Setting up Intel(R) 10GbE Network Connection Drivers for Micorsoft* Windows* PE =============================================================================== To set up network drivers for Microsoft* Windows* PE, you must import files from the Intel(R) Network Connections Software CD to the Windows PE image. Follow the directions for your operating system. 32-bit Microsoft Windows PE V3 ============================== 1. Create a temporary directory (for example, c:\temp\winpe). 2. Copy all files from the PROXGB\Win32\NDIS62 directory to the temporary directory. Do NOT copy the ixe6232.inf file to this directory. 3. Extract the ixe6232.inf file from PROXGB\Win32\NDIS62\WinPE\*.zip to the temporary directory. 4. Use the /Add-Driver option of the DISM.exe tool to import the drives into the image. For example, use the following command: Dism /image:C:\mounted_winpe /Add-Driver /driver:c:\temp\winpe\ixe6232.inf The syntax for the dism.exe tool is as follow: dism /image:<%WINPEDIR%> /Add-Driver /driver: /image:<%WINPEDIR%> specifies the path to the directory where you have mounted your Windows PE image. /Add-Driver specifices the action dism should take. /driver: specifies the path to the driver inf file. Please see your Microsoft Windows PE documentation or the Microsoft website for more information on using dism.exe x64 Microsoft Windows PE V3 =========================== 1. Create a temporary directory (for example, c:\temp\winpe). 2. Copy all files from the PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62 directory to the temporary directory. Do NOT copy the ixe62x64.inf file to this directory. 3. Extract the ixe62x64.inf file from PROXGB\Winx64\NDIS62\WinPE\*.zip to the temporary directory. 4. Use the /Add-Driver option of the DISM.exe tool to import the drives into the image. For example, use the following command: Dism /image:C:\mounted_winpe /Add-Driver /driver:c:\temp\winpe\ixe62x64.inf The syntax for the dism.exe tool is as follow: dism /image:<%WINPEDIR%> /Add-Driver /driver: /image:<%WINPEDIR%> specifies the path to the directory where you have mounted your Windows PE image. /Add-Driver specifices the action dism should take. /driver: specifies the path to the driver inf file. Please see your Microsoft Windows PE documentation or the Microsoft website for more information on using dism.exe Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.