SNMP/AGENT0000755000000000000000000000000012233423611007275 5ustar SNMP/AGENT/NETWARE0000755000000000000000000000000012233423611010402 5ustar SNMP/AGENT/NETWARE/LANAgent.lan0000755000000000000000000014015110003166630012551 0ustar NetWare Loadable Module LANAGENT.LANwyp4iiii[ Intel(R) LAN Adapters SNMP Agent LONGSystem Console LANAGENT.LANVeRsIoN#CoPyRiGhT=>(C) Copyright 2001-2004 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.MeSsAgEsiiiSVWUhSNMmPP E}u E&EP*Pu EEE_^[SVWU*P_^[SVWUP5d1=P5h1`P_^[SVWU EPEPG}u}tEPBEPEPBuEPA_}tPR}t8?1r ?1uEPP}vEh1}t}vEd1_^[SVWUE E E =1tiEPPx,EE;EsGE(xuE(rE('rEE뱀=1vOvEPlPEPlPbEE;EsE(lYrEEEE;EsE(lxrEEۀ=1u =1t =1t.t=1u=1t<1t1P`r%11 t1Pr%1߀=1t<1t1Ps%11t1PLs%1=1tZ1t1Ps%11@t1Por%11t1Pr%1_^[SVWU1h1`1_^[SVWUD=1*Eh4hALRTPEP x1=x1uPE#tPEhAESP PEP |1=|1u<PEhECBSPEP 1=1uP]EU+uP:hE-u$P+;Eut)*P+ E+qt)eP+E>PEPtP,PEPP,P ?1r ?1u,PP">11)1EPEE_^[SVWUa) *_^[SVWU5x1jjh8G0=0u E5x1jjjyG0=0u E5x1Y P PhD_G0=0u E5x1jjj1G0=0u E]5x1jjjG0=0u E25x1jjjyF0=0u EEE_^[SVWUEP50GEE_^[SVWUEP50SH_^[SVWU0E;Br E0U@ЋEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu EME0E;Bs1EPyE}t E;EtEEEEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu El}uj EWE0E;Bs;EPE}t E;EtE@PEEEEE_^[SVWUEP50hEEE_^[SVWUEP50F_^[SVWU0E;Br E0U@ЋEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu EME0E;Bs1EPyE}t E;EtEEEEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu ESE0E;Bs70U@ЋE}t E;EtEEEEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu E}uGjEE}t"ExxtEEEPXE؋EEE0E;Bs+EP'E}t E;EtEENjEEEPE}t"ExxtEEEPE؋EEE_^[SVWU5x1hDE}u E5x1jjj1BƒE<5x1jjhBƒE@E@t E<u E:Eǀ(Eǀ,Eǀ0Eǀ4EEE_^[SVWUEP50AEE_^[SVWU0E;Br E0U@ЋEE_^[SVWUEP50B_^[SVWU}uFE<tE<uCE@tE@XCEP_^[SVWU =0t 0xu EME0E;Bs1EPE}t E;EtEEEEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu El}ujEWE0E;Bs;EPaE}t E;EtE@P?EEEEE_^[SVWUEPE<?EE_^[SVWUEPE<0A_^[SVWUE<E;Br EE<U@ЋEE_^[SVWUjrE}t]E0E;Bs6EPYE}tEE;u EǀEE뼋E0EE0E;BsQEPE}t4?1r ?1uEE0P EEEE_^[SVWUjE}E0E;BEP`E}tEE;uPEPtMEpEPPEPEx t"Ep EP%PEPEEVE0RE0E0E;BsOEPE}t2?1r ?1uEPE02P EEEE_^[SVWU=0uj50r>EEE0E;BEPE}uEE苐<E;BEPEPE}t_EP50{<E}u ElEU?1r ?1uE0jPEEEEhEE*EHP50o=EE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu E}u,0@E}u EEEE0E;Bs30U@ЋE}t E;EtEE뿡0UB;Pr E-0U@Ћ@E}u EEEE_^[SVWU =0t 0xu EWE0E;Bs;0U@ЋE}t E;Et EEEEEE_^[SVWUEPE@Z:EE_^[SVWUEPE@;_^[SVWUE@E;Br EE@U@ЋEE_^[SVWU=0uj50';EEE0E;BEPE}ukEE苐@E;BsSEPEP,E}t2EP5079E}u E51F@_^[SVWU1V5l4^E}tEl41(EE_^[SVWU=1u!51SQRVWU]_^ZY[1_^[SVWU,EEEEE?1r ?1@uPF0E;Bs0E;Br*0U@Ѓ8t0U@Ѓ8u0U@ЋE0U@ЋEE;E?1r ?1@uEPP0U@Ћ0M@ȋR P 0U@Ћ0MRʋ@BEE؋EE܋E;Ev^?1r ?1@uEPPEU ;r E bUUEEEEEEE;E?1r ?1@uEP@PEU;r E 0U@‹EE0U@Ћ@ EEEEE?1r ?1@u~P0E;Br0E;Bs,0U@Ѓ8u0U@Ѓ8tA0E;Bs0U@Ѓ8?1r ?1@uPwEU;r E 0U@‹EE0U@Ћ@ EEEEE0E;Bs0U@Ѓ8uk?1r ?1@uPEU ;r E -0U@ЋUUEEEEErEUEU }EE0E;BEPE}uEP500E}u E~EEEPEPEP EP ?1r ?1@uEp E0P EEEEIEHP501EE_^[SVWUEP(Pj t E4E}v(=0u 0=0u 0&=0u 0=0u 08EEEEE;EE܋EE܃EPDPEP ?1r ?1@ujPEPEPDP[f}uuPj@Pt EEEPLPEPEPE}v }tEE}uEE EEEEEHPWEHPE0E;BsUEPL$$t2?1r ?1uEP$0zPR EEEE_^[SVWU$EE;E EPE}EnE;E uEP E;4tG?1r ?1@u#E@HPE@ PE0PEiE;E uEPHE;0tG?1r ?1@u#E@HPE@ PE0P(ELEEEPrE}u2?1r ?1@uPEEP EE UEPHE0EP E4E@@PEPEt Eu(E0E@@PPEP#EuE@@PEPEnPPEP E@=PE@1t?EPEPHE}u&E}t EE EPEPEPEPE}t EEEE;EEPE}u;?1r ?1 uEEp P>EmE(EEPEPEP! 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Nonzeros at: ReadBDSpecialData: FutureReserved[%u]=%u %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xCheckBDsForLinkStatus: Adapter %u link changed to OFF CheckBDsForLinkStatus: Adapter %u link changed to ON AgentTimerCallBack: Start trap check GetAnsTopology: Failed to allocate team %u GetAnsTopology: No LBN is virtual GetAnsTopology: Couldn't get entry point LBN=%u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Couldn't send IOCTL to LBN=%u to ANS GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: ANS Bad vendor ID %x GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: ANS Response code %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Changes %x GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Failover Team %u, Current Prim %u, Prev Prim %uGetAnsTopologyChangesBits: RemovedMember %u team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: AddedMember %u team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Added Virt Adapter %u team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Removed Virt Adapter %u team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Added Team %u GetAnsTopologyChangesBits: Removed Team %u GetAnsTeamIDs: Couldn't send IOCTL to LBN=%u to ANS GetAnsTeamIDs: ANS Bad vendor ID %x GetAnsTeamIDs: ANS Response code %u GetAnsTeamIDs: NumOfTeams %u GetAnsTeamIDs: Team %u ID=%u GetAnsTeamTopology: Couldn't send IOCTL to LBN=%u to ANS GetAnsTeamTopology: ANS Response code %u Team %uGetAnsTeamTopology: Preferred LBN %u %u %u %u GetAnsTeamTopology: AddMember failed GetAnsTeamTopology: LBNs %u %u %u %u GetAnsTeamTopology: AddMember index=%u ReportedState=%u, OurState=%u GetAnsTeamTopology: AddTeamVirtualAdapter failed GetAnsTeamTopology: AddVadapter index %u Vlan Tag %u name %s cache_timecache_time=nnn Time interval that the data in the agent is valid (0.1 Seconds) trap_timetrap_time=nnn Time interval to poll drivers for traps (0.1 Seconds) statusstatus Display current parameters' values -h-h | help Display this help text helpLAN Adapters SNMP Agent Help: ----------------------------- %sLAN Adapters SNMP Agent Help - supported Keywords: -------------------------------------------------- %s Usage : load LANAgent help|-h for more information on each keyword. Parser: CmdLine=<%s>, CurrentWordLen=%d Parser: Keyword matched Parser: Keyword requires DECIMAL argument Parser: CmdLine=<%s>, looking for '=' Parser: CmdLine=<%s>, CurrentWordLen=%d, looking for DECIMAL number Parameter should be DECIMAL!Too long DECIMAL parameter! Not supportedMissing '=' after a keyword!Parser: Keyword requires HEX argument Parser: CmdLine=<%s>, CurrentWordLen=%d, looking for HEX number Not hexToo long hexnot HEXKeyword matched partially. Not supported.FindRequestedIndex: Index %u is requested FindRequestedIndex: Index attribute not found OCBintelLanAdaptersGet: Error updating MIB OCBgenericAdapterFeaturesGet: Error updating MIB OCBgenericAdapterFeaturesGetNext: Error updating MIB OCBgenericAdapterFeaturesGetNext: No Next exists to AdapterIndex %u ReportGenericAdapter: Attribute ID = %u ReportGenericAdapter: Failed to communicate driver LBN=%u OCBphysicalAdapterFeaturesGet: Error updating MIB OCBphysicalAdapterFeaturesGetNext: Error updating MIB OCBphysicalAdapterFeaturesGetNext: No Next exists to AdapterIndex %u OCBteamFeaturesEntryGetNext: No Next exists to TeamId %u OCBteamMemberGetNext: No Next exists to Member %u ReportMember: Member index %u OCBVirtualAdapterGetNext: No Next exists to Member %u ReportVirtualAdapter: Vadapter index %u OCBphysicalAdapterFeaturesCommitSet: New Counter Offset %u at index %u WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W       2 |H  !2,      =2p AAAAAAAA A AY2$!  AB     u2`# ! A 2#L#20$# 2$l$2P8%$  3%t%   B       A    3x'%93'' A U3@(8(q3 |(3 X)3 )3 0* !(##H$$P%%'((4)) *x*Intel(R) CorporationIntel(R) Network Adapter(s), Advanced Management1-X-Y1.19 2``````ppppppRWkW[\[XY_3`fpqbbnfnMooddhhefjjk"lqqssr\rKsrYcWv@wv@{v@v@v@v@v@v@v@v@v@v@v@w@w@w@(w@.w@2w@8w@Gw@Nw@Zw@zw@~w@w@w@w@w@w@w@w@w@w@w@w@w@[@[@[\\\ \\2\^@^@^@5_@C_@M_@_@_@_@```````````aTd@bd@pd@ffffffffffffffffVj@dj@rj@Lk@Zk@ik@l@l@l@m@m@m@n@n@n@o@p@p@p@p@p@)q@7q@Lq@q@q@*r@9r@r@r@.s@ys@s@t@Jt@Nt@Tt@bt@it@ut@t@t@t@t@t@t@t@t@t@t@t@ u@+u@/u@5u@Au@Hu@Tu@tu@xu@~u@u@u@u@u@u@u@u@u@u@u@u@u@ v@+v@/v@5v@Dv@Kv@C@MD@[D@nD@D@D@D@D@E@E@E@&E@Z[@0@0@0@0@0@1@1@'1@,1@O1@Z1@q1@1@1@1@1@1@1@2@2@%2@/2@82@B2@2@2@3@3@3@4@4@4@\4@j4@y4@4@4@4@5@5@65@D5@V5@y5@5@5@5@5@5@5@E6@S6@o6@6@6@6@7@#7@97@u7@7@7@7@7@7@$8@28@B8@h8@v8@8@8@8@8@9@9@99@G9@Y9@|9@9@9@9@9@9@9@ :@#:@p:@:@:@:@:@;@;@!;@D;@R;@b;@;@=@>@*>@>@>@ ?@#?@1?@o?@N@@\@@{@@@@@@@@ A@A@XA@B@B@4B@CC@VC@[C@sC@C@C@C@@@@@ @ @ @ @!@!@!@!@!@"@T"@b"@l"@#@A#@h#@#@#@#@$@0$@G$@m$@{$@$@$@%@%@A%@O%@]%@%@&@&@&@&@'@#'@2'@'@'@'@'@(@(@)@)@)@)@)@*@!*@0*@J*@X*@i*@*@*@*@*@*@*@5+@C+@M+@w+@+@+@+@+@,@,@,@B,@P,@b,@,@,@,@-@H-@-@-@-@-@.@.@[.@.@.@.@.@.@/@x/@/@/@/@/@/@//@/@/@/@/@/@/@/@ 0@0@0@*0@40@G0@L0@R0@[0@d0@l0@0@0@0@0@t@@@@@@b@@@@@@ @'@[@h@@@@@@%@@ @H@@@@@:@G@@@@@@7@N@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@?@K@`@e@@@@@@@ @@(@=@W@n@@@@@@@@$@2@@@@@@@@@'@1@@@N@[@p@@@@@@@ @;@H@]@k@u@@@&@j@x@@@@!@+@4@@@I@S@\@"@@@@@@@@ @@@)@0@9@A@P@W@_@n@u@~@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@$@6@<@D@g@@@@@@@@@@0@]@@@@@@@@@ @/@;@@@@@@@@@@+@>@D@V@i@o@@@@@@@)@S@[@w@@@ @u @ @ @ @ @ @! @{ @ @ @ @ @ @s @ @+ @J @ @ @ @H @ @ @ @D@L@@@@@$@<@@@@@R@ ( !!!!,#8#@#H#####L$X$`$h$$$$$T%`%h%p%%%%%''''($(,(4(((((8)D)T))))**,*|******************** 2)2-2E2I2a2e2}22222222222 3 3%3)3A3E3]3a3y33333333@<@r@@@@@@=@K@Y@p@@@SACTrap {t@t@u@Zu@u@v@]v@v@v@`w@w@SAIDeregisterMIBx@SAIRegisterMIBB@strstr@ GetNLMHandle@AllocateResourceTag@.@@@free @O@P@zQ@Q@Q@sprintf%@@@"@"@ #@2#@P#@w#@#@#@ $@&$@?$@V$@%@(&@-@U-@;@A@S@@T@T@T@QU@U@X@\@\@V]@]@^@|^@a@Nb@8g@strlen"D@BI@S@S@S@$T@ST@T@T@T@ U@5U@aU@U@LX@vX@@\@o\@\@\@]@7]@l]@]@]@]@1^@]^@a@a@b@1b@f@g@strcmp @strnicmpD@'I@Alloc @~N@O@P@OutputToScreen@SSGetOSVersionInfo@vsprintfn@SSGetActiveLANBoardList@SSGetLANConfiguration@LSLGetMLIDControlEntry&@{'@v)@<4@LSLGetSizedRcvECBRTagE@ 1@LSLReturnRcvECB@e1@ScheduleNoSleepAESProcessEvent/@v0@CancelNoSleepAESProcessEvent/@ FindNLMHandle#@ReturnNLMVersionInformation#@SNMP/AGENT/NETWARE/LANAgent.ldi0000755000000000000000000000207307334253470012563 0ustar ; ; File name: LANAgent.LDI ; VeRsIoN=1.00 ; Intel(R) LANAgent Installation Information File ; CoPyRiGhT=(c)Copyright 2001 by Intel Corporation, All rights reserved. ; ;- File: LANAgent.LDI VER: 6.66 SYN: 1.00 DR LANAGENT { DES: $LANAGENT_1 HELP: $LANAGENT_2 FILE: LANAGENT.LAN CPROG:SNMPINST OFILE:SNMPINST.NLM } DLANG: 4 ;English $LANAGENT_1 = "Intel(R) LAN Adapters SNMP Agent" $LANAGENT_2 = "This module serves as a SNMP agent for Intel(R) LAN Adapters. It enables a network manager to control and query Intel(R) LAN drivers and Intel(R) Advanced Network Services\n Use the command 'load LANAgent help' for online assistance.\n" LANG: 6 ;French LANG: 7 ;German LANG: 8 ;Italian LANG: 14 ;Spanish LANG: 9 ;Japanese LANG: 12 ;Portugese LANG: 10 ;Korean LANG: 1 ;Chinese (simplified) LANG: 16 ;Chinese (traditional) LANG: 13 ;Russian ;DrIvEr DeScRiPtIoN EnD SNMP/AGENT/NETWARE/README.txt0000755000000000000000000000425307442724200012172 0ustar filename: README.txt description: How to extend the NetWare* SNMP.NLM module to support the INTEL(R)-LAN-ADAPTERS MIB. Overview: ========= The LANAgent module extends the SNMP agent for NetWare*. It provides information on Intel PRO/100 and PRO/1000 adapters through the ce100b and ce1000 adapter drivers. Additional information regarding server features, such as teaming and VLANs, is provided through the Intel Advanced Networking Services (iANS) module. This file describes how to enable the NetWare SNMP module to support the INTEL-LAN-ADAPTERS MIB. Prerequisites: ============== For optimal performance by the SNMP agent, install the Intel PRO/100 and/or PRO/1000 adapter drivers (ce100b, ce1000) and/or the Intel ANS module (iANS). The SNMP agent package is compliant with the following driver versions: - CE100b.lan: ver 4.11 and above - CE1000.lan: ver 3.03 and above - iANS.lan : ver 4.14 and above Installation Instructions: ========================== 1. Type "Load LANAgent" at the server prompt. 2. Configure the SNMP community name according to Novell* documentation. For example, type "Load SNMP ControlCommunity=" to enable GET and SET for any community name. For more information, go to and search for "Providing SNMP and ConnectView Support". 3. Register to receive Traps by adding the IP address of the management station to the list in the file SYS:\ETC\TRAPTARG.CFG. Available Commands: =================== "-h" or "help" Description: View the help description. "cache_time=" Default value: 50 (5 seconds) Description: Define a time period in which the data structure is considered valid. Two consecutive queries within that time will not cause update of the data. is an integer value set to 1/10 second. "trap_time=" Default value: 10 (1 second) Description: Define the time period between two consecutive trap checks. The units are the same as for cache_time. "status" Description: View the current values for cache_time and trap_time. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.SNMP/AGENT/NETWARE/SnmpInst.nlm0000755000000000000000000000145610003166630012753 0ustar NetWare Loadable Module SNMPINST.NLMmP....P1iLanSNMP Configuration program for Netware Server LONGSystem Console SNMPINST.NLMVeRsIoN#CoPyRiGhT=9(C) Copyright 2001 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.MeSsAgEs...SVWUP/PEE_^[hËSVWUh@hDT$ -- INTEL-DCB-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises FROM RFC1155-SMI MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter64, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF physicalAdapterIndex FROM INTEL-LAN-ADAPTERS-MIB ; inteldcblan MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201302110000Z" -- Feb 11, 2013 ORGANIZATION "Intel Corp" CONTACT-INFO "Intel Corp" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for Intel DCB SNMP agent." REVISION "201302110000Z" -- Feb 11, 2013 DESCRIPTION "Version 1.15.0 Correct DcbVersion ranges" REVISION "201210310000Z" -- Oct 31, 2012 DESCRIPTION "Version 1.14.0 Corrected Enterprise ID" REVISION "201206150000Z" -- Jun 15, 2012 DESCRIPTION "Version 1.12.0 Corrected DISPLAY-HINTS for OCTET STRINGS" ::= { enterprises 3183 } -- Categories intel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 343 } products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intel 2 } nic-products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 7 } intel-lan-adapters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nic-products 2 } intel-dcb OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nic-products 3 } InterfaceIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface or interface sub-layer in the managed system. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) Ables ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value defining disable or enable" SYNTAX INTEGER {disable(0), enable(1)} DcbPgFormat ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A structure of 40 octets representing the Priority Group (PG) settings. - The first 8 octets represent the % (0..100) of link bandwidth assigned to the 8 Bandwidth Groups (BWG) (0..7). The index into the 8 octets is the BWG ID. - The other 32 octets represent an array of eight 4-octet elements. The index into the array is the User Priority (UP) (0..7). The four octets in each array element represent the following: Octet 1 is the Traffic Class (0..7) mapping of the UP. Octet 2 is the BWG ID (0..7) of the UP. Octet 3 is the % (0..100) of the BWG bandwidth assigned to the UP. Octet 4 is the strict priority setting of the UP. Which can be: 0 - normal 1 - group strict (SubType 1 only) 2 - link strict - NOTE: Octet 3 is only supported by DCBX protocol SubType 1. In SubType 2 all UPs assigned to a given BWG ID will be assigned an equal %." SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (40) ) DcbPfcFormat ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An array of 8 octets representing the Priority Flow Control (PFC) settings for the 8 User Priorities. Each octet can take on the values: disabled (0x0), enabled (0x1) The index into the 8 octets is User Priority." SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (8) ) DcbMapFormat ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An array of 8 octets representing the Traffic Class mapping for the 8 User Priorities. Each octet can take on the values: (0x00) through enabled (0x08) The index into the 8 octets is User Priority." SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (8) ) DcbUpAbleFormat ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An array of 8 octets representing feature enablement for the 8 User Priorities. Each octet can take on the values: disabled (0x0), enabled (0x1) The index into the 8 octets is User Priority." SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (8) ) -- **************************************** -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables -- **************************************** dcbTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intel-dcb 1 } dcbConfigTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcbTables 1 } -- ********************************************************************* -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - DcbConfig -- DCB Configuration -- ********************************************************************* dcbConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "General configuration parameters for DCB for all ports." ::= { dcbConfigTables 1 } dcbConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DCB attributes common to all physical adapters. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX { physicalAdapterIndex } ::= { dcbConfigTable 1 } DcbConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbConfigEnable Ables, dcbVersion Integer32, dcbOsControlledEnable Ables } dcbConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the DCB on the associated physical adapter." ::= { dcbConfigEntry 1 } dcbVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 3) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the DCBX TLV version to be transmitted and processed by DCBX 0 - Enables version detection and support for CEE and IEEE DCBX 1 - Enables Pre-CEE DCBX TLVs 2 - Enables CEE DCBX TLVs 3 - Enables IEEE DCBX TLVs " ::= { dcbConfigEntry 2 } dcbOsControlledEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the ability for the OS to Control DCB configuration." ::= { dcbConfigEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************* -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - PgConfig -- Priority Groups Configuration -- ********************************************************************* dcbPgConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPgConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration parameters for the Priority Groups DCB feature for all ports." ::= { dcbConfigTables 2 } dcbPgConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Groups attributes common to all physical adapters. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex} ::= { dcbPgConfigTable 1 } DcbPgConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPgConfigEnable Ables, dcbPgConfigWilling Ables, dcbPgConfigAdvertise Ables, dcbPgConfigBandwidths DcbPgFormat, dcbPgConfigNumTCs Integer32, dcbPgConfigRecBandwidths DcbPgFormat, dcbPgConfigRecEnable Ables } dcbPgConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the Priority Group feature." ::= { dcbPgConfigEntry 1 } dcbPgConfigWilling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the Willing parameter for the Priority Group feature. Enabled indicates that the local port will accept Priority Group parameters from a not Willing (disabled) peer port." ::= { dcbPgConfigEntry 2 } dcbPgConfigAdvertise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables Priority Group parameter exchange via DCB Capabilities Exchange protocol." ::= { dcbPgConfigEntry 3 } dcbPgConfigBandwidths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgFormat MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A structure of 40 octets representing the Priority Group (PG) settings. - The first 8 octets represent the % (0..100) of link bandwidth assigned to the 8 Bandwidth Groups (BWG) (0..7). The index into the 8 octets is the BWG ID. - The other 32 octets represent an array of eight 4-octet elements. The index into the array is the User Priority (UP) (0..7). The four octets in each array element represent the following: Octet 1 is the Traffic Class (0..7) mapping of the UP. Octet 2 is the BWG ID (0..7) of the UP. Use BWG ID 15 to assign UP to link strict group. Octet 3 is the % (0..100) of the BWG bandwidth assigned to the UP. Octet 4 is the strict priority setting of the UP. Which can be: 0 - normal 1 - group strict (SubType 1 only) 2 - link strict - NOTE: Octet 3 is only supported by DCBX protocol SubType 1. In SubType 2 all UPs assigned to a given BWG ID will be assigned an equal %." ::= { dcbPgConfigEntry 4 } dcbPgConfigNumTCs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of TCs capable of supporting PG." ::= { dcbPgConfigEntry 5 } dcbPgConfigRecBandwidths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgFormat MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A structure of 40 octets representing the remote Recommended Priority Group (PG) settings. (Supported only in IEEE operation) - The first 8 octets represent the % (0..100) of link bandwidth assigned to the 8 Bandwidth Groups (BWG) (0..7). The index into the 8 octets is the BWG ID. - The other 32 octets represent an array of eight 4-octet elements. The index into the array is the User Priority (UP) (0..7). The four octets in each array element represent the following: Octet 1 is the Traffic Class (0..7) mapping of the UP. Octet 2 is the BWG ID (0..7) of the UP. Use BWG ID 15 to assign UP to link strict group. Octet 3 is unused. Octet 4 is the strict priority setting of the UP. Which can be: 0 - normal 2 - link strict " ::= { dcbPgConfigEntry 6 } dcbPgConfigRecEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the remote Priority Group Recommended TLV. (Supported only in IEEE operation) " ::= { dcbPgConfigEntry 7 } -- ********************************************************************* -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - PgBwgConfig -- Priority Groups Bandwidth Group Configuration -- ********************************************************************* dcbPgBwgNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPgBwgNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The user supplied name associated with each bandwidth group." ::= { dcbConfigTables 3 } dcbPgBwgNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgBwgNameEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth group names per port. There is one 'entry' for each interface." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, dcbPgBwgId} ::= { dcbPgBwgNameTable 1 } DcbPgBwgNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPgBwgId Integer32, dcbPgBwgName DisplayString } dcbPgBwgId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Bandwidth Group ID number." ::= { dcbPgBwgNameEntry 1 } dcbPgBwgName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The user supplied name for the Bandwidth Group." ::= { dcbPgBwgNameEntry 2 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - PfcConfig -- Priority Flow Control Configuration -- ************************************************************************ dcbPfcConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPfcConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Flow Control (PFC) attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbConfigTables 4 } dcbPfcConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPfcConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Flow Control (PFC) settings for all User Priorities per port. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex} ::= { dcbPfcConfigTable 1 } DcbPfcConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPfcConfigEnable Ables, dcbPfcConfigWilling Ables, dcbPfcConfigAdvertise Ables, dcbPfcConfigSettings DcbPfcFormat, dcbPfcConfigNumTCs Integer32 } dcbPfcConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbPfcConfigEntry 1 } dcbPfcConfigWilling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the Willing parameter for the Priority Flow Control feature. Enabled indicates that the local port will accept Priority Flow Control parameters from a not Willing (disabled) peer port." ::= { dcbPfcConfigEntry 2 } dcbPfcConfigAdvertise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the advertising Priority Flow Control parameters for this port to the peer via the protocol." ::= { dcbPfcConfigEntry 3 } dcbPfcConfigSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPfcFormat MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative Priority Flow Control (PFC) settings. An array of 8 octets representing the PFC settings for the 8 User Priorities. Each octet can take on the values: disabled (0x0), enabled (0x1) The index into the 8 octets is User Priority. " ::= { dcbPfcConfigEntry 4 } dcbPfcConfigNumTCs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of TCs capable of supporting PFC." ::= { dcbPfcConfigEntry 5 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - FcoeConfig -- FCoE Application Configuration -- ************************************************************************ dcbFcoeConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbFcoeConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FCoE Application attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbConfigTables 5 } dcbFcoeConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbFcoeConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, dcbFcoeSubType} ::= { dcbFcoeConfigTable 1 } DcbFcoeConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbFcoeConfigEnable Ables, dcbFcoeConfigWilling Ables, dcbFcoeConfigAdvertise Ables, dcbFcoeConfigData OCTET STRING, dcbFcoeConfigSelector Integer32, dcbFcoeConfigIdentifier OCTET STRING } dcbFcoeConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the FCoE Application feature." ::= { dcbFcoeConfigEntry 1 } dcbFcoeConfigWilling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the Willing parameter for the FCoE Application feature. Enabled indicates that the local port will accept FCoE Application parameters from a not Willing (disabled) peer port." ::= { dcbFcoeConfigEntry 2 } dcbFcoeConfigAdvertise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the advertising FCoE Application parameters for this port to the peer via the protocol." ::= { dcbFcoeConfigEntry 3 } dcbFcoeConfigData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1) ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FCoE Application specific configuration." ::= { dcbFcoeConfigEntry 4 } dcbFcoeConfigSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local selector to specify the method of identifying FCoE traffic. (Supported only in IEEE operation) 0x01 - Ethertype 0x02 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP 0x03 - Well Known Port number over UDP, DCCP 0x04 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP, UDP, DCCP " ::= { dcbFcoeConfigEntry 5 } dcbFcoeConfigIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (2) ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local traffic identifier for the FCoE Application feature. (Supported only in IEEE operation) " ::= { dcbFcoeConfigEntry 6 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - iScsiFcoeConfig -- iSCSI Application Configuration -- ************************************************************************ dcbiScsiConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbiScsiConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iSCSI Application attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbConfigTables 7 } dcbiScsiConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbiScsiConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, dcbiScsiSubType} ::= { dcbiScsiConfigTable 1 } DcbiScsiConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbiScsiConfigEnable Ables, dcbiScsiConfigWilling Ables, dcbiScsiConfigAdvertise Ables, dcbiScsiConfigData OCTET STRING, dcbiScsiConfigSelector Integer32, dcbiScsiConfigIdentifier OCTET STRING } dcbiScsiConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the iSCSI Application feature." ::= { dcbiScsiConfigEntry 1 } dcbiScsiConfigWilling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the Willing parameter for the iSCSI Application feature. Enabled indicates that the local port will accept iSCSI Application parameters from a not Willing (disabled) peer port." ::= { dcbiScsiConfigEntry 2 } dcbiScsiConfigAdvertise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables or Disables the advertising iSCSI Application parameters for this port to the peer via the protocol." ::= { dcbiScsiConfigEntry 3 } dcbiScsiConfigData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1) ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iSCSI Application specific configuration. " ::= { dcbiScsiConfigEntry 4 } dcbiScsiConfigSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local selector to specify the method of identifying iSCSI traffic. (Supported only in IEEE operation) 0x01 - Ethertype 0x02 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP 0x03 - Well Known Port number over UDP, DCCP 0x04 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP, UDP, DCCP " ::= { dcbiScsiConfigEntry 5 } dcbiScsiConfigIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (2) ) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local traffic identifier for the iSCSI Application feature. (Supported only in IEEE operation) " ::= { dcbiScsiConfigEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************* -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - Operational Status -- ********************************************************************* dcbOperTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcbTables 2 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Operational Attr Tables - PgOper -- Priority Groups Operational Status -- ************************************************************************ dcbPgOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPgOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration parameters for the Priority Groups DCB feature for all ports." ::= { dcbOperTables 1 } dcbPgOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Groups attributes common to all physical adapters. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex} ::= { dcbPgOperTable 1 } DcbPgOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPgOperVersion Integer32, dcbPgOperMaxVersion Integer32, dcbPgOperError Integer32, dcbPgOperMode Ables, dcbPgOperSyncd Integer32, dcbPgOperBandwidths DcbPgFormat, dcbPgOperMappingUPtoTC DcbMapFormat } dcbPgOperVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational protocol version of the Priority Groups feature." ::= { dcbPgOperEntry 1 } dcbPgOperMaxVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest protocol version supported by the implementation of the Priority Groups feature." ::= { dcbPgOperEntry 2 } dcbPgOperError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current error status of the Priority Groups feature. Bits in the Error value are defined as: 0x00 - no error 0x01 - feature mismatch with peer 0x02 - error setting feature configuration 0x04 - multiple feature TLVs received from peer 0x08 - peer error 0x10 - multiple LLDP neighbors present 0x20 - feature not present in peer tlv " ::= { dcbPgOperEntry 3 } dcbPgOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of the Priority Group feature. " ::= { dcbPgOperEntry 4 } dcbPgOperSyncd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current synced state of the feature relative to the peer device. " ::= { dcbPgOperEntry 5 } dcbPgOperBandwidths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A structure of 40 octets representing the Priority Group (PG) settings. - The first 8 octets represent the % (0..100) of link bandwidth assigned to the 8 Bandwidth Groups (BWG) (0..7). The index into the 8 octets is the BWG ID. - The other 32 octets represent an array of eight 4-octet elements. The index into the array is the User Priority (UP) (0..7). The four octets in each array element represent the following: Octet 1 is the Traffic Class (0..7) mapping of the UP. Octet 2 is the BWG ID (0..7) of the UP. Octet 3 is the % (0..100) of the BWG bandwidth assigned to the UP. Octet 4 is the strict priority setting of the UP. Which can be: 0 - normal 1 - group strict (SubType 1 only) 2 - link strict - NOTE: Octet 3 is only supported by DCBX protocol SubType 1. In SubType 2 all UPs assigned to a given BWG ID will be assigned an equal %." ::= { dcbPgOperEntry 6 } dcbPgOperMappingUPtoTC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbMapFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field contains the operational mapping of UP to TC." ::= { dcbPgOperEntry 7 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - PfcOper -- Priority Flow Control Operational Status -- ************************************************************************ dcbPfcOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPfcOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Flow Control (PFC) attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbOperTables 2 } dcbPfcOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPfcOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Flow Control (PFC) settings for all User Priorities per port. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex} ::= { dcbPfcOperTable 1 } DcbPfcOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPfcOperVersion Integer32, dcbPfcOperMaxVersion Integer32, dcbPfcOperError Integer32, dcbPfcOperMode Ables, dcbPfcOperSyncd Integer32, dcbPfcOperSettings DcbPfcFormat } dcbPfcOperVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational protocol version of the Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbPfcOperEntry 1 } dcbPfcOperMaxVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest protocol version supported by the implementation of the Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbPfcOperEntry 2 } dcbPfcOperError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current error status of the Priority Flow Control feature. Bits in the Error value are defined as: 0x00 - no error 0x01 - feature mismatch with peer 0x02 - error setting feature configuration 0x04 - multiple feature TLVs received from peer 0x08 - peer error 0x10 - multiple LLDP neighbors present 0x20 - feature not present in peer tlv" ::= { dcbPfcOperEntry 3 } dcbPfcOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of the Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbPfcOperEntry 4 } dcbPfcOperSyncd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current synced state of the feature relative to the peer device." ::= { dcbPfcOperEntry 5 } dcbPfcOperSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPfcFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative Priority Flow Control (PFC) settings. An array of 8 octets representing the PFC settings for the 8 User Priorities. Each octet can take on the values: disabled (0x0), enabled (0x1) The index into the 8 octets is User Priority. " ::= { dcbPfcOperEntry 6 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - FcoeOper -- Application Operational Status -- ************************************************************************ dcbFcoeOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbFcoeOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FCoE Application attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbOperTables 3 } dcbFcoeOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbFcoeOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FCoE Application settings for all User Priorities per port. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, dcbFcoeSubType} ::= { dcbFcoeOperTable 1 } DcbFcoeOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbFcoeOperVersion Integer32, dcbFcoeOperMaxVersion Integer32, dcbFcoeOperError Integer32, dcbFcoeOperMode Ables, dcbFcoeOperSyncd Integer32, dcbFcoeOperData OCTET STRING, dcbFcoeSubType Integer32, dcbFcoeOperSelector Integer32, dcbFcoeOperIdentifier OCTET STRING } dcbFcoeOperVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational protocol version of the FCoE Application:subtype feature." ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 1 } dcbFcoeOperMaxVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest protocol version supported by the implementation of the FCoE Application:subtype feature." ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 2 } dcbFcoeOperError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current error status of the FCoE Application:subtype feature. Bits in the Error value are defined as: 0x00 - no error 0x01 - feature mismatch with peer 0x02 - error setting feature configuration 0x04 - multiple feature TLVs received from peer 0x08 - peer error 0x10 - multiple LLDP neighbors present 0x20 - feature not present in peer tlv" ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 3 } dcbFcoeOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of the FCoE Application:subtype feature." ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 4 } dcbFcoeOperSyncd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current synced state of the FCoE Application feature relative to the peer device." ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 5 } dcbFcoeOperData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational FCoE Application specific configuration." ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 6 } dcbFcoeSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the SubType of the FCoE Application feature." ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 7 } dcbFcoeOperSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational selector to specify the method of identifying FCoE traffic. (Supported only in IEEE operation) 0x01 - Ethertype 0x02 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP 0x03 - Well Known Port number over UDP, DCCP 0x04 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP, UDP, DCCP " ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 8 } dcbFcoeOperIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (2) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational traffic identifier for the FCoE Application feature. (Supported only in IEEE operation) " ::= { dcbFcoeOperEntry 9 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - iScsiFcoeOper -- iSCSI Application Operational Status -- ************************************************************************ dcbiScsiOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbiScsiOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iSCSI Application attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbOperTables 5 } dcbiScsiOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbiScsiOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iSCSI Application settings for all User Priorities per port. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, dcbiScsiSubType} ::= { dcbiScsiOperTable 1 } DcbiScsiOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbiScsiOperVersion Integer32, dcbiScsiOperMaxVersion Integer32, dcbiScsiOperError Integer32, dcbiScsiOperMode Ables, dcbiScsiOperSyncd Integer32, dcbiScsiOperData OCTET STRING, dcbiScsiSubType Integer32, dcbiScsiOperSelector Integer32, dcbiScsiOperIdentifier OCTET STRING } dcbiScsiOperVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational protocol version of the iSCSI Application:subtype feature." ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 1 } dcbiScsiOperMaxVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The highest protocol version supported by the implementation of the iSCSI Application:subtype feature." ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 2 } dcbiScsiOperError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current error status of the iSCSI Application:subtype feature. Bits in the Error value are defined as: 0x00 - no error 0x01 - feature mismatch with peer 0x02 - error setting feature configuration 0x04 - multiple feature TLVs received from peer 0x08 - peer error 0x10 - multiple LLDP neighbors present 0x20 - feature not present in peer tlv" ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 3 } dcbiScsiOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of the iSCSI Application:subtype feature." ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 4 } dcbiScsiOperSyncd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current synced state of the iSCSI Application feature relative to the peer device. " ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 5 } dcbiScsiOperData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational iSCSI Application specific configuration." ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 6 } dcbiScsiSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the SubType of the iSCSI Application feature." ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 7 } dcbiScsiOperSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational selector to specify the method of identifying iSCSI traffic. (Supported only in IEEE operation) 0x01 - Ethertype 0x02 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP 0x03 - Well Known Port number over UDP, DCCP 0x04 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP, UDP, DCCP " ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 8 } dcbiScsiOperIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (2) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational traffic identifier for the iSCSI Application feature. (Supported only in IEEE operation) " ::= { dcbiScsiOperEntry 9 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - DcbOper -- DCB Operational Status -- ************************************************************************ dcbOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "General configuration parameters for DCB for all physical adapters." ::= { dcbOperTables 6 } dcbOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DCB attributes common to all physical adapters. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex} ::= { dcbOperTable 1 } DcbOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbOperVersion Integer32 } dcbOperVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DCBX TLV version currently transmitted by DCBX 1 - Pre-CEE DCBX TLVs 2 - CEE DCBX TLVs 3 - IEEE DCBX TLVs " ::= { dcbOperEntry 1 } -- ********************************************************************* -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - Peer Status -- ********************************************************************* dcbPeerTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcbTables 3 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Peer Attr Tables - PgPeer -- Priority Groups Peer Status -- ************************************************************************ dcbPgPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPgPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration parameters for the Priority Groups DCB feature for all ports." ::= { dcbPeerTables 1 } dcbPgPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Groups attributes common to all physical adapters. There is one entry for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex} ::= { dcbPgPeerTable 1 } DcbPgPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPgPeerEnable Ables, dcbPgPeerWilling Ables, dcbPgPeerVersion Integer32, dcbPgPeerMaxVersion Integer32, dcbPgPeerError Integer32, dcbPgPeerBandwidths DcbPgFormat, dcbPgPeerNumTCs Integer32 } dcbPgPeerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable state of the peer's Priority Group feature." ::= { dcbPgPeerEntry 1 } dcbPgPeerWilling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Willing state of the peer's Priority Group feature." ::= { dcbPgPeerEntry 2 } dcbPgPeerVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's operational protocol version of the Priority Groups feature." ::= { dcbPgPeerEntry 3 } dcbPgPeerMaxVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's highest protocol version supported by the implementation of the Priority Groups feature." ::= { dcbPgPeerEntry 4 } dcbPgPeerError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's error flag for the Priority Groups feature. " ::= { dcbPgPeerEntry 5 } dcbPgPeerBandwidths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A structure of 40 octets representing the Priority Group (PG) settings. - The first 8 octets represent the % (0..100) of link bandwidth assigned to the 8 Bandwidth Groups (BWG) (0..7). The index into the 8 octets is the BWG ID. - The other 32 octets represent an array of eight 4-octet elements. The index into the array is the User Priority (UP) (0..7). The four octets in each array element represent the following: Octet 1 is undefined. Octet 2 is the BWG ID (0..7) of the UP. Octet 3 is the % (0..100) of the BWG bandwidth assigned to the UP. Octet 4 is the strict priority setting of the UP. Which can be: 0 - normal 1 - group strict (SubType 1 only) 2 - link strict - NOTE: Octet 3 is only supported by DCBX protocol SubType 1. In SubType 2 all UPs assigned to a given BWG ID will be assigned an equal %." ::= { dcbPgPeerEntry 6 } dcbPgPeerNumTCs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of TCs capable of supporting PG." ::= { dcbPgPeerEntry 7 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - PfcPeer -- Priority Flow Control Configuration -- ************************************************************************ dcbPfcPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPfcPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Flow Control (PFC) attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbPeerTables 2 } dcbPfcPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPfcPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Flow Control (PFC) settings for all User Priorities per port. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex} ::= { dcbPfcPeerTable 1 } DcbPfcPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPfcPeerEnable Ables, dcbPfcPeerWilling Ables, dcbPfcPeerVersion Integer32, dcbPfcPeerMaxVersion Integer32, dcbPfcPeerError Integer32, dcbPfcPeerSettings DcbPfcFormat, dcbPfcPeerNumTCs Integer32 } dcbPfcPeerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable state of the peer's Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbPfcPeerEntry 1 } dcbPfcPeerWilling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Willing state of the peer's Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbPfcPeerEntry 2 } dcbPfcPeerVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's operational protocol version of the Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbPfcPeerEntry 3 } dcbPfcPeerMaxVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's highest protocol version supported by the implementation of the Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbPfcPeerEntry 4 } dcbPfcPeerError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's error flag for the Priority Flow Control feature. " ::= { dcbPfcPeerEntry 5 } dcbPfcPeerSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPfcFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's Priority Flow Control (PFC) settings. An array of 8 octets representing the PFC settings for the 8 User Priorities. Each octet can take on the values: disabled (0x0), enabled (0x1) The index into the 8 octets is User Priority. " ::= { dcbPfcPeerEntry 6 } dcbPfcPeerNumTCs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of TCs capable of supporting PFC." ::= { dcbPfcPeerEntry 7 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - FcoePeer -- Application Configuration -- ************************************************************************ dcbFcoePeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbFcoePeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Application attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbPeerTables 3 } dcbFcoePeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbFcoePeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FCoE Application settings for all User Priorities per port. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, dcbFcoeSubType} ::= { dcbFcoePeerTable 1 } DcbFcoePeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbFcoePeerEnable Ables, dcbFcoePeerWilling Ables, dcbFcoePeerVersion Integer32, dcbFcoePeerMaxVersion Integer32, dcbFcoePeerError Integer32, dcbFcoePeerData OCTET STRING, dcbFcoePeerSelector Integer32, dcbFcoePeerIdentifier OCTET STRING } dcbFcoePeerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable state of the peer's FCoE Application feature." ::= { dcbFcoePeerEntry 1 } dcbFcoePeerWilling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Willing state of the peer's FCoE Application feature. (Not valid in IEEE operation)" ::= { dcbFcoePeerEntry 2 } dcbFcoePeerVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's operational protocol version of the FCoE Application feature." ::= { dcbFcoePeerEntry 3 } dcbFcoePeerMaxVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's highest protocol version supported by the implementation of the FCoE Application feature." ::= { dcbFcoePeerEntry 4 } dcbFcoePeerError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's error flag for the FCoE Application feature." ::= { dcbFcoePeerEntry 5 } dcbFcoePeerData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's operational FCoE Application specific configuration." ::= { dcbFcoePeerEntry 6 } dcbFcoePeerSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's selector to specify the method of identifying FCoE traffic. (Supported only in IEEE operation) 0x01 - Ethertype 0x02 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP 0x03 - Well Known Port number over UDP, DCCP 0x04 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP, UDP, DCCP " ::= { dcbFcoePeerEntry 7 } dcbFcoePeerIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (2) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's traffic identifier for the FCoE Application feature. (Supported only in IEEE operation) " ::= { dcbFcoePeerEntry 8 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - iScsiFcoePeer -- iSCSI Application Configuration -- ************************************************************************ dcbiScsiPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbiScsiPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iSCSI Application attributes of DCB capable physical adapters." ::= { dcbPeerTables 5 } dcbiScsiPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbiScsiPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iSCSI Application settings for all User Priorities per port. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, dcbiScsiSubType} ::= { dcbiScsiPeerTable 1 } DcbiScsiPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbiScsiPeerEnable Ables, dcbiScsiPeerWilling Ables, dcbiScsiPeerVersion Integer32, dcbiScsiPeerMaxVersion Integer32, dcbiScsiPeerError Integer32, dcbiScsiPeerData OCTET STRING, dcbiScsiPeerSelector Integer32, dcbiScsiPeerIdentifier OCTET STRING } dcbiScsiPeerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable state of the peer's iSCSI Application feature." ::= { dcbiScsiPeerEntry 1 } dcbiScsiPeerWilling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Willing state of the peer's iSCSI Application feature. (Not valid in IEEE operation)" ::= { dcbiScsiPeerEntry 2 } dcbiScsiPeerVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's operational protocol version of the iSCSI Application feature." ::= { dcbiScsiPeerEntry 3 } dcbiScsiPeerMaxVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's highest protocol version supported by the implementation of the iSCSI Application feature." ::= { dcbiScsiPeerEntry 4 } dcbiScsiPeerError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's error flag for the iSCSI Application feature." ::= { dcbiScsiPeerEntry 5 } dcbiScsiPeerData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (1) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's iSCSI Application specific configuration." ::= { dcbiScsiPeerEntry 6 } dcbiScsiPeerSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0 .. 4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's selector to specify the method of identifying iSCSI traffic. (Supported only in IEEE operation) 0x01 - Ethertype 0x02 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP 0x03 - Well Known Port number over UDP, DCCP 0x04 - Well Known Port number over TCP, SCTP, UDP, DCCP " ::= { dcbiScsiPeerEntry 7 } dcbiScsiPeerIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (2) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peer's traffic identifier for the iSCSI Application feature. (Supported only in IEEE operation) " ::= { dcbiScsiPeerEntry 8 } -- ********************************************************************* -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - StatisticsTables -- ********************************************************************* dcbStatisticsTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcbTables 4 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - PgStats -- ************************************************************************ dcbPgStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPgStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Statistics entry for DCB Priority Grouping feature." ::= { dcbStatisticsTables 1 } dcbPgStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPgStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Group statistics common to all Physical Adapters. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, pgTrafficClassIndex} ::= { dcbPgStatsTable 1 } DcbPgStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPgStatsInFrames Counter64, dcbPgStatsOutFrames Counter64, dcbPgStatsOutFrmOverflowDiscards Counter64, dcbPgStatsInFrmOverflowDiscards Counter64, dcbPgStatsInOctets Counter64, dcbPgStatsOutOctets Counter64, pgTrafficClassIndex Integer32 } dcbPgStatsInFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets received for this class" ::= { dcbPgStatsEntry 1 } dcbPgStatsOutFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets transmitted for this class" ::= { dcbPgStatsEntry 2 } dcbPgStatsOutFrmOverflowDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of transmitted frames discarded at this class due resource overflow (congestion - Q, buffer overflow)" ::= { dcbPgStatsEntry 3 } dcbPgStatsInFrmOverflowDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of received frames discarded at this class due resource overflow (congestion - Q, buffer overflow)" ::= { dcbPgStatsEntry 4 } dcbPgStatsInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets received for this class" ::= { dcbPgStatsEntry 5 } dcbPgStatsOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of octets transmitted for this class" ::= { dcbPgStatsEntry 6 } pgTrafficClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traffic Class" ::= { dcbPgStatsEntry 7 } -- ************************************************************************ -- Data Center Bridging Attr Tables - PfcStats -- ************************************************************************ dcbPfcStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcbPfcStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Statistics table for DCB Priority Flow Control feature." ::= { dcbStatisticsTables 2 } dcbPfcStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcbPfcStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority Flow Control statistics common to all Physical Adapters. There is one 'entry' for each adapter." INDEX {physicalAdapterIndex, pfcUserPriorityIndex} ::= { dcbPfcStatsTable 1 } DcbPfcStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcbPfcStatsInXoffFrames Counter64, dcbPfcStatsInXonFrames Counter64, dcbPfcStatsOutXoffFrames Counter64, dcbPfcStatsOutXonFrames Counter64, dcbPfcStatsXonToXoffs Counter64, pfcUserPriorityIndex Integer32 } dcbPfcStatsInXoffFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Priority Flow Control Xoff frames received" ::= { dcbPfcStatsEntry 1 } dcbPfcStatsInXonFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Priority Flow Control Xon frames received" ::= { dcbPfcStatsEntry 2 } dcbPfcStatsOutXoffFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Priority Flow Control Xoff frames transmitted" ::= { dcbPfcStatsEntry 3 } dcbPfcStatsOutXonFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Priority Flow Control Xon frames transmitted" ::= { dcbPfcStatsEntry 4 } dcbPfcStatsXonToXoffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times status has transitioned from 'not paused' to 'paused'." ::= { dcbPfcStatsEntry 5 } pfcUserPriorityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User Priority" ::= { dcbPfcStatsEntry 6 } -- ****** -- events -- ****** events OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intel-dcb 2 } -- ********************** -- DCB Events -- ********************** dcbEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { events 5 } dcbTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcbEvents 1 } dcbPgOperStatusChangedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex, dcbPgOperMode, dcbPgOperBandwidths, dcbPgOperMappingUPtoTC} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Priority Groups operational mode or operational configuration for the adapter has changed." ::= { dcbTraps 1 } dcbPfcOperStatusChangedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex, dcbPfcOperMode, dcbPfcOperSettings } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Priority Flow Control operational mode or operational configuration for the adapter has changed." ::= { dcbTraps 2 } dcbFcoeOperStatusChangedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex, dcbFcoeSubType, dcbFcoeOperMode, dcbFcoeOperData } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The FCoE Application:SubType operational mode or operational configuration for the adapter has changed." ::= { dcbTraps 3 } dcbiScsiOperStatusChangedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex, dcbiScsiSubType, dcbiScsiOperMode, dcbiScsiOperData } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The iSCSI Application:SubType operational mode or operational configuration for the adapter has changed." ::= { dcbTraps 5 } dcbPgOperStatusChgTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable traps for the adapter's Priority Group Oper mode/configuration changed condition. The user can set this value." ::= { dcbEvents 2 } dcbPfcOperStatusChgTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable traps for the adapter's Priority Flow Control Oper mode/configuration changed condition. The user can set this value." ::= { dcbEvents 3 } dcbFcoeOperStatusChgTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable traps for the adapter's FCoE Application Oper mode/configuration changed condition. The user can set this value." ::= { dcbEvents 4 } dcbiScsiOperStatusChgTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ables MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable traps for the adapter's iSCSI Application Oper mode/configuration changed condition. The user can set this value." ::= { dcbEvents 6 } -- -- Compliance Statements -- inteldcblanConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { inteldcblan 1 } dcbiScsiGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { inteldcblanConformance 5 } dcbPgGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { inteldcblanConformance 10 } dcbPfcGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { inteldcblanConformance 15 } dcbFcoeGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { inteldcblanConformance 20 } dcbMiscGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { inteldcblanConformance 25 } dcbNotificationGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { inteldcblanConformance 12 } inteldcblanCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { inteldcblanConformance 30 } inteldcblanCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance statements for the Intel DCB Lan Agent." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { dcbiScsiGroup, dcbPgGroup, dcbPfcGroup, dcbFcoeGroup, dcbMiscGroup, dcbNotificationGroup } ::= { inteldcblanCompliances 1 } dcbiScsiGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dcbiScsiConfigEnable,dcbiScsiConfigWilling,dcbiScsiConfigAdvertise,dcbiScsiConfigData, dcbiScsiConfigSelector, dcbiScsiConfigIdentifier, dcbiScsiOperVersion,dcbiScsiOperMaxVersion,dcbiScsiOperError, dcbiScsiOperMode,dcbiScsiOperSyncd,dcbiScsiSubType, dcbiScsiOperSelector, dcbiScsiOperIdentifier, dcbiScsiPeerEnable,dcbiScsiPeerWilling,dcbiScsiPeerVersion, dcbiScsiPeerMaxVersion,dcbiScsiPeerError,dcbiScsiPeerData, dcbiScsiPeerSelector, dcbiScsiPeerIdentifier, dcbiScsiOperStatusChgTrapEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection for Dcb iSCSI Group" ::= { dcbiScsiGroups 1 } dcbPgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dcbPgConfigEnable, dcbPgConfigRecEnable, dcbPgConfigWilling, dcbPgConfigAdvertise, dcbPgConfigBandwidths, dcbPgConfigNumTCs, dcbPgBwgId, dcbPgBwgName, dcbPgConfigRecBandwidths, dcbPgPeerEnable, dcbPgPeerWilling, dcbPgPeerVersion, dcbPgPeerMaxVersion, dcbPgPeerError, dcbPgPeerBandwidths, dcbPgPeerNumTCs, dcbiScsiOperData, dcbPgStatsInFrames, pgTrafficClassIndex, pfcUserPriorityIndex, dcbPgStatsOutFrames, dcbPgStatsOutFrmOverflowDiscards, dcbPgStatsInFrmOverflowDiscards, dcbPgStatsInOctets, dcbPgStatsOutOctets, dcbPgOperStatusChgTrapEnable, dcbPgOperBandwidths, dcbPgOperMappingUPtoTC, dcbPgOperSyncd, dcbPgOperMode, dcbPgOperError, dcbPgOperMaxVersion, dcbPgOperVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection for Dcb Pg Group" ::= { dcbPgGroups 1 } dcbPfcGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dcbPfcConfigEnable, dcbPfcConfigWilling, dcbPfcConfigAdvertise, dcbPfcConfigSettings, dcbPfcConfigNumTCs, dcbPfcPeerEnable, dcbPfcPeerWilling, dcbPfcPeerVersion, dcbPfcPeerMaxVersion, dcbPfcPeerError, dcbPfcPeerSettings, dcbPfcPeerNumTCs, dcbPfcStatsInXoffFrames, dcbPfcStatsInXonFrames, dcbPfcStatsOutXoffFrames, dcbPfcStatsOutXonFrames, dcbPfcStatsXonToXoffs, dcbPfcOperStatusChgTrapEnable, dcbPfcOperSettings, dcbPfcOperSyncd, dcbPfcOperMode, dcbPfcOperError, dcbPfcOperMaxVersion, dcbPfcOperVersion } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection for Dcb Pfc Group" ::= { dcbPfcGroups 1 } dcbFcoeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dcbFcoeConfigEnable, dcbFcoeConfigSelector, dcbFcoeConfigIdentifier, dcbFcoeConfigWilling, dcbFcoeConfigAdvertise, dcbFcoeConfigData, dcbFcoePeerEnable, dcbFcoePeerSelector, dcbFcoePeerIdentifier, dcbFcoePeerWilling, dcbFcoePeerVersion, dcbFcoePeerMaxVersion, dcbFcoePeerError, dcbFcoePeerData, dcbFcoeOperStatusChgTrapEnable, dcbFcoeSubType, dcbFcoeOperData, dcbFcoeOperSyncd, dcbFcoeOperMode, dcbFcoeOperError, dcbFcoeOperMaxVersion, dcbFcoeOperVersion, dcbFcoeOperSelector, dcbFcoeOperIdentifier } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection for Dcb FCOE Group" ::= { dcbFcoeGroups 1 } dcbMiscGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dcbConfigEnable, dcbVersion, dcbOperVersion, dcbOsControlledEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection for Dcb Misc Group" ::= { dcbMiscGroups 1 } dcbNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { dcbiScsiOperStatusChangedTrap, dcbPgOperStatusChangedTrap, dcbPfcOperStatusChangedTrap, dcbFcoeOperStatusChangedTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of notification for Dcb Group" ::= { dcbNotificationGroups 1 } -- Compliance statement end END SNMP/MIB/INTELLAN.mib0000755000000000000000000012633012044225440011034 0ustar -- /***************************************************************************** -- ** INTEL CONFIDENTIAL ** -- ** ** -- ** Copyright 1998 2011 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved. ** -- ** ** -- ** The source code contained or described herein and all documents related ** -- ** to the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its ** -- ** suppliers or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel ** -- ** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** -- ** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** -- ** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** -- ** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** -- ** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, ** -- ** uploaded, posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way ** -- ** without Intels prior express written permission. ** -- ** ** -- ** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** -- ** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** -- ** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** -- ** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** -- ** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** -- ** writing. ** -- *****************************************************************************/ INTEL-LAN-ADAPTERS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY,OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter32, Integer32, Gauge32, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, PhysAddress, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ; intellan MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201210310000Z" -- Oct, 31, 2012 ORGANIZATION "Intel Corp" CONTACT-INFO "Intel Corp" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for Intel LAN SNMP agent." REVISION "201210310000Z" -- Oct 31, 2012 DESCRIPTION "Version 1.4.10 Removed the extra 1 after enterprises ID" ::= { enterprises 3183 } --iso OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 1 } --org OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso 3 } --dod OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { org 6 } --internet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dod 1 } --directory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 } --mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 } --experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 } --private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 } --enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 } intel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 343 } products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intel 2 } nic-products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 7 } intel-lan-adapters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nic-products 2 } component-description OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intel-lan-adapters 1 } InterfaceIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface or interface sub-layer in the managed system. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) company OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Company that provided this MIB - Intel(R) Corporation." ::= { component-description 1 } description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of this component - Intel(R) Network Adapter(s), Advanced Management." ::= { component-description 2 } operatingSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operating System of the server on which the SNMP agent is executed." ::= { component-description 3 } mibVersion1-4-3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of this MIB - the empty string is always returned." ::= { component-description 4 } mibVersionSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of the MIB supported by the agent. 1.x.y indicates that every MIB version of that template is supported by the agent." ::= { component-description 5 } agentExtensionVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version of the SNMP extension agent." ::= { component-description 6 } status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { baseDriverNotLoadedAnsNotLoaded(0), baseDriverLoadedAnsNotLoaded(1), baseDriverNotLoadedAnsLoaded(2), baseDriverLoadedAnsLoaded(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates status and functionality of the adapter(s) - whether the base driver and ANS are loaded." ::= { component-description 7 } adaptersTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intel-lan-adapters 2 } -- ****************************** -- Generic Adapter Attr Table -- ****************************** genericAdaptersAttrTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adaptersTables 1 } genericAdaptersAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenericAdapterAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all kinds of adapters." ::= { genericAdaptersAttrTables 1 } genericAdapterAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenericAdapterAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all kinds of adapters. There is one 'entry' for each physical or virtual adapter." INDEX { adapterIndex } ::= { genericAdaptersAttrTable 1 } GenericAdapterAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterIndex InterfaceIndex, adapterName DisplayString, adapterType INTEGER, adapterDriverLoadStatus INTEGER } adapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than or equal to zero, for each interface." ::= { genericAdapterAttrEntry 1 } adapterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the adapter interface. There is a unique name for each instance." ::= { genericAdapterAttrEntry 2 } adapterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standAlone(0), teamMember(1), virtual(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of adapter (member, stand-alone, or virtual)." ::= { genericAdapterAttrEntry 3 } adapterDriverLoadStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loaded(0), notLoaded(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load status of the driver: -'loaded' if the driver is loaded on the NIC; 'notLoaded' otherwise. A status of 'notLoaded' means that the NIC is missing (via 'hotRemove') or the driver is not fully loaded for some reason." ::= { genericAdapterAttrEntry 4 } genericAdaptersDriversAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenericAdapterDriverAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all kinds of adapter drivers." ::= { genericAdaptersAttrTables 2 } genericAdapterDriverAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenericAdapterDriverAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all kinds of adapter drivers. There is one 'entry' for each adapter driver" INDEX { adapterIndex } ::= { genericAdaptersDriversAttrTable 1 } GenericAdapterDriverAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterDriverName DisplayString, adapterDriverInfo DisplayString, adapterDriverVersion DisplayString, adapterDriverPath DisplayString, adapterDriverDate DisplayString, adapterDriverSize DisplayString, adapterIpAddress DisplayString } adapterDriverName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the adapter driver." ::= { genericAdapterDriverAttrEntry 1 } adapterDriverInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional information about the adapter. Includes name of the NIC." ::= { genericAdapterDriverAttrEntry 2 } adapterDriverVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter driver version number." ::= { genericAdapterDriverAttrEntry 3 } adapterDriverPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter driver path name." ::= { genericAdapterDriverAttrEntry 4 } adapterDriverDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter driver creation date (in mm/dd/yy format)." ::= { genericAdapterDriverAttrEntry 5 } adapterDriverSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter driver file size." ::= { genericAdapterDriverAttrEntry 6 } -- ***************************************************************** -- Generic Adapter IP address -- ***************************************************************** adapterIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter IP address" ::= { genericAdapterDriverAttrEntry 7 } genericAdaptersTrafficStatsAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traffic stats common to all kinds of adapters." ::= { genericAdaptersAttrTables 3 } genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Traffic stats common to all kinds of adapters. There is one 'entry' for each adapter instance." INDEX { adapterIndex } ::= { genericAdaptersTrafficStatsAttrTable 1 } GenericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adapterRxPackets Counter32, adapterTxPackets Counter32, adapterRxBytes Counter32, adapterTxBytes Counter32, adapterRxErrors Counter32, adapterTxErrors Counter32, adapterRxDropped Counter32, adapterTxDropped Counter32, adapterRxMulticast Counter32, adapterCollisions Counter32 } adapterRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets received." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 1 } adapterTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets transmitted." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 2 } adapterRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of bytes received." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 3 } adapterTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of bytes transmitted." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 4 } adapterRxErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets received with errors (packets that failed to reach the protocol)." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 5 } adapterTxErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets that failed to transmit." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 6 } adapterRxDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of receive packets dropped due to overrun." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 7 } adapterTxDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of transmit packets dropped due to successive collisions." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 8 } adapterRxMulticast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of Multicast packets received." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 9 } adapterCollisions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of single collisions." ::= { genericAdapterTrafficStatsAttrEntry 10 } -- ******************************* -- Physical Adapter Attr Table -- ******************************* physicalAdaptersAttrTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adaptersTables 2 } physicalAdaptersAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhysicalAdapterAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all Physical Adapters." ::= { physicalAdaptersAttrTables 1 } physicalAdapterAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalAdapterAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all Physical Adapters. There is one 'entry' for each standalone or member adapter." INDEX { physicalAdapterIndex } ::= { physicalAdaptersAttrTable 1 } PhysicalAdapterAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { physicalAdapterIndex InterfaceIndex, physicalAdapterLinkStatus INTEGER, physicalAdapterLinkStatusChangesCounter Counter32, physicalAdapterSpeed Gauge32, physicalAdapterDplxMode INTEGER, physicalAdapterAutoNegotiation INTEGER, physicalAdapterPciBus Integer32, physicalAdapterPciSlot Integer32, physicalAdapterIrq Integer32, physicalAdapterCurrentNA PhysAddress, physicalAdapterPermanentNA PhysAddress, physicalAdapterOnlineDiagStatus INTEGER, physicalAdapterExpressTeamed INTEGER, physicalAdapterExpressTeamBundleId Integer32 } physicalAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than or equal to zero, for each interface." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 1 } physicalAdapterLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(-1), link-up(0), link-down(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical adapter link status. Appears only if available - that is, only if the driver is compliant with SNMP; otherwise, NO_SUCH_NAME is returned." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 2 } physicalAdapterLinkStatusChangesCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of changes in physical adapter link status. Any change ('up-to-down' or 'down- to-up') is counted. This value can be reset (to zero) by the user; no other value is permitted. This value appears only if it is available - that is, only if the driver is compliant with SNMP; otherwise, NO_SUCH_NAME is returned." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 3 } physicalAdapterSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical adapter speed (in Mbps). Appears only for an SNMP-compliant adapter with link up." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 4 } physicalAdapterDplxMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(0), half(1), full(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical Adapter Duplex Mode. Appears only for an SNMP-compliant adapter with link up." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 5 } physicalAdapterAutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(0), off(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical adapter autonegotiation mode. This value appears only if it is available - that is, only if the driver is compliant with SNMP; otherwise, NO_SUCH_NAME is returned." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 6 } physicalAdapterPciBus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical adapter PCI bus number." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 7 } physicalAdapterPciSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical adapter PCI slot number." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 8 } physicalAdapterIrq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical adapter Interrupt Request number." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 9 } physicalAdapterCurrentNA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current MAC address of the physical adapter(in hex notation)." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 10 } physicalAdapterPermanentNA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Permanent MAC address of the physical adapter(in hex notation)." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 11 } physicalAdapterOnlineDiagStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(-1), failed(0), passed(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Online Diagnostics Status of the Physical Adapter. Online Diagnostics consist of Link Test and other Hardware Tests." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 12 } physicalAdapterExpressTeamed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(0), primary(1), secondary(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Physical Adapter Express team status. Appears only for an adapter with express teaming capability." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 13 } physicalAdapterExpressTeamBundleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique value to identify the express team in the system." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrEntry 14 } physicalAdaptersAttrOffloadTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhysicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes of offloading-enabled physical adapters. There is one 'entry' for each SNMP-compliant physical adapter." ::= { physicalAdaptersAttrTables 2 } physicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes of offloading-enabled physical adapters. There is one 'entry' for each SNMP-compliant physical adapter." INDEX { physicalAdapterIndex } ::= { physicalAdaptersAttrOffloadTable 1 } PhysicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry ::= SEQUENCE { physicalAdapterTcpRxChecksumOffLoadEnable INTEGER, physicalAdapterTcpRxChecksumBad Counter32, physicalAdapterTcpTxChecksumOffLoadEnable INTEGER, physicalAdapterIpv4RxChecksumOffLoadEnable INTEGER, physicalAdapterIpv4TxChecksumOffLoadEnable INTEGER, physicalAdapterIpv4TCPSegmentationOffLoadEnable INTEGER } physicalAdapterTcpRxChecksumOffLoadEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(0), disabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, TCP for 'receive' checksums are performed in hardware." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry 1 } physicalAdapterTcpRxChecksumBad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bad 'receive' checksums." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry 2 } physicalAdapterTcpTxChecksumOffLoadEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(0), disabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, TCP for 'transmit' checksums are performed in hardware." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry 3 } physicalAdapterIpv4RxChecksumOffLoadEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(0), disabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, IPv4 for 'receive' checksums are performed in hardware." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry 4 } physicalAdapterIpv4TxChecksumOffLoadEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(0), disabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, IPv4 for 'receive' checksums are performed in hardware." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry 5 } physicalAdapterIpv4TCPSegmentationOffLoadEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, TCP Segmentation is performed in hardware." ::= { physicalAdapterAttrOffloadEntry 6 } -- ************************************ -- Virtual Adapter Attr Tables -- ************************************ virtualAdaptersAttrTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adaptersTables 3 } virtualAdaptersAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VirtualAdapterAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all iANS-virtual adapters." ::= { virtualAdaptersAttrTables 1 } virtualAdapterAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VirtualAdapterAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all iANS-virtual adapters. There is one 'entry' for each virtual adapter" INDEX { virtualAdapterIndex } ::= { virtualAdaptersAttrTable 1 } VirtualAdapterAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { virtualAdapterIndex InterfaceIndex, virtualAdapterAnsId Integer32 } virtualAdapterIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than or equal to zero, for each interface." ::= { virtualAdapterAttrEntry 1 } virtualAdapterAnsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID of the team to which the adapter belongs." ::= { virtualAdapterAttrEntry 2 } virtualAdaptersVlanAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VirtualAdapterVlanAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all iANS-virtual adapters VLANs." ::= { virtualAdaptersAttrTables 2 } virtualAdapterVlanAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VirtualAdapterVlanAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN attributes.Appears for virtual adapters that support VLANs only. There is one 'entry' for each VLAN." INDEX { virtualAdapterIndex } ::= { virtualAdaptersVlanAttrTable 1 } VirtualAdapterVlanAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { virtualAdapterVlanId INTEGER } virtualAdapterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID for this virtual adapter VLAN." ::= { virtualAdapterVlanAttrEntry 1 } -- ******************** -- Ans Attr Tables -- ******************** ansAttrTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adaptersTables 4 } ansAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AnsAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ANS attributes." ::= { ansAttrTables 1 } ansAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AnsAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ANS attributes. There is one 'entry' for each team" INDEX { ansId } ::= { ansAttrTable 1 } AnsAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ansId Integer32, ansNumberOfMembers Integer32, ansNumberOfVirtualAdapters Integer32 } ansId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ANS ID. A unique value." ::= { ansAttrEntry 1 } ansNumberOfMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of member adapters in the team." ::= { ansAttrEntry 2 } ansNumberOfVirtualAdapters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of virtual adapters in the team." ::= { ansAttrEntry 3 } ansVlansAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AnsVlanAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ANS attributes." ::= { ansAttrTables 2 } ansVlanAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AnsVlanAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ANS VLAN attributes. Appears only if VLAN is active. There is one 'entry' for each Vlan." INDEX { ansId } ::= { ansVlansAttrTable 1 } AnsVlanAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ansVlanTaggingType INTEGER } ansVlanTaggingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), tag-802-1Q(1), tag-802-1P(2), tag-802-3AC(3), tag-iSL(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tagging type of the VLAN adapter." ::= { ansVlanAttrEntry 1 } ansTeamsAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AnsTeamAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ANS team attributes." ::= { ansAttrTables 3 } ansTeamAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AnsTeamAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ANS team attributes. Appears only when adapter teaming exist. There is one 'entry' for each team." INDEX { ansId } ::= { ansTeamsAttrTable 1 } AnsTeamAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ansTeamName DisplayString, ansTeamMode INTEGER, ansTeamLinkState INTEGER, ansTeamSpeed Gauge32, ansTeamProbesState INTEGER, ansTeamProbesMode INTEGER, ansTeamLoadBalanceRefresh INTEGER, ansTeamProbesSendTime INTEGER, ansTeamPreferredPrimaryIndex INTEGER, ansTeamCurrentPrimaryIndex INTEGER, ansTeamPreviousPrimaryIndex INTEGER, ansTeamFailoverCounter Counter32, ansTeamSlaCompatible INTEGER, ansTeamAggrSelectionMode INTEGER, ansTeamRlbSupport INTEGER } ansTeamName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique ANS team name" ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 1 } ansTeamMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adapter-fault-tolerance(0), adaptive-load-balancing(1), static-link-aggregation(2), iEEE-802-3ad(4), switch-fault-tolerance(5), none(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Team mode." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 2 } ansTeamLinkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(0), down(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Team link state. Aggregation of the link state of all team members ( 0 = some up)." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 3 } ansTeamSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Team speed.Speed of the current primary member (in Mbps)." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 4 } ansTeamProbesState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { probes-enabled(0), probes-disabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, the ANS uses probes to check on its members." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 5 } ansTeamProbesMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { broadcast(0), multicast(1), not-available(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mode of probe usage." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 6 } ansTeamLoadBalanceRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In seconds. If available, the number of seconds that passes before the software resets or refreshes the current load across team members." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 7 } ansTeamProbesSendTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In seconds. If available, the interval in seconds during which probe packets are sent." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 8 } ansTeamPreferredPrimaryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the preferred primary member adapter. " ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 9 } ansTeamCurrentPrimaryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the current primary member adapter." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 10 } ansTeamPreviousPrimaryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(-1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the previous primary member adapter." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 11 } ansTeamFailoverCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failover counter - that is, the number of failovers the team suffered. This value can be reset by the user - that is, it can be set to zero only; no other value is permitted." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 12 } ansTeamSlaCompatible OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(-1), yes(0), no(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates compatibility with Static Link Aggregation mode when in IEEE 802.3AD mode." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 13 } ansTeamAggrSelectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(-1), bandwidth(0), count(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates aggregation selection mode when in IEEE 802.3AD mode." ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 14 } ansTeamRlbSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-available(-1), enabled(0), disabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether 'receive load balancing support' is enabled when in AdaptiveLoadBalancing teaming mode. (If disabled, only the transmission is balanced.)" ::= { ansTeamAttrEntry 15 } -- *********************************** -- Ans Member Attr Tables -- *********************************** ansMembersAttrTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adaptersTables 5 } ansMembersAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AnsMemberAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all iANS-TeamMember Adapters." ::= { ansMembersAttrTables 1 } ansMemberAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AnsMemberAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all iANS-TeamMember Adapters. There is one 'entry' for each team member adapter." INDEX { ansMemberIndex } ::= { ansMembersAttrTable 1 } AnsMemberAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ansMemberIndex InterfaceIndex, ansMemberAnsId Integer32 } ansMemberIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each member. The value is non-negative and identical to the value of the physical adapter associated with this member." ::= { ansMemberAttrEntry 1 } ansMemberAnsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID of the ANS to which the Adapter belongs." ::= { ansMemberAttrEntry 2 } ansTeamMembersAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AnsTeamMemberAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes common to all iANS-TeamMember Adapters." ::= { ansMembersAttrTables 2 } ansTeamMemberAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AnsTeamMemberAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attributes of iANS-TeamMember Adapters related to adapter teaming. Appears only if adapter teaming exists." INDEX { ansMemberIndex } ::= { ansTeamMembersAttrTable 1 } AnsTeamMemberAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ansTeamMemberState INTEGER, ansTeamMemberFailureCounter Counter32, ansTeamMemberPriority INTEGER } ansTeamMemberState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(0), disabled(1), standby(2), active-secondary(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "iANS-TeamMember adapter state." ::= { ansTeamMemberAttrEntry 1 } ansTeamMemberFailureCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure counter - that is, the number of failovers from this member. This value can be reset by the user - that is, it can be set to zero only; no other value is permitted." ::= { ansTeamMemberAttrEntry 2 } ansTeamMemberPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), secondary(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority of the team member." ::= {ansTeamMemberAttrEntry 3 } -- ****** -- events -- ****** events OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intel-lan-adapters 3 } -- ********************** -- physicalAdapter Events -- ********************** physicalAdaptersEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { events 1 } physicalAdaptersTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { physicalAdaptersEvents 1 } physicalAdapterLinkUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter has reached a linkup state." ::= { physicalAdaptersTraps 1 } physicalAdapterLinkDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter has reached a link down state." ::= { physicalAdaptersTraps 2 } physicalAdapterAddedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter has been installed." ::= { physicalAdaptersTraps 3 } physicalAdapterRemovedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter has been uninstalled." ::= { physicalAdaptersTraps 4 } physicalAdapterOnlineDiagPassedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter's online diagnostics passed." ::= { physicalAdaptersTraps 5 } physicalAdapterOnlineDiagFailedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { physicalAdapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adapter's online diagnostics failed. Online diagnostics might fail because of link loss or other hardware issues." ::= { physicalAdaptersTraps 6 } physicalAdapterLinkUpDownTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether a physical adapter's link up and link down traps are enabled. The user can set this value." ::= { physicalAdaptersEvents 2 } physicalAdapterAddedRemovedTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether a physical adapter's 'added' and 'removed' traps are enabled. The user can set this value." ::= { physicalAdaptersEvents 3 } physicalAdapterOnlineDiagPassedFailedTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether physicalAdapterOnlineDiag 'passed' and 'failed' are enabled." ::= { physicalAdaptersEvents 4 } -- ******************* -- Virtual Adapter Events -- ******************* virtualAdaptersEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { events 2 } virtualAdaptersTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { virtualAdaptersEvents 1 } virtualAdapterAddedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { virtualAdapterIndex, ansId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual adapter has been added to a team." ::= { virtualAdaptersTraps 1 } virtualAdapterRemovedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { virtualAdapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual adapter has been removed from a team." ::= { virtualAdaptersTraps 2 } virtualAdaptersTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether virtual adapter traps are enabled. The user can set this value." ::= { virtualAdaptersEvents 2 } -- ******************* -- team Events -- ******************* ansEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { events 3 } ansTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ansEvents 1 } ansTeamFailoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ansId, ansTeamCurrentPrimaryIndex, ansTeamPreviousPrimaryIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary team member has been changed." ::= { ansTraps 1 } ansAddedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ansId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Team has been added." ::= { ansTraps 2 } ansRemovedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ansId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Team has been removed." ::= { ansTraps 3 } ansTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether team traps are enabled. The user can set this value." ::= { ansEvents 2 } -- ******************* -- Team Member Events -- ******************* teamMembersEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { events 4 } teamMembersTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { teamMembersEvents 1 } teamMemberAddedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ansMemberIndex, ansId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Member has been added to a team." ::= { teamMembersTraps 1 } teamMemberRemovedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ansMemberIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Member has been removed from a team." ::= { teamMembersTraps 2 } teamMemberTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether traps for members are enabled. The user can set this value." ::= { teamMembersEvents 2 } -- -- Compliance Statements -- intellan-conformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan 1 } phyAdapterGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 1 } phyAdapterNotificationGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 2 } miscGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 3 } vtAdapterGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 4 } vtAdapterNotificationGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 5 } ansGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 6 } ansNotificationGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 7 } teamGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 8 } teamNotificationGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 9 } intellanCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { intellan-conformance 10 } intellan-compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance statements for the Intel Lan Agent." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { phyAdapterGroup, phyAdapterNotificationGroup, miscGroup, vtAdapterGroup, vtAdapterNotificationGroup } ::= { intellanCompliances 1 } phyAdapterGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { physicalAdapterOnlineDiagPassedFailedTrapEnable, physicalAdapterAddedRemovedTrapEnable, physicalAdapterLinkUpDownTrapEnable, physicalAdapterIpv4TCPSegmentationOffLoadEnable, physicalAdapterIpv4TxChecksumOffLoadEnable, physicalAdapterIpv4RxChecksumOffLoadEnable, physicalAdapterTcpTxChecksumOffLoadEnable, physicalAdapterTcpRxChecksumBad, physicalAdapterTcpRxChecksumOffLoadEnable, physicalAdapterExpressTeamBundleId, physicalAdapterExpressTeamed, physicalAdapterOnlineDiagStatus, physicalAdapterPermanentNA, physicalAdapterCurrentNA, physicalAdapterIrq, physicalAdapterPciSlot, physicalAdapterPciBus, physicalAdapterAutoNegotiation, physicalAdapterDplxMode, physicalAdapterSpeed, physicalAdapterLinkStatusChangesCounter, physicalAdapterLinkStatus, physicalAdapterIndex, adapterCollisions, adapterRxMulticast, adapterTxDropped, adapterRxDropped, adapterTxErrors, adapterRxErrors, adapterTxBytes, adapterRxBytes, adapterTxPackets, adapterRxPackets, adapterIpAddress, adapterDriverSize, adapterDriverDate, adapterDriverPath, adapterDriverVersion, adapterDriverInfo, adapterDriverName, adapterDriverLoadStatus, adapterType, adapterName, adapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for phyiscal adapter group" ::= { phyAdapterGroups 1 } phyAdapterNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { physicalAdapterOnlineDiagFailedTrap, physicalAdapterOnlineDiagPassedTrap, physicalAdapterRemovedTrap, physicalAdapterAddedTrap, physicalAdapterLinkDownTrap, physicalAdapterLinkUpTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of notification for physical adapter notification" ::= { phyAdapterNotificationGroups 1 } vtAdapterGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { virtualAdaptersTrapEnable, virtualAdapterVlanId, virtualAdapterAnsId, virtualAdapterIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for virtual adapter group" ::= { vtAdapterGroups 1 } vtAdapterNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { virtualAdapterRemovedTrap, virtualAdapterAddedTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of notification for virtual adapter notification" ::= { vtAdapterNotificationGroups 1 } ansGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ansId, ansNumberOfMembers, ansNumberOfVirtualAdapters, ansVlanTaggingType, ansTeamName, ansTeamMode, ansTeamLinkState, ansTeamSpeed, ansTeamProbesState, ansTeamProbesMode, ansTeamLoadBalanceRefresh, ansTeamProbesSendTime, ansTeamPreferredPrimaryIndex, ansTeamCurrentPrimaryIndex, ansTeamPreviousPrimaryIndex, ansTeamFailoverCounter, ansTeamSlaCompatible, ansTeamAggrSelectionMode, ansTeamRlbSupport, ansMemberIndex, ansMemberAnsId, ansTeamMemberState, ansTeamMemberFailureCounter, ansTeamMemberPriority, ansTrapEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for ans group" ::= { ansGroups 1 } ansNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ansTeamFailoverTrap, ansAddedTrap, ansRemovedTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of notification for ans notification" ::= { ansNotificationGroups 1 } teamGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { teamMemberTrapEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for team group" ::= { teamGroups 1 } teamNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { teamMemberAddedTrap, teamMemberRemovedTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of notification for team notification" ::= { teamNotificationGroups 1 } miscGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { status, agentExtensionVersion, mibVersionSupported, mibVersion1-4-3, operatingSystem, description, company } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for misc. group" ::= { miscGroups 1 } -- Compliance statement end END