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errorr__'fru_source_index%dFRU data error! wnew %s file error __Common %02X __Internal __Chassis '%s' __Board __Product __Multi %4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02dFRU size :%d bytes (Device is accessed by bytes) (Device is accessed by words) Internal Use Area = %02X Chassis Type (CT) = %s(%02Xh) Chassis Part number (CP) = %s Chassis Serial number (CS) = %s Board Mfg. Date/Time(BDT) = %s (%02X %02X %02X) Board Manufacturer (BM) = %s Board Product Name (BPN) = %s Board Serial number (BS) = %s Board Part number (BP) = %s Product Manufacturer (PM) = %s Product Name (PN) = %s Product Part/Model number (PPM) = %s Product Version (PV) = %s Product Serial number (PS) = %s Product Asset Tag (PAT) = %s ct%02X cp%s csbdt%s (%02X %02X %02X) bmbpnbsbppmpnppmpvpspat%XDate/Time format error Format: YYYYMMDDhhmm ex:201007161200 (2010/07/16 12:00) %02Xh = %s Available Fields for FRU Chassis Info Fields: CT ;Chassis Type CP ;Chassis Part number CS ;Chassis Serial number Board Info Fields: BDT ;Board Mfg. Date/Time (YYYYMMDDhhmm) BM ;Board Manufacturer BPN ;Board Product Name BS ;Board Serial Name BP ;Board Part Number Product Info Fields: PM ;Product Manufacturer PN ;Product Name PPM ;Product Part/Model Number PV ;Product Version PS ;Product Serial Number PAT ;Asset Tag Example: ipmicfg -fru PS ;read product serial number ipmicfg -fru PS 123456789 ;write product serial number %d.%d.%d.%d.%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02XFirmware Version: %02x.%02x %.2dFirmware Version: %s.%s.%sFirmware Version: %02x.%02x.%.2d Selftest: Passed. Selftest: Not implemented. Selftest: Device corrupted. -> SEL device not accessible. -> SDR repository not accessible. -> FRU device not accessible. -> IPMB signal lines do not respond. -> SDR repository empty. -> Internal Use Area corrupted. -> Controller update boot block corrupted. -> Controller operational firmware corrupted. Selftest: Fatal error. Failure code: %02Xh. Selftest: N/A. Selftest: Device specific. Fan Modes: Supported Fan modes: 0:Standard 1:Full 2:Optimal 3:PUE(Power Utilization Effectiveness) Optimal 4:Heavy IO FRU StateVersion ChangeSession AuditBatteryManagement Subsystem HealthLANMonitor ASICEntity PresencePlatform AlertSystem ACPI Power StateSlot / ConnectorOS Critical StopOS BootBoot ErrorSystem Boot InitiatedTerminatorCable / InterconnectOther FRUChip SetChassisAdd-in CardMicrocontrollerModule / BoardButtonCritical InterruptSystem EventWatchdogEvent Logging DisabledSystem FirmwaresPOST Memory ResizeDrive Slot / BayMemoryCooling DevicePower UnitPower SupplyProcessorPlatform SecurityPhysical SecurityFanCurrentVoltageTemperaturereservedPWS-1K11PPWS-920P-1RPWS-504P-RRPWS-1K62PPWS-1K21PPWS-1K41FPWS-1K41PPWS-704PPWS-703PPWS-721PIP=%s Failed to get IP Address, Completion Code=%02Xh MAC=%s Failed to get MAC Address, Completion Code=%02Xh IP address can not be changed because DHCP option is enabled. Failed to set IP address, Completion Code=%02Xh Not a valid IP address format. Failed to determine lan source, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set MAC address, Completion Code=%02Xh Not a valid MAC address format. Subnet Mask=%s Failed to get subnet mask, Completion Code=%02Xh Subnet mask can not be changed because DHCP option is enabled. Failed to set subnet mask, Completion Code=%02Xh Subnet Mask format error. Failed to determine IP address source, Completion Code=%02Xh DHCP is currently enabled. DHCP is currently disabled. enabledisableSuccessfully %s DHCP. Failed to %s DHCP, Completion Code=%02Xh Gateway=%s Failed to get gateway IP Address, Completion Code=%02Xh Gateway can not be changed because DHCP option is enabled. Failed to set gateway IP address, Completion Code=%02Xh BMC cold reset successfully completed! Failed to perform BMC cold reset, Completion Code=%02Xh Successfully %s Gratuitous ARP. Gratuitous ARP is not supported for this BMC. Failed to %s Gratuitous ARP, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get IPMI firmware reverison, Completion Code=%02Xh enableddisabledVLAN is now %s. Tag: %d Failed to get VLan status, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set VLan status, Completion Code=%02Xh Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Failed to get self test result, Completion Code=%02Xh IPMI command not completed normally, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SEL info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SEL allocation info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get reserve SEL, Completion Code=%02Xh Clear all SEL successfully. Failed to clear SEL, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU inventory area, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU data, Completion Code=%02Xh Unlock FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Write FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Lock FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh wbBackup FRU successfully. Restore FRU successfully. Load %s file error. Reading error. FRU version is %02X.%02X Failed to get FRU version, Completion Code=%02Xh 1m1p1s2m2p2s3sDone. Failed to set FRU version, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SDR repository info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get reserve SDR, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SDR data, Completion Code=%02Xh SDR version is %02X.%02X Failed to get SDR version, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set SDR version, Completion Code=%02Xh Delete SDR Record (%d) successfully. Failed to delete SDR record, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Failed to get NMSDR, Completion Code=%02Xh Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get SEL time, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get device ID, Completion Code=%02Xh Do ME reboots failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Do ME reboots to default failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Force ME to update mode failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Force ME to update mod failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Do self test failed, Completion Code=%02Xh List ME image information failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get power watts level, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get OEM temp, Completion Code=%02Xh Current max allowed P-State = %d Failed to get max CPU allowed CPU P-State/T-State, Completion Code=%02Xh Number of P-State = %d Failed to get number of P-States/T-states, Completion Code=%02Xh Current max allowed T-State = %d Number of T-State = %d Failed to get CPU/Memory temperature, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get CPU socket count, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get host cpu data, Completion Code=%02Xh Current Fan Speed Mode is [ StandardFullOptimalPUE(Power Utilization Effectiveness) OptimalHeavy IO speed Mode ] Failed to get fan speed mode, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set fan speed mode, Completion Code=%02Xh Not detect the power module. Not detect the battery module. Failed to set auto discharge by days, Completion Code=%02Xh [Module %d] is not a battery module. Failed to manually discharge battery, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get number of user, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get user privilege, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set user name, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set user password, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to enable user account, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set user privilege, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to disable user privilege, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to disable user account, Completion Code=%02Xh For privilege level: Administrator level : 4 Operator level : 3 User level : 2 Callback level : 1 Upload file failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Upload file successfully Please wait for 1 minute to reboot BMC. Failed to apply file, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to start configuration file upload, Completion Code=%02Xh Couldn't find IPMI configuration file. Failed to get reservation ID, Completion Code=%02Xh Firmware doesn't support IPMI configuration upload feature, Completion Code=%02Xh Prepare download file timeout Failed to open new file. Download file failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Download file successfully Firmware doesn't support IPMI configuration download feature, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to clear chassis intrusion, Completion Code=%02Xh 1307251.14.3IPMICFG Version %s (Build %s) Copyright 2013 Super Micro Computer, Inc. Usage: IPMICFG params (Example: IPMICFG -m -m Show IP and MAC. -m IP Set IP (format: ###.###.###.###). -a MAC Set MAC (format: ##:##:##:##:##:##). -k Show Subnet Mask. -k Mask Set Subnet Mask (format: ###.###.###.###). -dhcp Get the DHCP status. -dhcp on Enable the DHCP. -dhcp off Disable the DHCP. -g Show Gateway IP. -g IP Set Gateway IP (format: ###.###.###.###). -r BMC cold reset. option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -garp on Enable the Gratuitous ARP. -garp off Disable the Gratuitous ARP. -fd Reset to the factory default. -fdl Reset to the factory default. (Clean LAN) -fde Reset to the factory default. (Clean FRU & LAN) -ver Get Firmware revision. -vlan Get VLAN status. -vlan on Enable the VLAN and set the VLAN tag. If VLANtag is not given it uses previously saved value. -vlan off Disable the VLAN. -selftest Checking and reporting on the basic health of BMC. -raw Send a RAW IPMI request and print response. Format: NetFn Cmd [Data1 ... DataN] -fru info Show FRU inventory area Info. -fru list Show all FRU values. -fru cthelp Show chassis type code. -fru help Show help of FRU Write. -fru Show FRU field value. -fru Write FRU. -fru 1m Update FRU Product Manufacturer from DMITable. -fru 1p Update FRU Product Prodcut Name from DMITable. -fru 1s Update FRU Product S/N from DMITable. -fru 2m Update FRU Board Manufacturer from DMITable. -fru 2p Update FRU Board Product Name from DMITable. -fru 2s Update FRU Board S/N from DMITable. -fru 3s Update FRU Chassis S/N from DMITable. -fru backup Backup FRU to file . -fru restore Restore FRU from file . -fru tbackup Backup FRU to file . -fru trestore Restore FRU from file . -fru ver Get/Set FRU version. (V1 V2 are BCD format) -sel info Show SEL info. -sel list Show SEL records. -sel del Delete all SEL records. -sel raw Show SEL raw data. -sdr Show SDR records and reading. -sdr del Delete SDR record. -sdr ver Get/Set SDR version. (V1 V2 are BCD format) -nm nmsdr Display NM SDR. -nm seltime Get SEL time. -nm deviceid Get ME Device ID. -nm reset Reboots ME. -nm reset2default Force ME reset to Default. -nm updatemode Force ME to Update Mode. -nm selftest Get Self Test Results. -nm listimagesinfo List ME Images information. -nm oemgetpower OEM Power command for ME. -nm oemgettemp OEM Temp. command for ME. -nm pstate Get Max allowed CPU P-State. -nm tstate Get Max allowed CPU T-State. -nm cpumemtemp Get CPU/Memory temperature. -nm hostcpudata Get host CPU data. -fan Get Fan Mode. -fan Set Fan Mode. -pminfo Power supply PMBus health. -psfruinfo Power supply FRU health. -psbbpinfo Battery backup power status. -autodischarge Set auto discharge by days. -discharge Manually discharge battery. -user list List user privilege information. -user help Show user privilege code. -user add Add user. -user del Delete user. -user level Update user privilege. -user setpwd Update user password. -conf upload