DOCS/boot_util.htm0000755000000000000000000007017612055512430011221 0ustar

Intel® Ethernet FLASH Firmware Utility


The Intel® Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility (BootUtil) is a utility that can be used to program the PCI option ROM on the flash memory of supported Intel PCI and PCI-Express-based network adapters, and to update configurations. BootUtil replaces existing utilities and provides the functionality of the older IBAUTIL, ISCSIUTL, LANUTIL, and FLAUTIL. BootUtil supports all the adapters supported by the previous utilities.

NOTE: Updating the adapter's flash memory using BootUtil will erase any existing firmware image from the flash memory.

Intel provides the following flash firmware in FLB file format for programming to the flash memory:

Intel® Boot Agent as PXE Option ROM for legacy BIOS

Intel® iSCSI Remote Boot as iSCSI Option ROM for legacy BIOS

Network Connectivity, UEFI network driver

OEMs may provide custom flash firmware images for OEM network adapters. Please refer to the instructions given by OEMs.

BootUtil allows the user to flash supported firmware to the adapter from the included master FLB file. This option ROM includes PXE, iSCSI, FCoE and UEFI drivers, and the image is programmed to the flash memory at once. BootUtil will also build the required combo images for supported adapters and program those images to the flash, as well. Since both discrete and combo images are supported, the -BOOTENABLE command ONLY works on combo images.

PXE+EFI and iSCSI+EFI image combinations are supported for all OEM generic adapters, however support is limited to devices which support both technologies as discrete images. However, flash size is a limiting factor, as the image size can change without notice.

The Master FLB file (BOOTIMG.FLB) is the new container for all the Intel® Boot Option ROMs. This file replaces the existing FLB files for FCoE, iSCSI, PXE, and EFI.

NOTE: BootUtil supports older flb files to maintain backwards compatibility with the previous utilities.

BootUtil without command-line options will display a list of all supported Intel network ports in the system. BootUtil will also allow the user to enable or disable the flash memory on specific ports by using -FLASHENABLE or -FLASHDISABLE options in order to control access to the firmware from the system.

BootUtil allows the user to individually set iSCSI, FCoE, UEFI and PXE boot configurations by -NIC=xx -[OPTION]=[VALUE] options. The -I option is iSCSI specific and will not work for PXE configurations.

  • BootUtil displays up to 128 adapter ports.
  • No configuration settings are supported for the UEFI driver.
  • Functionality from the previous utility, IBAutil, is preserved in BootUtil.

BootUtil is located on the software installation CD in the \APPS\BootUtil\ directory. Check the Intel Customer Support ( website for the latest information and component updates.

Running BootUtil

The syntax for issuing BootUtil command-line options is:


Command-line Options

BootUtil accepts one executable option and its associated non-executable options in an execution. If conflicting executable options (such as -FLASHENABLE and -UPDATE used together) are supplied, BOOTUTIL exits with an error.

The options, where applicable, are listed in logical groups.

NOTE: If you run BootUtil without any command-line options, the utility displays a list of all supported Intel network ports found in the system.

General Options

Parameter Description
-HELP or -? Displays a list of command-line options.
-EXITCODES Displays exit codes returned to the OS by BootUtil.
-IMAGEVERSION or -IV Displays firmware types and version numbers from a resource image.
If used with the -FILE option, the resource image is in the FLB file.
If used with the -NIC option, the resource image is in the adapter flash.
If used with the -ALL option, each resource image is continuously displayed for all adapters.
-E Enumerates all supported network ports in the system.
-O=[FILENAME] Must be used with E or NIC.
If used with the -E option, saves a list of all NICs and their MAC addresses to the specified file.
If used with the -NIC option, saves all iSCSI Remote Boot configuration options for the specified NIC to the specified file.
-I=[FILENAME] Reads iSCSI boot configuration options from [FILENAME] script file and program settings on the selected port.
-P With this command, BootUtil pauses the screen after displaying every 25th line.
In pause mode, the last line of the screen will contain information that:
- screen has been paused, and
- user can press Enter to continue
-NODPL With this command, BootUtil does not display the PCI device location.
Power Management Options
Parameter Description
-WOLDISABLE or -WOLD Disables Wake on Lan (WOL) functionality on the selected adapter.
-WOLENABLE or -WOLE Enables Wake on Lan (WOL) functionality on the selected adapter.
Flash Programming Options
Parameter Description
-UP or -UPDATE=[ROMType]


Updates the flash memory of the adapter specified by the -NIC option with the given FLB flash firmware image file. If -QUIET is not specified, the user is prompted to confirm overwriting the existing firmware image before upgrading. If a Filename is not provided, the utility looks for the default bootimg.FLB file which contains all image types.

The following examples use pxe, but could also be efi, efi64, FCoE or iSCSI.
eg: Bootutil -Nic=x -up=pxe
or Bootutil -Nic=x -up=pxe -file=pxeimg.flb

If your adapter supports a combo option ROM, the following command option automatically detects the supported combo image and programs the adapter with that image.

 up=pxe+efi and up=iscsi+efi are valid.

-SAVEIMAGE or SI Saves the existing flash firmware image in the flash memory of the adapter specified by the -NIC option to a disk file. The destination file is specified by the -FILE option.
-RESTOREIMAGE or RI Restores a previously-saved flash firmware image to the same network adapter using the -NIC option. The source file is specified by the -FILE option.
-QUIET Runs BootUtil without confirmation prompts. This option is used with -IMAGEVERSION, -UP, -UPDATE, -RESTOREIMAGE, or -HELP option.
Adapter Selection Options
Parameter Description
-ALL Selects all supported network ports found in the system.
-NIC=XX Selects a specific network port in the system. If used without any executable option, it prints the iSCSI boot configuration of the selected port, or saves it in the file when the -O option is used.
-TARGET=XX This is an FCoE-specific selection option. Legal values are 1,2,3,and 4. This option is required for configuration commands -WWPN, -FCOELUN, FCOEVLAN, and - BOOTORDER.
-BLINK Blinks the LED on the selected port for ten seconds.
Adapter Flash Enable/Disable Options
Parameter Description
-FLASHENABLE or -FE Enables the capability to run the flash firmware on the selected adapter.
-FLASHDISABLE or -FD Disables the capability to run the flash firmware on the selected adapter.
-BOOTENABLE=[PXE, ISCSIPRIMARY, ISCSISECONDARY, FCOE, or DISABLED] Selects flash firmware type to enable or disable on the selected port. The combo option ROM could have all capabilities. The monolithic option ROM has either PXE, FCoE, or iSCSI capability but not all. This command will NOT WORK on monolithic Option ROMs.
NOTES: This manual command is not applicable to the UEFI network driver.
The UEFI network driver is enabled by default and loaded automatically unless network ports are already used by other flash firmware.
PXE Boot Configuration options (can be used with -NIC or -ALL)
Parameter Description
-DEFAULTCONFIG or -DEFCFG Sets the PXE configuration of the selected NIC back to default settings.
-SETUPENABLE or -STE Enables Setup Menu.
-SETUPDISABLE OR -STD Disables Setup Menu.
-TITLEENABLE OR -TLE Enables Initial Title Message.
-TITLEDISABLE OR -TLD Disables Initial Title Message.
-MESSAGEENABLE or -MSE Enables display of the Control-S Setup message when PXE initializes.
-MESSAGEDISABLE or -MSD Disables display of the Control-S Setup message when PXE initializes.
-SETWAITTIME=X or -SWT=X Set the setup delay time for the NIC to X seconds. Valid delay times are 0, 2, 3, and 5.
-MODE This parameter should not be used except as advised by Intel Support personnel.
iSCSI Boot Configuration Options  
Parameter Description
-SAVECONFIG Saves a snapshot of iSCSI boot configurations on the selected port to a binary file. Need to specify the file name by the -FILE option.
WARNING: For security reasons it is recommended that CHAP settings are disabled when using this option.
-RESTORECONFIG Restores previously-saved iSCSI boot configuration snapshot on the selected port. Need the -FILE option to specify the saved data.
WARNING: This feature may create multiple primary or secondary ports if the same command is issued to multiple ports. Review the boot priority setting in the iSCSI setup menu for the next system boot.
Port Configuration Options for iSCSI Initiator These options can either be used individually with the -NIC=XX option, or in a script file with the -I option. The value is specified in
-[OPTION]=[VALUE] format.
-[OPTION]=[VALUE] Description
-INITIATORNAME Specifies the iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) for the initiator.
-INITIATORIP Specifies the initiator IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation.
-INITIATORDHCP Enable or disable to get initiator configuration from DHCP.
-NETMASK Specifies the initiator subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.
-GATEWAY Specifies the gateway IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation.

iSCSI Target Configuration Options

 These options can either be used individually with the -NIC=XX option, or in a script file with the -I option. The value is specified in
-[OPTION]=[VALUE] format.



-TARGETNAME Specifies the iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) for the target.
-TARGETIP Specifies the target IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation.
-TARGETDHCP Enable or Disable to get the target information from DHCP Root Path.
-TARGETPORT Specifies the TCP port number on the target to connect to.
-BOOTLUN Specifies the LUN number to boot from.

Authentication Configuration Options

These options can either be used individually with the -NIC=XX option, or in a script file with the -I option. The value is specified in
-[OPTION]=[VALUE] format.



-CHAPUSERNAME Specifies CHAP user name.
-CHAPSECRET Specifies a secret text string to go with the CHAP user name. Secret must be 12 to 16 characters long.
-MUTUALCHAPSECRET Specifies the reverse (target) CHAP secret text string. Secret must be 12 to 16 characters long.

FCoE General Configuration Options

These options have to be used with the -NIC=XX option. They cannot be used with the -ALL option.
-WWPNPREFIX Specifies the Prefix to use for the WWPN. The prefix comprises of 4 hex digits. Separators '-' or ':' are allowed but optional.
-WWNNPREFIX Specifies the Prefix to use for the WWNN. The prefix comprises of 4 hex digits. Separators '-' or ':' are allowed but optional.

FCoE Target Configuration Options

These Options require the use of both the -NIC=XX Option AND the -TARGET=XX Option. The -ALL option is not allowed.
-WWPN Specifies the WWPN for the selected Target. The WWPN consists of 16 HEX digits or 8 bytes. Each byte can be separated with '-' or ':' as an optional separator.
eg: BOOTUTIL -NIC=1 -TARGET=1 -WWPN=00-11-22-33-44-55-66-77
-FCOELUN Specifies the LUN for the selected FCoE Target. Valid range is 0..255.
-FCOEVLAN Specifies the VLAN to use in order to connect to the selected target. Valid range is 0..4094.
Specifies the boot order for the selected target. Valid range is 1-4. If 0 is specified then this target will be excluded from the boot order. Boot order values of 1-4 can only be assigned once to target(s) across all FCoE boot-enabled ports.
NOTE: These commands can all be used on the same command line to configure an entire target in one shot.

The CHAP Authentication feature of this product requires the following acknowledgements:
This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (


The following examples show how to enter some typical BootUtil command lines:

Example 1:

To enable the flash firmware on the first network adapter for the system to be capable of executing the flash firmware.


Example 2:

To disable the flash firmware on all the network adapters.

BootUtil -ALL -FD

Example 3:

To display BootUtil FLB flash firmware types and versions.


Example 4:

To update all ports of a supported NIC with PXE.

1. BootUtil -UP=PXE -ALL (Assumes input file is bootimg.flb)
2. Bootutil -UP=PXE -ALL -FILE=BOOTIMG.FLB (explicit user specified file)

Example 5:

To update a combo image on supported adapter (eg, pxe+iscsi).

Bootutil -UP=Combo -NIC=2 -FILE=BOOTIMG.FLB

The above command will succeed if the PXE+ISCSI combination is supported on NIC #2. If not an error is displayed to the user.

NOTE: THE -UP and -UPDATE commands are equivalent and interchangeable.

Example 6:

To enable PXE firmware on the third network port in the system.


NOTE: This command will work only if PXE is part of a combo Option ROM and not a discrete Option ROM.

Example 7:

To disable the firmware on the second network port in the system.


Example 8:

To get help descriptions.

BootUtil -?

Example 9:

To enable DHCP for the iSCSI initiator on all the network ports in the system.


Example 10:

To load the iSCSI boot configurations from a text script file to the first network port.


Exit Codes

BootUtil returns exit codes to the OS environment. Possible exit codes are listed below:

Code Name Value
All BootUtil operations completed successfully 0
Bad command line parameter 1
No supported network port detected 2
Invalid network port selected 3
FLASH operation failed 4
EEPROM read operation failed 5
EEPROM write operation failed 6
File content is missing or corrupt 7
Operator termination 8
LOM not supported for selected operation 9
Network port is not bootable 10
FLASH memory is disabled for flash firmware 11
FLASH memory too small for selected firmware 12
Programming iSCSI boot configurations failed 13
System memory allocation failed 14
File operation failed 15
FCoE operation failed 16

Last modified on 9/20/11 10:51a Revision

DOCS/efi.htm0000755000000000000000000004302211725421450007756 0ustar EFI Driver

UEFI Network Device Driver for Intel® Ethernet Network Connections


Supported UEFI Implementations

Intel UEFI Network Driver Naming Convention

Loading the UEFI Driver

Installing the UEFI Network Driver Option ROM Using PROset

Installing the UEFI Network Driver Option ROM From the UEFI Shell

UEFI Network Stack

Configuring UEFI Network Stack for PXE

Configuring UEFI Network Stack for TCP/UDP/MTFTP

Unloading the UEFI Network Driver

Force Speed and Duplex



The UEFI network driver for Intel® Ethernet Network Connection enables network connectivity under UEFI. It can be used in conjunction with UEFI software components available from other sources to perform network functions in the UEFI environment. Intel's UEFI network driver supports Intel's FLB3 file format. This format extends the header information in the FLB file, enabling more than 16 image types, including a combined Option ROM and NVM image.

NOTE: If you update your adapter's NVM image, you must completly power cycle your system, including removing main power, for the update to take affect.

Supported UEFI Implementations

The UEFI network driver supports UEFI platforms based on the following UEFI/EFI specifications:

UEFI driver binaries are provided for 64-bit (x86-64), and Itanium processor family platforms.

Intel UEFI Network Driver Naming Convention

The network driver version, UEFI platform type, and the network hardware support can be determined by the file naming convention. The format of the driver filename is listed below:



x - major version number of the UEFI driver in decimal
y - minor version number of the UEFI driver in decimal
zz - fix field of the version number

t - the type of driver

X - UEFI x64 driver
I - UEFI Itanium driver

n - class of adapter the driver is for

2 PCI/PCI-X Gigabit
3 PCI-E Gigabit
4 - 10 Gigabit


E3603X3.efi - Version 3.6.03 of UEFI x64 driver for Intel PCI-E Gigabit network connection
E1001I4.efi - Version 1.0.01 of UEFI Itanium driver for Intel 10GBE network connection

Loading the UEFI Network Driver

The network driver can be loaded using the UEFI shell "load" command:

load e3040e2.efi

NOTE: Long initialization times observed with Intels UEFI driver are caused when the UNDI.Initialize command is called with the PXE_OPFLAGS_INITIALIZE_CABLE_DETECT flag set. In this case, UNDI.Initialize will try to detect the link state.

If the port is connected and link is up, initialize will generally finish in about 3.5 seconds (the time needed to establish link, dependant on link conditions, link speed and controller type) and returns PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_COMPLETE. If the port is disconnected (link is down), initialize will complete in about 5 seconds and return PXE_STATFLAGS_INIIALIZED_NO_MEDIA (driver initializes hardware then waits for link and timeouts when link is not establish in 5 secs).

When UNDI.Initialize is called with PXE_OPFLAGS_INITIALIZE_DO_NOT_DETECT_CABLE the function will not try to detect link status and will take less than 1 second to complete.

The behavior of UNDI.Initialize is described in UEFI specs 2.3.1: Initializing the network device will take up to four seconds for most network devices and in some extreme cases (usually poor cables) up to twenty seconds. Control will not be returned to the caller and the COMMAND_COMPLETE status flag will not be set until the adapter is ready to transmit.

Installing the UEFI Network Driver Option ROM Using PROSet

Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager can install the UEFI network driver on an Intel network adapter's option ROM. The UEFI network driver will load automatically during system UEFI boot When installed in the option ROM. UEFI specific*.FLB images are included on the CD release media. The "Boot Options" tab in Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager will allow the UEFI*.FLB image to be installed on the network adapter.

The following FLB files are included on the release media:

BAxyzzX2.flb - Version x.y.zz of the PCI/PCI-X gigabit driver for x86-64
BAxyzzI2.flb - Version x.y.zz of the PCI/PCI-X gigabit driver for Itanium
BAxyzzX3.flb - Version x.y.zz of the PCI-E gigabit driver for x86-64
BAxyzzI3.flb - Version x.y.zz of the PCI-E gigabit driver for Itanium
BAxyzzX4.flb - Version x.y.zz of the 10-gigabit driver for x86-64
BAxyzzI4.flb - Version x.y.zz of the 10-gigabit driver for Itanium

Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager can only be used to program add-in Intel PCI, PCI-X, and PCI-E network adapters. LOM (LAN On Motherboard) network connections cannot be programmed with the UEFI network driver option ROM. Refer to the PROSet documentation for detailed instructions.

Installing the UEFI Network Driver Option ROM from the UEFI Shell

The BootUtil command line utility can install the UEFI network driver on an Intel network adapter's option ROM. The UEFI network driver will load automatically during system UEFI boot When installed into the option ROM. Run BootUtil with the following command line options to install the UEFI network driver on all supported Intel network adapters:

For x64 systems:

FS0:\>bootutil64e up=efi all

For ia64 systems:

FS0:\>bootutil64 up=efi64 all

BootUtil can only be used to program add-in Intel PCI, PCI-X, and PCI-E network adapters. LOM (LAN On Motherboard) network connections cannot be programmed with the UEFI network driver option ROM.

UEFI Network Stack

As of UEFI 2.1 there are two network stack configurations under UEFI. The most common configuration is the PXE based network stack. The alternate network stack provides IPv4 TCP, UDP, and MTFTP network protocol support. As of UEFI 2.1 the PXE and IP-based network stacks cannot be loaded or operate simultaneously. The following two sections describe each UEFI network stack configuration.

Reference implementations of the PXE and IP based network stack source code are available for download at

Configuring UEFI Network Stack for PXE

The PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment) based UEFI network stack provides support for UEFI network boot loaders downloaded from a WFM compliant PXE server. Services which can be enabled include Windows 2008 Deployment Services (WDS), Windows 2003 Server Remote Installation Service (Itanium only), Linux network installation (Elilo), and TFTP file transfers. To enable UEFI PXE services the following network protocol drivers must be loaded with: snp.efi, bc.efi, and pxedhcp4.efi. These drivers can be loaded from the UEFI "load" shell command, but are often included as part of the UEFI system firmware. The UEFI shell command "drivers" can be used to determine if the UEFI PXE drivers are included in the UEFI implementation. The drivers command will output a table listing drivers loaded in the system. The following entries must be present in order to network boot a UEFI system over PXE:

F5 00000010 D - - 2 - Simple Network Protocol Driver SNP
F7 00000010 D - - 2 - PXE Base Code Driver BC
F9 00000010 D - - 2 - PXE DHCPv4 Driver PxeDhcp4
FA 03004000 B X X 2 2 Intel(R) Network Connection 3.0.00 /e3000e2.efi

A network boot option will appear in the boot options menu when the UEFI PXE network stack and Intel UEFI network driver have been loaded. Selecting this
boot option will initiate a PXE network boot.

Configuring UEFI Network Stack for TCP/UDP/MTFTP

An IP-based network stack is available to applications requiring IP-based network protocols such as TCP, UDP, or MTFTP. The following UEFI network drivers must be built into the UEFI platform implementation to enable this stack: SNP (Simple Network Protocol), MNP (Managed Network Protocol), ARP, DHCP4, IPv4, ip4config, TCPv4, UDPv4, and MTFTPv4. These drivers will show up in the UEFI "drivers" command output if they are included in the platform UEFI implementation:

F5 00000010 D - - 2 - IP4 CONFIG Network Service Driver Ip4Config
F7 00000010 D - - 2 - Simple Network Protocol Driver SNP
F8 00000010 D - - 2 - ARP Network Service Driver Arp
F9 00000010 D - - 2 - Tcp Network Service Driver Tcp4
FA 00000010 D - - 2 - IP4 Network Service Driver Ip4
FB 00000010 D - - 2 - DHCP Protocol Driver Dhcp4
FC 00000010 D - - 6 - UDP Network Service Driver Udp4
FD 00000010 D - - 2 - MTFTP4 Network Service Mtftp4
FE 00000010 B - - 2 6 MNP Network Service Driver /mnp.efi
FF 03099900 B X X 2 2 Intel(R) Network Connection 3.0.00 /e3000e2.efi

The ifconfig UEFI shell command must be used to configure each network interface. Running "ifconfig -?" from the UEFI shell will display usage instructions for ifconfig.

Unloading the UEFI Network Driver

To unload a network driver from memory the UEFI "unload" command is used. The syntax for using the unload command is as follows: "unload [driver handle]", where driver handle is the number assigned to the driver in the far left column of the "drivers" output screen.

Force Speed and Duplex

The UEFI network driver supports forced speed and duplex capability. The force speed and duplex menu can be accessed with UEFI shell command "drvcfg":

drvcfg -s [driver handle] [control handle]

The following speed and duplex configurations can be selected:

The speed and duplex setting selected must match the speed and duplex setting of the connecting network port. A speed and duplex mismatch between ports will result in dropped packets and poor network performance. It is recommended to set all ports on a network to autonegotiate. Connected ports must be set to autonegotiate in order to establish a 1 gigabit per second connection.

Fiber-optic and 10 gigabit ethernet adapters do not support forced speed and duplex.

Diagnostic Capability

The UEFI network driver features built in hardware diagnostic tests. The diagnotic tests are called with the UEFI shell drvdiag command.

"drvdiag -s" -Perform a basic hardware register test
"drvdiag -e" -Perform an internal loopback transmit and receive test

Last modified on 9/26/11 1:35p 10/22/04 9:45a

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Software License


Last modified on 7/25/07 10:56a Revision DOCS/license.htm0000755000000000000000000003756411736273470010664 0ustar Software License



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NO OTHER RIGHTS. No rights or licenses are granted by Intel to you, expressly or by implication, with respect to any proprietary information or patent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right owned or controlled by Intel, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted to you directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel, or otherwise. Specifically, Intel grants no express or implied right to you under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.

OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. The Software is licensed, not sold. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. You agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software.

ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE.  If the Software you are installing or using under this Agreement is pre-commercial release or is labeled or otherwise represented as alpha- or beta- versions of the Software ("pre-release Software"), then the following terms apply. To the extent that any provision in this Section conflicts with any other term(s) or condition(s) in this Agreement with respect to pre-release Software, this Section shall supersede the other term(s) or condition(s), but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. You understand and acknowledge that the Software is pre-release Software, does not represent the final Software from Intel, and may contain errors and other problems that could cause data loss, system failures, or other errors. The pre-release Software is provided to you "as-is" and Intel disclaims any warranty or liability to you for any damages that arise out of the use of the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that Intel has not promised that pre-release Software will be released in the future, that Intel has no express or implied obligation to you to release the pre-release Software and that Intel may not introduce Software that is compatible with the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that the entirety of any research or development you perform that is related to the pre-release Software or to any product making use of or associated with the pre-release Software is done at your own risk. If Intel has provided you with pre-release Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, your use of the pre-release Software is also governed by such agreement.

LIMITED MEDIA WARRANTY.  If the Software has been delivered by Intel on physical media, Intel warrants the media to be free from material physical defects for a period of ninety days after delivery by Intel. If such a defect is found, return the media to Intel for replacement or alternate delivery of the Software as Intel may select.

EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES.  EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within the Software.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. In the event that you use the Software in conjunction with a virtual (emulated) device designed to appear as an Intel component product, you acknowledge that Intel is neither the author nor the creator of the virtual (emulated) device. You understand and acknowledge that Intel makes no representations about the correct operation of the Software when used with a virtual (emulated) device, that Intel did not design the Software to operate in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, and that the Software may not be capable of correct operation in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to assume the risk that the Software may not operate properly in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with the use of the Software in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Software.

UNAUTHORIZED USE. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN ANY TYPE OF SYSTEM OR APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR (E.G MEDICAL SYSTEMS, LIFE SUSTAINING OR LIFE SAVING SYSTEMS). If you use the Software for any such unintended or unauthorized use, you shall indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.

TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement at any time if you violate its terms. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy the Software or return all copies of the Software to Intel.

APPLICABLE LAWS. Claims arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. You agree that the terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to this Agreement. You may not export the Software in violation of applicable export laws and regulations. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel.

GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The enclosed Software and documentation were developed at private expense, and are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor. The use of this product by the Government constitutes acknowledgement of Intels proprietary rights in the Software. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel.

LANGUAGE; TRANSLATIONS. In the event that the English language version of this Agreement is accompanied by any other version translated into any other language, such translated version is provided for convenience purposes only and the English language version shall control.

Last modified on 4/02/12 10:56p Revision

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