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For example, a system has four fans, and can tolerate the failure of two of them, and presently one has failed IPMI-9036Redundancy StateNon-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Redundant Redundancy has been lost but unit is functioning with minimum resources needed for normal operation. Entered from Redundancy Degraded or Fully Redundant IPMI-9037Redundancy StateNon-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Insufficient Resources Unit has regained minimum resources needed for normal operation. Entered from Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources IPMI-9038Redundancy StateNon-redundant:Insufficient Resources Unit is non-redundant and has insufficient resources to maintain normal operation IPMI-9039Redundancy StateRedundancy Degraded from Fully Redundant Unit has lost some redundant resource(s) but is still in a redundant state. Entered by a transition from Fully Redundant condition IPMI-9040Redundancy StateRedundancy Degraded from Non-redundant Unit has regained some resource(s) and is redundant but not fully redundant. Entered from Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources or Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources IPMI-9041ACPI Device Power StateD0 Power State IPMI-9042ACPI Device Power StateD1 Power State IPMI-9043ACPI Device Power StateD2 Power State IPMI-9044ACPI Device Power StateD3 Power StateUnknown eventPWR-0000Power SupplyPower Supply InstalledPWR-0001Power SupplyPower Supply Failure detectedPWR-0002Power SupplyPredictive FailurePWR-0003Power SupplyPower Supply input lost (AC/DC)PWR-0004Power SupplyPower Supply input lost or out-of-rangePWR-0005Power SupplyPower Supply input out-of-range, but presentPWR-0006Power SupplyConfiguration error - Vendor mismatchPWR-0007Power SupplyConfiguration error - Revision mismatchPWR-0008Power SupplyConfiguration error - Processor missingPWR-0009Power SupplyConfiguration error - Power Supply rating mismatchPWR-0010Power SupplyConfiguration error - Voltage rating mismatchPWR-0011Power SupplyPower Supply Inactive (in standby state)CHPS-0000Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0001Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0002Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0003Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0004Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0005Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0006Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0007Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0008Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0009Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0010Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0011Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0012Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0013Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S0/G0, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0014Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0015Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0016Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0017Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0018Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0019Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0020Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0021Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0022Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0023Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0024Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0025Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0026Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0027Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S1, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0028Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0029Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0030Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0031Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0032Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0033Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0034Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0035Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0036Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0037Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0038Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0039Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0040Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0041Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S2, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0042Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0043Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0044Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0045Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0046Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0047Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0048Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0049Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0050Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0051Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0052Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0053Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0054Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0055Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S3, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0056Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0057Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0058Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0059Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0060Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0061Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0062Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0063Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0064Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0065Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0066Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0067Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0068Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0069Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0070Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0071Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0072Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0073Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0074Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0075Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0076Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0077Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0078Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0079Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0080Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0081Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0082Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0083Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5/G2, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0084Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0085Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0086Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0087Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0088Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0089Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0090Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0091Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0092Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0093Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0094Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0095Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0096Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0097Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0098Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0099Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0100Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0101Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0102Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0103Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0104Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0105Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0106Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0107Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0108Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0109Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0110Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0111Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G3 / Mechanical Off, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0112Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: S0/G0CHPS-0113Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: S1CHPS-0114Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: S2CHPS-0115Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: S3CHPS-0116Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: S4CHPS-0117Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: S5/G2CHPS-0118Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determinedCHPS-0119Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical OffCHPS-0120Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0121Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0122Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0123Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0124Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0125Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states, Power state at time of request: unknown CHPS-0126Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: S0/G0 CHPS-0127Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: S1 CHPS-0128Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: S2 CHPS-0129Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: S3 CHPS-0130Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: S4 CHPS-0131Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: S5/G2 CHPS-0132Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined CHPS-0133Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical Off CHPS-0134Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0135Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0136Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0137Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0138Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0139Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: G1 sleeping, Power state at time of request: unknown CHPS-0140Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: S0/G0 CHPS-0141Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: S1 CHPS-0142Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: S2 CHPS-0143Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: S3 CHPS-0144Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: S4 CHPS-0145Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: S5/G2 CHPS-0146Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined CHPS-0147Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical Off CHPS-0148Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0149Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0150Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0151Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0152Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0153Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: S5 entered by override, Power state at time of request: unknown CHPS-0154Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: S0/G0 CHPS-0155Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: S1 CHPS-0156Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: S2 CHPS-0157Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: S3 CHPS-0158Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: S4 CHPS-0159Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: S5/G2 CHPS-0160Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined CHPS-0161Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical Off CHPS-0162Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0163Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0164Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0165Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0166Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0167Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy ON state, Power state at time of request: unknown CHPS-0168Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: S0/G0 CHPS-0169Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: S1 CHPS-0170Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: S2 CHPS-0171Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: S3 CHPS-0172Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: S4 CHPS-0173Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: S5/G2 CHPS-0174Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined CHPS-0175Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical Off CHPS-0176Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0177Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0178Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0179Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0180Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0181Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: Legacy OFF state, Power state at time of request: unknown CHPS-0182Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: S0/G0 CHPS-0183Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: S1 CHPS-0184Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: S2 CHPS-0185Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: S3 CHPS-0186Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: S4 CHPS-0187Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: S5/G2 CHPS-0188Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: S4/S5 soft-off, particular S4/S5 state cannot be determined CHPS-0189Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: G3 / Mechanical Off CHPS-0190Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: Sleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states CHPS-0191Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: G1 sleeping CHPS-0192Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: S5 entered by override CHPS-0193Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: Legacy ON state CHPS-0194Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: Legacy OFF state CHPS-0195Chit SetSoft Power Control Failure - Requested power state: reserved, Power state at time of request: unknownCHPS-0196Chit SetThermal TripāAOC-0000AOC StorageDrive FaultĠAOC-0001AOC Storagenot presentġAOC-0002AOC StorageerrorĥAOC-0003AOC Storagein Critical ArrayħAOC-0004AOC Storageis RebuildingĠAOC-0005AOC StorageDrive PresenceġAOC-0006AOC StorageDrive FaultĢAOC-0007AOC StoragePredictive FailureģAOC-0008AOC StorageHot SpareĤAOC-0009AOC StorageConsistency Check / Parity Check in progressĥAOC-0010AOC StorageIn Critical ArrayĦAOC-0011AOC StorageIn Failed ArrayħAOC-0012AOC StorageRebuild/Remap in progressĨAOC-0013AOC StorageRebuild/Remap AbortedAOC-1000AOC NetworkUnknownAOC-1001AOC NetworkNormal AOC-1002AOC NetworkNon-Critical0AOC-1003AOC NetworkCritical@AOC-1004AOC NetworkFatalPAOC-1005AOC NetworkUpper Non-Critical`AOC-1006AOC NetworkLower Non-CriticalpAOC-1007AOC NetworkUpper CriticalŀAOC-1008AOC NetworkLower CriticalŐAOC-1009AOC NetworkUpper FatalŠAOC-1010AOC NetworkLower FatalšAOC-1011AOC NetworkLink UpŢAOC-1012AOC NetworkLink DownŧAOC-1013AOC NetworkIPv4 IP ChangeŨAOC-1014AOC NetworkIPv6 IP ChangeNutanixBios FW is updatedNutanixBMC FW is updatedNutanixEntering Password longer than 20 characters in IPMI utilitiesNutanixReset BMC to factory defaultNutanixReboot BMCNutanixEC update successfullyNutanixEC update failNutanixSEL table overflowNutanixBIOS SMI update fail NutanixBIOS SMI update successfullyProcessorConfigurationMicro Arch Correctable ErrorProcessorConfigurationMicro Arch Fatal ErrorProcessorConfigurationMicro Arch Corrected Error@ProcessorConfigurationBUS Correctable ErrorAProcessorConfigurationBUS Fatal ErrorBProcessorConfigurationBUS Corrected Error ProcessorConfigurationTLB Correctable Error!ProcessorConfigurationTLB Fatal Error"ProcessorConfigurationTLB Corrected ErrorProcessorConfigurationCache Correctable ErrorProcessorConfigurationCache Fatal ErrorProcessorConfigurationCache Corrected ErrorProcessorConfigurationUnknown Correctable ErrorProcessorConfigurationUnknown Fatal ErrorProcessorConfigurationUnknown Corrected ErrorProcessorConfigurationVT-d - Data Parity Error during Context Cache LookupProcessorConfigurationVT-d - Data Parity Error during L1 LookupProcessorConfigurationVT-d - Data Parity Error during L2 LookupProcessorConfigurationVT-d - Data Parity Error during L3 LookupProcessorConfigurationVT-d - TLB0 Data Parity ErrorProcessorConfigurationVT-d - TLB1 Data Parity ErrorProcessorConfigurationVT-d - Unsuccessful completion status received in the coherent interfaceProcessorConfigurationVT-d - Illegal request to 0xFEEProcessorConfigurationVT-d - Protected Memory region space violated statusProcessorConfigurationVT-d - Intel VT-d spec defined errorsProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC IRP credit underflowProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC IRP credit overflowProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - Parity error in the incoming data from PCIeProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - Parity error in the ITC hdr_q RFProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - Parity error in the ITC vtd_misc_info RFProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - Parity error in the ITC addr_q RFProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ECC corrected error in the ITC dat_dword RFProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ECC uncorrected error in the ITC dat_dword RFProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - Completer abortProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - Master abortProcessorConfigurationInbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - Multicast target error for ITC only`ProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC OB credit underflowaProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC OB credit overflowbProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - Parity error in the OTC hdr_q RFcProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - Parity error in the OTC addr_q RFdProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - ECC uncorrected error in the OTC dat_dword RFeProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - Completer abortfProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - Master abortgProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - Multicast target error for ITChProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - ECC corrected error in the OTC dat_dword RFiProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - Misc block request overflowjProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - IOAPIC RTE parity errorkProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - Parity error on incoming data from IRPlProcessorConfigurationOutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - Parity error on incoming addr from IRP@ProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Received Poisoned Data from DP statusAProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DMA internal HW parity error statusBProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Cfg Reg Parity error statusCProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - RD Cmpl Header error statusDProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Read address decode error statusEProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Multiple ErrorsFProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DMA Transfer Source Address errorGProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DMA Transfer Destination Address errorHProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Next Descriptor Address errorIProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - error when reading a DMA descriptorJProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Chain Address Value errorKProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - CHANCMD errorLProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Data Parity errorMProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DMA Data Parity errorNProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Read Data errorOProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Write Data errorPProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Descriptor Control errorQProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Descriptor Length errorRProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Completion Address errorSProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Interrupt Configuration errorTProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - CRC or XOR P errorUProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - XOR Q errorVProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - Descriptor Count errorWProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DIF All F Detect errorXProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DIF Guard Tag errorYProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DIF Application Tag errorZProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DIF Reference Tag error[ProcessorConfigurationDirect Memory Access(DMA) - DIF Bundle errorԥPC-0008ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Data Parity Error during Context Cache LookupԥPC-0009ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Data Parity Error during L1 LookupԥPC-0010ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Data Parity Error during L2 LookupԥPC-0011ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Data Parity Error during L3 LookupԥPC-0012ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - TLB0 Data Parity ErrorԥPC-0013ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - TLB1 Data Parity ErrorԥPC-0014ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Unsuccessful completion status received in the coherent interfaceԥPC-0015ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Illegal request to 0xFEEԥPC-0016ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Protected Memory region space violated statusԥPC-0017ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Other uncorrectable erorrԥPC-0018ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit0ԥPC-0019ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit1ԥPC-0020ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit2ԥPC-0021ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit3ԥPC-0022ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit4ԥPC-0023ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit5ԥPC-0024ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit6ԥPC-0025ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit7ԥPC-0026ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit8ԥPC-0027ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit9ԥPC-0028ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit10ԥPC-0029ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit11ԥPC-0030ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit12ԥPC-0031ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit13ԥPC-0032ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit14ԥPC-0033ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit15ԥPC-0034ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit16ԥPC-0035ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit17ԥPC-0036ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit18ԥPC-0037ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit19ԥPC-0038ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit20ԥPC-0039ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit21ԥPC-0040ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit22ԥPC-0041ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - iommu Corrected errors Bit23ԥPC-0042ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - VT-d - Other Corrected errorsԥPC-0043ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP write cache correctable error s0ԥPC-0044ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP write cache correctable error cs1ԥPC-0045ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP protocol poison errorsԥPC-0046ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP write cache uncorrectable error s0ԥPC-0047ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP write cache uncorrectable error s1ԥPC-0048ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP access 32bit unaligned errorԥPC-0049ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP protocol unexpected errorԥPC-0050ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP protocol overflow errorԥPC-0051ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP protocol parity errorԥPC-0052ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP P2P parity errorԥPC-0053ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP address parity errorԥPC-0054ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP address CAM0 parity errorԥPC-0055ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP address CAM1 parity errorԥPC-0056ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP timeout cs0 errorԥPC-0057ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP timeout cs1 errorԥPC-0058ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP other reserved errorԥPC-0059ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit0ԥPC-0060ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit1ԥPC-0061ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit2ԥPC-0062ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit3ԥPC-0063ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit4ԥPC-0064ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit5ԥPC-0065ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit6ԥPC-0066ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit7ԥPC-0067ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit8ԥPC-0068ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit9ԥPC-0069ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit10ԥPC-0070ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit11ԥPC-0071ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit12ԥPC-0072ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring error Bit13ԥPC-0073ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - IRP Ring other reserved errorԥPC-0074ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit12 errorԥPC-0075ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit13 errorԥPC-0076ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit14 errorԥPC-0077ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit15 errorԥPC-0078ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit16 errorԥPC-0079ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit17 errorԥPC-0080ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit18 errorԥPC-0081ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit19 errorԥPC-0082ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit20 errorԥPC-0083ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit21 errorԥPC-0084ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit22 errorԥPC-0085ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit23 errorԥPC-0086ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit24 errorԥPC-0087ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit25 errorԥPC-0088ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit26 errorԥPC-0089ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit27 errorԥPC-0090ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit28 errorԥPC-0091ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit29 errorԥPC-0092ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit30 errorԥPC-0093ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec Bit31 errorԥPC-0094ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Inbound Traffic Controller(ITC) - ITC spec other reserved errorԥpPC-0095ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit0 errorԥqPC-0096ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit1 errorԥrPC-0097ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit2 errorԥsPC-0098ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit3 errorԥtPC-0099ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit4 errorԥuPC-0100ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit5 errorԥvPC-0101ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit6 errorԥwPC-0102ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit7 errorԥxPC-0103ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit8 errorԥyPC-0104ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit9 errorԥzPC-0105ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit10 errorԥ{PC-0106ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit11 errorԥ|PC-0107ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit12 errorԥ}PC-0108ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit13 errorԥ~PC-0109ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit14 errorԥPC-0110ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit15 errorԥPC-0111ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit16 errorԥPC-0112ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit17 errorԥPC-0113ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit18 errorԥPC-0114ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit19 errorԥPC-0115ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec Bit20 errorԥPC-0116ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - OutBound Traffic Controller(OTC) - OTC spec other reserved errorԥPPC-0117ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit0 errorԥQPC-0118ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit1 errorԥRPC-0119ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit2 errorԥSPC-0120ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit3 errorԥTPC-0121ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit4 errorԥUPC-0122ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit5 errorԥVPC-0123ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit6 errorԥWPC-0124ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit7 errorԥXPC-0125ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit8 errorԥYPC-0126ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit9 errorԥZPC-0127ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit10 errorԥ[PC-0128ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit11 errorԥ\PC-0129ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit12 errorԥ]PC-0130ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit13 errorԥ^PC-0131ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit16 errorԥ_PC-0132ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit17 errorԥ`PC-0133ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit18 errorԥaPC-0134ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit19 errorԥbPC-0135ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit20 errorԥcPC-0136ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit21 errorԥdPC-0137ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit22 errorԥePC-0138ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Bit23 errorԥfPC-0139ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - CBDMA Other reserved errorԥPC-0140ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Direct Memory Access(DMA) - received poisoned data errorԥPC-0141ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Direct Memory Access(DMA) - internal hardware parity errorԥPC-0142ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Direct Memory Access(DMA) - configure register parity errorԥPC-0143ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Direct Memory Access(DMA) - header errorԥPC-0144ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Direct Memory Access(DMA) - read address decode errorԥPC-0145ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Direct Memory Access(DMA) - syndrome errorԥPC-0146ProcessorConfigurationConfiguration error - Direct Memory Access(DMA) - other reserved errorՠRAID-0000SATARaidstatus is degradedՠRAID-0001SATARaidstatus is rebuildingՠRAID-0002SATARaidstatus is foreignՠRAID-0003SATARaidstatus is offlineՠRAID-0004SATARaidstatus is rebuild pauseՠRAID-0005SATARaidis creating VDՠRAID-0006SATARaidis deleting VDՠRAID-0007SATARaidis rebuilding VDՠRAID-0008SATARaidis importing VDՠ RAID-0009SATARaidstatus is degrade rebuildingՠ RAID-0010SATARaidstatus is done rebuildingՠ RAID-0011SATARaidstatus is optimalՠ RAID-0012SATARaidrebuild function failedաRAID-0013SATARaiddoes not existաRAID-0014SATARaidfails to reach Gen 3աRAID-0015SATARaidSMART status errorբRAID-0016SATARaidPCIe Link Width fails to reach 2xբRAID-0017SATARaidFW is updatedբRAID-0018SATARaidOpROM FW is updatedբRAID-0019SATARaidFW crc checksum errorբRAID-0020SATARaidOpROM FW crc checksum errorբRAID-0021SATARaidStart FW failsբRAID-0022SATARaidTransmit FW failsբRAID-0023SATARaidVerify FW failsReservedTEMP-0000TemperatureVOLT-0000VoltageVoltage Protection (Force Shutdown)VOLT-0001VoltageHotswap controller healthy warningCUR-0000CurrentFAN-0000FanSEC-0000Physical Chassis SecurityGeneral chassis intrusionSEC-0001Physical Chassis SecurityDrive bay intrusionSEC-0002Physical Chassis SecurityI/O card area intrusionSEC-0003Physical Chassis SecurityProcessor area intrusionSEC-0004Physical Chassis SecurityLAN Leash LostSEC-0005Physical Chassis SecurityUnauthorized dockSEC-0006Physical Chassis SecurityFAN area intrusion (supports detection of hot plug fan tampering)SEC-0007Platform SecuritySecure mode (front panel lockout) violation attemptSEC-0008Platform SecurityPre-boot password violation - user passwordSEC-0009Platform SecurityPre-boot password violation - setup passwordSEC-0010Platform SecurityPre-boot password violation - network boot passwordSEC-0011Platform SecurityOther pre-boot password violationSEC-0012Platform SecurityOut-of-band access password violationCPU-0000ProcessorCATERR has occurredCPU-0001ProcessorThermal Trip has occurredCPU-0002ProcessorFRB1/BIST FailureCPU-0003ProcessorFRB2/Hang in POST FailureCPU-0004ProcessorFRB3/Processor Startup/Initialization FailureCPU-0005ProcessorConfiguration errorCPU-0006ProcessorSM BIOS 'Uncorrectable CPU-Complex Error'CPU-0007ProcessorProcessor presence detectedCPU-0008ProcessorProcessor disabled CPU-0009ProcessorTerminator presence detected CPU-0010ProcessorProcessor automatically throttled CPU-0011ProcessorMachine check exception (Uncorrectable) CPU-0012ProcessorCorrectable machine check error PWR-0012Power UnitPower Off / Power Down PWR-0013Power UnitPower Cycle PWR-0014Power Unit240VA Power Down PWR-0015Power UnitInterlock Power Down PWR-0016Power UnitAC lost / Power input lost PWR-0017Power UnitSoft Power Control Failure PWR-0018Power UnitPower Unit Failure detected PWR-0019Power UnitPredictive Failure CD-0000Cooling Device OUS-0000Other Units-based Sensor MEM-0000MemoryCorrectable ECC / other correctable memory error MEM-0001MemoryUncorrectable ECC / other uncorrectable memory error MEM-0002MemoryParity MEM-0003MemoryMemory Scrub Failed (stuck bit) MEM-0004MemoryMemory Device Disabled MEM-0005MemoryCorrectable ECC / other correctable memory error logging limit reached MEM-0006MemoryPresence detected MEM-0007MemoryConfiguration error MEM-0008MemorySpare MEM-0009MemoryMemory Automatically Throttled MEM-0010MemoryCritical Overtemperature DRV-0000Drive Slot (Bay)Drive Presence DRV-0001Drive Slot (Bay)Drive Fault DRV-0002Drive Slot (Bay)Predictive Failure DRV-0003Drive Slot (Bay)Hot Spare DRV-0004Drive Slot (Bay)Consistency Check / Parity Check in progress DRV-0005Drive Slot (Bay)In Critical Array DRV-0006Drive Slot (Bay)In Failed Array DRV-0007Drive Slot (Bay)Rebuild/Remap in progress DRV-0008Drive Slot (Bay)Rebuild/Remap Aborted (was not completed normally)PMR-0000POST Memory ResizeUnknown eventSYSFW-0000System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - UnspecifiedSYSFW-0001System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - No system memory is physically installed in the systemSYSFW-0002System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - No usable system memory, all installed memory has experienced an unrecoverable failureSYSFW-0003System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - Unrecoverable hard-disk/ATAPI/IDE device failureSYSFW-0004System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - Unrecoverable system-board failureSYSFW-0005System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - Unrecoverable diskette subsystem failureSYSFW-0006System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - Unrecoverable hard-disk controller failureSYSFW-0007System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - Unrecoverable PS/2 or USB keyboard failureSYSFW-0008System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - Removable boot media not found SYSFW-0009System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - Unrecoverable video controller failure SYSFW-0010System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - No video device detected SYSFW-0011System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - Firmware (BIOS) ROM corruption detected SYSFW-0012System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - CPU voltage mismatch (processors that share same supply have mismatched voltage requirements) SYSFW-0013System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - CPU speed matching failureSYSFW-0014System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Error (POST Error) - reservedSYSFW-0015System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - UnspecifiedSYSFW-0016System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Memory initializationSYSFW-0017System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Hard-disk initializationSYSFW-0018System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Secondary processor(s) initializationSYSFW-0019System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - User authenticationSYSFW-0020System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - User-initiated system setupSYSFW-0021System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - USB resource configurationSYSFW-0022System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - PCI resource configurationSYSFW-0023System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Option ROM initialization SYSFW-0024System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Video initialization SYSFW-0025System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Cache initialization SYSFW-0026System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - SM Bus initialization SYSFW-0027System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Keyboard controller initialization SYSFW-0028System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Embedded controller/management controller initializationSYSFW-0029System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Docking station attachmentSYSFW-0030System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Enabling docking stationSYSFW-0031System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Docking station ejectionSYSFW-0032System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Disabling docking stationSYSFW-0033System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Calling operating system wake-up vectorSYSFW-0034System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Starting operating system boot process, e.g. calling Int 19hSYSFW-0035System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Baseboard or motherboard initializationSYSFW-0036System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - reservedSYSFW-0037System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Floppy initializationSYSFW-0038System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Keyboard testSYSFW-0039System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Pointing device testSYSFW-0040System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - Primary processor initializationSYSFW-0041System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - reservedSYSFW-0042System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Hang - BIOS handover to OSSYSFW-0043System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - UnspecifiedSYSFW-0044System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Memory initializationSYSFW-0045System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Hard-disk initializationSYSFW-0046System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Secondary processor(s) initializationSYSFW-0047System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - User authenticationSYSFW-0048System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - User-initiated system setupSYSFW-0049System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - USB resource configurationSYSFW-0050System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - PCI resource configurationSYSFW-0051System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Option ROM initialization SYSFW-0052System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Video initialization SYSFW-0053System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Cache initialization SYSFW-0054System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - SM Bus initialization SYSFW-0055System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Keyboard controller initialization SYSFW-0056System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Embedded controller/management controller initializationSYSFW-0057System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Docking station attachmentSYSFW-0058System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Enabling docking stationSYSFW-0059System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Docking station ejectionSYSFW-0060System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Disabling docking stationSYSFW-0061System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Calling operating system wake-up vectorSYSFW-0062System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Starting operating system boot process, e.g. calling Int 19hSYSFW-0063System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Baseboard or motherboard initializationSYSFW-0064System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - reservedSYSFW-0065System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Floppy initializationSYSFW-0066System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Keyboard testSYSFW-0067System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Pointing device testSYSFW-0068System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - Primary processor initializationSYSFW-0069System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - reservedSYSFW-0070System Firmware ProgressSystem Firmware Progress - BIOS handover to OS@BIOS MessageRefresh timer test failedDBIOS MessageDMA Controller ErrorEBIOS MessageDMA-1 ErrorFBIOS MessageDMA-2 Error BIOS MessageRAM R/W test failed BIOS MessageKBC BAT Test failedCBIOS Message~ PressedBIOS MessageUnlock KeyboardLBIOS MessageKeyboard/Interface Error BIOS MessagePS2 Keyboard not foundABIOS MessageDisplay memory test failedBBIOS MessageCMOS Display Type WrongBIOS MessageFloppy Controller FailureBIOS MessageA: Drive ErrorBIOS MessageB: Drive Error`BIOS MessageSATA 0 Hard Disk ErroraBIOS MessageSATA 1 Hard Disk ErrorbBIOS MessageSATA 2 Hard Disk ErrorcBIOS MessageSATA 3 Hard Disk ErrorBIOS MessageSATA 0 Drive - ATAPI IncompatibleBIOS MessageSATA 1 Drive - ATAPI IncompatibleBIOS MessageSATA 2 Drive - ATAPI IncompatibleBIOS MessageSATA 3 Drive - ATAPI IncompatibleBIOS MessageCMOS Battery LowBIOS MessageCMOS Settings WrongBIOS MessageCMOS Checksum BadBIOS MessageCMOS Date/Time Not SetGBIOS MessagePMM Memory Allocation FailureJBIOS MessageAMI Display Manager Init FailureKBIOS MessageLanguage Module Not MatchedUnknown eventEVNT-0000Event Logging DisabledCorrectable Memory Error Logging DisabledEVNT-0001Event Logging DisabledEvent type logging has been disabled for Event/ReadingEVNT-0002Event Logging DisabledLog Area Reset/ClearedEVNT-0003Event Logging DisabledAll Event Logging DisabledEVNT-0004Event Logging DisabledSystem Event Log (SEL) is fullEVNT-0005Event Logging DisabledSystem Event Log (SEL) is almost fullEVNT-0006Event Logging DisabledCorrectable Machine Check Error Logging DisabledWDT-0000Watchdog 1BIOS Watchdog ResetWDT-0001Watchdog 1OS Watchdog ResetWDT-0002Watchdog 1OS Watchdog Shut DownWDT-0003Watchdog 1OS Watchdog Power DownWDT-0004Watchdog 1OS Watchdog Power CycleWDT-0005Watchdog 1OS Watchdog NMI / Diagnostic InterruptWDT-0006Watchdog 1OS Watchdog Expired, status onlyWDT-0007Watchdog 1OS Watchdog pre-timeout Interrupt, non-NMISYS-0000System EventSystem ReconfiguredSYS-0001System EventOEM System Boot EventSYS-0002System EventUndetermined system hardware failureSYS-0003System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: entry added, Log Type: MCA LogSYS-0004System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: entry added, Log Type: OEM 1SYS-0005System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: entry added, Log Type: OEM 2SYS-0006System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Entry added because event did not be map to standard IPMI event, Log Type: MCA LogSYS-0007System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Entry added because event did not be map to standard IPMI event, Log Type: OEM 1SYS-0008System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Entry added because event did not be map to standard IPMI event, Log Type: OEM 2 SYS-0009System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Entry added along with one or more corresponding SEL entries, Log Type: MCA Log!SYS-0010System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Entry added along with one or more corresponding SEL entries, Log Type: OEM 1"SYS-0011System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Entry added along with one or more corresponding SEL entries, Log Type: OEM 20SYS-0012System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log cleared, Log Type: MCA Log1SYS-0013System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log cleared, Log Type: OEM 12SYS-0014System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log cleared, Log Type: OEM 2@SYS-0015System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log disabled, Log Type: MCA LogASYS-0016System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log disabled, Log Type: OEM 1BSYS-0017System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log disabled, Log Type: OEM 2PSYS-0018System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log enabled, Log Type: MCA LogQSYS-0019System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log enabled, Log Type: OEM 1RSYS-0020System EventEntry added to Auxiliary Log - Log Entry Action: Log enabled, Log Type: OEM 2 SYS-0021System EventPEF Action - Diagnostic interruptSYS-0022System EventPEF Action - Power onSYS-0023System EventPEF Action - Power cycleSYS-0024System EventPEF Action - ResetSYS-0025System EventPEF Action - Power offSYS-0026System EventPEF Action - AlertSYS-0027System EventTimestamp Clock Synch - first/second: event is first of pair, Timestamp Clock Type: SEL Timestamp Clock updatedSYS-0028System EventTimestamp Clock Synch - first/second: event is first of pair, Timestamp Clock Type: SDR Timestamp Clock updatedSYS-0029System EventTimestamp Clock Synch - first/second: event is second of pair, Timestamp Clock Type: SEL Timestamp Clock updatedSYS-0030System EventTimestamp Clock Synch - first/second: event is second of pair, Timestamp Clock Type: SDR Timestamp Clock updatedCI-0000Critical InterruptFront Panel NMI / Diagnostic InterruptCI-0001Critical InterruptBus TimeoutCI-0002Critical InterruptI/O channel check NMICI-0003Critical InterruptSoftware NMICI-0004Critical InterruptPCI PERRCI-0005Critical InterruptPCI SERRCI-0006Critical InterruptEISA Fail Safe TimeoutCI-0007Critical InterruptBus Correctable ErrorCI-0008Critical InterruptBus Uncorrectable Error CI-0009Critical InterruptFatal NMI CI-0010Critical InterruptBus Fatal Error CI-0011Critical InterruptBus DegradedSW-0000Button / SwitchPower Button pressedSW-0001Button / SwitchSleep Button pressedSW-0002Button / SwitchReset Button pressedSW-0003Button / SwitchFRU latch openSW-0004Button / SwitchFRU service request buttonMB-0000Module / BoardMCU-0000Microcontroller / CoprocessorAIC-0000Add-in CardCHAS-0000ChassisFRU-0000Other FRUCABLE-0000Cable / InterconnectCable or Interconnect is connectedCABLE-0001Cable / InterconnectConfiguration Error - Incorrect cable connected or Incorrect InterconnectionTER-0000TerminatorSYS-0031System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem boot has been initiated due to a power upSYS-0032System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem boot has been initiated due to a hard resetSYS-0033System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem boot has been initiated due to a warm resetSYS-0034System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem boot has been initiated due to a user-requested PXE bootSYS-0035System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem boot has been initiated due to an automatic diagnostic bootSYS-0036System Boot / Restart InitiatedOS or run-time software initiated hard resetSYS-0037System Boot / Restart InitiatedOS or run-time software initiated warm resetSYS-0038System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart due to unknownSYS-0039System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - chassis control commandSYS-0040System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - reset via pushbuttonSYS-0041System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - power-up via power pushbuttonSYS-0042System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - watchdog expirationSYS-0043System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - unknownSYS-0044System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - automatic power-up on AC being applied due to 'always restore' power restore policySYS-0045System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - automatic power-up on AC being applied due to 'restore previous power state' power restore policySYS-0046System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - Reset via PEF SYS-0047System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - power-cycle via PEF SYS-0048System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - Soft reset SYS-0049System Boot / Restart InitiatedSystem restart - Power-up via RTC wakeupSYS-0050Boot ErrorNo bootable mediaSYS-0051Boot ErrorNon-bootable diskette has been left in the driveSYS-0052Boot ErrorThe PXE Server can't be foundSYS-0053Boot ErrorThe boot sector is invalidSYS-0054Boot ErrorThe timer for the user's selection of the boot source has expiredSYS-0055Base OS Boot / Installation StatusA: Boot CompletedSYS-0056Base OS Boot / Installation StatusC: Boot CompletedSYS-0057Base OS Boot / Installation StatusPXE Boot CompletedSYS-0058Base OS Boot / Installation StatusDiagnostic Boot CompletedSYS-0059Base OS Boot / Installation StatusCD-ROM Boot CompletedSYS-0060Base OS Boot / Installation StatusROM Boot CompletedSYS-0061Base OS Boot / Installation StatusBoot completed -boot device not specifiedSYS-0062Base OS Boot / Installation StatusBase OS/Hypervisor Installation startedSYS-0063Base OS Boot / Installation StatusBase OS/Hypervisor Installation completed SYS-0064Base OS Boot / Installation StatusBase OS/Hypervisor Installation aborted SYS-0065Base OS Boot / Installation StatusBase OS/Hypervisor Installation failedUnknown event SYS-0066OS Stop / ShutdownCritical stop during OS load or initialization SYS-0067OS Stop / ShutdownRuntime critical stop (a.k.a. core dump, blue screen) SYS-0068OS Stop / ShutdownOS graceful stop SYS-0069OS Stop / ShutdownOS graceful shutdown SYS-0070OS Stop / ShutdownSoft shutdown initiated by PEF SYS-0071OS Stop / ShutdownAgent not responding. Graceful shutdown request to agent via BMC did not occur due to missing or malfunctioning local agent!SLOT-0000Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0001Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0002Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0003Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0004Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0005Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0006Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0007Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0008Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0009Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0010Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0011Slot / ConnectorFault status asserted - slot type: SATA/SAS!SLOT-0012Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0013Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0014Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0015Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0016Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0017Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0018Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0019Slot / Connectordentify status asserted - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0020Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0021Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0022Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0023Slot / ConnectorIdentify status asserted - slot type: SATA/SAS!SLOT-0024Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0025Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0026Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0027Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0028Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0029Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0030Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0031Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0032Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0033Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0034Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0035Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device installed/attached - slot type: SATA/SAS!SLOT-0036Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0037Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0038Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0039Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0040Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0041Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0042Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0043Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0044Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0045Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0046Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0047Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device installation - slot type: SATA/SAS!SLOT-0048Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0049Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0050Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0051Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0052Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0053Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0054Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0055Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0056Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0057Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0058Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0059Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector ready for device removal - slot type: SATA/SAS!SLOT-0060Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0061Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0062Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0063Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0064Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0065Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0066Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0067Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0068Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0069Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0070Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0071Slot / ConnectorSlot power is off - slot type: SATA/SAS!SLOT-0072Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0073Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0074Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0075Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0076Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0077Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0078Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0079Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0080Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0081Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0082Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0083Slot / ConnectorSlot/connector device removal request - slot type: SATA/SAS!SLOT-0084Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0085Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0086Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0087Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0088Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0089Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0090Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0091Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0092Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0093Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0094Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0095Slot / ConnectorInterlock asserted - slot type: SATA/SAS!SLOT-0096Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: PCI!SLOT-0097Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: Drive Array!SLOT-0098Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: External Peripheral Connector!SLOT-0099Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: Docking!SLOT-0100Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot!SLOT-0101Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor!SLOT-0102Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: AdvancedTCA!SLOT-0103Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: DIMM/memory device!SLOT-0104Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0105Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0106Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0107Slot / ConnectorSlot is disabled - slot type: SATA/SAS! SLOT-0108Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: PCI! SLOT-0109Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: Drive Array! SLOT-0110Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: External Peripheral Connector! SLOT-0111Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: Docking! SLOT-0112Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: other standard internal expansion slot! SLOT-0113Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: slot associated with entity specified by Entity ID for sensor! SLOT-0114Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: AdvancedTCA! SLOT-0115Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: DIMM/memory device! SLOT-0116Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: FAN! SLOT-0117Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: PCI Express! SLOT-0118Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: SCSI (parallel)! SLOT-0119Slot / ConnectorSlot holds spare device - slot type: SATA/SAS"ACPI-0000System ACPI Power StateS0 / G0 working"ACPI-0001System ACPI Power StateS1 sleeping with system h/w & processor context maintained"ACPI-0002System ACPI Power StateS2 sleeping, processor context lost"ACPI-0003System ACPI Power StateS3 sleeping, processor & h/w context lost, memory retained"ACPI-0004System ACPI Power StateS4 non-volatile sleep / suspend-to disk"ACPI-0005System ACPI Power StateS5 / G2 soft-off"ACPI-0006System ACPI Power StateS4 / S5 soft-off, particular S4 / S5 state cannot be determined"ACPI-0007System ACPI Power StateG3 / Mechanical Off"ACPI-0008System ACPI Power StateSleeping in an S1, S2, or S3 states (used when particular S1, S2, S3 state cannot be determined)" ACPI-0009System ACPI Power StateG1 sleeping (S1-S4 state cannot be determined)" ACPI-0010System ACPI Power StateS5 entered by override" ACPI-0011System ACPI Power StateLegacy ON state" ACPI-0012System ACPI Power StateLegacy OFF state"ACPI-0013System ACPI Power StateUnknown#WDT-0008Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0009Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0010Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0011Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0012Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0013Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0014Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0015Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0016Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0017Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0018Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0019Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#!WDT-0020Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#"WDT-0021Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST##WDT-0022Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#$WDT-0023Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#%WDT-0024Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#/WDT-0025Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#1WDT-0026Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#2WDT-0027Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#3WDT-0028Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OS Load#4WDT-0029Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#5WDT-0030Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OEM#?WDT-0031Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0032Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0033Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0034Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0035Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0036Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0037Watchdog 2Timer expired, status only (no action, no interrupt) - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0038Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0039Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0040Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0041Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0042Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0043Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0044Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0045Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0046Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0047Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0048Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0049Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#!WDT-0050Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#"WDT-0051Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST##WDT-0052Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#$WDT-0053Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#%WDT-0054Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#/WDT-0055Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#1WDT-0056Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#2WDT-0057Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#3WDT-0058Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OS Load#4WDT-0059Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#5WDT-0060Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OEM#?WDT-0061Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0062Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0063Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0064Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0065Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0066Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0067Watchdog 2Hard Reset - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0068Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0069Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0070Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0071Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0072Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0073Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0074Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0075Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0076Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0077Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0078Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0079Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#!WDT-0080Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#"WDT-0081Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST##WDT-0082Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#$WDT-0083Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#%WDT-0084Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#/WDT-0085Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#1WDT-0086Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#2WDT-0087Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#3WDT-0088Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OS Load#4WDT-0089Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#5WDT-0090Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OEM#?WDT-0091Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0092Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0093Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0094Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0095Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0096Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0097Watchdog 2Power Down - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0098Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0099Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0100Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0101Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0102Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0103Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0104Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0105Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0106Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0107Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0108Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0109Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#!WDT-0110Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#"WDT-0111Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST##WDT-0112Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#$WDT-0113Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#%WDT-0114Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#/WDT-0115Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#1WDT-0116Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#2WDT-0117Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#3WDT-0118Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OS Load#4WDT-0119Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#5WDT-0120Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OEM#?WDT-0121Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0122Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0123Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0124Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0125Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0126Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0127Watchdog 2Power Cycle - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0128Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0129Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0130Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0131Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0132Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0133Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: none, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0134Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0135Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0136Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0137Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0138Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0139Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: SMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#!WDT-0140Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#"WDT-0141Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST##WDT-0142Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OS Load#$WDT-0143Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#%WDT-0144Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: OEM#/WDT-0145Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: NMI, timer use at expiration: unspecified#1WDT-0146Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#2WDT-0147Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#3WDT-0148Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OS Load#4WDT-0149Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#5WDT-0150Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: OEM#?WDT-0151Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: Messaging Interrupt, timer use at expiration: unspecified#WDT-0152Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS FRB2#WDT-0153Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: BIOS/POST#WDT-0154Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OS Load#WDT-0155Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: SMS/OS#WDT-0156Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: OEM#WDT-0157Watchdog 2Timer interrupt - interrupt type: unspecified, timer use at expiration: unspecified$PA-0000Platform AlertPlatform generated page$PA-0001Platform AlertPlatform generated LAN alert$PA-0002Platform AlertPlatform Event Trap (PET) generated$PA-0003Platform AlertPlatform generated SNMP trap, OEM format%EP-0000Entity PresenceEntity Present%EP-0001Entity PresenceEntity Absent%EP-0002Entity PresenceEntity Disabled&ASIC-0000Monitor ASIC / IC'LAN-0000LANLAN Heartbeat Lost'LAN-0001LANLAN Heartbeat(SUB-0000Management Subsystem HealthSensor access degraded or unavailable(SUB-0001Management Subsystem HealthController access degraded or unavailable(SUB-0002Management Subsystem HealthManagement controller off-line(SUB-0003Management Subsystem HealthManagement controller unavailable(SUB-0004Management Subsystem HealthSensor failure(SUB-0005Management Subsystem HealthFRU failure(SUB-0006Management Subsystem Healthaccess degraded or unavailable)BAT-0000BatteryBattery low)BAT-0001BatteryBattery failed)BAT-0002BatteryBattery presence detected)BAT-0003BatteryBBU low)BAT-0004BatteryBBU failed)BAT-0005BatteryBBU presence*SA-0000Session AuditSession Activated*SA-0001Session AuditSession Deactivated*SA-0002Session AuditInvalid Username or Password*SA-0003Session AuditInvalid password disable+VER-0000Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: unspecified+VER-0001Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller device ID+VER-0002Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller firmware revision+VER-0003Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller device revision+VER-0004Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller manufacturer ID+VER-0005Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller IPMI version+VER-0006Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller auxiliary firmware ID+VER-0007Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller firmware boot block+VER-0008Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: other management controller firmware+ VER-0009Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: system firmware (EFI / BIOS) change+ VER-0010Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: SMBIOS change+ VER-0011Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: operating system change+ VER-0012Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: operating system loader change+ VER-0013Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: service or diagnostic partition change+VER-0014Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software agent change+VER-0015Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software application change+VER-0016Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software middleware change+VER-0017Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: programmable hardware change (e.g. FPGA)+VER-0018Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU module change+VER-0019Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU component change+VER-0020Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with equivalent version+VER-0021Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with newer version+VER-0022Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with older version+VER-0023Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU hardware configuration change+VER-0024Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: unspecified+VER-0025Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller device ID+VER-0026Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller firmware revision+VER-0027Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller device revision+VER-0028Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller manufacturer ID+VER-0029Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller IPMI version+VER-0030Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller auxiliary firmware ID+VER-0031Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller firmware boot block+VER-0032Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: other management controller firmware+ VER-0033Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: system firmware (EFI / BIOS) change+ VER-0034Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: SMBIOS change+ VER-0035Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: operating system change+ VER-0036Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: operating system loader change+ VER-0037Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: service or diagnostic partition change+VER-0038Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software agent change+VER-0039Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software application change+VER-0040Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software middleware change+VER-0041Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: programmable hardware change (e.g. FPGA)+VER-0042Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU module change+VER-0043Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU component change+VER-0044Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with equivalent version+VER-0045Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with newer version+VER-0046Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with older version+VER-0047Version ChangeFirmware or software change detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU hardware configuration change+VER-0048Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: unspecified+VER-0049Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller device ID+VER-0050Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller firmware revision+VER-0051Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller device revision+VER-0052Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller manufacturer ID+VER-0053Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller IPMI version+VER-0054Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller auxiliary firmware ID+VER-0055Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller firmware boot block+VER-0056Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: other management controller firmware+ VER-0057Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: system firmware (EFI / BIOS) change+ VER-0058Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: SMBIOS change+ VER-0059Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: operating system change+ VER-0060Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: operating system loader change+ VER-0061Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: service or diagnostic partition change+VER-0062Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software agent change+VER-0063Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software application change+VER-0064Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software middleware change+VER-0065Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: programmable hardware change (e.g. FPGA)+VER-0066Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU module change+VER-0067Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU component change+VER-0068Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with equivalent version+VER-0069Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with newer version+VER-0070Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with older version+VER-0071Version ChangeHardware incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU hardware configuration change+VER-0072Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: unspecified+VER-0073Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller device ID+VER-0074Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller firmware revision+VER-0075Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller device revision+VER-0076Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller manufacturer ID+VER-0077Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller IPMI version+VER-0078Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller auxiliary firmware ID+VER-0079Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management controller firmware boot block+VER-0080Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: other management controller firmware+ VER-0081Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: system firmware (EFI / BIOS) change+ VER-0082Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: SMBIOS change+ VER-0083Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: operating system change+ VER-0084Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: operating system loader change+ VER-0085Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: service or diagnostic partition change+VER-0086Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software agent change+VER-0087Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software application change+VER-0088Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: management software middleware change+VER-0089Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: programmable hardware change (e.g. FPGA)+VER-0090Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU module change+VER-0091Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU component change+VER-0092Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with equivalent version+VER-0093Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with newer version+VER-0094Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with older version+VER-0095Version ChangeFirmware or software incompatibility detected with associated Entity, Version change type: board/FRU hardware configuration change+VER-0096Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: unspecified+VER-0097Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management controller device ID+VER-0098Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management controller firmware revision+VER-0099Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management controller device revision+VER-0100Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management controller manufacturer ID+VER-0101Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management controller IPMI version+VER-0102Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management controller auxiliary firmware ID+VER-0103Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management controller firmware boot block+VER-0104Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: other management controller firmware+ VER-0105Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: system firmware (EFI / BIOS) change+ VER-0106Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: SMBIOS change+ VER-0107Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: operating system change+ VER-0108Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: operating system loader change+ VER-0109Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: service or diagnostic partition change+VER-0110Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management software agent change+VER-0111Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management software application change+VER-0112Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: management software middleware change+VER-0113Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: programmable hardware change (e.g. FPGA)+VER-0114Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: board/FRU module change+VER-0115Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: board/FRU component change+VER-0116Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with equivalent version+VER-0117Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with newer version+VER-0118Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with older version+VER-0119Version ChangeEntity is of an invalid or unsupported hardware version, Version change type: board/FRU hardware configuration change+VER-0120Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: unspecified+VER-0121Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management controller device ID+VER-0122Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management controller firmware revision+VER-0123Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management controller device revision+VER-0124Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management controller manufacturer ID+VER-0125Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management controller IPMI version+VER-0126Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management controller auxiliary firmware ID+VER-0127Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management controller firmware boot block+VER-0128Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: other management controller firmware+ VER-0129Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: system firmware (EFI / BIOS) change+ VER-0130Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: SMBIOS change+ VER-0131Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: operating system change+ VER-0132Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: operating system loader change+ VER-0133Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: service or diagnostic partition change+VER-0134Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management software agent change+VER-0135Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management software application change+VER-0136Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: management software middleware change+VER-0137Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: programmable hardware change (e.g. FPGA)+VER-0138Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: board/FRU module change+VER-0139Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: board/FRU component change+VER-0140Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with equivalent version+VER-0141Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with newer version+VER-0142Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with older version+VER-0143Version ChangeEntity contains an invalid or unsupported firmware or software version, Version change type: board/FRU hardware configuration change+VER-0144Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: unspecified+VER-0145Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller device ID+VER-0146Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller firmware revision+VER-0147Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller device revision+VER-0148Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller manufacturer ID+VER-0149Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller IPMI version+VER-0150Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller auxiliary firmware ID+VER-0151Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller firmware boot block+VER-0152Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: other management controller firmware+ VER-0153Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: system firmware (EFI / BIOS) change+ VER-0154Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: SMBIOS change+ VER-0155Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: operating system change+ VER-0156Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: operating system loader change+ VER-0157Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: service or diagnostic partition change+VER-0158Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management software agent change+VER-0159Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management software application change+VER-0160Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management software middleware change+VER-0161Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: programmable hardware change (e.g. FPGA)+VER-0162Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU module change+VER-0163Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU component change+VER-0164Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with equivalent version+VER-0165Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with newer version+VER-0166Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with older version+VER-0167Version ChangeHardware change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU hardware configuration change+VER-0168Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: unspecified+VER-0169Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller device ID+VER-0170Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller firmware revision+VER-0171Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller device revision+VER-0172Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller manufacturer ID+VER-0173Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller IPMI version+VER-0174Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller auxiliary firmware ID+VER-0175Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management controller firmware boot block+VER-0176Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: other management controller firmware+ VER-0177Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: system firmware (EFI / BIOS) change+ VER-0178Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: SMBIOS change+ VER-0179Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: operating system change+ VER-0180Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: operating system loader change+ VER-0181Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: service or diagnostic partition change+VER-0182Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management software agent change+VER-0183Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management software application change+VER-0184Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: management software middleware change+VER-0185Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: programmable hardware change (e.g. FPGA)+VER-0186Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU module change+VER-0187Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU component change+VER-0188Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with equivalent version+VER-0189Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with newer version+VER-0190Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU replaced with older version+VER-0191Version ChangeSoftware or F/W Change detected with associated Entity was successful, Version change type: board/FRU hardware configuration change,FRU-0001FRU StateFRU is not installed,FRU-0002FRU StateFRU inactive,FRU-0003FRU StateFRU activation requested,FRU-0004FRU StateFRU activation in progress,FRU-0005FRU StateFRU active,FRU-0006FRU StateFRU deactivation requested,FRU-0007FRU StateFRU deactivation in progress,FRU-0008FRU StateFRU communication has been lost with the FRUUnknown eventHDD-0000HDDfailureHDD-0001HDDRaw Read Error RateHDD-0002HDDThroughput PerformanceHDD-0003HDDSpin-up TimeHDD-0004HDDStart/Stop CountHDD-0005HDDReallocated Sectors CountHDD-0006HDDRead Channel MarginHDD-0007HDDSeek Error RateHDD-0008HDDSeek Time Performance HDD-0009HDDPower-on Hours HDD-0010HDDSpin Retry Count HDD-0011HDDCalibration Retry Count HDD-0012HDDPower Cycle Count HDD-0013HDDSoft Read Error RateHDD-0014HDDTemperature CelsiusHDD-0015HDDG-Sense Error RateHDD-0016HDDEmergency/Power-off Retract CountHDD-0017HDDLoad Cycle CountHDD-0018HDDTemperature CelsiusHDD-0019HDDHardware ECC RecoveredHDD-0020HDDReallocated Event CountHDD-0021HDDCurrent Pending Sector CountHDD-0022HDDOffline UncorrectableHDD-0023HDDUDMA CRC Error CountHDD-0024HDDWrite Error Rate/Multi Zone Error RateHDD-0025HDDDetected TA Count/Soft Read Error RateHDD-0026HDDTA Increase Count/Data Address Mark ErrorsHDD-0027HDDRun Out CancelHDD-0028HDDSoft ECC CorrectionHDD-0029HDDThermal Asperity Rate(TAR)HDD-0030HDDFlying HeightHDD-0031HDDSpin High CurrentHDD-0032HDDSpin BuzzHDD-0033HDDOffline Seek PerformanceHDD-0034HDDDisk ShiftHDD-0035HDDG-Sense Error RateHDD-0036HDDLoaded HoursHDD-0037HDDLoad/Unload Retry CountHDD-0038HDDLoad FrictionHDD-0039HDDLoad/Unload Cycle CountHDD-0040HDDLoad-in TimeHDD-0041HDDTorque Amplification CountHDD-0042HDDPower-off Retract CountHDD-0043HDDHead AmplitudeHDD-0044HDDTemperature CelsiusHDD-0045HDDHead Flying HoursHDD-0046HDDRead Error Retry RateHDD-0047HDDFailure Prediction Threshold ExceededHDD-0048HDDunknown AttributeHDD-0048HDDunknown AttributeCPU TempCPU OverheatCPU TempCPU OverheatCPU-0013AMD APMLMCE Error at Core CPLD-0000CPLDMEM_EVENT_GH CPLD-0000CPLDMEM_EVENT_GH CPLD-0001CPLDMEM_EVENT_EF CPLD-0001CPLDMEM_EVENT_EF CPLD-0002CPLDMEM_EVENT_CD CPLD-0002CPLDMEM_EVENT_CD CPLD-0003CPLDMEM_EVENT_AB CPLD-0003CPLDMEM_EVENT_AB CPLD-0004CPLDCPU2_SKTOCC  CPLD-0005CPLDSKT2_IVB_OCC  CPLD-0006CPLDPROCHOT_P2  CPLD-0007CPLDMEMHOT_P2  CPLD-0007CPLDMEMHOT_P2  CPLD-0008CPLDVRHOT_P2 CPLD-0009CPLDVRHOT_EF CPLD-0010CPLDVRHOT_GH CPLD-0011CPLDCPU1_SKTOCC CPLD-0012CPLDSKT1_IVB_OCC CPLD-0013CPLDPROCHOT_P1 CPLD-0014CPLDMEMHOT_P1 CPLD-0014CPLDMEMHOT_P1 CPLD-0015CPLDVRHOT_P1 CPLD-0016CPLDVRHOT_AB CPLD-0017CPLDVRHOT_CD CPLD-0018CPLDCPU1 THERMAL TRIP CPLD-0019CPLDCPU2 THERMAL TRIP CPLD-0020CPLDCATERR CPLD-0021CPLDCPU1 MEMORY THERMAL TRIP CPLD-0022CPLDCPU2 MEMORY THERMAL TRIP CPLD-0023CPLDIERR CPLD-0024CPLDCPU3 THERMAL TRIP CPLD-0025CPLDCPU4 THERMAL TRIP  CPLD-0026CPLDCPU5 THERMAL TRIP !CPLD-0027CPLDCPU6 THERMAL TRIP "CPLD-0028CPLDCPU7 THERMAL TRIP #CPLD-0029CPLDCPU8 THERMAL TRIP $CPLD-0030CPLDCPU3 MEMORY THERMAL TRIP %CPLD-0031CPLDCPU4 MEMORY THERMAL TRIP &CPLD-0032CPLDCPU5 MEMORY THERMAL TRIP 'CPLD-0033CPLDCPU6 MEMORY THERMAL TRIP (CPLD-0034CPLDCPU7 MEMORY THERMAL TRIP )CPLD-0035CPLDCPU8 MEMORY THERMAL TRIP *CPLD-0036CPLDMCERRCPU-0014CPUError 0, Hardware correctable errorCPU-0015CPUError 1, Non-fatal errorCPU-0016CPUError 2, Fatal errorCPU-0017CPUPCH HOTCPU-0018CPUUPI link degradingOEMHDD Logical Drive DegradedBBP-0000BBPBBP Timer expired/OS gracefully shutdownTEMP-0001CPU/GPU TemperatureXeon Phi Throttle @ unknown ZoneTEMP-0002CPU/GPU TemperatureXeon Phi Throttle @ Left ZoneTEMP-0003CPU/GPU TemperatureXeon Phi Throttle @ Right ZoneTEMP-0004CPU/GPU TemperatureXeon Phi Throttle @ Front ZoneTEMP-0005CPU/GPU TemperatureXeon Phi Throttle @ Rear ZoneTEMP-0006CPU/GPU TemperatureXeon Phi Throttle @ unknown ZoneTEMP-0007CPU/GPU TemperatureUnknown GPU @ unknown ZonePWR-0020AC Power OnFirst AC Power onBIOS-0000BIOS OEM EventpCode has not completed initialization - ERR_UNSUPPORTED_BOOT_MODEBIOS-0001BIOS OEM EventpCode has not completed initialization - Socket is discovered but hasn't come out of resetBIOS-0002BIOS OEM EventpCode has not completed initialization - Socket is discovered but enter in halt failure stateBIOS-0003BIOS OEM EventpCode has not completed initialization - Socket CPL1 timeoutBIOS-0004BIOS OEM EventAdding CPU to Minimum Path Tree failed - ERR_ADD_SOCKET_TO_TOPOLOGY_TREEBIOS-0005BIOS OEM EventAdding CPU to Minimum Path Tree failed - ERR_TOPOLOGY_TREEBIOS-0006BIOS OEM EventAdding CPU to Minimum Path Tree failed - Data Structure OverflowBIOS-0007BIOS OEM EventAdding CPU to Minimum Path Tree failed - ERR_NONCPU_PARENT_NODEBIOS-0008BIOS OEM EventAdding CPU to Minimum Path Tree failed - Invalid Port connection between CPUsBIOS-0009BIOS OEM EventAdding CPU to Minimum Path Tree failed - ERR_SANITY_CHECKBIOS-0010BIOS OEM EventAdding CPU to Minimum Path Tree failed - ERR_SLOW_MODE_WA_FAILBIOS-0011BIOS OEM EventTopology Discovery Failed - ERR_ADD_SOCKET_TO_TOPOLOGY_TREEBIOS-0012BIOS OEM EventTopology Discovery Failed - ERR_TOPOLOGY_TREEBIOS-0013BIOS OEM EventTopology Discovery Failed - ERR_INTERNAL_DATA_STRUCTUREBIOS-0014BIOS OEM EventTopology Discovery Failed - ERR_NONCPU_PARENT_NODEBIOS-0015BIOS OEM EventTopology Discovery Failed - ERR_INVALID_PORT_CONNECTIONBIOS-0016BIOS OEM EventTopology Discovery Failed - Topology Discovery FailedBIOS-0017BIOS OEM EventTopology Discovery Failed - wa requested a reset failBIOS-0018BIOS OEM EventInvalid MMCFG Size Supplied - ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCE_SPACEBIOS-0019BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - Unknown Socket Type found in RingTreeBIOS-0020BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - ERR_INVALID_CPU_SOCKET_IDBIOS-0021BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - Cbo Count/List mismatch between SBSP and CPUBIOS-0022BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - HA Count mismatchBIOS-0023BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - M3KTI Count mismatch between SBSP and CPUBIOS-0024BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - ERR_SKU_MISMATCHBIOS-0025BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - Legacy PCH target NID mismatch between SBSP and CPUBIOS-0026BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - ERR_MCP_LINK_COUNT_MISMATCH BIOS-0027BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - Fail to add CPU to Ring Tree - Data Structure Overflow BIOS-0028BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - CPU Link failed to train. Topology changed across reset BIOS-0029BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - invalid KTI port id BIOS-0030BIOS OEM EventERR_UNSUPPORTED_TOPOLOGY - invalid FPGA topologyBIOS-0031BIOS OEM EventKti full speed transition failed - Kti link speed unsupportedBIOS-0032BIOS OEM EventKti full speed transition failed - Kti max clock ratio unsupportedBIOS-0033BIOS OEM EventKti full speed transition failed - Kti Electrical Parameters is not foundBIOS-0034BIOS OEM EventKti full speed transition failed - Eparam Table indicates otherwiseBIOS-0035BIOS OEM EventERR_S3_RESUME - Topology Doesn't Match - S3 Resume FailedBIOS-0036BIOS OEM EventERR_S3_RESUME - Kti Setup Doesn't Match - S3 Resume FailedSMCI-0000SMCI License[Supermicro BMC License] OOB file build date mis-matchSMCI-0001SMCI License[Supermicro BMC License] OOB feature initial failureSMCI-0002SMCI License[Supermicro BMC License] Activate Node Product KeySMCI-0002SMCI License[Supermicro BMC License] Activate Node Product KeySMCI-0003SMCI License[Supermicro BMC License] Undefined OOB eventBIOS-0037BIOS OEM UPI Error[BIOS] CPU QPI ErrorРLAN-0002System NICSystem NICСLAN-0003System NICSystem NICТLAN-0004System NICSystem NICУLAN-0005System NICDedicated LAN Link UpФLAN-0006System NICDedicated LAN Link DownШLAN-0007System NICSystem NICѠNVME-0000NVMeEjectedѡNVME-0001NVMeInsertedѢNVME-0002NVMeDrive FaultѣNVME-0003NVMeassertion:temp criticalѤNVME-0004NVMede-assertion:temp normalѥNVME-0005NVMeassertion:temp warningѦNVME-0006NVMede-assertion:temp criticalҠBIOS-0097SMBIOS errorSMBIOS ErrorҠBIOS-0098SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Single bit ECC memory errorҠBIOS-0099SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Multi bit ECC memory errorҠBIOS-0100SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Parity memory errorҠBIOS-0101SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Bus Time outҠBIOS-0102SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - IO channel checkҠBIOS-0103SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Software NMIҠBIOS-0104SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Post memory resizeҠBIOS-0105SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Post errorҠ BIOS-0106SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Pci Parity ErrorҠ BIOS-0107SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Pci system errorҠ BIOS-0108SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - CPU failureҠ BIOS-0109SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - EISA failsafe timer time outҠ BIOS-0110SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Correctable memory log disableҠBIOS-0111SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Logging disabled for event typeҠBIOS-0112SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - 0x0FҠBIOS-0113SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - System Limit exceededҠBIOS-0114SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Asyn H/W timer expiredҠBIOS-0115SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - System config informationҠBIOS-0116SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Hard disk informationҠBIOS-0117SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - System reconfiguredҠBIOS-0118SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Uncorrectable CPU complex errorҠBIOS-0119SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - Log area resetҠBIOS-0120SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - System bootҠBIOS-0121SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - EFI status codeҠBIOS-0122SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - DummyҠBIOS-0123SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - GPNV runtimeҠBIOS-0124SMBIOS errorSMBIOS error - End of logҡBIOS-0125SMBIOS errorMiscellaneous errorRAS-0000MemoryRASIntel ADDDC Bank VLS ActivatedRAS-0001MemoryRASIntel ADDDC Rank VLS ActivatedRAS-0002MemoryRASIntel SDDC ActivatedRAS-0003MemoryRASRank SparingRAS-0004MemoryRASIntel RAS Feature PCLS activatedFAN-0001Fan OEMis unpluggedCOMP-0000Components ChangedCritical data is compromisedCOMP-0001Components ChangedCritical data is recoveredCOMP-0002Components ChangedBMC firmware is compromisedCOMP-0003Components ChangedBIOS firmware is compromised۠ROT-0000PFR[BMC] Unauthorized image detected۠ROT-0001PFR[BMC] Successfully recovered from backup۠ROT-0002PFR[BMC] Successfully recovered from Golden image۠ROT-0003PFR[BMC] SPI Channel attack is prevented۠ROT-0004PFR[BMC] I2C Channel attack is prevented۠ROT-0005PFR[BMC] Scheduled update has been canceled due to evidence generated۠ROT-0006PFRCPLD is in recovery mode. Please upload the CPLD firmware۠ROT-0007PFR[BMC] Backup image is invalid or not present. Recovering [BMC] from golden imageۡROT-0008PFR[BIOS] Unauthorized image detectedۡROT-0009PFR[BIOS] Successfully recovered from backupۡROT-0010PFR[BIOS] Successfully recovered from Golden imageۡROT-0011PFR[BIOS] SPI Channel attack is preventedۡROT-0012PFR[BIOS] I2C Channel attack is preventedۡROT-0013PFR[BIOS] Scheduled update has been canceled due to evidence generatedۡROT-0014PFR[BIOS] Backup image is invalid or not present. Recovering [BIOS] from golden imageCOMP-0004Components ChangedDevice RemovedCOMP-0005Components ChangedDevice InstalledCOMP-0006Components ChangedDevice ChangedCOMP-0007Components ChangedCPU removedCOMP-0008Components ChangedCPU installedCOMP-0009Components ChangedCPU changed COMP-0010Components ChangedDIMM removed!COMP-0011Components ChangedDIMM installed"COMP-0012Components ChangedDIMM changed0COMP-0013Components ChangedPCI-E removed1COMP-0014Components ChangedPCI-E installed2COMP-0015Components ChangedPCI-E changed@COMP-0016Components ChangedPCI-E removedACOMP-0017Components ChangedPCI-E installedBCOMP-0018Components ChangedPCI-E changedPCOMP-0019Components ChangedHDD removedP/COMP-0020Components ChangedHDD removedPCOMP-0021Components ChangedHDD removedQCOMP-0022Components ChangedHDD installedQ/COMP-0023Components ChangedHDD installedQCOMP-0024Components ChangedHDD installedRCOMP-0025Components ChangedHDD changedR/COMP-0026Components ChangedHDD changedRCOMP-0027Components ChangedHDD changed`COMP-0028Components ChangedDevice removedaCOMP-0029Components ChangedDevice installedbCOMP-0030Components ChangedDevice changedCOMP-0031Components ChangedOther components changedPWR-0021Over PowerSystem OverpowerPWR-0022Over PowerOverpower ThrottlePWR-0023Over PowerSystem smart power is cappingPWR-0024Over PowerHotswap controller healthy warning. Please call RMA immediatelyPWR-0025Over PowerHotswap controller healthy warning. Please call RMA immediatelyPWR-0026Over PowerHotswap controller healthy warning. Please call RMA immediately PWR-0027Over PowerSmart power was configured to ON PWR-0028Over PowerSmart power was configured to OFF PWR-0029Over PowerNode power cap has been removedLCD-0001Liquid cooling Error LocationLiquid cooling deviceBIOS-0126BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0127BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0128BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0129BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0130BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0131BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0132BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0133BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error BIOS-0134BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error BIOS-0135BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error BIOS-0136BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error BIOS-0137BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error BIOS-0138BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0139BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0140BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0141BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0142BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0143BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0144BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0145BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0146BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0147BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0148BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationNo Memory DetectedBIOS-0149BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0150BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0151BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0152BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0153BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0154BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0155BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0156BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error BIOS-0157BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error!BIOS-0158BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error"BIOS-0159BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error#BIOS-0160BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error$BIOS-0161BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error%BIOS-0162BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory Error&BIOS-0163BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorBIOS-0164BIOS OEM Memory Physical Error LocationMemory ErrorUnknown eventBIOSMax number of ranks exceeded on the channelBIOSThe number of ranks on this device is not supportedBIOSThis DIMM does not support DDR4-1333 or higherBIOSChannel configuration is not supported BIOSDDR4 voltage is not supportedBIOSMemory DIMM incompatible with memory controllers BIOSFailed to honor Lockstep mode BIOS(runtime) Failing DIMM: DIMM location and Mapped-Out BIOSFailed to honor Mirror modeBIOSFailed to honor Interleave modeBIOSMemory training failureBIOSMemory training failureBIOSMemory training failureBIOSIncorrect memory DIMM population&BIOSMemory signal is too marginal0BIOSFailing DIMM: DIMM location (Correctable memory component found)1BIOSFailing DIMM: DIMM location (Uncorrectable memory component found)BIOSNo memory DIMM detected, install memory DIMMsBIOSIncorrect memory DIMM population, check Memory Population RuleBIOSMemory initialization panic, apply AC ResetBIOSFailed to program memory voltage regulator BIOSUncorrectable error found, Memory Rank is disabledBIOSHardware memtest failedBIOSMRC FailBIOSMRC Wrong Input ParameterBIOSMRC CAS ErrorBIOSMRC Timing ErrorBIOSMRC Sense AMP ErrorBIOSMRC Read MPR ErrorBIOSMRC Read Leveling ErrorBIOSMRC Write Leveling Error BIOSMRC Data Time Centering 1D Error BIOSMRC Write Voltage 2D Error BIOSMRC Read Voltage 2D Error BIOSMRC Misc Training Error BIOSMRC WR ErrorBIOSMRC DIMM Not SupportedBIOSMRC Channel Not SupportedBIOSMRC Pi Setting ErrorBIOSMRC DQS Pi Setting ErrorBIOSMRC Device BusyBIOSMRC Frequency ChangeBIOSMRC Reut Sequence ErrorBIOSMRC CRC ErrorBIOSMRC Frequency ErrorBIOSMRC Dimm Not ExistBIOSMRC Cold Boot RequiredBIOSMRC Round Trip Latency ErrorBIOSMRC Mixed DIMM SystemBIOSMRC Alias DetectedBIOSMRC RetrainBIOSMRC RTP ErrorBIOSMRC Unsupported TechnologyBIOSMRC Mapping Error BIOSMRC Socket Not Supported!BIOSMRC Controller Not Supported"BIOSMRC Rank Not SupportedBIOS-0038BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory DIMM incompatible with memory controllers BIOS-0039BIOS OEM Memory EventFailed to honor Lockstep mode BIOS-0040BIOS OEM Memory Event(runtime) Failing DIMM: DIMM location and Mapped-Out BIOS-0041BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory test failed, Memory Rank is disabled BIOS-0042BIOS OEM Memory EventFailed to honor Mirror mode BIOS-0043BIOS OEM Memory EventPartial Mirror mode is disabledBIOS-0044BIOS OEM Memory EventFailed to honor Interleave modeBIOS-0045BIOS OEM Memory EventDIMM communication failedBIOS-0046BIOS OEM Memory EventSparing is disabledBIOS-0047BIOS OEM Memory EventPatrol Scrub disableBIOS-0048BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory training failureBIOS-0049BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory training failureBIOS-0050BIOS OEM Memory EventIncorrect memory DIMM populationBIOS-0051BIOS OEM Memory EventEarly read ID training warning$BIOS-0052BIOS OEM Memory EventDQ swizzling failed&BIOS-0053BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory signal is too marginal(BIOS-0054BIOS OEM Memory EventFNV opcode invalid)BIOS-0055BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory training failure*BIOS-0056BIOS OEM Memory EventNo memory DIMM detected, install memory DIMMs0BIOS-0057BIOS OEM Memory EventFailing DIMM: DIMM location (Correctable memory component found)1BIOS-0058BIOS OEM Memory EventFailing DIMM: DIMM location (Uncorrectable memory component found)4BIOS-0059BIOS OEM Memory EventDifference completion delay is exceeded5BIOS-0060BIOS OEM Memory EventPost Package Repair fail6BIOS-0061BIOS OEM Memory EventCheck bounds error9BIOS-0062BIOS OEM Memory EventNVMDIMM boot related warning:BIOS-0063BIOS OEM Memory EventAdaptive Dual Device Data Correction is disabled;BIOS-0064BIOS OEM Memory EventSingle Device Data Correction is disabled<BIOS-0065BIOS OEM Memory EventNVMDIMM controller FW is out of date?BIOS-0066BIOS OEM Memory EventPost Package Repair successIBIOS-0067BIOS OEM Memory EventEnhanced Post Package Repair status: finishedJBIOS-0068BIOS OEM Memory EventEnhanced Post Package Repair status: in processKBIOS-0069BIOS OEM Memory EventEnhanced Post Package Repair status: over heatLBIOS-0070BIOS OEM Memory EventEnhanced Post Package Repair status: successMBIOS-0071BIOS OEM Memory EventEnhanced Post Package Repair status: disabledNBIOS-0072BIOS OEM Memory EventEnhanced Post Package Repair status: overflowOBIOS-0073BIOS OEM Memory EventEnhanced Post Package Repair status: failBIOS-0074BIOS OEM Memory EventNVMDIMM controller Media status warningBIOS-0075BIOS OEM Memory EventNVMDIMM Surprise Clock warningBIOS-0076BIOS OEM Memory EventNVMDIMM FNV invalid AccessBIOS-0077BIOS OEM Memory EventMEMORY Boot Health log WarningsBIOS-0078BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory Thermal Management ErrorBIOS-0079BIOS OEM Memory EventTotal Memory Encryption ErrorBIOS-0080BIOS OEM Memory EventCrystal Ridge is not supportBIOS-0081BIOS OEM Memory EventCalculated DDRT to DDR4 Roundtrip not in valid rangeBIOS-0082BIOS OEM Memory EventNo memory DIMM detected, install memory DIMMsBIOS-0083BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory is not usefullBIOS-0084BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory error (Vendor:IDT)BIOS-0085BIOS OEM Memory EventIncorrect memory DIMM population, check Memory Population RuleBIOS-0086BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory initialization panic, apply AC ResetBIOS-0087BIOS OEM Memory EventFailed to program voltage regulatorBIOS-0088BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory controller errorBIOS-0089BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory controller errorBIOS-0090BIOS OEM Memory EventProcessor SMBUS errorBIOS-0091BIOS OEM Memory EventPCU errorBIOS-0092BIOS OEM Memory EventNVMDIMM errorBIOS-0093BIOS OEM Memory EventMemory rank interleave errorBIOS-0094BIOS OEM Memory EventDIMM capacity exceeded SKU limitBIOS-0095BIOS OEM Memory EventDIMM mapped outBIOS-0096BIOS OEM Memory EventMajorCode"H13SVW-N/NT!X13SEVR-SP13F B13SEGAOM-528G-FAN-CAS2AOM-GP801-SWAOM-SXM5-IOH13DSG-O-CPU-DX13SCD-FX13SCL-FR12SPD-RX13DEG-OA-IN001X13DEHH13SSFX13DAI-TX13DEG-OADH12SSG-ANP6AOC-STG-b2TAAOC-A25G-b2SMAMBD-G1SMHH13SSFRAOC-A25G7-N4SM AOC-S25G7-N4C AOC-A200G7-N2CM AOC-S200G7-N2C SAS 4016 SAS 4016SAS 4016 (AOC-S4016L-L16IR)SAS 4016 (AOC-S4016L-L16IT)SAS 4116SAS 4116SAS 4116SAS 4116 (AOC-S4116L-H16IR)X13SCW-FAOC-S25G6-M2SH13SSHC9Z790-CG/CGWX13SCH-F/-LN4F/-SYSX13SCL-IFX13SAV-PSAOC-GTG-b2TH13SRD-FAOM-PTG-B2TH13SAE-MFB4SA1-CPUSSC-A2NM2241-H1SSC-A2NM2241G3-B1X12STW-LN4F-II008X12DPG-GD2AOC-CTG-b2TB13DEEX12DPG-OA6-GD2R13SPDAOC-ATG-i8SU-CP022X13SEED-F/SFX12DGUAOC-URG4N4-b2XTX12DPG-QBT6AOC-ATG-b2TMX13DAiX13SAN-HH13SSWH13DSHX13DGUX13DEI-(T)B13SEEAOC-STGC-i2TX12SPT-PT~H13DSG-O-CPU}H13SSL-N/NT|C9Z690-CG(W){X13DEG-OAzX13SRA-TFyX13SRA-TxX13DSF-AwX13DET-BvAOM-PTG-i2TuB13DETtX13QEH+sX13SEFR-ArX13SET-G/GCqSAS 3808pSAS 3808oSAS 3808nSAS 3808mSAS 3808lX12SPT-GCkX13DEG-QTjAOM-C25G-i2SMiAOC-G25G-m2ShX13SEFR-AgAOC-A25G-i4SMfX13OEieX13SEDW-FdAOM-BPNIO-MSC8cH13SST-GbX12SPED-FaX12SPT-G`R12SPD-M_R12SPD-A^X13DDW-A]H12DGQ-NT6\X13SAZ-Q[X13SAZ-FZX12SPT-GYNSB-CB26-D1518XX12SDV-SPT4FWX13SAQVX13SEI-TFUX12DPG-QRTC9Z690SAOC-A25G-i2SMRX13SEMQX13SEW-FPA3SPI-4COX12SDVNX13SWA-TMX13SWA-TFLA2SAPKH12DSUJH12SSG-AN6-NC24BIX13SAV-LVDSHX13SAE-FGX13SAEFB3ST1EAOC-B25G-6CVLDAOC-2UR68G4-m2TSCSAS3408(AOC-SLG3-2NM2)BX12DPI-N(T)AX12SPG-NF@AOC-S25GC-i4S?X12DSC-A6>X12SCA-5F=H12DSG-CPU6-TI036AOC-S100G-b2C=B11SCG-CTFX10DRT-B+ =AOC-S3216L-L16iT B10DRi=LSI 2116?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~(Length - 1) <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)SourceBuffer)c:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\CopyMemWrapper.c(Length - 1) <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)DestinationBuffer)Length <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)Buffer + 1)c:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\ZeroMemWrapper.cc:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\SetMemWrapper.c(Length - 1) <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)Buffer)(Length & (sizeof (Value) - 1)) == 0(((UINTN)Buffer) & (sizeof (Value) - 1)) == 0Length < _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength((UINTN) String & 0x00000001) == 0c:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\String.cStrSize (SecondString) != 0StrSize (FirstString) != 0Length <= _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLengthStrSize (SearchString) != 0StrSize (String) != 0Length < _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLengthAsciiStrSize (SecondString)AsciiStrSize (FirstString)Length <= _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLengthAsciiStrSize (SearchString) != 0AsciiStrSize (String) != 0StrSize (ReturnValue) != 0(UINTN) (Source - (CHAR8 *) Destination) >= (AsciiStrSize (Source) * sizeof (CHAR16))(UINTN) ((CHAR8 *) Destination - Source) > AsciiStrLen (Source)AsciiStrSize (Source) != 0(UINTN)(Destination - Source) > StrLen (Source)((UINTN) Destination & 0x00000001) == 0(UINTN)(Source - Destination) >= LengthStrSize (Destination) != 0AsciiStrSize (ReturnValue) != 0*Source < 0x100(UINTN) ((CHAR8 *) Source - Destination) > StrLen (Source)(UINTN) (Destination - (CHAR8 *) Source) >= StrSize (Source)StrSize (Source) != 0(UINTN)(Source - Destination) > AsciiStrLen (Source)(UINTN)(Destination - Source) > AsciiStrLen (Source)AsciiStrSize (Destination) != 0c:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\Unaligned.cc:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\SafeString.c(Data != ((void *) 0))(String != ((void *) 0))(AsciiStrnLenS (String, (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength) + 1) <= (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength))List->BackLink != ((void *) 0)List->ForwardLink != ((void *) 0)c:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\LinkedList.cList != ((void *) 0)SecondEntry != ((void *) 0)InternalBaseLibIsListValid (FirstEntry)InternalBaseLibIsListValid (ListHead)((BOOLEAN)(0==1)) == IsNodeInList ((ListHead), (Entry))InternalBaseLibIsListValid (List)((BOOLEAN)(1==1)) == IsNodeInList ((List), (Node))!IsListEmpty (Entry)\\\..\.\.\c:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\DivU64x32.cDivisor != 0Count < 64c:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\LShiftU64.cc:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\DivU64x32Remainder.cc:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\SetMem16Wrapper.cc:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseMemoryLib\ScanMem8Wrapper.cc:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\LongJump.cValue != 0((UINTN)JumpBuffer & (8 - 1)) == 0c:\edk2\MdePkg\Library\BaseLib\SetJump.cJumpBuffer != ((void *) 0)??@?CL>?@@Cu<7~Yn33333?o۶m?M&QUU?A`t?eɓJ?NEJ(~?>UUUUU?lf,%jV?kAФri7f>9B.?C.?9l a\ +eG<: ? ?[/>+eG?`G?D] T>lf?kA>9l a\ >[/>>@?UUUUUU??YnB.?v?PPC&{?`PD?6+Y=??࿜u<7~p9B.@Q0-IB.?B.vUUUUU?lf,%jV?kAФri7f>PC 0> > -sfoNULNULLDestination != ((void *) 0)Buffer != ((void *) 0)stderr:stdout:stdin:Compromised DataInvalid LanguageEnd of FileReserved (30)Reserved (29)End of MediaCRC ErrorSecurity ViolationIncompatible VersionProtocol ErrorTFTP ErrorICMP ErrorAbortedAlready startedNot startedTime outNo mappingNo ResponseAccess DeniedNot FoundMedia changedNo MediaVolume FullVolume CorruptOut of ResourcesWrite ProtectedDevice ErrorNot ReadyBuffer Too SmallBad Buffer SizeUnsupportedInvalid ParameterLoad ErrorWarning Stale DataWarning Buffer Too SmallWarning Write FailureWarning Delete FailureWarning Unknown GlyphSuccess0123456789ABCDEFA @ @ @ @ @ @ h@ X@ H@ 0@ @ @ @ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x? h? X? H? 8? 0? ? ? ? > > > > > > > h> P> %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d%08X \:DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanSatFriThuWedTueMonSun???%.3s %.3s%3d %02d:%02d:%02d %d ,M4.1.0,M10.5.0TZHead != NULLmallocc:\edk2\StdLib\LibC\StdLib\Malloc.cfreerealloc(Length > 0x007F) && (Length <= 0x07FF)ProcessOneBytec:\edk2\StdLib\LibC\Locale\multibyte_Utf8.c(Length > 0x07FF) && (Length <= 0xFFFF)(Length > 0xFFFF) && (Length <= 0x10ffff)touppertolowerxdigitupperspacepunctprintlowergraphdigitcntrlblankalphaalnumINFinfNANnan(null)stdin:stdout:stderr:ERROR Initializing Standard IO: %a. %r Assertion failed: (%s), file %s, line %d. Assertion failed: (%s), file %s, function %s, line %d. String != ((void *) 0)RowDelta >= 0IIO_CursorDeltac:\edk2\StdLib\LibC\Uefi\InteractiveIO\IIOutilities.cUEFI PXEUEFI USB CD/DVDUEFI USB HDDUEFI USB KEYUEFI CD/DVDUEFI Hard-driveUSB CD/DVDUSB FloppyUSB HDDUSB KEYBiosCD/DVDHard-drivePXEDefault boot deviceThe KCS control privilege level is "AdministratorOperatorUserUnknown". The KCS control privilege level is "Callback". Failed to get the %s. Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set the %s. Completion Code=%02Xh %s. Completion Code=%02Xh This command is not supported. This %s is not supported. Router 1 Prefix ValuePrefix LengthIP AddressRouter 2 BMC cold reset successfully completed! Failed to perform the BMC Cold Reset%02X IPMI command not completed normallyAddress ProtocolIPv4IPv6Dual%s is [ %s ] %s Types: %d:%s DHCP is currently enabled%s. disabledFailed to determine the LAN sourceIPMI Firmware RevisionGateway=%s Gateway AddressIP=%s MAC AddressMAC%d=%s MAC=%s Maximum number of IPv6 %s address: %d %2s | %-39s | %-6s %2d | %-39s | %6d staticPrefixIPv6 Static AddressID---------------------------dynamicIPv6 Dynamic Address--------------------IPv6 StatusIPv6 static route is disabled, please turn on it. IPv6 Router %d Router %d: Prefix to Route%24s: %s/%d Router Address%24s: %s IPv6 Static Route%s is currently %s Selftest resultSubnet Mask%s=%s VLAN%s is now %s. Tag: %d ProtocolenabledisableSuccessfully %s DHCP. DHCPGratuitous ARPSuccessfully %s %s. %s is not supported for this BMC. can not be changed because DHCP option is enabledGateway %s. Not a valid IP Address format.IP Address %s. IPv6 DNSRouter %d MAC=%s (After receiving command, BMC will reboot itself. BMC will not response any commands temporarily.) Not a valid MAC Address format.MAC%d=%s (After receiving command, BMC will reboot itself. BMC will not response any commands temporarily.) %s %s. %s format error. VLAN StatusFailed to reboot from deviceDCMI Controller ID StringDCMI Power ReadingDCMI CapabilitiesPlatform AttributesOptional Platform AttributesManageability Access AttributesManagement Controller ID String over 16 characters. wbNew %s file error Backuped FRU successfully. FRU version is %02X.%02X FRU versionRestored FRU successfully. Load %s file error. Reading error. Done. Not supported Greenlow Device IDCPU/Memory temperatureHost CPU DataNMSDRCurrent max allowed %c-State = %d max CPU allowed CPU P-State/T-StateNumber of %c-State = %d number of P-State/T-StateSEL TimeRecovery Image: 1st Operational Image: 2nd Operational Image: Operation refused (too many requests) Flash error) Operation in progress (flash erase) Operation not supported for specific image ID Area not present Parameter out of range. image ID out of range List ME image information failedDo ME reboots failedDo ME reboots to default failedDo self test failedForce ME to update mode failedPower Watts LevelOEM Temperatureauto discharge by days[Module %d] is not a battery module. Not detect the battery module. Failed to manually discharge batteryNot detect the power module. Not detect the power module. Please try "-pminfo" command to get PSU information. Delete SDR Record (%d) successfully. Failed to delete the SDR recordSDR repository inforeserve SDRSDR dataSDR version is %02X.%02X SDR versionreserve SELClear all SEL successfully. Failed to clear the SELSEL infoSEL allocation infonumber of usersThis user name has been used, please change to another one. user nameuser passwordFailed to set username and passwordFailed to disable the user accountFailed to clear username and passworduser privilegeIPMI firmware revision%-20s: %d For privilege level: Not TwinPro Failed to clear the chassis intrusionFailed to clear the system event logPrepare download file timeout new fileDownload file failedDownloaded file successfully Failed to clear the temp filereservation IDrbUpload file failedUploaded file successfully Please wait for 1 minute to reboot the BMC. Failed to apply the fileFailed to start the configuration file uploadCouldn't find the IPMI configuration file. %02X.%02X.%02X Current Fan Speed Mode is [ StandardFullOptimalPUE2 OptimalHeavy IO speedPUE3 IO speedLiquid CoolingSmart Speed Mode ] fan speed modehost nameAuto Configuration is currently disabled enabled IPv6 auto configurationStatelessStatefulDisabledCurrent IPv6 mode is [ %s ] Supported IPv6 modes: 0:Stateless 1:Stateful 2:Disabled IPv6 modeIPv6 DUIDDedicatedSharedFailoverCurrent LAN interface is [ %s ] LAN interfacefor setting:Supported parameterParameter %s %s 0: Dedicated 1: Shared 2: Failover 3: Share-AIOM 4: Share-AOC 5: Failover-AIOM 6: Failover-AOC 7: Share-Onboard 8: Failover-Onboard %-23s: %s %-23s: %d MAC addressVLAN statusportnetwork link configurationnetwork link statusGeneral ------- HostnameONOFFVLAN IDN/ADedicateShareLAN InterfaceRMCP PortActive InterfaceDedicated --------- Auto Negotiation10M Half Duplex10M Full Duplex100M Half Duplex100M Full Duplex1G Full DuplexLinkDisconnectedConnectedStatus10M100M1G10GSpeedHalf DuplexFull DuplexDuplexShare ReservedSystem Lockdown Mode%s: UnlockedLockedlockdown modeMEL is not supported on this device Failed to download the maintenance event log%02X The current BMC firmware only supports option 2 IPv6 addressIndex error. IPv6 statusHostname size must not exceed 63 bytes. Set HostName command failedmodeInvalid mode. IP address%d.%x.%x-%d%02d.%02x.%02x%02d.%02x%4d-%2d-%2d%02d/%02d/%4d%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02XSummary ------------------------------------------- IPv4 AddressBMC MAC Address%dBMC MAC AddressFirmware RevisionFirmware Build TimeBIOS VersionBIOS Build TimeSystem LAN1 MAC AddressSystem LAN%d MAC Address: %s IPv6 Address %d : %s/%d CPLD VersionPlease wait a few minutes for the BMC to restart. .Does not detect IPMI device. Current protocol is IPv4 only Since the system lock mode is turned on, the command cannot be executed. User name must be 4 ~ 15 characters. Password must be 8 ~ 20 characters. User name and password should not be identical. Password can not be reverse of the user name. Privilege level error. Invalid command 2302241.34.2%s Version %s%s (Build %s) Copyright(c) 2023 Super Micro Computer, Inc. Usage: IPMICFG params (Example: IPMICFG -m Display a list of commands-help %-26s %s root-mShows IPv4 address and MAC.-m Sets IPv4 address (format: ###.###.###.###).-a -aSets MAC (format: ##:##:##:##:##:##).-kShows Subnet Mask.-k Sets Subnet Mask (format: ###.###.###.###).-dhcpGets the DHCP status.-dhcp onEnables the DHCP.-dhcp offDisables the DHCP.-gShows a Gateway IP.-g Sets a Gateway IP (format: ###.###.###.###).-garp on-garpEnables the Gratuitous ARP.-garp offDisables the Gratuitous ARP.-rPerforms a BMC cold reset.Detects if a BMC reset was successfully performed on the IPMI device, use -d after -r.-fd