystem Console LANAGENT.LANVeRsIoN#CoPyRiGhT=>(C) Copyright 2001-2004 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.MeSsAgEsiiiSVWUhSNMmPP E}u E&EP*Pu EEE_^[SVWU*P_^[SVWUP5d1=P5h1`P_^[SVWU EPEPG}u}tEPBEPEPBuEPA_}tPR}t8?1r ?1uEPP}vEh1}t}vEd1_^[SVWUE E E =1tiEPPx,EE;EsGE(xuE(rE('rEE뱀=1vOvEPlPEPlPbEE;EsE(lYrEEEE;EsE(lxrEEۀ=1u =1t =1t.t=1u=1t<1t1P`r%11 t1Pr%1߀=1t<1t1Ps%11t1PLs%1=1tZ1t1Ps%11@t1Por%11t1Pr%1_^[SVWU1h1`1_^[SVWUD=1*Eh4hALRTPEP x1=x1uPE#tPEhAESP PEP |1=|1u<PEhECBSPEP 1=1uP]EU+uP:hE-u$P+;Eut)*P+ E+qt)eP+E>PEPtP,PEPP,P ?1r ?1u,PP">11)1EPEE_^[SVWUa) *_^[SVWU5x1jjh8G0=0u E5x1jjjyG0=0u E5x1Y P PhD_G0=0u E5x1jjj1G0=0u E]5x1jjjG0=0u E25x1jjjyF0=0u EEE_^[SVWUEP50GEE_^[SVWUEP50SH_^[SVWU0E;Br E0U@ЋEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu EME0E;Bs1EPyE}t E;EtEEEEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu El}uj EWE0E;Bs;EPE}t E;EtE@PEEEEE_^[SVWUEP50hEEE_^[SVWUEP50F_^[SVWU0E;Br E0U@ЋEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu EME0E;Bs1EPyE}t E;EtEEEEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu ESE0E;Bs70U@ЋE}t E;EtEEEEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu E}uGjEE}t"ExxtEEEPXE؋EEE0E;Bs+EP'E}t E;EtEENjEEEPE}t"ExxtEEEPE؋EEE_^[SVWU5x1hDE}u E5x1jjj1BƒE<5x1jjhBƒE@E@t E<u E:Eǀ(Eǀ,Eǀ0Eǀ4EEE_^[SVWUEP50AEE_^[SVWU0E;Br E0U@ЋEE_^[SVWUEP50B_^[SVWU}uFE<tE<uCE@tE@XCEP_^[SVWU =0t 0xu EME0E;Bs1EPE}t E;EtEEEEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu El}ujEWE0E;Bs;EPaE}t E;EtE@P?EEEEE_^[SVWUEPE<?EE_^[SVWUEPE<0A_^[SVWUE<E;Br EE<U@ЋEE_^[SVWUjrE}t]E0E;Bs6EPYE}tEE;u EǀEE뼋E0EE0E;BsQEPE}t4?1r ?1uEE0P EEEE_^[SVWUjE}E0E;BEP`E}tEE;uPEPtMEpEPPEPEx t"Ep EP%PEPEEVE0RE0E0E;BsOEPE}t2?1r ?1uEPE02P EEEE_^[SVWU=0uj50r>EEE0E;BEPE}uEE苐<E;BEPEPE}t_EP50{<E}u ElEU?1r ?1uE0jPEEEEhEE*EHP50o=EE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu E}u,0@E}u EEEE0E;Bs30U@ЋE}t E;EtEE뿡0UB;Pr E-0U@Ћ@E}u EEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu EWE0E;Bs;0U@ЋE}t E;Et EEEEEE_^[SVWUEPE@Z:EE_^[SVWUEPE@;_^[SVWUE@E;Br EE@U@ЋEE_^[SVWU=0uj50';EEE0E;BEPE}ukEE苐@E;BsSEPEP,E}t2EP5079E}u E51F@_^[SVWU1V5l4^E}tEl41(EE_^[SVWU=1u!51SQRVWU]_^ZY[1_^[SVWU,EEEEE?1r ?1@uPF0E;Bs0E;Br*0U@Ѓ8t0U@Ѓ8u0U@ЋE0U@ЋEE;E?1r ?1@uEPP0U@Ћ0M@ȋR P 0U@Ћ0MRʋ@BEE؋EE܋E;Ev^?1r ?1@uEPPEU ;r E bUUEEEEEEE;E?1r ?1@uEP@PEU;r E 0U@‹EE0U@Ћ@ EEEEE?1r ?1@u~P0E;Br0E;Bs,0U@Ѓ8u0U@Ѓ8tA0E;Bs0U@Ѓ8?1r ?1@uPwEU;r E 0U@‹EE0U@Ћ@ EEEEE0E;Bs0U@Ѓ8uk?1r ?1@uPEU ;r E -0U@ЋUUEEEEErEUEU }EE0E;BEPE}uEP500E}u E~EEEPEPEP EP ?1r ?1@uEp E0P EEEEIEHP501EE_^[SVWUEP(Pj t E4E}v(=0u 0=0u 0&=0u 0=0u 08EEEEE;EE܋EE܃EPDPEP ?1r ?1@ujPEPEPDP[f}uuPj@Pt EEEPLPEPEPE}v }tEE}uEE EEEEEHPWEHPE0E;BsUEPL$$t2?1r ?1uEP$0zPR EEEE_^[SVWU$EE;E EPE}EnE;E uEP E;4tG?1r ?1@u#E@HPE@ PE0PEiE;E uEPHE;0tG?1r ?1@u#E@HPE@ PE0P(ELEEEPrE}u2?1r ?1@uPEEP EE UEPHE0EP E4E@@PEPEt Eu(E0E@@PPEP#EuE@@PEPEnPPEP E@=PE@1t?EPEPHE}u&E}t EE EPEPEPEPE}t EEEE;EEPE}u;?1r ?1 uEEp P>EmE(EEPEPEP! 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Nonzeros at: ReadBDSpecialData: FutureReserved[%u]=%u %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xCheckBDsForLinkStatus: Adapter %u link changed to OFF CheckBDsForLinkStatus: Adapter %u link changed to ON AgentTimerCallBack: Start trap check GetAnsTopology: Failed to allocate team %u GetAnsTopology: No LBN is virtual GetAnsTopology: Couldn't get entry point LBN=%u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Couldn't send IOCTL to LBN=%u to ANS GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: ANS Bad vendor ID %x GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: ANS Response code %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Changes %x GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Failover Team %u, Current Prim %u, Prev Prim %uGetAnsTopologyChangesBits: RemovedMember %u team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: AddedMember %u team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Added Virt Adapter %u team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Removed Virt Adapter %u team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Added Team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Removed Team %u GetAnsTeamIDs: Couldn't send IOCTL to LBN=%u to ANS GetAnsTeamIDs: ANS Bad vendor ID %x GetAnsTeamIDs: ANS Response code %u GetAnsTeamIDs: NumOfTeams %u GetAnsTeamIDs: Team %u ID=%u GetAnsTeamTopology: Couldn't send IOCTL to LBN=%u to ANS GetAnsTeamTopology: ANS Response code %u Team %uGetAnsTeamTopology: Preferred LBN %u %u %u %u GetAnsTeamTopology: AddMember failed GetAnsTeamTopology: LBNs %u %u %u %u GetAnsTeamTopology: AddMember index=%u ReportedState=%u, OurState=%u GetAnsTeamTopology: AddTeamVirtualAdapter failed GetAnsTeamTopology: AddVadapter index %u Vlan Tag %u name %s cache_timecache_time=nnn Time interval that the data in the agent is valid (0.1 Seconds) trap_timetrap_time=nnn Time interval to poll drivers for traps (0.1 Seconds) statusstatus Display current parameters' values -h-h | help Display this help text helpLAN Adapters SNMP Agent Help: ----------------------------- %sLAN Adapters SNMP Agent Help - supported Keywords: -------------------------------------------------- %s Usage : load LANAgent help|-h for more information on each keyword. Parser: CmdLine=<%s>, CurrentWordLen=%d Parser: Keyword matched Parser: Keyword requires DECIMAL argument Parser: CmdLine=<%s>, looking for '=' Parser: CmdLine=<%s>, CurrentWordLen=%d, looking for DECIMAL number Parameter should be DECIMAL!Too long DECIMAL parameter! Not supportedMissing '=' after a keyword!Parser: Keyword requires HEX argument Parser: CmdLine=<%s>, CurrentWordLen=%d, looking for HEX number Not hexToo long hexnot HEXKeyword matched partially. Not supported.FindRequestedIndex: Index %u is requested FindRequestedIndex: Index attribute not found OCBintelLanAdaptersGet: Error updating MIB OCBgenericAdapterFeaturesGet: Error updating MIB OCBgenericAdapterFeaturesGetNext: Error updating MIB OCBgenericAdapterFeaturesGetNext: No Next exists to AdapterIndex %u ReportGenericAdapter: Attribute ID = %u ReportGenericAdapter: Failed to communicate driver LBN=%u OCBphysicalAdapterFeaturesGet: Error updating MIB OCBphysicalAdapterFeaturesGetNext: Error updating MIB OCBphysicalAdapterFeaturesGetNext: No Next exists to AdapterIndex %u OCBteamFeaturesEntryGetNext: No Next exists to TeamId %u OCBteamMemberGetNext: No Next exists to Member %u ReportMember: Member index %u OCBVirtualAdapterGetNext: No Next exists to Member %u ReportVirtualAdapter: Vadapter index %u OCBphysicalAdapterFeaturesCommitSet: New Counter Offset %u at index %u WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W       2 |H  !2,      =2p AAAAAAAA A AY2$!  AB     u2`# ! 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It enables a network manager to control and query Intel(R) LAN drivers and Intel(R) Advanced Network Services\n Use the command 'load LANAgent help' for online assistance.\n" LANG: 6 ;French LANG: 7 ;German LANG: 8 ;Italian LANG: 14 ;Spanish LANG: 9 ;Japanese LANG: 12 ;Portugese LANG: 10 ;Korean LANG: 1 ;Chinese (simplified) LANG: 16 ;Chinese (traditional) LANG: 13 ;Russian ;DrIvEr DeScRiPtIoN EnD AGENT/NETWARE/README.txt0000755000000000000000000000425307442715222011421 0ustar filename: README.txt description: How to extend the NetWare* SNMP.NLM module to support the INTEL(R)-LAN-ADAPTERS MIB. Overview: ========= The LANAgent module extends the SNMP agent for NetWare*. It provides information on Intel PRO/100 and PRO/1000 adapters through the ce100b and ce1000 adapter drivers. Additional information regarding server features, such as teaming and VLANs, is provided through the Intel Advanced Networking Services (iANS) module. This file describes how to enable the NetWare SNMP module to support the INTEL-LAN-ADAPTERS MIB. Prerequisites: ============== For optimal performance by the SNMP agent, install the Intel PRO/100 and/or PRO/1000 adapter drivers (ce100b, ce1000) and/or the Intel ANS module (iANS). The SNMP agent package is compliant with the following driver versions: - CE100b.lan: ver 4.11 and above - CE1000.lan: ver 3.03 and above - iANS.lan : ver 4.14 and above Installation Instructions: ========================== 1. Type "Load LANAgent" at the server prompt. 2. Configure the SNMP community name according to Novell* documentation. For example, type "Load SNMP ControlCommunity=" to enable GET and SET for any community name. For more information, go to and search for "Providing SNMP and ConnectView Support". 3. Register to receive Traps by adding the IP address of the management station to the list in the file SYS:\ETC\TRAPTARG.CFG. Available Commands: =================== "-h" or "help" Description: View the help description. "cache_time=" Default value: 50 (5 seconds) Description: Define a time period in which the data structure is considered valid. Two consecutive queries within that time will not cause update of the data. is an integer value set to 1/10 second. "trap_time=" Default value: 10 (1 second) Description: Define the time period between two consecutive trap checks. The units are the same as for cache_time. "status" Description: View the current values for cache_time and trap_time. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.AGENT/NETWARE/SnmpInst.nlm0000755000000000000000000000145610003157630012176 0ustar NetWare Loadable Module SNMPINST.NLMmP....P1iLanSNMP Configuration program for Netware Server LONGSystem Console SNMPINST.NLMVeRsIoN#CoPyRiGhT=9(C) Copyright 2001 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.MeSsAgEs...SVWUP/PEE_^[hËSVWUh@hDT$