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IP=%s Failed to get IP Address, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set IP address, Completion Code=%02Xh Not a valid IP address format. Failed to determine lan source, Completion Code=%02Xh MAC=%s Failed to get MAC Address, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set MAC address, Completion Code=%02Xh Not a valid MAC address format. Subnet Mask=%s Failed to get subnet mask, Completion Code=%02Xh Subnet mask can not be changed because DHCP option is enabled. Subnet Mask=%s Failed to get subnet mask, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set subnet mask, Completion Code=%02Xh Subnet Mask format error. Failed to determine IP address source, Completion Code=%02Xh DHCP is currently enabled. DHCP is currently disabled. Failed to determine IP address source, Completion Code=%02Xh enabledisableSuccessfully %s DHCP. Failed to %s DHCP, Completion Code=%02Xh Gateway=%s Failed to get gateway IP Address, Completion Code=%02Xh Gateway can not be changed because DHCP option is enabled. Gateway=%s Failed to get gateway IP Address, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set gateway IP address, Completion Code=%02Xh Not a valid IP address format. Failed to determine IP address source, Completion Code=%02Xh BMC cold reset successfully completed! Failed to perform BMC cold reset, Completion Code=%02Xh enabledisableSuccessfully %s Gratuitous ARP. Gratuitous ARP is not supported for this BMC. Failed to %s Gratuitous ARP, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get IPMI firmware reverison, Completion Code=%02Xh isa_smsNot detected BMC%d Failed to get major version, Completion Code=%02Xh enableddisabledVLAN is now %s. Tag: %d Failed to get VLan status, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set VLan status, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get VLan status, Completion Code=%02Xh Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to factory default function does not support IPMI 1.5. Failed to get IPMI firmware reverison, Completion Code=%02Xh Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to factory default function does not support IPMI 1.5. Failed to get IPMI firmware reverison, Completion Code=%02Xh Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to the factory default completed. Failed to reset the BMC to the factory default. Reset to factory default function does not support IPMI 1.5. Failed to get IPMI firmware reverison, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get self test result, Completion Code=%02Xh %02X IPMI command not completed normally, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SEL info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SEL allocation info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SEL info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get reserve SEL, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SEL allocation info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get reserve SEL, Completion Code=%02Xh Clear all SEL successfully. Failed to clear SEL, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SEL info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SEL allocation info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU inventory area, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU data, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU inventory area, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU data, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU inventory area, Completion Code=%02Xh Unlock FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Write FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Lock FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU data, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU inventory area, Completion Code=%02Xh wbnew %s file error Backup FRU successfully. Failed to get FRU data, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU inventory area, Completion Code=%02Xh Unlock FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Restore FRU successfully. Load %s file error. Reading error. Write FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Lock FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Backup FRU successfully. Failed to get FRU data, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get FRU inventory area, Completion Code=%02Xh Unlock FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Restore FRU successfully. Load %s file error. Reading error. Write FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh Lock FRU error, Completion Code=%02Xh FRU version is %02X.%02X Failed to get FRU version, Completion Code=%02Xh 1mrsdc.exe -1mpm1prsdc.exe -1ppn1srsdc.exe -1sps2mrsdc.exe -2mbm2prsdc.exe -2pbpn2srsdc.exe -2sbs3srsdc.exe -3scsDone. Failed to set FRU version, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SDR repository info, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get reserve SDR, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get SDR data, Completion Code=%02Xh SDR version is %02X.%02X Failed to get SDR version, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. Failed to set SDR version, Completion Code=%02Xh Delete SDR Record (%d) successfully. Failed to delete SDR record, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Failed to get NMSDR, Completion Code=%02Xh Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get SEL time, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Failed to get SEL time, Completion Code=%02Xh Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get device ID, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Failed to get device ID, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Do ME reboots failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Do ME reboots failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Do ME reboots to default failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Do ME reboots to default failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Force ME to update mode failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Force ME to update mod failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Do self test failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Do self test failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. List ME image information failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. List ME image information failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get power watts level, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get OEM temp, Completion Code=%02Xh Current max allowed P-State = %d Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get max CPU allowed CPU P-State/T-State, Completion Code=%02Xh Number of P-State = %d Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get number of P-States/T-states, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Failed to get max CPU allowed CPU P-State/T-State, Completion Code=%02Xh Current max allowed T-State = %d Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get max CPU allowed CPU P-State/T-State, Completion Code=%02Xh Number of T-State = %d Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get number of P-States/T-states, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Failed to get max CPU allowed CPU P-State/T-State, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get CPU/Memory temperature, Completion Code=%02Xh Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get CPU socket count, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Failed to get host cpu data, Completion Code=%02Xh Send NM message command error. Get NM message flag error. Get NM message error. Failed to get host cpu data, Completion Code=%02Xh Get SDR RepositoryInfo error, Completion Code=%02Xh Get Reserve SDR error, Completion Code=%02Xh Slave address and channel of ME device is not found. Failed to get host cpu data, Completion Code=%02Xh Current Fan Speed Mode is [ StandardFullOptimalPUE(Power Utilization Effectiveness) OptimalHeavy IO speed Mode ] Failed to get fan speed mode, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. Failed to set fan speed mode, Completion Code=%02Xh Not detect the power module. Not detect the power module. Not detect the battery module. Done. Failed to set auto discharge by days, Completion Code=%02Xh [Module %d] is not a battery module. Not detect the battery module. Done. Failed to manually discharge battery, Completion Code=%02Xh [Module %d] is not a battery module. Not detect the battery module. Failed to get number of user, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get user privilege, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set user name, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set user password, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to enable user account, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set user privilege, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. Failed to get user privilege, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set user password, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to disable user privilege, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to disable user account, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to set user name, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. For privilege level: Administrator level : 4 Operator level : 3 User level : 2 Callback level : 1 Done. Failed to disable user privilege, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. Failed to set user password, Completion Code=%02Xh rbUpload file failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Upload file successfully Please wait for 1 minute to reboot BMC. Failed to apply file, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to start configuration file upload, Completion Code=%02Xh Couldn't find IPMI configuration file. Failed to get reservation ID, Completion Code=%02Xh Firmware doesn't support IPMI configuration upload feature, Completion Code=%02Xh Prepare download file timeout wbFailed to open new file. Download file failed, Completion Code=%02Xh Download file successfully Failed to apply file, Completion Code=%02Xh Failed to get reservation ID, Completion Code=%02Xh Firmware doesn't support IPMI configuration download feature, Completion Code=%02Xh Done. Failed to clear chassis intrusion, Completion Code=%02Xh 1307251.14.3IPMICFG Version %s (Build %s) Copyright 2013 Super Micro Computer, Inc. Usage: IPMICFG params (Example: IPMICFG -m -m Show IP and MAC. -m IP Set IP (format: ###.###.###.###). -a MAC Set MAC (format: ##:##:##:##:##:##). -k Show Subnet Mask. -k Mask Set Subnet Mask (format: ###.###.###.###). -dhcp Get the DHCP status. -dhcp on Enable the DHCP. -dhcp off Disable the DHCP. -g Show Gateway IP. -g IP Set Gateway IP (format: ###.###.###.###). -r BMC cold reset. option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -garp on Enable the Gratuitous ARP. -garp off Disable the Gratuitous ARP. -fd Reset to the factory default. option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -fdl Reset to the factory default. (Clean LAN) option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -fde Reset to the factory default. (Clean FRU & LAN) option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -ver Get Firmware revision. -vlan Get VLAN status. -vlan on Enable the VLAN and set the VLAN tag. If VLANtag is not given it uses previously saved value. -vlan off Disable the VLAN. -selftest Checking and reporting on the basic health of BMC. -raw Send a RAW IPMI request and print response. Format: NetFn Cmd [Data1 ... DataN] -fru info Show FRU inventory area Info. -fru list Show all FRU values. -fru cthelp Show chassis type code. -fru help Show help of FRU Write. -fru Show FRU field value. -fru Write FRU. -fru 1m Update FRU Product Manufacturer from DMITable. -fru 1p Update FRU Product Prodcut Name from DMITable. -fru 1s Update FRU Product S/N from DMITable. -fru 2m Update FRU Board Manufacturer from DMITable. -fru 2p Update FRU Board Product Name from DMITable. -fru 2s Update FRU Board S/N from DMITable. -fru 3s Update FRU Chassis S/N from DMITable. -fru backup Backup FRU to file . -fru restore Restore FRU from file . -fru tbackup Backup FRU to file . -fru trestore Restore FRU from file . -fru ver Get/Set FRU version. (V1 V2 are BCD format) -sel info Show SEL info. -sel list Show SEL records. -sel del Delete all SEL records. -sel raw Show SEL raw data. -sdr Show SDR records and reading. -sdr del Delete SDR record. -sdr ver Get/Set SDR version. (V1 V2 are BCD format) -nm nmsdr Display NM SDR. -nm seltime Get SEL time. -nm deviceid Get ME Device ID. -nm reset Reboots ME. -nm reset2default Force ME reset to Default. -nm updatemode Force ME to Update Mode. -nm selftest Get Self Test Results. -nm listimagesinfo List ME Images information. -nm oemgetpower OEM Power command for ME. -nm oemgettemp OEM Temp. command for ME. -nm pstate Get Max allowed CPU P-State. -nm tstate Get Max allowed CPU T-State. -nm cpumemtemp Get CPU/Memory temperature. -nm hostcpudata Get host CPU data. -fan Get Fan Mode. -fan Set Fan Mode. -pminfo Power supply PMBus health. -psfruinfo Power supply FRU health. -psbbpinfo Battery backup power status. -autodischarge Set auto discharge by days. -discharge Manually discharge battery. -user list List user privilege information. -user help Show user privilege code. -user add Add user. -user del Delete user. -user level Update user privilege. -user setpwd Update user password. -conf upload