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Supported Intel® PRO/100 Desktop Adapters

This driver and software are designed to operate with the following Intel® PRO/100 desktop adapters:

Product Name Board ID # Controller
Intel® 82552 10/100 Network Connection n/a 82552V
Intel® PRO/100+ Management Adapter 721383-xxx
82558, 82559
Intel® PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter A80897-xxx 82551
Intel® PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter 751767-xxx 82550, 82550C
Intel® PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter A19716-xxx 82562
Intel® PRO/100 VM Network Connection n/a 82562

Board ID # = A 6-digit code with a 3-digit extension; printed on barcode sticker on the front of the card.

Also see the Adapter & Driver ID Guide:

  • A "Network Connection" or "LAN Connect" is a networking feature built in to the motherboard, as opposed to a plugged-in adapter.

  • The Intel® 82562V 10/100 Network Connection, Intel® 82562GT 10/100 Network Connection, Intel(R) 82562V-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection, Intel(R) 82562G-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection, and the Intel(R) 82562GT-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection are supported by the PRO/1000 drivers.

Compatibility Notes

The following devices are not supported by Microsoft* Windows Server* 2008

  • Intel® PRO/100+ Management Adapter
  • Intel® PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter
  • Intel® 82552 10/100 Network Connection

Last modified on 12/30/09 3:31p Revision

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Attach the RJ45 Network Cable

Insert the twisted pair, RJ45 network cable as shown.

Use one of the following types of network cabling, depending on your adapter and the intended use: 
  • For 1000 Mbps operation (1000BaseT), use Category 5 or better (must be 4-pair wiring). Make sure you use Category 5 cable that complies with the TIA-568 wiring specification. For more information on this specification, see the Telecommunications Industry Association's website:

Note: To insure compliance with CISPR 24 and the EUs EN55024, devices based on the 82576 controller should be used only with CAT 5E shielded cables that are properly terminated according to the recommendations in EN50174-2.
  • For 100 Mbps operation (100BaseTX), use Category 5 wiring or better. 

  • For 10 Mbps operation (10BaseT), use Category 3 wiring or better. 

Caution: If using less than 4-pair cabling, you must manually configure the speed and duplex setting of the adapter  and the link partner. In addition, with 2- and 3-pair cabling the adapter can only achieve speeds of up to 100Mbps.
  • If you are using this adapter in a residential environment (at any speed), use Category 5 or better wiring. If the cable runs between rooms or through walls and/or ceilings, it should be plenum-rated for fire safety.

In all cases:

  • Segment length is limited to 100 meters (328 feet, 1 inch).

  • The adapter must be connected to a compatible link partner, and may be set to auto-negotiate speed and duplex.

  • Intel® Gigabit Network Adapters using copper connections automatically accommodate either MDI or MDI-X connections. The auto-MDI-X feature of Intel Gigabit Network adapters allows you to directly connect two adapters without using a cross-over cable. 

Single-port models

Dual-port models


Last modified on 6/24/08 9:27a Revision

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Search Results

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" + Exclude_Warning + ""); if (Exclude_Warning.indexOf(",") != -1) Document.write(" are common words and were ignored.
"); else Document.write(" is a common word and was ignored.
"); } for (i=0; i < Results.length; i++) { Document.write("
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- Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
- Try different keywords
- Try more general keywords
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"+page_name+""); Document.write("
" + description); } function FindString(str) { for (j=0; j < CurEntries.length; j++) { var Count = 0; if (str == "*") Count += 1; Count += GetEntryCount(CurEntries[j], str); if (Count != 0) AddToResults(CurEntries[j][0], CurEntries[j][1], CurEntries[j][2], Count); } } function GetEntryCount(theEntry, str) { if (theEntry.length != 5) return 0; str = str.toLowerCase(); var Count = 0; if (str.indexOf("+") != -1) { var str_array = str.split("+"); var c1 = GetEntryCount(theEntry, str_array[0]) var c2 = GetEntryCount(theEntry, str.replace(str_array[0] + "+", "")); if ((c1 != 0) && (c2 != 0)) Count = c1 + c2; } if (theEntry[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(str) != -1) Count += 8; if (theEntry[2].toLowerCase().indexOf(str) != -1) Count += 5; if (theEntry[3].indexOf(str) != -1) Count += 10; if (theEntry[4].indexOf(str) != -1) Count += 1; return Count; } function AddToResults(url, name, desc, count) { for (k=0; k < Results.length; k++) { if (Results[k][0] == url) { count = Results[k][3] + count; Results.splice(k, 1); break; } } var NewIdx = Results.length; for (l=0; l < Results.length; l++) { if (Results[l][3] <= count) { NewIdx = l; break; } } var NewEntry = new Array(4); NewEntry[0] = url; NewEntry[1] = name; NewEntry[2] = desc; NewEntry[3] = count; Results.splice(NewIdx, 0, NewEntry); } function Splice_Fcn() { if (arguments.length < 2) return; var InsertIdx = arguments[0]; var Count = arguments[1]; var tmp = new Array(); var ModArray = new Array(); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < InsertIdx; i++) tmp[tmp.length] = this[i]; for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) tmp[tmp.length] = arguments[i]; for (i = InsertIdx + Count; i < this.length; i++) tmp[tmp.length] = this[i]; for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) this[this.length] = tmp[i]; return ModArray; } function ClearArrays() { Results = new Array(); SearchList = new Array(); ExcludeList = new Array(); CurEntries = new Array(); } var Exclude = "a add all also an and and/or are as at be but by can did do for from has have how id if in into is it no non not of on once one only onto or so some than that the this to too try two use want well what when where which why will with within yes you your"; var Entries = new Array(); Entries[0] = new Array(4); Entries[0][0] = "ad_100d.htm"; Entries[0][1] = "Supported Adapters Desktop Pro/100"; Entries[0][2] = "Supported Intel PRO/100 Desktop This driver and software are designed to operate with the following Intel PRO/100 desktop adapters Product Name Board ID # &dagger ..."; Entries[0][3] = "adapters connections support"; Entries[0][4] = "a19716 a80897 adapter barcode board built card code connect controller dagger designed desktop devices digit driver extension feature following front gigabit guide intel lan last management microsoft modified motherboard name network notes operate opposed plugged printed pro100 pro1000 product revision see server software sticker supported ve vm windows xxx"; Entries[1] = new Array(4); Entries[1][0] = "cable.htm"; Entries[1][1] = "Attach the RJ45 Network Cable"; Entries[1][2] = "How to attach an RJ45 network cable to your adapter."; Entries[1][3] = "cable port rj45"; Entries[1][4] = "accommodate according achieve adapter addition allows any association's attach auto automatically based better between cable cases cat category caution ceilings cispr compatible compliance complies configure connect controller copper cross depending devices directly dual duplex either en50174 en55024 environment eu feature fire following gigabit industry information insert insure intel intended last length less limited link make manually may mbps mdi meters models modified more must negotiate network note operation over pair partner plenum port properly rated recommendations residential revision rj45 rooms runs safety see segment set shielded should shown single specification speed sure telecommunications terminated through tia twisted types up walls website wiring without"; Entries[2] = new Array(4); Entries[2][0] = "drivers.htm"; Entries[2][1] = "Install the Drivers"; Entries[2][2] = "Installing Microsoft Windows drivers for your adapter."; Entries[2][3] = "drivers install"; Entries[2][4] = "acceptable adapter after already any attempts automatically autorun before below cable cancel cannot cd click computer confirmation connections control dialog discovers displayed displays double download driver extracted files find follow found hardware insert install instructions intel intervention last located microsoft modified network new note ok operating package panel plug procedure product programs recommended regardless release remove revision runs screen select software start support system them these transfer uninstall update user website whether window without wizard"; Entries[3] = new Array(4); Entries[3][0] = "support.htm"; Entries[3][1] = "Intel Customer Support"; Entries[3][2] = "Customer Support Intel support is available on the web or by phone. Support offers the most up to date information about Intel products, including installation ..."; Entries[3][3] = ""; Entries[3][4] = "about available corporate customer date general including information installation instructions intel internet last modified most network offers phone product revision site support tips troubleshooting up web"; Entries[4] = new Array(4); Entries[4][0] = "dupwindm.htm"; Entries[4][1] = "Configuring Speed and Duplex in Windows"; Entries[4][2] = "How to configure an adapter's speed and duplex under Microsoft Windows."; Entries[4][3] = "duplex link speed"; Entries[4][4] = "adapter addressing administrators advertises allow always appropriate attach attempt auto available based been best between cannot capable caution change choose click configure connections considerations copper default determine device differently direct disabled distinguish does down duplex either enabled establish experienced fiber force full gbps gigabit half however identical ieee intel issues last like link manager manually match may mbps menu microsoft mode modified modules multi must native navigate need negotiate network ok older open operate option packets partner pass per performance performs present pro100 properties pull receive requires revision runs same select send set sfp should since specific speed suffer support switch tab their those time up using windows would"; Entries[5] = new Array(4); Entries[5][0] = "hyperv.htm"; Entries[5][1] = "Creating Virtual NICs in Hyper V"; Entries[5][2] = "Creating Virtual NICs in Microsoft Hyper V."; Entries[5][3] = "hyper hyper-v nics v virtual"; Entries[5][4] = "aaaaaaaa able adapter added address advanced alb allow any appear applies article assign automatically available balancing based bbbb between bind blocks bound box bridging bypass cannot capable cases cause cccc center change channel check click client cluster combinations command communication configuration configured configuring connectivity considerations consolidate control core correct cpu create createteam data dcb dddddddddddddddd decreases desire details device different directly disable displays distributed documentation does driver each enable environment error etc ethernet even example exe faster fcoe feature fibre file filtering filters follow frees function further general get give guest gui guid hardware higher host however hyper hypervisor i ignoring impact increases increasing information inside installation installed instructions intel interface iov issue laa lacp last later lets line lldp load lose loss lower mac machine makes management manager manger manually may memory microsoft mode modified more move ms must necessary need netbios network nic note number nvspbind offloading ok open operating operation options order os other over overview packet panel parent part partition path perform performance physical please pool port possible present prevent primary property proset prosetcl protocol queue r2 receive reduces remote require resolve resources result revision risk role root routes rsquo run same secondary security see sent server set several share sheet simultaneously since single sits software source split sr standard step such support switch system tab takes tasks tcpip team team1 technet their then these they throughput together tool total transmission transmit true tttttttt txt unbind uncheck under underlying unique up usage utility utilization uuuu validation various vf virtual virtualization virtualized vlan vmm vmq vnic was while windows work wwww xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; Entries[6] = new Array(4); Entries[6][0] = "prosetdm.htm"; Entries[6][1] = "Using PROSet"; Entries[6][2] = "Installing, using, and removing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager."; Entries[6][3] = "device install manager proset"; Entries[6][4] = "additional administrator advanced automatically cd change cl cofiguration command compatibility connection control core crash crashdmp device dialog directory dmix drivers dump exe extension file following gigabit help install intel iscsi last line located manager modified most must network note options panel please process product program proset prosetcl refer remove revision rights same select server services settings software support tabs txt under uninstall utility windows"; Entries[7] = new Array(4); Entries[7][0] = "insert.htm"; Entries[7][1] = "Insert the Adapter"; Entries[7][2] = "Step by step instructions on how to install a PCI or PCI X adapter into a system."; Entries[7][3] = "hot install pci plug"; Entries[7][4] = "adapter additional anything before bit bracket bus case cause caution compatible computer configuration connected connector contacts contents cord could cover damage determine documentation down each edge electrical enabled end endanger error exposed failure firmly function get hot insert install instructions it's last later make master may modified off operating pci plug power problem push remove repeat replace required revision running screw seated secure see select shut slot special start steps still supports sure system table then through touch troubleshooting turn unplug until would"; Entries[8] = new Array(4); Entries[8][0] = "ipsecoff.htm"; Entries[8][1] = "IP Security Offloading"; Entries[8][2] = "Internet Protocol IP Security IPSec is a set of protocols used to help secure the exchange of IP data. IP Security offloading is the assignment ..."; Entries[8][3] = "ip ipsec offloading security"; Entries[8][4] = "affected algorithm assignment automatically based compatible computations configure confining contents controllers cpu data decreases devices disabled enabled enabling exchange features generally hardware help increases information intel internet ip ipsec issue large last later left lso may microsoft mitigate modified more network note offload pane performance place port proset protocol reduce revision secure security select send set software support table takes those through traffic used utilization window x540"; Entries[9] = new Array(4); Entries[9][0] = "lbracket.htm"; Entries[9][1] = "Attach the Low Profile Bracket"; Entries[9][2] = "How to attach the low profile bracket for use in systems with low profile slots."; Entries[9][3] = "bracket install low profile"; Entries[9][4] = "adapter any attach away back before bracket carefully charge come dissipate follow future ground handling install instructions last low may models modified necessary need over package product profile re remove revision screws seated securing side sized slide slot small standard static step these they tighten until used using yourself"; Entries[10] = new Array(4); Entries[10][0] = "legaldis.htm"; Entries[10][1] = "Legal Information"; Entries[10][2] = "Copyright and Legal Disclaimers Copyright 2002 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 6497 USA Intel ..."; Entries[10][3] = ""; Entries[10][4] = "any assumes brands claimed commitment contained copyright corporation countries disclaimers document does elam errors herein hillsboro information intel itanium legal make may names nor omissions other parkway pentium property reserved responsibility rights trademarks update usa young"; Entries[11] = new Array(4); Entries[11][0] = "license.htm"; Entries[11][1] = "Software License"; Entries[11][2] = "INTEL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT READ BEFORE COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING . Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials collectively, ..."; Entries[11][3] = ""; Entries[11][4] = "about above accompanied accompanying accuracy acknowledge adapt additional administrator advised affiliates after against agree alleges alpha alternate any appear applicable application apply arise assign assignable associated assume attempt attorney author authorize back becomes been before below beta bound break business california capable carefully cause changes claim code collectively commercial compatible completeness component computer condition conflict conjunction consent consequential constitutes contain context contractor contracts control convenience convention copy copyright corporation correct costs could countries create creator customers damages data days death deceptive decompile defect delivered delivery derivatives design destroy developed development device dfars differing directly disassemble disclaims disclosed disclosure distribute documentation does done duplication emulated enclosed end engineer english entirety equipment errors estoppel et even event except excluded excluding exclusion exclusive existing expense export express extent failure far fees final fitness following form forth found free function future goods governed government granted grants graphics guest harmless here herein hereunder hold i ii iii image immediately implication implied important inability incidental include incorporated indemnify indirectly inducement information injury install integral intel intellectual intended international interruption introduce items iv ix jurisdiction kind labeled language larger last laws ldquo lease legal liability liable license life limitation limited links loss lost machine maintenance make malicious manager manufacture manufacturer mask material may media medical merchantability minimum modification modify nations necessary negligent neither network ninety noninfringement nor normal note notice number obligated obligation occur oem offered officers operate organization original other otherwise out own ownership part particular party patent perform period permit personal physical please portions possibility pre prevent principles private problems product profits programs prohibit promised properly property proprietary protected provided provision purpose pursuant rdquo read reasonable referenced regard regulates regulations related release remains remove rent replacement represent representative reproduce requires research resolve respect responsibility restricted restrictions return reverse revision right risk rsquo running safeguard sale saving seal secret section select sell separate seq set shall signed single site situation software sold source specifically standalone state subject sublicense subsidiaries successor such supersede suppliers support sustaining system tamper term terminate text then therein thereof these they third those time title trade trademark transfer translate treaty type unauthorized under understand unintended united unlawful unless until up update upon usage user vary version vi view vii viii violate virtual warrant warranty was were whatsoever whole without work writing written"; Entries[12] = new Array(4); Entries[12][0] = "warranty.htm"; Entries[12][1] = "Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty"; Entries[12][2] = "Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty Intel warrants to the original owner that the adapter product delivered in this package will be free from defects in material ..."; Entries[12][3] = ""; Entries[12][4] = "above abuse accept accident adapter advance against agreement agrees air allow along alteration america any anyone applicable applications apply arise assume australian authorization authorizes back becomes before below business calling cannot care charge claims completely consequential consumer contact container contract control costs cover critical current customer damage days dealer defective defects defend deficiency deliver department described details direct disaster disclaims discontinued distributors does either element energy entirely equivalent essential event example exceed except exclusion explanation express fitness foregoing forth found free full generation goodwill ground group guarantee hardware harmless health hereunder higher hold implied improper incidental including indemnify indirect infringement installation installed intel intellectual interruptions irrespective issue last law level liability license licensee lieu lifetime limitation limited limiting locations loss material may measurable merchantability misuse modified money must neglect negligence neither new ninety noninfringement nor north note notice notwithstanding nuclear number objectively obtain option original other out owner package paid part particular pay place please policy possibility potential price process product profits proof property proposal provided purchase purpose received reconditioned refund registered remedies repair replace reprocurement resellers reserves respectively return revision right risk rma safety same sample satisfied see set shall ship software sole special specifically specification speculative states statutory sublicensees such support systems testing their thereof these they time tort total traffic transit under user's verifies view visit wants warrants warranty were whether whom without workmanship"; Entries[13] = new Array(4); Entries[13][0] = "lights.htm"; Entries[13][1] = "Indicator Lights"; Entries[13][2] = "The Intel PRO/100+, PRO/100 S, PRO/100 M, PRO/100 VE, and VM Desktop Adapters and Network Connections have the following indicator lights Label Indication Meaning ACT/LNK ..."; Entries[13][3] = "connections indicator lights"; Entries[13][4] = "act adapter amount between cable configuration connection data desktop driver flashes flashing following frequency good indication indicator intel label last lights lnk mbps meaning modified network off operating power pro100 problem receiving revision sending switch traffic varies ve vm"; Entries[14] = new Array(4); Entries[14][0] = "mang_win.htm"; Entries[14][1] = "Power Management"; Entries[14][2] = "Setting up Power Saver options and Wake on LAN on Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[14][3] = "management power remote wake wol"; Entries[14][4] = "ability acbs access accessible acpi active activity adapter advanced after allow amount any anyway apm appear auto automatically available battery between bios both bursts cable called capability capable complex computer configured connect consumption content control converged data dependant detect development device directed disabled disarms disconnected display down dual duplex during eee effect efficient enable ends energy engine enter et2 ethernet even evolved example explicitly expressmodule f4 feature few following forced full fully function functionality gigabit hibernate higher however i340 i350 idle important included includes including incorporated indicate installed intel interacting introduce keeps lan last latency led limited link lit low lowest lp magic manageability management manager may microsoft mode modified mt must needs negotiate network nic note off operating option other over override packet partner period pf port possible power previously pro1000 proset pt quad r2 readily ready reconnected reduce remote removed replaces requests rest restored resume revision s3 s4 s5 saved saver server set several shutdown shutting simple sleep small speed standard standby state status stay support system t1 t2 t4 tab then there these they timeout traffic transition transmitted turns type under up using variety versions vista vt wake were windows wol x520 x540 xp years"; Entries[15] = new Array(4); Entries[15][0] = "manage.htm"; Entries[15][1] = "Remote Wake Up"; Entries[15][2] = "Remote Wake up and Wake on LAN basics."; Entries[15][3] = "lan remote wake wake-up"; Entries[15][4] = "ability about accept acpi activates adapter address administrators advanced allow amps any apm area around arp assigned attached awaken aware backwards based below bios board both bracket bus cable came capability capable check choosing circuitry clock compatibility complaint completely complex compliant components computer concept configure connection connector consecutive contact containing contains contents control converged corresponds could cpu current d815epea2 data defined description designed desktop details determine development device different directed disk documentation does done down draw drive driver due each early either enable equipped ethernet event every evolved example extends feature few field find first fit following format fully function generally gigabit had header hibernate hours however ibautil implementation important include information initiated installed intel interacting interface intermediate ip keyed label lan last least leds level limited list locations look low mac magic maintenance management manufacturer many may memory milliamps mode model modified more most motherboard mt multiple must named necessary need network newer note numbers off older operating operational operations os out over own packet partial particular patterns pci per perform pila8460bn pila8460f pila8461 pila8900 pin plugged pme port power pro100 pro1000 proset protocol provide pwla8390t pwla8490xt quad querying ram rating received receives reduces referred refers refreshed reloaded remains remote removed repeated repetitions represents request require resolution response revision routed s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 section see selectable selectively sending sent server set should shutdown signal similar simple sleep slot specific standby started state still stopped such supply support suspend swapped system t1 t2 technician then there these they through times titled true turning type typically under up upon user usually utility value variety various verify versions volt vt wake was were whereas without wol work x520 x540 xt years"; Entries[16] = new Array(4); Entries[16][0] = "overview.htm"; Entries[16][1] = "Overview"; Entries[16][2] = "Welcome to the User's Guide for the Intel PRO/100 family of desktop adapters. This guide covers hardware and software installation, setup procedures, and troubleshooting tips ..."; Entries[16][3] = "64 hardware ia-32 installation setup software troubleshooting"; Entries[16][4] = "adapter additional advanced any architecture available based basic click column compatible computer configuration contents covers desktop driver family features follow further guide hardware ia32 information install intel itanium last latest left link list make modified necessary network note operating overview platforms pro100 problems procedure process refers review revision see select set setup software start step supported sure system table these tips topic troubleshooting up upgrading user's varies welcome windows"; Entries[17] = new Array(4); Entries[17][0] = "reqd.htm"; Entries[17][1] = "System Requirements"; Entries[17][2] = "System requirements for Intel PRO/100 desktop adapters."; Entries[17][3] = "32-bit 64-bit compatibility install pci pci-x requirements"; Entries[17][4] = "adapter advanced advantage architecture basic before bios bit bus check compatibility computer configuration dos drivers either following hardware hat higher hyper installed installing intel kernel last latest linux master met microsoft minimum mode modified must network open operating order pack pci platform pro100 red requirements revision run server service slot software supplies supported supports suse system takes v2 vista windows xp"; Entries[18] = new Array(4); Entries[18][0] = "trbl_dm.htm"; Entries[18][1] = "Configuration and Troubleshooting"; Entries[18][2] = "Configuration and Troubleshooting Common Problems and Solutions There are many simple, easy to fix problems related to network problems. Review each one of these before ..."; Entries[18][3] = ""; Entries[18][4] = "ability accommodates active activity adapter addresses adjusting advanced affected after agent already among another any apparent applicable appropriate apps asked assumes attached attaining auto auxiliary available base basic been before behavior best better between bios boot bootagnt both bus cable cannot capabilities capacity card carrier category cause change check choose common communicate compatible compliant components computer configure conflicting conflicts connect connectivity connectors consider consistent contact cooling copper correct creating current customer damaged data default described desktop detect device diagnostic different disable discussion disrupted documented does down driver duplex each easy edge efficiency either enable enhanced environment established etc even exact examples exceed exe execution expected express fail familiar family fan feature find fix following forced frame frequently functioning further gigabit going hangs hardware here hub ibautil idle ieee implementation impose inability incompatible indicator information insert install instructions intel intended interrupt irq isn't issues jumbo kinked knowledge known lack lan last latency latest layer led length level light limited limits link list loaded look loose lower make management manually many master match maximizing maximum may mbps memory mode modified monitor more multi multiple multiprocessor must necessarily need negotiate network newer note obtained off offloading often operating operation opposed options os other over overdraw pair parameters partner pass pci pcie peak perform performance physical play plug points port possible power pre presence prevents problem process processor programs proper provide pxe quality questions rate re readme reboot receive recent recognized recommended related release reload replace reports represents require reserve responder resulting results review revision run rx same seat section securely see select send server service set several shared sharing shorter signal simple size slave slot slowest slowing software solution specific speed standard start stops such sufficient supply support sure switch system table teaming technically test them then there these threading time timer traffic transmission triggering trouble troubleshooting tx txt type unable under unload unpredictable unusual up upgrade utility v1 v2 vary verify version vlans wake while without wol wording work"; Entries[19] = new Array(4); Entries[19][0] = "pushinst.htm"; Entries[19][1] = "Microsoft Windows Push Install Instructions"; Entries[19][2] = "Microsoft Windows Push Install Instructions A Push, or unattended, installation provides a means for network administrators to easily install the drivers on systems that have ..."; Entries[19][3] = "driver install installation push unattended"; Entries[19][4] = "adapters administrators apps basic bit cd directory document download drivers easily equipment file following includes install instructions intel last means microsoft modified network operating product provides push push32 pushx64 revision see setup similar systems txt unattended win32 windows winx64 x64"; Entries[20] = new Array(4); Entries[20][0] = "qos.htm"; Entries[20][1] = "Quality of Service QoS"; Entries[20][2] = "A brief discussion of Quality of Service QoS)."; Entries[20][3] = "balance load qos quality service tagging team"; Entries[20][4] = "adapter advanced allow bandwidth base before configured connected deal disabled does efficient enabled events first frame generation gigabit help high ieee implement include information intel knowledge last levels lower make microsoft modified more most must network note operating order packet prioritization priority pro1000 processed programs proset pwla qos quality r2 real receive revision see send server service setting specify support switch system tab tagged tagging time under utility vista vlan windows xp"; Entries[21] = new Array(4); Entries[21][0] = "reg100d.htm"; Entries[21][1] = "Regulatory Information"; Entries[21][2] = "Regulatory Information Intel PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter Intel PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter Safety Compliance UL 60950 1 Second Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No 60950 1 07 ..."; Entries[21][3] = ""; Entries[21][4] = "a1 a11 a2 about accept accordance adapter against antenna any australia australian authority back based been below between bsmi c22 canada canadian cause caution ce certification changed china circuit cispr class classe cns13438 communications community compatibility compliance comply conditions conducted conformance conformity connect consult contact control corporation correct council country csa dealer declaration declares described designed desktop determined device different digital directive distributor disturbance document does edition efup elam electromagnetic emc emi emissions ems en en55022 en55024 encouraged end energy equipment eu european experienced fcc following found frequency general generates guarantee harmful help her hillsboro his home however ices iec immunity including increase industry information installation installed instructions intel interference international japan jf3 kcc korea last life limits listed low lvd mailstop manufacturer mark may measures modified more must ne new nmb note notice nzs occur off office operate outlet parkway part particular party people's permission phone pro100 product protection provide pursuant radiate radio reasonable received receiver receiving reception recognition recycling regulatory relocate reorient republic required requirements residential responsible retailer revision rf rohs rules safety second separation standards statement subject systems taiwan take technician technology television tested there these tick turning tv ul undesired union upon usa user vary vcci void voltage without young zealand"; Entries[22] = new Array(4); Entries[22][0] = "save_dm.htm"; Entries[22][1] = "Save and Restore"; Entries[22][2] = "Saving and restoring an adapter's configuration on systems running Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[22][3] = "function intel proset restore save"; Entries[22][4] = "adapter administration allows any assumed backup been changed command configuration contained copy cscript current default directory disk diskette dmix drive driver error event example failure file filename floppy following former generally hard include intel just last line located may measure modified most multiple must navigate network notes open operation options os performed privileges program prompt receive reinstate requires restore result revision run same save savresdx script settings specified standalone such syntax system team these times tool txt type unstable using vbs vbscript vlans was windows wmiconf"; Entries[23] = new Array(4); Entries[23][0] = "setbd_dm.htm"; Entries[23][1] = "Unattended Installation"; Entries[23][2] = "Installing the base drivers and Intel PROSet via the command line."; Entries[23][3] = "base driver install proset setupbd"; Entries[23][4] = "able acceleration actions adapters advanced after agent allowed already ans any apply appropriate associated base bd been between bios cannot capable case cd channel characters chipset command complete components configure core created current dcb default definition description deselect detects device different directory displays dmix does driver dxsetup equivalent error ethernet even example except exe exist fatal fcoe feature fibre file folder following force function gui i ignored include information instability install instructions intel invalid iscsi language last launches layouts line log makes manager messages method microsoft modify msi msiexec must need network note oat operating option other over package passed path preferred prior programs properly property proset prosetcl prosetdx prounstl public reboot recommends reduced rely remove requires result revision running same searches select sensitive server set setup setupbd should silent snmp software space specific specify start status support switch system takes technology them then transform translates typical unattended uninstall updates upgrade utility values via warnings white windows without x64 xp"; Entries[24] = new Array(4); Entries[24][0] = "snmpwin.htm"; Entries[24][1] = "Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP"; Entries[24][2] = "Installing SNMP on Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[24][3] = "agent management network protocol simple snmp"; Entries[24][4] = "about adapter additional administrators advanced agent alerts allow application autorun base before cd changes click communicate compile compliant computer configuration consoles database devices directory documentation download drivers employed event experienced features first follow information install instructions intel ip last manage menu mib microsoft modified more must network notices operating prior product protocol provides recognize revision screen see send services should simple snmp software specified start stations such support system tcp teaming them translates updates utility vlans windows"; Entries[25] = new Array(4); Entries[25][0] = "team_dm.htm"; Entries[25][1] = "Teaming"; Entries[25][2] = "Description of ANS teaming modes."; Entries[25][3] = "advanced aft alb ans services sft static team teaming"; Entries[25][4] = "according across act activate active adapter adaptive additional address administered adopted advanced advantage affected affects aft aggregation aggregator alb allow already alternatively although among amt analyzes another any appear appropriately associated assure attention auto automatic availability available avoid back backup balance bandwidth base because becomes becoming been before begin behavior belong benefit best between beyond bindings block boot both bound bridging button cable cannot capability capable case cause center change channel check choose cisco click clients column combination common compatibility compatible component computer conditions configure connect connectivity consider contain contents continue control copper create critical currently data dcb default delay denominator dependencies dependent design designated desired destination detect developed device different disable disconnect dla documentation does don't driver duplex during duties dynamic each effect eight either enable engine ensure etherchannel ethernet even event example exceed experience failback failed failover fails failure fallback fast fault fcoe feature fec fiber fibre first five following force formed frame full fully function functionality gbps gec gets gigabit go good grouping guest gui handles hardware highest his hot however hub hyper hypervisor ieee implement important inactive include increase information initial inside instability install integrated intel interface introduced involved ip ipx issues jumbo last later latest lbfo ldquo least left lets like link list load locally located loms long lose loss lost lowest lsquo mac machine maintain make management manager manually manufacturers match maximum may member microsoft might mix mode model modification modify monitored monitoring more multi multiple must mvt ndis needed negotiate netbeui network never new nic normal note occur offload open operate optional options order original os other over overridden packet pairing pane part particular pay per perform performance plug port possible preferred present prevent primary prior priority pro100 procedure properties proset protocol provide qos r2 rate rdquo reboot receive reception recognize recommended recommends reconfigures recreate redundancy regains rejoin releases reliability reload remains remove replaces report require restart restore restricted returned revision rlb routable routed rsquo rss run rx safety same schema second secondary see select send separate server service set several sft should similar simultaneous single sla software source spanning specific specify speed standard standby start static status step still stp strongly structures subnet such support sure switch system tab table tagging take tcp team technology temporary them then there these they third though three throughput toe together tolerance traffic transfer transmission transmit tree trying tx type under until up various vary vendor verify versions virtual vlan vmlb waiting waits way we window wizard works would"; Entries[26] = new Array(4); Entries[26][0] = "test_dm.htm"; Entries[26][1] = "Test the Adapter"; Entries[26][2] = "Testing the adapter in Windows and other operating systems."; Entries[26][3] = "diagnostics test"; Entries[26][4] = "about access adapter address allows availability below cable capabilities click communicate connection connects dependent determines device diagnostic displays does duplex each functioning hardware including information intel ip its last link lower manager maximum microsoft modified network operating optimum partner performed ping properly properties proset provide reason reports revision run select settings several speed system tab test these type whether window"; Entries[27] = new Array(4); Entries[27][0] = "trbl_win.htm"; Entries[27][1] = "Troubleshooting"; Entries[27][2] = "Troubleshooting PCI and PCI X adapters."; Entries[27][3] = "bus pci pci-x performance troubleshooting"; Entries[27][4] = "adapter after allow any appear attached authenticity automatically available been bios cannot cause check clear code computer contact customer deleted device diagnostics disable driver enable error event fail file full functionality functioning gigabit gives hardware information install integrity intel issues known last latest longer make manager may memory message microsoft modified need nvm older open operating os pass play plug present problem process proset re rebooting reinstall replacing return reviewed revision server session set ship should simultaneous software solution specific start support sure system table terminal test then there these time trouble update upgrading verify versions viewer volatile windows xp"; Entries[28] = new Array(4); Entries[28][0] = "vlwin.htm"; Entries[28][1] = "Join a Virtual LAN under Windows OS"; Entries[28][2] = "How to configure VLANs on adapters installed in systems running Microsoft Windows."; Entries[28][3] = "lans virtual vlan"; Entries[28][4] = "ability able across adapter administration adpaters advanced already another any area attached balancing based before between block both broadcast building campus capability cause caution change child clients co collection communicate compatible computers configure connecting connections connects considerations considered consist contents cross defined department desktop devices different dispersed each ease enabled enterprise environments exist failover filtering first functional geographically group hardware however hyper ieee improve including information instability instance intel interface joint lan last lbfo least left limit load local locations logical management match maximum may member membership microsoft minimize modified more most moves multiple must network notes other pane parent part partition per performance physical port pro100 problems project proset protocol refers restricted revision running same security see segments select separate servers set should simplify software storms support switch system tab table tag task team term them then they those through together typically under untagged up updates users ve via virtual vlan vm vmq were window workers workgroups working"; Entries[29] = new Array(4); Entries[29][0] = "wminicdm.htm"; Entries[29][1] = "WMI NIC Provider"; Entries[29][2] = "Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider The Intel Network Adapters Windows Management Instrumentation WMI Provider enables WMI based management applications such as Intel PROSet for Windows ..."; Entries[29][3] = "provider wmi"; Entries[29][4] = "about access adapter allows any application apps assumptions available based between called cannot cim classes collected common configure consumer contains could data describes detailed device distribution dmi docs driver elevate embed enables enterprise external file format gigabit guide i independent information install instances instrumentation intel intelncs2 interfaces jointly kernel last layer level list local located makes manage manager manifest measurement microsoft middleware missing mode modified monitor more must namespace ncs2 network operate order page paper part pci pipeline platform please pro100 proset provided provider refer reference registers related remote requirements revision root section see services set setup snmp software specification standards status such supported supports system technical technology then through type typical under user view vista wbem web windows wmi"; PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/drivers.htm0000755000000000000000000000613111710302354012656 0ustar Install the Drivers

Intel Network Drivers for Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

Install the Drivers in Microsoft Windows

NOTE: This will update the drivers for all supported Intel® network adapters in your system.

Before installing or updating the drivers, insert your adapter(s) in the computer and plug in the network cable. When Windows discovers the new adapter, it attempts to find an acceptable Windows driver already installed with the operating system. 

If found, the driver is installed without any user intervention. If Windows cannot find the driver, the Found New Hardware Wizard window is displayed.

Regardless of whether or not Windows finds the driver, it is recommended that you follow the procedure below to install the driver. Drivers for all Intel adapters supported by this software release are installed.

  1. If you are installing drivers from the Product CD, insert the CD. If you do not have the Product CD, download drivers from the support website and transfer them to the system.

  2. If the Found New Hardware Wizard screen is displayed, click Cancel.

  3. Start the autorun located on the CD. If you downloaded the software package from the support website, the autorun automatically runs after you have extracted the files.

  4. Click Install Drivers and Software.

  5. Follow the instructions in the install wizard.

Uninstalling the Driver

These instructions uninstall the drivers for all Intel network adapters in a system.

  1. From the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs

  2. Select Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers.

  3. Click Add/Remove

  4. When the confirmation dialog displays, click OK

Last modified on 6/05/09 11:38a Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/dupwindm.htm0000755000000000000000000001156512001223204013024 0ustar Configuring Speed and Duplex in Windows*

Set Up Speed and Duplex

In addressing speed and duplex configuration issues, you need to distinguish between copper-based adapters and fiber-based adapters.

In the default mode, an Intel® Network Adapter using copper-based connections will attempt to auto-negotiate with its link partner to determine the best setting. If the adapter cannot establish link with the link partner using auto-negotiation, you may need to manually configure the adapter and link partner to identical settings to establish link and pass packets. This should only be needed when attempting to link with an older switch that does not support auto-negotiation or one that has been forced to a specific speed or duplex mode. Your link partner must match the setting you choose.

CAUTION: Only experienced network administrators should force speed and duplex manually. The settings at the switch must always match the adapter settings. Adapter performance may suffer or your adapter may not operate if you configure the adapter differently from your switch.

An Intel® Network Adapter using fiber-based connections, however, will not attempt auto-negotiate with its link partner since those adapters operate only in full duplex, and only at their native speed.


Configuring Speed and Duplex in Microsoft* Windows*

By default, auto-negotiation is enabled. Change this setting only to match your link partner.

  1. Navigate to the Device Manager.
  2. Open Properties on the adapter you would like to configure.
  3. Click the Link Speed tab.
  4. Select the appropriate speed and duplex from the Speed and Duplex pull down menu.
  5. Click OK.

Intel® Gigabit Network Adapter Considerations

Per the IEEE specification, gigabit speed is available only in full-duplex.

The settings available when auto-negotiation is disabled are:

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Full duplex (requires a full duplex capable link partner set to full duplex). The adapter can send and receive packets at the same time. You must set this mode manually.

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Half duplex (requires a link partner set to half duplex). The adapter performs one operation at a time; it either sends or receives. You must set this mode manually.

  • Auto-Negotiation 1000 Mbps. The adapter only advertises gigabit speed at full duplex.

Intel® 10 Gigabit Network Adapter Considerations

Intel® 10 Gigabit adapters that support 1 gigabit speed allow you to configure the Speed setting. If this option is not present, your adapter only runs at its native speed.

If the adapter cannot establish link with the gigabit link partner using auto-negotiation, set the adapter to 1 Gbps Full duplex.

Intel 10 gigabit fiber-based adapters and SFP direct-attach devices operate only in full duplex, and only at their native speed. Multi-speed 10 gigabit SFP+ fiber modules support full duplex at 10 Gbps and 1 Gbps.

Intel® PRO/100 Network Adapter Considerations

The settings available when auto-negotiation is disabled are:

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Full duplex (requires a full duplex capable link partner set to full duplex). The adapter can send and receive packets at the same time. You must set this mode manually.

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Half duplex (requires a link partner set to half duplex). The adapter performs one operation at a time; it either sends or receives. You must set this mode manually.

Last modified on 12/30/09 3:51p Revision PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/hotwin.htm0000755000000000000000000000352311656603624012527 0ustar PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft Windows

PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

Intel® network adapters are enabled for use in selected servers equipped with PCI Hot Plug support and running Microsoft* Windows* operating systems. For more information on setting up and using PCI Hot Plug support in your server, see your hardware and/or Hot Plug support documentation for details. PCI Hot Plug only works when you hot plug an identical Intel network adapter.


  • The MAC address and driver from the removed adapter will be used by the replacement adapter unless you remove the adapter from the team and add it back in. If you do not remove and restore the replacement adapter from the team, and the original adapter is used elsewhere on your network, a MAC address conflict will occur.
  • For SLA teams, ensure that the replacement NIC is a member of the team before connecting it to the switch.


Last modified on 9/03/07 4:49p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/hyperv.htm0000755000000000000000000002750312137735164012540 0ustar Creating Virtual NICs in Hyper-V

Microsoft* Hyper-V* Overview

Microsoft* Hyper-V* makes it possible for one or more operating systems to run simultaneously on the same physical system as virtual machines. This allows you to consolidate several servers onto one system, even if they are running different operating systems. Intel® Network Adapters work with, and within, Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines with their standard drivers and software.


Using Intel® Network Adapters in a Hyper-V Environment

When a Hyper-V Virtual NIC (VNIC) interface is created in the parent partition, the VNIC takes on the MAC address of the underlying physical NIC. The same is true when a VNIC is created on a team or VLAN. Since the VNIC uses the MAC address of the underlying interface, any operation that changes the MAC address of the interface (for example, setting LAA on the interface, changing the primary adapter on a team, etc.), will cause the VNIC to lose connectivity. In order to prevent this loss of connectivity, Intel® PROSet will not allow you to change settings that change the MAC address.


  • If Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)/Data Center Bridging (DCB) is present on the port, configuring the device in Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) + DCB mode reduces the number of VMQs available for guest OSes.
  • When sent from inside a virtual machine, LLDP and LACP packets may be a security risk. The Intel® Virtual Function driver blocks the transmission of such packets.
  • The Virtualization setting on the Advanced tab of the adapter's Device Manager property sheet is not available if the Hyper-V role is not installed.
  • While Microsoft supports Hyper-V on the Windows* 8 client OS, Intel® Ethernet adapters do not support virtualization settings (VMQ, SR-IOV) on Windows 8 client.
  • ANS teaming of VF devices inside a Windows 2008 R2 guest running on an open source hypervisor is supported.

The Virtual Machine Switch

The virtual machine switch is part of the network I/O data path. It sits between the physical NIC and the virtual machine NICs and routes packets to the correct MAC address. Enabling Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) offloading in Intel(R) ProSet will automatically enable VMQ in the virtual machine switch. For driver-only installations, you must manually enable VMQ in the virtual machine switch.


If you create ANS VLANs in the parent partition, and you then create a Hyper-V Virtual NIC interface on an ANS VLAN, then the Virtual NIC interface *must* have the same VLAN ID as the ANS VLAN. Using a different VLAN ID or not setting a VLAN ID on the Virtual NIC interface will result in loss of communication on that interface.

Virtual Switches bound to an ANS VLAN will have the same MAC address as the VLAN, which will have the same address as the underlying NIC or team. If you have several VLANs bound to a team and bind a virtual switch to each VLAN, all of the virtual switches will have the same MAC address. Clustering the virtual switches together will cause a network error in Microsoft’s cluster validation tool. In some cases, ignoring this error will not impact the performance of the cluster. However, such a cluster is not supported by Microsoft. Using Device Manager to give each of the virtual switches a unique address will resolve the issue. See the Microsoft Technet article Configure MAC Address Spoofing for Virtual Network Adapters for more information.

Virtual Machine Queues (VMQ) and SR-IOV cannot be enabled on a Hyper-V Virtual NIC interface bound to a VLAN configured using the VLANs tab in Windows Device Manager.

Using an ANS Team or VLAN as a Virtual NIC

If you want to use a team or VLAN as a virtual NIC you must follow these steps:

Note: This applies only to virtual NICs created on a team or VLAN. Virtual NICs created on a physical adapter do not require these steps.
  1. Use Intel® PROSet to create the team or VLAN.
  2. Open the Network Control Panel.
  3. Open the team or VLAN.
  4. On the General Tab, uncheck all of the protocol bindings and click OK.
  5. Create the virtual NIC. (If you check the "Allow management operating system to share the network adapter." box you can do the following step in the parent partition.)
  6. Open the Network Control Panel for the Virtual NIC.
  7. On the General Tab, check the protocol bindings that you desire.
    Note: This step is not required for the team. When the Virtual NIC is created, its protocols are correctly bound.

Command Line for Microsoft Windows Server* Core

Microsoft Windows Server* Core does not have a GUI interface. If you want to use an ANS Team or VLAN as a Virtual NIC, you must use the prosetcl.exe utility, and may need the nvspbind.exe utility, to set up the configuration. Use the prosetcl.exe utility to create the team or VLAN. See the prosetcl.txt file for installation and usage details. Use the nvspbind.exe utility to unbind the protocols on the team or VLAN. The following is an example of the steps necessary to set up the configuration.

Note: The nvspbind.exe utility is not needed in Windows Server 2008 R2 or later.
  1. Use prosetcl.exe to create a team.
      prosetcl.exe Team_Create 1,2,3 TeamNew VMLB
    (VMLB is a dedicated teaming mode for load balancing under Hyper-V.)
  2. Use nvspbind to get the teams GUID
      nvspbind.exe -n
  3. Use nvspbind to disable the teams bindings
      nvspbind.exe -d aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddddddddddddddd *
  4. Create the virtual NIC by running a remote Hyper-V manager on a different machine. Please see Microsoft's documentation for instructions on how to do this.
  5. Use nvspbind to get the Virtual NICs GUID.
  6. Use nvspbind to enable protocol bindings on the Virtual NIC.
      nvspbind.exe -e tttttttt-uuuu-wwww-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ms_netbios
      nvspbind.exe -e tttttttt-uuuu-wwww-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ms_tcpip
      nvspbind.exe -e tttttttt-uuuu-wwww-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ms_server

Virtual Machine Queue Offloading

Enabling VMQ offloading increases receive and transmit performance, as the adapter hardware is able to perform these tasks faster than the operating system. Offloading also frees up CPU resources. Filtering is based on MAC and/or VLAN filters. For devices that support it, VMQ is enabled in the host partition on the adapter's Device Manager property sheet, under Virtualization on the Advanced Tab.

Each Intel® Ethernet Adapter has a pool of queues that are split between the various features, such as VMQ Offloading, SR-IOV, Data Center Bridging (DCB), and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE). Increasing the number of queues used for one feature decreases the number available for other features. On devices that support it, enabling DCB reduces the total pool available for other features to 32. Enabling FCoE further reduces the total pool to 24. Intel PROSet displays the number of queues available for virtual functions under Virtualization properties on the device's Advanced Tab. It also allows you to set how the available queues are distributed between VMQ and SR-IOV.

Teaming Considerations

  • If VMQ is not enabled for all adapters in a team, VMQ will be disabled for the team.
  • If an adapter that does not support VMQ is added to a team, VMQ will be disabled for the team.
  • Virtual NICs cannot be created on a team with Receive Load Balancing enabled. Receive Load Balancing is automatically disabled if you create a virtual NIC on a team.
  • If a team is bound to a Hyper-V virtual NIC, you cannot change the Primary or Secondary adapter.

SR-IOV (Single Root I/O Virtualization)

SR-IOV lets a single network port appear to be several virtual functions in a virtualized environment. If you have an SR-IOV capable NIC, each port on that NIC can assign a virtual function to several guest partitions. The virtual functions bypass the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), allowing packet data to move directly to a guest partition's memory, resulting in higher throughput and lower CPU utilization. SR-IOV also allows you to move packet data directly to a guest partition's memory. SR-IOV support was added in Microsoft Windows Server 2012. See your operating system documentation for system requirements.

For devices that support it, SR-IOV is enabled in the host partition on the adapter's Device Manager property sheet, under Virtualization on the Advanced Tab.



  • SR-IOV is not supported with ANS teams.
  • You must enable VMQ for SR-IOV to function.


Last modified on 6/01/11 2:12p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/index.htm0000755000000000000000000000102211656606010012306 0ustar Intel® PRO/100 Desktop Network Adapters /html> PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/insert.htm0000755000000000000000000000534011656750064012523 0ustar Insert the Adapter

Insert the PCI Adapter in the Computer

  1. If your computer supports PCI Hot Plug, see your computer documentation for special installation instructions.

  2. Shut down the operating system (if it's running).

  3. Turn off and unplug your computer. Then remove the cover.

  4. CAUTION: Turn off and unplug the power before removing the computer's cover. Failure to do so could endanger you and may damage the adapter or computer.

  5. Remove the cover bracket from a 32-bit or 64-bit PCI (2.2 or later) bus master slot. If you have configuration problems, see your computer's documentation to determine if the PCI slots are bus master-enabled. 

  6. Insert the adapter in a compatible PCI slot. If you install a 64-bit adapter in a 32-bit slot, the adapter will still function, but the end of the edge connector will be exposed and not connected. If this is the case, make sure the exposed contacts do not touch anything that would cause an electrical problem. Push the adapter into the slot until the adapter is firmly seated. 

  7. Secure the adapter bracket with a screw, if required.

  8. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each additional adapter to be installed.

  9. Replace the computer cover and plug in the power cord.

  10. Turn the power on and start your operating system. 
    If you get a PCI or PCI-X configuration error, select Troubleshooting in the Table of Contents.

Last modified on 4/06/06 3:42p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/insscrew.gif0000755000000000000000000001616411656750064013037 0ustar GIF89a%JHIfdeXVWsqrpnoUTUSRSNMNJIJFEF~}~zyzyxyvuvpopnmnlkljijihifefede_^_[Z[YXYDzkkmffhQQR||}yyzsstddebbcaab]]^YYZWWXVVWUUVÿuvyhikdegpqslmoȚz|~suwoqs`abҟһƺ755DBBB@@PNNOMMMKK][[ZXXvttsqqiggSRRONN~~}|||{{{zzyxxutttssrqqqpponnnmmmllihhhgggfffeedcccbbbaaa```__]\\\[[VUUrrroooZZZVVVSSSOOO,%H>{x\ȰÇ#JHŋzU CIdPmĈq#(ɗ0cʜ0ʛAɳϟy y=*]ʔd3Dشի mF&`*lC Ū]kiٲFQ%eKnEo˞qʮ߿ +v,OZĐ]+Rs#kf*3q@fnN?7,qϼv;H^ތ3U赻q̽Z, 5]~!0I|u S'!y g+D|Bt=a~gB{"`&uǐq/y\7({"?Ca,S],ą4BÁH/p[B25?Z1|4M 4'(^["+Dt2pBHƗ " S^AuixHZ䮐 3+xОE|:O⩃12dL܅) r?D*`<){!-v/:OA Kd$M>̗Xd%tfbn* 0b%& |3xL2 ,`9IM>'PE+~8A4.D1d#NID@ ܚJXBJ!?3x㙤L)bb&2"m+5&B1+&ZH}-LuLͦ &D,4U*ExjPՁš~jdD*%tF/*kV b!E0q-Zf \e*LnR&DA +e :*ģW2e"6?r!x+#d(f("N|Ib!RBzX'/>6V 4W[Bndy_ *%v1V80Q&&L^2*0Èi,C'*)"8;djE R ֱ턯Y" a>dtJ(ٞbŔD2`LA2Uhm\gSZ w(X@dO HC$pV㥰/"'X F,&7??*Pg x e; e ͐ӞNRHH=TRlZmI^xX)Wjq8MFN4x 0#LA1H2 [!_ -]sDDQ P! c"2na_2 A& *˽A *:eE0M-j wJڨiih`J Q{}f]+*AB9ʊ"`]؄݊0yjhK2D؉= jib2纊(ip D@j Sp=Q : /iAz\6` <^@ٜP {аi'K'^K7 c;fiۄ^@`;1;{ iKhY2 F{y ZSL9Z(rh[zo n`ڀLrUW2A"t~|hkKhWWc[ yy @hiiq&A*A5YqF:!U.,pqD"Pʜ,|^:å_Tl ű!PƐS[ry!F =|g%qv' ܦmgݹG1P]M!F?OBѪM#*WT]hCGeޑ,ؠw$a>й߼ Zu5qXmn1Z3 n6\7 |0@*7)j"(S1؂M()M3>2=K ],;$۾M-e/AtNNLgNs.3ϡ>>1WM旮n|饾~3>B>N.㺾 *q&`8vzm.`?\>2mp"7VEE~^z~B^cֈަҎƕ@vHBF@ o.n+4(/mFkݦnp]@R"wЩ^CN*bTW#-SH)yE"HRFa]Q wZW;U^Xa Uw'X/^wqc6{QE^[嵠(ovX@5mܩ}U[ 04/jI l-N@&pg$" ǭR'-鯠r^#a  1D."'# ] d=ѣ2QhWq"o \%CE5W$a a$XAuBC%$ƢEFyɹѣE^k"5Qb(8#)@I1zzJM9 Q;)?v VHGZ4Q%̤kUzNԄP9`iš":EX,[IzY,o،[d;OK4g08uP-Wdw ܹa㋜cjֳ嗔5ٵAMOkP +d@uG$܋CGIFsxD^H:4=xMɋQwPGzh0o^"xi͠ϵ,(X;0 BA>A>;B$J Z [dϸAŃ`i !9`.)L9B O<ܑ>⅗H"Rp jC+PR=lhKlo0)E8P-NM8CI!qdԬl8) MrЁPz;҄Z~@FR*O+ẑ3e̴0OP#BWM8]4JT֨4``I氡\57t`H%0$*P^:Џt۲$Rؤ6P6Fn5ꀶP|s fRC;PY$T Z#we(2OC`T`!Ses>3syMH;`08VHLE|aTP0 9I[Vgz`$e$2Lk$ ?:L.YV= @A Tf7~2m^*ChI.%y?13mL6M<܇i0P!z"gdfRIlFb}m/>hH8VH6ݥFj򇭢"VO{gFvH6?& ?dTI翩A}E2PO&,ա@ҏxOJ:A F\2YA NisM?6":a Q8T aqa %C X6aCC|HE`nDd@Vc-RD lb "<ЊDɳV;PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/ipsecoff.htm0000755000000000000000000000366112037014300012775 0ustar IP Security Offloading

IP Security Offloading

Internet Protocol (IP) Security (IPSec) is a set of protocols used to help secure the exchange of IP data. IP Security offloading is the assignment of algorithm computations from software to hardware. Generally, CPU utilization decreases and network performance increases when offloading takes place.

On Intel devices that support IPSec offloading features, you can configure those features through Intel® PROSet. For more information, select Intel PROSet in the Table of Contents (left pane) of this window.

NOTE:  Large Send Offload (LSO) and IPSec Offload are not compatible. LSO is automatically disabled when IPSec Offload is enabled. This may reduce the performance of non-IPSec traffic. Confining all of your IPSec traffic to one port and enabling IPSec Offload only on that port may mitigate this issue. On Microsoft Windows 8/Server 2012 and later, devices based on the 82576, 82599, and X540 controllers are not affected by this issue.


Last modified on 8/28/08 3:57p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/jumbo_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000001363011656603624013013 0ustar Jumbo Frames

Jumbo Frames

Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames that are larger than 1518 bytes. You can use Jumbo Frames to reduce server CPU utilization and increase throughput. However, additional latency may be introduced. 

  • Jumbo Frames are supported at 1000 Mbps and 10Gbps. Using Jumbo Frames at 10 or 100 Mbps is not supported and may result in poor performance or loss of link.

  • End-to-end network hardware must support this capability; otherwise, packets will be dropped.

Jumbo Frames can be implemented simultaneously with VLANs and teaming.

To configure Jumbo Frames at the switch, consult your network administrator or switch user's guide.


  • Jumbo frames are not supported in multi-vendor team configurations.

  • Supported protocols are limited to IP (TCP, UDP).

  • Jumbo frames require compatible switch connections that forward Jumbo Frames. Contact your switch vendor for more information.

  • When standard sized Ethernet frames (64 to 1518 bytes) are used, there is no benefit to configuring Jumbo Frames.

  • The Jumbo Frames setting on the switch must be set to at least 8 bytes larger than the adapter setting for Microsoft* Windows* operating systems, and at least 22 bytes larger for all other operating systems.

  • The Intel® PRO/1000 PL Network Connection supports jumbo frames in Microsoft* Windows* operating systems only when Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager is installed.

  • The following devices do not support jumbo frames larger than 4096 bytes:

    • Intel® 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection

    • Intel® 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection.

  • The following devices do not support jumbo frames:

    • Intel® 82567V-4 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82577LC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF-3 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567V Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PM Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PM Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562V 10/100 Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562GT 10/100 Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DM Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562V-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562G-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562GT-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82552 10/100 Network Connection

Setting Up Jumbo Frames in Microsoft* Windows*

NOTE: Jumbo frames are not supported in multi-vendor team configurations.
  1. Open Microsoft* Windows* Device Manager.

  2. Open Properties on your adapter.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

  4. Select Jumbo Frames from the list of advanced features.

  5. Set your desired packet size (based on network capability).

  6. Click OK to apply the changes. 

All equipment on the network must also support the larger frame size. When setting up Jumbo Frames on other network devices, be aware that different network devices calculate Jumbo Frame size differently. Some devices include the header information in the frame size while others do not. Intel adapters do not include header information in the frame size. When configuring Jumbo Frames on a switch, set the frame size four bytes higher for CRC, plus four bytes if you are using VLANs or QoS packet tagging.

Last modified on 8/01/11 3:59p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/lbracket.htm0000755000000000000000000000424111656750064013005 0ustar Attach the Low-Profile Bracket

Attaching the Low Profile Bracket (Optional)

Some adapter models come with a small bracket in the product package, to be used in a low profile slot. If you need to install the adapter in a low-profile slot, follow these instructions. 

  1. Before handling the adapter, ground yourself to dissipate any static charge.

  2. Remove the two screws securing the standard bracket to the back side of the adapter.

  1. Slide the bracket away from the adapter.

  1. Slide the low profile bracket onto the adapter.

  1. Attach the low profile bracket to the adapter using the screws you removed in step 2.

  1. Carefully tighten the screws until they are seated. Do not over tighten.

You may re-attach the standard sized bracket in the future if necessary. 

Last modified on 8/31/05 3:41p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/legaldis.htm0000755000000000000000000000165612110653010012764 0ustar Legal Information

Copyright and Legal Disclaimers

Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

Intel, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Warranty Information

Software License


PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/license.htm0000755000000000000000000003756411736273470012656 0ustar Software License



Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials (collectively, the “Software”) provided under this license agreement (“Agreement”) until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions.

By copying, installing, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not copy, install, or use the Software.


Please Note:

  • If you are a network or system administrator, the “Site License” below shall apply to you.
  • If you are an end user, the “Single User License” shall apply to you.
  • If you are an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), the “OEM License” shall apply to you.

SITE LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto your organization’s computers for your organization’s use, and you may make a reasonable number of back-up copies of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

SINGLE USER LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto a single computer for your personal use, and you may make one back-up copy of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

OEM LICENSE: You may reproduce and distribute the Software only as an integral part of or incorporated in your product, as a standalone Software maintenance update for existing end users of your products, excluding any other standalone products, or as a component of a larger Software distribution, including but not limited to the distribution of an installation image or a Guest Virtual Machine image, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. You may only distribute the Software to your customers pursuant to a written license agreement. Such license agreement may be a "break-the-seal" license agreement. At a minimum such license shall safeguard Intel's ownership rights to the Software.
  6. You may not distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel.
  7. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may NOT: (i) use or copy the Software except as provided in this Agreement; (ii) rent or lease the Software to any third party; (iii) assign this Agreement or transfer the Software without the express written consent of Intel; (iv) modify, adapt, or translate the Software in whole or in part except as provided in this Agreement; (v) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software; (vi) attempt to modify or tamper with the normal function of a license manager that regulates usage of the Software; (vii) distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel; (viii) permit, authorize, license or sublicense any third party to view or use the Source Code; (ix) modify or distribute the Source Code or Software so that any part of it becomes subject to an Excluded License. (An "Excluded License" is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification, or distribution, that (a) the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or (b) others have the right to modify it.); (x) use or include the Source Code or Software in deceptive, malicious or unlawful programs.

NO OTHER RIGHTS. No rights or licenses are granted by Intel to you, expressly or by implication, with respect to any proprietary information or patent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right owned or controlled by Intel, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted to you directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel, or otherwise. Specifically, Intel grants no express or implied right to you under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.

OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. The Software is licensed, not sold. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. You agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software.

ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE.  If the Software you are installing or using under this Agreement is pre-commercial release or is labeled or otherwise represented as alpha- or beta- versions of the Software ("pre-release Software"), then the following terms apply. To the extent that any provision in this Section conflicts with any other term(s) or condition(s) in this Agreement with respect to pre-release Software, this Section shall supersede the other term(s) or condition(s), but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. You understand and acknowledge that the Software is pre-release Software, does not represent the final Software from Intel, and may contain errors and other problems that could cause data loss, system failures, or other errors. The pre-release Software is provided to you "as-is" and Intel disclaims any warranty or liability to you for any damages that arise out of the use of the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that Intel has not promised that pre-release Software will be released in the future, that Intel has no express or implied obligation to you to release the pre-release Software and that Intel may not introduce Software that is compatible with the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that the entirety of any research or development you perform that is related to the pre-release Software or to any product making use of or associated with the pre-release Software is done at your own risk. If Intel has provided you with pre-release Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, your use of the pre-release Software is also governed by such agreement.

LIMITED MEDIA WARRANTY.  If the Software has been delivered by Intel on physical media, Intel warrants the media to be free from material physical defects for a period of ninety days after delivery by Intel. If such a defect is found, return the media to Intel for replacement or alternate delivery of the Software as Intel may select.

EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES.  EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within the Software.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. In the event that you use the Software in conjunction with a virtual (emulated) device designed to appear as an Intel component product, you acknowledge that Intel is neither the author nor the creator of the virtual (emulated) device. You understand and acknowledge that Intel makes no representations about the correct operation of the Software when used with a virtual (emulated) device, that Intel did not design the Software to operate in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, and that the Software may not be capable of correct operation in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to assume the risk that the Software may not operate properly in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with the use of the Software in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Software.

UNAUTHORIZED USE. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN ANY TYPE OF SYSTEM OR APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR (E.G MEDICAL SYSTEMS, LIFE SUSTAINING OR LIFE SAVING SYSTEMS). If you use the Software for any such unintended or unauthorized use, you shall indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.

TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement at any time if you violate its terms. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy the Software or return all copies of the Software to Intel.

APPLICABLE LAWS. Claims arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. You agree that the terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to this Agreement. You may not export the Software in violation of applicable export laws and regulations. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel.

GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The enclosed Software and documentation were developed at private expense, and are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor. The use of this product by the Government constitutes acknowledgement of Intels proprietary rights in the Software. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel.

LANGUAGE; TRANSLATIONS. In the event that the English language version of this Agreement is accompanied by any other version translated into any other language, such translated version is provided for convenience purposes only and the English language version shall control.

Last modified on 4/02/12 10:56p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/lights.htm0000755000000000000000000000407011656606010012477 0ustar Indicator Lights

Indicator Lights

The Intel® PRO/100+, PRO/100 S, PRO/100 M, PRO/100 VE, and VM Desktop Adapters and Network Connections have the following indicator lights:



 ACT/LNK On The adapter and switch are receiving power; the cable connection between the switch and adapter is good.
  Off The adapter and switch are not receiving power, or you have a driver configuration problem.
  Flashing The adapter is sending or receiving network data. The frequency of the flashes varies with the amount of network traffic.
 100TX On Operating at 100 Mbps.
  Off Operating at 10 Mbps.

Last modified on 9/08/05 7:02a Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/manage.htm0000755000000000000000000002516212106666030012441 0ustar Remote Wake-Up

Remote Wake-Up and Wake on LAN*

About Remote Wake-Up

The ability to remotely wake computers is an important development in computer management. This feature has evolved over the last few years from a simple remote power-on capability to a complex system interacting with a variety of device and operating system (OS) power states.

  • Not all systems support every wake setting. There may be BIOS or Operating System settings that need to be enabled for your system to wake up. In particular, this is true for Wake from S5 (also referred to as Wake from power off).

 The following adapters do not support Wake on LAN* (WoL) operations

  • Intel® PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server adapter
  • Intel® Gigabit VT Quad Port Server Adapter
  • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-2
  • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
  • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X540-T1
  • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T2
  • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1

Wake on Magic Packet

In early implementations of Remote Wake-up, the computer could be started from a power-off state by sending a Magic Packet. A Magic Packet is an Ethernet packet that contains an adapters MAC address repeated 16 times in the data field. When an adapter receives a Magic Packet containing its own MAC address, it activates the computers power. This enables network administrators to perform off-hours maintenance at remote locations without sending a technician out.

This early implementation did not require an OS that was aware of remote wake-up. However, it did require a computer that was equipped with a standby power supply and had the necessary circuitry to allow the remote power control. These computers were typically equipped with a feature named Advanced Power Management (APM). APM provided BIOS-based power control.

Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

Newer computers feature Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), which extends the APM concept to enable the OS to selectively control power. ACPI supports a variety of power states. Each state represents a different level of power, from fully powered up to completely powered down, with partial levels of power in each intermediate state. Power states include:
Power State  Description
S0 On and fully operational
S1 System is in low power mode (sleep mode). The CPU clock is stopped, but RAM is powered on and being refreshed.
S2 Similar to S1, but power is removed from the CPU.
S3 Suspend to RAM (standby mode). Most components are shutdown. RAM remains operational.
S4 Suspend to disk (hibernate mode). The memory contents are swapped to the disk drive and then reloaded into RAM when the system is awakened.
S5 Power off

Not all systems support being awakened from a powered-off state.

Remote wake-up can be initiated by a variety of user selectable packet types and is not limited to the Magic Packet format. For more information about supported packet types, see the operating system settings section.

Wake Up Address Patterns

The wake up capability of Intel gigabit adapters is based on patterns that are sent by the OS. You may configure the driver to the following settings using Intel® PROSet:

  • OS Controlled - Accept all the patterns sent to the OS.

  • Directed Packets - Accepts only patterns containing the Adapter's Ethernet address in the Ethernet Header or containing the IP address, assigned to the adapter, in the IP header.

  • Magic Packets - Accept only patterns containing 16 consecutive repetitions of the adapter's MAC address.

  • Directed & Magic - Accepts the patterns of both directed packets and magic packets.

Choosing "Directed Packets" will also accept patterns of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) querying the IP address assigned to the adapter. Upon configuring multiple IP addresses to one adapter, the OS may request to wake up on ARP patterns to all of the configured addresses. The adapter will only awaken in response to ARP packets querying the first IP address in the list.

Physical Installation Issues

Wake on LAN Cable

For computers with a PCI 2.1 compliant bus

A Wake on LAN cable is required on all remote wake-up capable adapters when used in older WoL-capable computers. These computers are generally equipped with a PCI 2.1 complaint bus and the BIOS is typically designed for APM compliant power management.
NOTE:  Remote Wake-Up from power-off (S5) is not supported on the following adapters in computers using the PCI 2.1 bus. To use Remote Wake-Up on any of the adapters listed below, the computer must have a PCI 2.2 compliant bus.
  • Intel PRO/100+ PCI adapter (PILA8460BN)
  • Intel PRO/100 M Desktop adapter (PILA8460F)
  • Intel PRO/1000 T Desktop adapter (PWLA8390T)
  • Intel PRO/1000 XT Server adapter (PWLA8490XT)

For computers with a PCI 2.2 compliant bus

The Wake on LAN cable is not usually required for computers equipped with a PCI 2.2 compliant bus, as the wake up signal is routed through the PCI bus. This is done through the PCI connector pin defined as PME (Power Management Event).

Many of the newer ACPI computers also have a connector for the 3-pin Wake on LAN cable for backwards compatibility with older WOL capable adapters. In this type of computer, the WOL cable is still required for older 82558-based Intel® PRO/100+ Management adapter model numbers PILA8900 and PILA8461.


Some motherboards only support remote wake-up (or remote wake-up from S5 state) in a particular slot. For example, the Intel® Desktop Board D815EPEA2 only supports remote wake-up from a powered off (S5) state if the adapter is plugged into PCI slot 2. It does, however, support remote wake-up from standby from any slot. See the documentation that came with your system or motherboard for details on remote wake-up support.


Early versions of the Intel PRO/100+ Management adapter are +5 volt only. These models must have the 3-pin cable attached for the remote wake-up function to work. These adapters are equipped with 3 LEDs on the adapter bracket, whereas the PCI 2.2 compliant PRO/100 models have 2 LEDs on the adapter bracket. The older +5 volt model adapters are not compliant to the PCI 2.2 specification and do not fit in a 3-volt only PCI slot due to the slot being keyed differently.

Newer Intel network adapters are 3.3 volt, but work in a 5-volt slot also. They are keyed to fit either type of slot.

If your computer requires the 3-pin cable, the +5 volt standby power supply must supply at least 0.2 amps at +5 volts for each adapter installed. For older PCI 2.1 compliant management adapters, the power supply must supply at least .6 amps. This value is usually listed on the power supply label as +5SB, +5VSB or +5AUX. 

If your remote wake-up enabled computer is compliant to PCI specification 2.2, it does not require the 3-pin cable for remote wake-up. In these computers, the 3.3 volt standby power supply must provide at least 0.2 amps for each adapter installed. You may need to contact your computer manufacturer to verify the standby current rating. Turning off the remote wake up capability on the adapter by using the IBAUTIL utility reduces the power draw to around 50 milliamps (.05 amps) per adapter.

BIOS Settings

You may need to configure various settings in the computer BIOS so that remote wake-up will work.

Many ACPI computers can be configured to work in APM mode. Check your BIOS settings to determine which mode you are operating in.

In both APM and ACPI computers, you may find settings for Wake on LAN under the Power Control area and titled "Wake on LAN" and/or Wake on PME". Wake on LAN setting refers to wake up events received through the 3-pin header cable. Wake on PME refers to wake up events received through the PCI bus. To enable remote wake-up, you should enable the setting that corresponds to your adapter connection. For example, set Wake on LAN to enable if you are using the WOL cable.

In ACPI computers operating in ACPI mode and using an ACPI aware OS, look for an ACPI specific setting. If you want to power up the system from a power off state, set an ACPI specific setting such as "Wake on LAN from S5" to enable.

Last modified on 7/12/11 11:31p Revision PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/mang_win.htm0000755000000000000000000001732112135717324013013 0ustar Power Management

Power Management

The Intel® PROSet Power Management tab replaces the standard Microsoft* Windows* Power Management tab in Device Manager. It includes the Power Saver and Wake on LAN* (WoL*) options that were previously included on the Advanced tab. The standard Windows power management functionality is incorporated on the Intel PROSet tab.

  • The options available on the Power Management tab are adapter and system dependant. Not all adapters will display all options.
  • The following adapters support WoL only on Port A:
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T4
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-T4
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-F4
    • Intel® Gigabit ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PF Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Quad Port LP Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PF Dual Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® Gigabit PT Quad Port Server ExpressModule
  • The following adapters do not support WoL:
    • Intel® PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server adapter
    • Intel® Gigabit VT Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X540-T1
    • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1

NOTE: If your system has a Manageability Engine, the Link LED may stay lit even if WoL is disabled.

Power Options

The Intel PROSet Power Management tab includes several settings that control the adapter's power consumption. For example, you can set the adapter to reduce its power consumption if the cable is disconnected.

If Reduce speed during standby is enabled,  then Wake on Magic Packet and/or Wake on directed packet must be enabled. If both of these options are disabled, power is removed from the adapter during standby. Wake on Magic Packet from power off state has no effect on this option.

Energy Efficient Ethernet

The Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) feature allows a capable device to enter Low Power Idle between bursts of network traffic. Both ends of a link must have EEE enabled for any power to be saved. Both ends of the link will resume full power when data needs to be transmitted. This transition may introduce a small amount of network latency.


  • Both ends of the EEE link must automatically negotiate link speed.
  • EEE is not supported at 10Mbps.


Intel® Auto Connect Battery Saver

The Intel® Auto Connect Battery Saver (ACBS) feature turns off the adapter when link is down or the network cable is disconnected. After a timeout period, the adapter will power off. When the network cable is reconnected and link is restored, the NIC powers up and functionality is fully restored.

ACBS only functions when the system is on battery power. If the power cable is connected, ACBS will be automatically disabled. If ACBS is active, the adapter will appear to be powered off. If you have Intel® PROSet installed, on the Link Speed tab, the Link Status will indicate Speed: Not connected. Power off.

NOTE: ACBS will not function on an adapter if the adapter has forced speed or duplex settings. ACBS will only function if the adapter is set to auto-detect or auto-negotiate.

Intel® System Idle Power Saver

The Intel® System Idle Power Saver feature sets the adapter to negotiate the lowest possible speed setting when the system and network are idle. When the system activity is detected, the link will be negotiated to a higher speed.

To support this feature, the adapter must be

  • configured to Auto Detect speed and
  • connected to a link partner that can auto-negotiate speed

Remote Wake-Up and Wake on LAN*

The ability to remotely wake computers is an important development in computer management. This feature has evolved over the last few years from a simple remote power-on capability to a complex system interacting with a variety of device and operating system power states. More details are available here.

Windows Vista*, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2 are ACPI-capable. These operating systems do not support wake from a power-off (S5) state, only from standby (S3) or hibernate (S4). When shutting down the system, they shutdown ACPI devices, including Intel adapters. This disarms the adapters remote wake up capability. However, in some ACPI-capable computers, the BIOS may have a setting that allows you to override the operating system and wake from an S5 state anyway. If there is no support for wake from S5 state in your BIOS settings, you are limited to Wake From Standby when using these operating systems in ACPI computers.

For some adapters, the Power Management tab in Intel PROSet includes a setting called Wake on Magic Packet from power off state. Enable this setting to explicitly allow wake up with a Magic Packet* from shutdown under APM power management mode.

In ACPI-capable versions of Windows, the Intel PROSet Power Management tab includes Wake on Magic Packet and Wake on directed packet settings. These controls the type of packets that wake up the system from standby.

Wake on Intel® Ready Access

Intel® Ready Access keeps your network connection active when the rest of your system is in sleep or standby mode, so that content on your system is readily accessible. Requests from other computers will wake up your computer.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/note.gif0000755000000000000000000000073211651742220012127 0ustar GIF89a!1J!Z)c1sRR{{{{Z{9sssBBssR99JJfffZZZ))ZZ9ZZ)RRRRRBJJJBBB333)))!!!!,@pH,  f!:(3z<H\! E@S$bQ/G2~C $.$G(c%Gz',sE!rrC $M*L ( +UMG&MBCN#L}G ,ȻB+KB)Yt(E # B*$#һ+s-N#m@@465֘ 09!.(*@ 1A ;PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/overview.htm0000755000000000000000000000545511656606010013063 0ustar Overview


Welcome to the User's Guide for the Intel® PRO/100 family of desktop adapters. This guide covers hardware and software installation, setup procedures, and troubleshooting tips for these adapters.

NOTE: This guide refers only to drivers and features available on IA-32-based computer platforms and platforms based on the Intel® 64 Architecture. These drivers are not compatible with Itanium®-based computers. For further information, see the additional user guides.

To select a topic, click a link in the table of contents column to the left.

Installing the Network Adapter

If you are installing a network adapter, follow this procedure. 
If you are upgrading the driver software, start with step 5.

  1. Make sure that you are installing the latest driver software for the adapter you are installing. For a list of supported adapters, click here.

  2. Review system requirements.

  3. Insert the adapter(s) in the computer.

  4. Attach the network cable(s).

  5. Install the drivers.

  6. For Windows systems, install the Intel® PROSet software.

If you have any problems with basic installation, see Troubleshooting.

You can set up advanced features, if necessary. The available features and the configuration process varies with the adapter and your operating system.

Last modified on 11/22/10 3:56p Revision

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Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager

Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager is an extension to the Windows Device Manager. When you install the Intel PROSet software, additional tabs are automatically added to Device Manager.

NOTE:  You must have administrator rights to install or use Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Installing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager is installed from the Product CD with the same process used to install drivers. You can select Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager and Advanced Network Services from the Install Options dialog.

Removing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

Use Add/Remove programs from the Control Panel to uninstall Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Changing Intel PROSet Settings Under Windows Server Core

You can use the command line utility prosetcl.exe to change most Intel PROSet settings under Windows Server Core. Please refer to the help file prosetcl.txt located in the \Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL directory. For iSCSI Crash Dump cofiguration, use the CrashDmp.exe utility and refer to the CrashDmp.txt help file.

Compatibility Notes

The following devices do not support Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

  • Intel® 82552 10/100 Network Connection
  • Intel® 82567V-3 Gigabit Network Connection

Last modified on 8/04/10 8:12p Revision PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/pushinst.htm0000755000000000000000000000243211744272404013066 0ustar Microsoft* Windows* Push Install Instructions

Microsoft* Windows* Push Install Instructions

A "Push," or unattended, installation provides a means for network administrators to easily install the drivers on systems that have similar equipment. The following document provides instructions for a basic unattended installation of Microsoft* Windows* that includes the installation of drivers for Intel® Network Adapters.

For 32-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems, see the Push32.txt file in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\WIN32 directory on the Product CD or in the download directory.

For x64 Microsoft Windows operating systems, see the Pushx64.txt file in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\WINX64 directory on the Product CD or in the download directory.

Last modified on 2/22/10 4:47p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/qos.htm0000755000000000000000000000400112145155630012002 0ustar Quality of Service (QoS)

Quality of Service

Quality of Service (QoS) allows the adapter to send and receive IEEE 802.3ac tagged frames. 802.3ac tagged frames include 802.1p priority-tagged frames and 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frames. In order to implement QoS, the adapter must be connected to a switch that supports and is configured for QoS. Priority-tagged frames allow programs that deal with real-time events to make the most efficient use of network bandwidth. High priority packets are processed before lower priority packets.

Under Microsoft Windows Vista*, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2, tagging is enabled using the "Priority/VLAN Tagging" setting on the Advanced tab in Intel® PROSet. 

Once QoS is enabled in Intel PROSet, you can specify levels of priority based on IEEE 802.1p/802.1Q frame tagging.

The supported operating systems have a utility for 802.1p packet prioritization. For more information, see the Windows system help and Microsoft's knowledge base.

NOTE: The first generation Intel® PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (PWLA 8490) does not support QoS frame tagging.


Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/reg100d.htm0000755000000000000000000001375511656750444012374 0ustar Regulatory Information

Regulatory Information

  • Intel® PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter
  • Intel® PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter

Safety Compliance

  • UL 60950-1 Second Edition
  • CAN/CSA-C22.2 No 60950-1-07 Second Edition
  • EN 60950-1:2006 +A11:2009 (European Union)
  • IEC 60950-1:2005 Second Edition (International)
  • EU LVD Directive 2006/95/EC

EMC Compliance

  • FCC (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (USA)
  • ICES-003 (Class B)/NMB-003 (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Canada)
  • CISPR 22 (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (International)
  • EN55022:2006 Radiated & Conducted Emissions (European Union)
  • EN55024:1998 +A1:2001 +A2:2003 Immunity (European Union)
  • EU EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
  • VCCI (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Japan)
  • CNS13438 (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Taiwan)
  • AS/NZS CISPR 22 (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Australia/New Zealand)
  • KCC notice 1997-4, EMI and KCC notice 1997-42 EMS (Korea)

Regulatory Compliance Markings

When required these products are provided with the following Product Certification Markings:

  • UL Recognition Mark for USA and Canada
  • CE Mark
  • FCC Class B markings (Declaration of Conformity)
  • VCCI Class B Marking
  • Australian C-Tick Mark
  • Korea KCC markings
  • Taiwan BSMI Class B markings
  • People's Republic of China "EFUP" mark

Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices

FCC Declaration of Conformity Statement

These adapters have been tested to comply with FCC Standards for Home or Office Use.

Intel Corporation
5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway
Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497
Phone 1-800-628-8686

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
CAUTION: If the device is changed or modified without permission from Intel, the user may void his or her authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Canadian Compliance (Industry Canada)


Manufacturer Declaration
European Community

Intel Corporation declares that the equipment described in this document is in conformance with the requirements of the European Council Directive listed below:

Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC

This declaration is based upon compliance of the product to the following standards:

EN 55022:2006 +A1:2007 (CISPR 22 Class B) RF Emissions Control.
EN 55024:1998 +A1:2001 +A2:2003 (CISPR 24) Immunity to Electromagnetic Disturbance.
EN 60950-1:2006 +A11:2009 Information Technology Equipment- Safety-Part 1: General Requirements.

Responsible party:

Intel Corporation, Mailstop JF3-446
5200 NE Elam Young Parkway
Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497


VCCI Class B Statement

China RoHS Declaration

KCC Notice (Republic of Korea Only)

End-of-Life / Product Recycling

Product recycling and end-of-life take-back systems and requirements vary by country.

Contact the retailer or distributor of this product for information about product recycling and/or take-back.

Last modified on 11/02/10 3:03p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/remscrew.gif0000755000000000000000000001752011656750064013026 0ustar GIF89akfdeXVWsqrpnoUTU~}~zyzyxyvuvpoplkljijihifefede_^_^]^[Z[YXYXWXWVWdzkkmQQR||}yyzsstllmffgddebbcaab]]^[[\YYZWWXVVWUUVïuvyhikdegpqslmoȊz|~suwoqs`abҟһƺ755DBBB@@PNNOMMMKK][[ZXXvttsqqiggSRRNMMDCC~~}|||{{yxxutttssrqqqpponnnmmmllihhgfffeedcccbba```__]\\VUUrrroooZZZVVVOOO,kH*\ȰÇ#eHMH3jȱǏ[qJC! S\ɲ`lH4fɳόIDp)9*]ʴȒt4F VMjIH wʉٳMa#7k+KWS+d߿+ĩs4'+^<0XĻ>ּi(s[*WeM1fz8 '-u띎Mj׸Cn^yتr xx]{;_06N\Eɼ@_bLݺlONgwёZ.([O*ZU3|5$7W$pp!Ywq݂L釘ygArJr$QHXVo!RTY.8r$@G.g&I6Oc!D!б"Pq5KpGo6Uב=b\>),yb gԣBQ GRdd@^" 'TR'`5$)`IWY @%(Օ$OVɆ A@fR.l %o|[x:ӠqL)(p,H6"d)$eI.5('zdrSMTIcu! dԋrvZQ]^h/S@k2, (K:4Eeghњ\Wڛ_AW.73BBGp UbGaSsdq"ˇ+L5<f#YHQovVBf &ey\}7WT&8/(ΐArчϕMrUc+VsZ2o+ф/AIwۨk5(Ja.D32T-jD#UnjO"?nL0$s2DSINf<^djSLdS@fjA^$LY2-/YHa~nwWԐJʙ'As(2O/"@$b s:js$ ' \< 8%ҔD ;9S:qf$ZqO%iJ*PxU1dL<%(jJ-$锨 /b\r*K)V!-KZ=U"l*Y:U?2*V!7)pz7+KΪdl]G0 0]Xc@1Y+ $Eaa&iv%7Vp |m? 6hH0b)0@4xbڬ-b{R}u´@Ւ\xuv<)yͫQ:*]i0?[R/ֽE} rj!Hy#a4H0Y0|$ l!F"G挽Z@$+'ge 6 "dH=lJ!G&s) ȲMWʰKPpMI >b Fų4n(g`ɘ jݾU›p`h0]MAIE脀 F< JNm^21 N4S4WszsV)#Zz`QF4\_3ѐ BViR7e#pB_Jl eg.g!bSu)C۔#Hk0XPYd[Y%7&a|{V[pYAvnjsAj5B߬kSq?<%5˵=$<^urQzF!~qDtVb1p(C㢑sA|Sz7vc'sDJ=3tZ Y%?h\?l]`,ήb7O By{?wwz7:/=ȕ.x&OxArt|A{#d%yY9 pt닞(1Rh|Zy;?cn%Ry9sjA>G\8|wrZ7{~W%{[q8v?fm/;F Vn{l̀"0FG u? 0[8oZ y G~ ) %CeH6k|P Rzd }"o8`Gcjr"lz48Hҁ!~Yi@;kpb"ffs[!vig/! ?2 4{gQowh1 b=Z(XxE`[Z!f%%/ :AW8HlT $fPh^}h(ċE}ZQèep%4 (c0X@(u[ vF_Xxmڈb5y@%Hh >vHNBxkߵM9 ؐe*QL1Q a g !dO HqI TN8&.FG>f@;0&C CՒ 1  RBRgH^`qC_)q&0H!5eՖ U OpO@N9[qO2 ,@y pYoF?0\ \PB6ew/Y \# Pf =IRe] ¤%_i芠@M 1syHi C?GKfI銆D`u%wvfuiNDbSf IVnSuꊇ1p 61zR 4pC`q WPҙ.(nF Wp8zɣ6apHz\L riHV6zY7j[řMJBjIT-`5Pe jF2iv% G*PQu\{z&4C `zN 3 vg\ڤ` pT`zjYa:JiYr%) WsڪwZ頳ja Zʫ ʧ3`GjIꫜ@JjHGpʫYhڤut*ʬʟMq:bt+pXۭY *j ۰iЪ{0Pl +7 ,"۰F |j+02y(h ۋz*~ PAMB;[ /˫G@Q'pZa گ#S x LO۲Rk5P `q O & {P L*op> ˊKʇ" ! ܚ\۴'s `yӪd`˱La jz*0 ۊ}z|۷ @ P#۬з~ۋ۽?۽ћwM ˺a۾Ԁī౻[.k*5J>S0J)Ma;ZKr h&zy|F@ Y i&zm R0B+SK,]k˾L-Y9tK 'ȸM {K uK)N(yKV"aY* xG?1)q}@:~kILqI%? \q=!X{Pd:] O'ƞ A%xǦ<0q cVb4pȖԦ pZv|R܉E3˸̫jtWd,%]SqzG_ L4qp2ཙkˌ̲,L"q*'pbTlޓ&zY@ {|e܉ MbBK@:-z=!JW(0W@{k>֊ }>1 >DkлRv;F@ R^mܰ[[K-_<1< f}늴 }[wᩖn-pmً-NN*~9{B |[nJB'>K Ր @~VK{ mT7chܔE˭GP+ yuk%V&b֙6/L$J.U]~ ͈alab r& tix9Z}T2Ri@^z}_yF|$2=i;q%_YZ"Yb딙 &9 .1) ޣl?1䷙ٛ]YBLX/ɹuιMq.ߏnٹp@o[OzƎ9IމNvW[k .Yx驱$!M)(  o ޡf TO?ґ@S/ $XA .dVҤeE5nq*NCĉSVU0dhK1e 0P5?:H*[%ZHl @iǏ#GM8UX9ISjjYia:bXcLU{V] st.Ot[`J1p^‡%mk rh1*b:_FBƪLۢ.㉨ZCY揱 ADlrQNF+[٨${KmE텂8 Ux/EEё!0=e#VlBzRݻ'j^'j,Km%5Ras%o`LN+5p5lDـI%k)"PK_)~}rLg_sìb'=|\Wm~vi2P}+3 8b-¼{q`^0 iPZ8\QrSB )nnQ38] (r8P-RaאhBHgH-29BS;U")@ڥ%b ⍌Ȇ D_T] 7@!⍬ #6еa bEl< ^Z"RiL6Pԭ'E It׼.a#ʊ!UAf{hn5xuif! a•U!Bg0ĎK] ŵ/ACwE.s&$ŘK^Uo|_~ȿ 0x<nHvOe;a qp`J"AsDb8h3Ta_+ e?(džp!W\5{Vo \iE_hVVjB4d˖,'1S}Msy};PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/reqd.htm0000755000000000000000000000544411765734134012160 0ustar System Requirements

System Requirements

Before installing the network adapter, check your system for the following minimum configuration requirements for Intel® PRO/100 server adapters.

Hardware Compatibility

  • The latest BIOS for your computer
  • One open PCI or PCI-X bus master slot, 32-bit or 64-bit, operating at 33MHz or higher

Supported 32-bit Operating Systems

Basic software and drivers are supported on the following operating systems:

  • DOS

Advanced software and drivers are supported on the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows XP, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Vista*, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Server* 2003, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, with latest service pack installed
  • Linux*, v2.4 kernel or higher

Intel® 64 Architecture Platform Requirements

Intel supplies 64-bit drivers for the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V*, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows XP, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Vista, with latest service pack installed
  • Red Hat Linux
  • SUSE Linux

A platform that supports the Intel® 64 Architecture will run in either 64-bit mode or 32-bit compatibility mode. In order for it to run in 64-bit mode, the following requirements must be met:

  • The system must have a 64-bit BIOS that takes advantage of the Intel 64 Architecture
  • One of the supported 64-bit operating systems must be installed

Last modified on 11/22/10 4:16p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/run.gif0000755000000000000000000000014111654256224011767 0ustar GIF89aE Save and Restore

Saving and Restoring an Adapter's Configuration Settings

The Save and Restore Command Line Tool is a VBScript (SavResDX.vbs) that allows you to copy the current adapter and team settings into a standalone file (such as on a USB drive) as a backup measure. In the event of a hard drive failure, you can reinstate most of your former settings.

The system on which you restore network configuration settings must have the same configuration as the one on which the save was performed.

  • You must have Administration privileges to run scripts. If you do not have Administration privileges, you will not receive an error, the script just will not run.
  • Only adapter settings are saved (these include ANS teaming and VLANs). The adapter's driver is not saved.
  • Restore using the script only once. Restoring multiple times may result in unstable configuration.
  • The Restore operation requires the same OS as when the configuration was Saved.

Command Line Syntax

cscript SavResDX.vbs save|restore [filename] [/bdf]

SavResDX.vbs has the following command line options:

save Saves adapter and team settings that have been changed from the default settings.  When you restore with the resulting file, any settings not contained in the file are assumed to be the default.
restore Restores the settings.

The file to save settings to or restore settings from.  If no filename is specified, the script default to WmiConf.txt.

Note: The static IP address and WINS configuration are saved to separate files (StaticIP.txt and WINS.txt). You cannot choose the path or names for these files. If you wish restore these settings, the files must be in the same directory as the SavResDX.vbs script.


If you specify /bdf during a restore, the script attempts to restore the configuration based on the PCI Bus:Device:Function:Segment values of the saved configuration. If you removed, added, or moved a NIC to a different slot, this may result in the script applying the saved settings to a different device.


  • If the restore system is not identical to the saved system, the script may not restore any settings when the /bdf option is specified.
  • Virtual Function devices do not support the /bdf option.


Save Example

To save the adapter settings to a file on a floppy diskette, do the following.

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where SavResDX.vbs is located (generally c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX).
  3. Type the following:
  4. cscript SavResDX.vbs save e:\settings.txt

Restore Example

To restore the adapter settings from a file on a floppy diskette, do the following:

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where SavResDX.vbs is located (generally c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX).
  3. Type the following:
  4. cscript SavResDX.vbs restore e:\settings.txt

Last modified on 2/10/10 3:18p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/setbd_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000003167612135720000012767 0ustar Unattended Installation

Installing the Base Driver and Intel® PROSet via the Command Line

Installation Methods

Installing with DxSetup.exe

Using SetupBD.exe to Install Base Drivers on Windows Server* Core Operating Systems

Uninstalling Drivers and Intel PROSet

Installation Methods

DxSetup.exe is the preferred installation method. You can use it to install the Windows base drivers and Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager. DxSetup.exe detects the system's language, searches for the appropriate transform file, and applies it to MSI package. The transform file translates the installation instructions to the language associated with your operating system.

  • Intel® 10GbE Network Adapters do not support unattended driver installation.
  • Intel PROSet cannot be installed with msiexec.exe. You must use DxSetup.exe.

You can use the base driver install utility (SetupBD.exe) to install Microsoft Windows base drivers from a command line. If you use SetupBD.exe to install base drivers, you will not be able to use the advanced features in Intel PROSet.

Installing with DxSetup.exe

DxSetup.exe is a setup utility used for installing Intel PROSet. It detects the system language, searches for the appropriate transform file in the same folder, and then launches PROSETDX.msi in the language specific to the operating system. The transform file translates the installation instructions to the language associated with your operating system.

DxSetup.exe also takes the install options from the command line and applies them to the PROSETDX.msi command line installation.

DxSetup.exe command line switches:

Switch Description
/q[r|n] silent install options.

r Reduced GUI Install
n Silent install
/l[i|w|e|a] log file option.
i log status messages.
w log non-fatal warnings.
e log error messages.
a log the start of all actions.
uninstalls Intel PROSet and drivers.

DxSetup.exe Public Properties

Property Definition
BD "0", do not install base drivers.

"1", install the base drivers (default).

NOTE: BD should only be set to 0 if the Base Drivers have already been installed prior to running DxSetup.exe

DMIX "0", do not install Intel PROSet.

"1", install Intel PROSet (default). The DMIX property requires BD=1.

ANS "0", do not install ANS.

"1", select ANS (default). The ANS property requires DMIX=1.

FCOE "0", do not install Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FCoE) using DCB (default).

"1", install FCoE using DCB. The FCOE property requires DMIX=1.

ISCSI "0", do not install iSCSI using DCB (default).

"1", install iSCSI using DCB. The ISCSI property requires DMIX=1.

SNMP "0", do not install the SNMP Agent (default).

"1", install the SNMP Agent. The SNMP property requires BD=1.


  • If you specify a path for the log file, the path must exist. If you do not specify a complete path, the install log will be created in the current directory.
  • You do not need to specify default values. To install the base drivers, Intel PROSet, and ANS, the following examples are equivalent:


    DxSetup.exe BD=1 DMIX=1 ANS=1

  • The ANS property should only be set to ANS=1 if DMIX=1 is set. If DMIX=0 and ANS=1, the ANS=1 is ignored and only the base driver will be installed.
  • Even if FCOE=1 is passed, FCoE using DCB will not be installed if the operating system and installed adapters do not support it.
  • Even if ISCSI=1 is passed, iSCSI using DCB will not be installed if the operating system and installed adapters do not support it.
  • Public properties are not case sensitive. No white space is allowed between characters. For example:

DxSetup.exe /qn DMIX=1

Any white space in "DMIX=1" makes the setting invalid.

Modify and Upgrade

You can use DxSetup.exe to modify or upgrade your drivers and software. If a feature is already installed, the public property for that feature will default to 1 and if a feature is not installed, the public property for that feature will default to 0. Running DxSetup.exe without specifying properties will upgrade all installed software. You can remove installed software (except for base drivers) by setting the property to 0. If you uninstall PROSet (DMIX=0), all features that rely on PROSet will also be removed.

Command line examples

You can modify the paths for different operating systems and CD layouts and apply the command line examples.

  1. The following launches a typical install silently:

    DxSetup.exe /qn /liew install.log

    NOTE: BD, ANS and DMIX are selected by default.
  2. How to install components but deselect ANS. Set the ANS=0 in the command line:

    DxSetup.exe /qn ANS=0 /liew install.log

Using SetupBD.exe to Install Base Drivers on Windows Server* Core Operating Systems

NOTE: If you want to use prosetcl.exe to configure your adapters, you must use DxSetup.exe to install drivers and Intel PROSet. SetupBD.exe only installs the base drivers.

Command Line Options

SetupBD.exe supports the following command line switches. 

NOTE: You must include a space between switches.
Switch Description
/s silent install
/r force reboot (must be used with the /s switch)
/nr no reboot (must be used with the /s switch. This switch is ignored if it is included with the /r switch)


Option Description

Installs and/or updates the driver(s) and displays the GUI.

SetupBD /s Installs and/or updates the driver(s) silently.
SetupBD /s /r Installs and/or updates the driver(s) silently and forces a reboot.
SetupBD /s /r /nr Installs and/or updates the driver(s) silently and forces a reboot (/nr is ignored).

Other information

  • If you install drivers on a system based on a server chipset and BIOS that are Intel I/OAT capable, the /s switch (silent install) forces a reboot without the /r switch. If you do not want the system to reboot, use the /nr switch.
  • For Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology to function properly, you must reboot after driver installation.

You can use the /r and /nr switches only with a silent install (i.e. with the "/s" option).

Uninstalling Drivers and Intel PROSet

Intel recommends you use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall Intel PROSet and the base drivers. If your operating system does not have a GUI installed, you can use DxSetup.exe to uninstall the base drivers and Intel PROSet.

If you only installed base drivers, you can use the PROUnstl.exe utility to remove them.

NOTE: PROUnstl.exe only removes the base drivers. Do not use this utility if Intel PROSet is installed on your system. Removing the base drivers without removing Intel PROSet will result in system instability.

PROUnstl.exe supports the following command line switch:

Switch Description
/nogui silent uninstall.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/slideoff.gif0000755000000000000000000002046211656750064012771 0ustar GIF89a#kfdeXVWsqrpnoUTUTSTNMNJIJzyzvuvpoplkljijihifef_^_[Z[YXYWVWdzQQR||}yyzsstllmhhidde^^_]]^YYZWWXUUVïhikdeglmosuwoqs`abҟһƺ755DBBB@@PNNOMMMKK][[ZXXvttsqqSRRLKK~~}|||{{yxxutttssrqqqppnmmmllihhgfffeedcccbb`__]\\VUUrrroooZZZVVVSSSOOO,#kH*\ȰÇ#JH"DK[lcǏ CI$EAT↣ɗ0cʜI3)+*rK5 JHKnTRCЎ#Jՙtd砥TIJٳ otsgᝤaǢKnM9<Ԋ^ U;JQ1K5̹פS3N5KH!ٳkDž,*{t,Y#JWrMٽI#wIt9&6KO407B1,DG֫B#(B 5 OB[sGXR{D#<½L]n Y$QD'at3I Ҳ)dhDU` Vn}Eh!("4<(iݡWcHV3?f>) a8&G$i}n ad$" P P>;&Tl`9у``숖=drˡCT;dy%A#b{yH'p”l9m zǨdcd>$1Z+@0Q*@,%((6xX+!CH% yp8~d% y<!l1'LDnIKij9 5͊Xb@y.+K(4pS3!W:p+a H,H@;TAQB2D2r%fD2Qa ɕњAD#:ϒ~m-R(2g*NyM~$+ci U;8C(Jv-AHOg˧JH%DQY͎t"_Rhz $J֣HA*G)AFD! WU&.wPu~FZ1qdE V^Y5=0W"Kjk֠l5` "6%nۚbe(`Y 'MjrOJ>ujt=@ap.{!+;haRȎWlX {[)np`˸hSKeagU*X#h'.:'v2!Cb o"؜=o2+?lf8 Θ(>:8Dv0%!P2` ]&進_z@2WtB0#Kb p$T3!rCL ό"^F ʤ"l 멡+XF4ȡYON9(g RsQ،ʰ՘ggĞj Hk"J*AZe6 }QxCqs'[li$~̰$>}齿Cf*D~ } <~x1S_)WTAGszG[D!Gj g)azRU$g_!+%GhGcsXδ# ,R:'X5FzU|~!}$j&W.,؃s` w02Hv5(IZуR%?xE8~ηw ~bfSȂ3+n˗/ R;X=nHGG8'ssot{8Wh(OPMF48V`l}X`?Qs,(j(HT6cŃT036sw#h'XaeIU+øІTՌ68t7׸jrH?(H+@XCHmwkAT͸vx>Tw 811yXHQ+HIЏ(+X+9@mmJP +` (a S9#}' 9E&yd(HؒFvE}9DN1PnIHØkh0PbmVs0D0`nU{`tkxz0SNɏJ@? oȂؕ\IM}`*iBG@i! W {,F q8YB0lYrR`vrE7O合 .RV`?Q+YP{[H )y@z ԟDv9OH Y%Ata8ٖ@YPr+ܸn+*8/@i*ZH7ZF0|'B(F.@QBC[A:DZB"Z\ ^:DYTF" ТD1:&zCZdE/psdNZ/ qZs @0&`Z:DqWb*Uj?{ 9zjDa*ꖅzLkکC٦1*FBcZ@dʪMCej ca 0 *,ʤJR= 5j->'y ʡj?ǦМ*rk7: ! RVdp"zRz[`dJʰo{YAS[hvzy5:=x9y5kZb C!jJ^ zA[vت\6jjGs E`2!ꮒZ+ʴA*6=/vd5 @ jHA=0ĩn}d+KzF( ~.궧 vgqK`z/CQrz h^+ p B1D[:JiڰgQgY w'UkyC< j-4 7ŵqދ覥xK) >|{w6q ƘPzۖ.BfS̺|VH;.Y_p+h pC0 @l| @ۿ`1ZDpq{wc)5q!j>#Ŀvxm)t+0K<7a‚?xpoUx:׷TlH4!$< qR&Iuv[41{ 'UF@B>ȸ`z|<4y&1;b;p$\dp4u7 :'s! 3! mv3q lƊCS B.!=3 K?>A]^66 @.`>^bpI$S#CG jla>SP}m}߅ 1`tx?Xkx~GqlZAP Iݶw+/$U0hm>–湽)m!#X*+ w^1q(r>QrN<O,^4wgm*q]mᮬC XlŎ]޼CXѺ#S0襖-@T:Fr\c?mFy((pcusA8=,;0PS{WEpN\`B{=N3?7A 7ak 0+yhyyWHi djC@YOEXȒ5ropo7( H#0n^ָ53o2geYa=s+An>",Qd$ )8ˎ|*xB(fT? Y $X,dCS)X!-xh17E$Y)Xt,aeSJ.$ʔ3L^O#PYrMIRTTD%-9HNnx9Mji˔*BK- lC$N |<kl k4Έ,4NG2Ԍ:dht3X4ъFd,C@Ƥ;x$dž $:Cd,9E7r .K1=D/K< K93-OId 2)QK<+=&" 2KÑD) ҿ\N[%L6} MWd(/RSՏ(uPVZmHM6^O+aVBvk-*P+55i[tzn%L6]\$eUx Vx}UѨ"̏$aE }WLl`QjHS`>Y/b|$NQY,EDЀx,2]=l =;>4gk+eWE/H$Ah3zʔt8x 5T48:c~99A9N"U57ڭ=lAt QчlFOzSRGhqӡ $ S&/S*UqAbZS^;*Wj6A*YjV#m=MYUǮwi^Wk`׺հ'E[؅4Vl:%{TV֘La5kHų=ch3JZ+Em UֶlJ[ֶ^3[pKv,HEnpmt[1׺|3cN.;6>EoË2t%ao|5V׾S/z_͗$0lSLpi+Z6؋>`sY^m5PJ !9XC`5Y.;,5Vncr ħjKx8rPbKA@E9J 7y FbIZ>`\g2Dc&?!5asfXuYFIlgb$ȚU,@N_Kb*4O[GN!9w۴]x;w3+4}יa`yyD;85y&vg{ݣ)d'_C˳^pi(eo)YAS(m,8B=@iǷ;PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/snmp.htm0000755000000000000000000000361211656603624012173 0ustar Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Simple Network Management Protocol

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. SNMP-compliant devices (agents) communicate with management applications (consoles) to send alerts and updates and allow configuration changes.

The Intel® SNMP Agent translates event notices from the adapter and sends them to specified SNMP management stations. The SNMP agent provides information on Intel® network adapters as well as information about advanced features, such as teaming and VLANs.

Using the Intel SNMP Agent

  • Before you install the Intel SNMP Agent on a computer, you must install SNMP on the computer. See your operating system documentation for more information.

  • To use the Intel SNMP Agent with an SNMP management application, you must first compile the Intel MIB (Management Information Base) into the management application's database. This allows the management application to recognize and support the adapter.

Look in the Table of Contents for information on installing the SNMP agent on your operating system.

Last modified on 9/03/07 4:49p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/snmpwin.htm0000755000000000000000000000441211656603624012710 0ustar Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Simple Network Management Protocol

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. SNMP-compliant devices (agents) communicate with management applications (consoles) to send alerts and updates and allow configuration changes.

The Intel® SNMP Agent translates event notices from the adapter and sends them to specified SNMP management stations. The SNMP agent provides information on Intel® network adapters as well as information about advanced features, such as teaming and VLANs.

Using the Intel SNMP Agent

  • Before you install the Intel SNMP Agent on a computer, you must install SNMP on the computer. See your operating system documentation for more information.

  • To use the Intel SNMP Agent with an SNMP management application, you must first compile the Intel MIB (Management Information Base) into the management application's database. This allows the management application to recognize and support the adapter.

Installing the SNMP Agent on Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

This utility should only be employed by experienced network administrators. Additional software/services must be installed on your network prior to installing the Intel® SNMP Agent.

To install the SNMP Agent, start the autorun menu from the Product CD or download directory and click Install Drivers and Software. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Last modified on 9/03/07 4:49p Revision

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Last modified on 5/12/10 3:26p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/team_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000006044712135720644012630 0ustar Teaming

Advanced Network Services Teaming

Advanced Network Services (ANS) Teaming, a feature of the Advanced Network Services component, lets you take advantage of multiple adapters in a system by grouping them together. ANS teaming can use features like fault tolerance and load balancing to increase throughput and reliability. Before you can set up ANS teaming in Microsoft* Windows*, you must install Intel® PROSet software. For more information, select Intel PROSet in the Table of Contents (left pane) of this window.


  • Be sure to use the latest available drivers on all adapters.
  • NDIS 6.2 introduced new RSS data structures and interfaces. Because of this, you cannot enable RSS on teams that contain a mix of adapters that support NDIS 6.2 RSS and adapters that do not.
  • If a team is bound to a Hyper-V virtual NIC, you cannot change the Primary or Secondary adapter.
  • Intel adapters that do not support Intel PROSet may still be included in a team. However, they are restricted in the same way non-Intel adapters are. See Multi-Vendor Teaming for more information.
  • To assure a common feature set, some advanced features, including hardware offloading, are automatically disabled when an adapter that does not support Intel PROSet is added to a team.
  • Hot Plug operations in a Multi-Vendor Team may cause system instability. We recommended that you restart the system or reload the team after performing Hot Plug operations with a Multi-Vendor Team.
  • Spanning tree protocol (STP) should be disabled on switch ports connected to teamed adapters in order to prevent data loss when the primary adapter is returned to service (failback). Alternatively, an activation delay may be configured on the adapters to prevent data loss when spanning tree is used. Set the Activation Delay on the advanced tab of team properties.
  • ANS teaming of Virtual Function devices inside a Windows 2008 R2 guest running on an open source hypervisor is supported.
  • Fibre Channel over Ethernet/Data Center Bridging will be automatically disabled when an adapter is added to a team with non-FCoE/DCB capable adapters.

Supported Adapters

Teaming options are supported on Intel® PRO/100, Intel® Gigabit, and Intel® 10GbE adapters. Selected adapters from other manufacturers are also supported.

Conditions that may prevent you from teaming a device

During team creation or modification, the list of available team types or list of available devices may not include all team types or devices. This may be caused by any of several conditions, including:

  • The operating system does not support  the desired team type.
  • The device does not support the desired team type or does not support teaming at all.
  • The devices you want to team together use different driver versions.
  • You are trying to team an Intel PRO/100 device with an Intel  10GbE device.
  • TOE (TCP Offload Engine) enabled devices cannot be added to an ANS team and will not appear in the list of available adapters.
  • You can add Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT) enabled devices to Adapter Fault Tolerance (AFT), Switch Fault Tolerance (SFT), and Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) teams. All other team types are not supported. The Intel AMT enabled device must be designated as the primary adapter for the team.
  • The device's MAC address is overridden by the Locally Administered Address advanced setting.
  • Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) Boot has been enabled on the device.
  • The device has “OS Controlled” selected on the Data Center tab.
  • The device has a virtual NIC bound to it.
  • The device is part of a Microsoft* Load Balancing and Failover (LBFO) team.

Microsoft* Load Balancing and Failover (LBFO) teams

Intel ANS teaming and VLANs are not compatible with Microsoft's LBFO teams. Intel® PROSet will block a member of an LBFO team from being added to an Intel ANS team or VLAN. You should not add a port that is already part of an Intel ANS team or VLAN to an LBFO team, as this may cause system instability. If you use an ANS team member or VLAN in an LBFO team, perform the following procedure to restore your configuration:

  1. Reboot the machine
  2. Remove LBFO team. Even though LBFO team creation failed, after a reboot Server Manager will report that LBFO is Enabled, and the LBFO interface is present in the ‘NIC Teaming’ GUI.
  3. Remove the ANS teams and VLANS involved in the LBFO team and recreate them. This is an optional (all bindings are restored when the LBFO team is removed ), but strongly recommended step

NOTE: If you add an Intel AMT enabled port to an LBFO team, do not set the port to Standby in the LBFO team. If you set the port to Standby you may lose AMT functionality.

ANS Teaming Types

  • Adapter Fault Tolerance (AFT) - provides automatic redundancy for a server's network connection. If the primary adapter fails, the secondary adapter takes over. Adapter Fault Tolerance supports two to eight adapters per team. This teaming type works with any hub or switch. All team members must be connected to the same subnet.
  • Switch Fault Tolerance (SFT) - provides failover between two adapters connected to separate switches. Switch Fault Tolerance supports two adapters per team. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) must be enabled on the switch when you create a SFT team.  When SFT teams are created, the Activation Delay is automatically set to 60 seconds.  This teaming type works with any switch or hub. All team members must be connected to the same subnet.
  • Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) - provides load balancing of transmit traffic and adapter fault tolerance. In Microsoft* Windows* operating systems, you can also enable or disable receive load balancing (RLB) in ALB teams (by default, RLB is enabled).
  • Virtual Machine Load Balancing (VMLB) - provides transmit and receive traffic load balancing across Virtual Machines bound to the team interface, as well as fault tolerance in the event of switch port, cable, or adapter failure. This teaming type works with any switch.
  • Static Link Aggregation (SLA) - provides increased transmission and reception throughput in a team of two to eight adapters. This team type replaces the following team types from prior software releases: Fast EtherChannel*/Link Aggregation (FEC) and Gigabit EtherChannel*/Link Aggregation (GEC). This type also includes adapter fault tolerance and load balancing (only routed protocols). This teaming type requires a switch with Intel Link Aggregation, Cisco* FEC or GEC, or IEEE 802.3ad Static Link Aggregation capability.

    All adapters in a Link Aggregation team running in static mode must run at the same speed and must be connected to a Static Link Aggregation capable switch. If the speed capability of adapters in a Static Link Aggregation team are different, the speed of the team is dependent on the lowest common denominator.

  • IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation - creates one or more teams using Dynamic Link Aggregation with mixed-speed adapters. Like the Static Link Aggregation teams, Dynamic 802.3ad teams increase transmission and reception throughput and provide fault tolerance. This teaming type requires a switch that fully supports the IEEE 802.3ad standard. 
  • Multi-Vendor Teaming (MVT) - adds the capability to include adapters from selected other vendors in a team. If you are using a Windows-based computer, you can team adapters that appear in the Intel PROSet teaming wizard.
  • Be sure to use the latest available drivers on all adapters.
  • Before creating a team, adding or removing team members, or changing advanced settings of a team member, make sure each team member has been configured similarly. Settings to check include VLANs and QoS Packet Tagging, Jumbo Frames, and the various offloads. These settings are available in Intel PROSet's Advanced tab. Pay particular attention when using different adapter models or adapter versions, as adapter capabilities vary.
  • If team members implement Advanced features differently, failover and team functionality will be affected. To avoid team implementation issues:
    • Create teams that use similar adapter types and models.
    • Reload the team after adding an adapter or changing any Advanced features. One way to reload the team is to select a new preferred primary adapter. Although there will be a temporary loss of network connectivity as the team reconfigures, the team will maintain its network addressing schema.


  • Hot Plug operations for an adapter that is part of a team are only available in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • For SLA teams, all team members must be connected to the same switch. For AFT, ALB, and RLB teams, all team members must belong to the same subnet. The members of an SFT team must be connected to a different switch.
  • Teaming only one adapter port is possible, but provides no benefit.

Primary and Secondary Adapters

If the primary adapter fails, another adapter will take over its duties. If you are using more than two adapters, and you want a specific adapter to take over if the primary fails, you must specify a secondary adapter. If an Intel AMT enabled device is part of a team, it must be designated as the primary adapter for the team.

There are two types of primary and secondary adapters:

  • Default primary adapter: If you do not specify a preferred primary adapter, the software will choose an adapter of the highest capability (model and speed) to act as the default primary. If a failover occurs, another adapter becomes the primary. The adapter will, however, rejoin the team as a non-primary.
  • Preferred Primary/Secondary adapters: You can specify a preferred adapter in Intel PROSet. Under normal conditions, the Primary adapter handles all non-TCP/IP traffic. The Secondary adapter will receive fallback traffic if the primary fails. If the Preferred Primary adapter fails, but is later restored to an active status, control is automatically switched back to the Preferred Primary adapter.

To specify a preferred primary or secondary adapter

  1. From Device Manager, open the properties of a team.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. Click the Modify Team button.

  4. Select the adapter you want to be the primary adapter and click the Set Primary button.

The adapter's preferred setting appears in the Priority column.

Failover and Failback

When a link fails, either because of port or cable failure, team types that provide fault tolerance will continue to send and receive traffic. Failover is the initial transfer of traffic from the failed link to a good link. Failback occurs when the original adapter regains link. You can use the Activation Delay setting (located on the Advanced tab of the team's properties in Device Manager) to specify a how long the failover adapter waits before becoming active. If you don't want your team to failback when the original adapter gets link back, you can set the Allow Failback setting to disabled (located on the Advanced tab of the team's properties in Device Manager).

Adapter Fault Tolerance

Adapter Fault Tolerance (AFT) provides the safety of an additional backup link between the server and switch. In the case of switch port, cable, or adapter failure, network connectivity is maintained.

Adapter Fault Tolerance is implemented with a primary adapter and one or more backup, or secondary adapters. During normal operation, the backup adapters are in standby. If the link to the primary adapter fails, the link to the secondary adapter automatically takes over. For more information, see Primary and Secondary Adapters.

To use Adapter Fault Tolerance all adapters must be connected to the same subnet.

Switch Fault Tolerance

Switch Fault Tolerance (SFT) teaming allows you to connect each of two teamed adapters to a separate switch.

Switch Fault Tolerance can detect failures when they occur:

  • on either teamed adapter
  • on either cable connecting the teamed adapter to its switch
  • on switch ports connected to the adapters, if link is lost

In SFT teams, one adapter is the primary adapter and one adapter is the secondary adapter. During normal operation, the secondary adapter is in standby. In standby, the adapter is inactive and waiting for failover to occur. It does not transmit or receive other network traffic. If the primary adapter loses connectivity, the secondary adapter automatically takes over.

In SFT teams, each adapter in the team can operate at a different speed than the other.

Configuration Monitoring

You can set up monitoring between an SFT team and up to five IP addresses. This allows you to detect link failure beyond the switch. You can ensure connection availability for several clients that you consider critical. If the connection between the primary adapter and all of the monitored IP addresses is lost, the team will failover to the secondary adapter.

Adaptive Load Balancing

Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) uses software to balance routable traffic among a team of two to eight adapters or LOMs (the team must include at least one server adapter) connected to the same subnet. The software analyzes the send and transmit loading on each adapter and balances the rate across the adapters based on destination address. Adapter teams configured for ALB also provide the benefits of fault tolerance.

  • ALB does not load balance non-routed protocols such as NetBEUI and some IPX* traffic.
  • You can create an ALB team with mixed speed adapters. The load is balanced according to the lowest common denominator of adapter capabilities and the bandwidth of the channel.
  • On Windows systems, Receive Load Balancing is enabled by default.
  • Receive Load Balancing is not supported on Microsoft Hyper-V*.

Virtual Machine Load Balancing

Virtual Machine Load Balancing (VMLB) provides transmit and receive traffic load balancing across Virtual Machines bound to the team interface, as well as fault tolerance in the event of switch port, cable, or adapter failure.

The driver analyzes the transmit and receive load on each member adapter and balances the traffic across member adapters. In a VMLB team, each Virtual Machine is associated with one team member for its TX and RX traffic.

If only one virtual NIC is bound to the team, or if Hyper-V is removed, then the VMLB team will act like an AFT team.

  • VMLB does not load balance non-routed protocols such as NetBEUI and some IPX* traffic.
  • VMLB supports from two to eight adapter ports per team.
  • You can create an VMLB team with mixed speed adapters. The load is balanced according to the lowest common denominator of adapter capabilities and the bandwidth of the channel.
  • You cannot use an Intel AMT enabled adapter in a VMLB team.

Static Link Aggregation

Static Link Aggregation (SLA) is a performance technology developed by Cisco to increase throughput between switches. This team type works with:

  • Cisco EtherChannel-capable switches with channeling mode set to 'ON'
  • Intel switches capable of Link Aggregation
  • Other switches capable of static 802.3ad

The transmission speed will never exceed the adapter base speed to any single address (per specification). Teams can contain two to eight adapters, but must match the capability of the switch. Adapter teams configured for Static Link Aggregation also provide the benefits of fault tolerance and load balancing.

  • You cannot use an Intel AMT enabled adapter in an SLA team

IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation

802.3ad is an adopted IEEE standard. Teams can contain two to eight adapters, and you can have a maximum of two IEEE 802.3ad dynamic teams per server. You must use 802.3ad switches (in dynamic mode, aggregation can go across switches). Adapter teams configured for IEEE 802.3ad also provide the benefits of fault tolerance and load balancing. Under 802.3ad, all protocols can be load balanced.

Dynamic mode supports multiple aggregators. Aggregators are formed by port speed connected to a switch. For example, a team can contain adapters running at 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps, but two aggregators will be formed, one for each speed. Also, if a team contains 1 Gbps ports connected to one switch, and a combination of 1Gbps and 10Gbps ports connected to a second switch, three aggregators would be formed. One containing all the ports connected to the first switch, one containing the 1Gbps ports connected to the second switch, and the third containing the 10Gbps ports connected to the second switch.

  • Once you choose an aggregator, it remains in force until all adapters in that aggregator lose link.
  • In some switches, copper and fiber adapters cannot belong to the same aggregator in an IEEE 802.3ad configuration. If there are copper and fiber adapters installed in a system, the switch might configure the copper adapters in one aggregator and the fiber-based adapters in another. If you experience this behavior, for best performance you should use either copper or fiber-based adapters in a system.
  • If multiple switches are used, all team members connected to the same switch must operate at the same speed.
  • You cannot use an Intel AMT enabled adapter in a DLA team.

Before you begin

  • Verify that the switch fully supports the IEEE 802.3ad standard.
  • Check your switch documentation for port dependencies. Some switches require pairing to start on a primary port.
  • Check your speed and duplex settings to ensure the adapter and switch are running at full duplex, either forced or set to auto-negotiate. Both the adapter and the switch must have the same speed and duplex configuration. The full duplex requirement is part of the IEEE 802.3ad specification:

    If needed, change your speed or duplex setting before you link the adapter to the switch. Although you can change speed and duplex settings after the team is created, Intel recommends you disconnect the cables until settings are in effect. In some cases, switches or servers might not appropriately recognize modified speed or duplex settings if settings are changed when there is an active link to the network.

  • If you are configuring a VLAN, check your switch documentation for VLAN compatibility notes. Not all switches support simultaneous dynamic 802.3ad teams and VLANs. If you choose to set up VLANs, configure teaming and VLAN settings on the adapter before you link the adapter to the switch. Setting up VLANs after the switch has created an active aggregator affects VLAN functionality.

Multi-Vendor Teaming

MVT allows teaming with a combination of Intel adapters that support Intel PROSet, Intel adapters that do not support Intel PROSet, and non-Intel adapters. This feature is currently available under Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. All adapters that appear in the Intel PROSet teaming wizard can be included in a team.

MVT Design Considerations

  • In order to activate MVT, you must have at least one Intel adapter or integrated connection that supports Intel PROSet in the team. That adapter or connection must be designated as the primary adapter. 
  • A multi-vendor team can be created for any team type. 
  • All members in a MVT must operate on a common feature set (lowest common denominator). 
  • Manually verify that the frame setting for all adapters in the team is the same.
  • Verify that the RSS settings for all adapters in the team are the same.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/test_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000000343011656750064012654 0ustar Test the Adapter

Test the Adapter from Microsoft Windows*

Intel® PROSet allows you to run several diagnostic tests, including:

  • Connection Test: Tests the adapter's connection to the network. If the adapter connects below its maximum speed, the connection test reports the reason for this lower speed. If the adapter has link but does not have an IP address, the test reports whether the adapter can communicate with the link partner. If the adapter has link and has an IP address, ping tests are performed.

  • Link Test: Tests the link speed and duplex capabilities of the link partner and reports the optimum settings.

  • Cable Tests: Provide information about cable properties.

  • Hardware Tests: Determines if the adapter is functioning properly.

To access these tests, select the adapter in Windows* Device Manager, click the Link Speed tab, and click Diagnostics. A Diagnostics window displays tabs for each type of test. Click the tab and run the test.

The availability of these tests is dependent on the adapter and operating system.

Last modified on 4/20/06 3:48p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/toc_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000001116412110653010012440 0ustar
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System Requirements

Supported Adapters

Hardware Installation

Insert the Adapter

Attaching a Low-Profile Bracket

Attach the Network Cable

Microsoft* Windows* Setup

Install the Drivers

Intel® PROSet

Setup Speed & Duplex

Command Line Install for Base Drivers and Intel PROSet

Windows Unattended Installs & Updates

Microsoft Windows Advanced Features



Power Management

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Quality of Service (QoS)

Save & Restore

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

IP Security Offloading

Setting up Microsoft Hyper-V* virtual NICs on teams and VLANs

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Install the Drivers 

Installing DOS Drivers

Intel Boot Agent

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PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/trbl_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000003512412063561130012630 0ustar Configuration and Troubleshooting

Configuration and Troubleshooting

Common Problems and Solutions

There are many simple, easy-to-fix problems related to network problems. Review each one of these before going further.

  • Check the cable. Use the best available cabling for the intended data rate.

    • Check that the cable is securely attached at both points.

    • For copper connections, make sure the cable is a 4-pair Category-5 or better.

    • Make sure the cable length does not exceed specifications.

    • Perform a cable test.

    • Replace the cable.

  • Check the link partner (switch, hub, etc.).

    • Make sure the link partner is active and can send and receive traffic.

    • Make sure the adapter and link partner settings match one another, or are set to auto-negotiate.

    • Make sure the port is enabled.

    • Re-connect to another available port or another link partner.

  • Look for adapter hardware problems.

    • Re-seat the adapter.

    • Insert the adapter in another slot.

    • Check for conflicting or incompatible hardware devices and settings.

    • Replace the adapter.

  • Check the driver software.

    • Make sure you are using the latest appropriate drivers for your adapter from the Intel support website.

    • Disable (or unload), then re-enable (reload) the driver or adapter.

    • Check for conflicting settings. Disable advanced settings such as teaming or VLANs to see if it corrects the problem.

    • Re-install the drivers.

  • Check for recent changes to hardware, software or the network, that may have disrupted communications.

  • Check the adapter release notes (readme.txt).

    • The Known Issues section may have specific troubleshooting information for your configuration.

  • Check the Intel support website for possible documented issues.

    • Select your adapter from the adapter family list.

    • Check the Frequently Asked questions section.

    • Check the Knowledge Base.

  • Check your process monitor and other system monitors.

    • Check to see that there is sufficient processor and memory capacity to perform networking activity.

    • Look for any unusual activity (or lack of activity).

    • Use network testing programs to check for basic connectivity.

  • Check your BIOS version and settings.

    • Use the latest appropriate BIOS for your computer.

    • Make sure the settings are appropriate for your computer.

  • Reboot the computer.

The following troubleshooting table assumes that you have already reviewed the common problems and solutions.
Problem Solution

Your computer cannot find the adapter

Make sure your adapter slots are compatible for the type of adapter you are using:

  • PCI Express v1.0 (or newer)

  • PCI-X v2.0

  • PCI slots are v2.2 

Diagnostics pass but the connection fails

Make sure the cable is securely attached, is the proper type and does not exceed the recommended lengths. 

Try running the Sender-Responder diagnostic Test.

Make sure the duplex mode and speed setting on the adapter matches the setting on the switch.

Another adapter stops working after you installed the Intel® Network Adapter

Make sure your PCI BIOS is current. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

Check for interrupt conflicts and sharing problems. Make sure the other adapter supports shared interrupts. Also, make sure your operating system supports shared interrupts.

Unload all PCI device drivers, then reload all drivers.

Adapter unable to connect to switch at correct speed. Gigabit adapter connects at 100 Mbps and 10 gigabit adapter connects at 1000 Mbps.

This is applicable only to copper-based connections.

Make sure the adapter and the link partner are set to auto-negotiate.  

Verify that you are running the latest operating system revision for your switch and that the switch is compliant with the proper IEEE standard:

  • IEEE 802.3ad-compliant (gigabit over copper) 

  • IEEE 802.3an-compliant (10 gigabit over copper)

The device does not connect at the expected speed.

When Gigabit Master/Slave mode is forced to "master" mode on both the Intel adapter and its link partner, the link speed obtained by the Intel adapter may be lower than expected.

The adapter stops working without apparent cause

Run the adapter and network tests described under "Test the Adapter".

The Link indicator light is off

Run the adapter and network tests described under "Test the Adapter".

Make sure the proper (and latest) driver is loaded.

Make sure that the link partner is configured to auto-negotiate (or forced to match adapter)

Verify that the switch is IEEE 802.3ad-compliant.

The link light is on, but communications are not properly established

Make sure the proper (and latest) driver is loaded. 

Both the adapter and its link partner must be set to either auto-detect or manually set to the same speed and duplex settings.  

NOTE: The adapter's link indicator light may be on even if communications between the adapter and its link partner have not been properly established. Technically, the link indicator light represents the presence of a carrier signal but not necessarily the ability to properly communicate with a link partner.  This is expected behavior and is consistent with IEEE's specification for physical layer operation.
RX or TX light is off

Network may be idle; try creating traffic while monitoring the lights.

The diagnostic utility reports the adapter is "Not enabled by BIOS"

The PCI BIOS isn't configuring the adapter correctly. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

The computer hangs when the drivers are loaded

Try changing the PCI BIOS interrupt settings. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

The Fan Fail LED of the 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter is on (red) The fan cooling solution is not functioning properly. Contact customer support for further instructions.

Multiple Adapters

When configuring a multi-adapter environment, you must upgrade all Intel adapters in the computer to the latest software.

If the computer has trouble detecting all adapters, consider the following:

  • If you enable Wake on LAN* (WoL) on more than two adapters, the Wake on LAN feature may overdraw your systems auxiliary power supply, resulting in the inability to boot the system and other unpredictable problems. For multiple desktop/management adapters, it is recommended that you install one adapter at a time and use the IBAUtil utility (ibautil.exe in \APPS\BOOTAGNT) to disable the WoL feature on adapters that do not require WoL capabilities. On server adapters, the WoL feature is disabled by default.

  • Adapters with Intel Boot Agent enabled will require a portion of the limited start up memory for each adapter enabled. Disable the service on adapters that do not need to boot Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE).

PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration

If the adapter is not recognized by your OS or if it does not work you may need to change some BIOS settings. Try the following only if you are having problems with the adapter and are familiar with BIOS settings. 

  • Check to see that the "Plug-and-Play" setting is compatible with the operating system you are using.

  • Make sure the slot is enabled.

  • Install the adapter in a bus-master slot.

  • Configure interrupts for level-triggering, as opposed to edge-triggering.

  • Reserve interrupts and/or memory addresses. This prevents multiple buses or bus slots from using the same interrupts. Check the BIOS for IRQ options for PCI / PCI-X / PCIe.

Here are some examples of BIOS parameters:

PCI / PCI-X / PCIe slot #: Slot where the adapter is installed
Latency timer: 40 - 80
Interrupt: Choose any one of several that the BIOS provides.
Edge-level: Level

The exact wording of the parameters varies with different computers.

Other Performance Issues

Attaining the best speed requires that many components are operating at peak efficiency. Among them are the following:

  • Cable quality and length - Do not exceed the maximum recommended length for your cable type. Shorter lengths often provide better results. Check for loose or damaged connectors. Check the cable for kinked or damaged sections. 

  • Bus speed and traffic - The PCI bus speed accommodates the slowest PCI card installed. Check to see if you have a card that is slowing down your system.

  • Processor and Memory - Check your performance monitoring programs to see if traffic is being affected by your processor speed, available memory or other processes.

  • Transmission frame size - Your network performance may be enhanced by adjusting or maximizing the transmission frame size. Operating systems, switches and adapters will impose varying limits on maximum frame size. See the discussion on Jumbo Frames for your OS.

  • Operating System - Networking feature implementation will vary by operating system version, such as offloading and multiprocessor threading.

Last modified on 8/21/08 11:09a Revision PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/trbl_win.htm0000755000000000000000000000433312144717460013034 0ustar Troubleshooting

Microsoft* Windows*-Specific Issues

Use the information in this table after you have reviewed common problems and solutions.
Problem Solution
Event viewer message: A device attached to the system is not functioning If there is a BIOS setting for "Plug and Play OS", it should be set to "NO" for all versions of Microsoft* Windows*. 
After upgrading operating systems, Intel® PROSet is no longer available

If you are upgrading a Microsoft Windows operating system and you have Intel PROSet software installed, it will be deleted in the process. You will need to reinstall Intel PROSet.

Terminal Server support

When using Terminal Server, make sure only one session of Intel PROSet is open at any one time. Simultaneous sessions are not supported in Intel PROSet.

Non-volatile memory integrity check fails Hardware diagnostics verify the authenticity of the non-volatile memory (NVM), and return a "Pass/Fail" message. If the test fails, contact Intel Customer Support.


Last modified on 4/24/13.

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Virtual LANs

The term VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) refers to a collection of devices that communicate as if they were on the same physical LAN. Any set of ports (including all ports on the switch) can be considered a VLAN. LAN segments are not restricted by the hardware that physically connects them.

VLANs offer the ability to group computers together into logical workgroups. This can simplify network administration when connecting clients to servers that are geographically dispersed across the building, campus, or enterprise network.

Typically, VLANs consist of co-workers within the same department but in different locations, groups of users running the same network protocol, or a cross-functional team working on a joint project. 


By using VLANs on your network, you can:

  • Improve network performance

  • Limit broadcast storms

  • Improve LAN configuration updates (adds, moves, and changes)

  • Minimize security problems

  • Ease your management task

Other Considerations

  • To set up IEEE VLAN membership (multiple VLANs), the adapter must be attached to a switch with IEEE 802.1Q VLAN capability.

  • A maximum of 64 VLANs per network port or team are supported by Intel software.

  • VLANs can co-exist with teaming (if the adapter supports both). If you do this, the team must be defined first, then you can set up your VLAN.

  • The Intel PRO/100 VE and VM Desktop Adapters and Network Connections can be used in a switch based VLAN but do not support IEEE Tagging.

  • You can set up only one untagged VLAN per adapter or team. You must have at least one tagged VLAN before you can set up an untagged VLAN.

CAUTION: When using IEEE 802 VLANs, settings must match between the switch and those adapters using the VLANs.

Microsoft* Load Balancing and Failover (LBFO) teams

Intel ANS VLANs are not compatible with Microsoft's LBFO teams. Intel® PROSet will block a member of an LBFO team from being added to an Intel ANS VLAN. You should not add a port that is already part of an Intel ANS VLAN to an LBFO team, as this may cause system instability.


In Microsoft* Windows*, you must use Intel® PROSet to set up and configure VLANs. For more information, select Intel PROSet in the Table of Contents (left pane) of this window.

  • If you change a setting under the Advanced tab for one VLAN, it changes the settings for all VLANS using that port.
  • In most environments, a maximum of 64 VLANs per network port or team are supported by Intel PROSet.
  • ANS VLANs are not supported on adpaters and teams that have VMQ enabled. However, VLAN filtering with VMQ is supported via the Microsoft Hyper-V VLAN interface. For more information see Microsoft Hyper-V virtual NICs on teams and VLANs.
  • You can have different VLAN tags on a child partition and its parent.  Those settings are separate from one another, and can be different or the same.  The only instance where the VLAN tag on the parent and child MUST be the same is if you want the parent and child partitions to be able to communicate with each other through that VLAN. For more information see Microsoft Hyper-V virtual NICs on teams and VLANs.

Last modified on 6/17/09 9:47p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/warranty.htm0000755000000000000000000001374712135233534013067 0ustar Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Returning a defective product

From North America:

All other locations:

Intel Adapter Money-back Guarantee (North America Only)

Limitation of Liability and Remedies

Last modified on 9/17/12 10:42a

PRO100/DOCS/DESKTOP/wminicdm.htm0000755000000000000000000000763511656603624013036 0ustar WMI NIC Provider

Intel® Network Adapters WMI Provider


The Intel® Network Adapters Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Provider enables WMI-based management applications such as Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager to monitor and configure the status of PCI network adapters. Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider uses WMI, a user-level instrumentation technology for the Microsoft Windows* platform.

WMI is a middleware layer that allows measurement and instrumentation information to be collected from kernel mode data providers. This information can then be provided to local or remote user-mode data consumers through the use of a common set of interfaces (Web-based Enterprise Management called WBEM). WMI is a data-independent pipeline between the data consumer and the data provider that makes no assumptions about the format of the data.

A guide is available on this distribution, which contains detailed information on the Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider, also referred to as Network Configuration Services (NCS2) WMI Providers. This guide is located in \APPS\WMI\DOCS. The technical reference paper describes the external view of NCS2 WMI providers so WMI-based management applications could use it to manage the network configuration for the Intel adapters.

System Requirements

  • Any Intel® PRO/100, Intel® Gigabit Network Adapter, or Intel® 10GbE Network Adapter

  • related driver software

  • a supported Microsoft* Windows* operating system. Please refer to the System Requirements page for a list of supported operating systems.

The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider supports all Intel PRO/100, Gigabit, and 10GbE network adapters.


The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider are installed as part of Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager software installation. See the Installing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager section for more information on how to install Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Typical Setup Type registers the Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider into the root\IntelNCS2 namespace.

Supported Standards

The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider supports the standards based CIM 2.6 specification.

Known Issues

DMI-SNMP Instrumentation

This Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider cannot jointly operate with the Intel® DMI-SNMP instrumentation.

Missing Instances under Microsoft Windows Vista*

You must elevate (i.e., embed a manifest file) in your application in order to access all of the Intel WMI classes.

Last modified on 6/05/09 11:26a Revision PRO100/DOCS/DOS-ODI0000755000000000000000000000000012233423651010335 5ustar PRO100/DOCS/DOS-ODI/dostrb.htm0000755000000000000000000000206310307761520012427 0ustar DOS Troubleshooting

DOS Troubleshooting

  • Make sure youre using the correct and most recent drivers for this adapter.

  • If youre replacing an existing adapter, make sure the LINK statement in your NET.CFG is correct for the new adapter.

  • Verify that the frame type in your NET.CFG file matches your network.

  • Test the adapter by running the DIAGS.EXE diagnostics program. Additional testing is
    available by using a responder.

Last modified on 9/08/05 7:08a Revision 5

PRO100/DOCS/DOS-ODI/driv_dos.htm0000755000000000000000000005653710741641774012774 0ustar Installing Intel Network Drivers for DOS

Intel Network Drivers for DOS

DOS Driver

The NDIS2 (DOS) driver is provided solely for the purpose of loading other operating systems -- for example, during RIS or unattended installations. It is not intended as a high-performance driver.

You can find adapter drivers, PROTOCOL.INI files, and NET.CFG files in the PRO100\DOS or PRO1000\DOS directory on the Product CD or download folder. For additional unattended install information, see the text files in the operating system subdirectories under the APPS\SETUP\PUSH directory.

Automatic or Explicit Configuration of a Single NIC or Multiple NICs

When the driver finds that only one adapter is installed in the system, it will use that adapter regardless of whether or not parameters in PROTOCOL.INI are present or correct. If the parameters do not match the actual configuration, the driver will display warning messages indicating that the parameter was not used.

One instance of the driver must be loaded for each adapter that is activated. When multiple adapters are installed, the SLOT parameter becomes advisable but not required.

The determination as to which adapter each driver will control should be made by the user based on the protocol stack(s) bound to each driver, and based on the network that is connected to each adapter. The BINDINGS list in each protocol stacks PROTOCOL.INI section establishes the relationship between protocol stacks and drivers. The SLOT parameter in the drivers PROTOCOL.INI section establishes the relationship between drivers and adapters, and a value can be provided for each driver loaded. If a SLOT parameter is not specified, the first driver instance will load on the first NIC/Port found in the scanning list, the second driver instance will load on the second NIC/Port found in the scanning list, etc. When the driver detects multiple NICs/Ports it will report all of the possible slots. The only way for the driver to know which driver instance is being loaded is to use the DRIVERNAME parameter instance number. Therefore, it is essential that the DRIVERNAME parameter instance syntax defined below be used correctly.

The adapters are automatically configured by the PCI system BIOS when the system boots. The driver queries the PCI BIOS and obtains all of the adapters configuration information. BIOS scanning using mechanisms 1 and 2, as defined in the PCI BIOS specification, are supported. The SLOT number is actually the encoded value of the PCI adapters device location, which is defined as shown below. The SLOT value reported by the driver and entered by the user is the value of bits 0 through 15. In versions of the driver prior to 2.01, the SLOT value reported by the driver and entered by the user was shifted right by 3 bits (divided by 8) so that SLOT 0x0088 was actually entered into PROTOCOL.INI as 0x0011. This doesnt allow for multi-function devices to be specified with this SLOT parameter. So starting with v2.01, the driver does not shift the input parameter by 3 bits and SLOT 0x0088 would be entered as 0x0088. This also allows for specifying slot 0x0081 = Bus 0 Device 16 Function 1. If the driver finds that the entered SLOT number is not found in its slot list table, it may be because the SLOT uses the older convention (shifted right). The driver then tries to match this old style slot parameter to a slot in the slot list and loads on that slot if it finds a match. This is done for backward compatibility. 

Configuring with the PROTOCOL.INI File

The configuration parameters listed below are supported through the PROTOCOL.INI file. When the machine has a single adapter, all the parameters (except DRIVERNAME) are optional; when the machine has multiple adapters, some of the parameters are required.


This is the only parameter required for all configurations. This parameter is essentially an "instance ID". Each instance of the driver must create a unique instance name, both to satisfy DOS driver requirements, and to make it possible to find the parameters for the instance in the PROTOCOL.INI file.

When the driver initializes, it tries to find previously loaded instances of itself. If none are found, the driver calls itself "E1000$", and looks for that name in the PROTOCOL.INI file to find its parameters. If one or more instances are found, the driver calls itself "E100x$", where 'x' is one more than the value used by the most recently loaded instance. So, in this scenario, the second driver calls itself "E1002$", the third calls itself "E1003$", and so on; there is no driver called "E1001$". Up to 10 drivers can be loaded in a single system in this way. 


DRIVERNAME = [E1000$ | E1002$ | etc.]




None, this is a required parameter.

Normal Behavior:

The driver finds its section in PROTOCOL.INI by matching its instance ID to the value for this parameter.

Possible Errors:

The device driver uses a DOS function to display the name of the driver it is expecting. This function cannot display a '$' character. For this reason, the user may see a message referring to this value without the '$'; the user must remember to enter the '$' character as part of the parameter's value.


The parameter disables Auto-Speed-Detect and causes the adapter to function at the speed indicated. Do not include this parameter if you want your Gigabit adapter to connect at 1000Mbps.


SPEEDDUPLEX = [0 | 1 | 2 | 3]




Parameter not included in PROTOCOL.INI

Normal Behavior:

0 = 10Mbps half duplex
1 = 10Mbps full duplex
2 = 100Mbps half duplex
3 = 100Mbps full duplex

Possible Errors:

If the SPEEDDUPLEX parameter is set to an invalid value:

  • The parameter is ignored and the default (Auto-Speed-Detect) is used
  • A message indicates a "Parameter value out of range" error


This parameter makes it possible for the driver to uniquely identify which of the adapters is to be controlled by the driver. The parameter can be entered in hexadecimal or decimal.


SLOT = [0x0..0x1FFF]

SLOT = [0..8191]


SLOT = 0x1C

SLOT = 28


The driver will Auto-Configure if possible.

Normal Behavior:

The driver uses the value of the parameter to decide which adapter to control.

Possible Errors:

If only one adapter is installed, and the value does not correctly indicate the adapter slot:

  • A message indicates that the value does not match the actual configuration
  • The driver finds the adapter and uses it

If more than one adapter is installed, and the value does not correctly indicate an adapter slot:

  • A message indicates possible slots to use
  • The driver loads on the next available slot


This parameter sets the Individual Address of the adapter, overriding the value read from the EEPROM.


NODE = "12 hexadecimal digits"

The value must be exactly 12 hexadecimal digits, enclosed in double quotes. 

The value can not be all zeros.

The value can not have the Multicast bit set (LSB of 2nd digit = 1).


NODE = 00AA00123456


Value from EEPROM installed on adapter

Normal Behavior:

The Current Station Address in the NDIS MAC Service-Specific Characteristics (MSSC) table is assigned the value of this parameter. The adapter hardware is programmed to receive frames with the destination address equal to the Current Station Address in the MSSC table. The Permanent Station Address in the MSSC table will be set to reflect the node address read from the adapter's EEPROM.

Possible Errors:

If any of the rules described above are violated, the driver treats this as a fatal error and an error message occurs, indicating the correct rules for forming a proper address.


This parameter can be used to restrict the speeds and duplexes advertised to a link partner during auto-negotiation. If AutoNeg = 1, this value is used to determine what speed and duplex combinations are advertised to the link partner. This field is treated as a bit mask.


ADVERTISE = [ 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 0x20 | 0x2F]:

0x01 = 10 Half, 0x02 = 10 Full, 0x04 = 100 Half, 0x08 = 100 Full, 0x20 = 1000 Full, 0x2F = all rates




0x2F (all rates are supported)

Normal Behavior:

By default all speed/duplex combinations are advertised.

Possible Errors:

An error message is displayed if the value given is out of range.


This parameter, which refers to IEEE 802.3x flow control, helps prevent packets from being dropped and can improve overall network performance. Specifically, the parameter determines what flow control capabilities the adapter advertises to its link partner when auto negotiation occurs. This setting does NOT force flow control to be used. It only affects the advertised capabilities.

  • Due to errata in the 82542 silicon, the chip is not able to receive PAUSE frames if the ReportTxEarly parameter is set to 1. Thus, if ReportTxEarly =1 and the driver is running on an adapter using this silicon (such as the PWLA8490), the driver will modify the FlowControl parameter to disable the ability to receive PAUSE frames.

  • If half-duplex is forced or auto-negotiated, the driver will completely disable flow control.


FLOWCONTROL = [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |0xFF]





Normal Behavior:

0 = Disabled (No flow control capability)

1 = Receive Pause Frames (can receive and respond to PAUSE frames)

2 = Transmit Pause Frames (can send PAUSE frames)

3 = Both Enabled (can send and receive PAUSE frames)

0xFF = Hardware Default.

Possible Errors:

An error message is displayed if the value given is out of range.


This parameter causes the driver to load on the device in the last slot found in the slot scan. The default behavior of the driver is to load on the first adapter found in the slot scan. This parameter forces the driver to load on the last one found instead.


UseLastSlot = [ 0 | any other value ]





Normal Behavior:

0 = Disabled, any other value = Enabled

Possible Errors:



This parameter controls the number of times the transmit routine loops while waiting for a free transmit buffer. This parameter can affect Transmit performance. 


TXLOOPCOUNT = <32-bit value>





Normal Behavior:


Possible Errors:


DOS ODI Client Driver

This driver is provided solely for the purpose of loading an OS. It is not intended as a high-performance driver. Please limit use to 1-2 frame types.

Location of Drivers: 
 10/100 Mbit: \PRO100\DOS\E100BODI.COM 
 Gigabit: \PRO1000\DOS\E1000ODI.COM (This directory also contains the PROTOCOL.INI file and NET.CFG file for gigabit adapters.)

  • If the connection fails, set the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) option on the switch to "off".

  • Novell no longer supports NETX.EXE or the VLM client software. However, as a convenience to Intel customers, a copy of NETX.EXE is provided on the Intel Configuration and Drivers CD. Intel recommends that you use the latest Novell Client32 software.

  • With dual-port adapters, the first port must be used before the second port.

NETX General Installation 

  1. Copy the following files from the PRO100\DOS or PRO1000\DOS directory of the Intel media to the NWCLIENT directory on the hard drive:

    • LSL.COM

    • E100BODI.COM (10/100 Mbit) or E1000ODI.COM (gigabit)


    • NETX.EXE

  2. Configure AUTOEXEC.BAT and NET.CFG based on the sample files below. NET.CFG should be in the same directory as the driver.

  3. Reboot and the client should connect to the server.

VLM Installation

This version of E100BODI.COM requires latest version of the VLM client (version 1.21 or greater).

Refer to the Novell NetWare documentation for complete installation instructions.




  • In NET.CFG add FIRST NETWORK DRIVE F (or some drive letter after the range of physical devices you've installed) under the NetWare DOS REQUESTER section (indented).



  • In NET.CFG, add FIRST NETWORK DRIVE F under the NetWare DOS REQUESTER section (indented). If F is already assigned, select a drive letter after the range of physical devices you have installed.

  • Promiscuous mode support is not supported since ASM does not include a receive monitor stack. If needed, load RXMONSTK.COM (from the VLM client kit) after LSL.COM and before E100BODI.COM or E1000ODI.COM.

  • This version of E100BODI.COM or E1000ODI.COM requires VLM client version 1.21 or higher. Attempting to use an older version of the VLM client may cause connection problems, slow response or computer system lock-ups.

10/100 Mbit Sample Files


NETX (or VLM optional for NetWare 3.12 or higher)


Link Support
Buffers 8 1514
MemPool 8192
Max Boards 4
Max Stacks 4

Link Driver e100bodi
slot A01
; int 5
frame ethernet_ii
frame ethernet_802.2
protocol IPX 8137 ethernet_ii
protocol IPX e0 ethernet_802.2

Netware Dos Requester
First Network Drive=f
file cache level=0
; preferred server=
; preferred server= noestb3-6450

Protocol TCPIP
tcp_window 598
tcp_sockets 32
BIND e1000odi

Protocol IPX
bind 2

Gigabit Sample Files


NETX (or VLM optional for NetWare 3.12 or higher)


Link Support
Buffers 8 1514
MemPool 8192
Max Boards 4
Max Stacks 4

Link Driver e1000odi
slot A01
; int 5
frame ethernet_ii
frame ethernet_802.2
protocol IPX 8137 ethernet_ii
protocol IPX e0 ethernet_802.2

Netware Dos Requester
First Network Drive=f
file cache level=0
; preferred server=
; preferred server= noestb3-6450

Protocol TCPIP
tcp_window 598
tcp_sockets 32
BIND e1000odi

Protocol IPX
bind 2
NOTESPEEDDUPLEX parameter: 0=10Mbps half-duplex; 1=10Mbps full-duplex; 2=100Mbps half-duplex; 3=100Mbps full-duplex. The SPEEDDUPLEX keyword is only needed when you are forcing the card to a lower speed and duplex.The link partner must also be forced to the same setting. Do not use the SPEEDDUPLEX keyword if you want to use 1000Mbps.

Last modified on 1/11/08 10:25a Revision 10

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Linux* Base Drivers for Intel® Ethernet Network Connection

NOTE: This release includes the following Linux* Base Drivers for Intel® Ethernet Network Connection: igb, e1000e and igbvf.
  • igb driver supports all 82575-, 82576-, 82580-, I210-, and I211-, and I350-based gigabit network connections.
  • The igbvf driver supports 82576-based virtual function devices that can only be activated on kernels that support SR-IOV. SR-IOV requires the correct platform and OS support.
  • e1000e driver supports all PCI Express gigabit network connections, except those that are 82575-, 82576-, 82580-, and I350-based.

NOTE: As of July 2012, the e1000 legacy driver is no longer supported and is only maintained through the upstream kernel.

NOTE: The Intel(R) PRO/1000 P Dual Port Server Adapter is supported by the e1000 driver, not the e1000e due to the 82546 part being used behind a PCI Express bridge.

First identify your adapter.  Then follow the appropriate steps for building, installing, and configuring the driver.

UPGRADING: If you currently have the e1000 driver installed and need to install e1000e, perform the following:

  • If your version of e1000 is or less, upgrade to e1000 version 8.x.
  • Install the e1000e driver using the instructions in the e1000e section.
  • Modify /etc/modprobe.conf to point your PCIe devices to use the new e1000e driver using alias ethX e1000e, or use your distribution's specific method for configuring network adapters like RedHat's setup/system-config-network or SuSE's yast2.

Identifying Your Adapter

First identify your adapter.  Then select the name of the specified base driver: igb or e1000e.

For more information on how to identify your adapter, go to the Adapter & Driver ID Guide at:

For the latest Intel network drivers for Linux, refer to the following website. Select the link for your adapter.

Using the igb Base Driver


Building and Installation

Command Line Parameters

Additional Configurations

Known Issues


The Linux base drivers support the 2.4.x, 2.6.x, and 3.x kernels. These drivers includes support for Itanium® 2-based systems.

These drivers are only supported as a loadable module. Intel is not supplying patches against the kernel source to allow for static linking of the drivers. For questions related to hardware requirements, refer to the documentation supplied with your Intel Gigabit adapter. All hardware requirements listed apply to use with Linux.

The following features are now available in supported kernels:

  • Native VLANs

  • Channel Bonding (teaming)

  • SNMP

Channel Bonding documentation can be found in the Linux kernel source: /documentation/networking/bonding.txt

The igb driver supports IEEE 1588 time stamping for kernels 2.6.30 and above.

The driver information previously displayed in the /proc file system is not supported in this release. Alternatively, you can use ethtool (version 1.6 or later), lspci, and ifconfig to obtain the same information. Instructions on updating ethtool can be found in the section Additional Configurations later in this document.

Building and Installation

To build a binary RPM* package of this driver, run 'rpmbuild -tb igb.tar.gz'.

  • For the build to work properly, the currently running kernel MUST match the version and configuration of the installed kernel sources. If you have just recompiled the kernel reboot the system now.

  • RPM functionality has only been tested in Red Hat distributions.

  1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For example, use '/home/username/igb' or '/usr/local/src/igb'.

  2. Untar/unzip the archive, where <x.x.x> is the version number for the driver tar file:

    tar zxf igb-<x.x.x>.tar.gz

  3. Change to the driver src directory, where <x.x.x> is the version number for the driver tar:

    cd igb-<x.x.x>/src/

  4. Compile the driver module:

    # make install

    The binary will be installed as:

    /lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/igb/igb.[k]o

    The install location listed above is the default location. This may differ for various Linux distributions.

  5. Load the module using the modprobe command:

    modprobe igb

    With 2.6 based kernels also make sure that older igb drivers are removed from the kernel, before loading the new module:

    rmmod igb; modprobe igb

  6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where <x> is the interface number:

    ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>

  7. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address> is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface that is being tested:

    ping <IP_address>

TROUBLESHOOTING: Some systems have trouble supporting MSI and/or MSI-X interrupts. If you believe your system needs to disable this style of interrupt, the driver can be built and installed with the command:


Normally the driver will generate an interrupt every two seconds, so if you can see that you're no longer getting interrupts in cat /proc/interrupts for the ethX igb device, then this workaround may be necessary.

To build igb driver with DCA:

If your kernel supports DCA, the driver will build by default with DCA enabled.

Command Line Parameters

If the driver is built as a module, the following optional parameters are used by entering them on the command line with the modprobe command using this syntax:

modprobe igb [<option>=<VAL1>,<VAL2>,...]

There needs to be a <VAL#> for each network port in the system supported by this driver. The values will be applied to each instance, in function order. For example:

modprobe igb InterruptThrottleRate=16000,16000

In this case, there are two network ports supported by igb in the system. The default value for each parameter is generally the recommended setting, unless otherwise noted.

  • For more information about the AutoNeg, Duplex, and Speed parameters, see the Speed and Duplex Configuration section in this document.

  • For more information about the InterruptThrottleRate, RxIntDelay, TxIntDelay, RxAbsIntDelay, and TxAbsIntDelay parameters, see the application note at:

  • A descriptor describes a data buffer and attributes related to the data buffer. This information is accessed by the hardware.

Parameter Name Valid Range/Settings Default Description
Valid Range: 0,1,3,100-100000 (0=off, 1=dynamic, 3=dynamic conservative)
3 The driver can limit the amount of interrupts per second that the adapter will generate for incoming packets. It does this by writing a value to the adapter that is based on the maximum amount of interrupts that the adapter will generate per second.

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to a value greater or equal to 100 will program the adapter to send out a maximum of that many interrupts per second, even if more packets have come in. This reduces interrupt load on the system and can lower CPU utilization under heavy load, but will increase latency as packets are not processed as quickly.

The default behaviour of the driver previously assumed a static InterruptThrottleRate value of 8000, providing a good fallback value for all traffic types, but lacking in small packet performance and latency. The hardware can handle many more small packets per second however, and for this reason an adaptive interrupt moderation algorithm was implemented.

The driver has two adaptive modes (setting 1 or 3) in which it dynamically adjusts the InterruptThrottleRate value based on the traffic that it receives. After determining the type of incoming traffic in the last timeframe, it will adjust the InterruptThrottleRate to an appropriate value for that traffic.

The algorithm classifies the incoming traffic every interval into classes. Once the class is determined, the InterruptThrottleRate value is adjusted to suit that traffic type the best. There are three classes defined: "Bulk traffic", for large amounts of packets of normal size; "Low latency", for small amounts of traffic and/or a significant percentage of small packets; and "Lowest latency", for almost completely small packets or minimal traffic.

In dynamic conservative mode, the InterruptThrottleRate value is set to 4000 for traffic that falls in class "Bulk traffic". If traffic falls in the "Low latency" or "Lowest latency" class, the InterruptThrottleRate is increased stepwise to 20000. This default mode is suitable for most applications.

For situations where low latency is vital such as cluster or grid computing, the algorithm can reduce latency even more when InterruptThrottleRate is set to mode 1. In this mode, which operates the same as mode 3, the InterruptThrottleRate will be increased stepwise to 70000 for traffic in class "Lowest latency".

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to 0 turns off any interrupt moderation and may improve small packet latency, but is generally not suitable for bulk throughput traffic

NOTE: InterruptThrottleRate takes precedence over the TxAbsIntDelay and RxAbsIntDelay parameters. In other words, minimizing the receive and/or transmit absolute delays does not force the controller to generate more interrupts than what the Interrupt Throttle Rate allows.

LLIPort 0-65535
0 (disabled) LLI (Low Latency Interrupts): LLI allows for immediate generation of an interrupt upon processing receive packets that match certain criteria as set by the parameters described below. LLI parameters are not enabled when Legacy interrupts are used. You must be using MSI or MSI-X (see cat /proc/interrupts) to successfully use LLI.

LLI is configured with the LLIPort command-line parameter, which specifies which TCP port should generate Low Latency Interrupts.

For example, using LLIPort=80 would cause the board to generate an immediate interrupt upon receipt of any packet sent to TCP port 80 on the local machine.

CAUTION: Enabling LLI can result in an excessive number of interrupts/second that may cause problems with the system and in some cases may cause a kernel panic.

LLIPush 0-1
0 (disabled)
LLIPush can be set to be enabled or disabled (default). It is most effective in an environment with many small transactions.
NOTE: Enabling LLIPush may allow a denial of service attack.
LLISize 0-1500 0 (disabled) LLISize causes an immediate interrupt if the board receives a packet smaller than the specified size.
0-2 (0 = Legacy Int, 1 = MSI and 2 = MSI-X) 2 IntMode controls allow load time control over the type of interrupt registered for by the driver. MSI-X is required for multiple queue support, and some kernels and combinations of kernel .config options will force a lower level of interrupt support. 'cat /proc/interrupts' will show different values for each type of interrupt.
RSS 0-8 1 0 - Assign up to whichever is less, number of CPUS or number of queues
X - Assign X queues where X is less than or equal to maximum number of queues. The driver allows maximum supported queue value. For example, I350-based adapters allow RSS=8 (where 8-queues is the maximum allowable queues).

NOTE: For 82575-based adapters the maximum number of queues is 4; for 82576-based and newer adapters it is 8.

This parameter is also affected by the VMDq parameter in that it will limit the queues more.

Model 0 1 2 3+
82575 4 4 3 1
82576 8 2 2 2
82580 8 1 1 1
VMDQ 0 - 4 on 82575-based adapters; and 0 - 8 for 82576/82580-based adapters.

0 = disabled
1 = sets the netdev as pool 0
2+ = add additional queues but they currently are not used.
0 Supports enabling VMDq pools as this is needed to support SR-IOV.

This parameter is forced to 1 or more if the max_vfs module parameter is used.  In addition the number of queues available for RSS is limited if this is set to 1 or greater.

note NOTE: When either SR-IOV mode or VMDq mode is enabled, hardware VLAN filtering and VLAN tag stripping/insertion will remain enabled.
max_vfs 0-7

If the value is greater than 0 it will also force the VMDq parameter to be 1 or more.

This parameter adds support for SR-IOV. It causes the driver to spawn up to max_vfs worth of virtual function.
QueuePairs 0-1 1 (TX and RX will be paired onto one interrupt vector) If set to 0, when MSI-X is enabled, the TX and RX will attempt to occupy separate vectors.

This option can be overridden to 1 if there are not sufficient interrupts available. This can occur if any combination of RSS, VMDQ, and max_vfs  results in more than 4 queues being used.
Node 0-n

0 - n: where n is the number of the NUMA node that should be used to allocate memory for this adapter port.

-1: uses the driver default of allocating memory on whichever processor is running modprobe.

-1 (off) The Node parameter will allow you to pick which NUMA node you want to have   the adapter allocate memory from.  All driver structures, in-memory queues, and receive buffers will be allocated on the node specified.  This parameter is only useful when interrupt affinity is specified, otherwise some portion of the time the interrupt could run on a different core than the memory is allocated on, causing slower memory access and impacting throughput, CPU, or both. 
EEE 0-1 1 (enabled)

A link between two EEE-compliant devices will result in periodic bursts of data followed by periods where the link is in an idle state. This Low Power Idle (LPI) state is supported in both 1Gbps and 100Mbps link speeds.

NOTE: EEE support requires autonegotiation.

DMAC 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000. 0 (disabled)

Enables or disables DMA Coalescing feature. Values are in usec�s and increase the internal DMA Coalescing feature�s internal timer. DMA (Direct Memory Access) allows the network device to move packet data directly to the system's memory, reducing CPU utilization. However, the frequency and random intervals at which packets arrive do not allow the system to enter a lower power state. DMA Coalescing allows the adapter to collect packets before it initiates a DMA event. This may increase network latency but also increases the chances that the system will enter a lower power state.

Turning on DMA Coalescing may save energy with kernel 2.6.32 and later. This will impart the greatest chance for your system to consume less power. DMA Coalescing is effective in helping potentially saving the platform power only when it is enabled across all active ports.

InterruptThrottleRate (ITR) should be set to dynamic. When ITR=0, DMA Coalescing is automatically disabled.

A whitepaper containing information on how to best configure your platform is available on the Intel website.

MDD (Malicious Driver Detection) Valid Range: 0, 1; 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable Default Value: 1 This parameter is only relevant for I350 devices operating in SR-IOV mode. When this parameter is set, the driver detects malicious VF driver and disables its TX/RX queues until a VF driver reset occurs.

Additional Configurations

Configuring the Driver on Different Distributions

Configuring a network driver to load properly when the system is started is distribution dependent. Typically, the configuration process involves adding an alias line to /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf as well as editing other system startup scripts and/or configuration files. Many popular Linux distributions ship with tools to make these changes for you. To learn the proper way to configure a network device for your system, refer to your distribution documentation. If during this process you are asked for the driver or module name, the name for the Linux Base Driver for the Gigabit family of adapters is e1000.

As an example, if you install the igb driver for two Gigabit adapters (eth0 and eth1) and want to set the interrupt mode to MSI-X and MSI respectively, add the following to modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf:

alias eth0 igb
alias eth1 igb
options igb IntMode=2,1

Viewing Link Messages

Link messages will not be displayed to the console if the distribution is restricting system messages. In order to see network driver link messages on your console, set dmesg to eight by entering the following:

dmesg -n 8
NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots.

Jumbo Frames

Jumbo Frames support is enabled by changing the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to a value larger than the default value of 1500. Use the ifconfig command to increase the MTU size. For example:

ifconfig eth<x> mtu 9000 up

This setting is not saved across reboots. The setting change can be made permanent by adding MTU=9000 to the file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth<x> (Red Hat distributions). Other distributions may store this setting in a different location.

  • To enable Jumbo Frames, increase the MTU size on the interface beyond 1500.

  • The maximum MTU setting for Jumbo Frames is 9216. This value coincides with the maximum Jumbo Frames size of 9234.

  • Using Jumbo frames at 10 or 100 Mbps is not supported and may result in poor performance or loss of link.


The driver utilizes the ethtool interface for driver configuration and diagnostics, as well as displaying statistical information. ethtool version 3 or later is required for this functionality, although we strongly recommend downloading the latest version at:

Speed and Duplex Configuration

In addressing speed and duplex configuration issues, you need to distinguish between copper-based adapters and fiber-based adapters.

In the default mode, an Intel® Network Adapter using copper connections will attempt to auto-negotiate with its link partner to determine the best setting. If the adapter cannot establish link with the link partner using auto-negotiation, you may need to manually configure the adapter and link partner to identical settings to establish link and pass packets. This should only be needed when attempting to link with an older switch that does not support auto-negotiation or one that has been forced to a specific speed or duplex mode. Your link partner must match the setting you choose.

Speed and Duplex are configured through the ethtool* utility. ethtool is included with all versions of Red Hat after Red Hat 6.2. For other Linux distributions, download and install ethtool from the following website:

CAUTION: Only experienced network administrators should force speed and duplex manually. The settings at the switch must always match the adapter settings. Adapter performance may suffer or your adapter may not operate if you configure the adapter differently from your switch.

An Intel® Network Adapter using fiber-based connections, however, will not attempt auto-negotiate with its link partner since those adapters operate only in full duplex, and only at their native speed.

Enabling Wake on LAN* (WoL)

WoL is configured through the ethtool* utility. ethtool is included with all versions of Red Hat after Red Hat 7.2. For other Linux distributions, download and install ethtool from the following website:

For instructions on enabling WoL with ethtool, refer to the website listed above.

WoL will be enabled on the system during the next shut down or reboot. For this driver version, in order to enable WoL, the driver must be loaded prior to shutting down or suspending the system.

NOTES: Wake On LAN is only supported on port A of multi-port devices.

Wake On LAN is not supported for the Intel® Gigabit VT Quad Port Server Adapter.


In this mode, a separate MSI-X vector is allocated for each queue and one for "other" interrupts such as link status change and errors. All interrupts are throttled via interrupt moderation. Interrupt moderation must be used to avoid interrupt storms while the driver is processing one interrupt. The moderation value should be at least as large as the expected time for the driver to process an interrupt. Multiqueue is off by default.

Requirements: MSI-X support is required for Multiqueue. If MSI-X is not found, the system will fallback to MSI or to Legacy interrupts. This driver supports multiqueue in kernel versions 2.6.24 and greater. This driver supports receive multiqueue on all kernels that support MSI-X.

NOTES: Do not use MSI-X with the 2.6.19 or 2.6.20 kernels.

On some kernels a reboot is required to switch between a single queue mode and multiqueue modes, or vice-versa.


Large Receive Offload (LRO) is a technique for increasing inbound throughput of high-bandwidth network connections by reducing CPU overhead. It works by aggregating multiple incoming packets from a single stream into a larger buffer before they are passed higher up the networking stack, thus reducing the number of packets that have to be processed. LRO combines multiple Ethernet frames into a single receive in the stack, thereby potentially decreasing CPU utilization for receives.

NOTE: LRO requires 2.4.22 or later kernel version.

IGB_LRO is a compile time flag. The user can enable it at compile time to add support for LRO from the driver. The flag is used by adding CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DIGB_LRO" to the make file when it's being compiled.

# make CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DIGB_LRO" install

You can verify that the driver is using LRO by looking at these counters in ethtool:

lro_aggregated - count of total packets that were combined
lro_flushed - counts the number of packets flushed out of LRO
lro_recycled - reflects the number of buffers returned to the ring from recycling

NOTE: IPv6 and UDP are not supported by LRO.

IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) Hardware Clock (PHC)

Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is an implementation of the IEEE 1588
specification allowing network cards to synchronize their clocks over a
PTP-enabled network. It works through a series of synchronization and delay
notification transactions that allow a software daemon to implement a PID
controller to synchronize the network card clocks.

NOTE: PTP requires 3.0.0 or later kernel version that has PTP support
enabled in the kernel and a user-space software daemon.

IGB_PTP is a compile time flag. The user can enable it at compile time to add
support for PTP from the driver. The flag is used by adding
CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DIGB_PTP" to the make file when it's being compiled:

make CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DIGB_PTP" install

NOTE: The driver will fail to compile if your kernel does not
support PTP.

You can verify that the driver is using PTP by looking at the system log to
see whether a PHC was attempted to be registered or not. If you have a kernel
and version of ethtool with PTP support, you can check the PTP support in the
driver by executing:

ethtool -T ethX

MAC and VLAN anti-spoofing feature

When a malicious driver attempts to send a spoofed packet, it is dropped by the hardware and not transmitted. An interrupt is sent to the PF driver notifying it of the spoof attempt.
When a spoofed packet is detected the PF driver will send the following message to the system log (displayed by the "dmesg" command):

Spoof event(s) detected on VF(n)
Where n = the VF that attempted to do the spoofing.

Setting MAC Address, VLAN and Rate Limit Using IProute2 Tool

You can set a MAC address of a Virtual Function (VF), a default VLAN and the rate limit using the IProute2 tool. Download the latest version of the iproute2 tool from Sourceforge if your version does not have all the features you require.

Known Issues

NOTE: After installing the driver, if your Intel Ethernet Network Connection is not working, verify that you have installed the correct driver.

Using the igb driver on 2.4 or older 2.6 based kernels

Due to limited support for PCI-Express in 2.4 kernels and older 2.6 kernels, the igb driver may run into interrupt related problems on some systems, such as no link or hang when bringing up the device.

We recommend the newer 2.6 based kernels, as these kernels correctly configure the PCI-Express configuration space of the adapter and all intervening bridges. If you are required to use a 2.4 kernel, use a 2.4 kernel newer than 2.4.30. For 2.6 kernels we recommend using the 2.6.21 kernel or newer.

Alternatively, on 2.6 kernels you may disable MSI support in the kernel by booting with the "pci=nomsi" option or permanently disable MSI support in your kernel by configuring your kernel with CONFIG_PCI_MSI unset.

Intel® Active Management Technology 2.0, 2.1, 2.5 not supported in conjunction with Linux driver

Detected Tx Unit Hang in Quad Port Adapters

In some cases ports 3 and 4 don't pass traffic and report 'Detected Tx Unit Hang' followed by 'NETDEV WATCHDOG: ethX: transmit timed out' errors. Ports 1 and 2 don't show any errors and will pass traffic.

This issue MAY be resolved by updating to the latest kernel and BIOS. The user is encouraged to run an OS that fully supports MSI interrupts. You can check your system's BIOS by downloading the Linux Firmware Developer Kit that can be obtained at

Compiling the Driver

When trying to compile the driver by running make install, the following error may occur:  "Linux kernel source not configured - missing version.h"

To solve this issue, create the version.h file by going to the Linux source tree and entering:

# make include/linux/version.h

Performance Degradation with Jumbo Frames

Degradation in throughput performance may be observed in some Jumbo frames environments. If this is observed, increasing the application's socket buffer size and/or increasing the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_*mem entry values may help. See the specific application manual and /usr/src/linux*/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt for more details.

Jumbo frames on Foundry BigIron 8000 switch

There is a known issue using Jumbo frames when connected to a Foundry BigIron 8000 switch. This is a 3rd party limitation. If you experience loss of packets, lower the MTU size.

Multiple Interfaces on Same Ethernet Broadcast Network

Due to the default ARP behavior on Linux, it is not possible to have one system on two IP networks in the same Ethernet broadcast domain (non-partitioned switch) behave as expected. All Ethernet interfaces will respond to IP traffic for any IP address assigned to the system. This results in unbalanced receive traffic.

If you have multiple interfaces in a server, either turn on ARP filtering by entering:

        echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter

(this only works if your kernel's version is higher than 2.4.5)

NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots. The configuration change can be made permanent by adding the line:

net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1

to the file /etc/sysctl.conf


install the interfaces in separate broadcast domains (either in different switches or in a switch partitioned to VLANs).

Disable rx flow control with ethtool

In order to disable receive flow control using ethtool, you must turn off auto-negotiation on the same command line.

For example:

     ethtool -A eth? autoneg off rx off

Unplugging network cable while ethtool -p is running

In kernel versions 2.5.50 and later (including 2.6 kernel), unplugging the network cable while ethtool -p is running will cause the system to become unresponsive to keyboard commands, except for control-alt-delete. Restarting the system appears to be the only remedy.

Trouble passing traffic with on ports 1 and 2 using RHEL3

There is a known hardware compatibility issue on some systems with RHEL3 kernels. Traffic on ports 1 and 2 may be slower than expected and ping times higher than expected.

This issue MAY be resolved by updating to the latest kernel and BIOS. You can check your system's BIOS by downloading the Linux Firmware Developer Kit that can be obtained at

Do Not Use LRO When Routing Packets

Due to a known general compatibilty issue with LRO and routing, do not use LRO when routing packets.

Build error with Asianux 3.0 - redefinition of typedef 'irq_handler_t'

Some systems may experience build issues due to redefinition of irq_handler_t. To resolve this issue build the driver (step 4 above) using the command:


MSI-X Issues with Kernels between 2.6.19 - 2.6.21 (inclusive)

Kernel panics and instability may be observed on any MSI-X hardware if you use irqbalance with kernels between 2.6.19 and 2.6.21. If such problems are encountered, you may disable the irqbalance daemon or upgrade to a newer kernel.

Rx Page Allocation Errors

Page allocation failure. order:0 errors may occur under stress with kernels 2.6.25 and above. This is caused by the way the Linux kernel reports this stressed condition.

Under Redhat 5.4-GA - System May Crash when Closing Guest OS Window after Loading/Unloading Physical Function (PF) Driver

Do not remove the igb driver from Dom0 while Virtual Functions (VFs) are assigned to guests. VFs must first use the xm "pci-detach" command to hot-plug the VF device out of the VM it is assigned to or else shut down the

SLES10 SP3 random system panic when reloading driver

This is a known SLES-10 SP3 issue. After requesting interrupts for MSI-X vectors, system may panic.

Currently the only known workaround is to build the drivers with CFLAGS_EXTRA=-DDISABLE_PCI_MSI if the driver need to be loaded/unloaded. Otherwise the driver can be loaded once and will be safe, but unloading it will lead to the issue.

Enabling SR-IOV in a 32-bit Microsoft* Windows* Server 2008 Guest OS using Intel® 82576-based GbE or Intel® 82599-based 10GbE controller under KVM

KVM Hypervisor/VMM supports direct assignment of a PCIe device to a VM. This includes traditional PCIe devices, as well as SR-IOV-capable devices using Intel 82576-based and 82599-based controllers.

While direct assignment of a PCIe device or an SR-IOV Virtual Function (VF) to a Linux-based VM running 2.6.32 or later kernel works fine, there is a known issue with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 VM that results in a "yellow bang" error. This problem is within the KVM VMM itself, not the Intel driver, or the SR-IOV logic of the VMM, but rather that KVM emulates an older CPU model for the guests, and this older CPU model does not support MSI-X interrupts, which is a requirement for Intel SR-IOV.

If you wish to use the Intel 82576 or 82599-based controllers in SR-IOV mode with KVM and a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 guest try the following workaround. The workaround is to tell KVM to emulate a different model of CPU when using qemu to create the KVM guest:

"-cpu qemu64,model=13"

Host May Reboot after Removing PF when VF is Active in Guest

Using kernel versions earlier than 3.2, do not unload the PF driver with active VFs. Doing this will cause your VFs to stop working until you reload the PF driver and may cause a spontaneous reboot of your system.

Using the e1000e Base Driver


Building and Installation

Command Line Parameters

Speed and Duplex Configuration

Additional Configurations

Known Issues


The Linux base drivers support the 2.4.x, 2.6.x, and 3.x kernels. These drivers includes support for Itanium® 2-based systems.

These drivers are only supported as a loadable module. Intel is not supplying patches against the kernel source to allow for static linking of the drivers. For questions related to hardware requirements, refer to the documentation supplied with your Intel Gigabit adapter. All hardware requirements listed apply to use with Linux.

The following features are now available in supported kernels:

  • Native VLANs

  • Channel Bonding (teaming)

  • SNMP

Channel Bonding documentation can be found in the Linux kernel source: /documentation/networking/bonding.txt

The driver information previously displayed in the /proc file system is not supported in this release. Alternatively, you can use ethtool (version 1.6 or later), lspci, and ifconfig to obtain the same information. Instructions on updating ethtool can be found in the section Additional Configurations later in this document.

NOTE: The Intel® 82562v 10/100 Network Connection only provides 10/100 support.

Building and Installation

To build a binary RPM* package of this driver, run 'rpmbuild -tb e1000e.tar.gz'.

  • For the build to work properly, the currently running kernel MUST match the version and configuration of the installed kernel sources. If you have just recompiled the kernel reboot the system now.

  • RPM functionality has only been tested in Red Hat distributions.

  1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For example, use '/home/username/e1000e' or '/usr/local/src/e1000e'.

  2. Untar/unzip the archive, where <x.x.x> is the version number for the driver tar file:

    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz

  3. Change to the driver src directory, where <x.x.x> is the version number for the driver tar:

    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/

  4. Compile the driver module:

    # make install

    The binary will be installed as:

    /lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/e1000e/e1000e.[k]o

    The install location listed above is the default location. This may differ for various Linux distributions.

  5. Load the module using the modprobe command:

    modprobe e1000e

    With 2.6 based kernels also make sure that older e1000e drivers are removed from the kernel, before loading the new module:

    rmmod e1000e; modprobe e1000e

  6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where <x> is the interface number:

    ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>

  7. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address> is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface that is being tested:

    ping <IP_address>

TROUBLESHOOTING: Some systems have trouble supporting MSI and/or MSI-X interrupts. If you believe your system needs to disable this style of interrupt, the driver can be built and installed with the command:


Normally the driver will generate an interrupt every two seconds, so if you can see that you're no longer getting interrupts in cat /proc/interrupts for the ethX e1000e device, then this workaround may be necessary.

Command Line Parameters

If the driver is built as a module, the following optional parameters are used by entering them on the command line with the modprobe command using this syntax:

modprobe e1000e [<option>=<VAL1>,<VAL2>,...]

There needs to be a <VAL#> for each network port in the system supported by this driver. The values will be applied to each instance, in function order. For example:

modprobe e1000e InterruptThrottleRate=16000,16000

In this case, there are two network ports supported by e1000e in the system. The default value for each parameter is generally the recommended setting, unless otherwise noted.

  • For more information about the InterruptThrottleRate, RxIntDelay, TxIntDelay, RxAbsIntDelay, and TxAbsIntDelay parameters, see the application note at:

  • A descriptor describes a data buffer and attributes related to the data buffer. This information is accessed by the hardware.

Parameter Name Valid Range/Settings Default Description
0,1,3,4, 100-100000 (0=off, 1=dynamic, 3=dynamic conservative, 4-simplified balancing)
3 The driver can limit the amount of interrupts per second that the adapter will generate for incoming packets. It does this by writing a value to the adapter that is based on the maximum amount of interrupts that the adapter will generate per second.

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to a value greater or equal to 100 will program the adapter to send out a maximum of that many interrupts per second, even if more packets have come in. This reduces interrupt load on the system and can lower CPU utilization under heavy load, but will increase latency as packets are not processed as quickly.

The default behavior of the driver previously assumed a static InterruptThrottleRate value of 8000, providing a good fallback value for all traffic types, but lacking in small packet performance and latency.

The driver has two adaptive modes (setting 1 or 3) in which it dynamically adjusts the InterruptThrottleRate value based on the traffic that it receives. After determining the type of incoming traffic in the last timeframe, it will adjust the InterruptThrottleRate to an appropriate value for that traffic.

The algorithm classifies the incoming traffic every interval into classes. Once the class is determined, the InterruptThrottleRate value is adjusted to suit that traffic type the best. There are three classes defined: "Bulk traffic", for large amounts of packets of normal size; "Low latency", for small amounts of traffic and/or a significant percentage of small packets; and "Lowest latency", for almost completely small packets or minimal traffic.

In dynamic conservative mode, the InterruptThrottleRate value is set to 4000 for traffic that falls in class "Bulk traffic". If traffic falls in the "Low latency" or "Lowest latency" class, the InterruptThrottleRate is increased stepwise to 20000. This default mode is suitable for most applications.

For situations where low latency is vital such as cluster or grid computing, the algorithm can reduce latency even more when InterruptThrottleRate is set to mode 1. In this mode, which operates the same as mode 3, the InterruptThrottleRate will be increased stepwise to 70000 for traffic in class "Lowest latency".

In simplified mode the interrupt rate is based on the ratio of tx and rx traffic. If the bytes per second rate is approximately equal, the interrupt rate will drop as low as 2000 interrupts per second. If the traffic is mostly transmit or mostly receive, the interrupt rate could be as high as 8000.

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to 0 turns off any interrupt moderation and may improve small packet latency, but is generally not suitable for bulk throughput traffic

NOTE: InterruptThrottleRate takes precedence over the TxAbsIntDelay and RxAbsIntDelay parameters. In other words, minimizing the receive and/or transmit absolute delays does not force the controller to generate more interrupts than what the Interrupt Throttle Rate allows.

NOTE: When e1000e is loaded with default settings and multiple adapters are in use simultaneously, the CPU utilization may increase non-linearly. In order to limit the CPU utilization without impacting the overall throughput, we recommend that you load the driver as follows:

modprobe e1000e InterruptThrottleRate=3000,3000,3000

This sets the InterruptThrottleRate to 3000 interrupts/sec for the first, second, and third instances of the driver. The range of 2000 to 3000 interrupts per second works on a majority of systems and is a good starting point, but the optimal value will be platform-specific. If CPU utilization is not a concern, use RX_POLLING (NAPI) and default driver settings.

RxIntDelay 0-65535 (0=off) 0 This value delays the generation of receive interrupts in units of 1.024 microseconds. Receive interrupt reduction can improve CPU efficiency if properly tuned for specific network traffic. Increasing this value adds extra latency to frame reception and can end up decreasing the throughput of TCP traffic. If the system is reporting dropped receives, this value may be set too high, causing the driver to run out of available receive descriptors.

CAUTION: When setting RxIntDelay to a value other than 0, adapters may hang (stop transmitting) under certain network conditions. If this occurs a NETDEV WATCHDOG message is logged in the system event log. In addition, the controller is automatically reset, restoring the network connection. To eliminate the potential for the hang ensure that RxIntDelay is set to zero.

RxAbsIntDelay 0-65535 (0=off) 8 This value, in units of 1.024 microseconds, limits the delay in which a receive interrupt is generated. Useful only if RxIntDelay is non-zero, this value ensures that an interrupt is generated after the initial packet is received within the set amount of time. Proper tuning, along with RxIntDelay, may improve traffic throughput in specific network conditions.
TxIntDelay 0-65535 (0=off) 8 This value delays the generation of transmit interrupts in units of 1.024 microseconds. Transmit interrupt reduction can improve CPU efficiency if properly tuned for specific network traffic. If the system is reporting dropped transmits, this value may be set too high causing the driver to run out of available transmit descriptors.
TxAbsIntDelay 0-65535 (0=off) 32 This value, in units of 1.024 microseconds, limits the delay in which a transmit interrupt is generated. Useful only if TxIntDelay is non-zero, this value ensures that an interrupt is generated after the initial packet is sent on the wire within the set amount of time. Proper tuning, along with TxIntDelay, may improve traffic throughput in specific network conditions.
copybreak 0-xxxxxxx (0=off) 256 Usage: modprobe e1000e.ko copybreak=128

Driver copies all packets below or equaling this size to a fresh rx buffer before handing it up the stack.

This parameter is different than other parameters, in that it is a single (not 1,1,1 etc.) parameter applied to all driver instances and it is also available during runtime at /sys/module/e1000e/parameters/copybreak
SmartPowerDownEnable 0-1
0 (disabled) Allows Phy to turn off in lower power states. The user can turn off this parameter in supported chipsets.
KumeranLockLoss 0-1 1 (enabled) This workaround skips resetting the Phy at shutdown for the initial silicon releases of ICH8 systems.
IntMode 0-2

(0=legacy, 1=MSI, 2=MSI-X)

2 (MSI-X)


Allows changing the interrupt mode at module load time, without requiring a recompile. If the driver load fails to enable a specific interrupt mode, the driver will try other interrupt modes, from least to most compatible. The interrupt order is MSI-X, MSI, Legacy. If specifying MSI (IntMode=1) interrupts, only MSI and Legacy will be attempted.
CrcStripping 0-1 1 (enabled) Strip the CRC from received packets before sending up the network stack. If you have a machine with a BMC enabled but cannot receive IPMI traffic after loading or enabling the driver, try disabling this feature.
EEE 0-1 1 (enabled for parts supporting EEE) This option allows for the ability of IEEE802.3az (a.k.a. Energy Efficient Ethernet or EEE) to be advertised to the link partner on parts supporting EEE.  EEE saves energy by putting the device into a low-power state when the link is idle, but only when the link partner also supports EEE and after the feature has been enabled during link negotiation.  It is not necessary to disable the advertisement of EEE when connected with a link partner that does not support EEE.
Node 0-n

0 - n: where n is the number of the NUMA node that should be used to allocate memory for this adapter port.

-1: uses the driver default of allocating memory on whichever processor is running modprobe.

-1 (off) The Node parameter will allow you to pick which NUMA node you want to have   the adapter allocate memory from.  All driver structures, in-memory queues, and receive buffers will be allocated on the node specified.  This parameter is only useful when interrupt affinity is specified, otherwise some portion of the time the interrupt could run on a different core than the memory is allocated on, causing slower memory access and impacting throughput, CPU, or both. 

Additional Configurations

Configuring the Driver on Different Distributions

Configuring a network driver to load properly when the system is started is distribution dependent. Typically, the configuration process involves adding an alias line to /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf as well as editing other system startup scripts and/or configuration files. Many popular Linux distributions ship with tools to make these changes for you. To learn the proper way to configure a network device for your system, refer to your distribution documentation. If during this process you are asked for the driver or module name, the name for the Linux Base Driver for the Gigabit family of adapters is e1000e.

As an example, if you install the e1000e driver for two Gigabit adapters (eth0 and eth1) and want to set the interrupt mode to MSI-X and MSI respectively, add the following to modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf:
alias eth0 e1000e
alias eth1 e1000e
options e1000e IntMode=2,1

Viewing Link Messages

Link messages will not be displayed to the console if the distribution is restricting system messages. In order to see network driver link messages on your console, set dmesg to eight by entering the following:

dmesg -n 8
NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots.

Jumbo Frames

Jumbo Frames support is enabled by changing the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to a value larger than the default value of 1500. Use the ifconfig command to increase the MTU size. For example:

ifconfig eth<x> mtu 9000 up

This setting is not saved across reboots. The setting change can be made permanent by adding MTU=9000 to the file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth<x> (Red Hat distributions). Other distributions may store this setting in a different location.

  • To enable Jumbo Frames, increase the MTU size on the interface beyond 1500.

  • The maximum MTU setting for Jumbo Frames is 9216. This value coincides with the maximum Jumbo Frames size of 9234 bytes.

  • Using Jumbo frames at 10 or 100 Mbps is not supported and may result in poor performance or loss of link.

  • The following adapters limit Jumbo Frames sized packets to a maximum of 4088 bytes:
    Intel® 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection
    Intel® 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection

  • The following adapters do not support Jumbo Frames:
    Intel® PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter
    Intel® PRO/1000 PM Network Connection
    Intel® 82562V 10/100 Network Connection
    Intel® 82566DM Gigabit Network Connection
    Intel® 82566DC Gigabit Network Connection
    Intel® 82566MM Gigabit Network Connection
    Intel® 82566MC Gigabit Network Connection
    Intel® 82562GT 10/100 Network Connection
    Intel® 82562G 10/100 Network Connection
    Intel® 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    Intel® 82562V-2 10/100 Network Connection
    Intel® 82562G-2 10/100 Network Connection
    Intel® 82562GT-2 10/100 Network Connection
    Intel® 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection
    Intel® 82577LC Gigabit Network Connection
    Intel® 82567V-3 Gigabit Network Connection

  • Jumbo Frames cannot be configured on an 82579-based Network device, if MACSec is enabled on the system.


The driver utilizes the ethtool interface for driver configuration and diagnostics, as well as displaying statistical information. ethtool version 3 or later is required for this functionality, although we strongly recommend downloading the latest version at:

NOTE: When validating enable/disable tests on some parts (82578, for example) you need to add a few seconds between tests when working with ethtool.

Speed and Duplex Configuration

Speed and Duplex are configured through the ethtool* utility. ethtool is included with all versions of Red Hat after Red Hat 7.2. For other Linux distributions, download and install ethtool from the following website:

Enabling Wake on LAN* (WoL)

WoL is configured through the ethtool* utility. ethtool is included with all versions of Red Hat after Red Hat 7.2. For other Linux distributions, download and install ethtool from the following website:

For instructions on enabling WoL with ethtool, refer to the website listed above.

WoL will be enabled on the system during the next shut down or reboot. For this driver version, in order to enable WoL, the e1000e driver must be loaded prior to shutting down or suspending the system.

NOTES: Wake On LAN is only supported on port A for the following devices:
  • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Network Connection
  • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Connection
  • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter
  • Intel® PRO/1000 PF Dual Port Server Adapter
  • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter
  • Intel® Gigabit PT Quad Port Server ExpressModule


NAPI (Rx polling mode) is supported in the e1000e driver. NAPI is enabled by default.

To disable NAPI, compile the driver module, passing in a configuration option:

# make CFLAGS_EXTRA=-DE1000E_NO_NAPI install

For more information on NAPI, see

Known Issues

NOTE: After installing the driver, if your Intel Network Connection is not working, verify that you have installed the correct driver.

Intel® Active Management Technology 2.0, 2.1, 2.5 not supported in conjunction with Linux driver

Detected Tx Unit Hang in Quad Port Adapters

In some cases ports 3 and 4 don't pass traffic and report 'Detected Tx Unit Hang' followed by 'NETDEV WATCHDOG: ethX: transmit timed out' errors. Ports 1 and 2 don't show any errors and will pass traffic.

This issue MAY be resolved by updating to the latest kernel and BIOS. The user is encouraged to run an OS that fully supports MSI interrupts. You can check your system's BIOS by downloading the Linux Firmware Developer Kit that can be obtained at

Adapters with 4 ports behind a PCIe bridge

Adapters that have 4 ports behind a PCIe bridge may be incompatible with some systems. The user should run the Linux firmware kit from to test their BIOS, if they have interrupt or "missing interface" problems, especially with older kernels.

82573(V/L/E) TX Unit Hang Messages

Several adapters with the 82573 chipset display "TX unit hang" messages during normal operation with the e1000e driver. The issue appears both with TSO enabled and disabled, and is caused by a power management function that is enabled in the EEPROM. Early releases of the chipsets to vendors had the EEPROM bit that enabled the feature. After the issue was discovered newer adapters were released with the feature disabled in the EEPROM.

If you encounter the problem in an adapter, and the chipset is an 82573-based one, you can verify that your adapter needs the fix by using ethtool:

 # ethtool -e eth0
 Offset          Values
 ------          ------
 0x0000          00 12 34 56 fe dc 30 0d 46 f7 f4 00 ff ff ff ff
 0x0010          ff ff ff ff 6b 02 8c 10 d9 15 8c 10 86 80 de 83

The value at offset 0x001e (de) has bit 0 unset. This enables the problematic power saving feature. In this case, the EEPROM needs to read "df" at offset 0x001e.

A one-time EEPROM fix is available as a shell script. This script will verify that the adapter is applicable to the fix and if the fix is needed or not. If the fix is required, it applies the change to the EEPROM and updates the checksum. The user must reboot the system after applying the fix if changes were made to the EEPROM.

Example output of the script:

 # bash eth0
 eth0: is a "82573E Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
 This fixup is applicable to your hardware
 executing command: ethtool -E eth0 magic 0x109a8086 offset 0x1e value 0xdf
 Change made. You *MUST* reboot your machine before changes take effect!

The script can be downloaded at

Dropped Receive Packets on Half-duplex 10/100 Networks

If you have an Intel PCI Express adapter running at 10mbps or 100mbps, half-duplex, you may observe occasional dropped receive packets. There are no workarounds for this problem in this network configuration. The network must be updated to operate in full-duplex, and/or 1000mbps only.

Compiling the Driver

When trying to compile the driver by running make install, the following error may occur:  "Linux kernel source not configured - missing version.h"

To solve this issue, create the version.h file by going to the Linux source tree and entering:

# make include/linux/version.h

Performance Degradation with Jumbo Frames

Degradation in throughput performance may be observed in some Jumbo frames environments. If this is observed, increasing the application's socket buffer size and/or increasing the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_*mem entry values may help. See the specific application manual and /usr/src/linux*/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt for more details.

Jumbo frames on Foundry BigIron 8000 switch

There is a known issue using Jumbo frames when connected to a Foundry BigIron 8000 switch. This is a 3rd party limitation. If you experience loss of packets, lower the MTU size.

Allocating Rx Buffers when Using Jumbo Frames

Allocating Rx buffers when using Jumbo Frames on 2.6.x kernels may fail if the available memory is heavily fragmented. This issue may be seen with PCI-X
adapters or with packet split disabled. This can be reduced or eliminated by changing the amount of available memory for receive buffer allocation, by increasing /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes.

Multiple Interfaces on Same Ethernet Broadcast Network

Due to the default ARP behavior on Linux, it is not possible to have one system on two IP networks in the same Ethernet broadcast domain (non-partitioned switch) behave as expected. All Ethernet interfaces will respond to IP traffic for any IP address assigned to the system. This results in unbalanced receive traffic.

If you have multiple interfaces in a server, either turn on ARP filtering by entering:

        echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter

(this only works if your kernel's version is higher than 2.4.5)

NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots. The configuration change can be made permanent by adding the line:

net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1

to the file /etc/sysctl.conf


install the interfaces in separate broadcast domains (either in different switches or in a switch partitioned to VLANs).

Disable rx flow control with ethtool

In order to disable receive flow control using ethtool, you must turn off auto-negotiation on the same command line.

For example:

     ethtool -A eth? autoneg off rx off

Unplugging network cable while ethtool -p is running

In kernel versions 2.5.50 and later (including 2.6 kernel), unplugging the network cable while ethtool -p is running will cause the system to
become unresponsive to keyboard commands, except for control-alt-delete. Restarting the system appears to be the only remedy.

MSI-X Issues with Kernels between 2.6.19 - 2.6.21 (inclusive)

Kernel panics and instability may be observed on any MSI-X hardware if you use irqbalance with kernels between 2.6.19 and 2.6.21. If such problems are encountered, you may disable the irqbalance daemon or upgrade to a newer kernel.

Rx Page Allocation Errors

Page allocation failure. order:0 errors may occur under stress with kernels 2.6.25 and above. This is caused by the way the Linux kernel reports this stressed condition.

Network throughput degradation observed with Onboard video versus add-in Video Card on 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection when used with some older kernels.

This issue can be worked around by specifying "pci=nommconf" in the kernel boot parameter or by using another kernel boot parameter "memmap=128M$0x100000000" which marks 128 MB region at 4GB as reserved and therefore OS won't use these RAM pages.

This issue is fixed in kernel version 2.6.21, where the kernel tries to dynamically find out the mmconfig size by looking at the number of buses that the mmconfig segment maps to.

This issue won't be seen on 32bit version of EL5, as in that case, the kernel sees that RAM is located around the 256MB window and avoids using the mmconfig space.

Activity LED blinks unexpectedly

If a system based on the 82577, 82578, or 82579 controller is connected to a hub, the Activity LED will blink for all network traffic present on the hub. Connecting the system to a switch or router will filter out most traffic not addressed to the local port.

Link may take longer than expected

With some Phy and switch combinations, link can take longer than expected. This can be an issue on Linux distributions that timeout when checking for link prior to acquiring a DHCP address; however there is usually a way to work around this (e.g. set LINKDELAY in the interface configuration on RHEL).

Tx flow control is disabled by default on 82577 and 82578-based adapters

Possible performance degradation on certain 82566 and 82577 devices

Internal stress testing with jumbo frames shows the reliability on some 82566 and 82567 devices is improved in certain corner cases by disabling the Early Receive feature. Doing so can impact Tx performance. To reduce the impact, the packet buffer sizes and relevant flow control settings are modified accordingly.

Using the igbvf Base Driver


Building and Installation

Command Line Parameters

Additional Configurations

Known Issues


This driver supports upstream kernel versions 2.6.30 (or higher) x86_64.

Supported Operating Systems: SLES 11 SP1 x86_64, RHEL 5.3/5.4 x86_64.

The igbvf driver supports 82576-based virtual function devices that can only be activated on kernels that support SR-IOV. SR-IOV requires the correct platform and OS support.

The igbvf driver requires the igb driver, version 2.0 or later. The igbvf driver supports virtual functions generated by the igb driver with a max_vfs value of 1 or greater. For more information on the max_vfs parameter refer to the section on the the igb driver.

The guest OS loading the igbvf driver must support MSI-X interrupts.

This driver is only supported as a loadable module at this time. Intel is not supplying patches against the kernel source to allow for static linking of the driver. For questions related to hardware requirements, refer to the documentation supplied with your Intel Gigabit adapter. All hardware requirements listed apply to use with Linux.

Instructions on updating ethtool can be found in the section Additional Configurations later in this document.

VLANs: There is a limit of a total of 32 shared VLANs to 1 or more VFs.

Building and Installation

To build a binary RPM* package of this driver, run 'rpmbuild -tb <filename.tar.gz>'. Replace <filename.tar.gz> with the specific filename of the driver.

NOTE: For the build to work properly, the currently running kernel MUST match the version and configuration of the installed kernel sources. If you have just recompiled the kernel reboot the system now.

RPM functionality has only been tested in Red Hat distributions.

  1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For example, use ' /home/username/igbvf or /usr/local/src/igbvf.'.

  2. Untar/unzip the archive:

    tar zxf igbvf-x.x.x.tar.gz

  3. Change to the driver src directory:

    cd igbvf-<x.x.x>/src/

  4. Compile the driver module:

    # make install

    The binary will be installed as:

    /lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/igbvf/igbvf.[k]o

    The install location listed above is the default location. This may differ for various Linux distributions.

  5. Load the module using the modprobe command:

    modprobe igbvf

    With 2.6 based kernels also make sure that older e1000e drivers are removed from the kernel, before loading the new module:

    rmmod igbvf; modprobe igbvf

  6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where <x> is the interface number:

    ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>

  7. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address> is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface that is being tested:

    ping <IP_address>

Troubleshooting: Some systems have trouble supporting MSI and/or MSI-X interrupts. If you believe your system needs to disable this style of interrupt, the driver can be built and installed with the command:


Normally the driver will generate an interrupt every two seconds, so if you can see that you're no longer getting interrupts in cat /proc/interrupts for the ethX igbvf device, then this workaround may be necessary.

Command Line Parameters

If the driver is built as a module, the following optional parameters are used by entering them on the command line with the modprobe command using this syntax:

modprobe igbvf [<option>=<VAL1>,<VAL2>,...]

There needs to be a <VAL#> for each network port in the system supported by this driver. The values will be applied to each instance, in function order. For example:

modprobe igbvf InterruptThrottleRate=16000,16000

In this case, there are two network ports supported by igbvf in the system. The default value for each parameter is generally the recommended setting, unless otherwise noted.

  • For more information about the InterruptThrottleRate parameter, see the application note at:

  • A descriptor describes a data buffer and attributes related to the data buffer. This information is accessed by the hardware.

Parameter Name Valid Range/Settings Default Description
0,1,3,100-100000 (0=off, 1=dynamic, 3=dynamic conservative)
3 The driver can limit the amount of interrupts per second that the adapter will generate for incoming packets. It does this by writing a value to the adapter that is based on the maximum amount of interrupts that the adapter will generate per second.

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to a value greater or equal to 100 will program the adapter to send out a maximum of that many interrupts per second, even if more packets have come in. This reduces interrupt load on the system and can lower CPU utilization under heavy load, but will increase latency as packets are not processed as quickly.

The default behaviour of the driver previously assumed a static InterruptThrottleRate value of 8000, providing a good fallback value for all traffic types, but lacking in small packet performance and latency. The hardware can handle many more small packets per second however, and for this reason an adaptive interrupt moderation algorithm was implemented.

The driver has two adaptive modes (setting 1 or 3) in which it dynamically adjusts the InterruptThrottleRate value based on the traffic that it receives. After determining the type of incoming traffic in the last timeframe, it will adjust the InterruptThrottleRate to an appropriate value for that traffic.

The algorithm classifies the incoming traffic every interval into classes. Once the class is determined, the InterruptThrottleRate value is adjusted to suit that traffic type the best. There are three classes defined: "Bulk traffic", for large amounts of packets of normal size; "Low latency", for small amounts of traffic and/or a significant percentage of small packets; and "Lowest latency", for almost completely small packets or minimal traffic.

In dynamic conservative mode, the InterruptThrottleRate value is set to 4000 for traffic that falls in class "Bulk traffic". If traffic falls in the "Low latency" or "Lowest latency" class, the InterruptThrottleRate is increased stepwise to 20000. This default mode is suitable for most applications.

For situations where low latency is vital such as cluster or grid computing, the algorithm can reduce latency even more when InterruptThrottleRate is set to mode 1. In this mode, which operates the same as mode 3, the InterruptThrottleRate will be increased stepwise to 70000 for traffic in class "Lowest latency".

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to 0 turns off any interrupt moderation and may improve small packet latency, but is generally not suitable for bulk throughput traffic

NOTE: Dynamic interrupt throttling is only applicable to adapters operating in MSI or Legacy interrupt mode, using a single receive queue.

NOTE: When igbvf is loaded with default settings and multiple adapters are in use simultaneously, the CPU utilization may increase non-linearly. In order to limit the CPU utilization without impacting the overall throughput, we recommend that you load the driver as follows:

modprobe igbvf InterruptThrottleRate=3000,3000,3000

This sets the InterruptThrottleRate to 3000 interrupts/sec for the first, second, and third instances of the driver. The range of 2000 to 3000 interrupts per second works on a majority of systems and is a good starting point, but the optimal value will be platform-specific. If CPU utilization is not a concern, use default driver settings.

Additional Configurations

Configuring the Driver on Different Distributions

Configuring a network driver to load properly when the system is started is distribution dependent. Typically, the configuration process involves adding an alias line to /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf as well as editing other system startup scripts and/or configuration files. Many popular Linux distributions ship with tools to make these changes for you. To learn the proper way to configure a network device for your system, refer to your distribution documentation. If during this process you are asked for the driver or module name, the name for the Linux Base Driver for the Gigabit Family of Adapters is igbvf.

As an example, if you install the igbvf driver for two Gigabit adapters (eth0 and eth1) and want to set the interrupt mode to MSI-X and MSI respectively, add the following to modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf:

alias eth0 igbvf
alias eth1 igbvf
options igbvf InterruptThrottleRate=3,1

Viewing Link Messages

Link messages will not be displayed to the console if the distribution is restricting system messages. In order to see network driver link messages on your console, set dmesg to eight by entering the following:

dmesg -n 8
NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots.

Jumbo Frames

Jumbo Frames support is enabled by changing the MTU to a value larger than the default of 1500. Use the ifconfig command to increase the MTU size.

For example:

ifconfig eth<x> mtu 9000 up

This setting is not saved across reboots. It can be made permanent if you add:


to the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth<x>. This example applies to the Red Hat distributions; other distributions may store this setting in a different location.

  • To enable Jumbo Frames, increase the MTU size on the interface beyond 1500.

  • The maximum MTU setting for Jumbo Frames is 9216. This value coincides with the maximum Jumbo Frames size of 9234 bytes.

  • Using Jumbo frames at 10 or 100 Mbps is not supported and may result in poor performance or loss of link.


The driver utilizes the ethtool interface for driver configuration and diagnostics, as well as displaying statistical information. ethtool version 3.0 or later is required for this functionality, although we strongly recommend downloading the latest version at:

Known Issues/Troubleshooting

NOTE: After installing the driver, if your Intel Network Connection is not working, verify that you have installed the correct driver.

Driver Compilation

When trying to compile the driver by running make install, the following error may occur:

"Linux kernel source not configured - missing version.h"

To solve this issue, create the version.h file by going to the Linux source tree and entering:

make include/linux/version.h.

Multiple Interfaces on Same Ethernet Broadcast Network

Due to the default ARP behavior on Linux, it is not possible to have one system on two IP networks in the same Ethernet broadcast domain (non-partitioned switch) behave as expected. All Ethernet interfaces will respond to IP traffic for any IP address assigned to the system. This results in unbalanced receive traffic.

If you have multiple interfaces in a server, either turn on ARP filtering by entering:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter
(this only works if your kernel's version is higher than 2.4.5),

NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots. The configuration change can be made permanent by adding the line:

net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1

to the file /etc/sysctl.conf or installing the interfaces in separate broadcast domains (either in different switches or in a switch partitioned to VLANs.

Do Not Use LRO When Routing Packets

Due to a known general compatibility issue with LRO and routing, do not use LRO when routing packets.

Build error with Asianux 3.0 - redefinition of typedef 'irq_handler_t'

Some systems may experience build issues due to redefinition of irq_handler_t. To resolve this issue build the driver (step 4 above) using the command:


MSI-X Issues with Kernels between 2.6.19 - 2.6.21 (inclusive)

Kernel panics and instability may be observed on any MSI-X hardware if you use irqbalance with kernels between 2.6.19 and 2.6.21. If such problems are
encountered, you may disable the irqbalance daemon or upgrade to a newer kernel.

Rx Page Allocation Errors

Page allocation failure. order:0 errors may occur under stress with kernels 2.6.25 and above. This is caused by the way the Linux kernel reports this stressed condition.

Under Redhat 5.4 - System May Crash when Closing Guest OS Window after Loading/Unloading Physical Function (PF) Driver

Do not remove the igbvf driver from Dom0 while Virtual Functions (VFs) are assigned to guests. VFs must first use the xm "pci-detach" command to hot-plug the VF device out of the VM it is assigned to or else shut down the VM.

Unloading Physical Function (PF) Driver Causes System Reboots When VM is Running and VF is Loaded on the VM

Do not unload the PF driver (igb) while VFs are assigned to guests.

Host May Reboot after Removing PF when VF is Active in Guest

Using kernel versions earlier than 3.2, do not unload the PF driver with active VFs. Doing this will cause your VFs to stop working until you reload the PF driver and may cause a spontaneous reboot of your system.


Last modified on 11/03/11 4:12p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/index.htm0000755000000000000000000000106311662474024012106 0ustar Intel® Linux Base Driver for Intel Ethernet Adapters /html> PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/ixgb.htm0000755000000000000000000023216712126521014011727 0ustar Linux Driver for Intel 10GbE Network Connections

Linux* Base Driver for 10 Gigabit Intel® Ethernet Network Connection

NOTES:  This release includes the ixgbe and ixgbevf Linux* Base Drivers for the Intel Ethernet 10 Gigabit Family of Adapters.
  • All 82599, X540 and 82598-based 10 Gigabit network connections require the ixgbe driver.
  • The ixgbevf driver supports 82599 and X540-based virtual function devices that can only be activated on kernels that support SR-IOV. SR-IOV requires the correct platform and OS support.

Using the ixgbe base driver

Important Note


Building and Installation

Command Line Parameters

Additional Configurations

Performance Tuning

Known Issues/Troubleshooting 

Important Note

Warning: The ixgbe driver compiles by default with the LRO (Large Receive Offload) feature enabled. This option offers the lowest CPU utilization for receives, but is completely incompatible with *routing/ip forwarding* and *bridging*. If enabling ip forwarding or bridging is a requirement, it is necessary to disable LRO using compile time options as noted in the LRO section later in this document. The result of not disabling LRO when combined with ip forwarding or bridging can be low throughput or even a kernel panic.


The Linux* base driver supports the 2.6.x and 3.x kernels, and includes support for any Linux supported system, including Itanium(R)2, x86_64, i686, and PPC.

These drivers are only supported as a loadable module at this time. Intel is not supplying patches against the kernel source to allow for static linking of the driver. A version of the driver may already be included by your distribution and/or the kernel. For questions related to hardware requirements, refer to the documentation supplied with your Intel adapter. All hardware requirements listed apply to use with Linux.

The following features are now available in supported kernels:

  • Native VLANs

  • Channel Bonding (teaming)

  • SNMP

  • Generic Receive Offload

  • Data Center Bridging

Channel Bonding documentation can be found in the Linux kernel source: /Documentation/networking/bonding.txt

The driver information previously displayed in the /proc file system is not supported in this release.  Alternatively, you can use ethtool (version 1.6 or later), lspci, and ifconfig to obtain the same information.  Instructions on updating ethtool can be found in the section Additional Configurations later in this document.

The driver in this release is compatible with 82598, 82599 and X540-based Intel Ethernet Network Connections.

For more information on how to identify your adapter, go to the Adapter & Driver ID Guide at:

For the latest Intel network drivers for Linux, refer to the following website. Select the link for your adapter.

SFP+ Devices with Pluggable Optics


  • If your 82599-based Intel® Network Adapter came with Intel optics or is an Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-2, then it only supports Intel optics and/or the direct attach cables listed below.
  • When 82599-based SFP+ devices are connected back to back, they should be set to the same Speed setting via ethtool. Results may vary if you mix speed settings.

Supplier            Type                                                     Part Numbers
SR Modules                 
Intel              DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ SR (bailed) AFBR-703SDZ-IN2
Intel              DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ SR (bailed) FTLX8571D3BCV-IT
Intel DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ SR (bailed) AFBR-703SDDZ-IN1
LR Modules                
Intel               DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ LR (bailed) FTLX1471D3BCV-IT
Intel               DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ LR (bailed) AFCT-701SDZ-IN2
Intel DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ LR (bailed) AFCT-701SDDZ-IN1

The following is a list of 3rd party SFP+ modules and direct attach cables that have received some testing. Not all modules are applicable to all devices.

<<<<<<< ixgb.htm
Supplier            Type                                                     Part Numbers
Finisar SFP+ SR bailed, 10g single rate FTLX8571D3BCL
Avago SFP+ SR bailed, 10g single rate AFBR-700SDZ
Finisar SFP+ LR bailed, 10g single rate FTLX1471D3BCL
Finisar DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ SR (No Bail) FTLX8571D3QCV-IT
Avago DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ SR (No Bail) AFBR-703SDZ-IN1
Finisar DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ LR (No Bail) FTLX1471D3QCV-IT
Avago DUAL RATE 1G/10G SFP+ LR (No Bail) AFCT-701SDZ-IN1
Finisar 1000BASE-T SFP FCLF8522P2BTL
Avago 1000BASE-T SFP ABCU-5710RZ
HP 1000BASE-SX SFP 453153-001

82599-based adapters support all passive and active limiting direct attach cables that comply with SFF-8431 v4.1 and SFF-8472 v10.4 specifications.

Laser turns off for SFP+ when ifconfig ethX down

"ifconfig ethX down" turns off the laser for 82599-based SFP+ fiber adapters. "ifconfig ethX up" turns on the laser.


  • Intel Ethernet Network Adapters that support removable optical modules only support their original module type (i.e., the Intel 10 Gigabit SR Dual Port Express Module only supports SR optical modules). If you plug in a different type of module, the driver will not load.
  • Hot Swapping/hot plugging optical modules is not supported.
  • Only single speed, 10 gigabit modules are supported.
  • LAN on Motherboard (LOMs) may support DA, SR, or LR modules. Other module types are not supported. Please see your system documentation for details.

The following is a list of SFP+ modules and direct attach cables that have received some testing. Not all modules are applicable to all devices.

Supplier            Type                                                     Part Numbers
Finisar              SFP+ SR bailed, 10g single rate   FTLX8571D3BCL
Avago              SFP+ SR bailed, 10g single rate   AFBR-700SDZ
Finisar              SFP+ LR bailed, 10g single rate FTLX1471D3BCL

82598-based adapters support all passive direct attach cables that comply with SFF-8431 v4.1 and SFF-8472 v10.4 specifications. Active direct attach cables are not supported.


Building and Installation

To build a binary RPM* package of this driver, run 'rpmbuild -tb ixgbe.tar.gz'.

NOTE: For the build to work properly, the currently running kernel MUST match the version and configuration of the installed kernel sources. If you have just recompiled the kernel, reboot the system before building.

RPM functionality has only been tested in Red Hat distributions.

To manually build this driver:

  1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For example, use '/home/username/ixgbe' or '/usr/local/src/ixgbe'.

  2. Untar/unzip the archive:

    tar zxf ixgbe-x.x.x.tar.gz

  3. Change to the driver src directory:

    cd ixgbe-x.x.x/src/

  4. Compile the driver module:

    make install

    The binary will be installed as:


    The install location listed above is the default location. This may differ for various Linux distributions.

  5. Load the module:

    For kernel 2.6.x, use the modprobe command -

         modprobe ixgbe <parameter>=<value>

    With 2.6 based kernels also make sure that older ixgbe drivers are removed from the kernel, before loading the new module:

    rmmod ixgbe; modprobe ixgbe

  6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where x is the interface number:

    ifconfig ethX <IP_address> netmask <netmask>

  7. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address> is the IP address of another machine on the same subnet as the interface that is being tested:

    ping <IP_address>

To build ixgbe driver with DCA

If your kernel supports DCA, the driver will build by default with DCA enabled.

Command Line Parameters

If the driver is built as a module, the following optional parameters are used by entering them on the command line with the modprobe command using this syntax:

modprobe ixgbe [<option>=<VAL1>,<VAL2>,...]

There needs to be a <VAL#> for each network port in the system supported by this driver. The values will be applied to each instance, in function order. For example:

modprobe ixgbe InterruptThrottleRate=16000,16000

In this case, there are two network ports supported by ixgbe in the system. The default value for each parameter is generally the recommended setting, unless otherwise noted.

  • For more information about the AutoNeg, Duplex, and Speed parameters, see the Speed and Duplex Configuration section in this document.
  • For more information about the InterruptThrottleRate, parameter, see the application note at:
  • A descriptor describes a data buffer and attributes related to the data buffer. This information is accessed by the hardware.

Parameter Name Valid Range/Settings Default Description
RSS - Receive Side Scaling (or multiple queues for receives) 0 - 16


1 0 = Sets the descriptor queue count to whichever is less, number of CPUS or 16
1-16 = Sets the descriptor queue count to 1-16
Default Value: 0
RSS also effects the number of transmit queues allocated on 2.6.23 and
newer kernels with CONFIG_NETDEVICES_MULTIQUEUE set in the kernel .config file.
CONFIG_NETDEVICES_MULTIQUEUE only exists from 2.6.23 to 2.6.26. Other options enable multiqueue in 2.6.27 and newer kernels.
MQ - Multi Queue 0, 1 1 0 = Disables Multiple Queue support
1 = Enables Multiple Queue support (a prerequisite for RSS)
DCA - Direct Cache Access 0, 1


1 (when IXGBE_DCA is enabled) 0 = Disables DCA support in the driver
1 = Enables DCA support in the driver

See the above instructions for enabling DCA. If the driver is enabled for
DCA this parameter allows load-time control of the feature.

IntMode 0-2 (0 = Legacy Int, 1 = MSI and 2 = MSIX) 2 IntMode controls allow load time control over the type of interrupt registered for by the driver. MSI-X is required for multiple queue support, and some kernels and combinations of kernel .config options will force a lower level of interrupt support. 'cat /proc/interrupts' will show different values for each type of interrupt.
InterruptThrottleRate 956-488281 (0=off, 1=dynamic) 1 Interrupt Throttle Rate (interrupts/sec). The ITR parameter controls how many interrupts each interrupt vector can generate per second. Increasing ITR lowers latency at the cost of increased CPU utilization, though it may help throughput in some circumstances.

1 = Dynamic mode attempts to moderate interrupts per vector while maintaining very low latency. This can sometimes cause extra CPU utilization. If planning on deploying ixgbe in a latency sensitive environment please consider this parameter.

0 = Setting InterruptThrottleRate to 0 turns off any interrupt moderation and may improve small packet latency, but is generally not suitable for bulk throughput traffic due to the increased cpu utilization of the higher interrupt rate. Please note that on 82599 and X540-based adapters, disabling InterruptThrottleRate will also result in the driver disabling HW RSC. On 82598-based adapters, disabling InterruptThrottleRate will also result in disabling LRO (Large Receive Offloads).

LLI (Low Latency Interrupts)

    LLI allows for immediate generation of an interrupt upon processing receive
packets that match certain criteria as set by the parameters described below.
LLI parameters are not enabled when Legacy interrupts are used. You must be
using MSI or MSI-X (see cat /proc/interrupts) to successfully use LLI.
LLIPort 0 - 65535 0 (disabled) LLI is configured with the LLIPort command-line parameter, which specifies
which TCP port should generate Low Latency Interrupts.

For example, using LLIPort=80 would cause the hardware to generate an
immediate interrupt upon receipt of any packet sent to TCP port 80 on the
local machine.
CAUTION: Enabling LLI can result in an excessive number of interrupts/second that may cause problems with the system and in some cases may cause a kernel panic.
    LLIPush       0-1 0 (disabled) LLIPush can be set to be enabled or disabled (default). It is most effective in an environment with many small transactions.
NOTE: Enabling LLIPush may allow a denial of service attack.
    LLISize       0-1500 0 (disabled) LLISize causes an immediate interrupt if the board receives a packet smaller than the specified size.
LLIEType 0-x8fff 0 (disabled) Low Latency Interrupt Ethernet Protocol Type.
LLIVLANP 0-7 0 (disabled) Low Latency Interrupt on VLAN priority threshold.
Flow Control    

Ethernet Flow Control (IEEE 802.3x) can be configured with ethtool to enable receiving and transmitting pause frames for ixgbe. When tx is enabled, PAUSE frames are generated when the receive packet buffer crosses a predefined threshold. When rx is enabled, the transmit unit will halt for the time delay specified when a PAUSE frame is received.

Flow Control is enabled by default. If you want to disable a flow control capable link partner, use ethtool:

          ethtool -A eth? autoneg off rx off tx off

NOTE: For 82598 backplane cards entering 1 gig mode, flow control default behavior is changed to off.  Flow control in 1 gig mode on these devices can lead to Tx hangs.
Intel® Ethernet Flow Director    
NOTE: Flow director parameters are only supported on kernel versions 2.6.30 or later.

Supports advanced filters that direct receive packets by their flows to
different queues. Enables tight control on routing a flow in the platform. Matches flows and CPU cores for flow affinity. Supports multiple parameters for flexible flow classification and load balancing.

Flow director is enabled only if the kernel is multiple TX queue capable.

An included script (set_irq_affinity) automates setting the IRQ to CPU affinity.

You can verify that the driver is using Flow Director by looking at the counter in ethtool: fdir_miss and fdir_match.

Other ethtool Commands:

To enable Flow Director

ethtool -K ethX ntuple on

To add a filter

Use -U switch. e.g., ethtool -U ethX flow-type tcp4 src-ip 0x178000a action 1

To see the list of filters currently present:

ethtool -u ethX

Perfect Filter: Perfect filter is an interface to load the filter table that funnels all flow
into queue_0 unless an alternative queue is specified using "action". In that
case, any flow that matches the filter criteria will be directed to the
appropriate queue.

Support for Virtual Function (VF) is via the user-data field. You must update
to the version of ethtool built for the 2.6.40 kernel. Perfect Filter is
supported on all kernels 2.6.30 and later. Rules may be deleted from the table
itself. This is done via "ethtool -U ethX delete N" where N is the rule number
to be deleted.

NOTE: Flow Director Perfect Filters can run in single queue mode, when SR-IOV is enabled, or when DCB is enabled.

If the queue is defined as -1, filter will drop matching packets.

To account for filter matches and misses, there are two stats in ethtool: fdir_match and fdir_miss. In addition, rx_queue_N_packets shows the number of packets processed by the Nth queue.

NOTE: Receive Packet Steering (RPS) and Receive Flow Steering (RFS) are not compatible with Flow Director. IF Flow Director is enabled, these will be disabled.
NOTE: For VLAN Masks only 4 masks are supported.
NOTE: Once a rule is defined, you must supply the same fields and masks (if masks are specified).

Support for UDP RSS
This feature adds an ON/OFF switch for hashing over certain flow types. You
can't turn on anything other than UDP. The default setting is disabled. We only support enabling/disabling hashing on ports for UDP over IPv4 (udp4) or IPv6 (udp6).

NOTE: Fragmented packets may arrive out of order when RSS UDP support is configured.

Supported Ethtool Commands and Options:

-n --show-nfc
Retrieves the receive network flow classification configurations.

rx-flow-hash tcp4|udp4|ah4|esp4|sctp4|tcp6|udp6|ah6|esp6|sctp6
Retrieves the hash options for the specified network traffic type.

-N --config-nfc
Configures the receive network flow classification.

rx-flow-hash tcp4|udp4|ah4|esp4|sctp4|tcp6|udp6|ah6|esp6|sctp6
Configures the hash options for the specified network traffic type.

udp4 UDP over IPv4
udp6 UDP over IPv6

f Hash on bytes 0 and 1 of the Layer 4 header of the rx packet.
n Hash on bytes 2 and 3 of the Layer 4 header of the rx packet.

The following is an example using udp4 (UDP over IPv4):

To include UDP port numbers in RSS hashing run:
ethtool -N ethX rx-flow-hash udp4 sdfn

To exclude UDP port numbers from RSS hashing run:
ethtool -N ethX rx-flow-hash udp4 sd

To display UDP hashing current configuration run:
ethtool -n ethX rx-flow-hash udp4

The results of running that call will be the following, if UDP hashing is
UDP over IPV4 flows use these fields for computing Hash flow key:
L4 bytes 0 & 1 [TCP/UDP src port]
L4 bytes 2 & 3 [TCP/UDP dst port]

The results if UDP hashing is disabled would be:
UDP over IPV4 flows use these fields for computing Hash flow key:

The following two parameters impact Flow Director:

FdirPballoc 1-3 (1=64k, 2=128k, 3=256k) 1 (64k) Flow Director allocated packet buffer size.
AtrSampleRate 0-255 20 Software ATR Tx packet sample rate. For example, when set to 20, every 20th packet looks to see if the packet will create a new flow. A value of 0 indicates that ATR should be disabled and no samples will be taken.
max_vfs 1-63 0 If the value is greater than 0 it will also force the VMDq parameter to be 1 or more.

This parameter adds support for SR-IOV. It causes the driver to spawn up to max_vfs worth of virtual function.

note NOTE: When either SR-IOV mode or VMDq mode is enabled, hardware VLAN filtering and VLAN tag stripping/insertion will remain enabled.

The parameters for the driver are referenced by position. So, if you have a dual port 82599 or X540-based adapter and you want N virtual functions per port, you must specify a number for each port with each parameter separated by a comma.

For example:
modprobe ixgbe max_vfs=63,63

NOTE: If both 82598 and 82599 or X540-based adapters are installed on the same machine, you must be careful in loading the driver with the parameters. Depending on system configuration, number of slots, etc. its impossible to predict in all cases where the positions would be on the command line and the user will have to specify zero in those positions occupied by an 82598 port.

With kernel 3.6, the driver supports the simultaneous usage of max_vfs and DCB features, subject to the constraints described below. Prior to kernel 3.6, the driver did not support the simultaneous operation of max_vfs > 0 and the DCB features (multiple traffic classes utilizing Priority Flow Control and Extended Transmission Selection).

When DCB is enabled, network traffic is transmitted and received through multiple traffic classes (packet buffers in the NIC). The traffic is associated with a specific class based on priority, which has a value of 0 through 7 used in the VLAN tag. When SR-IOV is not enabled, each traffic class is associated with a set of RX/TX descriptor queue pairs. The number of queue pairs for a given traffic class depends on the hardware configuration. When SR-IOV is enabled, the descriptor queue pairs are grouped into pools. The Physical Function (PF) and each Virtual Function (VF) is allocated a pool of RX/TX descriptor queue pairs. When multiple traffic classes are configured (for example, DCB is enabled), each pool contains a queue pair from each traffic class. When a single traffic class is configured in the hardware, the pools contain multiple queue pairs from the single traffic class.

The number of VFs that can be allocated depends on the number of traffic classes that can be enabled. The configurable number of traffic classes for each enabled VF is as follows:

0 - 15 VFs = Up to 8 traffic classes, depending on device support

16 - 31 VFs = Up to 4 traffic classes

32 - 63 = 1 traffic class

When VFs are configured, the PF is allocated one pool as well. The PF supports the DCB features with the constraint that each traffic class will only use a single queue pair. When zero VFs are configured, the PF can support multiple queue pairs per traffic class.

L2LBen 0 = disable, 1 = enable (default) 1 (enable)

This parameter controls the internal switch (L2 loopback between pf and vf). By default the switch is enabled.

LRO 0(off), 1(on) 1 (on) Enable/disable Large Receive Offload.

Additional Configurations

Configuring the Driver on Different Distributions

Configuring a network driver to load properly when the system is started is distribution dependent. Typically, the configuration process involves adding an alias line to /etc/modules.conf or etc/modprobe.conf, as well as editing other system startup scripts and/or configuration files. Many popular Linux distributions ship with tools to make these changes for you. To learn the proper way to configure a network device for your system, refer to your distribution documentation. If during this process you are asked for the driver or module name, the name for the Linux Base Driver for the 10 Gigabit Family of Adapters is ixgbe.

Viewing Link Messages

Link messages will not be displayed to the console if the distribution is restricting system messages. In order to see network driver link messages on your console, set dmesg to eight by entering the following:

     dmesg -n 8

NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots.

Jumbo Frames

The driver supports Jumbo Frames for all adapters. Jumbo Frames support is enabled by changing the MTU to a value larger than the default of 1500. The maximum value for the MTU is 9710. Use the ifconfig command to increase the MTU size. For example, enter the following where <x> is the interface number:

ifconfig ethX mtu 9000 up

The maximum MTU setting for Jumbo Frames is 9710. This value coincides with the maximum Jumbo Frames size of 9728. This driver will attempt to
use multiple page sized buffers to receive each jumbo packet. This should help to avoid buffer starvation issues when allocating receive packets.

For 82599-based network connections, if you are enabling jumbo frames in a virtual function (VF), jumbo frames must first be enabled in the physical function (PF). The VF MTU setting cannot be larger than the PF MTU.


The driver utilizes the ethtool interface for driver configuration and diagnostics, as well as displaying statistical information.  The latest ethtool version is required for this functionality.

The latest release of ethtool can be found at:


NAPI (Rx polling mode) is supported in the ixgbe driver.

See for more information on NAPI.


Large Receive Offload (LRO) is a technique for increasing inbound throughput of high-bandwidth network connections by reducing CPU overhead. It works by aggregating multiple incoming packets from a single stream into a larger buffer before they are passed higher up the networking stack, thus reducing the number of packets that have to be processed. LRO combines multiple Ethernet frames into a single receive in the stack, thereby potentially decreasing CPU utilization for receives.

IXGBE_NO_LRO is a compile time flag. The user can enable it at compile time to remove support for LRO from the driver. The flag is used by adding
CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DIXGBE_NO_LRO" to the make file when it's being compiled.


You can verify that the driver is using LRO by looking at these counters in ethtool:

lro_flushed - the total number of receives using LRO.

lro_aggregated - counts the total number of Ethernet packets that were combined.

NOTE: IPv6 and UDP are not supported by LRO.


82599 and X540-based adapters support HW based receive side coalescing (RSC) which can merge multiple frames from the same IPv4 TCP/IP flow into a single structure that can span one or more descriptors. It works similarly to SW Large receive offload technique. By default HW RSC is enabled and SW LRO can not be used for 82599 and X540-based adapters unless HW RSC is disabled.

IXGBE_NO_HW_RSC is a compile time flag. The user can enable it at compile time to remove support for HW RSC from the driver. The flag is used by adding CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DIXGBE_NO_HW_RSC" to the make file when it's being compiled.

      make CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DIXGBE_NO_HW_RSC" install

You can verify that the driver is using HW RSC by looking at the counter in ethtool:

      hw_rsc_count - counts the total number of Ethernet packets that were being combined.


When in a non-Napi (or Interrupt) mode, this counter indicates that the stack is dropping packets. There is an adjustable parameter in the stack that allows you to adjust the amount of backlog. We recommend increasing the netdev_max_backlog if the counter goes up.

# sysctl -a |grep netdev_max_backlog

net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 1000

# sysctl -e net.core.netdev_max_backlog=10000

net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000

Flow Control

Flow control is enabled by default. If you want to disable a flow control capable link partner, use ethtool:

    ethtool -A eth? autoneg off rx off tx off

MAC and VLAN anti-spoofing feature

When a malicious driver attempts to send a spoofed packet, it is dropped by the hardware and not transmitted. An interrupt is sent to the PF driver notifying it of the spoof attempt.

When a spoofed packet is detected the PF driver will send the following message to the system log (displayed by the "dmesg" command):

ixgbe ethX: ixgbe_spoof_check: n spoofed packets detected

Where x=the PF interface#   n=the VF that attempted to do the spoofing.

Note that this feature can be disabled for a specific Virtual Function (VF).

Setting MAC Address, VLAN and Rate Limit Using IProute2 Tool

You can set a MAC address of a Virtual Function (VF), a default VLAN and the rate limit using the IProute2 tool. Download the latest version of the iproute2 tool from Sourceforge if your version does not have all the features you require.

(WoL) Wake on LAN Support

Some adapters do not support Wake on LAN. To determine if your adapter supports Wake on LAN, run

ethtool ethX


Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is used to synchronize clocks in a computer network and is supported in the ixgbe driver.

The IXGBE_PTP is a compile time flag. The user may enable PTP at compile time by adding CFLAGS_EXTRA="-DIXGBE_PTP" to the make file when it is being compiled.


Performance Tuning

An excellent article on performance tuning can be found at:

Known Issues/Troubleshooting

NOTE: After installing the driver, if your Intel Ethernet Network Connection is not working, verify that you have installed the correct driver.

MSI-X Issues with Kernels between 2.6.19 - 2.6.21 (inclusive)

Kernel panics and instability may be observed on any MSI-X hardware if you use irqbalance with kernels between 2.6.19 and 2.6.21. If such problems are encountered, you may disable the irqbalance daemon or upgrade to a newer kernel.

Driver Compilation

When trying to compile the driver by running make install, the following error may occur:  "Linux kernel source not configured - missing version.h"

To solve this issue, create the version.h file by going to the Linux source tree and entering:

make include/linux/version.h

Do Not Use LRO When Routing or Bridging Packets

Due to a known general compatibility issue with LRO and routing, do not use

LRO and iSCSI Incompatibility

LRO is incompatible with iSCSI target or initiator traffic. A panic may occur when iSCSI traffic is received through the ixgbe driver with LRO enabled. To workaround this, the driver should be built and installed with:


Performance Degradation with Jumbo Frames

Degradation in throughput performance may be observed in some Jumbo frames environments. If this is observed, increasing the application's socket buffer size and/or increasing the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_*mem entry values may help. See the specific application manual and /usr/src/linux*/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt .

Multiple Interfaces on Same Ethernet Broadcast Network

Due to the ARP behavior on Linux, it is not possible to have one system on two IP networks in the same Ethernet broadcast domain (non-partitioned switch) behave as expected. All Ethernet interfaces will respond to IP traffic for any IP address assigned to the system. This results in unbalanced receive traffic.

If you have multiple interfaces in a server, either turn on ARP filtering by entering:

     echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter

(this only works if your kernel's version is higher than 2.4.5), or install the interfaces in separate broadcast domains (either in different switches or in a switch partitioned to VLANs).

UDP Stress Test Dropped Packet Issue

Under small packets UDP stress test with 10GbE driver, the Linux system may drop UDP packets due to the fullness of socket buffers. You may want to change the driver's Flow Control variables to the minimum value for controlling packet reception.

Or you can increase the kernel's default buffer sizes for UDP by changing the values in

/proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default and rmem_max

Unplugging network cable while ethtool -p is running

In kernel versions 2.5.50 and later (including 2.6 kernel), unplugging the network cable while ethtool -p is running will cause the system to become unresponsive to keyboard commands, except for control-alt-delete. Restarting the system appears to be the only remedy.

Cisco Catalyst 4948-10GE port resets may cause switch to shut down ports

82598-based hardware can re-establish link quickly and when connected to some switches, rapid resets within the driver may cause the switch port to become
isolated due to "link flap". This is typically indicated by a yellow instead of a green link light. Several operations may cause this problem, such as repeatedly running ethtool commands that cause a reset.

A potential workaround is to use the Cisco IOS command "no errdisable detect cause all" from the Global Configuration prompt which enables the switch to keep the interfaces up, regardless of errors.

Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.7, 5.1, or 5.2 with an Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter may cause kernel panic

A known issue may cause a kernel panic or hang after installing an 82598AT-based Intel(R) 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.7, 5.1, or 5.2 system. The ixgbe driver for both the install kernel and the runtime kernel can create this panic if the 82598AT adapter is installed. Red Hat may release a security update that contains a fix for the panic that you can download using RHN (Red Hat Network) or Intel recommends that you install the ixgbe- driver or newer BEFORE installing the hardware.

Rx Page Allocation Errors

Page allocation failure. order:0 errors may occur under stress with kernels 2.6.25 and above. This is caused by the way the Linux kernel reports this stressed condition.

DCB: Generic segmentation offload on causes bandwidth allocation issues

In order for DCB to work correctly, GSO (Generic Segmentation Offload aka software TSO) must be disabled using ethtool. By default since the hardware supports TSO (hardware offload of segmentation) GSO will not be running. The GSO state can be queried with ethtool using ethtool -k ethX.

When using 82598-based network connections, ixgbe driver only supports 16 queues on a platform with more than 16 cores

Due to known hardware limitations, RSS can only filter in a maximum of 16 receive queues.

82599 and X540-based network connections support up to 64 queues.

Disable GRO when routing/bridging

Due to a known kernel issue, GRO must be turned off when routing/bridging. GRO can be turned off via ethtool.

     ethtool -K ethX gro off

     where ethX is the ethernet interface you're trying to modify.

Lower than expected performance on dual port and quad port 10GbE devices

Some PCI-E x8 slots are actually configured as x4 slots. These slots have insufficient bandwidth for full 10Gbe line rate with dual port and quad port 10GbE devices. In addition, if you put a PCIe Gen 3-capable adapter into a PCIe Gen 2  slot, you can not get full bandwidth. The driver can detect this situation and will write the following message in the system log: PCI-Express bandwidth available for this card is not sufficient for optimal performance. For optimal performance a x8 PCI-Express slot is required.

If this error occurs, moving your adapter to a true x8 slot will resolve the issue.

ethtool may incorrectly display SFP+ fiber module as Direct Attached cable

Due to kernel limitations, port type can only be correctly displayed on kernel 2.6.33 or greater.

Under Redhat 5.4 - System May Crash when Closing Guest OS Window after Loading/Unloading Physical Function (PF) Driver

Do not remove the ixgbe driver from Dom0 while Virtual Functions (VFs) are assigned to guests. VFs must first use the xm "pci-detach" command to hot-plug the VF device out of the VM it is assigned to or else shut down the VM.

Unloading Physical Function (PF) Driver Causes System Reboots When VM is Running and VF is Loaded on the VM

On pre-3.2 Linux kernels unloading the Physical Function (PF) driver causes system reboots when the VM is running and VF is loaded on the VM.

Do not unload the PF driver (ixgbe) while VFs are assigned to guests.

Running ethtool -t ethX command causes break between PF and test client

When there are active VFs, "ethtool -t" will only run the link test. The driver will also log in syslog that VFs should be shut down to run a full diags test.

SLES10 SP3 random system panic when reloading driver

This is a known SLES-10 SP3 issue. After requesting interrupts for MSI-X vectors, system may panic.

Currently the only known workaround is to build the drivers with CFLAGS_EXTRA=-DDISABLE_PCI_MSI if the driver need to be loaded/unloaded. Otherwise the driver can be loaded once and will be safe, but unloading it will lead to the issue.

Enabling SR-IOV in a 32-bit or 64-bit Microsoft* Windows* Server 2008/R2 Guest OS using Intel® 82576-based GbE, Intel® 82599 or X540-based 10GbE controller under KVM

KVM Hypervisor/VMM supports direct assignment of a PCIe device to a VM. This includes traditional PCIe devices, as well as SR-IOV-capable devices using Intel 82576-based and 82599 or X540-based controllers.

While direct assignment of a PCIe device or an SR-IOV Virtual Function (VF) to a Linux-based VM running 2.6.32 or later kernel works fine, there is a known issue with Microsoft Windows Server 2008/R2 VM that results in a "yellow bang" error. This problem is within the KVM VMM itself, not the Intel driver, or the SR-IOV logic of the VMM, but rather that KVM emulates an older CPU model for the guests, and this older CPU model does not support MSI-X interrupts, which is a requirement for Intel SR-IOV.

If you wish to use the Intel 82576, 82599 or X540-based controllers in SR-IOV mode with KVM and a Microsoft Windows Server 2008/R2 guest try the following workaround. The workaround is to tell KVM to emulate a different model of CPU when using qemu to create the KVM guest:

"-cpu qemu64,model=13"

Loading ixgbe driver in 3.2.x and above kernels displays kernel tainted message

Due to recent kernel changes, loading an out of tree driver will cause the kernel to be tainted.

Unable to obtain DHCP lease on boot with RedHat

For configurations where the auto-negotiation process takes more than 5 seconds, the boot script may fail with the following message:

ethX: failed. No link present. Check cable?

If this error appears even though the presence of a link can be confirmed using ethtool ethX, try setting

LINKDELAY=5 in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX.

NOTE: Link time can take up to 30 seconds. Adjust LINKDELAY value accordingly.

Host may Reboot after Removing PF when VF is Active in Guest

Using kernel versions earlier than 3.2, do not unload the PF driver with active VFs. Doing this will cause your VFs to stop working until you reload the PF driver and may cause a spontaneous reboot of your system.

Software bridging does not work with SR-IOV Virtual Functions

SR-IOV Virtual Functions are unable to send or receive traffic between VMs using emulated connections on a Linux Software bridge and connections that use SR-IOV VFs.


For general information, go to the Intel support website at:

If an issue is identified with the released source code on the supported kernel with a supported adapter, email the specific information related to the issue to

Using the ixgbevf Base Driver


Building and Installation

Command Line Parameters

Additional Configurations

Known Issues


This driver supports upstream kernel versions 2.6.30 (or higher) x86_64.

Supported Operating Systems: SLES 11 SP1 x86_64, RHEL 5.3/5.4 x86_64.

The ixgbevf driver supports 82599 and X540-based virtual function devices that can only be activated on kernels that support SR-IOV. SR-IOV requires the correct platform and OS support.

The ixgbevf driver requires the ixgbe driver, version 2.0 or later. The ixgbevf driver supports virtual functions generated by the ixgbe driver with a max_vfs value of 1 or greater. For more information on the max_vfs parameter refer to the section on the the ixgbe driver.

The guest OS loading the ixgbevf driver must support MSI-X interrupts.

This driver is only supported as a loadable module at this time. Intel is not supplying patches against the kernel source to allow for static linking of the driver. For questions related to hardware requirements, refer to the documentation supplied with your Intel Gigabit adapter. All hardware requirements listed apply to use with Linux.

Instructions on updating ethtool can be found in the section Additional Configurations later in this document.

VLANs: There is a limit of a total of 64 shared VLANs to 1 or more VFs.

Building and Installation

To build a binary RPM* package of this driver, run 'rpmbuild -tb <filename.tar.gz>'. Replace <filename.tar.gz> with the specific filename of the driver.

NOTE: For the build to work properly, the currently running kernel MUST match the version and configuration of the installed kernel sources. If you have just recompiled the kernel reboot the system now.

RPM functionality has only been tested in Red Hat distributions.

  1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For example, use ' /home/username/ ixgbevf or /usr/local/src/ ixgbevf.'.

  2. Untar/unzip the archive:

    tar zxf ixgbevf-x.x.x.tar.gz

  3. Change to the driver src directory:

    cd   ixgbevf-<x.x.x>/src/

  4. Compile the driver module:

    # make install

    The binary will be installed as:

    /lib/modules/<KERNEL VERSION>/kernel/drivers/net/ixgbevf/ixgbevf.[k]o

    The install location listed above is the default location. This may differ for various Linux distributions.

  5. Load the module using the modprobe command:

    modprobe ixgbevf

    With 2.6 based kernels also make sure that older e1000e drivers are removed from the kernel, before loading the new module:

    rmmod ixgbevf; modprobe ixgbevf

  6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where <x> is the interface number:

    ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>

  7. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address> is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface that is being tested:

    ping <IP_address>

Command Line Parameters

If the driver is built as a module, the following optional parameters are used by entering them on the command line with the modprobe command using this syntax:

modprobe ixgbevf [<option>=<VAL1>,<VAL2>,...]

There needs to be a <VAL#> for each network port in the system supported by this driver. The values will be applied to each instance, in function order. For example:

modprobe ixgbevf InterruptThrottleRate=16000,16000

In this case, there are two network ports supported by ixgbevf in the system. The default value for each parameter is generally the recommended setting, unless otherwise noted.

  • For more information about the AutoNeg, Duplex, and Speed parameters, see the Speed and Duplex Configuration section in this document.
  • For more information about the InterruptThrottleRate, parameter, see the application note at:
  • A descriptor describes a data buffer and attributes related to the data buffer. This information is accessed by the hardware.

Parameter Name Valid Range/Settings Default Description
0,1,956-488281 (0=off, 1=dynamic)
8000 The driver can limit the amount of interrupts per second that the adapter will generate for incoming packets. It does this by writing a value to the adapter that is based on the maximum amount of interrupts that the adapter will generate per second.

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to a value greater or equal to 100 will program the adapter to send out a maximum of that many interrupts per second, even if more packets have come in. This reduces interrupt load on the system and can lower CPU utilization under heavy load, but will increase latency as packets are not processed as quickly.

The default behaviour of the driver previously assumed a static InterruptThrottleRate value of 8000, providing a good fallback value for all traffic types, but lacking in small packet performance and latency. The hardware can handle many more small packets per second however, and for this reason an adaptive interrupt moderation algorithm was implemented.

The driver has one adaptive mode (setting 1) in which it dynamically adjusts the InterruptThrottleRate value based on the traffic that it receives. After determining the type of incoming traffic in the last timeframe, it will adjust the InterruptThrottleRate to an appropriate value for that traffic.

The algorithm classifies the incoming traffic every interval into classes. Once the class is determined, the InterruptThrottleRate value is adjusted to suit that traffic type the best. There are three classes defined: "Bulk traffic", for large amounts of packets of normal size; "Low latency", for small amounts of traffic and/or a significant percentage of small packets; and "Lowest latency", for almost completely small packets or minimal traffic.

In dynamic conservative mode, the InterruptThrottleRate value is set to 4000 for traffic that falls in class "Bulk traffic". If traffic falls in the "Low latency" or "Lowest latency" class, the InterruptThrottleRate is increased stepwise to 20000. This default mode is suitable for most applications.

For situations where low latency is vital such as cluster or grid computing, the algorithm can reduce latency even more when InterruptThrottleRate is set to mode 1. In this mode, the InterruptThrottleRate will be increased stepwise to 70000 for traffic in class "Lowest latency".

Setting InterruptThrottleRate to 0 turns off any interrupt moderation and may improve small packet latency, but is generally not suitable for bulk throughput traffic

NOTE: Dynamic interrupt throttling is only applicable to adapters operating in MSI or Legacy interrupt mode, using a single receive queue.

NOTE: When ixgbevf is loaded with default settings and multiple adapters are in use simultaneously, the CPU utilization may increase non-linearly. In order to limit the CPU utilization without impacting the overall throughput, we recommend that you load the driver as follows:

modprobe ixgbevf InterruptThrottleRate=3000,3000,3000

This sets the InterruptThrottleRate to 3000 interrupts/sec for the first, second, and third instances of the driver. The range of 2000 to 3000 interrupts per second works on a majority of systems and is a good starting point, but the optimal value will be platform-specific. If CPU utilization is not a concern, use default driver settings.

Additional Configurations

Configuring the Driver on Different Distribution

Configuring a network driver to load properly when the system is started is distribution dependent. Typically, the configuration process involves adding an alias line to /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf as well as editing other system startup scripts and/or configuration files. Many popular Linux distributions ship with tools to make these changes for you. To learn the proper way to configure a network device for your system, refer to your distribution documentation. If during this process you are asked for the driver or module name, the name for the Linux Base Driver for the Gigabit Family of Adapters is ixgbevf.

As an example, if you install the ixgbevf driver for two Gigabit adapters (eth0 and ethX) and want to set the interrupt mode to MSI-X and MSI respectively, add the following to modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf:

alias eth0 ixgbevf
alias eth1 ixgbevf
options ixgbevf InterruptThrottleRate=3,1

Viewing Link Messages

Link messages will not be displayed to the console if the distribution is restricting system messages. In order to see network driver link messages on your console, set dmesg to eight by entering the following:

dmesg -n 8

NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots.


The driver utilizes the ethtool interface for driver configuration and diagnostics, as well as displaying statistical information. ethtool version 3.0 or later is required for this functionality, although we strongly recommend downloading the latest version at:


ixgbevf supports MACVLAN on those kernels that have the feature included. Kernel support for MACVLAN can be tested by checking if the MACVLAN driver is loaded. The user can run 'lsmod | grep macvlan' to see if the MACVLAN driver is loaded or run 'modprobe macvlan' to try to load the MACVLAN driver.

It may be necessary to update to a recent release of the iproute2 package to get support of MACVLAN via the 'ip' command.

Known Issues/Troubleshooting

NOTE: After installing the driver, if your Intel Network Connection is not working, verify that you have installed the correct driver.

Driver Compilation

When trying to compile the driver by running make install, the following error may occur:

"Linux kernel source not configured - missing version.h"

To solve this issue, create the version.h file by going to the Linux source tree and entering:

make include/linux/version.h.

Multiple Interfaces on Same Ethernet Broadcast Network

Due to the default ARP behavior on Linux, it is not possible to have one system on two IP networks in the same Ethernet broadcast domain (non-partitioned switch) behave as expected. All Ethernet interfaces will respond to IP traffic for any IP address assigned to the system. This results in unbalanced receive traffic.

If you have multiple interfaces in a server, either turn on ARP filtering by entering:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter

(this only works if your kernel's version is higher than 2.4.5)

NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots. The configuration change can be made permanent by adding the line:

net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1

to the file /etc/sysctl.conf


install the interfaces in separate broadcast domains (either in different switches or in a switch partitioned to VLANs).

Build error with Asianux 3.0 - redefinition of typedef 'irq_handler_t'

Some systems may experience build issues due to redefinition of irq_handler_t. To resolve this issue build the driver (step 4 above) using the command:


MSI-X Issues with Kernels between 2.6.19 - 2.6.21 (inclusive)

Kernel panics and instability may be observed on any MSI-X hardware if you use irqbalance with kernels between 2.6.19 and 2.6.21. If such problems are encountered, you may disable the irqbalance daemon or upgrade to a newer kernel.

Rx Page Allocation Errors

Page allocation failure. order:0 errors may occur under stress with kernels 2.6.25 and above. This is caused by the way the Linux kernel reports this stressed condition.

Host may Reboot after Removing PF when VF is Active in Guest

Using kernel versions earlier than 3.2, do not unload the PF driver with active VFs. Doing this will cause your VFs to stop working until you reload the PF driver and may cause a spontaneous reboot of your system.


For general information, go to the Intel support website at:

If an issue is identified with the released source code on the supported kernel with a supported adapter, email the specific information related to the issue to

Last modified on 11/10/11 2:04p 10/22/04 9:45a

PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/legaldis.htm0000755000000000000000000000205611701332424012555 0ustar Legal Information

Copyright and Legal Disclaimers

Copyright © 2002 - 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

Intel, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Warranty Information

Software License


Last modified on 1/25/11 10:21p Revision PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/license.htm0000755000000000000000000003756411736273470012444 0ustar Software License



Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials (collectively, the “Software”) provided under this license agreement (“Agreement”) until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions.

By copying, installing, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not copy, install, or use the Software.


Please Note:

  • If you are a network or system administrator, the “Site License” below shall apply to you.
  • If you are an end user, the “Single User License” shall apply to you.
  • If you are an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), the “OEM License” shall apply to you.

SITE LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto your organization’s computers for your organization’s use, and you may make a reasonable number of back-up copies of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

SINGLE USER LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto a single computer for your personal use, and you may make one back-up copy of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

OEM LICENSE: You may reproduce and distribute the Software only as an integral part of or incorporated in your product, as a standalone Software maintenance update for existing end users of your products, excluding any other standalone products, or as a component of a larger Software distribution, including but not limited to the distribution of an installation image or a Guest Virtual Machine image, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. You may only distribute the Software to your customers pursuant to a written license agreement. Such license agreement may be a "break-the-seal" license agreement. At a minimum such license shall safeguard Intel's ownership rights to the Software.
  6. You may not distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel.
  7. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may NOT: (i) use or copy the Software except as provided in this Agreement; (ii) rent or lease the Software to any third party; (iii) assign this Agreement or transfer the Software without the express written consent of Intel; (iv) modify, adapt, or translate the Software in whole or in part except as provided in this Agreement; (v) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software; (vi) attempt to modify or tamper with the normal function of a license manager that regulates usage of the Software; (vii) distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel; (viii) permit, authorize, license or sublicense any third party to view or use the Source Code; (ix) modify or distribute the Source Code or Software so that any part of it becomes subject to an Excluded License. (An "Excluded License" is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification, or distribution, that (a) the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or (b) others have the right to modify it.); (x) use or include the Source Code or Software in deceptive, malicious or unlawful programs.

NO OTHER RIGHTS. No rights or licenses are granted by Intel to you, expressly or by implication, with respect to any proprietary information or patent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right owned or controlled by Intel, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted to you directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel, or otherwise. Specifically, Intel grants no express or implied right to you under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.

OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. The Software is licensed, not sold. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. You agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software.

ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE.  If the Software you are installing or using under this Agreement is pre-commercial release or is labeled or otherwise represented as alpha- or beta- versions of the Software ("pre-release Software"), then the following terms apply. To the extent that any provision in this Section conflicts with any other term(s) or condition(s) in this Agreement with respect to pre-release Software, this Section shall supersede the other term(s) or condition(s), but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. You understand and acknowledge that the Software is pre-release Software, does not represent the final Software from Intel, and may contain errors and other problems that could cause data loss, system failures, or other errors. The pre-release Software is provided to you "as-is" and Intel disclaims any warranty or liability to you for any damages that arise out of the use of the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that Intel has not promised that pre-release Software will be released in the future, that Intel has no express or implied obligation to you to release the pre-release Software and that Intel may not introduce Software that is compatible with the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that the entirety of any research or development you perform that is related to the pre-release Software or to any product making use of or associated with the pre-release Software is done at your own risk. If Intel has provided you with pre-release Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, your use of the pre-release Software is also governed by such agreement.

LIMITED MEDIA WARRANTY.  If the Software has been delivered by Intel on physical media, Intel warrants the media to be free from material physical defects for a period of ninety days after delivery by Intel. If such a defect is found, return the media to Intel for replacement or alternate delivery of the Software as Intel may select.

EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES.  EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within the Software.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. In the event that you use the Software in conjunction with a virtual (emulated) device designed to appear as an Intel component product, you acknowledge that Intel is neither the author nor the creator of the virtual (emulated) device. You understand and acknowledge that Intel makes no representations about the correct operation of the Software when used with a virtual (emulated) device, that Intel did not design the Software to operate in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, and that the Software may not be capable of correct operation in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to assume the risk that the Software may not operate properly in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with the use of the Software in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Software.

UNAUTHORIZED USE. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN ANY TYPE OF SYSTEM OR APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR (E.G MEDICAL SYSTEMS, LIFE SUSTAINING OR LIFE SAVING SYSTEMS). If you use the Software for any such unintended or unauthorized use, you shall indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.

TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement at any time if you violate its terms. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy the Software or return all copies of the Software to Intel.

APPLICABLE LAWS. Claims arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. You agree that the terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to this Agreement. You may not export the Software in violation of applicable export laws and regulations. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel.

GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The enclosed Software and documentation were developed at private expense, and are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor. The use of this product by the Government constitutes acknowledgement of Intels proprietary rights in the Software. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel.

LANGUAGE; TRANSLATIONS. In the event that the English language version of this Agreement is accompanied by any other version translated into any other language, such translated version is provided for convenience purposes only and the English language version shall control.

Last modified on 4/02/12 10:56p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/note.gif0000755000000000000000000000073211651742220011715 0ustar GIF89a!1J!Z)c1sRR{{{{Z{9sssBBssR99JJfffZZZ))ZZ9ZZ)RRRRRBJJJBBB333)))!!!!,@pH,  f!:(3z<H\! E@S$bQ/G2~C $.$G(c%Gz',sE!rrC $M*L ( +UMG&MBCN#L}G ,ȻB+KB)Yt(E # B*$#һ+s-N#m@@465֘ 09!.(*@ 1A ;PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/overview.htm0000755000000000000000000000330211660720040012631 0ustar Installing Intel Network Drivers for Linux

Installing Intel® Ethernet Network Drivers for Linux*

Intel provides the following packages for managing 100, Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Families of Adapters for Linux* operating systems.

Base Drivers
For base driver features,  installation, configuration, and command line parameter information, refer to:

For Gigabit adapters:  e1000.htm
For 10 Gigabit adapters: ixgbe.htm
For 100 adapters:  Driver updates for 100 adapters can be found at

Intel Support for Linux

For general information and support, see the Support page.

If an issue is identified with the released source code on the supported kernel with a supported adapter, email the specific information related to the issue to

Last modified on 4/20/11 3:22p Revision

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Customer Support

Intel support is available on the web or by phone. Support offers the most up-to-date information about Intel products, including installation instructions, troubleshooting tips, and general product information.

Web and Internet Sites


Corporate Site for Network Products:


Last modified on 5/12/10 3:26p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/test_ln.htm0000755000000000000000000001057311660720040012443 0ustar Test the Adapter

Adapter Testing Using Ethtool

Intel adapters have built-in self-test diagnostics, such as I/O conflicts, memory faults, EEPROM operability, and basic transmit/receive operation. This can help determine if there is a hardware fault due to the adapter or cable connectivity. This testing capability is built into the adapter and is accessed via the driver. Ethtool (version 1.6 or later) is used as the interface for the diagnostic tests and results.

Ethtool is an open-source program that can be used as an interface to provide driver configuration and diagnostics, as well as displaying statistical information.

Ethtool is available at: See the ethtool man page for complete information on usage.

To invoke diagnostics from ethtool, enter this command:

ethtool -t <EthX>

where <EthX> is the name of the Ethernet device under test (e.g., "eth0").

Here is a sample of the diagnostics output:

The test result is PASS
Register test  (offline).......... Passed
EEPROM test    (offline).......... Passed
Interrupt test (offline).......... Passed
Loopback test  (offline).......... Passed
Link test   (on/offline).......... Passed

By default, the more comprehensive "offline" test set is invoked. This will momentarily disrupt any active traffic on the device under test. The set of available diagnostic tests is determined internally by the NIC. The tests that are run are determined by the ethtool command line parameters.

The following tests are common to many Intel adapters:

Test Name Description Test Results
Register Test Test patterns are written, read and verified through the adapter's device registers to ensure proper functionality. Test failure may indicate a faulty adapter.
FIFO Test This utility will write test bit patterns to the adapter's FIFO buffers, to make sure the FIFOs are working properly. Not all adapters have FIFO buffers, so it may not appear in your test results. Test failure may indicate a faulty adapter.
EEPROM Test This test is run if the adapter is equipped with this type of memory. It tests both the readability of the EEPROM and the integrity of the data via checksum. Test failure may indicate a faulty adapter.
Interrupt Test This tests the adapter's ability to generate an interrupt. This test sets the interrupt cause register and reads the interrupt set register, verifying the adapter correctly registered an internal interrupt. Test failure may indicate a faulty adapter.
Loopback Test There are two internal loopback tests: MAC (media access controller) Loopback and PHY (LAN controller) Loopback. Neither test requires an external loopback connection or responder. These tests set the adapter in the appropriate loopback mode and send packets back through the adapter's receive circuitry and logic. Test failure may indicate a faulty adapter.
Link Test This checks to see whether or not the adapter has established link with its link partner. If this test fails, check the cable connection and the status of the link partner.

Last modified on 12/20/06 8:55a Revision

PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/toc.htm0000755000000000000000000000222412071526774011571 0ustar
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Gigabit - e1000 Driver

10 Gigabit - ixgbe Driver

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Adapter Testing and Diagnostics

Testing the Adapter

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Intel Linux* Base Driver for Intel Ethernet Adapters

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PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/trbl_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000003446611656750064012443 0ustar Configuration and Troubleshooting

Configuration and Troubleshooting

Common Problems and Solutions

There are many simple, easy-to-fix problems related to network problems. Review each one of these before going further.

  • Check the cable. Use the best available cabling for the intended data rate.

    • Check that the cable is securely attached at both points.

    • For copper connections, make sure the cable is a 4-pair Category-5 or better.

    • Make sure the cable length does not exceed specifications.

    • Perform a cable test.

    • Replace the cable.

  • Check the link partner (switch, hub, etc.).

    • Make sure the link partner is active and can send and receive traffic.

    • Make sure the adapter and link partner settings match one another, or are set to auto-negotiate.

    • Make sure the port is enabled.

    • Re-connect to another available port or another link partner.

  • Look for adapter hardware problems.

    • Re-seat the adapter.

    • Insert the adapter in another slot.

    • Check for conflicting or incompatible hardware devices and settings.

    • Replace the adapter.

  • Check the driver software.

    • Make sure you are using the latest appropriate drivers for your adapter from the Intel support website.

    • Disable (or unload), then re-enable (reload) the driver or adapter.

    • Check for conflicting settings. Disable advanced settings such as teaming or VLANs to see if it corrects the problem.

    • Re-install the drivers.

  • Check for recent changes to hardware, software or the network, that may have disrupted communications.

  • Check the adapter release notes (readme.txt).

    • The Known Issues section may have specific troubleshooting information for your configuration.

  • Check the Intel support website for possible documented issues.

    • Select your adapter from the adapter family list.

    • Check the Frequently Asked questions section.

    • Check the Knowledge Base.

  • Check your process monitor and other system monitors.

    • Check to see that there is sufficient processor and memory capacity to perform networking activity.

    • Look for any unusual activity (or lack of activity).

    • Use network testing programs to check for basic connectivity.

  • Check your BIOS version and settings.

    • Use the latest appropriate BIOS for your computer.

    • Make sure the settings are appropriate for your computer.

  • Reboot the computer.

The following troubleshooting table assumes that you have already reviewed the common problems and solutions.
Problem Solution

Your computer cannot find the adapter

Make sure your adapter slots are compatible for the type of adapter you are using:

  • PCI Express v1.0 (or newer)

  • PCI-X v2.0

  • PCI slots are v2.2 

Diagnostics pass but the connection fails

Make sure the cable is securely attached, is the proper type and does not exceed the recommended lengths. 

Try running the Sender-Responder diagnostic Test.

Make sure the duplex mode and speed setting on the adapter matches the setting on the switch.

Another adapter stops working after you installed the Intel® Network Adapter

Make sure your PCI BIOS is current. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

Check for interrupt conflicts and sharing problems. Make sure the other adapter supports shared interrupts. Also, make sure your operating system supports shared interrupts.

Unload all PCI device drivers, then reload all drivers.

Adapter unable to connect to switch at correct speed. Gigabit adapter connects at 100 Mbps and 10 gigabit adapter connects at 1000 Mbps.

This is applicable only to copper-based connections.

Make sure the adapter and the link partner are set to auto-negotiate.  

Verify that you are running the latest operating system revision for your switch and that the switch is compliant with the proper IEEE standard:

  • IEEE 802.3ad-compliant (gigabit over copper) 

  • IEEE 802.3an-compliant (10 gigabit over copper)

The adapter stops working without apparent cause

Run the adapter and network tests described under "Test the Adapter".

The Link indicator light is off

Run the adapter and network tests described under "Test the Adapter".

Make sure the proper (and latest) driver is loaded.

Make sure that the link partner is configured to auto-negotiate (or forced to match adapter)

Verify that the switch is IEEE 802.3ad-compliant.

The link light is on, but communications are not properly established

Make sure the proper (and latest) driver is loaded. 

Both the adapter and its link partner must be set to either auto-detect or manually set to the same speed and duplex settings.  

NOTE: The adapter's link indicator light may be on even if communications between the adapter and its link partner have not been properly established. Technically, the link indicator light represents the presence of a carrier signal but not necessarily the ability to properly communicate with a link partner.  This is expected behavior and is consistent with IEEE's specification for physical layer operation.
RX or TX light is off

Network may be idle; try creating traffic while monitoring the lights.

The diagnostic utility reports the adapter is "Not enabled by BIOS"

The PCI BIOS isn't configuring the adapter correctly. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

The computer hangs when the drivers are loaded

Try changing the PCI BIOS interrupt settings. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

The Fan Fail LED of the 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter is on (red) The fan cooling solution is not functioning properly. Contact customer support for further instructions.

Multiple Adapters

When configuring a multi-adapter environment, you must upgrade all Intel adapters in the computer to the latest software.

If the computer has trouble detecting all adapters, consider the following:

  • If you enable Wake on LAN* (WoL) on more than two adapters, the Wake on LAN feature may overdraw your systems auxiliary power supply, resulting in the inability to boot the system and other unpredictable problems. For multiple desktop/management adapters, it is recommended that you install one adapter at a time and use the IBAUtil utility (ibautil.exe in \APPS\BOOTAGNT) to disable the WoL feature on adapters that do not require WoL capabilities. On server adapters, the WoL feature is disabled by default.

  • Adapters with Intel Boot Agent enabled will require a portion of the limited start up memory for each adapter enabled. Disable the service on adapters that do not need to boot Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE).

PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration

If the adapter is not recognized by your OS or if it does not work you may need to change some BIOS settings. Try the following only if you are having problems with the adapter and are familiar with BIOS settings. 

  • Check to see that the "Plug-and-Play" setting is compatible with the operating system you are using.

  • Make sure the slot is enabled.

  • Install the adapter in a bus-master slot.

  • Configure interrupts for level-triggering, as opposed to edge-triggering.

  • Reserve interrupts and/or memory addresses. This prevents multiple buses or bus slots from using the same interrupts. Check the BIOS for IRQ options for PCI / PCI-X / PCIe.

Here are some examples of BIOS parameters:

PCI / PCI-X / PCIe slot #: Slot where the adapter is installed
Latency timer: 40 - 80
Interrupt: Choose any one of several that the BIOS provides.
Edge-level: Level

The exact wording of the parameters varies with different computers.

Other Performance Issues

Attaining the best speed requires that many components are operating at peak efficiency. Among them are the following:

  • Cable quality and length - Do not exceed the maximum recommended length for your cable type. Shorter lengths often provide better results. Check for loose or damaged connectors. Check the cable for kinked or damaged sections. 

  • Bus speed and traffic - The PCI bus speed accommodates the slowest PCI card installed. Check to see if you have a card that is slowing down your system.

  • Processor and Memory - Check your performance monitoring programs to see if traffic is being affected by your processor speed, available memory or other processes.

  • Transmission frame size - Your network performance may be enhanced by adjusting or maximizing the transmission frame size. Operating systems, switches and adapters will impose varying limits on maximum frame size. See the discussion on Jumbo Frames for your OS.

  • Operating System - Networking feature implementation will vary by operating system version, such as offloading and multiprocessor threading.

Last modified on 8/21/08 11:09a Revision PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/warning.gif0000755000000000000000000000076411651742220012422 0ustar GIF89aﭭ便{{sskkccZZRRJJBB9911))!!))!!!!!!!!!!,@pH$rlx$r ҬRp.Zir@*8BH)Y8]2"F"l }"s!Pa% Ia# ' r$$R]R'"" XL  JNo E^NۀE@ YPې  2]`eC @ lB::V@ "jHD0eR҄^H 3N@;PRO100/DOCS/LINUX/warranty.htm0000755000000000000000000001374712135233534012655 0ustar Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

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Limitation of Liability and Remedies

Last modified on 9/17/12 10:42a

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Ȩ® 2002 - 2013 ꣬Ӣض˾Ȩ

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA







PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/CHS/license.htm0000755000000000000000000002241511746003724013015 0ustar ֤


Ҫ - ڸơװʹǰĶЭ





  • ϵͳԱ“վ֤”
  • û“һû֤”
  • ԭʼ豸̣OEM“OEM ֤”

վ֤ ԽƵ֯ļԹ֯ʹãҲĿıݣǣ

  1. ¶ʹãaӢضƷͣbеļľӲϵͳʾΪӢضƷ⣨“ģ”豸Աκʹ÷ӢضƷһʹãڴ˴ɡ
  2. ݱЭӢض˾“Ӣض”ǶռҲתõ׼ʹñİȨɡ
  3. Э涨֮⣬øơ޸ġ⡢ַۡתñκβֹ֣ͬδȨ
  4. 򹤳̡򷴻౾
  5. ЩֿܸЭ鲻ͬṩЩ渽֤涨

û֤: ԽƵ̨ϹʹãҲһݣǣ

  1. ¶ʹãaӢضƷͣbеļľӲϵͳʾΪӢضƷ⣨“ģ”豸Աκʹ÷ӢضƷһʹãڴ˴ɡ
  2. ݱЭӢض˾“Ӣض”ǶռҲתõ׼ʹñİȨɡ
  3. Э涨֮⣬øơ޸ġ⡢ַۡתñκβֹ֣ͬδȨ
  4. 򹤳̡򷴻౾
  5. ЩֿܸЭ鲻ͬṩЩ渽֤涨

OEM ֤ ԸƺͷǣIJƷɷָһֻϵIJƷеһ֡вƷûṩĶάԸʱųκƷһϴһڰװӳķӳ񣬲ƣ

  1. ¶ʹãaӢضƷͣbеļľӲϵͳʾΪӢضƷ⣨“ģ”豸Աκʹ÷ӢضƷһʹãڴ˴ɡ
  2. ݱЭӢض˾“Ӣض”ǶռתõġʹñİȨɡ
  3. Э涨֮⣬øơ޸ġ⡢ַۡתñκβֹ֣ͬδȨ
  4. 򹤳̡򷴻౾
  5. ڷ֤Э½ĿͻЭ“⼴”Э顣޶ȣ֤Ӧñ֤ӢضӵȨ
  6. δõӢضȷɵ£ԴʽκεַɻתñƷκ
  7. ЩֿܸЭ鲻ͬṩЩ渽֤涨

Ȩơ ã (i) ʹûƱϣDZЭȷ涨(ii) κε(iii) δõӢضȷɵ·תñ(iv) ޸ġıIJֻȫDZЭȷ涨(v) Ա򹤳ֽ̡⣻(vi) ͼ޸Ļ۸ļܱʹõȨܣ(vii) δõӢضȷɵԴʽκεַתȨתñƷκ(viii) Ȩɻκε鿴ʹԴ룻 (ix) ޸ĻַԴʹκβųɵԼ“ų”Ϊʹá޸ĻַҪ (a) Դʽ¶ַ룻 (b) Ȩ޸ģ(x) ԴھƭԡǷijС

Ȩ ڴЭȷṩɣӢضȷʾķʽṩκйӢضӵлƵרϢרȨ̱ꡢҵܣ֪ʶȨȨ֤Ǵ˳ȷûκɻȨֱӷʽͨʾյֹԻʽ˵ӢضӢضרȨ̱֪ʶȨκȷȨ






δȨʹá ּڣȨκڱʱܻᵼ¸˺κϵͳӦóҽϵͳάϵͳϵͳȣ κЩԻδȨ;ʹñͬԻδȨ;йصIJƷΡֱӻ⣨ʹӢضڲƻ췽ڹʧ⡢֧𺦡üʦѣ뱣ӢضְԱ֧߲ȷ䲻ʧ

Эֹ ΥЭӢضκʱֹЭ顣Эֹٱ򽫱иƷ黹Ӣض

÷ɣ ɴЭӦܼݷɹƣǷɵִԭͬ⣬ϹʻۺͬԼµôЭ顣Υõijڷɼ³ڱӢضκЭ鸺ΣӢضȨĴǩд

Ȩ ĵʹ˽˷ÿֻṩ“Ȩ”ʹáƻ򹫿 FAR 52.227-14 DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq. ơԱƷʹӦΪӢضԱȨԼ˻ΪӢض

ԣ룺 Э֮Ӣİ汾κ֮汾෭汾֮ĿĽΪṩӢİ汾Լ

޶ڣ 4/02/12 10:56p ޶汾

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Ӣض® װ

װӢض PCIPCI-X PCI Express*

  1. ػγԴߡ
  2. ж¼ǣжIJ۵IJ۸ǡ
  3. Եι̲ۣʹ֮ȫλ̶֧ܹڻ䡣
  4. װػǡԴߡ

ע ЩӢǧλ̨ʽʹ PCI Express ߡʹһͷIJ۶κ⣬DzҪͼװһ PCI Express ͷ̵IJС

Ӣض PRO/100 ǧλͭ » 10 Mbps 磬ʹ 3 ࡢ4 5 ˫̫TPE¡ 100 1000 Mbps κլ磬ʹ 5 ࣨ4 ԣ¡

SC Ӣض ǧλ ж²ǡ 1000Base-SX ˫ SC ͹֧ϵ TX/RX ˿ڡ

LC Ӣض ǧλ ж²ǡ LC 䲼Ӧ䣨1000BASE-SX 1000BASE-LXĹѧ䣬ƣʹ SCת¡



Windows ϵͳ


  1. ⵽ʱWindows ߰װһ Windows פӲ 򵼡
  2. Ӳȡť
  3. Ӣض CDӢضӡ ԶгԶװ ť


ҪĶ RPM* rpmbuild -tb <ļ.tar.gz>øľļ <ļ.tar.gz>

  • Ҫʹ汾ȷУǰеں˵İ汾ñ밲װںԴ±ںˣӦϵͳ

  • RPM ܽ Red Hat ϲԹ

  • Ӣض PRO100 e100

  1. tar ļѡĿ¼磬ʹ '/home/username/e1000e' '/usr/local/src/e1000e'

  2. ѹõļ <x.x.x> ѹļİ汾ţ
    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. л src Ŀ¼£ <x.x.x> ѹļİ汾ţ
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. ģ飺
    make install

    гİװλΪĬλáǶijЩ Linux ˵һȷ

  5. װģ飺
    modprobe e1000e <>=<ֵ>
  6. ָ IP ַӿڿУ<x> ǽӿڿţ
    ifconfig eth<x> <IP ַ>
  7. ֤ӿڿУ<IP ַ>뱻ӿڿλͬһһ̨ IP ַ
    ping <IP_address>


Ҫװ򣬲μλϵûָ Ӣضͻ֧վ

޶ڣ 2007 10 11 3:48 ޶汾

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޸ڣ 2012 9 17 10:42

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ۧ@v © 2002 - 2013 Intel CorporationCOd@vQC

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

Intel q糧󤤪~βtdCIntel 礣惡B]tTsӿաC

IntelBItanium P Pentium Intel qbHΨLaӼСC

* 䥦W٩M~Pi~gŧiLҦ̤]C




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  2. buXѡvҦڤαWdUAIntel Corporation (² "Intel") ¤zDMݡBiunvϥεۧ@vC
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  4. ziHϦVu{BѽsBΩѦunvC
  5. zȯھڮѭvXNunvtezȤCvXiରu (break-the-seal)vvXCvܤO@ Intel 惡unvҦvC
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FvQC WunvMOpHX}oAHuvQvѨϥΡCuFvϥΡBƻsBo FAR52.227-14 M DFAR252.227-7013 ΨWwCuFvϥΦ~Ncӻ{ Intel 惡unvMvCӥ]өλsytӬO IntelC

yF½ĶC pGuXv^媩H䥦y½ĶA½ĶȥHKϥάتѡA@ӥH^媩DC

W׭q 2012/4/2AU 10:56 ׭q

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Intel® dw

w Intel PCIBPCI-XB PCI Express* d

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`NG Intel Gigabit AMWd|ϥ PCI t׬yơCziHϥΤ񤶭ds٭nѡAoˤ|yˮ`AOФnէפj󴡼Ѫ PCI tsw˨촡ѤC


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t SC Y Intel® Gigabit ֤dG Uçsֳs~ߡCNH 1000 ¦ SX SC ֱYJtdج[W TX/RX s𤺡C

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Windows @~t


  1. 줶dAWindows |w Windows `nXʵ{αҰuMsWwv FC
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  3. J Intel CDCIntel su ۰ʰ{|۰ʱҰʡC@UuwXʵ{Mnv sC


nإ߳oXʵ{Gi RPM* ʥ]Aа 'rpmbuild -tb <filename.tar.gz>'CXʵ{SwɮצW٨N <filename.tar.gz>C

  • nϫإ߾A@~Aثe檺֤߻Pw˪֤ߨӷβպA@wn۲šCpGz譫ssĶ֤ߡAаWsҰʨtΡC

  • RPM \ʶȦb Red Hat ǻչLC

  • YO Intel PRO/100 dAШϥ e100 Xʵ{W١C

  1. N¦Xʵ{ tar ɮײzܪؿCҦpAϥ '/home/username/e1000e' '/usr/local/src/e1000e'C

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    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. ܧXʵ{ src ؿA䤤 <x.x.x> OXʵ{ tar XG
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. sĶXʵ{ҲաG
    make install

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  5. w˼ҲաG
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W׭q 2012/9/17 W 10:42

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/DEU0000755000000000000000000000000012233423662010572 5ustar PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/DEU/legaldis.htm0000755000000000000000000000167712115651350013161 0ustar Rechtliche Hinweise

Copyright und rechtliche Beschrnkungen

Copyright © 2002 2013 Intel Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

Intel Corporation bernimmt keine Verantwortung fr Fehler oder Auslassungen in diesem Dokument. Auerdem macht Intel keinerlei Zusagen, dessen Inhalt zu aktualisieren.

Intel, Itanium und Pentium sind Marken der Intel Corporation in den USA und anderen Lndern.

*Andere Marken oder Produktnamen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Inhaber.




PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/DEU/license.htm0000755000000000000000000004327011746003724013017 0ustar Software-Lizenz



Lesen Sie die folgenden Nutzungsbedingungen, bevor Sie diese Software oder zugehrige Ressourcen (gemeinsam als Software“ bezeichnet), die unter dieser Lizenzvereinbarung (Vereinbarung“) bereitgestellt werden, kopieren, installieren oder verwenden.

Durch Kopieren, Installieren oder anderweitigen Einsatz der Software erklren Sie sich mit den Bestimmungen dieser Vereinbarung einverstanden. Wenn Sie die Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung nicht akzeptieren, drfen Sie die Software nicht kopieren, installieren oder einsetzen.


Bitte beachten Sie:

  • Wenn Sie Netzwerk- oder Systemadministrator sind, trifft die unten stehende Standortlizenz auf Sie zu.
  • Wenn Sie Endbenutzer sind, trifft die Einzelbenutzerlizenz auf Sie zu.
  • Wenn Sie ein Originalgertehersteller oder OEM sind, gilt die OEM-Lizenz“.

STANDORTLIZENZ: Sie drfen die Software auf Computer Ihrer Organisation zum firmeninternen Gebrauch kopieren und von der Software unter folgenden Bedingungen eine angemessene Anzahl an Sicherungskopien erstellen:

  1. Diese Software ist nur lizenziert fr den Gebrauch mit (a) physischen Intel Komponenten und (b) virtuellen (emulierten“) Gerten, die dafr konzipiert sind, dass sie von einem auf einer virtuellen Maschine ausgefhrten Gastbetriebssystem als Intel Komponente erkannt werden. Jeder anderweitige Gebrauch der Software, einschlielich Gebrauch mit nicht von Intel hergestellten Komponenten, fllt nicht unter diese Lizenzvereinbarung
  2. Vorbehaltlich aller Bedingungen dieses Vertrags erteilt Ihnen die Intel Corporation (Intel“) eine einfache, nicht bertragbare Lizenz unter Einhaltung der Urheberrechte von Intel fr den Einsatz der Software.
  3. Kein Teil der Software darf auer wie in dieser Vereinbarung festgelegt kopiert, modifiziert, vermietet, verkauft, verteilt oder bertragen werden, und Sie erklren sich damit einverstanden, ein unberechtigtes Kopieren dieser Software zu verhindern.
  4. Sie drfen die Software nicht nachbauen, dekompilieren oder disassemblieren.
  5. Die Software kann Bestandteile enthalten, die unter anderen Bedingungen als den hier erwhnten geliefert werden und deren Bedingungen in einer separaten Lizenz, die diesen Bestandteilen beiliegt, festgelegt sind.

EINZELBENUTZERLIZENZ: Sie drfen die Software auf einen einzelnen Computer fr Ihren persnlichen Gebrauch kopieren und von der Software unter folgenden Bedingungen eine Sicherungskopie erstellen:

  1. Diese Software ist nur lizenziert fr den Gebrauch mit (a) physischen Intel Komponenten und (b) virtuellen (emulierten“) Gerten, die dafr konzipiert sind, dass sie von einem auf einer virtuellen Maschine ausgefhrten Gastbetriebssystem als Intel Komponente erkannt werden. Jeder anderweitige Gebrauch der Software, einschlielich Gebrauch mit nicht von Intel hergestellten Komponenten, fllt nicht unter diese Lizenzvereinbarung
  2. Vorbehaltlich aller Bedingungen dieses Vertrags erteilt Ihnen die Intel Corporation (Intel“) eine einfache, nicht bertragbare Lizenz unter Einhaltung der Urheberrechte von Intel fr den Einsatz der Software.
  3. Kein Teil der Software darf auer wie in dieser Vereinbarung festgelegt kopiert, modifiziert, vermietet, verkauft, verteilt oder bertragen werden, und Sie erklren sich damit einverstanden, ein unberechtigtes Kopieren dieser Software zu verhindern.
  4. Sie drfen die Software nicht nachbauen, dekompilieren oder disassemblieren.
  5. Die Software kann Bestandteile enthalten, die unter anderen Bedingungen als den hier erwhnten geliefert werden und deren Bedingungen in einer separaten Lizenz, die diesen Bestandteilen beiliegt, festgelegt sind.

OEM-LIZENZ. Die Software darf nur als wichtiger Bestandteil Ihres Produkts bzw. integriert in Ihr Produkt oder als Standalone-Softwareaktualisierung zur Wartung fr bestehende Endanwender Ihrer Produkte unter Ausschluss aller anderen Standalone-Produkte, oder als Komponente einer greren Softwareverteilung, einschlielich der Verteilung eines Installations-Images oder eines Gast-VM-Images, reproduziert und verteilt werden, und zwar unter Vorbehalt folgender Bedingungen:

  1. Diese Software ist nur lizenziert fr den Gebrauch mit (a) physischen Intel Komponenten und (b) virtuellen (emulierten“) Gerten, die dafr konzipiert sind, dass sie von einem auf einer virtuellen Maschine ausgefhrten Gastbetriebssystem als Intel Komponente erkannt werden. Jeder anderweitige Gebrauch der Software, einschlielich Gebrauch mit nicht von Intel hergestellten Komponenten, fllt nicht unter diese Lizenzvereinbarung
  2. Vorbehaltlich aller Bedingungen dieses Vertrags erteilt Ihnen die Intel Corporation (Intel“) eine einfache, nicht bertragbare Lizenz unter Einhaltung der Urheberrechte von Intel fr den Einsatz der Software.
  3. Kein Teil der Software darf auer wie in dieser Vereinbarung festgelegt kopiert, modifiziert, vermietet, verkauft, verteilt oder bertragen werden, und Sie erklren sich damit einverstanden, ein unberechtigtes Kopieren dieser Software zu verhindern.
  4. Sie drfen die Software nicht nachbauen, dekompilieren oder disassemblieren.
  5. Sie drfen die Software nur in bereinstimmung mit einer schriftlichen Lizenzvereinbarung an Ihre Kunden vertreiben. Bei einer derartigen Lizenzvereinbarung kann es sich um eine Break the seal“ Lizenzvereinbarung handeln, d.h. um eine Lizenz, die mit ffnen der Verpackung oder CD-Hlle in Kraft tritt. Als Mindestvoraussetzung muss die Lizenz Intels Eigentumsrechte an der Software wahren.
  6. Sie drfen das Quellcode-Format irgendwelcher Komponenten der Software und alle Ableitungen davon ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von Intel nicht an Dritte verteilen, in Unterlizenz vergeben oder bertragen.
  7. Die Software kann Bestandteile enthalten, die unter anderen Bedingungen als den hier erwhnten geliefert werden und deren Bedingungen in einer separaten Lizenz, die diesen Bestandteilen beiliegt, festgelegt sind.

LIZENZEINSCHRNKUNGEN. Sie drfen NICHT: (i) die Software auf andere Weise als in diesem Vertrag vereinbart einsetzen oder kopieren; (ii) die Software an eine beliebige Drittpartei vermieten oder verpachten; (iii) diesen Vertrag oder die Software ohne ausdrckliche schriftliche Genehmigung von Intel bertragen; (iv) die Software zur Gnze oder Teile davon verndern, bearbeiten oder bersetzen, auer wie in diesem Vertrag vorgesehen; (v) die Software zurckentwickeln, dekompilieren oder disassemblieren; (vi) versuchen, die normale Funktion eines Lizenzmanagers, der den Einsatz der Software steuert, abzundern oder zu manipulieren; (vii) das Quellcode-Format irgendwelcher Komponenten der Software und alle Ableitungen davon ohne vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung von Intel an Dritte verteilen, in Unterlizenz vergeben oder bertragen; (viii) einer Drittpartei die Erlaubnis, Autorisierung, Lizenz oder Sublizenz erteilen, den Quellcode einzusehen oder zu verwenden; (ix) den Quellcode oder die Software verndern oder verteilen, so dass ein beliebiger Teil davon einer ausgeschlossenen Lizenz (Excluded License“) unterliegen wrde. (Eine ausgeschlossene Lizenz“ erfordert als Bedingung der Nutzung, Vernderung oder Verteilung, dass (a) der Code im Quellcodeformat offen gelegt oder verteilt wird; oder (b) andere das Recht haben, ihn zu verndern.); (x) den Quellcode oder die Software in betrgerischen, bsartigen oder ungesetzlichen Programmen verwenden oder darin einschlieen.

KEINE ANDEREN RECHTE. Es werden Ihnen von Intel keine anderen Rechte oder Lizenzen, sei es ausdrcklich oder konkludent, in Bezug auf die proprietren Informationen oder Patente, Urheberrechte, Topographien, Marken, Betriebsgeheimnisse oder andere Rechte an geistigem Eigentum erteilt, die Intel gehren oder von Intel kontrolliert werden, sofern dies nicht ausdrcklich in dieser Vereinbarung erwhnt ist. Soweit nicht ausdrcklich hier angegeben, werden Ihnen weder ausdrcklich noch konkludent Lizenzen oder Rechte gewhrt bzw. eingerumt. Intel gewhrt Ihnen keine ausdrcklichen oder konkludenten Rechte an Patenten, Urheberrechten und Marken von Intel oder andere Rechte an geistigem Eigentum.

EIGENTUM AN SOFTWARE UND URHEBERRECHTEN. Fr die Software wird eine Lizenz gewhrt; sie wird nicht verkauft. Das Eigentum aller Kopien der Software verbleibt bei Intel. Die Software ist urheberrechtlich und durch die Gesetze der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und anderer Lnder sowie durch internationale Abkommen geschtzt. Urheberrechtshinweise drfen nicht aus der Software entfernt werden. Sie erklren hiermit Ihr Einverstndnis, das unerlaubte Kopieren der Software zu verhindern. Intel kann die Software oder darin erwhnte Elemente jederzeit und ohne Vorankndigung ndern. Intel ist jedoch nicht dazu verpflichtet, die Software zu untersttzen oder zu aktualisieren.

ZUSTZLICHE BEDINGUNGEN FR PRE-RELEASE- SOFTWARE.  Wenn die Software, die Sie unter dieser Vereinbarung installieren oder verwenden, eine nicht kommerziell vertriebene Pre-Release-Version ist oder als Alpha“- oder Beta“-Version der Software (Pre-Release-Software“) gekennzeichnet ist, gelten folgende Bedingungen. Sollte eine Bedingung in diesem Abschnitt in Bezug auf Pre-Release-Software in Widerspruch zu anderen Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung stehen, so ersetzt dieser Abschnitt die anderen Bedingungen, aber nur in dem Ausma, wie es zur Vermeidung des Widerspruchs erforderlich ist. Sie verstehen und erkennen an, dass es sich bei dieser Software um Pre-Release-Software und nicht die endgltige Software von Intel handelt. Sie kann Fehler und andere Probleme aufweisen, die zu Datenverlust, Systemausfall oder anderen Fehlern fhren knnen. Die Pre-Release-Software wird wie besehen“ bereitgestellt und Intel schliet jegliche Garantie oder Haftung fr Schden, die aus dem Gebrauch der Pre-Release-Software entstehen knnen, aus. Sie erkennen an, dass Intel keine Zusage gemacht hat, in Zukunft Pre-Release-Software zu verffentlichen und dass Intel Ihnen gegenber keine ausdrckliche oder konkludente Verpflichtung zur Verffentlichung der Pre-Release-Software hat und dass Intel mglicherweise keine Software verffentlicht, die mit der Pre-Release-Software kompatibel ist. Sie stimmen zu, dass die Gesamtheit aller Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten, die Sie in Zusammenhang mit der Pre-Release-Software oder einem Produkt, das die Pre-Release-Software nutzt oder damit verknpft ist, durchfhren, auf Ihr eigenes Risiko erfolgt. Wenn Intel Ihnen entsprechend einer eigenen schriftlichen Vereinbarung Pre-Release-Software zur Verfgung gestellt hat, unterliegt Ihr Gebrauch der Pre-Release-Software ebenfalls dieser Vereinbarung.

BESCHRNKTE GARANTIE FR DATENTRGER. Wenn die Software von Intel auf einem Datentrger geliefert wurde, garantiert Intel fr einen Zeitraum von neunzig Tagen nach der Lieferung durch Intel, dass der Datentrger frei von Materialschden ist. Falls der Datentrger beschdigt ist, knnen Sie ihn an Intel zurckgeben. Intel entscheidet in diesem Fall, ob der Datentrger ersetzt oder ob die Software auf einem anderen Weg an Sie ausgeliefert wird.


HAFTUNGSBESCHRNKUNGEN.  IN KEINEM FALL HAFTEN INTEL ODER INTELS LEISTUNGSERBRINGER FR SCHDEN JEGLICHER ART (EINSCHLIESSLICH, ABER NICHT BESCHRNKT AUF SCHDEN DURCH ENTGANGENE GEWINNE, GESCHFTSUNTERBRECHUNGEN ODER DATENVERLUST), DIE AUS DEM GEBRAUCH ODER NICHT MGLICHEN GEBRAUCH DER SOFTWARE ENTSTEHEN, SELBST WENN INTEL VON DER MGLICHKEIT DERARTIGER SCHDEN IN KENNTNIS GESETZT WURDE. IN EINIGEN GERICHTSBARKEITEN IST DER AUSSCHLUSS ODER DIE EINSCHRNKUNG DER HAFTUNG FR STILLSCHWEIGENDE GEWHRLEISTUNGEN ODER FR MITTELBARE BZW. BEILUFIG ENTSTANDENE SCHDEN NICHT ZULSSIG, SO DASS DIE OBEN AUFGEFHRTE EINSCHRNKUNG MGLICHERWEISE AUF SIE NICHT ZUTRIFFT. SIE HABEN UNTER UMSTNDEN NOCH ANDERE RECHTE, DIE JE NACH GERICHTSBARKEIT VARIIEREN KNNEN. Fr den Fall, dass Sie die Software in Verbindung mit einem virtuellen (emulierten“) Gert verwenden, das so konzipiert ist, dass es als Intel Komponente erkannt wird, erkennen Sie an, dass Intel weder der Urheber noch der Hersteller des virtuellen (emulierten“) Gerts ist. Sie verstehen und erkennen an, dass Intel keine Zusicherungen ber den korrekten Betrieb der Software macht, wenn diese mit einem virtuellen (emulierten“) Gert verwendet wird, dass Intel die Software nicht fr den Betrieb mit einem virtuellen (emulierten“) Gert entwickelt hat und dass die Software mglicherweise in Verbindung mit einem virtuellen (emulierten“) Gert nicht korrekt funktioniert. Sie stimmen zu, das Risiko zu bernehmen, dass die Software mglicherweise in Verbindung mit einem virtuellen (emulierten“) Gert nicht korrekt funktioniert. Sie stimmen zu, dass Sie Intel und seine Geschftsfhrer, Niederlassungen und verbundenen Unternehmen von allen Ansprchen, Kosten, Schden, Auslagen sowie Anwaltskosten freistellen, die sich direkt oder indirekt aus einem Anspruch auf Produkthaftung, Krperverletzung oder Tod ergeben und im Zusammenhang mit dem Gebrauch der Software in Verbindung mit einem virtuellen (emulierten“) Gert stehen, selbst dann, wenn im Anspruch vorgebracht wird, dass Intel im Design oder der Herstellung der Software fahrlssig handelte.

UNBEFUGTER GEBRAUCH. DIE SOFTWARE WURDE NICHT FR DEN EINSATZ IN SYSTEMEN ODER ANWENDUNGEN KONZIPIERT, IN DENEN DER AUSFALL DER SOFTWARE ZU PERSONENVERLETZUNG ODER LEBENSBEDROHLICHEN SITUATIONEN FHREN KNNTE (Z. B. IN MEDIZINISCHEN SYSTEMEN ODER LEBENSRETTUNGS- ODER LEBENSERHALTUNGSSYSTEMEN). Sollten Sie die Software fr solche nicht vorgesehenen oder nicht genehmigten Zwecke einsetzen, stellen Sie Intel und seine Geschftsfhrer, Niederlassungen und verbundenen Unternehmen von allen Ansprchen, Kosten, Schden, Auslagen sowie Anwaltskosten frei, die sich direkt oder indirekt aus einem Anspruch auf Produkthaftung, Krperverletzung oder Tod ergeben und in Verbindung mit dem nicht vorgesehenen oder nicht genehmigten Einsatz stehen, selbst dann, wenn im Anspruch vorgebracht wird, dass Intel im Design oder der Herstellung dieses Teils fahrlssig handelte.

BEENDIGUNG DIESER VEREINBARUNG. Diese Vereinbarung kann von Intel jederzeit beendet werden, wenn Sie die genannten Bestimmungen nicht einhalten. Wird die Vereinbarung beendet, sind Sie dazu verpflichtet, die Software entweder umgehend zu lschen oder alle Kopien der Software an Intel zurckzugeben.

ANWENDBARES RECHT. Ansprche, die im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung erhoben werden, unterliegen dem Recht des US-Bundesstaats Kalifornien, ungeachtet der Prinzipien zur Gesetzeskollision. Sie erklren sich damit einverstanden, dass das bereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen ber Vertrge ber den internationalen Warenkauf in Bezug auf diesen Vertrag nicht zutrifft. Sie drfen die Software nicht exportieren, wenn der Export gegen geltende Exportgesetze und -bestimmungen verstt. Intel ist an keine anderen Vereinbarungen gebunden, es sei denn, sie liegen in schriftlicher Form vor und wurden von einem autorisierten Reprsentanten von Intel unterzeichnet.

EINGESCHRNKTE RECHTE DER US-REGIERUNG. Die im Lieferumfang enthaltene Software und Dokumentation wurden mit privaten finanziellen Mitteln entwickelt und werden mit EINGESCHRNKTEN RECHTEN“ bereitgestellt. Die Verwendung, Vervielfltigung oder Verffentlichung durch Regierungsbehrden unterliegt den Bestimmungen, die in FAR 52.227-14 und DFARS 252.227-7013 ff. oder einer entsprechenden Aktualisierung aufgefhrt sind. Die Verwendung dieses Produkts durch US-Regierungsbehrden erfolgt unter Anerkennung der diesbezglichen Eigentumsrechte von Intel. Auftraggeber oder Hersteller ist Intel.

SPRACHE; BERSETZUNGEN. Sollte die englische Version dieses Vertrags zusammen mit einer in eine andere Sprache bersetzten Version ausgeliefert werden, dient diese bersetzte Version ausschlielich zu Informationszwecken; die englische Version ist die einzige rechtsgltige Version.

Stand: 02.04.2012 22:56 Revision

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Installation von Intel® Netzwerkadaptern

Installation des Intel PCI, PCI-X oder PCI-Express* Adapters

  1. Schalten Sie den Computer aus und ziehen Sie den Netzstecker aus der Steckdose.
  2. Entfernen Sie die Computerabdeckung und die Blende des Adaptersteckplatzes, der fr Ihren Adapter passt.
  3. Drcken Sie die Kontaktseite des Adapters fest in den Steckplatz hinein, bis sie vollstndig eingerastet ist. Sichern Sie die Halteklammern am Gehuse.
  4. Bringen Sie die Computerabdeckung wieder an. Stecken Sie die Netzverbindung ein.

HINWEIS: Einige der Intel Gigabit Server und Desktop-Adapter verwenden den PCI-Express-Bus. Sie knnen ohne negative Folgen einen Steckplatz benutzen, der lnger ist als der Anschluss Ihres Adapters; versuchen Sie jedoch nicht, den Adapter in einem Steckplatz zu installieren, der krzer ist als der PCI-Express-Anschluss.

Schlieen Sie das Netzwerkkabel an

Intel® PRO/100 und Gigabit Kupferadapter: Verbinden Sie das oder die Netzwerkkabel mit dem Adapter. Verwenden Sie verdrillte Ethernet- (TPE) Netzwerkkabel der Kategorie 3, 4 oder 5 fr Netzwerke mit 10 Mbit/s. Verwenden Sie ein Kategorie-5-Kabel (4 Leitungspaare) fr 100/1000-Mbit/s-Netzwerke sowie fr Netzwerke in Privathaushalten.

Intel® Gigabit Glasfaseradapter mit SC-Steckverbinder: Entfernen Sie die Abdeckung des Glasfaseranschlusses und bewahren Sie sie gut auf. Stecken Sie den Duplex-SC-Steckverbinder eines 1000 Base-SX-Glasfaserkabels in die TX/RX-Anschlsse der Adapterklammer.

Intel® Gigabit Glasfaseradapter mit LC-Steckverbinder: Entfernen Sie die Abdeckung des Glasfaseranschlusses und bewahren Sie sie gut auf. Befestigen Sie am Adapter eine LC-Steckverbindung mit den korrekten Kabeln fr Ihren Adaptertyp (1000BASE-SX oder 1000BASE-LX). Sie knnen Kabel anderer Verbindungstypen (wie SC) verwenden, wenn die Kabel den optischen Spezifikationen des Adapters, einschlielich der Lngenbegrenzung, entsprechen.

Starten Sie den Computer und folgen Sie nachfolgenden Anweisungen zur Treiberinstallation.

Treiber installieren


Beachten Sie, dass Sie Administratorrechte fr das Betriebssystem besitzen mssen, um Treiber installieren zu drfen.

  1. Der Adapter wird erkannt, und Windows installiert entweder einen in Windows residenten Treiber oder startet den Assistent fr das Suchen neuer Hardware .
  2. Klicken Sie bei Start des Assistenten fr das Suchen neuer Hardware auf die Schaltflche "Abbrechen".
  3. Legen Sie die Intel CD ein. Das Programm Intel Netzwerkanschlsse startet automatisch. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltflche Treiber und Software installieren .


Um ein binres RPM*-Paket dieses Treibers zu erstellen, fhren Sie 'rpmbuild -tb <dateiname.tar.gz>' aus. Ersetzen Sie <dateiname.tar.gz> mit dem Dateinamen des Treibers.

  • Damit das erstellte Paket ordnungsgem funktioniert, MUSS der gegenwrtig ausgefhrte Kernel mit der Version und der Konfiguration der installierten Kernelquellen bereinstimmen. Wenn Sie den Kernel gerade neu kompiliert haben, fhren Sie jetzt einen Systemneustart aus.

  • Die RPM-Funktionalitt wurde bisher nur in Red Hat-Verteilungen getestet.

  • Verwenden Sie bei Intel PRO/100 Adaptern e100 als Treibernamen.

  1. Verschieben Sie die Basistreiber-Tardatei in ein Verzeichnis Ihrer Wahl. Verwenden Sie beispielsweise '/home/username/e1000e' oder '/usr/local/src/e1000e'.

  2. Dekomprimieren Sie das Archiv, wobei <x.x.x> die Versionsnummer fr die Treibertardatei ist:
    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. Wechseln Sie durch folgende Eingabe zum src-Verzeichnis des Treibers ber, wobei <x.x.x> die Versionsnummer des Treibertars ist:
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. Kompilieren Sie das Treibermodul:
    make install
    Die Binrdatei wird installiert als:

    Die oben aufgefhrten Installationsverzeichnisse sind die Standardverzeichnisse. Sie sind mglicherweise fr bestimmte Linux-Distributionen nicht richtig.

  5. Installieren Sie das Modul:
    modprobe e1000e <parameter>=<value>
  6. Weisen Sie der Schnittstelle durch folgende Eingabe eine IP-Adresse zu, wobei <x> fr die Schnittstellennummer steht:
    ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>
  7. Prfen Sie, ob die Schnittstelle funktioniert. Geben Sie Folgendes ein, wobei <IP-Adresse> die IP-Adresse eines anderen Gertes auf demselben Subnet wie die Schnittstelle, die getestet wird, ist:
    ping <IP_address>

Andere Betriebssysteme

Informationen zur Installation anderer Treiber finden Sie im Benutzerhandbuch auf der Adapter-CD oder auf Ihrer Kundensupport-Website:

*Rechtliche Hinweise

Stand: 11.10.07 15:48 Revision

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Beschrnkte lebenslange Hardwaregarantie

Rckgabe eines defekten Produkts

Aus Nordamerika:

Alle anderen Orte:

Geldrckgabegarantie fr Intel Adapter (nur Nordamerika)

Haftungsbeschrnkungen und Rechtsmittel

Stand: 17.09.2012 10:42

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ENU0000755000000000000000000000000012233423663010605 5ustar PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ENU/legaldis.htm0000755000000000000000000000165612110653010013156 0ustar Legal Information

Copyright and Legal Disclaimers

Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

Intel, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Warranty Information

Software License


PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ENU/license.htm0000755000000000000000000003756411736273470013050 0ustar Software License



Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials (collectively, the “Software”) provided under this license agreement (“Agreement”) until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions.

By copying, installing, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not copy, install, or use the Software.


Please Note:

  • If you are a network or system administrator, the “Site License” below shall apply to you.
  • If you are an end user, the “Single User License” shall apply to you.
  • If you are an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), the “OEM License” shall apply to you.

SITE LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto your organization’s computers for your organization’s use, and you may make a reasonable number of back-up copies of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

SINGLE USER LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto a single computer for your personal use, and you may make one back-up copy of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

OEM LICENSE: You may reproduce and distribute the Software only as an integral part of or incorporated in your product, as a standalone Software maintenance update for existing end users of your products, excluding any other standalone products, or as a component of a larger Software distribution, including but not limited to the distribution of an installation image or a Guest Virtual Machine image, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. You may only distribute the Software to your customers pursuant to a written license agreement. Such license agreement may be a "break-the-seal" license agreement. At a minimum such license shall safeguard Intel's ownership rights to the Software.
  6. You may not distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel.
  7. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may NOT: (i) use or copy the Software except as provided in this Agreement; (ii) rent or lease the Software to any third party; (iii) assign this Agreement or transfer the Software without the express written consent of Intel; (iv) modify, adapt, or translate the Software in whole or in part except as provided in this Agreement; (v) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software; (vi) attempt to modify or tamper with the normal function of a license manager that regulates usage of the Software; (vii) distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel; (viii) permit, authorize, license or sublicense any third party to view or use the Source Code; (ix) modify or distribute the Source Code or Software so that any part of it becomes subject to an Excluded License. (An "Excluded License" is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification, or distribution, that (a) the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or (b) others have the right to modify it.); (x) use or include the Source Code or Software in deceptive, malicious or unlawful programs.

NO OTHER RIGHTS. No rights or licenses are granted by Intel to you, expressly or by implication, with respect to any proprietary information or patent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right owned or controlled by Intel, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted to you directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel, or otherwise. Specifically, Intel grants no express or implied right to you under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.

OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. The Software is licensed, not sold. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. You agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software.

ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE.  If the Software you are installing or using under this Agreement is pre-commercial release or is labeled or otherwise represented as alpha- or beta- versions of the Software ("pre-release Software"), then the following terms apply. To the extent that any provision in this Section conflicts with any other term(s) or condition(s) in this Agreement with respect to pre-release Software, this Section shall supersede the other term(s) or condition(s), but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. You understand and acknowledge that the Software is pre-release Software, does not represent the final Software from Intel, and may contain errors and other problems that could cause data loss, system failures, or other errors. The pre-release Software is provided to you "as-is" and Intel disclaims any warranty or liability to you for any damages that arise out of the use of the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that Intel has not promised that pre-release Software will be released in the future, that Intel has no express or implied obligation to you to release the pre-release Software and that Intel may not introduce Software that is compatible with the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that the entirety of any research or development you perform that is related to the pre-release Software or to any product making use of or associated with the pre-release Software is done at your own risk. If Intel has provided you with pre-release Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, your use of the pre-release Software is also governed by such agreement.

LIMITED MEDIA WARRANTY.  If the Software has been delivered by Intel on physical media, Intel warrants the media to be free from material physical defects for a period of ninety days after delivery by Intel. If such a defect is found, return the media to Intel for replacement or alternate delivery of the Software as Intel may select.

EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES.  EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within the Software.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. In the event that you use the Software in conjunction with a virtual (emulated) device designed to appear as an Intel component product, you acknowledge that Intel is neither the author nor the creator of the virtual (emulated) device. You understand and acknowledge that Intel makes no representations about the correct operation of the Software when used with a virtual (emulated) device, that Intel did not design the Software to operate in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, and that the Software may not be capable of correct operation in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to assume the risk that the Software may not operate properly in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with the use of the Software in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Software.

UNAUTHORIZED USE. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN ANY TYPE OF SYSTEM OR APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR (E.G MEDICAL SYSTEMS, LIFE SUSTAINING OR LIFE SAVING SYSTEMS). If you use the Software for any such unintended or unauthorized use, you shall indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.

TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement at any time if you violate its terms. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy the Software or return all copies of the Software to Intel.

APPLICABLE LAWS. Claims arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. You agree that the terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to this Agreement. You may not export the Software in violation of applicable export laws and regulations. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel.

GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The enclosed Software and documentation were developed at private expense, and are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor. The use of this product by the Government constitutes acknowledgement of Intels proprietary rights in the Software. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel.

LANGUAGE; TRANSLATIONS. In the event that the English language version of this Agreement is accompanied by any other version translated into any other language, such translated version is provided for convenience purposes only and the English language version shall control.

Last modified on 4/02/12 10:56p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ENU/note.gif0000755000000000000000000000073211651742220012321 0ustar GIF89a!1J!Z)c1sRR{{{{Z{9sssBBssR99JJfffZZZ))ZZ9ZZ)RRRRRBJJJBBB333)))!!!!,@pH,  f!:(3z<H\! E@S$bQ/G2~C $.$G(c%Gz',sE!rrC $M*L ( +UMG&MBCN#L}G ,ȻB+KB)Yt(E # B*$#һ+s-N#m@@465֘ 09!.(*@ 1A ;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ENU/qi_enu.htm0000755000000000000000000001325712126520150012657 0ustar Intel(R) Network Adapters Quick Installation Guide

Intel® Network Adapter Installation

Install the Intel PCI, PCI-X, or PCI Express* Adapter

  1. Turn off the computer and unplug the power cord.
  2. Remove the computer cover and the adapter slot cover from the slot that matches your adapter.
  3. Firmly place the adapter edge connector into the slot until it is fully inserted. Secure the bracket to the chassis.
  4. Replace the computer cover. Plug in the power cord.

NOTE: Some Intel Gigabit server and desktop adapters utilize the PCI Express bus. You may utilize a slot that is longer than your adapter’s connector with no harm, but do not attempt to install in a slot that is shorter than the PCI Express connector.

Attach the Network Cable

Intel® PRO/100 and Gigabit copper adapters: Connect the network cable or cables to the adapter using Category 3, 4, or 5 Twisted Pair Ethernet (TPE) network cable for 10 Mbps networks. Use Category 5 (4 pair) cable for 100 or 1000 Mbps networks and for any residential networks.

Intel® Gigabit fiber adapters with SC connector: Remove and save the fiber optic connector cover. Insert a 1000Base-SX duplex type SC fiber optic connector into the TX/RX ports on the adapter bracket.

Intel® Gigabit fiber adapters with LC connector: Remove and save the fiber optic connector cover. Insert an LC connector into the adapter, with correct cabling for your adapter type (1000BASE-SX or 1000BASE-LX). Conversion cables to other connector types (such as SC) may be used if the cabling matches the optical specifications of the adapter, including length limitations.

Start your computer and follow the driver installation instructions below.

Install the Drivers

Windows Operating Systems

Note that you must have administrative rights to the operating system to install the drivers.

  1. The adapter is detected and Windows either installs a Windows resident driver or starts the Found New Hardware wizard.
  2. If the Found New Hardware wizard starts, press the Cancel button.
  3. Insert the Intel CD. The Intel Network Connections autorun program automatically starts. Click the Install Drivers and Software button.


To build a binary RPM* package of this driver, run 'rpmbuild -tb <filename.tar.gz>'. Replace <filename.tar.gz> with the specific file name of the driver.

  • For the build to work properly, the currently running kernel MUST match the version and configuration of the installed kernel sources. If you have just recompiled the kernel reboot the system now.

  • RPM functionality has been tested only in Red Hat distributions.

  • For Intel PRO/100 adapters, use e100 as driver name.

  1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For example, use '/home/username/e1000e' or '/usr/local/src/e1000e'.

  2. Untar/unzip the archive, where <x.x.x> is the version number for the driver tar file:
    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. Change to the driver src directory, where <x.x.x> is the version number for the driver tar:
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. Compile the driver module:
    make install
    The binary will be installed as:

    The install locations listed above are the default locations. They might not be correct for certain Linux distributions.

  5. Install the module:
    modprobe e1000e <parameter>=<value>
  6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where <x> is the interface number:
    ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>
  7. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address> is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface that is being tested:
    ping <IP_address>

Other Operating Systems

To install other drivers, see the User's Guide on the adapter CD or visit your customer support web site:

*Legal Information

Last modified on 10/11/07 3:48p Revision

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Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Returning a defective product

From North America:

All other locations:

Intel Adapter Money-back Guarantee (North America Only)

Limitation of Liability and Remedies

Last modified on 9/17/12 10:42a

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ESN0000755000000000000000000000000012233423664010604 5ustar PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ESN/legaldis.htm0000755000000000000000000000177712115651350013172 0ustar Informacin legal

Copyright y renuncia de responsabilidades

Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Intel Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 EE.UU.

Intel Corporation no asume ninguna responsabilidad por los errores y omisiones en esta gua. Del mismo modo, Intel no se compromete de ninguna forma a actualizar la informacin aqu contenida.

Intel, Itanium y Pentium son marcas comerciales de Intel Corporation en los EE.UU. y en otros pases.

* Otros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamados como propiedad de terceras partes.

Informacin de garanta

Licencia del software


PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ESN/license.htm0000755000000000000000000004123411746003724013025 0ustar Licencia del software



No copie, instale ni utilice este software y cualquier material asociado (colectivamente, el “Software”) proporcionado con este contrato de licencia (“Contrato”) hasta que haya ledo atentamente los siguientes trminos y condiciones.

Al copiar, instalar o utilizar el Software de otro modo, acepta que estar sujeto por los trminos de este Contrato. Si no est de acuerdo con los trminos de este Contrato, no copie, instale ni utilice el Software.


Tenga en cuenta que:

  • Si es usted un administrador de redes o de sistema, le corresponde la seccin “Licencia de sitio”.
  • Si es un usuario final, le corresponde la seccin "Licencia de usuario individual".
  • Si es usted un fabricante de equipo original (OEM), le corresponde la seccin "Licencia de OEM".

LICENCIA DE SITIO: Puede copiar el Software en los sistemas de su organizacin para el uso de sta, y podr efectuar un nmero prudente de copias de seguridad del Software, sujeto a las siguientes condiciones:

  1. La licencia de este Software sirve para su uso solo junto con (a) productos de componentes de Intel fsicos, y (b) dispositivos virtuales (“emulados”) diseados para aparecer como productos de componentes de Intel en un sistema operativo invitado que funcione en el contexto de una mquina virtual. Cualquier otro uso del Software, incluido su uso con productos de componentes no de Intel, aunque sin limitarse a l, no est cubierto por esta licencia.
  2. Intel Corporation ("Intel") le concede, con sujecin a todos los trminos y condiciones de este Contrato, una licencia de copyright no exclusiva y no asignable de uso del Software.
  3. No puede copiar, modificar, alquilar, vender, distribuir ni transferir parte alguna del Software, excepto segn se especifique en este Contrato, y se aviene a impedir la copia no autorizada del Software.
  4. No puede aplicar tcnicas de ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software.
  5. El Software puede incluir partes ofrecidas en trminos que difieren de los establecidos aqu, y que se han proporcionado en una licencia que acompaa a dichas partes.

LICENCIA DE USUARIO NICO: Puede copiar el Software en un nico sistema para su uso personal, no comercial, y realizar una copia de seguridad del Software con estas condiciones:

  1. La licencia de este Software sirve para su uso solo junto con (a) productos de componentes de Intel fsicos, y (b) dispositivos virtuales (“emulados”) diseados para aparecer como productos de componentes de Intel en un sistema operativo invitado que funcione en el contexto de una mquina virtual. Cualquier otro uso del Software, incluido su uso con productos de componentes no de Intel, aunque sin limitarse a l, no est cubierto por esta licencia.
  2. Intel Corporation ("Intel") le concede, con sujecin a todos los trminos y condiciones de este Contrato, una licencia de copyright no exclusiva y no asignable de uso del Software.
  3. No puede copiar, modificar, alquilar, vender, distribuir ni transferir parte alguna del Software, excepto segn se especifique en este Contrato, y se aviene a impedir la copia no autorizada del Software.
  4. No puede aplicar tcnicas de ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software.
  5. El Software puede incluir partes ofrecidas en trminos que difieren de los establecidos aqu, y que se han proporcionado en una licencia que acompaa a dichas partes.

LICENCIA DE OEM: Solo puede reproducir y distribuir el Software como parte integral de, o incorporado en su producto, como actualizacin independiente de mantenimiento del Software para usuarios finales existentes de sus productos, excluidos otros productos independientes, o como componente de una distribucin de Software mayor, incluyendo, aunque sin limitarse a ella, la distribucin de una imagen de instalacin o una imagen de mquina virtual invitada, con estas condiciones:

  1. La licencia de este Software sirve para su uso solo junto con (a) productos de componentes de Intel fsicos, y (b) dispositivos virtuales (“emulados”) diseados para aparecer como productos de componentes de Intel en un sistema operativo invitado que funcione en el contexto de una mquina virtual. Cualquier otro uso del Software, incluido su uso con productos de componentes no de Intel, aunque sin limitarse a l, no est cubierto por esta licencia.
  2. Intel Corporation ("Intel") le concede, con sujecin a todos los trminos y condiciones de este Contrato, una licencia de copyright no exclusiva y no asignable de uso del Software.
  3. No puede copiar, modificar, alquilar, vender, distribuir ni transferir parte alguna del Software, excepto segn se especifique en este Contrato, y se aviene a impedir la copia no autorizada del Software.
  4. No puede aplicar tcnicas de ingeniera inversa, descompilar ni desensamblar el Software.
  5. Solamente podr distribuir el Software a sus clientes, conforme a un contrato de licencia por escrito. Ese contrato de licencia puede tener el carcter de contrato de licencia por "ruptura del sello". Al menos, esa licencia va a salvaguardar los derechos de propiedad sobre el Software de Intel.
  6. No puede distribuir, sublicenciar ni transferir la forma de cdigo fuente de ningn componente del software y derivados del mismo a un tercero sin el consentimiento expreso por escrito de Intel.
  7. El Software puede incluir partes ofrecidas en trminos que difieren de los establecidos aqu, y que se han proporcionado en una licencia que acompaa a dichas partes.

RESTRICCIONES DE LA LICENCIA. Usted NO podr: (i) usar o copiar el Software excepto segn lo estipulado en este contrato; (ii) alquilar o arrendar el Software a un tercero; (iii) asignar este contrato o transferir el Software sin el consentimiento expreso por escrito de Intel; (iv) modificar, adaptar o traducir el Software, en todo o en parte, excepto segn lo estipulado en este contrato; (v) realizar operaciones de ingeniera inversa, descompilar o desensamblar el Software; (vi) intentar modificar o manipular el funcionamiento normal de un gestor de licencias que regule el uso del Software; (vii) distribuir, sublicenciar o transferir la forma de cdigo fuente de cualquier componente del Software y sus derivados a un tercero sin el consentimiento expreso por escrito de Intel; (viii) permitir, autorizar, licenciar o sublicenciar a un tercero a ver o utilizar el cdigo fuente; (ix) modificar o distribuir el cdigo fuente o el Software para que cualquier parte del mismo pase a estar sujeta a una licencia excluida. (Una "licencia excluida" es aqulla que requiere, como condicin de uso, modificacin o distribucin, que (a) el cdigo debe revelarse o distribuirse en la forma de cdigo fuente; o (b) otros tienen el derecho de modificarlo.); (x) utilizar o incluir el cdigo fuente o el software en programas engaosos, maliciosos o ilegales.

NO EXISTEN OTROS DERECHOS. Intel no le concede otros derechos o licencias, de manera expresa o implcita, con respecto a cualquier informacin de titularidad o patente, copyright, topografa de circuito integrado, marca comercial, secretos comerciales, u otros derechos de titularidad de propiedad intelectual o controlados por Intel, a excepcin de lo que se establece expresamente en este Contrato. Salvo lo previsto expresamente en este documento, no se le concede ninguna licencia o derecho, de manera directa o implcita, incentivo, impedimento legal o de otra manera. Especficamente, Intel no le concede ningn derecho expreso o implcito bajo patentes, copyrights, marcas comerciales u otros derechos de propiedad intelectual de Intel.

PROPIEDAD DEL MATERIAL Y LOS "COPYRIGHTS". El Software se otorga con licencia, no se vende. Intel mantiene el ttulo de propiedad de todas las copias del Software. El Software dispone de sus correspondientes derechos de autor, y est amparado por la legislacin estadounidense y de otros pases, as como por disposiciones de tratados internacionales. No est permitido eliminar del Software ninguna nota sobre los derechos de autor. Acepta evitar cualquier copia no autorizada del Software. Intel puede introducir modificaciones en el Software, o en elementos a los que se hace referencia en el mismo, en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso, sin tener obligacin de prestar asistencia tcnica o actualizar el Software.

TRMINOS ADICIONALES PARA EL SOFTWARE PREVIO A LA VERSIN.  Si el Software que est instalando o utilizando bajo este contrato es una versin previa a la comercializacin, o est etiquetada o representada de otra manera como versiones “alfa“ o “beta“ del Software ("Software previo a la versin"), se aplican los trminos siguientes. Hasta el extremo que cualquier disposicin de esta Seccin est en conflicto con otro(s) trmino(s) o condicin(es) de este Contrato respecto al Software previo a la versin, esta Seccin prevalecer sobre otro(s) trmino(s) o condicin(es), pero slo hasta el extremo necesario para resolver el conflicto. Entiende y reconoce que el Software es Software previo a la versin, no representa el Software final de Intel, y puede contener errores y otros problemas que podran causar la prdida de datos, fallos del sistema u otros errores. El Software previo a la versin se proporciona "como est" e Intel rechaza toda garanta o responsabilidad hacia usted por cualquier dao causado por el uso del Software previo a la versin. Reconoce que Intel no ha prometido que el Software previo a la versin se comercializar en el futuro, que Intel no tiene ninguna obligacin expresa o implcita hacia usted de comercializar el Software previo a la versin y que Intel puede presentar Software que no sea compatible con el Software previo a la versin. Reconoce que la totalidad de cualquier investigacin o desarrollo relacionado con el Software previo a la versin o con cualquier producto que utilice o est asociado con el Software previo a la versin se realizar por su cuenta y riesgo. Si Intel le ha proporcionado Software previo a la versin segn los trminos de un contrato escrito por separado, su uso del Software previo a la versin tambin est regido por dicho contrato.

GARANTA LIMITADA DE SOPORTES.  Si Intel ha entregado el Software en un soporte fsico, Intel garantiza que dicho soporte est libre de defectos fsicos de material durante los noventa das despus de la entrega. Si encuentra algn defecto semejante, devuelva el soporte a Intel para reemplazarlo o para que Intel le entregue el Software de otro modo, a discrecin de Intel.

EXCLUSIN DE OTRAS GARANTAS.  A EXCEPCIN DE LO ESTIPULADO ANTERIORMENTE, EL SOFTWARE SE FACILITA "TAL CUAL" SIN GARANTA EXPRESA O IMPLCITA DE NINGN TIPO, INCLUIDAS LAS GARANTAS DE COMERCIABILIDAD, NO INFRACCIN O ADECUACIN PARA UNA FINALIDAD CONCRETA. Intel no garantiza ni asume responsabilidad en cuanto a la exactitud o integridad de cualquier informacin, texto, grficos, enlaces u otros elementos contenidos en el Software.

LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD.  EN NINGN CASO NI INTEL NI SUS PROVEEDORES SERN RESPONSABLES POR DAO ALGUNO DERIVADO DEL USO DEL SOFTWARE, O DE NO PODER USARLO (INCLUSIVE, SIN LIMITACIN ALGUNA, POR LOS DAOS DERIVADOS DEL CESE DE LUCRO, DE LA INTERRUPCIN DE LA ACTIVIDAD O EL NEGOCIO, O DE LA PRDIDA DE DATOS O INFORMACIN), AUN SI INTEL HUBIERA SIDO ADVERTIDA DE DICHA POSIBILIDAD. EN CIERTAS JURISDICCIONES SE PROHBE LA EXCLUSIN O LIMITACIN DE RESPONSABILIDAD RESPECTO A GARANTAS IMPLCITAS O DAOS INDIRECTOS O CASUALES, POR LO QUE LAS LIMITACIONES MENCIONADAS PUEDEN NO SER APLICABLES EN SU CASO. ASIMISMO, ES POSIBLE QUE TENGA OTROS DERECHOS LEGALES QUE VAREN DE UNA JURISDICCIN A OTRA. En caso de que utilice el Software junto con un dispositivo virtual (“emulado”) diseado para aparecer como un producto de componente de Intel, reconoce que Intel no es el autor ni el creador del dispositivo virtual (“emulado”). Entiende y reconoce que Intel no hace ninguna declaracin sobre el funcionamiento correcto del Software cuando se utiliza con un dispositivo virtual (“emulado”), que Intel no dise el Software para que funcione conjuntamente con el dispositivo virtual (“emulado”) y que el Software puede no ser capaz de corregir el funcionamiento conjuntamente con el dispositivo virtual (“emulado”). Acepta asumir el riesgo de que el Software no funcione de forma correcta conjuntamente con el dispositivo virtual (“emulado”). Acepta indemnizar y mantener a Intel, sus directores, subsidiarias y afiliados libres de toda responsabilidad contra cualquier demanda, costo, dao y gasto y honorarios razonables de abogados que surjan de, directa o indirectamente, cualquier reclamo por productos defectuosos, daos personales o muerte relacionadas con el uso no previsto o no autorizado del Software conjuntamente con el dispositivo virtual (“emulado”), incluso si dicha accin se basa en que Intel fue negligente con respecto al diseo o fabricacin del Software.

USO NO AUTORIZADO. EL SOFTWARE NO EST DISEADO, PREVISTO O AUTORIZADO PARA SU USO EN CUALQUIER TIPO DE SISTEMA O APLICACIN EN LA QUE UN FALLO DE SOFTWARE PODRA CREAR UNA SITUACIN DONDE SE PRODUJERAN LESIONES PERSONALES O LA MUERTE (POR EJEMPLO, SISTEMAS MDICOS, DE SOPORTE VITAL O PARA SALVAR VIDAS). Si utiliza el Software para cualquier uso no previsto o no autorizado, deber indemnizar y considerar sin responsabilidad a Intel y sus directores, subsidiarias y afiliados contra cualquier demanda, costo, dao y gasto y honorarios razonables de abogados que surjan de, directa o indirectamente, cualquier reclamo por productos defectuosos, daos personales o muerte relacionadas con dicho uso no previsto o no autorizado, incluso si dicha accin se basa en que Intel fue negligente con respecto al diseo o fabricacin del componente.

RESCISIN DE ESTE CONTRATO. Si infringe los trminos de este Contrato, Intel puede rescindirlo en cualquier momento. Tras la rescisin, usted deber destruir inmediatamente el Software o devolver a Intel todas las copias del mismo.

LEGISLACIN APLICABLE. Las reclamaciones que surjan bajo este Contrato estarn regidas por las leyes del estado de California, independientemente de los principios de conflicto de leyes. Acepta que los trminos de la Convencin sobre contratos para la venta internacional de bienes de las Naciones Unidas no se aplican a este Contrato. Se prohbe exportar el Software si dicho acto violara cualquier ley o reglamento aplicable sobre exportaciones. Intel no est obligada por ningn otro contrato, a menos que ste se haya realizado por escrito y est firmado por un representante autorizado de Intel.

DERECHOS RESTRINGIDOS DEL ESTADO. El Software y la documentacin incluidos se desarrollaron a cargo de una iniciativa privada y se proporcionan con “DERECHOS LIMITADOS”. Su uso, reproduccin o divulgacin por el Gobierno est sujeto a las restricciones establecidas en FAR 52.227-14 y DFAR 252.227-7013 y siguientes o sus sucesoras. El uso de este producto por parte del Gobierno constituye el reconocimiento de los derechos de titularidad de Intel sobre el mismo. El contratista o fabricante es Intel.

IDIOMA; TRADUCCIONES. En el caso de que la versin en ingls de este Contrato est acompaada por cualquier otra versin traducida a otro idioma, dicha versin traducida slo se ofrece a ttulo informativo y prevalecer la versin en ingls.

Fecha de ltima modificacin: 2-4-12 22:56 Revisin

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Instalacin de adaptadores de red Intel®

Instalacin del adaptador Intel PCI, PCI-X o PCI Express*

  1. Apague su PC y desconecte el cable de energa.
  2. Quite la cubierta del sistema y la cubierta de la ranura del adaptador en la ranura que corresponde al adaptador.
  3. Coloque firmemente el conector del borde del adaptador en la ranura hasta que se haya insertado completamente. Asegure el soporte al chasis.
  4. Vuelva a colocar la cubierta de su PC. Conecte el cable de energa.

NOTA: Algunos adaptadores de servidor y escritorio Intel Gigabit utilizan el bus PCI Express. Puede utilizar una ranura ms larga que el conector del adaptador sin problemas, pero no intente realizar la instalacin en una ranura ms corta que el conector PCI Express.

Conexin del cable de red

Adaptadores Intel® PRO/100 y Gigabit de cobre: Conecte el cable o los cables de red al adaptador utilizando un cable de red Ethernet par trenzado (TPE) de Categora 3, 4 o 5 para redes de 10 Mbps. Utilice un cable de Categora 5 (de 4 pares) para redes de 100 o 1000 Mbps y para las redes residenciales.

Adaptadores Intel® Gigabit de fibra con conector SC: Retire y guarde la cubierta del conector de fibra ptica. Introduzca un conector de fibra ptica tipo SC 1000Base-SX dplex en los puertos TX/RX del soporte del adaptador.

Adaptadores Intel® Gigabit de fibra con conector LC: Retire y guarde la cubierta del conector de fibra ptica. Inserte un conector LC en el adaptador, con el cableado correcto para el tipo del adaptador (1000BASE-SX o 1000BASE-LX). Puede utilizar cables de conversin a otros tipos de conector (como SC) si el cableado se ajusta a las especificaciones pticas del adaptador, incluyendo las limitaciones de longitud.

Inicie su PC y siga las instrucciones de instalacin de los controladores que se ofrecen a continuacin.

Instalacin de los controladores

Sistemas operativos Windows

Para poder instalar los controladores, debe tener derechos de administrador en el sistema operativo.

  1. El adaptador se detecta automticamente, y Windows instala un controlador residente del sistema operativo o inicia el asistente Nuevo hardware encontrado .
  2. Si se inicia el asistente Se encontr nuevo hardware, pulse el botn Cancelar.
  3. Inserte el CD de Intel. Se inicia automticamente el programa de ejecucin automtica Conexiones de red Intel . Haga clic en el botn Instalar los controladores y el software .


Para compilar un paquete RPM* binario de este controlador, ejecute 'rpmbuild -tb <nombre_de_archivo.tar.gz>'. Sustituya <nombrearchivo.tar.gz> por el nombre de archivo especfico del controlador.

  • Para que la creacin funcione correctamente, el kernel en ejecucin DEBE coincidir con la versin y configuracin de las fuentes instaladas del kernel. Si acaba de recompilar el kernel, reinicie el sistema.

  • El funcionamiento de RPM slo se ha probado con las distribuciones Red Hat.

  • Para los adaptadores Intel PRO/100, utilice e100 como nombre de controlador.

  1. Mueva el archivo con la extensin tar del controlador base al directorio que seleccione. Por ejemplo, utilice '/home/username/e1000e' o '/usr/local/src/e1000e'.

  2. Descomprima el archivo tar o unzip, donde <x.x.x> es el nmero de versin del archivo tar del controlador:
    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. Vaya al directorio src del controlador. donde <x.x.x> es el nmero de versin del archivo tar del controlador:
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. Compile el mdulo del controlador:
    make install
    El binario se instalar como:

    Las ubicaciones de instalacin descritas anteriormente son las predeterminadas, y es posible que no sean correctas para determinadas distribuciones de Linux.

  5. Instale el mdulo:
    modprobe e1000e <parmetro>=<valor>
  6. Asigne una direccin IP a la interfaz. Para ello, escriba lo siguiente, donde <x> es el nmero de interfaz:
    ifconfig eth<x> <direccin_IP>
  7. Compruebe que funcione la interfaz. Escriba lo siguiente, donde <direccin_IP> es la direccin IP de otra mquina en la misma subred donde se encuentra la interfaz que se est probando:
    ping <direccin_IP>

Otros sistemas operativos

Para instalar otros controladores, consulte la Gua del usuario en el CD del adaptador o visite el sitio web de soporte de clientes:

*Informacin legal

ltima modificacin: 11-10-07 3:48p Revisin

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Garanta limitada de duracin de hardware

Devolucin de productos defectuosos

En Amrica del Norte:

Todas las dems ubicaciones:

Garanta de devolucin de dinero para adaptadores Intel (solamente en Amrica del Norte)

Limitacin de responsabilidad y remedio

ltima modificacin el 17/09/12 10:42

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Copyright et exclusions de responsabilit

Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Intel Corporation. Tous droits rservs.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OREGON 97124-6497 tats-Unis

Intel Corporation dcline toute responsabilit pour toute erreur ou omission dans ce document. Intel ne s'engage aucunement mettre jour les informations contenues dans ce document.

Intel, Itanium et Pentium sont des marques de commerce d'Intel Corporation aux tats-Unis et dans d'autres pays.

* Les autres marques et noms de produits sont des marques commerciales appartenant leurs propritaires respectifs.

Informations concernant la garantie

Licence du logiciel


PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/FRA/license.htm0000755000000000000000000004202711746003724013011 0ustar Licence du logiciel



Ne copiez pas, n'installez pas et n'utilisez pas ce logiciel ni tout lment associ (appels collectivement le  Logiciel ) fournis dans le cadre de ce contrat de licence ( Contrat ) tant que vous n'avez pas lu attentivement les conditions gnrales suivantes.

En copiant, installant ou autrement utilisant le Logiciel, vous acceptez d'tre li aux modalits de ce Contrat. Si vous n'acceptez pas les modalits de ce Contrat, ne copiez pas, n'installez pas et n'utilisez pas le Logiciel.


Veuillez noter :

  • Si vous tes un administrateur rseau, reportez-vous la  Licence de site  ci-dessous.
  • Si vous tes un utilisateur final, reportez-vous la Licence utilisateur unique ci-dessous.
  • Si vous tes un fabricant OEM, reportez-vous la Licence OEM .

LICENCE DE SITE. Vous pouvez copier le Logiciel sur les ordinateurs de votre organisation afin qu'il soit utilis dans le cadre des activits de l'organisation et vous pouvez sauvegarder un nombre raisonnable de copies du Logiciel, conformment ces conditions :

  1. Ce Logiciel est accord sous licence pour une utilisation exclusive avec (a) des composants physiques Intel et (b) des priphriques virtuels ( mul ) conus pour apparatre comme des composants Intel dans un systme d'exploitation Invit excut dans le contexte d'un ordinateur virtuel. Toute autre utilisation du Logiciel, y compris, sans s'y limiter, toute utilisation avec des composants non Intel, n'est pas couverte par la licence ci-aprs.
  2. Sous rserve des modalits de ce Contrat, Intel Corporation ( Intel ) vous accorde une licence non exclusive, non transfrable, d'utiliser le Logiciel.
  3. Vous n’tes pas autoris copier, modifier, louer, vendre, distribuer, ni transfrer une partie quelconque du Logiciel, sauf dans la mesure prvue par le prsent Contrat, et vous vous engagez empcher toute copie non autorise du Logiciel.
  4. Vous n'tes pas autoris reconstituer la logique du Logiciel, le dcompiler ou le dsassembler.
  5. Le Logiciel peut inclure des portions offertes sous des conditions autres que celles dcrites ici, telles que dfinies dans la licence accompagnant ces portions.

LICENCE UTILISATEUR UNIQUE. Vous pouvez copier le Logiciel sur un seul ordinateur pour une utilisation personnelle, et vous pouvez effectuer une copie de sauvegarde du Logiciel, conformment ces conditions :

  1. Ce Logiciel est accord sous licence pour une utilisation exclusive avec (a) des composants physiques Intel et (b) des priphriques virtuels ( mul ) conus pour apparatre comme des composants Intel dans un systme d'exploitation Invit excut dans le contexte d'un ordinateur virtuel. Toute autre utilisation du Logiciel, y compris, sans s'y limiter, toute utilisation avec des composants non Intel, n'est pas couverte par la licence ci-aprs.
  2. Sous rserve des modalits de ce Contrat, Intel Corporation ( Intel ) vous accorde une licence non exclusive, non transfrable, d'utiliser le Logiciel.
  3. Vous n’tes pas autoris copier, modifier, louer, vendre, distribuer, ni transfrer une partie quelconque du Logiciel, sauf dans la mesure prvue par le prsent Contrat, et vous vous engagez empcher toute copie non autorise du Logiciel.
  4. Vous n'tes pas autoris reconstituer la logique du Logiciel, le dcompiler ou le dsassembler.
  5. Le Logiciel peut inclure des portions offertes sous des conditions autres que celles dcrites ici, telles que dfinies dans la licence accompagnant ces portions.

LICENCE OEM. Vous pouvez reproduire et distribuer le Logiciel uniquement s'il fait partie intgrante ou est incorpor votre produit, comme une mise jour de maintenance de Logiciel autonome pour les utilisateurs existants de vos produits, l'exclusion de tout autre produit autonome, ou en tant que composant d'une distribution plus tendue du Logiciel, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, la distribution d'une image d'installation ou d'une image d'Ordinateur Virtuel Invit, sous rserve de ces conditions :

  1. Ce Logiciel est accord sous licence pour une utilisation exclusive avec (a) des composants physiques Intel et (b) des priphriques virtuels ( mul ) conus pour apparatre comme des composants Intel dans un systme d'exploitation Invit excut dans le contexte d'un ordinateur virtuel. Toute autre utilisation du Logiciel, y compris, sans s'y limiter, toute utilisation avec des composants non Intel, n'est pas couverte par la licence ci-aprs.
  2. Sous rserve des modalits de ce Contrat, Intel Corporation ( Intel ) vous accorde une licence non exclusive, non transfrable, d'utiliser le Logiciel.
  3. Vous n’tes pas autoris copier, modifier, louer, vendre, distribuer, ni transfrer une partie quelconque du Logiciel, sauf dans la mesure prvue par le prsent Contrat, et vous vous engagez empcher toute copie non autorise du Logiciel.
  4. Vous n'tes pas autoris reconstituer la logique du Logiciel, le dcompiler ou le dsassembler.
  5. Vous tes autoris distribuer le Logiciel vos clients conformment un contrat de licence crit. L'ouverture de l'emballage scell entrane l'acceptation implicite des modalits du contrat de licence. Cette licence doit au minimum protger les droits de proprit du Logiciel d'Intel.
  6. Vous n'tes pas autoris distribuer, cder en sous-licence ou transfrer le Code source des composants du Logiciel ou de ses drivatifs un tiers sans l'autorisation crite explicite d’Intel.
  7. Le Logiciel peut inclure des portions offertes sous des conditions autres que celles dcrites ici, telles que dfinies dans la licence accompagnant ces portions.

RESTRICTIONS DE LA LICENCE. Vous ne pouvez PAS : (i) utiliser ou copier le Logiciel, sauf selon les modalits prvues dans le prsent Contrat ; (iii) assigner le prsent Contrat ou transfrer le Logiciel sans l'autorisation crite explicite d’Intel ; (iv) modifier, adapter ou traduire tout ou partie du Logiciel, sauf selon les modalits prvues dans le prsent Contrat ; (v) effectuer d'ingnierie inverse, dcompiler ou dsassembler le Logiciel ; (vi) essayer de modifier ou d’altrer le fonctionnement normal du gestionnaire de licences qui rgit l’utilisation du Logiciel ; (vii) distribuer, cder en sous-licence ou transfrer le Code source des composants du Logiciel ou de ses drivatifs un tiers sans l'autorisation crite explicite d’Intel ; (viii) autoriser, licencier ou cder en sous-licence l'affichage ou l'utilisation du Code source un tiers ; (ix) modifier ou distribuer le Code source ou le Logiciel de sorte qu'une partie soit sujette une licence exclue. (Une  licence exclue  est une licence qui requiert, comme condition d'utilisation, de modification ou de distribution, (a) que le code soit divulgu ou distribu sous la forme de code source ; ou (b) que d'autres aient le droit de le modifier.); (x) utiliser ou inclure le Code source ou le Logiciel dans des programmes malveillants, illgaux ou trompeurs.

EXCLUSION DES AUTRES DROITS. Aucun droit ou licence ne vous est accord par Intel, de manire explicite ou implicite, en ce qui concerne toute information ou tout brevet propritaire, droit d'auteur, moyen de masquage, marque commerciale, secret industriel ou tout autre droit de proprit intellectuelle contrl par Intel, sauf stipulation contraire dcrite dans ce Contrat. Sauf comme stipul dans la prsente, aucune licence et aucun droit ne vous est accord, directement ou implicitement, de faon induite, par prclusion, ou autre. Spcifiquement, Intel ne vous accorde aucun droit expresse ou induit concernant les brevets, droits d'auteur, marques de commerce ou droits de proprit intellectuelle d'Intel.

PROPRIT DU LOGICIEL ET COPYRIGHT (DROITS D'AUTEUR). Le Logiciel est offert sous licence, il n'est pas vendu. Intel demeure propritaire de toutes les copies du Logiciel. Le logiciel est protg par les lois sur les droits d'auteur, les lois en vigueur aux tats-Unis et dans d'autres pays, ainsi que par les dispositions de traits internationaux. Vous n'tes pas autoris retirer la mention de copyright du Logiciel. Vous acceptez de prvenir toute copie non autorise du Logiciel. Intel peut modifier le Logiciel ou des lments rfrencs dans ce document, tout moment et sans pravis, mais n'est pas dans l'obligation de mettre jour le Logiciel ni d'offrir une assistance.

MODALITS SUPPLMENTAIRES RELATIVES AU LOGICIEL PRLIMINAIRE.  Si le Logiciel que vous installez ou utilisez dans le cadre de ce Contrat est une version de prcommercialisation, ou s'il est tiquet ou autrement reprsent comme une version  alpha  ou  bta  du Logiciel ( Logiciel prliminaire ), les modalits suivantes sont applicables. Dans l'ventualit ou des clauses de cette Section entreraient en conflit avec d'autres modalits de ce Contrat concernant le Logiciel prliminaire, cette Section remplacerait les autres modalits, mais uniquement dans la mesure ncessaire la rsolution du conflit. Vous comprenez et reconnaissez que le Logiciel est un Logiciel prliminaire, qu'il ne reprsente pas la version finale du Logiciel d'Intel, et qu'il peut contenir des erreurs et d'autres problmes pouvant entraner des pertes de donnes, des pannes de systme et d'autres erreurs. Le Logiciel prliminaire vous est fourni  en l'tat  et Intel n'met aucune garantie et rejette toute responsabilit votre gard concernant les dommages issus de l'utilisation du Logiciel prliminaire. Vous reconnaissez qu'Intel n'a pas promis que le Logiciel prliminaire serait commercialis l'avenir, qu'Intel n'a aucune obligation expresse ou induite envers vous concernant la commercialisation du Logiciel prliminaire et qu'il est possible qu'Intel n'introduise pas de Logiciel compatible avec le Logiciel prliminaire. Vous reconnaissez que les efforts de recherche et de dveloppement que vous consentez concernant le Logiciel prliminaire ou tout produit utilisant ou associ au Logiciel prliminaire le sont vos propres risques. Si Intel vous a fourni un Logiciel prliminaire dans le cadre d'un accord crit spar, votre utilisation du Logiciel prliminaire est galement rgie par l'accord en question.

GARANTIE LIMITE DU SUPPORT. Si le logiciel a t remis par Intel sur un support physique, Intel garantit que celui-ci est exempt de dfauts matriels pour une priode de quatre-vingt-dix jours compter de la date de livraison par Intel. Si un tel dfaut est dtect, renvoyez le support Intel qui pourra choisir de le remplacer ou d'employer une autre mthode de livraison.

EXCLUSION DE TOUTE AUTRE GARANTIE.  LE LOGICIEL EST FOURNI  TEL QUEL  SANS GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU TACITE DE QUELQUE NATURE QUE CE SOIT, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE QUALIT MARCHANDE, DE RESPECT DES DROITS DE PROPRIT INTELLECTUELLE OU D'ADQUATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER. Intel ne garantit pas la prcision ni l'exhaustivit des informations, des textes, des graphiques, des liens ou d'autres lments contenus dans le Logiciel et ne peut en tre tenu responsable.

RESPONSABILIT LIMITE. INTEL OU SES FOURNISSEURS NE SONT EN AUCUN CAS RESPONSABLES DE QUELQUE DOMMAGE QUE CE SOIT (Y COMPRIS, MAIS SANS QUE CETTE NUMRATION NE SOIT LIMITATIVE, DES PERTES DE BNFICE, DES INTERRUPTIONS D'ACTIVITS OU DES PERTES D'INFORMATIONS) DRIVANT DE L'UTILISATION DE CE PRODUIT OU DE L'INCAPACIT DE L'UTILISER, MME SI INTEL A T NOTIFI DE LA POSSIBILIT D'UN TEL DOMMAGE. CERTAINES JURIDICTIONS N'AUTORISENT PAS L'EXCLUSION OU LA LIMITATION DE RESPONSABILIT POUR LES GARANTIES IMPLICITES OU LES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS OU ACCESSOIRES, DE SORTE QUE LA LIMITATION CI-DESSUS PEUT NE PAS VOUS TRE APPLICABLE. VOUS POUVEZ GALEMENT DISPOSER D'AUTRES DROITS QUI VARIENT DE JURIDICTION EN JURIDICTION. Dans l'ventualit o vous utilisez le Logiciel conjointement avec un priphrique virtuel ( mul ) conu pour apparatre comme un composant Intel, vous reconnaissez qu'Intel n'est ni l'auteur ni le crateur du priphrique virtuel ( mul ). Vous comprenez et reconnaissez qu'Intel ne fait aucune reprsentation concernant le fonctionnement correct du Logiciel lorsqu'il est utilis avec un priphrique virtuel ( mul ), qu'Intel n'a pas conu le Logiciel pour qu'il fonctionne conjointement avec le priphrique virtuel ( mul ), et qu'il est possible que le Logiciel ne soit pas capable de fonctionner correctement conjointement avec le priphrique virtuel ( mul ). Vous acceptez d'assumer le risque que le Logiciel ne fonctionne pas correctement conjointement avec le priphrique virtuel ( mul ). Vous acceptez d'indemniser Intel et ses responsables et filiales et de les protger contre les plaintes, cots, dommages, dpenses et honoraires d'avocat ventuels issus, directement ou indirectement de toute plainte concernant la responsabilit du produit, des blessures ou la mort associes l'utilisation du Logiciel conjointement avec le priphrique virtuel ( mul ), mme si cette plainte prtend qu'Intel a t ngligent concernant la conception ou la fabrication du Logiciel.

UTILISATION NON AUTORISE. LE LOGICIEL N'EST PAS CONU, PRVU OU AUTORIS POUR UNE UTILISATION AVEC TOUT TYPE DE SYSTME OU D'APPLICATION DONT UNE DFAILLANCE LOGICIELLE POURRAIT ENTRANER DES BLESSURES OU LA MORT (PAR EX., SYSTMES MDICAUX, SYSTMES DE MAINTIEN DE LA VIE OU DE SURVIE). Si vous utilisez le Logiciel dans un cadre non prvu ou non autoris, vous acceptez d'indemniser Intel et ses responsables et filiales et de les protger contre les plaintes, cots, dommages, dpenses et honoraires d'avocat ventuels issus, directement ou indirectement de toute plainte concernant la responsabilit du produit, des blessures ou la mort associes l'utilisation du Logiciel dans un cadre non prvu ou non autoris, mme si cette plainte prtend qu'Intel a t ngligent concernant la conception ou la fabrication de la pice.

RSILIATION DE CE CONTRAT. Intel peut rsilier ce contrat tout moment si vous n'en respectez pas les termes. Dans ce cas, vous devez immdiatement dtruire le Logiciel et retourner toutes les copies dudit Logiciel Intel.

LOIS APPLICABLES. Les plaintes dposes dans le cadre de ce Contrat seront rgies par les lois de l'tat de Californie, sans considration pour les principes de conflit de lois. Vous acceptez que les termes de la Convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internationale de marchandises ne s'appliquent pas ce Contrat. Vous n'tes pas autoris exporter le Logiciel en infraction des lois et des rgulations d'exportation applicables. Intel n'est contraint par aucun autre contrat moins que celui-ci ne soit tabli par crit et sign par un reprsentant autoris d'Intel.

LIMITATION DES DROITS DU GOUVERNEMENT. Le Logiciel et la documentation inclus ont t dvelopps avec des fonds privs, et sont fournis avec des  DROITS RESTREINTS . L'utilisation, la duplication ou la diffusion par le gouvernement est soumise des restrictions comme indiqu dans les clauses FAR.52.227-14 et DFAR.252.227-7013 et suivantes ou leurs successeurs. L'utilisation de ce produit par le Gouvernement constitue une reconnaissance des droits de proprit d'Intel sur le Logiciel. Le sous-traitant ou le fabricant est Intel.

LANGUE ; TRADUCTIONS. Au cas o la version en langue anglaise de cet Accord est accompagne d’une autre version traduite dans une autre langue, la version traduite est fournie uniquement pour des raisons de commodit et seule la version anglaise fait foi.

Dernire modification le 02/04/12 22h56 Rvision

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/FRA/note.gif0000755000000000000000000000073211651742220012302 0ustar GIF89a!1J!Z)c1sRR{{{{Z{9sssBBssR99JJfffZZZ))ZZ9ZZ)RRRRRBJJJBBB333)))!!!!,@pH,  f!:(3z<H\! E@S$bQ/G2~C $.$G(c%Gz',sE!rrC $M*L ( +UMG&MBCN#L}G ,ȻB+KB)Yt(E # B*$#һ+s-N#m@@465֘ 09!.(*@ 1A ;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/FRA/qi_fra.htm0000755000000000000000000001454412133454234012630 0ustar Guide d'installation rapide des cartes rseau Intel(R)

Installation des cartes rseau Intel®

Installer une carte Intel PCI, PCI-X ou PCI-Express*

  1. Mettez l'ordinateur hors tension et dbranchez le cordon d'alimentation.
  2. Retirez le panneau de l'ordinateur et le panneau du connecteur de carte correspondant votre carte.
  3. Insrez fermement le connecteur au bord de la carte dans le connecteur, jusqu' ce qu'il soit compltement log. Fixez solidement le support sur le chssis.
  4. Remettez le panneau de l'ordinateur en place. Branchez le cordon d'alimentation.

REMARQUE : certaines cartes Intel Gigabit pour serveurs et PC de bureau utilisent le bus PCI Express. Vous pouvez utiliser sans inconvnient un emplacement plus long que le connecteur de la carte, mais n'essayez pas d'installer la carte dans un emplacement plus court que le connecteur PCI Express.

Brancher le cble rseau

Cartes Intel® PRO/100 et Gigabit cuivre : Branchez le ou les cbles rseau sur la carte en utilisant une paire torsade Ethernet (TPE) de catgorie 3, 4 ou 5 pour les rseaux 10 Mbit/s. Utilisez un cble de catgorie 5 (4 paires) pour les rseaux 100 Mbit/s ou 1000 Mbit/s, ainsi que pour tout rseau rsidentiel.

Cartes Intel® Gigabit fibre avec connecteur SC : Retirez le panneau du connecteur fibre optique et mettez-le de ct. Insrez un connecteur SC fibre optique de type 1000Base-SX duplex dans les ports TX/RX du support de la carte.

Cartes Intel® Gigabit fibre avec connecteur LC : Retirez le panneau du connecteur fibre optique et mettez-le de ct. Insrez un connecteur LC dans la carte en utilisant un cblage appropri pour le type de carte (1000BASE-SX ou 1000BASE-LX). Les cbles de conversion pour d'autres types de connecteur (p. ex., un connecteur SC) peuvent tre utiliss si le cblage est conforme aux spcifications optiques de la carte, y compris les limites de longueur.

Dmarrez votre ordinateur et suivez les instructions d'installation des pilotes ci-dessous.

Installer les pilotes

Systmes d'exploitation Windows

Notez que vous devez possder des droits d'administrateur sur le systme d'exploitation pour installer les pilotes.

  1. La carte est dtecte et Windows installe un pilote rsidant sous Windows ou dmarre l'Assistant Nouveau matriel dtect .
  2. Si l'assistant Nouveau matriel dtect dmarre, appuyez sur le bouton Annuler.
  3. Insrez le CD Intel. Le programme d'excution automatique Connexions rseau Intel® dmarre automatiquement. Cliquez sur le bouton Installer les pilotes et logiciels .


Pour crer un paquage RPM* binaire de ce pilote, excutez "rpmbuild -tb <nom_de_fichier.tar.gz>". Remplacez <filename.tar.gz> par le nom de fichier spcifique du pilote.

  • pour que la compilation fonctionne correctement, le noyau en cours d'excution DOIT correspondre la version et la configuration des sources de noyau installes. Si vous venez de recompiler le noyau, redmarrez l'ordinateur maintenant.

  • La fonctionnalit RPM a t teste uniquement sur les distributions Red Hat.

  • Pour les cartes Intel PRO/100, utilisez e100 comme nom de pilote.

  1. Placez le fichier tar du pilote de base dans le rpertoire de votre choix. Par exemple, utilisez '/home/username/e1000e' ou '/usr/local/src/e1000e'.

  2. Dcompressez l'archive, o <x.x.x> est le numro de version du fichier tar du pilote :
    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. Passez au rpertoire src du pilote en entrant la commande suivante, o <x.x.x> correspond au numro de version du paquetage du pilote :
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. Compilez le module du pilote :
    make install
    Les instructions binaires sont installes comme suit :

    Les emplacements d'installation rpertoris ci-dessus sont les emplacements par dfaut. Il se peut qu'ils ne soient pas corrects sur certaines distributions Linux.

  5. Installez le module :
    modprobe e1000e <paramtre>=<valeur>
  6. Affectez une adresse IP l'interface en entrant la commande suivante, o <x> correspond au numro d'interface :
    ifconfig eth<x> <adresse_IP>
  7. Vrifiez que l'interface fonctionne. Entrez la commande suivante, o <adresse_IP> correspond l'adresse IP d'un autre ordinateur du mme sous-rseau que celui sur lequel l'interface est teste :
    ping <adresse_IP>

Autres systmes d'exploitation

Pour installer d'autres pilotes, voir le Guide de l'utilisateur sur le CD de la carte ou visitez le site Web de l'assistance la clientle :

*Mentions lgales

Dernire mise jour le 11/10/07 15h48 Rvision

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Garantie vie limite sur le matriel

Retourner un produit dfectueux

Depuis l'Amrique du Nord :

Tous les autres pays :

Remboursement garanti sur les cartes Intel (Amrique du Nord uniquement)

Limitation de responsabilit et recours

Dernire modification le 17/09/12 10h42

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ITA0000755000000000000000000000000012233423667010577 5ustar PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ITA/legaldis.htm0000755000000000000000000000176712115651350013161 0ustar Informazioni legali

Copyright e declinazioni di responsabilit legali

Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Intel Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

Intel Corporation non si assume alcuna responsabilit per eventuali errori o omissioni presenti in questo documento. Inoltre, Intel non si assume alcun impegno di aggiornare le informazioni ivi contenute.

Intel, Itanium e Pentium sono marchi registrati di Intel Corporation negli Stati Uniti e in altri paesi.

*Gli altri marchi e nomi potrebbero essere propriet di terzi.

Informazioni sulla garanzia

Licenza software


PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ITA/license.htm0000755000000000000000000004137211746003724013020 0ustar Licenza software



Non copiare, installare o usare questo software e l’eventuale materiale ad esso associato (definiti collettivamente con il termine “Software”) che sono forniti in base al presente Contratto di licenza (“Contratto”) senza avere prima letto attentamente i termini e le condizioni che seguono.

Copiando, installando o altrimenti utilizzando il Software, si accetta di essere vincolati dai termini di questo Contratto. Se non si accettano i termini di questo Contratto, non copiare, installare o usare il Software.



  • La "Licenza di sito" seguente si applica agli amministratori di rete o dei sistemi.
  • La "Licenza per utente singolo" si applica agli utenti finali.
  • La sezione “Licenza OEM” si applica ai produttori originali del computer (OEM).

LICENZA DI SITO: possibile copiare il Software sui computer di una azienda per un utilizzo interno all'azienda stessa ed possibile effettuare un numero ragionevole di copie di backup del Software, vincolate da queste condizioni:

  1. Il presente Software viene concesso in licenza solo congiuntamente (a) ai componenti Intel e (b) ai dispositivi virtuali (“emulati”) destinati ad apparire come componenti Intel a un sistema operativo guest che viene eseguito nel contesto di una macchina virtuale. La licenza esclude qualsiasi altro utilizzo del Software compreso, ma non limitato a, l'uso con componenti non Intel.
  2. In base ai termini e alle condizioni del presente Contratto, Intel Corporation ("Intel") concede al Licenziatario una licenza non esclusiva, non trasferibile, nell'ambito dei copyright Intel, per utilizzare il Software.
  3. Non possibile copiare, modificare, affittare, vendere, distribuire o trasferire alcuna parte del Software tranne quanto previsto nel presente Contratto e il Licenziatario concorda nell'impedire copie non autorizzate del Software.
  4. Non permesso decodificare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software.
  5. Il Software pu comprendere componenti soggetti a termini aggiuntivi a quelli qui definiti, che sono specificati nei contratti di licenza ad essi relativi.

LICENZA PER UTENTE SINGOLO: possibile copiare il Software su un singolo computer per uso personale ed possibile effettuare una copia di backup del Software, vincolata da queste condizioni:

  1. Il presente Software viene concesso in licenza solo congiuntamente (a) ai componenti Intel e (b) ai dispositivi virtuali (“emulati”) destinati ad apparire come componenti Intel a un sistema operativo guest che viene eseguito nel contesto di una macchina virtuale. La licenza esclude qualsiasi altro utilizzo del Software compreso, ma non limitato a, l'uso con componenti non Intel.
  2. In base ai termini e alle condizioni del presente Contratto, Intel Corporation ("Intel") concede al Licenziatario una licenza non esclusiva, non trasferibile, nell'ambito dei copyright Intel, per utilizzare il Software.
  3. Non possibile copiare, modificare, affittare, vendere, distribuire o trasferire alcuna parte del Software tranne quanto previsto nel presente Contratto e il Licenziatario concorda nell'impedire copie non autorizzate del Software.
  4. Non permesso decodificare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software.
  5. Il Software pu comprendere componenti soggetti a termini aggiuntivi a quelli qui definiti, che sono specificati nei contratti di licenza ad essi relativi.

LICENZA OEM: possibile riprodurre e distribuire il Software solo come parte integrante e incorporata del prodotto dell'OEM oppure come aggiornamento autonomo di manutenzione del Software per gli utenti esistenti dell'OEM, con l'esclusione degli altri prodotti autonomi o come componente di una distribuzione del Software pi ampia, compresa, ma non limitata a, la distribuzione di un'immagine di installazione o di una macchina virtuale guest, e rispettando queste condizioni:

  1. Il presente Software viene concesso in licenza solo congiuntamente (a) ai componenti Intel e (b) ai dispositivi virtuali (“emulati”) destinati ad apparire come componenti Intel a un sistema operativo guest che viene eseguito nel contesto di una macchina virtuale. La licenza esclude qualsiasi altro utilizzo del Software compreso, ma non limitato a, l'uso con componenti non Intel.
  2. In base ai termini e alle condizioni del presente Contratto, Intel Corporation ("Intel") concede al Licenziatario una licenza non esclusiva, non trasferibile, nell'ambito dei copyright Intel, per utilizzare il Software.
  3. vietato copiare, modificare, noleggiare, vendere, distribuire o trasferire qualsiasi parte del Software, a eccezione di quanto specificato nel presente accordo, e l’utente acconsente a impedire di effettuare copie non autorizzate del Software.
  4. Non permesso decodificare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software.
  5. Il Software pu solo essere distribuito ai clienti conformemente a un contratto di licenza scritto. Tale contratto di licenza pu risultare un contratto “break-the-seal”. Per lo meno tale licenza deve salvaguardare i diritti di propriet di Intel sul Software.
  6. Il Licenziatario non potr distribuire, concedere in sottolicenza o trasferire il Codice sorgente di alcun componente del Software e suoi derivati a terze parti senza il preventivo consenso scritto di Intel.
  7. Il Software pu comprendere componenti soggetti a termini aggiuntivi a quelli qui definiti, che sono specificati nei contratti di licenza ad essi relativi.

LIMITAZIONI DELLA LICENZA. Il Licenziatario NON potr: (i) utilizzare o copiare il Software tranne per quanto previsto da questo Contratto; (ii) affittare o noleggiare il Software a terze parti; (iii) assegnare questo Contratto o trasferire il Software senza espresso consenso scritto da parte di Intel; (iv) modificare, adattare o tradurre il Software in tutto o in parte tranne per quanto previsto dal presente Contratto; (v) decodificare, decompilare o disassemblare il Software; (vi) cercare di modificare o manomettere la normale funzione di un gestore delle licenze che regola l'utilizzo del Software; (vii) distribuire, concedere in sottolicenza o trasferire il Codice sorgente di alcun componente del Software e suoi derivati a terze parti senza il preventivo consenso scritto di Intel; (viii) permettere, autorizzare, concedere in licenza o sottolicenza a terze parti la visualizzazione o l'uso del Codice sorgente; (ix) modificare o distribuire il Codice sorgente o il Software cosicch parte di esso sia soggeto a una Licenza esclusa (la "Licenza esclusa" richiede, come condizione di utilizzo, la modifica o la distribuzione del codice nonch: (a) la divulgazione o la distribuzione del codice sotto forma di codice sorgente oppure (b) il diritto di terzi di apportarvi delle modifiche); (x) usare o includere il Codice sorgente o il Software in programmi ingannevoli, nocivi o illegali.

NESSUN ALTRO DIRITTO. Intel non concede al Licenziatario altri diritti o licenze, sia in modo esplicito che implicito, in riferimento alle informazioni proprietarie o di brevetto, ai copyright, ai mask work, ai marchi di fabbrica, ai segreti commerciali e ad altri diritti di propriet intellettuale che sono di propriet o controllati da Intel, eccetto nei casi espressamente previsti dal presente Contratto. Fatto salvo per quanto esplicitamente previsto nel presente documento, al Licenziatario non sono concesse altre licenze o diritti diretti, impliciti, indotti, derivanti da dichiarazioni verbali non corrette o di altra natura. In particolare, Intel non garantisce alcun diritto esplicito o implicito su brevetti, copyright, marchi di fabbrica o altri diritti relativi alla propriet intellettuale.

PROPRIET DEL SOFTWARE E COPYRIGHT. Il Software viene concesso in licenza e non venduto. La titolarit di tutte le copie del Software appartiene a Intel. Il Software protetto da copyright, dalle leggi degli Stati Uniti e di altre nazioni oltre che dalle disposizioni previste dai trattati internazionali. Il Licenziatario non pu rimuovere alcun avviso di copyright dal Software. Il Licenziatario accetta di impedire qualsiasi copia non autorizzata del Software. Intel pu apportare modifiche al Software, o agli elementi che a esso fanno riferimento, in qualsiasi momento e senza preavviso, ma non obbligata a supportare o aggiornare il Software.

TERMINI AGGIUNTIVI PER IL SOFTWARE DI PRE-RELAEASE. Se il Software che si sta installando o utilizzando in base a questo Contratto una release preliminare o etichettato o altrimenti denominato versione "alfa" o "beta" del Software ("Software di pre-release"), si applicano i seguenti termini. Nel caso in cui una disposizione di questa Sezione sia in conflitto con altri termini o condizioni di questo Contratto in relazione al Software di pre-release, questa Sezione avr la priorit su tali termini e condizioni, ma solo nei limiti necessari per risolvere il conflitto. Il Licenziatario riconosce e accetta che il Software un Software di pre-release, non rappresenta il Software finale di Intel e potrebbe contenere errori e altri problemi che potrebbero causare la perdita di dati, il malfunzionamento del sistema o altri errori. Il Software di pre-release fornito "come tale" e Intel declina qualsiasi garanzia o responsabilit nei confronti del Licenziatario per gli eventuali danni causati dall'uso del Software di pre-release. Il Licenziatario riconosce che Intel non ha promesso il futuro rilascio del Software di pre-release, non ha alcun obbligo espresso o implicito di rilasciare al Licenziatario il Software di pre-release e che Intel potrebbe introdurre un Software non compatibile con il Software di pre-release. Il Licenziatario riconosce che tutte le attivit di ricerca o sviluppo che esegue, relative al Software di pre-release o a qualsiasi prodotto che fa uso o associato con il Software pre-release, sono eseguite a proprio rischio. Se Intel ha fornito al Licenziatario il Software di pre-release conformemente a un contratto scritto separato, l'uso del Software di pre-release regolamentato anche da tale contratto.

GARANZIA LIMITATA SUI SUPPORTI. Se il Software stato fornito da Intel su un supporto fisico, Intel garantisce che il supporto privo di difetti intrinseci e dei materiali per un periodo di novanta giorni dalla sua consegna da parte di Intel. Nel caso in cui siano rilevati difetti, restituire il supporto a Intel per ottenerne la sostituzione o per ricevere il Software in altro modo stabilito a discrezione di Intel.

ESCLUSIONE DI ALTRE GARANZIE. SALVO QUANTO QUI INDICATO, IL SOFTWARE VIENE FORNITO “COME TALE” SENZA GARANZIE ESPLICITE O IMPLICITE DI ALCUN TIPO, COMPRESE LE GARANZIE DI COMMERCIABILIT, DI NON VIOLAZIONE DI DIRITTI O DI IDONEIT PER UN USO SPECIFICO. Intel non garantisce n si assume alcuna responsabilit riguardo l'accuratezza o la completezza delle informazioni, del testo, delle immagini, dei collegamenti o di altri elementi contenuti nel Software.

LIMITAZIONE DI RESPONSABILIT. IN NESSUN CASO INTEL O I SUOI FORNITORI SARANNO RITENUTI RESPONSABILI PER QUALSIVOGLIA DANNO (INCLUSI, SENZA ALCUNA LIMITAZIONE, LA PERDITA DI PROFITTI, L'INTERRUZIONE DELL'ATTIVIT COMMERCIALE O LA PERDITA DI INFORMAZIONI) CHE POTREBBE DERIVARE DALL'UTILIZZO O DALL'INCAPACIT DI UTILIZZARE IL SOFTWARE, ANCHE SE INTEL STATA AVVERTITA DELLA POSSIBILIT DI TALI DANNI. ALCUNE GIURISDIZIONI PROIBISCONO L'ESCLUSIONE O LA LIMITAZIONE DELLA RESPONSABILIT RELATIVAMENTE ALLE GARANZIE IMPLICITE O AI DANNI CONSEQUENZIALI E ACCIDENTALI; DI CONSEGUENZA, LA SUDDETTA LIMITAZIONE POTREBBE NON ESSERE APPLICABILE A TUTTI I CASI. POTREBBERO INOLTRE ESSERE PREVISTI ALTRI DIRITTI LEGALI CHE VARIANO DA GIURISDIZIONE A GIURISDIZIONE. Nel caso in cui il Licenziatario usi il Software con un dispositivo virtuale (“emulato”) destinato ad apparire come un componente Intel, il Licenziatario riconosce che Intel non n l'autore n il creatore del dispositivo virtuale (“emulato”). Il Licenziatario riconosce e accetta che Intel non fornisce alcuna garanzia relativamente alla correttezza del funzionamento del Software quando usato con un dispositivo virtuale (“emulato”), che Intel non ha progettato il Software per il funzionamento con il dispositivo virtuale (“emulato”) e che il Software potrebbe non funzionare correttamente con il dispositivo virtuale (“emulato”). Il Licenziatario accetta di assumersi il rischio che il Software potrebbe non funzionare correttamente con il dispositivo virtuale (“emulato”). Il Licenziatario accetta di rimborsare e manlevare Intel e i suoi funzionari, le sue societ collegate o controllate, di qualsiasi rivendicazione, costo, danno, spesa, spesa legale derivanti, direttamente o indirettamente, da qualsiasi rivendicazione di responsabilit del prodotto, lesione personale o decesso associati all'uso del Software con il dispositivo virtuale (“emulato”), anche se tale rivendicazione sostiene che Intel abbia agito in modo negligente nella progettazione o costruzione del Software.

USO NON AUTORIZZATO. IL SOFTWARE NON PROGETTATO, PREVISTO O AUTORIZZATO PER ESSERE UTILIZZATO IN QUALSIASI SISTEMA O APPLICAZIONE IN CUI IL FALLIMENTO DEL SOFTWARE POTREBBE CREARE UNA SITUAZIONE DI LESIONE PERSONALE O DECESSO (AD ESEMPIO, SISTEMI MEDICALI, SALVAVITA O DI SOPRAVVIVENZA). Se il Licenziatario utilizza il Software per qualsiasi uso non previsto o non autorizzato, il Licenziatario dovr rimborsare e manlevare Intel e i suoi funzionari, dipendenti, direttori, filiali, rappresentanti, affiliate e agenti nei confronti di qualsiasi rivendicazione, costo, danno, spesa, spesa legale e spese di vario tipo derivanti, direttamente o indirettamente, da qualsiasi rivendicazione di responsabilit del prodotto, lesione personale o decesso associati a tale uso non previsto o non autorizzato, anche se tale rivendicazione ritiene Intel negligente per quanto riguarda la progettazione o la costruzione della parte.

RESCISSIONE DI QUESTO CONTRATTO. Intel pu rescindere il presente Contratto in qualsiasi momento, nel caso l'utente ne violi i termini. In seguito alla rescissione del contratto, il Licenziatario deve immediatamente distruggere tutte le copie del Software o restituirle a Intel.

LEGGI APPLICABILI. Le rivendicazioni derivanti dal, o relative al, presente Contratto saranno regolamentate dalle leggi vigenti nello Stato della California, senza considerazione dei principi di conflitto della legge. Il Licenziatario accetta che la Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui Contratti per la vendita di beni non si applica al presente Contratto. Il Licenziatario non pu esportare il Software trasgredendo le leggi e i regolamenti sulle esportazioni attualmente in vigore. Intel non vincolata da alcun altro contratto che non sia per iscritto e firmato da un rappresentante autorizzato di Intel.

DIRITTI LIMITATI DEL GOVERNO. Il Software e la documentazione forniti sono stati sviluppati privatamente e hanno “DIRITTI LIMITATI”. L'uso, la duplicazione o la divulgazione da parte del Governo sono soggetti alle limitazioni delle norme FAR 52.227-14 e DFAR 252.227-7013 et seq. o successive. L’uso di questo prodotto da parte del Governo equivale a riconoscere i diritti di propriet di Intel sul Software. Il contraente o il produttore Intel.

LINGUA; TRADUZIONI. Qualora la versione in lingua inglese del presente Contratto venisse fornita insieme a una versione tradotta in un'altra lingua, a titolo di riferimento, far fede unicamente la versione in lingua inglese.

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Installazione della scheda di rete Intel®

Installazione della scheda di rete Intel PCI, PCI-X o PCI Express*

  1. Spegnere il computer e disinserire il cavo di alimentazione.
  2. Rimuovere il coperchio del computer e la protezione dello slot della scheda.
  3. Posizionare saldamente il connettore della scheda nello slot fino a quando non inserito completamente. Fissare la staffa di supporto allo chassis.
  4. Chiudere il coperchio del computer. Inserire il cavo di alimentazione.

NOTA: alcune schede di rete Intel Gigabit per server e per sistemi desktop usano il bus PCI Express. Si pu utilizzare uno slot pi lungo del connettore della scheda di rete senza che questo provochi alcun danno, mentre non bisogna tentare di installarla in uno slot pi corto del connettore PCI Express.

Collegare il cavo di rete

Schede di rete Intel® PRO/100 e schede di rete Gigabit in rame: collegare il cavo o i cavi di rete alla scheda utilizzando un cavo di rete Ethernet a doppini intrecciati (TPE) di categoria 3, 4 o 5 per reti a 10 Mbps. Per le reti a 100 o 1000 Mbps e per le reti private utilizzare un cavo di categoria 5 (4 doppini).

Schede di rete Intel® Gigabit in fibra con connettore SC: rimuovere e riporre la copertura del connettore a fibre ottiche. Inserire un connettore a fibre ottiche di tipo SC duplex 1000Base-SX nelle porte TX/RX della staffa di supporto della scheda di rete.

Schede di rete Intel® Gigabit in fibra con connettore LC: rimuovere e riporre la copertura del connettore a fibre ottiche. Inserire un connettore LC nella scheda di rete, con il cavo corretto per il tipo di scheda (1000BASE-SX o 1000BASE-LX). possibile usare cavi per convertire altri tipi di connettori (come SC) se tali cavi soddisfano le specifiche ottiche della scheda, lunghezza inclusa.

Avviare il computer e seguire le istruzioni per l'installazione del driver riportate di seguito.

Installazione dei driver

Sistemi operativi Windows

Si noti che necessario disporre dei diritti di amministratore per poter installare i driver.

  1. La scheda viene rilevata e Windows installa un driver residente di Windows o avvia Installazione guidata nuovo hardware .
  2. Se si avvia Installazione guidata nuovo hardware, selezionare Annulla.
  3. Inserire il CD di Intel. Il programma ad esecuzione automatica Connessioni di rete Intel si avvia. Fare clic sul pulsante Installa i driver e il software .


Per generare un package binario RPM* di questo driver, eseguire 'rpmbuild -tb <nomefile.tar.gz>'. Sostituire <nomefile.tar.gz> con il nome file specifico del driver.

  • affinch il processo di build funzioni correttamente, il kernel al momento in esecuzione DEVE corrispondere alla versione dei sorgenti del kernel installati. Se stato appena ricompilato il kernel riavviare il sistema.

  • Le funzionalit RPM sono state testate soltanto con le distribuzioni Red Hat.

  • Per le schede di rete Intel PRO/100, usare e100 come nome del driver.

  1. Spostare il file tar del driver di base in una directory di propria scelta. Ad esempio, usare '/home/nomeutente/e1000e' o '/usr/local/src/e1000e'.

  2. Scompattare l'archivio, in cui <x.x.x> il numero di versione del file tar del driver:
    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. Passare alla directory src del driver, dove <x.x.x> il numero di versione del file tar del driver:
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. Compilare il modulo del driver:
    make install
    Il file binario verr installato come:

    Le posizioni di installazione elencate pi indietro sono le posizioni predefinite. Potrebbero non essere corrette per alcune distribuzioni di Linux.

  5. Installare il modulo:
    modprobe e1000e <parametro>=<valuore>
  6. Assegnare un indirizzo IP all'interfaccia inserendo l'istruzione seguente, dove <x> il numero di interfaccia:
    ifconfig eth<x> <indirizzo_IP>
  7. Verificare che l'interfaccia funzioni. Immettere l'istruzione seguente, dove <indirizzo_IP> l'indirizzo IP di un altro computer nella stessa sottorete in cui si trova l'interfaccia che si sta sottoponendo a test:
    ping <indirizzo_IP>

Altri sistemi operativi

Per installare altri driver, vedere la Guida dell'utente inclusa nel CD della scheda o visitare il sito Web del supporto:

*Informazioni legali

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Garanzia hardware limitata

Restituzione di un prodotto difettoso

Dall'America del Nord

Dagli altri paesi

Garanzia di rimborso del prezzo pagato per la scheda di rete (valida solo per i clienti del Nord America)

Limitazione della responsabilit e rimedi

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Windows Iy[eBOEVXe


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  3. Ce CD }܂BIntel Network Connections I[g vOIɊJn܂B[hCo[ƃ\tgEFÃCXg[ ] {^NbN܂B


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  • RPM @\ Red Hat ł̂݃eXgĂ܂B

  • Ce PRO/100 A_v^[ł́AhCo[Ɂue100vgp܂B

  1. Cӂ̃fBNg[Ƀx[X hCo[ tar t@Cړ܂BƂ΁A'/home/username/e1000e' ܂ '/usr/local/src/e1000e' gp܂B

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    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
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    ifconfig eth<x> <IP AhX>
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ڻ å ʽϴ. ⿡ ϵ ƮѴٴ ʽϴ.

, ״Ͼ Ƽ ̱ Ÿ ڻ ǥԴϴ.

*ٸ ̸ 귣 ٸ ȸ ֽϴ.

Ʈ ̼


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Ʈ ̼

߿ - Ʈ , ġ Ǵ ϱ ݵ оñ ٶϴ.

Ʒ о ̼ ("") Ͽ Ǵ Ʈ ڷ("Ʈ") , ġ Ǵ Ͻʽÿ.

Ʈ , ġ Ǵ ϸ ޴´ٴ ϴ Դϴ. 뿡 Ʈ , ġ Ǵ ʽÿ.



  • Ʈũ Ǵ ý ڿԴ Ʒ "Ʈ ̼" ˴ϴ.
  • ڿԴ " ̼" ˴ϴ.
  • OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)Դ “OEM ̼” ˴ϴ.

Ʈ ̼: , ϴ ڽ ǻͿ Ʈ ϰ Ʈ ֽϴ.

  1. Ʈ (a) ǰ, (b) ý ȯ濡 Ǵ ԽƮ  ü ǰ νĵǵ (“ķ̼ǵ”) ġ ϵ ̼ οǾϴ. ǰ Բ ϴ Ͽ(̿ ѵ ) ٸ 뵵 Ʈ ϴ ̼ ο ʽϴ.
  2. ༭ ǿ ڻ("") Ʈ ִ ̰ 絵 Ұ ۱ ڿ οմϴ.
  3. ༭ ϴ 찡 ƴϸ Ʈ  κе , , 뿩, Ǹ, Ǵ 絵 , ڴ Ʈ Ϳ ؾ մϴ.
  4. Ʈ Ͼ, Ǵ 𽺾 ϴ.
  5. Ʈ õ Ͱ ٸ κ , ش κп Բ Ǵ ̼ õǾ ֽϴ.

̼: ؼ , ϴ 뵵 ǻ 뿡 Ʈ ϰ Ʈ ֽϴ.

  1. Ʈ (a) ǰ, (b) ý ȯ濡 Ǵ ԽƮ  ü ǰ νĵǵ (“ķ̼ǵ”) ġ ϵ ̼ οǾϴ. ǰ Բ ϴ Ͽ(̿ ѵ ) ٸ 뵵 Ʈ ϴ ̼ ο ʽϴ.
  2. ༭ ǿ ڻ("") Ʈ ִ ̰ 絵 Ұ ۱ ڿ οմϴ.
  3. ༭ ϴ 찡 ƴϸ Ʈ  κе , , 뿩, Ǹ, Ǵ 絵 , ڴ Ʈ Ϳ ؾ մϴ.
  4. Ʈ Ͼ, Ǵ 𽺾 ϴ.
  5. Ʈ õ Ͱ ٸ κ , ش κп Բ Ǵ ̼ õǾ ֽϴ.

OEM ̼: ϴ ǿ ǰ յ ·, ǰ ڸ Ʈ Ʈ · Ǵ Ը Ʈ ·θ Ʈ ֽϴ. ⿡ ġ ̹ Ǵ ԽƮ ǻ ̹ ԵǸ ̿ ѵ ʽϴ.

  1. Ʈ (a) ǰ, (b) ý ȯ濡 Ǵ ԽƮ  ü ǰ νĵǵ (“ķ̼ǵ”) ġ ϵ ̼ οǾϴ. ǰ Բ ϴ Ͽ(̿ ѵ ) ٸ 뵵 Ʈ ϴ ̼ ο ʽϴ.
  2. ༭ ǿ ڻ("") Ʈ ִ ̰ 絵 Ұ ۱ ڿ οմϴ.
  3. ༭ ϴ 찡 ƴϸ Ʈ  κе , , 뿩, Ǹ, Ǵ 絵 , ڴ Ʈ Ϳ ؾ մϴ.
  4. Ʈ Ͼ, Ǵ 𽺾 ϴ.
  5. ༭ ǰؼ Ʈ ֽϴ. ̷ ̼ ༭ "BTS(Break-The-Seal)" ̼ ༭ ֽϴ. ּ ׷ ̼ Ʈ ȣؾ մϴ.
  6. ̴ Ʈ Ļ ҿ ҽ ڵ ¸ , ̼ ο Ǵ ϴ.
  7. Ʈ õ Ͱ ٸ κ , ش κп Բ Ǵ ̼ õǾ ֽϴ.

̼ . ϴ (i) ༭ õ 츦 Ʈ Ǵ , (ii) 3ڿ Ʈ 뿪 Ǵ Ӵ, (iii) 絵 Ǵ Ʈ , (iv) ༭ õ ϰ Ʈ Ǵ Ϻ , Ǵ ȯ, (v) Ʈ Ͼ, Ǵ 𽺾, (vi) Ʈ ϴ ̼ Ǵ Ϸ õ, (vii) Ʈ Ļ ҿ ҽ ڵ ¸ 3ڿ , ̼ ο Ǵ , (viii) 3ڰ ҽ ڵ带 ų ֵ 㰡, ο, ̼ Ǵ ̼ , (ix) Ϻο ̼ ǵ ҽ ڵ Ǵ Ʈ Ǵ ؼ ˴ϴ. (" ̼" , Ǵ (a) ش ڵ尡 ҽ ڵ · Ǵ ǰų (b) ٸ ְų (c) Ƽ, Ǽ Ǵ ҹ α׷ ҽ ڵ Ǵ Ʈ ϰų ԽѾ ϴ ̼ մϴ.

ٸ Ǹ . ༭ ϴ 츦 ϰ ϰų ϴ , Ư, ۱, ũ ũ, ǥ, Ǵ Ÿ ǿ  Ǵ Ǹ ̼ ο ʽϴ. ̰ 츦 ϰ Ǵ Ͻ, , ݹݾ ̼ Ǵ Ǹ ο ʽϴ. Ư ڿ Ư, ۱, ǥ Ǵ Ÿ ǿ Ǵ Ǹ ο ʽϴ.

Ʈ ۱. Ʈ ̼ οǴ , ǸŵǴ ƴմϴ. Ʈ 纻 մϴ. Ʈ ۱ ϸ Ʈ ̱, ѹα Ÿ ۱ǹ ȣ ޽ϴ. Ʈ ۱ κ ϸ ȵ˴ϴ. ϴ Ʈ 縦 ̶ մϴ. Ʈ Ʈ ϴ ׸ , Ʈ ̳ Ʈ ǹ ʽϴ.

Ʈ ߰ .  ࿡ ġ Ǵ ϴ Ʈ ̰ų Ʈ "" Ǵ "Ÿ" (" Ʈ")̶ ǥõ , ˴ϴ. Ʈ Ͽ ༭ ٸ 浹ϴ ٸ 켱 , ̴ 浹 ذῡ ʿ κп մϴ. ϴ Ʈ Ʈ ƴ϶ Ʈ, Ÿ ս, ý Ǵ ٸ ų ִ ԵǾ ִٴ ϰ մϴ. Ʈ "ִ ״" Ǹ Ʈ ߻ϴ ؿ ̳ å մϴ. ϴ Ʈ ȴٵ簡 Ʈ ̶ Ǵ ǹ ƴϸ Ʈ ȣȯǴ Ʈ ̶ մϴ. ϴ Ʈ ؼ ų Ʈ ǰ Ǵ Ʈ Ͽ ϴ Ǵ ߿ δ Ͽ ִٴ մϴ. ڿ ࿡ Ʈ 쿡 ش ൵ Ʈ 뿡 ˴ϴ.

ѵ ̵ .  ڿ ̵ · Ʈ ̵ 90 ش ̵ ῡ մϴ. ̷ ߰ߵǸ ڿ ̵ ݼϿ ̵ ȯϰų ٸ ش Ʈ ޹ ֽϴ.

ٸ . 츦 ϰ Ʈ ǰ, ħ Ǵ Ư ռ Ͽ  ̰ų "ִ ״" ˴ϴ. , ؽƮ, ׷, ũ Ǵ Ʈ Ե Ÿ ׸ Ȯ̳ Ϻ Ͽ  ̳ åӵ մϴ.

å . ̳ ڴ Ʈ Ǵ ( ս, ߴ Ǵ ս ϵ ̿ ѵ ) Ͽ  쿡 å ̴ ׿ ɼ ˰ ־ 쿡 Դϴ. Ϻ // ̳ Ļ Ǵ μ ؿ å ϰų ϴ Ƿ, ڿ ֽϴ. ϴ // ٸ Ǹ ֽϴ. ǰ Ÿ ("ķ̼ǵ") ġ Բ Ʈ , ϴ ("ķ̼ǵ") ġ Ǵ ڰ ƴ϶ մϴ. ϴ ("ķ̼ǵ") ġ Բ Ʈ ùٸ ۵Ѵٴ ǥ ("ķ̼ǵ") ġ ۵ϵ Ʈ ʾ Ʈ ("ķ̼ǵ") ġ ùٸ ۵ ִٴ ϰ մϴ. ϴ Ʈ ("ķ̼ǵ") ġ ùٸ ۵ ɼ Ѵٴ մϴ. ϴ ("ķ̼ǵ") ġ Ʈ ǰ å, λ Ǵ û , ߻ϴ Ҽ, , , մ ȣ ڰ ӿ, ȸ 迭翡 ϰ ̵ ظ ʵ ̶ մϴ. ̴ ׷ û Ʈ Ǵ Ͽ ¸߾ٴ Ÿ ϴ 쿡 Դϴ.

. Ʈ Ʈ λ̳ ߻ ִ ý̳ о(: Ƿ ý, Ǵ ý) ϵ Ǵ ȵǾų ش ʾҽϴ. ׷ ǵ ų Ʈ , ϴ ǵ ų ǰ å, λ Ǵ û , ߻ϴ Ҽ, , , մ ȣ ڰ ӿ, ȸ 迭翡 ϰ ̵ ظ ʵ ̶ մϴ.

. ֽϴ. Ǹ ڴ ٷ Ʈ ıϰų Ʈ 纻 ڷ ݼؾ մϴ.

. ࿡ ߻ϴ û 浹 ĶϾ ˴ϴ. ϴ ǰ Ÿſ UN ࿡ ʴ´ٴ մϴ. ؼ Ʈ ϸ ȵ˴ϴ. ǥ ٸ ࿡ Ͽ  ǹ ʽϴ.

ѵ Ǹ. Ʈ ߵ ̸ “ѵ Ǹ" ˴ϴ. , Ǵ FAR 52.227-14 DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq. Ǵ ļ ϴ. Ʈ Ѵٴ Ͽ ǰ մϴ. Ǵ ڴ Դϴ.

; . ٸ ༭ , Ǹ θ Ǵ ⺻ ˴ϴ.

: 2012 4 2, 10:56p

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® Ʈũ ġ


  1. ǻ͸ ڵ带 ̽ϴ.
  2. ǻ ش Ϳ ġϴ Կ մϴ.
  3. 𼭸 Ŀ͸ о Կ 귡Ŷ ÿ ŵϴ.
  4. ǻ ٽ ڵ带 մϴ.

: Ϻ ⰡƮ ũž ʹ PCI ͽ Ȱմϴ. Ŀͺ ϴ , PCI ͽ Ŀͺ ª Կ ġ ʽÿ.

Ʈũ ̺

® PRO/100 ⰡƮ : 10Mbps Ʈũ īװ 3, 4 Ǵ 5 ƮƮ ̴(TPE) Ʈũ ̺ Ͽ Ʈũ ̺ Ϳ Ͻʽÿ. 100 Ǵ 1000 Mbps Ʈũ ְ Ʈũ īװ 5(4 ) ̺ Ͻʽÿ.

SC ĿͰ ִ ® ⰡƮ : Ŀ иϿ Ͻʽÿ. 1000Base-SX ÷ SC Ŀ͸ 귡Ŷ TX/RX Ʈ ʽÿ.

LC ĿͰ ִ ® ⰡƮ : Ŀ иϿ Ͻʽÿ. ˸ ̺ Ͽ LC Ŀ͸ Ϳ ϴ(1000BASE-SX Ǵ 1000BASE-LX). ̺ ´ 쿡 SC ٸ Ŀ ϴ ȯ ̺ ֽϴ.

ǻ͸ ϰ Ʒ ̹ ġ ȳ ʽÿ.

̹ ġ

Windows  ü

̹ ġϷ  ü ־ մϴ.

  1. Ͱ ǰ Windows Windows ̹ ġϰų ϵ ߰ 縦 մϴ.
  2. ϵ ߰ 簡 ۵Ǹ ߸ ϴ.
  3. CD ֽϴ. Ʈũ ڵ α׷ ڵ ۵˴ϴ. ̹ Ʈ ġ ߸ Ŭմϴ.


̹ ̳ʸ RPM* Ű Ϸ 'rpmbuild -tb <filename.tar.gz>' մϴ. ⼭ ̸ <filename.tar.gz> ̹ ش ̸ ٲٽʽÿ.

  • 尡 ùٸ ۵Ϸ Ŀΰ ġ Ŀ ҽ ġؾ մϴ. Ŀ ٽ 쿡 ý ٽ մϴ.

  • RPM Red Hat ׽ƮǾϴ.

  • PRO/100 Ϳ ؼ ̹ ̸ e100 Ͻʽÿ.

  1. 丮 ̹ tar ̵մϴ. , '/home/username/e1000e' Ǵ '/usr/local/src/e1000e' ֽϴ.

  2. DZϴ. ⼭ <x.x.x> ̹ tar ȣԴϴ.
    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. ̹ src 丮 ̵մϴ. ⼭ <x.x.x> ̹ tar ȣԴϴ.
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. ̹ մϴ.
    make install
    ̳ʸ ġ˴ϴ.

    ġ ġ ⺻ ġԴϴ. Ϻ Linux ǿ ̷ ġ ٸ ֽϴ.

  5. ġմϴ.
    modprobe e1000e <parameter>=<value>
  6. Ͽ ̽ IP ּҸ մϴ. ⼭ <x> ̽ ȣԴϴ.
    ifconfig eth<x> <IP_ּ>
  7. ̽ ۵ϴ Ȯմϴ. մϴ. ⼭ <IP_ּ> ׽Ʈ ̽ ݿ ִ ٸ ǻ IP ּԴϴ.
    ping <IP_address>

Ÿ  ü

ٸ ̹ ġϷ CD ִ ȳ ϰų Ʈ 湮Ͻʽÿ.


: 2007 10 11 3:48p

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PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/PTB0000755000000000000000000000000012233423673010604 5ustar PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/PTB/legaldis.htm0000755000000000000000000000174212115651350013162 0ustar Assuntos legais

Copyright e iseno de responsabilidades legais

Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Intel Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

A Intel Corporation no assume nenhuma responsabilidade por erros ou omisses neste documento. A Intel tambm no assume nenhum compromisso de atualizar as informaes aqui contidas.

Intel, Itanium e Pentium so marcas comerciais da Intel Corporation nos Estados Unidos e em outros pases.

* Outras marcas e nomes podem ser propriedade de outras empresas.

Informaes sobre garantia

Software License


PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/PTB/license.htm0000755000000000000000000003760211752736204013034 0ustar Licena de Software



No copie, no instale nem use este software ou qualquer material associado (coletivamente o “Software”) fornecido sob este contrato de licena (“Contrato”) antes de ler cuidadosamente os termos e condies a seguir.

Ao copiar, instalar ou usar o Software, voc indica que concorda em se submeter aos termos deste Contrato. Se no concordar com os termos deste Contrato, no copie, no instale nem use o Software.


Note o seguinte:

  • A “Licena de Site” a seguir aplica-se aos administradores de rede ou de sistema.
  • A “Licena para usurio nico” se aplica aos usurios finais.
  • A "Licena para fabricantes de equipamentos originais (OEM)" se aplica a tais fabricantes.

LICENA DE SITE. Voc poder copiar o Software nos computadores da sua empresa, para uso na sua empresa, e poder fazer um nmero razovel de cpias de backup do Software, de acordo com as seguintes condies:

  1. Este Software licenciado para uso apenas em conjunto com (a) componentes fsicos Intel e (b) dispositivos virtuais (“emulados”) que aparecem como produtos Intel para sistemas operacionais Guests (convidados) que rodam em mquinas virtuais. Nenhum outro uso do Software, inclusive, mas sem se limitar a, o uso com produtos no Intel, licenciado sob este contrato.
  2. Em conformidade com todos os termos e condies deste Contrato, a Intel Corporation ("Intel") concede a voc uma licena no exclusive e no transfervel de copyright para usar o Software.
  3. Voc no pode copiar, modificar, alugar, vender, distribuir ou transferir qualquer parte do Software, exceto na forma expressa neste Contrato, e voc concorda em impedir a cpia no autorizada do Software.
  4. Voc no pode fazer engenharia reversa, descompilao ou desmontagem do Software.
  5. O Software pode conter partes oferecidas sob termos diferentes dos termos do presente Contrato, descritos em um contrato de licena que acompanha tais partes.

LICENA PARA USURIO NICO. Voc poder fazer uma cpia do Software em um nico computador para o seu uso pessoal, e poder criar uma cpia de backup do Software, de acordo com as seguintes condies:

  1. Este Software licenciado para uso apenas em conjunto com (a) componentes fsicos Intel e (b) dispositivos virtuais (“emulados”) que aparecem como produtos Intel para sistemas operacionais Guests (convidados) que rodam em mquinas virtuais. Nenhum outro uso do Software, inclusive, mas sem se limitar a, o uso com produtos no Intel, licenciado sob este contrato.
  2. Em conformidade com todos os termos e condies deste Contrato, a Intel Corporation ("Intel") concede a voc uma licena no exclusive e no transfervel de copyright para usar o Software.
  3. Voc no pode copiar, modificar, alugar, vender, distribuir ou transferir qualquer parte do Software, exceto na forma expressa neste Contrato, e voc concorda em impedir a cpia no autorizada do Software.
  4. Voc no pode fazer engenharia reversa, descompilao ou desmontagem do Software.
  5. O Software pode conter partes oferecidas sob termos diferentes dos termos do presente Contrato, descritos em um contrato de licena que acompanha tais partes.

LICENA PARA FABRICANTES DE EQUIPAMENTOS ORIGINAIS (OEM): Voc pode reproduzir e distribuir o Software apenas como parte integrante ou na forma incorporada ao seu produto, como atualizao de manuteno do Software para usurios existentes dos seus produtos, excluindo-se quaisquer outros produtos individuais, ou como uma distribuio maior do Software, incluindo, mas no se limitando a, distribuio de uma imagem de instalao ou uma imagem de mquina virtual convidada (Guest), com estas condies:

  1. Este Software licenciado para uso apenas em conjunto com (a) componentes fsicos Intel e (b) dispositivos virtuais (“emulados”) que aparecem como produtos Intel para sistemas operacionais Guests (convidados) que rodam em mquinas virtuais. Nenhum outro uso do Software, inclusive, mas sem se limitar a, o uso com produtos no Intel, licenciado sob este contrato.
  2. Em conformidade com todos os termos e condies deste Contrato, a Intel Corporation ("Intel") concede a voc uma licena no exclusive e no transfervel de copyright para usar o Software.
  3. Voc no pode copiar, modificar, alugar, vender, distribuir ou transferir qualquer parte do Software, exceto na forma expressa neste Contrato, e voc concorda em impedir a cpia no autorizada do Software.
  4. Voc no pode fazer engenharia reversa, descompilao ou desmontagem do Software.
  5. A distribuio do Software aos seus clientes s pode ser feita com um contrato de licena em forma escrita. Este contrato de licena pode ser do tipo "violao de lacre". No mnimo, tal contrato deve salvaguardar os direitos de propriedade da Intel sobre o Software.
  6. Voc no pode distribuir, sublicenciar ou transferir o cdigo fonte de qualquer componente do Software, e de seus derivados, para terceiros sem a sem a permisso expressa e por escrito da Intel.
  7. O Software pode conter partes oferecidas sob termos diferentes dos termos do presente Contrato, descritos em um contrato de licena que acompanha tais partes.

RESTRIES DA LICENA. Voc NO pode: (i) usar ou copiar o Software, exceto na forma expressa neste Contrato; (ii) alugar ou arrendar o Software para terceiros; (iii) ceder este Contrato ou transferir o Software sem o consentimento expresso e por escrito da Intel; (iv) modificar, adaptar ou traduzir o Software, no todo ou em parte, exceto nas formas estabelecidas neste Contrato; (v) fazer engenharia reversa, descompilao ou desmontagem do Software; (vi) tentar modificar ou adulterar o funcionamento normal do gerenciador de licenas que regulamenta o uso do Software; (vii) distribuir, sublicenciar ou transferir o cdigo fonte de qualquer componente do Software, ou de seus derivados, para terceiros sem o consentimento expresso e por escrito da Intel; (viii) permitir, autorizar, licenciar ou sublicenciar terceiros a ver ou usar o cdigo fonte; (ix) modificar ou distribuir o cdigo fonte ou o Software de forma que parte ou partes dele fiquem sujeitas a uma Licena de Excluso. ("Licena de Excluso" a licena que exige, como condio de uso, uma modificao ou uma distribuio em que: (a) o cdigo seja revelado ou distribudo sob a forma de cdigo fonte ou (b) outros tenham o direito de modific-lo.); (x) usar ou inserir o cdigo fonte ou o Software em programas fraudulentos, maliciosos ou ilegais.

NENHUM OUTRO DIREITO. A Intel no outorga a voc direitos nem licenas, implcitos ou explcitos, em relao a informaes de propriedade ou patentes, direitos autorais, trabalho de mscara, segredo comercial ou outro direito de propriedade intelectual de propriedade ou de controle da Intel, exceto nas formas expressamente estabelecidas neste Contrato. Exceto nas formas expressamente estabelecidas neste Contrato, no concedida a voc nenhuma licena ou direito, direto ou implcito, por induo, embargo ou outra forma. Especificamente, a Intel no concede nenhum direito expresso ou implcito a voc em relao a patentes, direitos autorais, marcas comerciais ou outros direitos de propriedade intelectual da Intel.

PROPRIEDADE DO SOFTWARE E DIREITOS AUTORAIS. O Software licenciado, no vendido. O ttulo de todas as cpias do Software permanece com a Intel. O Software contm direitos autorais e est protegido por leis dos Estados Unidos e de outros pases e por provises de tratados internacionais. Voc no pode remover nenhum aviso de direitos autorais do Software. Voc concorda em impedir qualquer cpia no autorizada do Software. A Intel pode fazer alteraes ao Software ou aos itens aqui citados a qualquer momento sem aviso prvio, mas no est obrigada a oferecer suporte ou a atualizar o Software.

TERMOS ADICIONAIS PARA SOFTWARE DE PRE-LANAMENTO.Se o Software que voc est instalando ou usando sob os termos deste Contrato for uma verso de pre-lanamento comercial, ou for uma verso “alfa“ ou “beta“ ("Software de pre-lanamento"), ento os termos a seguir se aplicaro. Se alguma clusula desta Seo entrar em conflito com qualquer termo ou condio deste Contrato em relao a Software de pre-lanamento, esta Seo ter precedncia sobre o(s) outro(s) termo(s) e condio(es), mas apenas at o ponto necessrio para resolver o conflito. Voc entende e reconhece que o Software um Software de pre-lanamento, no representa o Software final da Intel e pode conter erros e outros problemas que podem causar perda de dados, falhas de sistema ou outras falhas. O Software de pre-lanamento fornecido a voc "no estado em que se encontra" e a Intel se exime de fornecer garantias e no se responsabiliza por danos que possam ocorrer como consequncia do uso deste Software de pre-lanamento. Voc reconhece que a Intel no prometeu que o Software de pre-lanamento ser lanado no futuro, que a Intel no tem obrigao explcita ou implcita de lanar o Software de pre-lanamento e que a Intel pode no lanar nenhum Software que seja compatvel com o Software de pre-lanamento. Voc reconhece que a totalidade da pesquisa e desenvolvimento que voc fizer e que for relacionada ao Software de pre-lanamento ou a qualquer produto que use ou que esteja associado ao Software de pre-lanamento feita por sua conta e risco. Se a Intel forneceu a voc o Software de pre-lanamento sob um contrato escrito separado, o uso que voc fizer deste Software de pre-lanamento regido tambm por tal contrato.

GARANTIA LIMITADA DA MDIA. Se o Software foi entregue pela Intel na forma de mdia fsica, a Intel garante esta mdia contra defeitos fsicos, por um perodo de noventa dias aps a entrega. Se for detectado algum defeito fsico, devolva a mdia Intel para substituio ou remessa alternativa do Software, a critrio da Intel.

EXCLUSO DE OUTRAS GARANTIAS. COM EXCEO DO ACIMA DISPOSTO, O SOFTWARE FORNECIDO "NO ESTADO EM QUE SE ENCONTRA", SEM NENHUMA GARANTIA EXPRESSA OU IMPLCITA DE QUALQUER TIPO, INCLUINDO AS GARANTIAS DE NEGOCIABILIDADE, NO INFRAO OU ADEQUAO A UMA FINALIDADE ESPECFICA. A Intel no oferece garantia nem assume responsabilidade pela exatido ou pela integridade de quaisquer informaes, textos, grficos, links ou outros itens contidos no Software.

LIMITAO DE RESPONSABILIDADE.  SOB NENHUMA CIRCUNSTNCIA A INTEL OU SEUS FORNECEDORES SERO RESPONSABILIZADOS POR QUALQUER DANO (INCLUSIVE, MAS NO SE LIMITANDO A, PERDA DE LUCROS, INTERRUPO DE NEGCIOS OU PERDA DE INFORMAES) PROVENIENTE DO USO OU DA INABILIDADE DE USO DO SOFTWARE, MESMO QUE A INTEL TENHA SIDO AVISADA DA POSSIBILIDADE DE TAIS DANOS. ALGUMAS JURISDIES PROBEM A EXCLUSO OU LIMITAO DA RESPONSABILIDADE PARA GARANTIAS IMPLCITAS OU PARA DANOS CONSEQENCIAIS OU INCIDENTAIS; PORTANTO, A LIMITAO ACIMA PODE NO SE APLICAR A VOC. VOC PODE TAMBM TER OUTROS DIREITOS LEGAIS QUE VARIAM DE JURISDIO PARA JURISDIO. Se voc usar o Software em conjunto com um dispositivo virtual (“emulado”) e destinado a aparecer como um produto Intel, voc reconhece que a Intel no a autora nem a criadora do dispositivo virtual (“emulado”). Voc entende e reconhece que a Intel no faz nenhuma afirmao sobre a correta operao do Software quando ele usado em um dispositivo virtual (“emulado”), que a Intel no projetou o Software para operar com o dispositivo virtual (“emulado”), e que o Software pode no ser capaz de funcionar corretamente com o dispositivo virtual (“emulado”). Voc concorda em assumir o risco de que o Software possa no funcionar corretamente em conjunto com o dispositivo virtual (“emulado”). Voc concorda em indenizar a Intel e manter a Intel e seus funcionrios, suas subsidirias e suas afiliadas isentos de responsabilidade contra todos os processos judiciais, custos, danos e despesas, alm de custos advocatcios razoveis, resultantes, direta ou indiretamente, de qualquer reclamao de obrigaes do produto, leses corporais ou morte associadas ao uso do Software em conjunto com o dispositivo virtual (“emulado”), mesmo sob a alegao de que a Intel foi negligente em relao ao design ou fabricao do Software.

USO NO AUTORIZADO. O SOFTWARE NO FOI PROJETADO NEM DESTINADO OU AUTORIZADO PARA USO EM QUALQUER TIPO DE SISTEMA OU APLICAO EM QUE A FALHA DO SOFTWARE PODE CAUSAR LESES CORPORAIS OU MORTE (POR EXEMPLO, SISTEMAS MDICOS, SISTEMAS DE SALVAMENTO OU DE MANUTENO DA VIDA). Se usar o Software em qualquer destas aplicaes no autorizadas, voc ir indenizar a Intel e manter a Intel e seus funcionrios, suas subsidirias e suas afiliadas isentos de responsabilidade contra todos os processos judiciais, custos, danos e despesas, alm de custos advocatcios razoveis, resultantes, direta ou indiretamente, de qualquer reclamao de obrigaes do produto, leses corporais ou morte associadas a tal uso no autorizado, mesmo sob a alegao de que a Intel foi negligente em relao ao design ou fabricao do Software.

RESCISO DESSE CONTRATO. A Intel pode rescindir este Contrato a qualquer momento no caso de violao dos seus termos. Com a resciso, voc destruir imediatamente o Software ou devolver todas as suas cpias Intel.

LEIS QUE SE APLICAM. As aes judiciais oriundas deste Contrato sero governadas pelas leis do Estado da Califrnia, EUA, sem considerar conflitos com outras leis. Voc concorda que os termos da Conveno das Naes Unidas sobre Contratos de Venda de Bens no se aplica a este Contrato. Voc no poder exportar o Software em violao s leis e regulamentos aplicveis exportao. A Intel no est obrigada ao cumprimento de quaisquer outros contratos, a menos que se apresentem por escrito e estejam assinados por um representante autorizado da Intel.

DIREITOS RESTRITOS DO GOVERNO. Este Software e esta documentao foram desenvolvidos com capital privado e so fornecidos com “DIREITOS RESTRITOS”. O uso, a duplicao ou a divulgao pelo Governo esto sujeitos s restries estabelecidas em FAR 52,227-14 e DFARS 252,227-7013 et seq. ou s suas clusulas substitutas ou s leis sucessoras. O uso deste produto pelo governo indica o reconhecimento dos direitos de propriedade da Intel sobre o Software. A Intel o fabricante ou o contratante.

IDIOMA; TRADUES. Se a verso no idioma ingls deste Contrato for acompanhada por qualquer outra verso traduzida para qualquer outro idioma, essa verso traduzida ser fornecida somente a ttulo de convenincia e a verso gerada no idioma ingls ter prioridade de controle legal.

Mais recente modificao feita em: 02 de abril de 2012 s 22h56 Reviso

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/PTB/note.gif0000755000000000000000000000073211651742220012317 0ustar GIF89a!1J!Z)c1sRR{{{{Z{9sssBBssR99JJfffZZZ))ZZ9ZZ)RRRRRBJJJBBB333)))!!!!,@pH,  f!:(3z<H\! E@S$bQ/G2~C $.$G(c%Gz',sE!rrC $M*L ( +UMG&MBCN#L}G ,ȻB+KB)Yt(E # B*$#һ+s-N#m@@465֘ 09!.(*@ 1A ;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/PTB/qi_ptb.htm0000755000000000000000000001337712135703640012665 0ustar Guia de instalao rpida dos adaptadores de rede Intel(R)

Instalao do adaptador de rede Intel®

Instalar o adaptador Intel PCI, PCI-X ou PCI-Express*

  1. Desligue o computador e desconecte o cabo de alimentao.
  2. Remova a tampa do computador e a tampa do slot correspondente ao seu adaptador.
  3. Empurre firmemente a borda do adaptador no slot PCI at que ele esteja completamente inserido. Prenda a braadeira ao chassi.
  4. Recoloque a tampa do computador. Ligue o fio de eletricidade.

NOTA: Alguns adaptadores Intel Gigabit de servidor e de desktop usam o barramento PCI Express. Voc pode usar um slot mais comprido que o conector de seu adaptador, mas no tente instalar o adaptador em um slot mais curto que o conector PCI Express.

Conectar o cabo de rede

Adaptadores Intel® PRO/100 e Gigabit de cobre: Conecte os cabos de rede ao adaptador usando cabos de par tranado Ethernet (TPE) Categoria 3, 4 ou 5 para redes de 10 Mbps. Use cabos categoria 5 (4 pares) para as redes de 100 ou 1000 Mbps e para as redes residenciais.

Adaptadores de fibra Intel® Gigabit com conector SC: Remova e guarde a tampa do conector de fibra tica. Insira um conector de fibra tica SC do tipo 1000Base-SX duplex nas portas TX/RX da braadeira do adaptador.

Adaptadores de fibra Intel® Gigabit com conector LC: Remova e guarde a tampa do conector de fibra tica. Insira um conector LC no adaptador com o cabeamento correto para o seu tipo de adaptador (1000BASE-SX ou 1000BASE-LX). Podem ser usados cabos de converso para outros tipos de conectores (como, por exemplo, SC) se o cabeamento corresponder s especificaes ticas do adaptador, inclusive as limitaes de comprimento.

Ligue o computador e siga as instrues de instalao do driver conforme abaixo.

Instale os drivers

Sistemas operacionais Windows

Voc precisa ter direitos administrativos no sistema operacional para instalar os drivers.

  1. O adaptador detectado e o Windows instala um driver residente ou inicia o assistente Novo hardware encontrado .
  2. Se o assistente Novo hardware encontrado for inicializado, pressione o boto Cancelar.
  3. Insira o CD da Intel. O programa de execuo automtica Conexes de rede Intel inicia automaticamente. Clique no boto Instalar drivers e software .


Para criar um pacote binrio RPM* desse driver, execute 'rpmbuild -tb <filename.tar.gz>'. Substitua <filename.tar.gz> com o nome do arquivo especfico do driver.

  • Para o build funcionar corretamente, o kernel em execuo PRECISA corresponder verso e configurao da origem de kernel instalada. Se voc tiver recompilado o kernel, reinicialize agora o sistema.

  • A funcionalidade RPM s foi testada nas distribuies Red Hat.

  • Para os adaptadores Intel PRO/100, use e100 como o nome do driver.

  1. Mova o arquivo tar do driver bsico para o diretrio de sua escolha. Por exemplo, use '/home/username/e1000e' ou '/usr/local/src/e1000e'.

  2. Extraia/deszipe o arquivo, onde <x.x.x> o nmero de verso para o arquivo tar do driver:
    tar zxf e1000e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz
  3. Mude para o diretrio src, onde <x.x.x> representa o nmero da verso para o tar do driver:
    cd e1000e-<x.x.x>/src/
  4. Compile o mdulo do driver:
    make install
    O binrio ser instalado como:

    Os locais da instalao listados acima so os locais padro. Eles no podem corrigir certas distribuies de Linux.

  5. Instale o mdulo:
    modprobe e1000e <parameter>=<value>
  6. Atribua um endereo IP interface, digitando a seguinte informao, onde <x> representa o nmero da interface:
    ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>
  7. Verifique se a interface funciona. Digite o seguinte, onde <IP_address> o endereo IP de uma outra mquina na mesma sub-rede da interface que est sendo testada:
    ping <IP_address>

Outros sistemas operacionais

Para instalar outros drivers, consulte o Guia do Usurio no CD do adaptador ou visite o site de suporte em:

*Assuntos legais

ltima modificao: 11 de outubro de 2007 15h48 Reviso

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/PTB/style.css0000755000000000000000000000450511651742220012537 0ustar .legaldis { font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 7pt; color: #555555; align: justify; } BODY { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: black } .nav {background-color: #ddeeFF} a:link {color:#001060} a:visited {color:#800080} a:hover {color:#800000} H1 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 18pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H2 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H3 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H4 { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } H5 { MARGIN-LEFT:14; MARGIN-TOP:2; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; font-size:10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } P { MARGIN-TOP:10;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } blockquote { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } ol { MARGIN-TOP:10;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } ul { MARGIN-TOP:0;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } li { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; margin-top: 6px; } TH { COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } TD { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } .top {MARGIN-LEFT:12;} .contents { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 6px; MARGIN-LEFT: 20px; MARGIN-TOP: 6px; TEXT-INDENT: -20px } .gui { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } .inentry { MARGIN-BOTTOM: 3px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px; WORD-SPACING: 0px } .monospace { FONT-FAMILY: Courier New, Courier; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } .numlst { LIST-STYLE: decimal; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 8px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; WORD-SPACING: 0px } .r { font-size: 11pt } .small { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; color:#505050} .warning { FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } .toc_head { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 6px; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; } .toc_level1 { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 15px; MARGIN-TOP: 1px; TEXT-INDENT: -10px } .toc_level2 { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 30px; MARGIN-TOP: 1px; TEXT-INDENT: -10px } PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/PTB/warranty.htm0000755000000000000000000001524012122016340013233 0ustar Garantia Vitalcia Limitada do Hardware

Garantia Vitalcia Limitada do Hardware

Devoluo de um produto com defeito

Da Amrica do Norte:

Todos os outros locais:

Garantia de Devoluo do Dinheiro Pago pelo Adaptador Intel (somente na Amrica do Norte)

Limitao de Responsabilidade e Correes

Modificao mais recente: 17 de setembro de 2012 - 10h42

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/chs.gif0000755000000000000000000000040711644575614011516 0ustar GIF89aK̙333,KI8`(dihJ p l2 "O%|\$O셊NuL r/SUUmӴU[MYXYm^r]ywFpfXStbCP({'W`Bx&5\%QzVa~C[sOo8#7Ɲ;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/cht.gif0000755000000000000000000000042711644575614011521 0ustar GIF89aK̙333,K@I8`(i%H,zo* |<ܧGbƙC21uWz9" #cӴ }^IPQBa_@z!vjj*+$iYu?q5ftr:~JVTn;-|Xo7XplW՚_8;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/deu.gif0000755000000000000000000000033311644575614011514 0ustar GIF89aK̙333!,K@0 I8덁'8$ tms||i*VF"9 oykͬR;߰zkBnn|NǥӬ8*XiexU\66`bH&E'aZcd^,_#C5~4j ;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/esn.gif0000755000000000000000000000036111644575614011525 0ustar GIF89aK̙333,K@I8`( AꪚiȖg |߹pH>–ւ-'XZy5;)}ߗFL0]|N~El=<,]D1cfB;::nhL/?6i\j~>M/3%3P.eo" 8;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/fra.gif0000755000000000000000000000032711644575614011512 0ustar GIF89aK̙333!,K@0 I8)v!btms||^C$JQ9~()ZkT^:*5#wj.`n|N_6oaMWd;g}f6aE`"$_[+>I=5^\&$4,1 ;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/ita.gif0000755000000000000000000000035311644575614011516 0ustar GIF89aK̙333,K@I8`(#f&jd- |oH,sFL k12LZjea}Z#_ѧA|N~GIm`~Ek%O#Cc$ ?!N^-\iF>cijD+3RLe78;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/jpn.gif0000755000000000000000000000036211644575614011530 0ustar GIF89aK̙333,K@I8`(#A' +)7xwp{",X#y\)w̦v dJk2Iu_m9mhw쒅8@r]2i@kv;pXjO90\(h\r1`N~l?0io7[a>e+jcgfH6jQX.c ^i'I.k2 ;PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/quick.htm0000755000000000000000000000604111644575614012100 0ustar Install Instructions

Localized Quick Installation Instructions

These condensed instructions are intended for experienced users and cover basic hardware and software installation only.  English

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Last modified on 12/06/07 2:58p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/QUICK/style.css0000755000000000000000000000450511651742220012112 0ustar .legaldis { font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 7pt; color: #555555; align: justify; } BODY { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: black } .nav {background-color: #ddeeFF} a:link {color:#001060} a:visited {color:#800080} a:hover {color:#800000} H1 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 18pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H2 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H3 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H4 { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } H5 { MARGIN-LEFT:14; MARGIN-TOP:2; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; font-size:10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } P { MARGIN-TOP:10;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } blockquote { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } ol { MARGIN-TOP:10;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } ul { MARGIN-TOP:0;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } li { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; margin-top: 6px; } TH { COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } TD { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } .top {MARGIN-LEFT:12;} .contents { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 6px; MARGIN-LEFT: 20px; MARGIN-TOP: 6px; TEXT-INDENT: -20px } .gui { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } .inentry { MARGIN-BOTTOM: 3px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px; WORD-SPACING: 0px } .monospace { FONT-FAMILY: Courier New, Courier; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } .numlst { LIST-STYLE: decimal; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 8px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; WORD-SPACING: 0px } .r { font-size: 11pt } .small { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; color:#505050} .warning { FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } .toc_head { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 6px; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; } .toc_level1 { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 15px; MARGIN-TOP: 1px; TEXT-INDENT: -10px } .toc_level2 { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 30px; MARGIN-TOP: 1px; TEXT-INDENT: -10px } PRO100/DOCS/SERVER0000755000000000000000000000000012233423712010303 5ustar PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/45double.gif0000755000000000000000000001647311656750064012525 0ustar GIF87a/,-#!#+)+313;9;! !WUW|z|xvxQPQPOP~}~mlm]\]²;9<557EEGrrullo[[]001++,CCD}}~uuvdde\\]Ҽ?@Ckloacgiko}~сy|QSUY[]cdeghiqtv¹9;VY"fWV\.$R1C+Q^$ԇuRDGwVƹ JH-!č*aTD r@yrFZr i **Ч.ڨ(Q*Ц04$Le1rY X]Y1/q#Gu곭%ATpIƔhY2@@"ȭ|"C¶c /UdQx \‡%8*Н.c)P!DCB $8b yd.(+lPa[D /#RD|Lx5*j+I0}nWW[%B 6/E)F kĽ)+. 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Supported Intel® PRO/100 Server Adapters

This driver and software are designed to operate with the following Intel® PRO/100 server adapters:

Product Name Board ID # Controller
Intel® PRO/100+ Server Adapter 729757-xxx
82558, 82559
Intel® PRO/100 S Server Adapter 748565-xxx
82550, 82550C, 82559C
Intel® PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter A56831-xxx 82550

Board ID # = A 6-digit code with a 3-digit extension; printed on barcode sticker on the front of the card.

Also see the Adapter & Driver ID Guide:

Compatibility Notes

The following devices are not supported by Microsoft* Windows Vista*

  • Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter

The following devices are not supported by Microsoft Windows Server* 2008

  • Intel® PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter
  • Intel® PRO/100 S Server Adapter

Last modified on 12/30/09 3:31p Revision

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Attach the RJ45 Network Cable

Insert the twisted pair, RJ45 network cable as shown.

Use one of the following types of network cabling, depending on your adapter and the intended use: 
  • For 1000 Mbps operation (1000BaseT), use Category 5 or better (must be 4-pair wiring). Make sure you use Category 5 cable that complies with the TIA-568 wiring specification. For more information on this specification, see the Telecommunications Industry Association's website:

Note: To insure compliance with CISPR 24 and the EUs EN55024, devices based on the 82576 controller should be used only with CAT 5E shielded cables that are properly terminated according to the recommendations in EN50174-2.
  • For 100 Mbps operation (100BaseTX), use Category 5 wiring or better. 

  • For 10 Mbps operation (10BaseT), use Category 3 wiring or better. 

Caution: If using less than 4-pair cabling, you must manually configure the speed and duplex setting of the adapter  and the link partner. In addition, with 2- and 3-pair cabling the adapter can only achieve speeds of up to 100Mbps.
  • If you are using this adapter in a residential environment (at any speed), use Category 5 or better wiring. If the cable runs between rooms or through walls and/or ceilings, it should be plenum-rated for fire safety.

In all cases:

  • Segment length is limited to 100 meters (328 feet, 1 inch).

  • The adapter must be connected to a compatible link partner, and may be set to auto-negotiate speed and duplex.

  • Intel® Gigabit Network Adapters using copper connections automatically accommodate either MDI or MDI-X connections. The auto-MDI-X feature of Intel Gigabit Network adapters allows you to directly connect two adapters without using a cross-over cable. 

Single-port models

Dual-port models


Last modified on 6/24/08 9:27a Revision

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Intel Network Drivers for Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

Install the Drivers in Microsoft Windows

NOTE: This will update the drivers for all supported Intel® network adapters in your system.

Before installing or updating the drivers, insert your adapter(s) in the computer and plug in the network cable. When Windows discovers the new adapter, it attempts to find an acceptable Windows driver already installed with the operating system. 

If found, the driver is installed without any user intervention. If Windows cannot find the driver, the Found New Hardware Wizard window is displayed.

Regardless of whether or not Windows finds the driver, it is recommended that you follow the procedure below to install the driver. Drivers for all Intel adapters supported by this software release are installed.

  1. If you are installing drivers from the Product CD, insert the CD. If you do not have the Product CD, download drivers from the support website and transfer them to the system.

  2. If the Found New Hardware Wizard screen is displayed, click Cancel.

  3. Start the autorun located on the CD. If you downloaded the software package from the support website, the autorun automatically runs after you have extracted the files.

  4. Click Install Drivers and Software.

  5. Follow the instructions in the install wizard.

Uninstalling the Driver

These instructions uninstall the drivers for all Intel network adapters in a system.

  1. From the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs

  2. Select Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers.

  3. Click Add/Remove

  4. When the confirmation dialog displays, click OK

Last modified on 6/05/09 11:38a Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/dupwindm.htm0000755000000000000000000001156512001223204012721 0ustar Configuring Speed and Duplex in Windows*

Set Up Speed and Duplex

In addressing speed and duplex configuration issues, you need to distinguish between copper-based adapters and fiber-based adapters.

In the default mode, an Intel® Network Adapter using copper-based connections will attempt to auto-negotiate with its link partner to determine the best setting. If the adapter cannot establish link with the link partner using auto-negotiation, you may need to manually configure the adapter and link partner to identical settings to establish link and pass packets. This should only be needed when attempting to link with an older switch that does not support auto-negotiation or one that has been forced to a specific speed or duplex mode. Your link partner must match the setting you choose.

CAUTION: Only experienced network administrators should force speed and duplex manually. The settings at the switch must always match the adapter settings. Adapter performance may suffer or your adapter may not operate if you configure the adapter differently from your switch.

An Intel® Network Adapter using fiber-based connections, however, will not attempt auto-negotiate with its link partner since those adapters operate only in full duplex, and only at their native speed.


Configuring Speed and Duplex in Microsoft* Windows*

By default, auto-negotiation is enabled. Change this setting only to match your link partner.

  1. Navigate to the Device Manager.
  2. Open Properties on the adapter you would like to configure.
  3. Click the Link Speed tab.
  4. Select the appropriate speed and duplex from the Speed and Duplex pull down menu.
  5. Click OK.

Intel® Gigabit Network Adapter Considerations

Per the IEEE specification, gigabit speed is available only in full-duplex.

The settings available when auto-negotiation is disabled are:

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Full duplex (requires a full duplex capable link partner set to full duplex). The adapter can send and receive packets at the same time. You must set this mode manually.

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Half duplex (requires a link partner set to half duplex). The adapter performs one operation at a time; it either sends or receives. You must set this mode manually.

  • Auto-Negotiation 1000 Mbps. The adapter only advertises gigabit speed at full duplex.

Intel® 10 Gigabit Network Adapter Considerations

Intel® 10 Gigabit adapters that support 1 gigabit speed allow you to configure the Speed setting. If this option is not present, your adapter only runs at its native speed.

If the adapter cannot establish link with the gigabit link partner using auto-negotiation, set the adapter to 1 Gbps Full duplex.

Intel 10 gigabit fiber-based adapters and SFP direct-attach devices operate only in full duplex, and only at their native speed. Multi-speed 10 gigabit SFP+ fiber modules support full duplex at 10 Gbps and 1 Gbps.

Intel® PRO/100 Network Adapter Considerations

The settings available when auto-negotiation is disabled are:

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Full duplex (requires a full duplex capable link partner set to full duplex). The adapter can send and receive packets at the same time. You must set this mode manually.

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Half duplex (requires a link partner set to half duplex). The adapter performs one operation at a time; it either sends or receives. You must set this mode manually.

Last modified on 12/30/09 3:51p Revision PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/hot100.htm0000755000000000000000000000347011656606010012120 0ustar PCI Hot Plug Support

PCI Hot Plug Support

Intel® PRO/100 Server Adapters are enabled for use in selected servers equipped with Hot Plug support.

If you replace an adapter in a Hot Plug slot, do not place the removed adapter back into the same network until the server has rebooted (unless you return it to the same slot and same team as before). This prevents a conflict in having two of the same Ethernet addresses on the same network.

The system will require a reboot if you

  • Change the primary adapter designator.

  • Add a new adapter to an existing team and make the new adapter the primary adapter.

  • Remove the primary adapter from the system and replace it with a different type of adapter.

NOTE: To replace an existing SLA-teamed adapter in a Hot Plug slot, first unplug the adapter cable. When the adapter is replaced, reconnect the cable.

Last modified on 9/08/05 7:02a Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/hotwin.htm0000755000000000000000000000352311656603624012424 0ustar PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft Windows

PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

Intel® network adapters are enabled for use in selected servers equipped with PCI Hot Plug support and running Microsoft* Windows* operating systems. For more information on setting up and using PCI Hot Plug support in your server, see your hardware and/or Hot Plug support documentation for details. PCI Hot Plug only works when you hot plug an identical Intel network adapter.


  • The MAC address and driver from the removed adapter will be used by the replacement adapter unless you remove the adapter from the team and add it back in. If you do not remove and restore the replacement adapter from the team, and the original adapter is used elsewhere on your network, a MAC address conflict will occur.
  • For SLA teams, ensure that the replacement NIC is a member of the team before connecting it to the switch.


Last modified on 9/03/07 4:49p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/hyperv.htm0000755000000000000000000002750312137735164012435 0ustar Creating Virtual NICs in Hyper-V

Microsoft* Hyper-V* Overview

Microsoft* Hyper-V* makes it possible for one or more operating systems to run simultaneously on the same physical system as virtual machines. This allows you to consolidate several servers onto one system, even if they are running different operating systems. Intel® Network Adapters work with, and within, Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines with their standard drivers and software.


Using Intel® Network Adapters in a Hyper-V Environment

When a Hyper-V Virtual NIC (VNIC) interface is created in the parent partition, the VNIC takes on the MAC address of the underlying physical NIC. The same is true when a VNIC is created on a team or VLAN. Since the VNIC uses the MAC address of the underlying interface, any operation that changes the MAC address of the interface (for example, setting LAA on the interface, changing the primary adapter on a team, etc.), will cause the VNIC to lose connectivity. In order to prevent this loss of connectivity, Intel® PROSet will not allow you to change settings that change the MAC address.


  • If Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)/Data Center Bridging (DCB) is present on the port, configuring the device in Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) + DCB mode reduces the number of VMQs available for guest OSes.
  • When sent from inside a virtual machine, LLDP and LACP packets may be a security risk. The Intel® Virtual Function driver blocks the transmission of such packets.
  • The Virtualization setting on the Advanced tab of the adapter's Device Manager property sheet is not available if the Hyper-V role is not installed.
  • While Microsoft supports Hyper-V on the Windows* 8 client OS, Intel® Ethernet adapters do not support virtualization settings (VMQ, SR-IOV) on Windows 8 client.
  • ANS teaming of VF devices inside a Windows 2008 R2 guest running on an open source hypervisor is supported.

The Virtual Machine Switch

The virtual machine switch is part of the network I/O data path. It sits between the physical NIC and the virtual machine NICs and routes packets to the correct MAC address. Enabling Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) offloading in Intel(R) ProSet will automatically enable VMQ in the virtual machine switch. For driver-only installations, you must manually enable VMQ in the virtual machine switch.


If you create ANS VLANs in the parent partition, and you then create a Hyper-V Virtual NIC interface on an ANS VLAN, then the Virtual NIC interface *must* have the same VLAN ID as the ANS VLAN. Using a different VLAN ID or not setting a VLAN ID on the Virtual NIC interface will result in loss of communication on that interface.

Virtual Switches bound to an ANS VLAN will have the same MAC address as the VLAN, which will have the same address as the underlying NIC or team. If you have several VLANs bound to a team and bind a virtual switch to each VLAN, all of the virtual switches will have the same MAC address. Clustering the virtual switches together will cause a network error in Microsoft’s cluster validation tool. In some cases, ignoring this error will not impact the performance of the cluster. However, such a cluster is not supported by Microsoft. Using Device Manager to give each of the virtual switches a unique address will resolve the issue. See the Microsoft Technet article Configure MAC Address Spoofing for Virtual Network Adapters for more information.

Virtual Machine Queues (VMQ) and SR-IOV cannot be enabled on a Hyper-V Virtual NIC interface bound to a VLAN configured using the VLANs tab in Windows Device Manager.

Using an ANS Team or VLAN as a Virtual NIC

If you want to use a team or VLAN as a virtual NIC you must follow these steps:

Note: This applies only to virtual NICs created on a team or VLAN. Virtual NICs created on a physical adapter do not require these steps.
  1. Use Intel® PROSet to create the team or VLAN.
  2. Open the Network Control Panel.
  3. Open the team or VLAN.
  4. On the General Tab, uncheck all of the protocol bindings and click OK.
  5. Create the virtual NIC. (If you check the "Allow management operating system to share the network adapter." box you can do the following step in the parent partition.)
  6. Open the Network Control Panel for the Virtual NIC.
  7. On the General Tab, check the protocol bindings that you desire.
    Note: This step is not required for the team. When the Virtual NIC is created, its protocols are correctly bound.

Command Line for Microsoft Windows Server* Core

Microsoft Windows Server* Core does not have a GUI interface. If you want to use an ANS Team or VLAN as a Virtual NIC, you must use the prosetcl.exe utility, and may need the nvspbind.exe utility, to set up the configuration. Use the prosetcl.exe utility to create the team or VLAN. See the prosetcl.txt file for installation and usage details. Use the nvspbind.exe utility to unbind the protocols on the team or VLAN. The following is an example of the steps necessary to set up the configuration.

Note: The nvspbind.exe utility is not needed in Windows Server 2008 R2 or later.
  1. Use prosetcl.exe to create a team.
      prosetcl.exe Team_Create 1,2,3 TeamNew VMLB
    (VMLB is a dedicated teaming mode for load balancing under Hyper-V.)
  2. Use nvspbind to get the teams GUID
      nvspbind.exe -n
  3. Use nvspbind to disable the teams bindings
      nvspbind.exe -d aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddddddddddddddd *
  4. Create the virtual NIC by running a remote Hyper-V manager on a different machine. Please see Microsoft's documentation for instructions on how to do this.
  5. Use nvspbind to get the Virtual NICs GUID.
  6. Use nvspbind to enable protocol bindings on the Virtual NIC.
      nvspbind.exe -e tttttttt-uuuu-wwww-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ms_netbios
      nvspbind.exe -e tttttttt-uuuu-wwww-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ms_tcpip
      nvspbind.exe -e tttttttt-uuuu-wwww-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ms_server

Virtual Machine Queue Offloading

Enabling VMQ offloading increases receive and transmit performance, as the adapter hardware is able to perform these tasks faster than the operating system. Offloading also frees up CPU resources. Filtering is based on MAC and/or VLAN filters. For devices that support it, VMQ is enabled in the host partition on the adapter's Device Manager property sheet, under Virtualization on the Advanced Tab.

Each Intel® Ethernet Adapter has a pool of queues that are split between the various features, such as VMQ Offloading, SR-IOV, Data Center Bridging (DCB), and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE). Increasing the number of queues used for one feature decreases the number available for other features. On devices that support it, enabling DCB reduces the total pool available for other features to 32. Enabling FCoE further reduces the total pool to 24. Intel PROSet displays the number of queues available for virtual functions under Virtualization properties on the device's Advanced Tab. It also allows you to set how the available queues are distributed between VMQ and SR-IOV.

Teaming Considerations

  • If VMQ is not enabled for all adapters in a team, VMQ will be disabled for the team.
  • If an adapter that does not support VMQ is added to a team, VMQ will be disabled for the team.
  • Virtual NICs cannot be created on a team with Receive Load Balancing enabled. Receive Load Balancing is automatically disabled if you create a virtual NIC on a team.
  • If a team is bound to a Hyper-V virtual NIC, you cannot change the Primary or Secondary adapter.

SR-IOV (Single Root I/O Virtualization)

SR-IOV lets a single network port appear to be several virtual functions in a virtualized environment. If you have an SR-IOV capable NIC, each port on that NIC can assign a virtual function to several guest partitions. The virtual functions bypass the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), allowing packet data to move directly to a guest partition's memory, resulting in higher throughput and lower CPU utilization. SR-IOV also allows you to move packet data directly to a guest partition's memory. SR-IOV support was added in Microsoft Windows Server 2012. See your operating system documentation for system requirements.

For devices that support it, SR-IOV is enabled in the host partition on the adapter's Device Manager property sheet, under Virtualization on the Advanced Tab.



  • SR-IOV is not supported with ANS teams.
  • You must enable VMQ for SR-IOV to function.


Last modified on 6/01/11 2:12p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/index.htm0000755000000000000000000000102111656606010012202 0ustar Intel® PRO/100 Server Network Adapters /html> PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/index_it.htm0000755000000000000000000000103511656606010012703 0ustar Intel® PRO/100 Itanium Server Network Adapters /html> PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/insert.htm0000755000000000000000000000534011656750064012420 0ustar Insert the Adapter

Insert the PCI Adapter in the Computer

  1. If your computer supports PCI Hot Plug, see your computer documentation for special installation instructions.

  2. Shut down the operating system (if it's running).

  3. Turn off and unplug your computer. Then remove the cover.

  4. CAUTION: Turn off and unplug the power before removing the computer's cover. Failure to do so could endanger you and may damage the adapter or computer.

  5. Remove the cover bracket from a 32-bit or 64-bit PCI (2.2 or later) bus master slot. If you have configuration problems, see your computer's documentation to determine if the PCI slots are bus master-enabled. 

  6. Insert the adapter in a compatible PCI slot. If you install a 64-bit adapter in a 32-bit slot, the adapter will still function, but the end of the edge connector will be exposed and not connected. If this is the case, make sure the exposed contacts do not touch anything that would cause an electrical problem. Push the adapter into the slot until the adapter is firmly seated. 

  7. Secure the adapter bracket with a screw, if required.

  8. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each additional adapter to be installed.

  9. Replace the computer cover and plug in the power cord.

  10. Turn the power on and start your operating system. 
    If you get a PCI or PCI-X configuration error, select Troubleshooting in the Table of Contents.

Last modified on 4/06/06 3:42p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/insscrew.gif0000755000000000000000000001616411656750064012734 0ustar GIF89a%JHIfdeXVWsqrpnoUTUSRSNMNJIJFEF~}~zyzyxyvuvpopnmnlkljijihifefede_^_[Z[YXYDzkkmffhQQR||}yyzsstddebbcaab]]^YYZWWXVVWUUVÿuvyhikdegpqslmoȚz|~suwoqs`abҟһƺ755DBBB@@PNNOMMMKK][[ZXXvttsqqiggSRRONN~~}|||{{{zzyxxutttssrqqqpponnnmmmllihhhgggfffeedcccbbbaaa```__]\\\[[VUUrrroooZZZVVVSSSOOO,%H>{x\ȰÇ#JHŋzU CIdPmĈq#(ɗ0cʜ0ʛAɳϟy y=*]ʔd3Dشի mF&`*lC Ū]kiٲFQ%eKnEo˞qʮ߿ +v,OZĐ]+Rs#kf*3q@fnN?7,qϼv;H^ތ3U赻q̽Z, 5]~!0I|u S'!y g+D|Bt=a~gB{"`&uǐq/y\7({"?Ca,S],ą4BÁH/p[B25?Z1|4M 4'(^["+Dt2pBHƗ " S^AuixHZ䮐 3+xОE|:O⩃12dL܅) r?D*`<){!-v/:OA Kd$M>̗Xd%tfbn* 0b%& |3xL2 ,`9IM>'PE+~8A4.D1d#NID@ ܚJXBJ!?3x㙤L)bb&2"m+5&B1+&ZH}-LuLͦ &D,4U*ExjPՁš~jdD*%tF/*kV b!E0q-Zf \e*LnR&DA +e :*ģW2e"6?r!x+#d(f("N|Ib!RBzX'/>6V 4W[Bndy_ *%v1V80Q&&L^2*0Èi,C'*)"8;djE R ֱ턯Y" a>dtJ(ٞbŔD2`LA2Uhm\gSZ w(X@dO HC$pV㥰/"'X F,&7??*Pg x e; e ͐ӞNRHH=TRlZmI^xX)Wjq8MFN4x 0#LA1H2 [!_ -]sDDQ P! c"2na_2 A& *˽A *:eE0M-j wJڨiih`J Q{}f]+*AB9ʊ"`]؄݊0yjhK2D؉= jib2纊(ip D@j Sp=Q : /iAz\6` <^@ٜP {аi'K'^K7 c;fiۄ^@`;1;{ iKhY2 F{y ZSL9Z(rh[zo n`ڀLrUW2A"t~|hkKhWWc[ yy @hiiq&A*A5YqF:!U.,pqD"Pʜ,|^:å_Tl ű!PƐS[ry!F =|g%qv' ܦmgݹG1P]M!F?OBѪM#*WT]hCGeޑ,ؠw$a>й߼ Zu5qXmn1Z3 n6\7 |0@*7)j"(S1؂M()M3>2=K ],;$۾M-e/AtNNLgNs.3ϡ>>1WM旮n|饾~3>B>N.㺾 *q&`8vzm.`?\>2mp"7VEE~^z~B^cֈަҎƕ@vHBF@ o.n+4(/mFkݦnp]@R"wЩ^CN*bTW#-SH)yE"HRFa]Q wZW;U^Xa Uw'X/^wqc6{QE^[嵠(ovX@5mܩ}U[ 04/jI l-N@&pg$" ǭR'-鯠r^#a  1D."'# ] d=ѣ2QhWq"o \%CE5W$a a$XAuBC%$ƢEFyɹѣE^k"5Qb(8#)@I1zzJM9 Q;)?v VHGZ4Q%̤kUzNԄP9`iš":EX,[IzY,o،[d;OK4g08uP-Wdw ܹa㋜cjֳ嗔5ٵAMOkP +d@uG$܋CGIFsxD^H:4=xMɋQwPGzh0o^"xi͠ϵ,(X;0 BA>A>;B$J Z [dϸAŃ`i !9`.)L9B O<ܑ>⅗H"Rp jC+PR=lhKlo0)E8P-NM8CI!qdԬl8) MrЁPz;҄Z~@FR*O+ẑ3e̴0OP#BWM8]4JT֨4``I氡\57t`H%0$*P^:Џt۲$Rؤ6P6Fn5ꀶP|s fRC;PY$T Z#we(2OC`T`!Ses>3syMH;`08VHLE|aTP0 9I[Vgz`$e$2Lk$ ?:L.YV= @A Tf7~2m^*ChI.%y?13mL6M<܇i0P!z"gdfRIlFb}m/>hH8VH6ݥFj򇭢"VO{gFvH6?& ?dTI翩A}E2PO&,ա@ҏxOJ:A F\2YA NisM?6":a Q8T aqa %C X6aCC|HE`nDd@Vc-RD lb "<ЊDɳV;PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/ipmi.htm0000755000000000000000000000377611656603624012064 0ustar IPMI Manageability

IPMI Manageability


The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) allows you to monitor server physical health characteristics, such as temperature, voltage, fans, power supplies, and chassis intrusion. These monitoring capabilities provide information that enables system management, recovery and asset tracking.

IPMI and Adapter Teaming

If an adapter is TCO-enabled and connected to a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), you can add it to any type of iANS team. However, if you add it to a Static Link Aggregation (SLA) or an IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation Team the system management capabilities will be non-functional. This is due to load balancing requirements within a team and the fact that manageability traffic is restricted to a single port on a specific adapter. Also, if the adapter is connected to a BMC device that does not use a dedicated MAC address, Receive Load balancing and Adaptive Load Balancing teams will lose manageability traffic like SLA and Dynamic Link Aggregation Teams mentioned above.


If you are using an 82541 or 82547-based network connection and plan to configure a VLAN dedicated to IPMI manageability traffic, you must configure the IPMI-enabled port of the system and the BMC to use the same VLAN ID. If the port will pass only non-manageability traffic, you do not need to configure a VLAN on the BMC.

Last modified on 8/31/05 4:21p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/ipsecoff.htm0000755000000000000000000000366112037014300012672 0ustar IP Security Offloading

IP Security Offloading

Internet Protocol (IP) Security (IPSec) is a set of protocols used to help secure the exchange of IP data. IP Security offloading is the assignment of algorithm computations from software to hardware. Generally, CPU utilization decreases and network performance increases when offloading takes place.

On Intel devices that support IPSec offloading features, you can configure those features through Intel® PROSet. For more information, select Intel PROSet in the Table of Contents (left pane) of this window.

NOTE:  Large Send Offload (LSO) and IPSec Offload are not compatible. LSO is automatically disabled when IPSec Offload is enabled. This may reduce the performance of non-IPSec traffic. Confining all of your IPSec traffic to one port and enabling IPSec Offload only on that port may mitigate this issue. On Microsoft Windows 8/Server 2012 and later, devices based on the 82576, 82599, and X540 controllers are not affected by this issue.


Last modified on 8/28/08 3:57p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/jumbo_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000001363011656603624012710 0ustar Jumbo Frames

Jumbo Frames

Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames that are larger than 1518 bytes. You can use Jumbo Frames to reduce server CPU utilization and increase throughput. However, additional latency may be introduced. 

  • Jumbo Frames are supported at 1000 Mbps and 10Gbps. Using Jumbo Frames at 10 or 100 Mbps is not supported and may result in poor performance or loss of link.

  • End-to-end network hardware must support this capability; otherwise, packets will be dropped.

Jumbo Frames can be implemented simultaneously with VLANs and teaming.

To configure Jumbo Frames at the switch, consult your network administrator or switch user's guide.


  • Jumbo frames are not supported in multi-vendor team configurations.

  • Supported protocols are limited to IP (TCP, UDP).

  • Jumbo frames require compatible switch connections that forward Jumbo Frames. Contact your switch vendor for more information.

  • When standard sized Ethernet frames (64 to 1518 bytes) are used, there is no benefit to configuring Jumbo Frames.

  • The Jumbo Frames setting on the switch must be set to at least 8 bytes larger than the adapter setting for Microsoft* Windows* operating systems, and at least 22 bytes larger for all other operating systems.

  • The Intel® PRO/1000 PL Network Connection supports jumbo frames in Microsoft* Windows* operating systems only when Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager is installed.

  • The following devices do not support jumbo frames larger than 4096 bytes:

    • Intel® 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection

    • Intel® 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection.

  • The following devices do not support jumbo frames:

    • Intel® 82567V-4 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82577LC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF-3 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567V Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PM Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PM Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562V 10/100 Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562GT 10/100 Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DM Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562V-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562G-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562GT-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82552 10/100 Network Connection

Setting Up Jumbo Frames in Microsoft* Windows*

NOTE: Jumbo frames are not supported in multi-vendor team configurations.
  1. Open Microsoft* Windows* Device Manager.

  2. Open Properties on your adapter.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

  4. Select Jumbo Frames from the list of advanced features.

  5. Set your desired packet size (based on network capability).

  6. Click OK to apply the changes. 

All equipment on the network must also support the larger frame size. When setting up Jumbo Frames on other network devices, be aware that different network devices calculate Jumbo Frame size differently. Some devices include the header information in the frame size while others do not. Intel adapters do not include header information in the frame size. When configuring Jumbo Frames on a switch, set the frame size four bytes higher for CRC, plus four bytes if you are using VLANs or QoS packet tagging.

Last modified on 8/01/11 3:59p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/lbracket.htm0000755000000000000000000000424111656750064012702 0ustar Attach the Low-Profile Bracket

Attaching the Low Profile Bracket (Optional)

Some adapter models come with a small bracket in the product package, to be used in a low profile slot. If you need to install the adapter in a low-profile slot, follow these instructions. 

  1. Before handling the adapter, ground yourself to dissipate any static charge.

  2. Remove the two screws securing the standard bracket to the back side of the adapter.

  1. Slide the bracket away from the adapter.

  1. Slide the low profile bracket onto the adapter.

  1. Attach the low profile bracket to the adapter using the screws you removed in step 2.

  1. Carefully tighten the screws until they are seated. Do not over tighten.

You may re-attach the standard sized bracket in the future if necessary. 

Last modified on 8/31/05 3:41p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/legaldis.htm0000755000000000000000000000165612110653010012661 0ustar Legal Information

Copyright and Legal Disclaimers

Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

Intel, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Warranty Information

Software License


PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/license.htm0000755000000000000000000003756411736273470012553 0ustar Software License



Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials (collectively, the “Software”) provided under this license agreement (“Agreement”) until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions.

By copying, installing, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not copy, install, or use the Software.


Please Note:

  • If you are a network or system administrator, the “Site License” below shall apply to you.
  • If you are an end user, the “Single User License” shall apply to you.
  • If you are an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), the “OEM License” shall apply to you.

SITE LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto your organization’s computers for your organization’s use, and you may make a reasonable number of back-up copies of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

SINGLE USER LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto a single computer for your personal use, and you may make one back-up copy of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

OEM LICENSE: You may reproduce and distribute the Software only as an integral part of or incorporated in your product, as a standalone Software maintenance update for existing end users of your products, excluding any other standalone products, or as a component of a larger Software distribution, including but not limited to the distribution of an installation image or a Guest Virtual Machine image, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. You may only distribute the Software to your customers pursuant to a written license agreement. Such license agreement may be a "break-the-seal" license agreement. At a minimum such license shall safeguard Intel's ownership rights to the Software.
  6. You may not distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel.
  7. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may NOT: (i) use or copy the Software except as provided in this Agreement; (ii) rent or lease the Software to any third party; (iii) assign this Agreement or transfer the Software without the express written consent of Intel; (iv) modify, adapt, or translate the Software in whole or in part except as provided in this Agreement; (v) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software; (vi) attempt to modify or tamper with the normal function of a license manager that regulates usage of the Software; (vii) distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel; (viii) permit, authorize, license or sublicense any third party to view or use the Source Code; (ix) modify or distribute the Source Code or Software so that any part of it becomes subject to an Excluded License. (An "Excluded License" is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification, or distribution, that (a) the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or (b) others have the right to modify it.); (x) use or include the Source Code or Software in deceptive, malicious or unlawful programs.

NO OTHER RIGHTS. No rights or licenses are granted by Intel to you, expressly or by implication, with respect to any proprietary information or patent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right owned or controlled by Intel, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted to you directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel, or otherwise. Specifically, Intel grants no express or implied right to you under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.

OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. The Software is licensed, not sold. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. You agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software.

ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE.  If the Software you are installing or using under this Agreement is pre-commercial release or is labeled or otherwise represented as alpha- or beta- versions of the Software ("pre-release Software"), then the following terms apply. To the extent that any provision in this Section conflicts with any other term(s) or condition(s) in this Agreement with respect to pre-release Software, this Section shall supersede the other term(s) or condition(s), but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. You understand and acknowledge that the Software is pre-release Software, does not represent the final Software from Intel, and may contain errors and other problems that could cause data loss, system failures, or other errors. The pre-release Software is provided to you "as-is" and Intel disclaims any warranty or liability to you for any damages that arise out of the use of the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that Intel has not promised that pre-release Software will be released in the future, that Intel has no express or implied obligation to you to release the pre-release Software and that Intel may not introduce Software that is compatible with the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that the entirety of any research or development you perform that is related to the pre-release Software or to any product making use of or associated with the pre-release Software is done at your own risk. If Intel has provided you with pre-release Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, your use of the pre-release Software is also governed by such agreement.

LIMITED MEDIA WARRANTY.  If the Software has been delivered by Intel on physical media, Intel warrants the media to be free from material physical defects for a period of ninety days after delivery by Intel. If such a defect is found, return the media to Intel for replacement or alternate delivery of the Software as Intel may select.

EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES.  EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within the Software.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. In the event that you use the Software in conjunction with a virtual (emulated) device designed to appear as an Intel component product, you acknowledge that Intel is neither the author nor the creator of the virtual (emulated) device. You understand and acknowledge that Intel makes no representations about the correct operation of the Software when used with a virtual (emulated) device, that Intel did not design the Software to operate in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, and that the Software may not be capable of correct operation in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to assume the risk that the Software may not operate properly in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with the use of the Software in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Software.

UNAUTHORIZED USE. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN ANY TYPE OF SYSTEM OR APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR (E.G MEDICAL SYSTEMS, LIFE SUSTAINING OR LIFE SAVING SYSTEMS). If you use the Software for any such unintended or unauthorized use, you shall indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.

TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement at any time if you violate its terms. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy the Software or return all copies of the Software to Intel.

APPLICABLE LAWS. Claims arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. You agree that the terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to this Agreement. You may not export the Software in violation of applicable export laws and regulations. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel.

GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The enclosed Software and documentation were developed at private expense, and are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor. The use of this product by the Government constitutes acknowledgement of Intels proprietary rights in the Software. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel.

LANGUAGE; TRANSLATIONS. In the event that the English language version of this Agreement is accompanied by any other version translated into any other language, such translated version is provided for convenience purposes only and the English language version shall control.

Last modified on 4/02/12 10:56p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/lights.htm0000755000000000000000000001257111656606010012401 0ustar Indicator Lights

Indicator Lights

The Intel® PRO/100+ adapter, PRO/100 S adapter, and PRO/100 VE and VM Desktop Adapters and Network Connections have the following indicator lights:



 ACT/LNK On The adapter and switch are receiving power; the cable connection between the switch and adapter is good.
  Off The adapter and switch are not receiving power, or you have a driver configuration problem.
  Flashing The adapter is sending or receiving network data. The frequency of the flashes varies with the amount of network traffic.
 100TX On Operating at 100 Mbps.
  Off Operating at 10 Mbps.

The PRO/100+ Dual Port Server adapter (with three LEDs per port) has the following indicator lights:

 Label Indication Meaning
 LNK On The adapter and switch are receiving power; the cable connection between the switch and adapter is good.
Off The adapter and switch are not receiving power; the cable connection between the switch and adapter is faulty; or you have a driver configuration problem.
 ACT On or flashing The adapter is sending or receiving network data. The frequency of the flashes varies with the amount of network traffic.
  Off The adapter is not sending or receiving network data.
 100 On Operating at 100 Mbps.
  Off Operating at 10 Mbps.

The Intel® PRO/100 S Dual Port Server adapter (with 64 bit PCI Connector) has the following indicator lights:

 Label Indication Meaning
 ACT/LNK On The adapter and switch are receiving power; the cable connection between the switch and adapter is good.

NOTE: if only one port appears to be operating, go into the Network control panel (Windows) or a configuration file for other operating system, and check the status of the second port.

Off The adapter and switch are not receiving power, or you have a driver configuration problem.
  Flashing The adapter is sending or receiving network data. The frequency of the flashes varies with the amount of network traffic.
 100TX On Operating at 100 Mbps.
  Off Operating at 10 Mbps.

Last modified on 10/12/09 9:04p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/manage.htm0000755000000000000000000002516212106666030012336 0ustar Remote Wake-Up

Remote Wake-Up and Wake on LAN*

About Remote Wake-Up

The ability to remotely wake computers is an important development in computer management. This feature has evolved over the last few years from a simple remote power-on capability to a complex system interacting with a variety of device and operating system (OS) power states.

  • Not all systems support every wake setting. There may be BIOS or Operating System settings that need to be enabled for your system to wake up. In particular, this is true for Wake from S5 (also referred to as Wake from power off).

 The following adapters do not support Wake on LAN* (WoL) operations

  • Intel® PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server adapter
  • Intel® Gigabit VT Quad Port Server Adapter
  • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-2
  • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
  • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X540-T1
  • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T2
  • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1

Wake on Magic Packet

In early implementations of Remote Wake-up, the computer could be started from a power-off state by sending a Magic Packet. A Magic Packet is an Ethernet packet that contains an adapters MAC address repeated 16 times in the data field. When an adapter receives a Magic Packet containing its own MAC address, it activates the computers power. This enables network administrators to perform off-hours maintenance at remote locations without sending a technician out.

This early implementation did not require an OS that was aware of remote wake-up. However, it did require a computer that was equipped with a standby power supply and had the necessary circuitry to allow the remote power control. These computers were typically equipped with a feature named Advanced Power Management (APM). APM provided BIOS-based power control.

Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

Newer computers feature Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), which extends the APM concept to enable the OS to selectively control power. ACPI supports a variety of power states. Each state represents a different level of power, from fully powered up to completely powered down, with partial levels of power in each intermediate state. Power states include:
Power State  Description
S0 On and fully operational
S1 System is in low power mode (sleep mode). The CPU clock is stopped, but RAM is powered on and being refreshed.
S2 Similar to S1, but power is removed from the CPU.
S3 Suspend to RAM (standby mode). Most components are shutdown. RAM remains operational.
S4 Suspend to disk (hibernate mode). The memory contents are swapped to the disk drive and then reloaded into RAM when the system is awakened.
S5 Power off

Not all systems support being awakened from a powered-off state.

Remote wake-up can be initiated by a variety of user selectable packet types and is not limited to the Magic Packet format. For more information about supported packet types, see the operating system settings section.

Wake Up Address Patterns

The wake up capability of Intel gigabit adapters is based on patterns that are sent by the OS. You may configure the driver to the following settings using Intel® PROSet:

  • OS Controlled - Accept all the patterns sent to the OS.

  • Directed Packets - Accepts only patterns containing the Adapter's Ethernet address in the Ethernet Header or containing the IP address, assigned to the adapter, in the IP header.

  • Magic Packets - Accept only patterns containing 16 consecutive repetitions of the adapter's MAC address.

  • Directed & Magic - Accepts the patterns of both directed packets and magic packets.

Choosing "Directed Packets" will also accept patterns of the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) querying the IP address assigned to the adapter. Upon configuring multiple IP addresses to one adapter, the OS may request to wake up on ARP patterns to all of the configured addresses. The adapter will only awaken in response to ARP packets querying the first IP address in the list.

Physical Installation Issues

Wake on LAN Cable

For computers with a PCI 2.1 compliant bus

A Wake on LAN cable is required on all remote wake-up capable adapters when used in older WoL-capable computers. These computers are generally equipped with a PCI 2.1 complaint bus and the BIOS is typically designed for APM compliant power management.
NOTE:  Remote Wake-Up from power-off (S5) is not supported on the following adapters in computers using the PCI 2.1 bus. To use Remote Wake-Up on any of the adapters listed below, the computer must have a PCI 2.2 compliant bus.
  • Intel PRO/100+ PCI adapter (PILA8460BN)
  • Intel PRO/100 M Desktop adapter (PILA8460F)
  • Intel PRO/1000 T Desktop adapter (PWLA8390T)
  • Intel PRO/1000 XT Server adapter (PWLA8490XT)

For computers with a PCI 2.2 compliant bus

The Wake on LAN cable is not usually required for computers equipped with a PCI 2.2 compliant bus, as the wake up signal is routed through the PCI bus. This is done through the PCI connector pin defined as PME (Power Management Event).

Many of the newer ACPI computers also have a connector for the 3-pin Wake on LAN cable for backwards compatibility with older WOL capable adapters. In this type of computer, the WOL cable is still required for older 82558-based Intel® PRO/100+ Management adapter model numbers PILA8900 and PILA8461.


Some motherboards only support remote wake-up (or remote wake-up from S5 state) in a particular slot. For example, the Intel® Desktop Board D815EPEA2 only supports remote wake-up from a powered off (S5) state if the adapter is plugged into PCI slot 2. It does, however, support remote wake-up from standby from any slot. See the documentation that came with your system or motherboard for details on remote wake-up support.


Early versions of the Intel PRO/100+ Management adapter are +5 volt only. These models must have the 3-pin cable attached for the remote wake-up function to work. These adapters are equipped with 3 LEDs on the adapter bracket, whereas the PCI 2.2 compliant PRO/100 models have 2 LEDs on the adapter bracket. The older +5 volt model adapters are not compliant to the PCI 2.2 specification and do not fit in a 3-volt only PCI slot due to the slot being keyed differently.

Newer Intel network adapters are 3.3 volt, but work in a 5-volt slot also. They are keyed to fit either type of slot.

If your computer requires the 3-pin cable, the +5 volt standby power supply must supply at least 0.2 amps at +5 volts for each adapter installed. For older PCI 2.1 compliant management adapters, the power supply must supply at least .6 amps. This value is usually listed on the power supply label as +5SB, +5VSB or +5AUX. 

If your remote wake-up enabled computer is compliant to PCI specification 2.2, it does not require the 3-pin cable for remote wake-up. In these computers, the 3.3 volt standby power supply must provide at least 0.2 amps for each adapter installed. You may need to contact your computer manufacturer to verify the standby current rating. Turning off the remote wake up capability on the adapter by using the IBAUTIL utility reduces the power draw to around 50 milliamps (.05 amps) per adapter.

BIOS Settings

You may need to configure various settings in the computer BIOS so that remote wake-up will work.

Many ACPI computers can be configured to work in APM mode. Check your BIOS settings to determine which mode you are operating in.

In both APM and ACPI computers, you may find settings for Wake on LAN under the Power Control area and titled "Wake on LAN" and/or Wake on PME". Wake on LAN setting refers to wake up events received through the 3-pin header cable. Wake on PME refers to wake up events received through the PCI bus. To enable remote wake-up, you should enable the setting that corresponds to your adapter connection. For example, set Wake on LAN to enable if you are using the WOL cable.

In ACPI computers operating in ACPI mode and using an ACPI aware OS, look for an ACPI specific setting. If you want to power up the system from a power off state, set an ACPI specific setting such as "Wake on LAN from S5" to enable.

Last modified on 7/12/11 11:31p Revision PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/mang_win.htm0000755000000000000000000001732112135717324012710 0ustar Power Management

Power Management

The Intel® PROSet Power Management tab replaces the standard Microsoft* Windows* Power Management tab in Device Manager. It includes the Power Saver and Wake on LAN* (WoL*) options that were previously included on the Advanced tab. The standard Windows power management functionality is incorporated on the Intel PROSet tab.

  • The options available on the Power Management tab are adapter and system dependant. Not all adapters will display all options.
  • The following adapters support WoL only on Port A:
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T4
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-T4
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-F4
    • Intel® Gigabit ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PF Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Quad Port LP Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PF Dual Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® Gigabit PT Quad Port Server ExpressModule
  • The following adapters do not support WoL:
    • Intel® PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server adapter
    • Intel® Gigabit VT Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X540-T1
    • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1

NOTE: If your system has a Manageability Engine, the Link LED may stay lit even if WoL is disabled.

Power Options

The Intel PROSet Power Management tab includes several settings that control the adapter's power consumption. For example, you can set the adapter to reduce its power consumption if the cable is disconnected.

If Reduce speed during standby is enabled,  then Wake on Magic Packet and/or Wake on directed packet must be enabled. If both of these options are disabled, power is removed from the adapter during standby. Wake on Magic Packet from power off state has no effect on this option.

Energy Efficient Ethernet

The Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) feature allows a capable device to enter Low Power Idle between bursts of network traffic. Both ends of a link must have EEE enabled for any power to be saved. Both ends of the link will resume full power when data needs to be transmitted. This transition may introduce a small amount of network latency.


  • Both ends of the EEE link must automatically negotiate link speed.
  • EEE is not supported at 10Mbps.


Intel® Auto Connect Battery Saver

The Intel® Auto Connect Battery Saver (ACBS) feature turns off the adapter when link is down or the network cable is disconnected. After a timeout period, the adapter will power off. When the network cable is reconnected and link is restored, the NIC powers up and functionality is fully restored.

ACBS only functions when the system is on battery power. If the power cable is connected, ACBS will be automatically disabled. If ACBS is active, the adapter will appear to be powered off. If you have Intel® PROSet installed, on the Link Speed tab, the Link Status will indicate Speed: Not connected. Power off.

NOTE: ACBS will not function on an adapter if the adapter has forced speed or duplex settings. ACBS will only function if the adapter is set to auto-detect or auto-negotiate.

Intel® System Idle Power Saver

The Intel® System Idle Power Saver feature sets the adapter to negotiate the lowest possible speed setting when the system and network are idle. When the system activity is detected, the link will be negotiated to a higher speed.

To support this feature, the adapter must be

  • configured to Auto Detect speed and
  • connected to a link partner that can auto-negotiate speed

Remote Wake-Up and Wake on LAN*

The ability to remotely wake computers is an important development in computer management. This feature has evolved over the last few years from a simple remote power-on capability to a complex system interacting with a variety of device and operating system power states. More details are available here.

Windows Vista*, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2 are ACPI-capable. These operating systems do not support wake from a power-off (S5) state, only from standby (S3) or hibernate (S4). When shutting down the system, they shutdown ACPI devices, including Intel adapters. This disarms the adapters remote wake up capability. However, in some ACPI-capable computers, the BIOS may have a setting that allows you to override the operating system and wake from an S5 state anyway. If there is no support for wake from S5 state in your BIOS settings, you are limited to Wake From Standby when using these operating systems in ACPI computers.

For some adapters, the Power Management tab in Intel PROSet includes a setting called Wake on Magic Packet from power off state. Enable this setting to explicitly allow wake up with a Magic Packet* from shutdown under APM power management mode.

In ACPI-capable versions of Windows, the Intel PROSet Power Management tab includes Wake on Magic Packet and Wake on directed packet settings. These controls the type of packets that wake up the system from standby.

Wake on Intel® Ready Access

Intel® Ready Access keeps your network connection active when the rest of your system is in sleep or standby mode, so that content on your system is readily accessible. Requests from other computers will wake up your computer.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/note.gif0000755000000000000000000000073211651742220012024 0ustar GIF89a!1J!Z)c1sRR{{{{Z{9sssBBssR99JJfffZZZ))ZZ9ZZ)RRRRRBJJJBBB333)))!!!!,@pH,  f!:(3z<H\! E@S$bQ/G2~C $.$G(c%Gz',sE!rrC $M*L ( +UMG&MBCN#L}G ,ȻB+KB)Yt(E # B*$#һ+s-N#m@@465֘ 09!.(*@ 1A ;PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/overview.htm0000755000000000000000000000575411656606010012762 0ustar Overview


Welcome to the User's Guide for the Intel® PRO/100 family of server adapters. This guide covers hardware and software installation, setup procedures, and troubleshooting tips for these adapters.

NOTE: This guide refers only to drivers and features available on IA-32-based computer platforms and platforms based on the Intel® 64 Architecture. These drivers are not compatible with Itanium®-based computers.

For further information, see the other user guides.

To select a topic, click a link in the table of contents column to the left.

Installing the Network Adapter

If you are installing a network adapter, follow this procedure. 
If you are upgrading the driver software, start with step 5.

  1. Make sure that you are installing the latest driver software for the adapter you are installing. Here is a list of supported adapters.

  2. Review system requirements.

  3. Insert the adapter(s) in the computer.

  4. Attach the network cable(s).

  5. Install the network driver.

  6. For Windows systems, install the Intel® PROSet software.

If you have any problems with basic installation, see Troubleshooting.

You can now set up advanced features, if necessary. The available features and the configuration process varies with the adapter and your operating system.

Intel Network Encryption Co-Processor

The Intel PRO/100 S Family of network adapters includes an Intel® 82594ED IPSec Encryption Co-processor. If Windows* XP is enabled for IPSec encryption, it automatically offloads the intensive encryption and authentication functions to the adapter, increasing throughput and decreasing CPU utilization. Tunnel mode processing is off-loaded to the encryption co-processor.

Last modified on 11/22/10 3:58p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/overvwit.htm0000755000000000000000000000611511656606010012771 0ustar Overview - PRO100 Server for Itanium


Welcome to the User's Guide for Intel PRO/100 Server Adapters installed in Itanium®-based computers. This guide covers hardware and software installation, setup procedures, and troubleshooting tips for Intel network adapters. 

NOTE: This guide refers only to drivers and features available on Itanium-based computers. The drivers are not compatible in IA-32-based platforms or those based on the Intel® 64 Architecture.

For further information, see the other user guides.

To select a topic, click a link in the table of contents column to the left.

Installing the Network Adapter

If you are installing a network adapter, follow this procedure. 
If you are upgrading the driver software, start with step 5.

  1. Make sure that you are installing the latest driver software for the adapter you are installing. For a list of supported adapters, click here.

  2. Review system requirements.

  3. Insert the adapter(s) in the computer.

  4. Attach the network cable(s).

  5. Install the driver.

  6. For Windows systems, install the Intel® PROSet software.

If you have any problems with basic installation, see Troubleshooting.

You can now set up advanced features, if necessary. The available features and the configuration process varies with the adapter and your operating system. 

Intel Network Encryption Co-Processor

The Intel PRO/100 S Family of network adapters includes an Intel® 82594ED IPSec Encryption Co-processor. If Microsoft* Windows* XP is enabled for IPSec encryption, it automatically offloads the intensive encryption and authentication functions to the adapter, increasing throughput and decreasing CPU utilization. Tunnel mode processing is off-loaded to the encryption co-processor.

Last modified on 11/22/10 3:59p Revision

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Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager

Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager is an extension to the Windows Device Manager. When you install the Intel PROSet software, additional tabs are automatically added to Device Manager.

NOTE:  You must have administrator rights to install or use Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Installing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager is installed from the Product CD with the same process used to install drivers. You can select Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager and Advanced Network Services from the Install Options dialog.

Removing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

Use Add/Remove programs from the Control Panel to uninstall Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Changing Intel PROSet Settings Under Windows Server Core

You can use the command line utility prosetcl.exe to change most Intel PROSet settings under Windows Server Core. Please refer to the help file prosetcl.txt located in the \Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL directory. For iSCSI Crash Dump cofiguration, use the CrashDmp.exe utility and refer to the CrashDmp.txt help file.

Compatibility Notes

The following devices do not support Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

  • Intel® 82552 10/100 Network Connection
  • Intel® 82567V-3 Gigabit Network Connection

Last modified on 8/04/10 8:12p Revision PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/pushinst.htm0000755000000000000000000000243211744272404012763 0ustar Microsoft* Windows* Push Install Instructions

Microsoft* Windows* Push Install Instructions

A "Push," or unattended, installation provides a means for network administrators to easily install the drivers on systems that have similar equipment. The following document provides instructions for a basic unattended installation of Microsoft* Windows* that includes the installation of drivers for Intel® Network Adapters.

For 32-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems, see the Push32.txt file in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\WIN32 directory on the Product CD or in the download directory.

For x64 Microsoft Windows operating systems, see the Pushx64.txt file in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\WINX64 directory on the Product CD or in the download directory.

Last modified on 2/22/10 4:47p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/qos.htm0000755000000000000000000000400112145155630011677 0ustar Quality of Service (QoS)

Quality of Service

Quality of Service (QoS) allows the adapter to send and receive IEEE 802.3ac tagged frames. 802.3ac tagged frames include 802.1p priority-tagged frames and 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frames. In order to implement QoS, the adapter must be connected to a switch that supports and is configured for QoS. Priority-tagged frames allow programs that deal with real-time events to make the most efficient use of network bandwidth. High priority packets are processed before lower priority packets.

Under Microsoft Windows Vista*, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2, tagging is enabled using the "Priority/VLAN Tagging" setting on the Advanced tab in Intel® PROSet. 

Once QoS is enabled in Intel PROSet, you can specify levels of priority based on IEEE 802.1p/802.1Q frame tagging.

The supported operating systems have a utility for 802.1p packet prioritization. For more information, see the Windows system help and Microsoft's knowledge base.

NOTE: The first generation Intel® PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (PWLA 8490) does not support QoS frame tagging.


Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/reg100s.htm0000755000000000000000000001377711656750444012314 0ustar Regulatory Information

Regulatory Information

  • Intel® PRO/100 S Server Adapter
  • Intel® PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter

Safety Compliance

  • UL 60950-1 Second Edition
  • CAN/CSA-C22.2 No 60950-1-07 Second Edition
  • EN 60950-1:2006 +A11:2009 (European Union)
  • IEC 60950-1:2005 Second Edition (International)
  • EU LVD Directive 2006/95/EC

EMC Compliance

  • FCC (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (USA)
  • ICES-003 (Class B)/NMB-003 (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Canada)
  • CISPR 22 (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (International)
  • EN55022:2006 Radiated & Conducted Emissions (European Union)
  • EN55024:1998 +A1:2001 +A2:2003 Immunity (European Union)
  • EU EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
  • VCCI (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Japan)
  • CNS13438 (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Taiwan)
  • AS/NZS CISPR 22 (Class B) Radiated & Conducted Emissions (Australia/New Zealand)
  • KCC notice 1997-4, EMI and KCC notice 1997-42 EMS (Korea)

Regulatory Compliance Markings

When required these products are provided with the following Product Certification Markings:

  • UL Recognition Mark for USA and Canada
  • CE Mark
  • FCC Class B markings (Declaration of Conformity)
  • VCCI Class B Marking
  • Australian C-Tick Mark
  • Korea KCC markings
  • Taiwan BSMI Class B markings
  • People's Republic of China "EFUP" mark

Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices

FCC Declaration of Conformity Statement

These adapters have been tested to comply with FCC Standards for Home or Office Use.

Intel Corporation
5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway
Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497
Phone 1-800-628-8686

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
CAUTION: If the device is changed or modified without permission from Intel, the user may void his or her authority to operate the equipment.
NOTE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Canadian Compliance (Industry Canada)


Manufacturer Declaration
European Community

Intel Corporation declares that the equipment described in this document is in conformance with the requirements of the European Council Directive listed below:

Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC

This declaration is based upon compliance of the product to the following standards:

EN 55022:2006 +A1:2007 (CISPR 22 Class B) RF Emissions Control.
EN 55024:1998 +A1:2001 +A2:2003 (CISPR 24) Immunity to Electromagnetic Disturbance.
EN 60950-1:2006 +A11:2009 Information Technology Equipment- Safety-Part 1: General Requirements.

Responsible party:

Intel Corporation, Mailstop JF3-446
5200 NE Elam Young Parkway
Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497


VCCI Class B Statement

China RoHS Declaration

KCC Notice (Republic of Korea Only)


End-of-Life / Product Recycling

Product recycling and end-of-life take-back systems and requirements vary by country.

Contact the retailer or distributor of this product for information about product recycling and/or take-back.

Last modified on 11/02/10 3:03p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/remscrew.gif0000755000000000000000000001752011656750064012723 0ustar GIF89akfdeXVWsqrpnoUTU~}~zyzyxyvuvpoplkljijihifefede_^_^]^[Z[YXYXWXWVWdzkkmQQR||}yyzsstllmffgddebbcaab]]^[[\YYZWWXVVWUUVïuvyhikdegpqslmoȊz|~suwoqs`abҟһƺ755DBBB@@PNNOMMMKK][[ZXXvttsqqiggSRRNMMDCC~~}|||{{yxxutttssrqqqpponnnmmmllihhgfffeedcccbba```__]\\VUUrrroooZZZVVVOOO,kH*\ȰÇ#eHMH3jȱǏ[qJC! S\ɲ`lH4fɳόIDp)9*]ʴȒt4F VMjIH wʉٳMa#7k+KWS+d߿+ĩs4'+^<0XĻ>ּi(s[*WeM1fz8 '-u띎Mj׸Cn^yتr xx]{;_06N\Eɼ@_bLݺlONgwёZ.([O*ZU3|5$7W$pp!Ywq݂L釘ygArJr$QHXVo!RTY.8r$@G.g&I6Oc!D!б"Pq5KpGo6Uב=b\>),yb gԣBQ GRdd@^" 'TR'`5$)`IWY @%(Օ$OVɆ A@fR.l %o|[x:ӠqL)(p,H6"d)$eI.5('zdrSMTIcu! dԋrvZQ]^h/S@k2, (K:4Eeghњ\Wڛ_AW.73BBGp UbGaSsdq"ˇ+L5<f#YHQovVBf &ey\}7WT&8/(ΐArчϕMrUc+VsZ2o+ф/AIwۨk5(Ja.D32T-jD#UnjO"?nL0$s2DSINf<^djSLdS@fjA^$LY2-/YHa~nwWԐJʙ'As(2O/"@$b s:js$ ' \< 8%ҔD ;9S:qf$ZqO%iJ*PxU1dL<%(jJ-$锨 /b\r*K)V!-KZ=U"l*Y:U?2*V!7)pz7+KΪdl]G0 0]Xc@1Y+ $Eaa&iv%7Vp |m? 6hH0b)0@4xbڬ-b{R}u´@Ւ\xuv<)yͫQ:*]i0?[R/ֽE} rj!Hy#a4H0Y0|$ l!F"G挽Z@$+'ge 6 "dH=lJ!G&s) ȲMWʰKPpMI >b Fų4n(g`ɘ jݾU›p`h0]MAIE脀 F< JNm^21 N4S4WszsV)#Zz`QF4\_3ѐ BViR7e#pB_Jl eg.g!bSu)C۔#Hk0XPYd[Y%7&a|{V[pYAvnjsAj5B߬kSq?<%5˵=$<^urQzF!~qDtVb1p(C㢑sA|Sz7vc'sDJ=3tZ Y%?h\?l]`,ήb7O By{?wwz7:/=ȕ.x&OxArt|A{#d%yY9 pt닞(1Rh|Zy;?cn%Ry9sjA>G\8|wrZ7{~W%{[q8v?fm/;F Vn{l̀"0FG u? 0[8oZ y G~ ) %CeH6k|P Rzd }"o8`Gcjr"lz48Hҁ!~Yi@;kpb"ffs[!vig/! ?2 4{gQowh1 b=Z(XxE`[Z!f%%/ :AW8HlT $fPh^}h(ċE}ZQèep%4 (c0X@(u[ vF_Xxmڈb5y@%Hh >vHNBxkߵM9 ؐe*QL1Q a g !dO HqI TN8&.FG>f@;0&C CՒ 1  RBRgH^`qC_)q&0H!5eՖ U OpO@N9[qO2 ,@y pYoF?0\ \PB6ew/Y \# Pf =IRe] ¤%_i芠@M 1syHi C?GKfI銆D`u%wvfuiNDbSf IVnSuꊇ1p 61zR 4pC`q WPҙ.(nF Wp8zɣ6apHz\L riHV6zY7j[řMJBjIT-`5Pe jF2iv% G*PQu\{z&4C `zN 3 vg\ڤ` pT`zjYa:JiYr%) WsڪwZ頳ja Zʫ ʧ3`GjIꫜ@JjHGpʫYhڤut*ʬʟMq:bt+pXۭY *j ۰iЪ{0Pl +7 ,"۰F |j+02y(h ۋz*~ PAMB;[ /˫G@Q'pZa گ#S x LO۲Rk5P `q O & {P L*op> ˊKʇ" ! ܚ\۴'s `yӪd`˱La jz*0 ۊ}z|۷ @ P#۬з~ۋ۽?۽ћwM ˺a۾Ԁī౻[.k*5J>S0J)Ma;ZKr h&zy|F@ Y i&zm R0B+SK,]k˾L-Y9tK 'ȸM {K uK)N(yKV"aY* xG?1)q}@:~kILqI%? \q=!X{Pd:] O'ƞ A%xǦ<0q cVb4pȖԦ pZv|R܉E3˸̫jtWd,%]SqzG_ L4qp2ཙkˌ̲,L"q*'pbTlޓ&zY@ {|e܉ MbBK@:-z=!JW(0W@{k>֊ }>1 >DkлRv;F@ R^mܰ[[K-_<1< f}늴 }[wᩖn-pmً-NN*~9{B |[nJB'>K Ր @~VK{ mT7chܔE˭GP+ yuk%V&b֙6/L$J.U]~ ͈alab r& tix9Z}T2Ri@^z}_yF|$2=i;q%_YZ"Yb딙 &9 .1) ޣl?1䷙ٛ]YBLX/ɹuιMq.ߏnٹp@o[OzƎ9IމNvW[k .Yx驱$!M)(  o ޡf TO?ґ@S/ $XA .dVҤeE5nq*NCĉSVU0dhK1e 0P5?:H*[%ZHl @iǏ#GM8UX9ISjjYia:bXcLU{V] st.Ot[`J1p^‡%mk rh1*b:_FBƪLۢ.㉨ZCY揱 ADlrQNF+[٨${KmE텂8 Ux/EEё!0=e#VlBzRݻ'j^'j,Km%5Ras%o`LN+5p5lDـI%k)"PK_)~}rLg_sìb'=|\Wm~vi2P}+3 8b-¼{q`^0 iPZ8\QrSB )nnQ38] (r8P-RaאhBHgH-29BS;U")@ڥ%b ⍌Ȇ D_T] 7@!⍬ #6еa bEl< ^Z"RiL6Pԭ'E It׼.a#ʊ!UAf{hn5xuif! a•U!Bg0ĎK] ŵ/ACwE.s&$ŘK^Uo|_~ȿ 0x<nHvOe;a qp`J"AsDb8h3Ta_+ e?(džp!W\5{Vo \iE_hVVjB4d˖,'1S}Msy};PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/reqs.htm0000755000000000000000000000571411765735454012102 0ustar System Requirements

System Requirements

Before installing the network adapter, check your system for the following minimum configuration requirements for Intel® PRO/100 server adapters.

Hardware Compatibility

  • The latest BIOS for your computer
  • One open PCI or PCI-X bus master slot, 32-bit or 64-bit, operating at 33MHz or higher

Supported 32-bit Operating Systems

Basic software and drivers are supported on the following operating systems:

  • DOS
  • SunSoft* Solaris* (drivers and support are provided by the operating system vendor)

Advanced software and drivers are supported on the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows Server* 2008, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Vista*, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows* XP, with latest service pack installed
  • Linux*, v2.4 kernel or higher
  • FreeBSD*, 6.0 kernel or higher

Intel® 64 Architecture Platform Requirements

Intel supplies 64-bit drivers for the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V*, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Vista, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003, with latest service pack installed
  • Microsoft Windows XP, with latest service pack installed
  • Red Hat Linux
  • SUSE Linux
  • FreeBSD

A platform that supports the Intel® 64 Architecture will run in either 64-bit mode or 32-bit compatibility mode. In order for it to run in 64-bit mode, the following requirements must be met:

  • The system must have a 64-bit BIOS that takes advantage of the Intel 64 Architecture
  • One of the supported 64-bit operating systems must be installed

Last modified on 11/22/10 4:16p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/reqs_ita.htm0000755000000000000000000000314611765735454012734 0ustar Intel PRO/100 Itanium Requirements

System Requirements

Before installing the network adapter, check your system for the following minimum configuration requirements for adapters in Itanium®-based architectures.

Hardware Compatibility

  • The latest BIOS/EFI for your computer
  • One open PCI or PCI-X bus master slot, 32-bit or 64-bit, operating at 33MHz or higher

Supported Operating Systems

The Intel drivers for Itanium-based systems operate with the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows Server* 2003, 64-Bit Edition (Enterprise Server or Datacenter Server versions), with latest service pack installed
  • Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems, with the latest service pack installed
  • Windows Server 2008 R2, with the latest service pack installed
  • Linux, v2.x kernel and higher, except v2.6

Last modified on 11/01/10 3:28p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/run.gif0000755000000000000000000000014111654256224011664 0ustar GIF89aE "); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.title = "Search Results"; Document.write("

Search Results

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" + Exclude_Warning + ""); if (Exclude_Warning.indexOf(",") != -1) Document.write(" are common words and were ignored.
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- Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
- Try different keywords
- Try more general keywords
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"+page_name+""); Document.write("
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Support offers the most up to date information about Intel products, including installation ..."; Entries[3][3] = ""; Entries[3][4] = "about available corporate customer date general including information installation instructions intel internet last modified most network offers phone product revision site support tips troubleshooting up web"; Entries[4] = new Array(4); Entries[4][0] = "dupwindm.htm"; Entries[4][1] = "Configuring Speed and Duplex in Windows"; Entries[4][2] = "How to configure an adapter's speed and duplex under Microsoft Windows."; Entries[4][3] = "duplex link speed"; Entries[4][4] = "adapter addressing administrators advertises allow always appropriate attach attempt auto available based been best between cannot capable caution change choose click configure connections considerations copper default determine device differently direct disabled distinguish does down duplex either enabled establish experienced fiber force full gbps gigabit half however identical ieee intel issues last like link manager manually match may mbps menu microsoft mode modified modules multi must native navigate need negotiate network ok older open operate option packets partner pass per performance performs present pro100 properties pull receive requires revision runs same select send set sfp should since specific speed suffer support switch tab their those time up using windows would"; Entries[5] = new Array(4); Entries[5][0] = "hotwin.htm"; Entries[5][1] = "PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft Windows"; Entries[5][2] = "PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Intel network adapters are enabled for use in selected servers equipped with PCI Hot Plug support ..."; Entries[5][3] = "hot pci plug"; Entries[5][4] = "adapter address back before conflict connecting details documentation driver elsewhere enabled ensure equipped hardware hot identical information intel last mac member microsoft modified more network nic notes occur operating original pci plug remove replacement restore revision running see selected server setting sla support switch systems team unless up windows works"; Entries[6] = new Array(4); Entries[6][0] = "hyperv.htm"; Entries[6][1] = "Creating Virtual NICs in Hyper V"; Entries[6][2] = "Creating Virtual NICs in Microsoft Hyper V."; Entries[6][3] = "hyper hyper-v nics v virtual"; Entries[6][4] = "aaaaaaaa able adapter added address advanced alb allow any appear applies article assign automatically available balancing based bbbb between bind blocks bound box bridging bypass cannot capable cases cause cccc center change channel check click client cluster combinations command communication configuration configured configuring connectivity considerations consolidate control core correct cpu create createteam data dcb dddddddddddddddd decreases desire details device different directly disable displays distributed documentation does driver each enable environment error etc ethernet even example exe faster fcoe feature fibre file filtering filters follow frees function further general get give guest gui guid hardware higher host however hyper hypervisor i ignoring impact increases increasing information inside installation installed instructions intel interface iov issue laa lacp last later lets line lldp load lose loss lower mac machine makes management manager manger manually may memory microsoft mode modified more move ms must necessary need netbios network nic note number nvspbind offloading ok open operating operation options order os other over overview packet panel parent part partition path perform performance physical please pool port possible present prevent primary property proset prosetcl protocol queue r2 receive reduces remote require resolve resources result revision risk role root routes rsquo run same secondary security see sent server set several share sheet simultaneously since single sits software source split sr standard step such support switch system tab takes tasks tcpip team team1 technet their then these they throughput together tool total transmission transmit true tttttttt txt unbind uncheck under underlying unique up usage utility utilization uuuu validation various vf virtual virtualization virtualized vlan vmm vmq vnic was while windows work wwww xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; Entries[7] = new Array(4); Entries[7][0] = "prosetdm.htm"; Entries[7][1] = "Using PROSet"; Entries[7][2] = "Installing, using, and removing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager."; Entries[7][3] = "device install manager proset"; Entries[7][4] = "additional administrator advanced automatically cd change cl cofiguration command compatibility connection control core crash crashdmp device dialog directory dmix drivers dump exe extension file following gigabit help install intel iscsi last line located manager modified most must network note options panel please process product program proset prosetcl refer remove revision rights same select server services settings software support tabs txt under uninstall utility windows"; Entries[8] = new Array(4); Entries[8][0] = "insert.htm"; Entries[8][1] = "Insert the Adapter"; Entries[8][2] = "Step by step instructions on how to install a PCI or PCI X adapter into a system."; Entries[8][3] = "hot install pci plug"; Entries[8][4] = "adapter additional anything before bit bracket bus case cause caution compatible computer configuration connected connector contacts contents cord could cover damage determine documentation down each edge electrical enabled end endanger error exposed failure firmly function get hot insert install instructions it's last later make master may modified off operating pci plug power problem push remove repeat replace required revision running screw seated secure see select shut slot special start steps still supports sure system table then through touch troubleshooting turn unplug until would"; Entries[9] = new Array(4); Entries[9][0] = "ipmi.htm"; Entries[9][1] = "IPMI Manageability"; Entries[9][2] = "IPMI Manageability Overview The Intelligent Platform Management Interface IPMI allows you to monitor server physical health characteristics, such as temperature, voltage, fans, power supplies, and ..."; Entries[9][3] = "ians intelligent interface ipmi management platform tco-enabled teaming"; Entries[9][4] = "above adapter adaptive address aggregation allows any asset balancing baseboard based bmc capabilities characteristics chassis configure connected connection controller dedicated device does due dynamic enabled enables fact fans functional health however ians ieee information intelligent interface intrusion ipmi last like link load lose mac manageability management mentioned modified monitor must need network overview pass physical plan platform port power provide receive recovery requirements restricted revision same server single sla specific static such supplies system tco team temperature these tracking traffic type vlan voltage"; Entries[10] = new Array(4); Entries[10][0] = "ipsecoff.htm"; Entries[10][1] = "IP Security Offloading"; Entries[10][2] = "Internet Protocol IP Security IPSec is a set of protocols used to help secure the exchange of IP data. IP Security offloading is the assignment ..."; Entries[10][3] = "ip ipsec offloading security"; Entries[10][4] = "affected algorithm assignment automatically based compatible computations configure confining contents controllers cpu data decreases devices disabled enabled enabling exchange features generally hardware help increases information intel internet ip ipsec issue large last later left lso may microsoft mitigate modified more network note offload pane performance place port proset protocol reduce revision secure security select send set software support table takes those through traffic used utilization window x540"; Entries[11] = new Array(4); Entries[11][0] = "lbracket.htm"; Entries[11][1] = "Attach the Low Profile Bracket"; Entries[11][2] = "How to attach the low profile bracket for use in systems with low profile slots."; Entries[11][3] = "bracket install low profile"; Entries[11][4] = "adapter any attach away back before bracket carefully charge come dissipate follow future ground handling install instructions last low may models modified necessary need over package product profile re remove revision screws seated securing side sized slide slot small standard static step these they tighten until used using yourself"; Entries[12] = new Array(4); Entries[12][0] = "legaldis.htm"; Entries[12][1] = "Legal Information"; Entries[12][2] = "Copyright and Legal Disclaimers Copyright 2002 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 6497 USA Intel ..."; Entries[12][3] = ""; Entries[12][4] = "any assumes brands claimed commitment contained copyright corporation countries disclaimers document does elam errors herein hillsboro information intel itanium legal make may names nor omissions other parkway pentium property reserved responsibility rights trademarks update usa young"; Entries[13] = new Array(4); Entries[13][0] = "license.htm"; Entries[13][1] = "Software License"; Entries[13][2] = "INTEL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT READ BEFORE COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING . Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials collectively, ..."; Entries[13][3] = ""; Entries[13][4] = "about above accompanied accompanying accuracy acknowledge adapt additional administrator advised affiliates after against agree alleges alpha alternate any appear applicable application apply arise assign assignable associated assume attempt attorney author authorize back becomes been before below beta bound break business california capable carefully cause changes claim code collectively commercial compatible completeness component computer condition conflict conjunction consent consequential constitutes contain context contractor contracts control convenience convention copy copyright corporation correct costs could countries create creator customers damages data days death deceptive decompile defect delivered delivery derivatives design destroy developed development device dfars differing directly disassemble disclaims disclosed disclosure distribute documentation does done duplication emulated enclosed end engineer english entirety equipment errors estoppel et even event except excluded excluding exclusion exclusive existing expense export express extent failure far fees final fitness following form forth found free function future goods governed government granted grants graphics guest harmless here herein hereunder hold i ii iii image immediately implication implied important inability incidental include incorporated indemnify indirectly inducement information injury install integral intel intellectual intended international interruption introduce items iv ix jurisdiction kind labeled language larger last laws ldquo lease legal liability liable license life limitation limited links loss lost machine maintenance make malicious manager manufacture manufacturer mask material may media medical merchantability minimum modification modify nations necessary negligent neither network ninety noninfringement nor normal note notice number obligated obligation occur oem offered officers operate organization original other otherwise out own ownership part particular party patent perform period permit personal physical please portions possibility pre prevent principles private problems product profits programs prohibit promised properly property proprietary protected provided provision purpose pursuant rdquo read reasonable referenced regard regulates regulations related release remains remove rent replacement represent representative reproduce requires research resolve respect responsibility restricted restrictions return reverse revision right risk rsquo running safeguard sale saving seal secret section select sell separate seq set shall signed single site situation software sold source specifically standalone state subject sublicense subsidiaries successor such supersede suppliers support sustaining system tamper term terminate text then therein thereof these they third those time title trade trademark transfer translate treaty type unauthorized under understand unintended united unlawful unless until up update upon usage user vary version vi view vii viii violate virtual warrant warranty was were whatsoever whole without work writing written"; Entries[14] = new Array(4); Entries[14][0] = "warranty.htm"; Entries[14][1] = "Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty"; Entries[14][2] = "Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty Intel warrants to the original owner that the adapter product delivered in this package will be free from defects in material ..."; Entries[14][3] = ""; Entries[14][4] = "above abuse accept accident adapter advance against agreement agrees air allow along alteration america any anyone applicable applications apply arise assume australian authorization authorizes back becomes before below business calling cannot care charge claims completely consequential consumer contact container contract control costs cover critical current customer damage days dealer defective defects defend deficiency deliver department described details direct disaster disclaims discontinued distributors does either element energy entirely equivalent essential event example exceed except exclusion explanation express fitness foregoing forth found free full generation goodwill ground group guarantee hardware harmless health hereunder higher hold implied improper incidental including indemnify indirect infringement installation installed intel intellectual interruptions irrespective issue last law level liability license licensee lieu lifetime limitation limited limiting locations loss material may measurable merchantability misuse modified money must neglect negligence neither new ninety noninfringement nor north note notice notwithstanding nuclear number objectively obtain option original other out owner package paid part particular pay place please policy possibility potential price process product profits proof property proposal provided purchase purpose received reconditioned refund registered remedies repair replace reprocurement resellers reserves respectively return revision right risk rma safety same sample satisfied see set shall ship software sole special specifically specification speculative states statutory sublicensees such support systems testing their thereof these they time tort total traffic transit under user's verifies view visit wants warrants warranty were whether whom without workmanship"; Entries[15] = new Array(4); Entries[15][0] = "lights.htm"; Entries[15][1] = "Indicator Lights"; Entries[15][2] = "The Intel PRO/100+ adapter, PRO/100 S adapter, and PRO/100 VE and VM Desktop Adapters and Network Connections have the following indicator lights Label Indication Meaning ..."; Entries[15][3] = "connections indicator lights"; Entries[15][4] = "act adapter amount appears between bit cable check configuration connection connector control data desktop driver dual faulty file flashes flashing following frequency go good indication indicator intel label last leds lights lnk mbps meaning modified network note off operating other panel pci per port power pro100 problem receiving revision second sending server status switch system three traffic varies ve vm windows"; Entries[16] = new Array(4); Entries[16][0] = "mang_win.htm"; Entries[16][1] = "Power Management"; Entries[16][2] = "Setting up Power Saver options and Wake on LAN on Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[16][3] = "management power remote wake wol"; Entries[16][4] = "ability acbs access accessible acpi active activity adapter advanced after allow amount any anyway apm appear auto automatically available battery between bios both bursts cable called capability capable complex computer configured connect consumption content control converged data dependant detect development device directed disabled disarms disconnected display down dual duplex during eee effect efficient enable ends energy engine enter et2 ethernet even evolved example explicitly expressmodule f4 feature few following forced full fully function functionality gigabit hibernate higher however i340 i350 idle important included includes including incorporated indicate installed intel interacting introduce keeps lan last latency led limited link lit low lowest lp magic manageability management manager may microsoft mode modified mt must needs negotiate network nic note off operating option other over override packet partner period pf port possible power previously pro1000 proset pt quad r2 readily ready reconnected reduce remote removed replaces requests rest restored resume revision s3 s4 s5 saved saver server set several shutdown shutting simple sleep small speed standard standby state status stay support system t1 t2 t4 tab then there these they timeout traffic transition transmitted turns type under up using variety versions vista vt wake were windows wol x520 x540 xp years"; Entries[17] = new Array(4); Entries[17][0] = "manage.htm"; Entries[17][1] = "Remote Wake Up"; Entries[17][2] = "Remote Wake up and Wake on LAN basics."; Entries[17][3] = "lan remote wake wake-up"; Entries[17][4] = "ability about accept acpi activates adapter address administrators advanced allow amps any apm area around arp assigned attached awaken aware backwards based below bios board both bracket bus cable came capability capable check choosing circuitry clock compatibility complaint completely complex compliant components computer concept configure connection connector consecutive contact containing contains contents control converged corresponds could cpu current d815epea2 data defined description designed desktop details determine development device different directed disk documentation does done down draw drive driver due each early either enable equipped ethernet event every evolved example extends feature few field find first fit following format fully function generally gigabit had header hibernate hours however ibautil implementation important include information initiated installed intel interacting interface intermediate ip keyed label lan last least leds level limited list locations look low mac magic maintenance management manufacturer many may memory milliamps mode model modified more most motherboard mt multiple must named necessary need network newer note numbers off older operating operational operations os out over own packet partial particular patterns pci per perform pila8460bn pila8460f pila8461 pila8900 pin plugged pme port power pro100 pro1000 proset protocol provide pwla8390t pwla8490xt quad querying ram rating received receives reduces referred refers refreshed reloaded remains remote removed repeated repetitions represents request require resolution response revision routed s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 section see selectable selectively sending sent server set should shutdown signal similar simple sleep slot specific standby started state still stopped such supply support suspend swapped system t1 t2 technician then there these they through times titled true turning type typically under up upon user usually utility value variety various verify versions volt vt wake was were whereas without wol work x520 x540 xt years"; Entries[18] = new Array(4); Entries[18][0] = "overview.htm"; Entries[18][1] = "Overview"; Entries[18][2] = "Overview Welcome to the User's Guide for the Intel PRO/100 family of server adapters. This guide covers hardware and software installation, setup procedures, and troubleshooting ..."; Entries[18][3] = "hardware installation setup software troubleshooting"; Entries[18][4] = "adapter advanced any architecture authentication automatically available based basic click co column compatible computer configuration contents covers cpu decreasing driver enabled encryption family features follow functions further guide hardware here ia32 includes increasing information install intel intensive ipsec itanium last latest left link list loaded make mode modified necessary network note now off offloads operating other overview platforms pro100 problems procedure process processor refers review revision see select server set setup software start step supported sure system table these throughput tips topic troubleshooting tunnel up upgrading user's utilization varies welcome windows xp"; Entries[19] = new Array(4); Entries[19][0] = "reqs.htm"; Entries[19][1] = "System Requirements"; Entries[19][2] = "System requirements for Intel PRO/100 Server adapters."; Entries[19][3] = "32-bit 64-bit compatibility install pci pci-x requirements"; Entries[19][4] = "adapter advanced advantage architecture basic before bios bit bus check compatibility computer configuration dos drivers either following freebsd hardware hat higher hyper installed installing intel kernel last latest linux master met microsoft minimum mode modified must network open operating order pack pci platform pro100 provided red requirements revision run server service slot software solaris sunsoft supplies support suse system takes v2 vendor vista windows xp"; Entries[20] = new Array(4); Entries[20][0] = "trbl_dm.htm"; Entries[20][1] = "Configuration and Troubleshooting"; Entries[20][2] = "Configuration and Troubleshooting Common Problems and Solutions There are many simple, easy to fix problems related to network problems. Review each one of these before ..."; Entries[20][3] = ""; Entries[20][4] = "ability accommodates active activity adapter addresses adjusting advanced affected after agent already among another any apparent applicable appropriate apps asked assumes attached attaining auto auxiliary available base basic been before behavior best better between bios boot bootagnt both bus cable cannot capabilities capacity card carrier category cause change check choose common communicate compatible compliant components computer configure conflicting conflicts connect connectivity connectors consider consistent contact cooling copper correct creating current customer damaged data default described desktop detect device diagnostic different disable discussion disrupted documented does down driver duplex each easy edge efficiency either enable enhanced environment established etc even exact examples exceed exe execution expected express fail familiar family fan feature find fix following forced frame frequently functioning further gigabit going hangs hardware here hub ibautil idle ieee implementation impose inability incompatible indicator information insert install instructions intel intended interrupt irq isn't issues jumbo kinked knowledge known lack lan last latency latest layer led length level light limited limits link list loaded look loose lower make management manually many master match maximizing maximum may mbps memory mode modified monitor more multi multiple multiprocessor must necessarily need negotiate network newer note obtained off offloading often operating operation opposed options os other over overdraw pair parameters partner pass pci pcie peak perform performance physical play plug points port possible power pre presence prevents problem process processor programs proper provide pxe quality questions rate re readme reboot receive recent recognized recommended related release reload replace reports represents require reserve responder resulting results review revision run rx same seat section securely see select send server service set several shared sharing shorter signal simple size slave slot slowest slowing software solution specific speed standard start stops such sufficient supply support sure switch system table teaming technically test them then there these threading time timer traffic transmission triggering trouble troubleshooting tx txt type unable under unload unpredictable unusual up upgrade utility v1 v2 vary verify version vlans wake while without wol wording work"; Entries[21] = new Array(4); Entries[21][0] = "pushinst.htm"; Entries[21][1] = "Microsoft Windows Push Install Instructions"; Entries[21][2] = "Microsoft Windows Push Install Instructions A Push, or unattended, installation provides a means for network administrators to easily install the drivers on systems that have ..."; Entries[21][3] = "driver install installation push unattended"; Entries[21][4] = "adapters administrators apps basic bit cd directory document download drivers easily equipment file following includes install instructions intel last means microsoft modified network operating product provides push push32 pushx64 revision see setup similar systems txt unattended win32 windows winx64 x64"; Entries[22] = new Array(4); Entries[22][0] = "qos.htm"; Entries[22][1] = "Quality of Service QoS"; Entries[22][2] = "A brief discussion of Quality of Service QoS)."; Entries[22][3] = "balance load qos quality service tagging team"; Entries[22][4] = "adapter advanced allow bandwidth base before configured connected deal disabled does efficient enabled events first frame generation gigabit help high ieee implement include information intel knowledge last levels lower make microsoft modified more most must network note operating order packet prioritization priority pro1000 processed programs proset pwla qos quality r2 real receive revision see send server service setting specify support switch system tab tagged tagging time under utility vista vlan windows xp"; Entries[23] = new Array(4); Entries[23][0] = "reg100s.htm"; Entries[23][1] = "Regulatory Information"; Entries[23][2] = "Regulatory Information Intel PRO/100 S Server Adapter Intel PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter Safety Compliance UL 60950 1 Second Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No 60950 ..."; Entries[23][3] = ""; Entries[23][4] = "a1 a11 a2 about accept accordance adapter against antenna any australia australian authority back based been below between bsmi c22 canada canadian cause caution ce certification changed china circuit cispr class classe cns13438 communications community compatibility compliance comply conditions conducted conformance conformity connect consult contact control corporation correct council country csa dealer declaration declares described designed determined device different digital directive distributor disturbance document does dual edition efup elam electromagnetic emc emi emissions ems en en55022 en55024 encouraged end energy equipment eu european experienced fcc following found frequency general generates guarantee harmful help her hillsboro his home however ices iec immunity including increase industry information installation installed instructions intel interference international japan jf3 kcc korea last life limits listed low lvd mailstop manufacturer mark may measures modified more must ne new nmb note notice nzs occur off office operate outlet parkway part particular party people's permission phone port pro100 product protection provide pursuant radiate radio reasonable received receiver receiving reception recognition recycling regulatory relocate reorient republic required requirements residential responsible retailer revision rf rohs rules safety second separation server standards statement subject systems taiwan take technician technology television tested there these tick turning tv ul undesired union upon usa user vary vcci void voltage without young zealand"; Entries[24] = new Array(4); Entries[24][0] = "save_dm.htm"; Entries[24][1] = "Save and Restore"; Entries[24][2] = "Saving and restoring an adapter's configuration on systems running Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[24][3] = "function intel proset restore save"; Entries[24][4] = "adapter administration allows any assumed backup been changed command configuration contained copy cscript current default directory disk diskette dmix drive driver error event example failure file filename floppy following former generally hard include intel just last line located may measure modified most multiple must navigate network notes open operation options os performed privileges program prompt receive reinstate requires restore result revision run same save savresdx script settings specified standalone such syntax system team these times tool txt type unstable using vbs vbscript vlans was windows wmiconf"; Entries[25] = new Array(4); Entries[25][0] = "setbd_dm.htm"; Entries[25][1] = "Unattended Installation"; Entries[25][2] = "Installing the base drivers and Intel PROSet via the command line."; Entries[25][3] = "base driver install proset setupbd"; Entries[25][4] = "able acceleration actions adapters advanced after agent allowed already ans any apply appropriate associated base bd been between bios cannot capable case cd channel characters chipset command complete components configure core created current dcb default definition description deselect detects device different directory displays dmix does driver dxsetup equivalent error ethernet even example except exe exist fatal fcoe feature fibre file folder following force function gui i ignored include information instability install instructions intel invalid iscsi language last launches layouts line log makes manager messages method microsoft modify msi msiexec must need network note oat operating option other over package passed path preferred prior programs properly property proset prosetcl prosetdx prounstl public reboot recommends reduced rely remove requires result revision running same searches select sensitive server set setup setupbd should silent snmp software space specific specify start status support switch system takes technology them then transform translates typical unattended uninstall updates upgrade utility values via warnings white windows without x64 xp"; Entries[26] = new Array(4); Entries[26][0] = "snmpwin.htm"; Entries[26][1] = "Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP"; Entries[26][2] = "Installing SNMP on Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[26][3] = "agent management network protocol simple snmp"; Entries[26][4] = "about adapter additional administrators advanced agent alerts allow application autorun base before cd changes click communicate compile compliant computer configuration consoles database devices directory documentation download drivers employed event experienced features first follow information install instructions intel ip last manage menu mib microsoft modified more must network notices operating prior product protocol provides recognize revision screen see send services should simple snmp software specified start stations such support system tcp teaming them translates updates utility vlans windows"; Entries[27] = new Array(4); Entries[27][0] = "team_dm.htm"; Entries[27][1] = "Teaming"; Entries[27][2] = "Description of ANS teaming modes."; Entries[27][3] = "advanced aft alb ans services sft static team teaming"; Entries[27][4] = "according across act activate active adapter adaptive additional address administered adopted advanced advantage affected affects aft aggregation aggregator alb allow already alternatively although among amt analyzes another any appear appropriately associated assure attention auto automatic availability available avoid back backup balance bandwidth base because becomes becoming been before begin behavior belong benefit best between beyond bindings block boot both bound bridging button cable cannot capability capable case cause center change channel check choose cisco click clients column combination common compatibility compatible component computer conditions configure connect connectivity consider contain contents continue control copper create critical currently data dcb default delay denominator dependencies dependent design designated desired destination detect developed device different disable disconnect dla documentation does don't driver duplex during duties dynamic each effect eight either enable engine ensure etherchannel ethernet even event example exceed experience failback failed failover fails failure fallback fast fault fcoe feature fec fiber fibre first five following force formed frame full fully function functionality gbps gec gets gigabit go good grouping guest gui handles hardware highest his hot however hub hyper hypervisor ieee implement important inactive include increase information initial inside instability install integrated intel interface introduced involved ip ipx issues jumbo last later latest lbfo ldquo least left lets like link list load locally located loms long lose loss lost lowest lsquo mac machine maintain make management manager manually manufacturers match maximum may member microsoft might mix mode model modification modify monitored monitoring more multi multiple must mvt ndis needed negotiate netbeui network never new nic normal note occur offload open operate optional options order original os other over overridden packet pairing pane part particular pay per perform performance plug port possible preferred present prevent primary prior priority pro100 procedure properties proset protocol provide qos r2 rate rdquo reboot receive reception recognize recommended recommends reconfigures recreate redundancy regains rejoin releases reliability reload remains remove replaces report require restart restore restricted returned revision rlb routable routed rsquo rss run rx safety same schema second secondary see select send separate server service set several sft should similar simultaneous single sla software source spanning specific specify speed standard standby start static status step still stp strongly structures subnet such support sure switch system tab table tagging take tcp team technology temporary them then there these they third though three throughput toe together tolerance traffic transfer transmission transmit tree trying tx type under until up various vary vendor verify versions virtual vlan vmlb waiting waits way we window wizard works would"; Entries[28] = new Array(4); Entries[28][0] = "test_dm.htm"; Entries[28][1] = "Test the Adapter"; Entries[28][2] = "Testing the adapter in Windows and other operating systems."; Entries[28][3] = "diagnostics test"; Entries[28][4] = "about access adapter address allows availability below cable capabilities click communicate connection connects dependent determines device diagnostic displays does duplex each functioning hardware including information intel ip its last link lower manager maximum microsoft modified network operating optimum partner performed ping properly properties proset provide reason reports revision run select settings several speed system tab test these type whether window"; Entries[29] = new Array(4); Entries[29][0] = "trbl_win.htm"; Entries[29][1] = "Troubleshooting"; Entries[29][2] = "Troubleshooting PCI and PCI X adapters."; Entries[29][3] = "bus pci pci-x performance troubleshooting"; Entries[29][4] = "adapter after allow any appear attached authenticity automatically available been bios cannot cause check clear code computer contact customer deleted device diagnostics disable driver enable error event fail file full functionality functioning gigabit gives hardware information install integrity intel issues known last latest longer make manager may memory message microsoft modified need nvm older open operating os pass play plug present problem process proset re rebooting reinstall replacing return reviewed revision server session set ship should simultaneous software solution specific start support sure system table terminal test then there these time trouble update upgrading verify versions viewer volatile windows xp"; Entries[30] = new Array(4); Entries[30][0] = "vlwin.htm"; Entries[30][1] = "Join a Virtual LAN under Windows OS"; Entries[30][2] = "How to configure VLANs on adapters installed in systems running Microsoft Windows."; Entries[30][3] = "lans virtual vlan"; Entries[30][4] = "ability able across adapter administration adpaters advanced already another any area attached balancing based before between block both broadcast building campus capability cause caution change child clients co collection communicate compatible computers configure connecting connections connects considerations considered consist contents cross defined department desktop devices different dispersed each ease enabled enterprise environments exist failover filtering first functional geographically group hardware however hyper ieee improve including information instability instance intel interface joint lan last lbfo least left limit load local locations logical management match maximum may member membership microsoft minimize modified more most moves multiple must network notes other pane parent part partition per performance physical port pro100 problems project proset protocol refers restricted revision running same security see segments select separate servers set should simplify software storms support switch system tab table tag task team term them then they those through together typically under untagged up updates users ve via virtual vlan vm vmq were window workers workgroups working"; Entries[31] = new Array(4); Entries[31][0] = "wminicdm.htm"; Entries[31][1] = "WMI NIC Provider"; Entries[31][2] = "Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider The Intel Network Adapters Windows Management Instrumentation WMI Provider enables WMI based management applications such as Intel PROSet for Windows ..."; Entries[31][3] = "provider wmi"; Entries[31][4] = "about access adapter allows any application apps assumptions available based between called cannot cim classes collected common configure consumer contains could data describes detailed device distribution dmi docs driver elevate embed enables enterprise external file format gigabit guide i independent information install instances instrumentation intel intelncs2 interfaces jointly kernel last layer level list local located makes manage manager manifest measurement microsoft middleware missing mode modified monitor more must namespace ncs2 network operate order page paper part pci pipeline platform please pro100 proset provided provider refer reference registers related remote requirements revision root section see services set setup snmp software specification standards status such supported supports system technical technology then through type typical under user view vista wbem web windows wmi"; PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/save_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000001102712147427264012530 0ustar Save and Restore

Saving and Restoring an Adapter's Configuration Settings

The Save and Restore Command Line Tool is a VBScript (SavResDX.vbs) that allows you to copy the current adapter and team settings into a standalone file (such as on a USB drive) as a backup measure. In the event of a hard drive failure, you can reinstate most of your former settings.

The system on which you restore network configuration settings must have the same configuration as the one on which the save was performed.

  • You must have Administration privileges to run scripts. If you do not have Administration privileges, you will not receive an error, the script just will not run.
  • Only adapter settings are saved (these include ANS teaming and VLANs). The adapter's driver is not saved.
  • Restore using the script only once. Restoring multiple times may result in unstable configuration.
  • The Restore operation requires the same OS as when the configuration was Saved.

Command Line Syntax

cscript SavResDX.vbs save|restore [filename] [/bdf]

SavResDX.vbs has the following command line options:

save Saves adapter and team settings that have been changed from the default settings.  When you restore with the resulting file, any settings not contained in the file are assumed to be the default.
restore Restores the settings.

The file to save settings to or restore settings from.  If no filename is specified, the script default to WmiConf.txt.

Note: The static IP address and WINS configuration are saved to separate files (StaticIP.txt and WINS.txt). You cannot choose the path or names for these files. If you wish restore these settings, the files must be in the same directory as the SavResDX.vbs script.


If you specify /bdf during a restore, the script attempts to restore the configuration based on the PCI Bus:Device:Function:Segment values of the saved configuration. If you removed, added, or moved a NIC to a different slot, this may result in the script applying the saved settings to a different device.


  • If the restore system is not identical to the saved system, the script may not restore any settings when the /bdf option is specified.
  • Virtual Function devices do not support the /bdf option.


Save Example

To save the adapter settings to a file on a floppy diskette, do the following.

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where SavResDX.vbs is located (generally c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX).
  3. Type the following:
  4. cscript SavResDX.vbs save e:\settings.txt

Restore Example

To restore the adapter settings from a file on a floppy diskette, do the following:

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where SavResDX.vbs is located (generally c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX).
  3. Type the following:
  4. cscript SavResDX.vbs restore e:\settings.txt

Last modified on 2/10/10 3:18p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/setbd_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000003167612135720000012664 0ustar Unattended Installation

Installing the Base Driver and Intel® PROSet via the Command Line

Installation Methods

Installing with DxSetup.exe

Using SetupBD.exe to Install Base Drivers on Windows Server* Core Operating Systems

Uninstalling Drivers and Intel PROSet

Installation Methods

DxSetup.exe is the preferred installation method. You can use it to install the Windows base drivers and Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager. DxSetup.exe detects the system's language, searches for the appropriate transform file, and applies it to MSI package. The transform file translates the installation instructions to the language associated with your operating system.

  • Intel® 10GbE Network Adapters do not support unattended driver installation.
  • Intel PROSet cannot be installed with msiexec.exe. You must use DxSetup.exe.

You can use the base driver install utility (SetupBD.exe) to install Microsoft Windows base drivers from a command line. If you use SetupBD.exe to install base drivers, you will not be able to use the advanced features in Intel PROSet.

Installing with DxSetup.exe

DxSetup.exe is a setup utility used for installing Intel PROSet. It detects the system language, searches for the appropriate transform file in the same folder, and then launches PROSETDX.msi in the language specific to the operating system. The transform file translates the installation instructions to the language associated with your operating system.

DxSetup.exe also takes the install options from the command line and applies them to the PROSETDX.msi command line installation.

DxSetup.exe command line switches:

Switch Description
/q[r|n] silent install options.

r Reduced GUI Install
n Silent install
/l[i|w|e|a] log file option.
i log status messages.
w log non-fatal warnings.
e log error messages.
a log the start of all actions.
uninstalls Intel PROSet and drivers.

DxSetup.exe Public Properties

Property Definition
BD "0", do not install base drivers.

"1", install the base drivers (default).

NOTE: BD should only be set to 0 if the Base Drivers have already been installed prior to running DxSetup.exe

DMIX "0", do not install Intel PROSet.

"1", install Intel PROSet (default). The DMIX property requires BD=1.

ANS "0", do not install ANS.

"1", select ANS (default). The ANS property requires DMIX=1.

FCOE "0", do not install Fibre Channel Over Ethernet (FCoE) using DCB (default).

"1", install FCoE using DCB. The FCOE property requires DMIX=1.

ISCSI "0", do not install iSCSI using DCB (default).

"1", install iSCSI using DCB. The ISCSI property requires DMIX=1.

SNMP "0", do not install the SNMP Agent (default).

"1", install the SNMP Agent. The SNMP property requires BD=1.


  • If you specify a path for the log file, the path must exist. If you do not specify a complete path, the install log will be created in the current directory.
  • You do not need to specify default values. To install the base drivers, Intel PROSet, and ANS, the following examples are equivalent:


    DxSetup.exe BD=1 DMIX=1 ANS=1

  • The ANS property should only be set to ANS=1 if DMIX=1 is set. If DMIX=0 and ANS=1, the ANS=1 is ignored and only the base driver will be installed.
  • Even if FCOE=1 is passed, FCoE using DCB will not be installed if the operating system and installed adapters do not support it.
  • Even if ISCSI=1 is passed, iSCSI using DCB will not be installed if the operating system and installed adapters do not support it.
  • Public properties are not case sensitive. No white space is allowed between characters. For example:

DxSetup.exe /qn DMIX=1

Any white space in "DMIX=1" makes the setting invalid.

Modify and Upgrade

You can use DxSetup.exe to modify or upgrade your drivers and software. If a feature is already installed, the public property for that feature will default to 1 and if a feature is not installed, the public property for that feature will default to 0. Running DxSetup.exe without specifying properties will upgrade all installed software. You can remove installed software (except for base drivers) by setting the property to 0. If you uninstall PROSet (DMIX=0), all features that rely on PROSet will also be removed.

Command line examples

You can modify the paths for different operating systems and CD layouts and apply the command line examples.

  1. The following launches a typical install silently:

    DxSetup.exe /qn /liew install.log

    NOTE: BD, ANS and DMIX are selected by default.
  2. How to install components but deselect ANS. Set the ANS=0 in the command line:

    DxSetup.exe /qn ANS=0 /liew install.log

Using SetupBD.exe to Install Base Drivers on Windows Server* Core Operating Systems

NOTE: If you want to use prosetcl.exe to configure your adapters, you must use DxSetup.exe to install drivers and Intel PROSet. SetupBD.exe only installs the base drivers.

Command Line Options

SetupBD.exe supports the following command line switches. 

NOTE: You must include a space between switches.
Switch Description
/s silent install
/r force reboot (must be used with the /s switch)
/nr no reboot (must be used with the /s switch. This switch is ignored if it is included with the /r switch)


Option Description

Installs and/or updates the driver(s) and displays the GUI.

SetupBD /s Installs and/or updates the driver(s) silently.
SetupBD /s /r Installs and/or updates the driver(s) silently and forces a reboot.
SetupBD /s /r /nr Installs and/or updates the driver(s) silently and forces a reboot (/nr is ignored).

Other information

  • If you install drivers on a system based on a server chipset and BIOS that are Intel I/OAT capable, the /s switch (silent install) forces a reboot without the /r switch. If you do not want the system to reboot, use the /nr switch.
  • For Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology to function properly, you must reboot after driver installation.

You can use the /r and /nr switches only with a silent install (i.e. with the "/s" option).

Uninstalling Drivers and Intel PROSet

Intel recommends you use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall Intel PROSet and the base drivers. If your operating system does not have a GUI installed, you can use DxSetup.exe to uninstall the base drivers and Intel PROSet.

If you only installed base drivers, you can use the PROUnstl.exe utility to remove them.

NOTE: PROUnstl.exe only removes the base drivers. Do not use this utility if Intel PROSet is installed on your system. Removing the base drivers without removing Intel PROSet will result in system instability.

PROUnstl.exe supports the following command line switch:

Switch Description
/nogui silent uninstall.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/sit100.js0000755000000000000000000014226612114110660011747 0ustar /********************************************************************** ** ** ** I N T E L P R O P R I E T A R Y ** ** ** ** COPYRIGHT (c) 2005-2013 BY INTEL CORPORATION. ALL ** ** RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY ** ** BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, TRANSCRIBED, STORED IN A ** ** RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER ** ** LANGUAGE IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, MECHANICAL, ** ** MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ** ** THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF : ** ** ** ** INTEL CORPORATION ** ** ** ** 2200 MISSION COLLEGE BOULEVARD ** ** ** ** SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052-8119 ** ** ** **********************************************************************/ var Results = new Array(); var URLTarget = "_blank"; var Document = document; var PathDiv = "\\"; var SearchList = new Array(); var ExcludeList = new Array(); var CurEntries = new Array(); function Search() { if (arguments.length == 0) return; if (typeof Array.prototype.splice == "undefined") Array.prototype.splice = Splice_Fcn; if (typeof navigator.userAgent != "undefined") { var browser = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ((browser.indexOf("netscape") == -1) && (browser.indexOf("firefox") == -1) && (browser.indexOf("gecko") == -1)) URLTarget="_self"; } if (typeof window.location.pathname != "undefined") { var nIdx = window.location.pathname.indexOf('/'); if (nIdx != -1) PathDiv = "/"; } ClearArrays(); var Exclude_Warning = ""; var FrameCnt = top.frames.length; if (FrameCnt != 0) Document = top.frames[FrameCnt-1].document; for (i=0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (arguments[i].toString().indexOf(" ") == -1) AddToSearchArray(arguments[i].toString()); else { var arg_array = arguments[i].toString().split(" "); for (j=0; j < arg_array.length; j++) { var current = arg_array[j]; if (current == "") continue; if ((current == "+") || (current == "-")) { var next = arg_array[++j]; while ((next == "") && (j < arg_array.length+1)) next = arg_array[++j]; current = current + next; } AddToSearchArray(current); } } } Document.close(); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.write(""); Document.title = "Search Results"; Document.write("

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" + Exclude_Warning + ""); if (Exclude_Warning.indexOf(",") != -1) Document.write(" are common words and were ignored.
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Support offers the most up to date information about Intel products, including installation ..."; Entries[3][3] = ""; Entries[3][4] = "about available corporate customer date general including information installation instructions intel internet last modified most network offers phone product revision site support tips troubleshooting up web"; Entries[4] = new Array(4); Entries[4][0] = "dupwindm.htm"; Entries[4][1] = "Configuring Speed and Duplex in Windows"; Entries[4][2] = "How to configure an adapter's speed and duplex under Microsoft Windows."; Entries[4][3] = "duplex link speed"; Entries[4][4] = "adapter addressing administrators advertises allow always appropriate attach attempt auto available based been best between cannot capable caution change choose click configure connections considerations copper default determine device differently direct disabled distinguish does down duplex either enabled establish experienced fiber force full gbps gigabit half however identical ieee intel issues last like link manager manually match may mbps menu microsoft mode modified modules multi must native navigate need negotiate network ok older open operate option packets partner pass per performance performs present pro100 properties pull receive requires revision runs same select send set sfp should since specific speed suffer support switch tab their those time up using windows would"; Entries[5] = new Array(4); Entries[5][0] = "hotwin.htm"; Entries[5][1] = "PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft Windows"; Entries[5][2] = "PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Intel network adapters are enabled for use in selected servers equipped with PCI Hot Plug support ..."; Entries[5][3] = "hot pci plug"; Entries[5][4] = "adapter address back before conflict connecting details documentation driver elsewhere enabled ensure equipped hardware hot identical information intel last mac member microsoft modified more network nic notes occur operating original pci plug remove replacement restore revision running see selected server setting sla support switch systems team unless up windows works"; Entries[6] = new Array(4); Entries[6][0] = "insert.htm"; Entries[6][1] = "Insert the Adapter"; Entries[6][2] = "Step by step instructions on how to install a PCI or PCI X adapter into a system."; Entries[6][3] = "hot install pci plug"; Entries[6][4] = "adapter additional anything before bit bracket bus case cause caution compatible computer configuration connected connector contacts contents cord could cover damage determine documentation down each edge electrical enabled end endanger error exposed failure firmly function get hot insert install instructions it's last later make master may modified off operating pci plug power problem push remove repeat replace required revision running screw seated secure see select shut slot special start steps still supports sure system table then through touch troubleshooting turn unplug until would"; Entries[7] = new Array(4); Entries[7][0] = "ipmi.htm"; Entries[7][1] = "IPMI Manageability"; Entries[7][2] = "IPMI Manageability Overview The Intelligent Platform Management Interface IPMI allows you to monitor server physical health characteristics, such as temperature, voltage, fans, power supplies, and ..."; Entries[7][3] = "ians intelligent interface ipmi management platform tco-enabled teaming"; Entries[7][4] = "above adapter adaptive address aggregation allows any asset balancing baseboard based bmc capabilities characteristics chassis configure connected connection controller dedicated device does due dynamic enabled enables fact fans functional health however ians ieee information intelligent interface intrusion ipmi last like link load lose mac manageability management mentioned modified monitor must need network overview pass physical plan platform port power provide receive recovery requirements restricted revision same server single sla specific static such supplies system tco team temperature these tracking traffic type vlan voltage"; Entries[8] = new Array(4); Entries[8][0] = "ipsecoff.htm"; Entries[8][1] = "IP Security Offloading"; Entries[8][2] = "Internet Protocol IP Security IPSec is a set of protocols used to help secure the exchange of IP data. IP Security offloading is the assignment ..."; Entries[8][3] = "ip ipsec offloading security"; Entries[8][4] = "affected algorithm assignment automatically based compatible computations configure confining contents controllers cpu data decreases devices disabled enabled enabling exchange features generally hardware help increases information intel internet ip ipsec issue large last later left lso may microsoft mitigate modified more network note offload pane performance place port proset protocol reduce revision secure security select send set software support table takes those through traffic used utilization window x540"; Entries[9] = new Array(4); Entries[9][0] = "lbracket.htm"; Entries[9][1] = "Attach the Low Profile Bracket"; Entries[9][2] = "How to attach the low profile bracket for use in systems with low profile slots."; Entries[9][3] = "bracket install low profile"; Entries[9][4] = "adapter any attach away back before bracket carefully charge come dissipate follow future ground handling install instructions last low may models modified necessary need over package product profile re remove revision screws seated securing side sized slide slot small standard static step these they tighten until used using yourself"; Entries[10] = new Array(4); Entries[10][0] = "legaldis.htm"; Entries[10][1] = "Legal Information"; Entries[10][2] = "Copyright and Legal Disclaimers Copyright 2002 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124 6497 USA Intel ..."; Entries[10][3] = ""; Entries[10][4] = "any assumes brands claimed commitment contained copyright corporation countries disclaimers document does elam errors herein hillsboro information intel itanium legal make may names nor omissions other parkway pentium property reserved responsibility rights trademarks update usa young"; Entries[11] = new Array(4); Entries[11][0] = "license.htm"; Entries[11][1] = "Software License"; Entries[11][2] = "INTEL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT IMPORTANT READ BEFORE COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING . Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials collectively, ..."; Entries[11][3] = ""; Entries[11][4] = "about above accompanied accompanying accuracy acknowledge adapt additional administrator advised affiliates after against agree alleges alpha alternate any appear applicable application apply arise assign assignable associated assume attempt attorney author authorize back becomes been before below beta bound break business california capable carefully cause changes claim code collectively commercial compatible completeness component computer condition conflict conjunction consent consequential constitutes contain context contractor contracts control convenience convention copy copyright corporation correct costs could countries create creator customers damages data days death deceptive decompile defect delivered delivery derivatives design destroy developed development device dfars differing directly disassemble disclaims disclosed disclosure distribute documentation does done duplication emulated enclosed end engineer english entirety equipment errors estoppel et even event except excluded excluding exclusion exclusive existing expense export express extent failure far fees final fitness following form forth found free function future goods governed government granted grants graphics guest harmless here herein hereunder hold i ii iii image immediately implication implied important inability incidental include incorporated indemnify indirectly inducement information injury install integral intel intellectual intended international interruption introduce items iv ix jurisdiction kind labeled language larger last laws ldquo lease legal liability liable license life limitation limited links loss lost machine maintenance make malicious manager manufacture manufacturer mask material may media medical merchantability minimum modification modify nations necessary negligent neither network ninety noninfringement nor normal note notice number obligated obligation occur oem offered officers operate organization original other otherwise out own ownership part particular party patent perform period permit personal physical please portions possibility pre prevent principles private problems product profits programs prohibit promised properly property proprietary protected provided provision purpose pursuant rdquo read reasonable referenced regard regulates regulations related release remains remove rent replacement represent representative reproduce requires research resolve respect responsibility restricted restrictions return reverse revision right risk rsquo running safeguard sale saving seal secret section select sell separate seq set shall signed single site situation software sold source specifically standalone state subject sublicense subsidiaries successor such supersede suppliers support sustaining system tamper term terminate text then therein thereof these they third those time title trade trademark transfer translate treaty type unauthorized under understand unintended united unlawful unless until up update upon usage user vary version vi view vii viii violate virtual warrant warranty was were whatsoever whole without work writing written"; Entries[12] = new Array(4); Entries[12][0] = "warranty.htm"; Entries[12][1] = "Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty"; Entries[12][2] = "Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty Intel warrants to the original owner that the adapter product delivered in this package will be free from defects in material ..."; Entries[12][3] = ""; Entries[12][4] = "above abuse accept accident adapter advance against agreement agrees air allow along alteration america any anyone applicable applications apply arise assume australian authorization authorizes back becomes before below business calling cannot care charge claims completely consequential consumer contact container contract control costs cover critical current customer damage days dealer defective defects defend deficiency deliver department described details direct disaster disclaims discontinued distributors does either element energy entirely equivalent essential event example exceed except exclusion explanation express fitness foregoing forth found free full generation goodwill ground group guarantee hardware harmless health hereunder higher hold implied improper incidental including indemnify indirect infringement installation installed intel intellectual interruptions irrespective issue last law level liability license licensee lieu lifetime limitation limited limiting locations loss material may measurable merchantability misuse modified money must neglect negligence neither new ninety noninfringement nor north note notice notwithstanding nuclear number objectively obtain option original other out owner package paid part particular pay place please policy possibility potential price process product profits proof property proposal provided purchase purpose received reconditioned refund registered remedies repair replace reprocurement resellers reserves respectively return revision right risk rma safety same sample satisfied see set shall ship software sole special specifically specification speculative states statutory sublicensees such support systems testing their thereof these they time tort total traffic transit under user's verifies view visit wants warrants warranty were whether whom without workmanship"; Entries[13] = new Array(4); Entries[13][0] = "lights.htm"; Entries[13][1] = "Indicator Lights"; Entries[13][2] = "The Intel PRO/100+ adapter, PRO/100 S adapter, and PRO/100 VE and VM Desktop Adapters and Network Connections have the following indicator lights Label Indication Meaning ..."; Entries[13][3] = "connections indicator lights"; Entries[13][4] = "act adapter amount appears between bit cable check configuration connection connector control data desktop driver dual faulty file flashes flashing following frequency go good indication indicator intel label last leds lights lnk mbps meaning modified network note off operating other panel pci per port power pro100 problem receiving revision second sending server status switch system three traffic varies ve vm windows"; Entries[14] = new Array(4); Entries[14][0] = "mang_win.htm"; Entries[14][1] = "Power Management"; Entries[14][2] = "Setting up Power Saver options and Wake on LAN on Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[14][3] = "management power remote wake wol"; Entries[14][4] = "ability acbs access accessible acpi active activity adapter advanced after allow amount any anyway apm appear auto automatically available battery between bios both bursts cable called capability capable complex computer configured connect consumption content control converged data dependant detect development device directed disabled disarms disconnected display down dual duplex during eee effect efficient enable ends energy engine enter et2 ethernet even evolved example explicitly expressmodule f4 feature few following forced full fully function functionality gigabit hibernate higher however i340 i350 idle important included includes including incorporated indicate installed intel interacting introduce keeps lan last latency led limited link lit low lowest lp magic manageability management manager may microsoft mode modified mt must needs negotiate network nic note off operating option other over override packet partner period pf port possible power previously pro1000 proset pt quad r2 readily ready reconnected reduce remote removed replaces requests rest restored resume revision s3 s4 s5 saved saver server set several shutdown shutting simple sleep small speed standard standby state status stay support system t1 t2 t4 tab then there these they timeout traffic transition transmitted turns type under up using variety versions vista vt wake were windows wol x520 x540 xp years"; Entries[15] = new Array(4); Entries[15][0] = "manage.htm"; Entries[15][1] = "Remote Wake Up"; Entries[15][2] = "Remote Wake up and Wake on LAN basics."; Entries[15][3] = "lan remote wake wake-up"; Entries[15][4] = "ability about accept acpi activates adapter address administrators advanced allow amps any apm area around arp assigned attached awaken aware backwards based below bios board both bracket bus cable came capability capable check choosing circuitry clock compatibility complaint completely complex compliant components computer concept configure connection connector consecutive contact containing contains contents control converged corresponds could cpu current d815epea2 data defined description designed desktop details determine development device different directed disk documentation does done down draw drive driver due each early either enable equipped ethernet event every evolved example extends feature few field find first fit following format fully function generally gigabit had header hibernate hours however ibautil implementation important include information initiated installed intel interacting interface intermediate ip keyed label lan last least leds level limited list locations look low mac magic maintenance management manufacturer many may memory milliamps mode model modified more most motherboard mt multiple must named necessary need network newer note numbers off older operating operational operations os out over own packet partial particular patterns pci per perform pila8460bn pila8460f pila8461 pila8900 pin plugged pme port power pro100 pro1000 proset protocol provide pwla8390t pwla8490xt quad querying ram rating received receives reduces referred refers refreshed reloaded remains remote removed repeated repetitions represents request require resolution response revision routed s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 section see selectable selectively sending sent server set should shutdown signal similar simple sleep slot specific standby started state still stopped such supply support suspend swapped system t1 t2 technician then there these they through times titled true turning type typically under up upon user usually utility value variety various verify versions volt vt wake was were whereas without wol work x520 x540 xt years"; Entries[16] = new Array(4); Entries[16][0] = "overvwit.htm"; Entries[16][1] = "Overview PRO100 Server for Itanium"; Entries[16][2] = "Overview Welcome to the User's Guide for Intel PRO/100 Server Adapters installed in Itanium based computers. This guide covers hardware and software installation, setup procedures, ..."; Entries[16][3] = "hardware installation itanium setup software troubleshooting"; Entries[16][4] = "adapter advanced any architecture authentication automatically available based basic click co column compatible computers configuration contents covers cpu decreasing driver enabled encryption family features follow functions further guide hardware ia32 includes increasing information install intel intensive ipsec itanium last latest left link list loaded make microsoft mode modified necessary network note now off offloads operating other overview platforms pro100 problems procedure process processor refers review revision see select server set setup software start step supported sure system table those throughput tips topic troubleshooting tunnel up upgrading user's utilization varies welcome windows xp"; Entries[17] = new Array(4); Entries[17][0] = "prosetdm.htm"; Entries[17][1] = "Using PROSet"; Entries[17][2] = "Installing, using, and removing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager."; Entries[17][3] = "device install manager proset"; Entries[17][4] = "additional administrator advanced automatically cd change cl cofiguration command compatibility connection control core crash crashdmp device dialog directory dmix drivers dump exe extension file following gigabit help install intel iscsi last line located manager modified most must network note options panel please process product program proset prosetcl refer remove revision rights same select server services settings software support tabs txt under uninstall utility windows"; Entries[18] = new Array(4); Entries[18][0] = "reqs_ita.htm"; Entries[18][1] = "Intel PRO/100 Itanium Requirements"; Entries[18][2] = "System requirements for Intel PRO/100 Server adapters on Itanium based systems."; Entries[18][3] = "32-bit 64-bit compatibility install pci pci-x requirements"; Entries[18][4] = "adapter architectures based before bios bit bus check compatibility computer configuration datacenter drivers edition efi enterprise except following hardware higher installed installing intel itanium kernel last latest linux master microsoft minimum modified network open operate pack pci r2 requirements revision server service slot supported system v2 versions windows"; Entries[19] = new Array(4); Entries[19][0] = "trbl_dm.htm"; Entries[19][1] = "Configuration and Troubleshooting"; Entries[19][2] = "Configuration and Troubleshooting Common Problems and Solutions There are many simple, easy to fix problems related to network problems. Review each one of these before ..."; Entries[19][3] = ""; Entries[19][4] = "ability accommodates active activity adapter addresses adjusting advanced affected after agent already among another any apparent applicable appropriate apps asked assumes attached attaining auto auxiliary available base basic been before behavior best better between bios boot bootagnt both bus cable cannot capabilities capacity card carrier category cause change check choose common communicate compatible compliant components computer configure conflicting conflicts connect connectivity connectors consider consistent contact cooling copper correct creating current customer damaged data default described desktop detect device diagnostic different disable discussion disrupted documented does down driver duplex each easy edge efficiency either enable enhanced environment established etc even exact examples exceed exe execution expected express fail familiar family fan feature find fix following forced frame frequently functioning further gigabit going hangs hardware here hub ibautil idle ieee implementation impose inability incompatible indicator information insert install instructions intel intended interrupt irq isn't issues jumbo kinked knowledge known lack lan last latency latest layer led length level light limited limits link list loaded look loose lower make management manually many master match maximizing maximum may mbps memory mode modified monitor more multi multiple multiprocessor must necessarily need negotiate network newer note obtained off offloading often operating operation opposed options os other over overdraw pair parameters partner pass pci pcie peak perform performance physical play plug points port possible power pre presence prevents problem process processor programs proper provide pxe quality questions rate re readme reboot receive recent recognized recommended related release reload replace reports represents require reserve responder resulting results review revision run rx same seat section securely see select send server service set several shared sharing shorter signal simple size slave slot slowest slowing software solution specific speed standard start stops such sufficient supply support sure switch system table teaming technically test them then there these threading time timer traffic transmission triggering trouble troubleshooting tx txt type unable under unload unpredictable unusual up upgrade utility v1 v2 vary verify version vlans wake while without wol wording work"; Entries[20] = new Array(4); Entries[20][0] = "qos.htm"; Entries[20][1] = "Quality of Service QoS"; Entries[20][2] = "A brief discussion of Quality of Service QoS)."; Entries[20][3] = "balance load qos quality service tagging team"; Entries[20][4] = "adapter advanced allow bandwidth base before configured connected deal disabled does efficient enabled events first frame generation gigabit help high ieee implement include information intel knowledge last levels lower make microsoft modified more most must network note operating order packet prioritization priority pro1000 processed programs proset pwla qos quality r2 real receive revision see send server service setting specify support switch system tab tagged tagging time under utility vista vlan windows xp"; Entries[21] = new Array(4); Entries[21][0] = "reg100s.htm"; Entries[21][1] = "Regulatory Information"; Entries[21][2] = "Regulatory Information Intel PRO/100 S Server Adapter Intel PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter Safety Compliance UL 60950 1 Second Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No 60950 ..."; Entries[21][3] = ""; Entries[21][4] = "a1 a11 a2 about accept accordance adapter against antenna any australia australian authority back based been below between bsmi c22 canada canadian cause caution ce certification changed china circuit cispr class classe cns13438 communications community compatibility compliance comply conditions conducted conformance conformity connect consult contact control corporation correct council country csa dealer declaration declares described designed determined device different digital directive distributor disturbance document does dual edition efup elam electromagnetic emc emi emissions ems en en55022 en55024 encouraged end energy equipment eu european experienced fcc following found frequency general generates guarantee harmful help her hillsboro his home however ices iec immunity including increase industry information installation installed instructions intel interference international japan jf3 kcc korea last life limits listed low lvd mailstop manufacturer mark may measures modified more must ne new nmb note notice nzs occur off office operate outlet parkway part particular party people's permission phone port pro100 product protection provide pursuant radiate radio reasonable received receiver receiving reception recognition recycling regulatory relocate reorient republic required requirements residential responsible retailer revision rf rohs rules safety second separation server standards statement subject systems taiwan take technician technology television tested there these tick turning tv ul undesired union upon usa user vary vcci void voltage without young zealand"; Entries[22] = new Array(4); Entries[22][0] = "save_dm.htm"; Entries[22][1] = "Save and Restore"; Entries[22][2] = "Saving and restoring an adapter's configuration on systems running Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[22][3] = "function intel proset restore save"; Entries[22][4] = "adapter administration allows any assumed backup been changed command configuration contained copy cscript current default directory disk diskette dmix drive driver error event example failure file filename floppy following former generally hard include intel just last line located may measure modified most multiple must navigate network notes open operation options os performed privileges program prompt receive reinstate requires restore result revision run same save savresdx script settings specified standalone such syntax system team these times tool txt type unstable using vbs vbscript vlans was windows wmiconf"; Entries[23] = new Array(4); Entries[23][0] = "setbd_dm.htm"; Entries[23][1] = "Unattended Installation"; Entries[23][2] = "Installing the base drivers and Intel PROSet via the command line."; Entries[23][3] = "base driver install proset setupbd"; Entries[23][4] = "able acceleration actions adapters advanced after agent allowed already ans any apply appropriate associated base bd been between bios cannot capable case cd channel characters chipset command complete components configure core created current dcb default definition description deselect detects device different directory displays dmix does driver dxsetup equivalent error ethernet even example except exe exist fatal fcoe feature fibre file folder following force function gui i ignored include information instability install instructions intel invalid iscsi language last launches layouts line log makes manager messages method microsoft modify msi msiexec must need network note oat operating option other over package passed path preferred prior programs properly property proset prosetcl prosetdx prounstl public reboot recommends reduced rely remove requires result revision running same searches select sensitive server set setup setupbd should silent snmp software space specific specify start status support switch system takes technology them then transform translates typical unattended uninstall updates upgrade utility values via warnings white windows without x64 xp"; Entries[24] = new Array(4); Entries[24][0] = "snmpwin.htm"; Entries[24][1] = "Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP"; Entries[24][2] = "Installing SNMP on Microsoft Windows operating systems."; Entries[24][3] = "agent management network protocol simple snmp"; Entries[24][4] = "about adapter additional administrators advanced agent alerts allow application autorun base before cd changes click communicate compile compliant computer configuration consoles database devices directory documentation download drivers employed event experienced features first follow information install instructions intel ip last manage menu mib microsoft modified more must network notices operating prior product protocol provides recognize revision screen see send services should simple snmp software specified start stations such support system tcp teaming them translates updates utility vlans windows"; Entries[25] = new Array(4); Entries[25][0] = "team_dm.htm"; Entries[25][1] = "Teaming"; Entries[25][2] = "Description of ANS teaming modes."; Entries[25][3] = "advanced aft alb ans services sft static team teaming"; Entries[25][4] = "according across act activate active adapter adaptive additional address administered adopted advanced advantage affected affects aft aggregation aggregator alb allow already alternatively although among amt analyzes another any appear appropriately associated assure attention auto automatic availability available avoid back backup balance bandwidth base because becomes becoming been before begin behavior belong benefit best between beyond bindings block boot both bound bridging button cable cannot capability capable case cause center change channel check choose cisco click clients column combination common compatibility compatible component computer conditions configure connect connectivity consider contain contents continue control copper create critical currently data dcb default delay denominator dependencies dependent design designated desired destination detect developed device different disable disconnect dla documentation does don't driver duplex during duties dynamic each effect eight either enable engine ensure etherchannel ethernet even event example exceed experience failback failed failover fails failure fallback fast fault fcoe feature fec fiber fibre first five following force formed frame full fully function functionality gbps gec gets gigabit go good grouping guest gui handles hardware highest his hot however hub hyper hypervisor ieee implement important inactive include increase information initial inside instability install integrated intel interface introduced involved ip ipx issues jumbo last later latest lbfo ldquo least left lets like link list load locally located loms long lose loss lost lowest lsquo mac machine maintain make management manager manually manufacturers match maximum may member microsoft might mix mode model modification modify monitored monitoring more multi multiple must mvt ndis needed negotiate netbeui network never new nic normal note occur offload open operate optional options order original os other over overridden packet pairing pane part particular pay per perform performance plug port possible preferred present prevent primary prior priority pro100 procedure properties proset protocol provide qos r2 rate rdquo reboot receive reception recognize recommended recommends reconfigures recreate redundancy regains rejoin releases reliability reload remains remove replaces report require restart restore restricted returned revision rlb routable routed rsquo rss run rx safety same schema second secondary see select send separate server service set several sft should similar simultaneous single sla software source spanning specific specify speed standard standby start static status step still stp strongly structures subnet such support sure switch system tab table tagging take tcp team technology temporary them then there these they third though three throughput toe together tolerance traffic transfer transmission transmit tree trying tx type under until up various vary vendor verify versions virtual vlan vmlb waiting waits way we window wizard works would"; Entries[26] = new Array(4); Entries[26][0] = "test_dm.htm"; Entries[26][1] = "Test the Adapter"; Entries[26][2] = "Testing the adapter in Windows and other operating systems."; Entries[26][3] = "diagnostics test"; Entries[26][4] = "about access adapter address allows availability below cable capabilities click communicate connection connects dependent determines device diagnostic displays does duplex each functioning hardware including information intel ip its last link lower manager maximum microsoft modified network operating optimum partner performed ping properly properties proset provide reason reports revision run select settings several speed system tab test these type whether window"; Entries[27] = new Array(4); Entries[27][0] = "trbl_win.htm"; Entries[27][1] = "Troubleshooting"; Entries[27][2] = "Troubleshooting PCI and PCI X adapters."; Entries[27][3] = "bus pci pci-x performance troubleshooting"; Entries[27][4] = "adapter after allow any appear attached authenticity automatically available been bios cannot cause check clear code computer contact customer deleted device diagnostics disable driver enable error event fail file full functionality functioning gigabit gives hardware information install integrity intel issues known last latest longer make manager may memory message microsoft modified need nvm older open operating os pass play plug present problem process proset re rebooting reinstall replacing return reviewed revision server session set ship should simultaneous software solution specific start support sure system table terminal test then there these time trouble update upgrading verify versions viewer volatile windows xp"; Entries[28] = new Array(4); Entries[28][0] = "vlwin.htm"; Entries[28][1] = "Join a Virtual LAN under Windows OS"; Entries[28][2] = "How to configure VLANs on adapters installed in systems running Microsoft Windows."; Entries[28][3] = "lans virtual vlan"; Entries[28][4] = "ability able across adapter administration adpaters advanced already another any area attached balancing based before between block both broadcast building campus capability cause caution change child clients co collection communicate compatible computers configure connecting connections connects considerations considered consist contents cross defined department desktop devices different dispersed each ease enabled enterprise environments exist failover filtering first functional geographically group hardware however hyper ieee improve including information instability instance intel interface joint lan last lbfo least left limit load local locations logical management match maximum may member membership microsoft minimize modified more most moves multiple must network notes other pane parent part partition per performance physical port pro100 problems project proset protocol refers restricted revision running same security see segments select separate servers set should simplify software storms support switch system tab table tag task team term them then they those through together typically under untagged up updates users ve via virtual vlan vm vmq were window workers workgroups working"; Entries[29] = new Array(4); Entries[29][0] = "hyperv.htm"; Entries[29][1] = "Creating Virtual NICs in Hyper V"; Entries[29][2] = "Creating Virtual NICs in Microsoft Hyper V."; Entries[29][3] = "hyper hyper-v nics v virtual"; Entries[29][4] = "aaaaaaaa able adapter added address advanced alb allow any appear applies article assign automatically available balancing based bbbb between bind blocks bound box bridging bypass cannot capable cases cause cccc center change channel check click client cluster combinations command communication configuration configured configuring connectivity considerations consolidate control core correct cpu create createteam data dcb dddddddddddddddd decreases desire details device different directly disable displays distributed documentation does driver each enable environment error etc ethernet even example exe faster fcoe feature fibre file filtering filters follow frees function further general get give guest gui guid hardware higher host however hyper hypervisor i ignoring impact increases increasing information inside installation installed instructions intel interface iov issue laa lacp last later lets line lldp load lose loss lower mac machine makes management manager manger manually may memory microsoft mode modified more move ms must necessary need netbios network nic note number nvspbind offloading ok open operating operation options order os other over overview packet panel parent part partition path perform performance physical please pool port possible present prevent primary property proset prosetcl protocol queue r2 receive reduces remote require resolve resources result revision risk role root routes rsquo run same secondary security see sent server set several share sheet simultaneously since single sits software source split sr standard step such support switch system tab takes tasks tcpip team team1 technet their then these they throughput together tool total transmission transmit true tttttttt txt unbind uncheck under underlying unique up usage utility utilization uuuu validation various vf virtual virtualization virtualized vlan vmm vmq vnic was while windows work wwww xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; Entries[30] = new Array(4); Entries[30][0] = "wminicdm.htm"; Entries[30][1] = "WMI NIC Provider"; Entries[30][2] = "Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider The Intel Network Adapters Windows Management Instrumentation WMI Provider enables WMI based management applications such as Intel PROSet for Windows ..."; Entries[30][3] = "provider wmi"; Entries[30][4] = "about access adapter allows any application apps assumptions available based between called cannot cim classes collected common configure consumer contains could data describes detailed device distribution dmi docs driver elevate embed enables enterprise external file format gigabit guide i independent information install instances instrumentation intel intelncs2 interfaces jointly kernel last layer level list local located makes manage manager manifest measurement microsoft middleware missing mode modified monitor more must namespace ncs2 network operate order page paper part pci pipeline platform please pro100 proset provided provider refer reference registers related remote requirements revision root section see services set setup snmp software specification standards status such supported supports system technical technology then through type typical under user view vista wbem web windows wmi"; 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Simple Network Management Protocol

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. SNMP-compliant devices (agents) communicate with management applications (consoles) to send alerts and updates and allow configuration changes.

The Intel® SNMP Agent translates event notices from the adapter and sends them to specified SNMP management stations. The SNMP agent provides information on Intel® network adapters as well as information about advanced features, such as teaming and VLANs.

Using the Intel SNMP Agent

  • Before you install the Intel SNMP Agent on a computer, you must install SNMP on the computer. See your operating system documentation for more information.

  • To use the Intel SNMP Agent with an SNMP management application, you must first compile the Intel MIB (Management Information Base) into the management application's database. This allows the management application to recognize and support the adapter.

Look in the Table of Contents for information on installing the SNMP agent on your operating system.

Last modified on 9/03/07 4:49p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/snmpwin.htm0000755000000000000000000000441211656603624012605 0ustar Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Simple Network Management Protocol

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. SNMP-compliant devices (agents) communicate with management applications (consoles) to send alerts and updates and allow configuration changes.

The Intel® SNMP Agent translates event notices from the adapter and sends them to specified SNMP management stations. The SNMP agent provides information on Intel® network adapters as well as information about advanced features, such as teaming and VLANs.

Using the Intel SNMP Agent

  • Before you install the Intel SNMP Agent on a computer, you must install SNMP on the computer. See your operating system documentation for more information.

  • To use the Intel SNMP Agent with an SNMP management application, you must first compile the Intel MIB (Management Information Base) into the management application's database. This allows the management application to recognize and support the adapter.

Installing the SNMP Agent on Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

This utility should only be employed by experienced network administrators. Additional software/services must be installed on your network prior to installing the Intel® SNMP Agent.

To install the SNMP Agent, start the autorun menu from the Product CD or download directory and click Install Drivers and Software. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Last modified on 9/03/07 4:49p Revision

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Last modified on 5/12/10 3:26p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/team_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000006044712135720644012525 0ustar Teaming

Advanced Network Services Teaming

Advanced Network Services (ANS) Teaming, a feature of the Advanced Network Services component, lets you take advantage of multiple adapters in a system by grouping them together. ANS teaming can use features like fault tolerance and load balancing to increase throughput and reliability. Before you can set up ANS teaming in Microsoft* Windows*, you must install Intel® PROSet software. For more information, select Intel PROSet in the Table of Contents (left pane) of this window.


  • Be sure to use the latest available drivers on all adapters.
  • NDIS 6.2 introduced new RSS data structures and interfaces. Because of this, you cannot enable RSS on teams that contain a mix of adapters that support NDIS 6.2 RSS and adapters that do not.
  • If a team is bound to a Hyper-V virtual NIC, you cannot change the Primary or Secondary adapter.
  • Intel adapters that do not support Intel PROSet may still be included in a team. However, they are restricted in the same way non-Intel adapters are. See Multi-Vendor Teaming for more information.
  • To assure a common feature set, some advanced features, including hardware offloading, are automatically disabled when an adapter that does not support Intel PROSet is added to a team.
  • Hot Plug operations in a Multi-Vendor Team may cause system instability. We recommended that you restart the system or reload the team after performing Hot Plug operations with a Multi-Vendor Team.
  • Spanning tree protocol (STP) should be disabled on switch ports connected to teamed adapters in order to prevent data loss when the primary adapter is returned to service (failback). Alternatively, an activation delay may be configured on the adapters to prevent data loss when spanning tree is used. Set the Activation Delay on the advanced tab of team properties.
  • ANS teaming of Virtual Function devices inside a Windows 2008 R2 guest running on an open source hypervisor is supported.
  • Fibre Channel over Ethernet/Data Center Bridging will be automatically disabled when an adapter is added to a team with non-FCoE/DCB capable adapters.

Supported Adapters

Teaming options are supported on Intel® PRO/100, Intel® Gigabit, and Intel® 10GbE adapters. Selected adapters from other manufacturers are also supported.

Conditions that may prevent you from teaming a device

During team creation or modification, the list of available team types or list of available devices may not include all team types or devices. This may be caused by any of several conditions, including:

  • The operating system does not support  the desired team type.
  • The device does not support the desired team type or does not support teaming at all.
  • The devices you want to team together use different driver versions.
  • You are trying to team an Intel PRO/100 device with an Intel  10GbE device.
  • TOE (TCP Offload Engine) enabled devices cannot be added to an ANS team and will not appear in the list of available adapters.
  • You can add Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT) enabled devices to Adapter Fault Tolerance (AFT), Switch Fault Tolerance (SFT), and Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) teams. All other team types are not supported. The Intel AMT enabled device must be designated as the primary adapter for the team.
  • The device's MAC address is overridden by the Locally Administered Address advanced setting.
  • Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) Boot has been enabled on the device.
  • The device has “OS Controlled” selected on the Data Center tab.
  • The device has a virtual NIC bound to it.
  • The device is part of a Microsoft* Load Balancing and Failover (LBFO) team.

Microsoft* Load Balancing and Failover (LBFO) teams

Intel ANS teaming and VLANs are not compatible with Microsoft's LBFO teams. Intel® PROSet will block a member of an LBFO team from being added to an Intel ANS team or VLAN. You should not add a port that is already part of an Intel ANS team or VLAN to an LBFO team, as this may cause system instability. If you use an ANS team member or VLAN in an LBFO team, perform the following procedure to restore your configuration:

  1. Reboot the machine
  2. Remove LBFO team. Even though LBFO team creation failed, after a reboot Server Manager will report that LBFO is Enabled, and the LBFO interface is present in the ‘NIC Teaming’ GUI.
  3. Remove the ANS teams and VLANS involved in the LBFO team and recreate them. This is an optional (all bindings are restored when the LBFO team is removed ), but strongly recommended step

NOTE: If you add an Intel AMT enabled port to an LBFO team, do not set the port to Standby in the LBFO team. If you set the port to Standby you may lose AMT functionality.

ANS Teaming Types

  • Adapter Fault Tolerance (AFT) - provides automatic redundancy for a server's network connection. If the primary adapter fails, the secondary adapter takes over. Adapter Fault Tolerance supports two to eight adapters per team. This teaming type works with any hub or switch. All team members must be connected to the same subnet.
  • Switch Fault Tolerance (SFT) - provides failover between two adapters connected to separate switches. Switch Fault Tolerance supports two adapters per team. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) must be enabled on the switch when you create a SFT team.  When SFT teams are created, the Activation Delay is automatically set to 60 seconds.  This teaming type works with any switch or hub. All team members must be connected to the same subnet.
  • Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) - provides load balancing of transmit traffic and adapter fault tolerance. In Microsoft* Windows* operating systems, you can also enable or disable receive load balancing (RLB) in ALB teams (by default, RLB is enabled).
  • Virtual Machine Load Balancing (VMLB) - provides transmit and receive traffic load balancing across Virtual Machines bound to the team interface, as well as fault tolerance in the event of switch port, cable, or adapter failure. This teaming type works with any switch.
  • Static Link Aggregation (SLA) - provides increased transmission and reception throughput in a team of two to eight adapters. This team type replaces the following team types from prior software releases: Fast EtherChannel*/Link Aggregation (FEC) and Gigabit EtherChannel*/Link Aggregation (GEC). This type also includes adapter fault tolerance and load balancing (only routed protocols). This teaming type requires a switch with Intel Link Aggregation, Cisco* FEC or GEC, or IEEE 802.3ad Static Link Aggregation capability.

    All adapters in a Link Aggregation team running in static mode must run at the same speed and must be connected to a Static Link Aggregation capable switch. If the speed capability of adapters in a Static Link Aggregation team are different, the speed of the team is dependent on the lowest common denominator.

  • IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation - creates one or more teams using Dynamic Link Aggregation with mixed-speed adapters. Like the Static Link Aggregation teams, Dynamic 802.3ad teams increase transmission and reception throughput and provide fault tolerance. This teaming type requires a switch that fully supports the IEEE 802.3ad standard. 
  • Multi-Vendor Teaming (MVT) - adds the capability to include adapters from selected other vendors in a team. If you are using a Windows-based computer, you can team adapters that appear in the Intel PROSet teaming wizard.
  • Be sure to use the latest available drivers on all adapters.
  • Before creating a team, adding or removing team members, or changing advanced settings of a team member, make sure each team member has been configured similarly. Settings to check include VLANs and QoS Packet Tagging, Jumbo Frames, and the various offloads. These settings are available in Intel PROSet's Advanced tab. Pay particular attention when using different adapter models or adapter versions, as adapter capabilities vary.
  • If team members implement Advanced features differently, failover and team functionality will be affected. To avoid team implementation issues:
    • Create teams that use similar adapter types and models.
    • Reload the team after adding an adapter or changing any Advanced features. One way to reload the team is to select a new preferred primary adapter. Although there will be a temporary loss of network connectivity as the team reconfigures, the team will maintain its network addressing schema.


  • Hot Plug operations for an adapter that is part of a team are only available in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
  • For SLA teams, all team members must be connected to the same switch. For AFT, ALB, and RLB teams, all team members must belong to the same subnet. The members of an SFT team must be connected to a different switch.
  • Teaming only one adapter port is possible, but provides no benefit.

Primary and Secondary Adapters

If the primary adapter fails, another adapter will take over its duties. If you are using more than two adapters, and you want a specific adapter to take over if the primary fails, you must specify a secondary adapter. If an Intel AMT enabled device is part of a team, it must be designated as the primary adapter for the team.

There are two types of primary and secondary adapters:

  • Default primary adapter: If you do not specify a preferred primary adapter, the software will choose an adapter of the highest capability (model and speed) to act as the default primary. If a failover occurs, another adapter becomes the primary. The adapter will, however, rejoin the team as a non-primary.
  • Preferred Primary/Secondary adapters: You can specify a preferred adapter in Intel PROSet. Under normal conditions, the Primary adapter handles all non-TCP/IP traffic. The Secondary adapter will receive fallback traffic if the primary fails. If the Preferred Primary adapter fails, but is later restored to an active status, control is automatically switched back to the Preferred Primary adapter.

To specify a preferred primary or secondary adapter

  1. From Device Manager, open the properties of a team.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. Click the Modify Team button.

  4. Select the adapter you want to be the primary adapter and click the Set Primary button.

The adapter's preferred setting appears in the Priority column.

Failover and Failback

When a link fails, either because of port or cable failure, team types that provide fault tolerance will continue to send and receive traffic. Failover is the initial transfer of traffic from the failed link to a good link. Failback occurs when the original adapter regains link. You can use the Activation Delay setting (located on the Advanced tab of the team's properties in Device Manager) to specify a how long the failover adapter waits before becoming active. If you don't want your team to failback when the original adapter gets link back, you can set the Allow Failback setting to disabled (located on the Advanced tab of the team's properties in Device Manager).

Adapter Fault Tolerance

Adapter Fault Tolerance (AFT) provides the safety of an additional backup link between the server and switch. In the case of switch port, cable, or adapter failure, network connectivity is maintained.

Adapter Fault Tolerance is implemented with a primary adapter and one or more backup, or secondary adapters. During normal operation, the backup adapters are in standby. If the link to the primary adapter fails, the link to the secondary adapter automatically takes over. For more information, see Primary and Secondary Adapters.

To use Adapter Fault Tolerance all adapters must be connected to the same subnet.

Switch Fault Tolerance

Switch Fault Tolerance (SFT) teaming allows you to connect each of two teamed adapters to a separate switch.

Switch Fault Tolerance can detect failures when they occur:

  • on either teamed adapter
  • on either cable connecting the teamed adapter to its switch
  • on switch ports connected to the adapters, if link is lost

In SFT teams, one adapter is the primary adapter and one adapter is the secondary adapter. During normal operation, the secondary adapter is in standby. In standby, the adapter is inactive and waiting for failover to occur. It does not transmit or receive other network traffic. If the primary adapter loses connectivity, the secondary adapter automatically takes over.

In SFT teams, each adapter in the team can operate at a different speed than the other.

Configuration Monitoring

You can set up monitoring between an SFT team and up to five IP addresses. This allows you to detect link failure beyond the switch. You can ensure connection availability for several clients that you consider critical. If the connection between the primary adapter and all of the monitored IP addresses is lost, the team will failover to the secondary adapter.

Adaptive Load Balancing

Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) uses software to balance routable traffic among a team of two to eight adapters or LOMs (the team must include at least one server adapter) connected to the same subnet. The software analyzes the send and transmit loading on each adapter and balances the rate across the adapters based on destination address. Adapter teams configured for ALB also provide the benefits of fault tolerance.

  • ALB does not load balance non-routed protocols such as NetBEUI and some IPX* traffic.
  • You can create an ALB team with mixed speed adapters. The load is balanced according to the lowest common denominator of adapter capabilities and the bandwidth of the channel.
  • On Windows systems, Receive Load Balancing is enabled by default.
  • Receive Load Balancing is not supported on Microsoft Hyper-V*.

Virtual Machine Load Balancing

Virtual Machine Load Balancing (VMLB) provides transmit and receive traffic load balancing across Virtual Machines bound to the team interface, as well as fault tolerance in the event of switch port, cable, or adapter failure.

The driver analyzes the transmit and receive load on each member adapter and balances the traffic across member adapters. In a VMLB team, each Virtual Machine is associated with one team member for its TX and RX traffic.

If only one virtual NIC is bound to the team, or if Hyper-V is removed, then the VMLB team will act like an AFT team.

  • VMLB does not load balance non-routed protocols such as NetBEUI and some IPX* traffic.
  • VMLB supports from two to eight adapter ports per team.
  • You can create an VMLB team with mixed speed adapters. The load is balanced according to the lowest common denominator of adapter capabilities and the bandwidth of the channel.
  • You cannot use an Intel AMT enabled adapter in a VMLB team.

Static Link Aggregation

Static Link Aggregation (SLA) is a performance technology developed by Cisco to increase throughput between switches. This team type works with:

  • Cisco EtherChannel-capable switches with channeling mode set to 'ON'
  • Intel switches capable of Link Aggregation
  • Other switches capable of static 802.3ad

The transmission speed will never exceed the adapter base speed to any single address (per specification). Teams can contain two to eight adapters, but must match the capability of the switch. Adapter teams configured for Static Link Aggregation also provide the benefits of fault tolerance and load balancing.

  • You cannot use an Intel AMT enabled adapter in an SLA team

IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation

802.3ad is an adopted IEEE standard. Teams can contain two to eight adapters, and you can have a maximum of two IEEE 802.3ad dynamic teams per server. You must use 802.3ad switches (in dynamic mode, aggregation can go across switches). Adapter teams configured for IEEE 802.3ad also provide the benefits of fault tolerance and load balancing. Under 802.3ad, all protocols can be load balanced.

Dynamic mode supports multiple aggregators. Aggregators are formed by port speed connected to a switch. For example, a team can contain adapters running at 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps, but two aggregators will be formed, one for each speed. Also, if a team contains 1 Gbps ports connected to one switch, and a combination of 1Gbps and 10Gbps ports connected to a second switch, three aggregators would be formed. One containing all the ports connected to the first switch, one containing the 1Gbps ports connected to the second switch, and the third containing the 10Gbps ports connected to the second switch.

  • Once you choose an aggregator, it remains in force until all adapters in that aggregator lose link.
  • In some switches, copper and fiber adapters cannot belong to the same aggregator in an IEEE 802.3ad configuration. If there are copper and fiber adapters installed in a system, the switch might configure the copper adapters in one aggregator and the fiber-based adapters in another. If you experience this behavior, for best performance you should use either copper or fiber-based adapters in a system.
  • If multiple switches are used, all team members connected to the same switch must operate at the same speed.
  • You cannot use an Intel AMT enabled adapter in a DLA team.

Before you begin

  • Verify that the switch fully supports the IEEE 802.3ad standard.
  • Check your switch documentation for port dependencies. Some switches require pairing to start on a primary port.
  • Check your speed and duplex settings to ensure the adapter and switch are running at full duplex, either forced or set to auto-negotiate. Both the adapter and the switch must have the same speed and duplex configuration. The full duplex requirement is part of the IEEE 802.3ad specification:

    If needed, change your speed or duplex setting before you link the adapter to the switch. Although you can change speed and duplex settings after the team is created, Intel recommends you disconnect the cables until settings are in effect. In some cases, switches or servers might not appropriately recognize modified speed or duplex settings if settings are changed when there is an active link to the network.

  • If you are configuring a VLAN, check your switch documentation for VLAN compatibility notes. Not all switches support simultaneous dynamic 802.3ad teams and VLANs. If you choose to set up VLANs, configure teaming and VLAN settings on the adapter before you link the adapter to the switch. Setting up VLANs after the switch has created an active aggregator affects VLAN functionality.

Multi-Vendor Teaming

MVT allows teaming with a combination of Intel adapters that support Intel PROSet, Intel adapters that do not support Intel PROSet, and non-Intel adapters. This feature is currently available under Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. All adapters that appear in the Intel PROSet teaming wizard can be included in a team.

MVT Design Considerations

  • In order to activate MVT, you must have at least one Intel adapter or integrated connection that supports Intel PROSet in the team. That adapter or connection must be designated as the primary adapter. 
  • A multi-vendor team can be created for any team type. 
  • All members in a MVT must operate on a common feature set (lowest common denominator). 
  • Manually verify that the frame setting for all adapters in the team is the same.
  • Verify that the RSS settings for all adapters in the team are the same.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/test_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000000343011656750064012551 0ustar Test the Adapter

Test the Adapter from Microsoft Windows*

Intel® PROSet allows you to run several diagnostic tests, including:

  • Connection Test: Tests the adapter's connection to the network. If the adapter connects below its maximum speed, the connection test reports the reason for this lower speed. If the adapter has link but does not have an IP address, the test reports whether the adapter can communicate with the link partner. If the adapter has link and has an IP address, ping tests are performed.

  • Link Test: Tests the link speed and duplex capabilities of the link partner and reports the optimum settings.

  • Cable Tests: Provide information about cable properties.

  • Hardware Tests: Determines if the adapter is functioning properly.

To access these tests, select the adapter in Windows* Device Manager, click the Link Speed tab, and click Diagnostics. A Diagnostics window displays tabs for each type of test. Click the tab and run the test.

The availability of these tests is dependent on the adapter and operating system.

Last modified on 4/20/06 3:48p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/toc_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000001120312110653010012327 0ustar
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System Requirements

Supported Adapters

Hardware Installation

Insert the Adapter

Attaching a Low-Profile Bracket

Attach the Network Cable

Microsoft* Windows* Setup

Install the Drivers

Intel® PROSet

Setup Speed & Duplex

Command Line Install for Base Drivers and Intel PROSet

Windows Unattended Installs & Updates

Microsoft Windows Advanced Features



Power Management

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Quality of Service (QoS)

Save & Restore

IPMI Manageability

Hot Plug

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

IPSecurity Offloading

Setting up Microsoft Hyper-V* virtual NICs on teams and VLANs

Linux Setup

Install the Drivers

Installing DOS Drivers

Intel Boot Agent

Troubleshooting & Support

Configuration and Troubleshooting

Windows Issues

Windows-Based Testing

Linux-Based Testing

DOS-Based Testing

DOS Related Issues

Indicator Lights

Customer Support

Get Latest Drivers

Warranty, License, Regulatory

Limited Warranty

Software License

Regulatory Information

Copyright © 2002-2013 Intel Corporation.
Legal Information

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/toc_itdm.htm0000755000000000000000000001040512110653010012667 0ustar
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System Requirements

Supported Adapters

Hardware Installation

Insert the Adapter

Attaching a Low-Profile Bracket

Attach the Network Cable

Microsoft* Windows* Setup

Install the Drivers

Intel® PROSet

Setup Speed & Duplex

Command Line Install for Base Drivers and Intel PROSet

Microsoft Windows Advanced Features



Power Management

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Quality of Service (QoS)

Save & Restore

IPMI Manageability

Hot Plug

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

IPSecurity Offloading

Linux Setup

Install the Drivers

Intel Boot Agent

Troubleshooting & Support

Configuration and Troubleshooting

Windows Issues

Windows-Based Testing

Linux-Based Testing

EFI-Based Testing

Indicator Lights

Customer Support

Get Latest Drivers

Warranty, License, Regulatory

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Regulatory Information

Copyright © 2002-2013 Intel Corporation.
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PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/trbl_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000003512412063561130012525 0ustar Configuration and Troubleshooting

Configuration and Troubleshooting

Common Problems and Solutions

There are many simple, easy-to-fix problems related to network problems. Review each one of these before going further.

  • Check the cable. Use the best available cabling for the intended data rate.

    • Check that the cable is securely attached at both points.

    • For copper connections, make sure the cable is a 4-pair Category-5 or better.

    • Make sure the cable length does not exceed specifications.

    • Perform a cable test.

    • Replace the cable.

  • Check the link partner (switch, hub, etc.).

    • Make sure the link partner is active and can send and receive traffic.

    • Make sure the adapter and link partner settings match one another, or are set to auto-negotiate.

    • Make sure the port is enabled.

    • Re-connect to another available port or another link partner.

  • Look for adapter hardware problems.

    • Re-seat the adapter.

    • Insert the adapter in another slot.

    • Check for conflicting or incompatible hardware devices and settings.

    • Replace the adapter.

  • Check the driver software.

    • Make sure you are using the latest appropriate drivers for your adapter from the Intel support website.

    • Disable (or unload), then re-enable (reload) the driver or adapter.

    • Check for conflicting settings. Disable advanced settings such as teaming or VLANs to see if it corrects the problem.

    • Re-install the drivers.

  • Check for recent changes to hardware, software or the network, that may have disrupted communications.

  • Check the adapter release notes (readme.txt).

    • The Known Issues section may have specific troubleshooting information for your configuration.

  • Check the Intel support website for possible documented issues.

    • Select your adapter from the adapter family list.

    • Check the Frequently Asked questions section.

    • Check the Knowledge Base.

  • Check your process monitor and other system monitors.

    • Check to see that there is sufficient processor and memory capacity to perform networking activity.

    • Look for any unusual activity (or lack of activity).

    • Use network testing programs to check for basic connectivity.

  • Check your BIOS version and settings.

    • Use the latest appropriate BIOS for your computer.

    • Make sure the settings are appropriate for your computer.

  • Reboot the computer.

The following troubleshooting table assumes that you have already reviewed the common problems and solutions.
Problem Solution

Your computer cannot find the adapter

Make sure your adapter slots are compatible for the type of adapter you are using:

  • PCI Express v1.0 (or newer)

  • PCI-X v2.0

  • PCI slots are v2.2 

Diagnostics pass but the connection fails

Make sure the cable is securely attached, is the proper type and does not exceed the recommended lengths. 

Try running the Sender-Responder diagnostic Test.

Make sure the duplex mode and speed setting on the adapter matches the setting on the switch.

Another adapter stops working after you installed the Intel® Network Adapter

Make sure your PCI BIOS is current. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

Check for interrupt conflicts and sharing problems. Make sure the other adapter supports shared interrupts. Also, make sure your operating system supports shared interrupts.

Unload all PCI device drivers, then reload all drivers.

Adapter unable to connect to switch at correct speed. Gigabit adapter connects at 100 Mbps and 10 gigabit adapter connects at 1000 Mbps.

This is applicable only to copper-based connections.

Make sure the adapter and the link partner are set to auto-negotiate.  

Verify that you are running the latest operating system revision for your switch and that the switch is compliant with the proper IEEE standard:

  • IEEE 802.3ad-compliant (gigabit over copper) 

  • IEEE 802.3an-compliant (10 gigabit over copper)

The device does not connect at the expected speed.

When Gigabit Master/Slave mode is forced to "master" mode on both the Intel adapter and its link partner, the link speed obtained by the Intel adapter may be lower than expected.

The adapter stops working without apparent cause

Run the adapter and network tests described under "Test the Adapter".

The Link indicator light is off

Run the adapter and network tests described under "Test the Adapter".

Make sure the proper (and latest) driver is loaded.

Make sure that the link partner is configured to auto-negotiate (or forced to match adapter)

Verify that the switch is IEEE 802.3ad-compliant.

The link light is on, but communications are not properly established

Make sure the proper (and latest) driver is loaded. 

Both the adapter and its link partner must be set to either auto-detect or manually set to the same speed and duplex settings.  

NOTE: The adapter's link indicator light may be on even if communications between the adapter and its link partner have not been properly established. Technically, the link indicator light represents the presence of a carrier signal but not necessarily the ability to properly communicate with a link partner.  This is expected behavior and is consistent with IEEE's specification for physical layer operation.
RX or TX light is off

Network may be idle; try creating traffic while monitoring the lights.

The diagnostic utility reports the adapter is "Not enabled by BIOS"

The PCI BIOS isn't configuring the adapter correctly. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

The computer hangs when the drivers are loaded

Try changing the PCI BIOS interrupt settings. See PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration.

The Fan Fail LED of the 10 Gigabit AT Server Adapter is on (red) The fan cooling solution is not functioning properly. Contact customer support for further instructions.

Multiple Adapters

When configuring a multi-adapter environment, you must upgrade all Intel adapters in the computer to the latest software.

If the computer has trouble detecting all adapters, consider the following:

  • If you enable Wake on LAN* (WoL) on more than two adapters, the Wake on LAN feature may overdraw your systems auxiliary power supply, resulting in the inability to boot the system and other unpredictable problems. For multiple desktop/management adapters, it is recommended that you install one adapter at a time and use the IBAUtil utility (ibautil.exe in \APPS\BOOTAGNT) to disable the WoL feature on adapters that do not require WoL capabilities. On server adapters, the WoL feature is disabled by default.

  • Adapters with Intel Boot Agent enabled will require a portion of the limited start up memory for each adapter enabled. Disable the service on adapters that do not need to boot Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE).

PCI / PCI-X / PCI Express Configuration

If the adapter is not recognized by your OS or if it does not work you may need to change some BIOS settings. Try the following only if you are having problems with the adapter and are familiar with BIOS settings. 

  • Check to see that the "Plug-and-Play" setting is compatible with the operating system you are using.

  • Make sure the slot is enabled.

  • Install the adapter in a bus-master slot.

  • Configure interrupts for level-triggering, as opposed to edge-triggering.

  • Reserve interrupts and/or memory addresses. This prevents multiple buses or bus slots from using the same interrupts. Check the BIOS for IRQ options for PCI / PCI-X / PCIe.

Here are some examples of BIOS parameters:

PCI / PCI-X / PCIe slot #: Slot where the adapter is installed
Latency timer: 40 - 80
Interrupt: Choose any one of several that the BIOS provides.
Edge-level: Level

The exact wording of the parameters varies with different computers.

Other Performance Issues

Attaining the best speed requires that many components are operating at peak efficiency. Among them are the following:

  • Cable quality and length - Do not exceed the maximum recommended length for your cable type. Shorter lengths often provide better results. Check for loose or damaged connectors. Check the cable for kinked or damaged sections. 

  • Bus speed and traffic - The PCI bus speed accommodates the slowest PCI card installed. Check to see if you have a card that is slowing down your system.

  • Processor and Memory - Check your performance monitoring programs to see if traffic is being affected by your processor speed, available memory or other processes.

  • Transmission frame size - Your network performance may be enhanced by adjusting or maximizing the transmission frame size. Operating systems, switches and adapters will impose varying limits on maximum frame size. See the discussion on Jumbo Frames for your OS.

  • Operating System - Networking feature implementation will vary by operating system version, such as offloading and multiprocessor threading.

Last modified on 8/21/08 11:09a Revision PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/trbl_win.htm0000755000000000000000000000433312144717460012731 0ustar Troubleshooting

Microsoft* Windows*-Specific Issues

Use the information in this table after you have reviewed common problems and solutions.
Problem Solution
Event viewer message: A device attached to the system is not functioning If there is a BIOS setting for "Plug and Play OS", it should be set to "NO" for all versions of Microsoft* Windows*. 
After upgrading operating systems, Intel® PROSet is no longer available

If you are upgrading a Microsoft Windows operating system and you have Intel PROSet software installed, it will be deleted in the process. You will need to reinstall Intel PROSet.

Terminal Server support

When using Terminal Server, make sure only one session of Intel PROSet is open at any one time. Simultaneous sessions are not supported in Intel PROSet.

Non-volatile memory integrity check fails Hardware diagnostics verify the authenticity of the non-volatile memory (NVM), and return a "Pass/Fail" message. If the test fails, contact Intel Customer Support.


Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/tst_dmit.htm0000755000000000000000000000350411656750064012743 0ustar Test the Adapter

Test the Adapter

Intel® PROSet allows you to run several diagnostic tests, including:

  • Connection Test: Tests the adapter's connection to the network. If the adapter connects below its maximum speed, the connection test reports the reason for this lower speed. If the adapter has link but does not have an IP address, the test reports whether the adapter can communicate with the link partner. If the adapter has link and has an IP address, ping tests are performed.

  • Link Test: Tests the link speed and duplex capabilities of the link partner and reports the optimum settings.

  • Cable Tests: Provide information about cable properties.

  • Hardware Tests: Determines if the adapter is functioning properly.

To access these tests, select the adapter in Windows* Device Manager, click the Link Speed tab, and click Diagnostics. A Diagnostics window displays tabs for each type of test. Click the tab and run the test.

The availability of these tests is hardware and operating system dependent.

Last modified on 4/20/06 3:47p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/vcci-a.gif0000755000000000000000000007771111656750444012250 0ustar GIF89aD(((@@@UUUgggyyy! ,D#dihlp,tmx|pH,Ȥrl:ШtJZجvzxL.zn|N~ H*\ȰÇ#JHŋ3jȱǏ CIɓ(S\ɲ˗0cʜI͛8sɳϟ@ JѣH*]ʴӧPJJիXjʵׯ`ÊKٳhӪ]˶۷pʝKݻx˷߿ LÈ+^̸ǐ#KL˘3k̹ϠC@Ө~:װsfD۸sͻ Nȓ+_μУKNسkνËOӫ_Ͼ{˟OϿ(h&k4m Fhb4"f a"#h(S!+0b!3h8>S ;@c CiHRK&PfdSFiXX!Yv嗊T`iehSypiAYx/9j(Ƒ行6o@褔^)iV@f*jQꨨjg꫰j[j7JcKذ` k楬6+fmdrշZ+>e.Dk4Ѐ 0ڵ p@10C `oĞ,|{*(pFK00g$_,4ˢ3/@ R$"/s_C0mPP'+51";lp.s;@  n T0G`Ns(PmmҺKvAH*؟@ `)(1s&HPχ2^ {fW0[C>>jiRA#쏄H;\ @U|OMcQ Rg25`MɺRUJNS?XgY,ijWMB|@`+*"zЄ޲w<`u6 ], 0YζTvEPWRM 2].B+.7|k{sŁQ+Tմ&p*˂Vy` 00vS.X3l׬@Ԋe]+<;ȫ|W-1k7nEc!Z6;l a3!MrV^2V+N%M5Ol@6>ŠGT3`/7y `3փox$Oʉ8A=3? _t3ɻKWIpы .؄02;ҥ65q1Z`mpWaSc^5Ŭp ecr?0u{ *࢑#i6z+gڼ^lRKbؚkt! 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Virtual LANs

The term VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) refers to a collection of devices that communicate as if they were on the same physical LAN. Any set of ports (including all ports on the switch) can be considered a VLAN. LAN segments are not restricted by the hardware that physically connects them.

VLANs offer the ability to group computers together into logical workgroups. This can simplify network administration when connecting clients to servers that are geographically dispersed across the building, campus, or enterprise network.

Typically, VLANs consist of co-workers within the same department but in different locations, groups of users running the same network protocol, or a cross-functional team working on a joint project. 


By using VLANs on your network, you can:

  • Improve network performance

  • Limit broadcast storms

  • Improve LAN configuration updates (adds, moves, and changes)

  • Minimize security problems

  • Ease your management task

Other Considerations

  • To set up IEEE VLAN membership (multiple VLANs), the adapter must be attached to a switch with IEEE 802.1Q VLAN capability.

  • A maximum of 64 VLANs per network port or team are supported by Intel software.

  • VLANs can co-exist with teaming (if the adapter supports both). If you do this, the team must be defined first, then you can set up your VLAN.

  • The Intel PRO/100 VE and VM Desktop Adapters and Network Connections can be used in a switch based VLAN but do not support IEEE Tagging.

  • You can set up only one untagged VLAN per adapter or team. You must have at least one tagged VLAN before you can set up an untagged VLAN.

CAUTION: When using IEEE 802 VLANs, settings must match between the switch and those adapters using the VLANs.

Microsoft* Load Balancing and Failover (LBFO) teams

Intel ANS VLANs are not compatible with Microsoft's LBFO teams. Intel® PROSet will block a member of an LBFO team from being added to an Intel ANS VLAN. You should not add a port that is already part of an Intel ANS VLAN to an LBFO team, as this may cause system instability.


In Microsoft* Windows*, you must use Intel® PROSet to set up and configure VLANs. For more information, select Intel PROSet in the Table of Contents (left pane) of this window.

  • If you change a setting under the Advanced tab for one VLAN, it changes the settings for all VLANS using that port.
  • In most environments, a maximum of 64 VLANs per network port or team are supported by Intel PROSet.
  • ANS VLANs are not supported on adpaters and teams that have VMQ enabled. However, VLAN filtering with VMQ is supported via the Microsoft Hyper-V VLAN interface. For more information see Microsoft Hyper-V virtual NICs on teams and VLANs.
  • You can have different VLAN tags on a child partition and its parent.  Those settings are separate from one another, and can be different or the same.  The only instance where the VLAN tag on the parent and child MUST be the same is if you want the parent and child partitions to be able to communicate with each other through that VLAN. For more information see Microsoft Hyper-V virtual NICs on teams and VLANs.

Last modified on 6/17/09 9:47p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/warranty.htm0000755000000000000000000001374712135233534012764 0ustar Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Returning a defective product

From North America:

All other locations:

Intel Adapter Money-back Guarantee (North America Only)

Limitation of Liability and Remedies

Last modified on 9/17/12 10:42a

PRO100/DOCS/SERVER/wminicdm.htm0000755000000000000000000000763511656603624012733 0ustar WMI NIC Provider

Intel® Network Adapters WMI Provider


The Intel® Network Adapters Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Provider enables WMI-based management applications such as Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager to monitor and configure the status of PCI network adapters. Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider uses WMI, a user-level instrumentation technology for the Microsoft Windows* platform.

WMI is a middleware layer that allows measurement and instrumentation information to be collected from kernel mode data providers. This information can then be provided to local or remote user-mode data consumers through the use of a common set of interfaces (Web-based Enterprise Management called WBEM). WMI is a data-independent pipeline between the data consumer and the data provider that makes no assumptions about the format of the data.

A guide is available on this distribution, which contains detailed information on the Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider, also referred to as Network Configuration Services (NCS2) WMI Providers. This guide is located in \APPS\WMI\DOCS. The technical reference paper describes the external view of NCS2 WMI providers so WMI-based management applications could use it to manage the network configuration for the Intel adapters.

System Requirements

  • Any Intel® PRO/100, Intel® Gigabit Network Adapter, or Intel® 10GbE Network Adapter

  • related driver software

  • a supported Microsoft* Windows* operating system. Please refer to the System Requirements page for a list of supported operating systems.

The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider supports all Intel PRO/100, Gigabit, and 10GbE network adapters.


The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider are installed as part of Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager software installation. See the Installing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager section for more information on how to install Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Typical Setup Type registers the Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider into the root\IntelNCS2 namespace.

Supported Standards

The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider supports the standards based CIM 2.6 specification.

Known Issues

DMI-SNMP Instrumentation

This Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider cannot jointly operate with the Intel® DMI-SNMP instrumentation.

Missing Instances under Microsoft Windows Vista*

You must elevate (i.e., embed a manifest file) in your application in order to access all of the Intel WMI classes.

Last modified on 6/05/09 11:26a Revision PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS0000755000000000000000000000000012233423717010434 5ustar PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/caution.gif0000755000000000000000000000130411651742220012641 0ustar GIF89a)!19)!k91J9RZBRBJcRJB{fJcsZRRckJRfZJJ{{{{{s{{ksss{sJfffZZZRRRJJJJJ9BBB333)))!!!!,(,,00 -( 40 4(0 6($99 'A/ COO; 74 ͣB0  @7.C)!5.=ҏ# %"p8JB@1xJdbT`$cG(0c R`pP#B@̜=T`#IAT@!Nm; (QƄ:J05 (;98FCG fC >xA['!0!`> BH"F$D\N4yB$;PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/drivers.htm0000755000000000000000000000613111710302354012677 0ustar Install the Drivers

Intel Network Drivers for Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

Install the Drivers in Microsoft Windows

NOTE: This will update the drivers for all supported Intel® network adapters in your system.

Before installing or updating the drivers, insert your adapter(s) in the computer and plug in the network cable. When Windows discovers the new adapter, it attempts to find an acceptable Windows driver already installed with the operating system. 

If found, the driver is installed without any user intervention. If Windows cannot find the driver, the Found New Hardware Wizard window is displayed.

Regardless of whether or not Windows finds the driver, it is recommended that you follow the procedure below to install the driver. Drivers for all Intel adapters supported by this software release are installed.

  1. If you are installing drivers from the Product CD, insert the CD. If you do not have the Product CD, download drivers from the support website and transfer them to the system.

  2. If the Found New Hardware Wizard screen is displayed, click Cancel.

  3. Start the autorun located on the CD. If you downloaded the software package from the support website, the autorun automatically runs after you have extracted the files.

  4. Click Install Drivers and Software.

  5. Follow the instructions in the install wizard.

Uninstalling the Driver

These instructions uninstall the drivers for all Intel network adapters in a system.

  1. From the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs

  2. Select Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers.

  3. Click Add/Remove

  4. When the confirmation dialog displays, click OK

Last modified on 6/05/09 11:38a Revision

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/dupwindm.htm0000755000000000000000000001156512001223204013045 0ustar Configuring Speed and Duplex in Windows*

Set Up Speed and Duplex

In addressing speed and duplex configuration issues, you need to distinguish between copper-based adapters and fiber-based adapters.

In the default mode, an Intel® Network Adapter using copper-based connections will attempt to auto-negotiate with its link partner to determine the best setting. If the adapter cannot establish link with the link partner using auto-negotiation, you may need to manually configure the adapter and link partner to identical settings to establish link and pass packets. This should only be needed when attempting to link with an older switch that does not support auto-negotiation or one that has been forced to a specific speed or duplex mode. Your link partner must match the setting you choose.

CAUTION: Only experienced network administrators should force speed and duplex manually. The settings at the switch must always match the adapter settings. Adapter performance may suffer or your adapter may not operate if you configure the adapter differently from your switch.

An Intel® Network Adapter using fiber-based connections, however, will not attempt auto-negotiate with its link partner since those adapters operate only in full duplex, and only at their native speed.


Configuring Speed and Duplex in Microsoft* Windows*

By default, auto-negotiation is enabled. Change this setting only to match your link partner.

  1. Navigate to the Device Manager.
  2. Open Properties on the adapter you would like to configure.
  3. Click the Link Speed tab.
  4. Select the appropriate speed and duplex from the Speed and Duplex pull down menu.
  5. Click OK.

Intel® Gigabit Network Adapter Considerations

Per the IEEE specification, gigabit speed is available only in full-duplex.

The settings available when auto-negotiation is disabled are:

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Full duplex (requires a full duplex capable link partner set to full duplex). The adapter can send and receive packets at the same time. You must set this mode manually.

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Half duplex (requires a link partner set to half duplex). The adapter performs one operation at a time; it either sends or receives. You must set this mode manually.

  • Auto-Negotiation 1000 Mbps. The adapter only advertises gigabit speed at full duplex.

Intel® 10 Gigabit Network Adapter Considerations

Intel® 10 Gigabit adapters that support 1 gigabit speed allow you to configure the Speed setting. If this option is not present, your adapter only runs at its native speed.

If the adapter cannot establish link with the gigabit link partner using auto-negotiation, set the adapter to 1 Gbps Full duplex.

Intel 10 gigabit fiber-based adapters and SFP direct-attach devices operate only in full duplex, and only at their native speed. Multi-speed 10 gigabit SFP+ fiber modules support full duplex at 10 Gbps and 1 Gbps.

Intel® PRO/100 Network Adapter Considerations

The settings available when auto-negotiation is disabled are:

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Full duplex (requires a full duplex capable link partner set to full duplex). The adapter can send and receive packets at the same time. You must set this mode manually.

  • 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps Half duplex (requires a link partner set to half duplex). The adapter performs one operation at a time; it either sends or receives. You must set this mode manually.

Last modified on 12/30/09 3:51p Revision PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/hotwin.htm0000755000000000000000000000352311656603624012550 0ustar PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft Windows

PCI Hot Plug Support for Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

Intel® network adapters are enabled for use in selected servers equipped with PCI Hot Plug support and running Microsoft* Windows* operating systems. For more information on setting up and using PCI Hot Plug support in your server, see your hardware and/or Hot Plug support documentation for details. PCI Hot Plug only works when you hot plug an identical Intel network adapter.


  • The MAC address and driver from the removed adapter will be used by the replacement adapter unless you remove the adapter from the team and add it back in. If you do not remove and restore the replacement adapter from the team, and the original adapter is used elsewhere on your network, a MAC address conflict will occur.
  • For SLA teams, ensure that the replacement NIC is a member of the team before connecting it to the switch.


Last modified on 9/03/07 4:49p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/jumbo_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000001363011656603624013034 0ustar Jumbo Frames

Jumbo Frames

Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames that are larger than 1518 bytes. You can use Jumbo Frames to reduce server CPU utilization and increase throughput. However, additional latency may be introduced. 

  • Jumbo Frames are supported at 1000 Mbps and 10Gbps. Using Jumbo Frames at 10 or 100 Mbps is not supported and may result in poor performance or loss of link.

  • End-to-end network hardware must support this capability; otherwise, packets will be dropped.

Jumbo Frames can be implemented simultaneously with VLANs and teaming.

To configure Jumbo Frames at the switch, consult your network administrator or switch user's guide.


  • Jumbo frames are not supported in multi-vendor team configurations.

  • Supported protocols are limited to IP (TCP, UDP).

  • Jumbo frames require compatible switch connections that forward Jumbo Frames. Contact your switch vendor for more information.

  • When standard sized Ethernet frames (64 to 1518 bytes) are used, there is no benefit to configuring Jumbo Frames.

  • The Jumbo Frames setting on the switch must be set to at least 8 bytes larger than the adapter setting for Microsoft* Windows* operating systems, and at least 22 bytes larger for all other operating systems.

  • The Intel® PRO/1000 PL Network Connection supports jumbo frames in Microsoft* Windows* operating systems only when Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager is installed.

  • The following devices do not support jumbo frames larger than 4096 bytes:

    • Intel® 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection

    • Intel® 82578DM Gigabit Network Connection.

  • The following devices do not support jumbo frames:

    • Intel® 82567V-4 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82578DC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82577LC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF-3 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567V-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567V Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82567LF Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PM Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PM Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562V 10/100 Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562GT 10/100 Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DM Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DC Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562V-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562G-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82562GT-2 10/100 Gigabit Network Connection
    • Intel® 82552 10/100 Network Connection

Setting Up Jumbo Frames in Microsoft* Windows*

NOTE: Jumbo frames are not supported in multi-vendor team configurations.
  1. Open Microsoft* Windows* Device Manager.

  2. Open Properties on your adapter.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

  4. Select Jumbo Frames from the list of advanced features.

  5. Set your desired packet size (based on network capability).

  6. Click OK to apply the changes. 

All equipment on the network must also support the larger frame size. When setting up Jumbo Frames on other network devices, be aware that different network devices calculate Jumbo Frame size differently. Some devices include the header information in the frame size while others do not. Intel adapters do not include header information in the frame size. When configuring Jumbo Frames on a switch, set the frame size four bytes higher for CRC, plus four bytes if you are using VLANs or QoS packet tagging.

Last modified on 8/01/11 3:59p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/mang_win.htm0000755000000000000000000001732112135717324013034 0ustar Power Management

Power Management

The Intel® PROSet Power Management tab replaces the standard Microsoft* Windows* Power Management tab in Device Manager. It includes the Power Saver and Wake on LAN* (WoL*) options that were previously included on the Advanced tab. The standard Windows power management functionality is incorporated on the Intel PROSet tab.

  • The options available on the Power Management tab are adapter and system dependant. Not all adapters will display all options.
  • The following adapters support WoL only on Port A:
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I350-T4
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-T4
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I340-F4
    • Intel® Gigabit ET2 Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PF Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Quad Port LP Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Network Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Connection
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® PRO/1000 PF Dual Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® Gigabit PT Quad Port Server ExpressModule
  • The following adapters do not support WoL:
    • Intel® PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server adapter
    • Intel® Gigabit VT Quad Port Server Adapter
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-2
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520-1
    • Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X540-T1
    • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T2
    • Intel® Ethernet Converged Network Adapter X540-T1

NOTE: If your system has a Manageability Engine, the Link LED may stay lit even if WoL is disabled.

Power Options

The Intel PROSet Power Management tab includes several settings that control the adapter's power consumption. For example, you can set the adapter to reduce its power consumption if the cable is disconnected.

If Reduce speed during standby is enabled,  then Wake on Magic Packet and/or Wake on directed packet must be enabled. If both of these options are disabled, power is removed from the adapter during standby. Wake on Magic Packet from power off state has no effect on this option.

Energy Efficient Ethernet

The Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) feature allows a capable device to enter Low Power Idle between bursts of network traffic. Both ends of a link must have EEE enabled for any power to be saved. Both ends of the link will resume full power when data needs to be transmitted. This transition may introduce a small amount of network latency.


  • Both ends of the EEE link must automatically negotiate link speed.
  • EEE is not supported at 10Mbps.


Intel® Auto Connect Battery Saver

The Intel® Auto Connect Battery Saver (ACBS) feature turns off the adapter when link is down or the network cable is disconnected. After a timeout period, the adapter will power off. When the network cable is reconnected and link is restored, the NIC powers up and functionality is fully restored.

ACBS only functions when the system is on battery power. If the power cable is connected, ACBS will be automatically disabled. If ACBS is active, the adapter will appear to be powered off. If you have Intel® PROSet installed, on the Link Speed tab, the Link Status will indicate Speed: Not connected. Power off.

NOTE: ACBS will not function on an adapter if the adapter has forced speed or duplex settings. ACBS will only function if the adapter is set to auto-detect or auto-negotiate.

Intel® System Idle Power Saver

The Intel® System Idle Power Saver feature sets the adapter to negotiate the lowest possible speed setting when the system and network are idle. When the system activity is detected, the link will be negotiated to a higher speed.

To support this feature, the adapter must be

  • configured to Auto Detect speed and
  • connected to a link partner that can auto-negotiate speed

Remote Wake-Up and Wake on LAN*

The ability to remotely wake computers is an important development in computer management. This feature has evolved over the last few years from a simple remote power-on capability to a complex system interacting with a variety of device and operating system power states. More details are available here.

Windows Vista*, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2 are ACPI-capable. These operating systems do not support wake from a power-off (S5) state, only from standby (S3) or hibernate (S4). When shutting down the system, they shutdown ACPI devices, including Intel adapters. This disarms the adapters remote wake up capability. However, in some ACPI-capable computers, the BIOS may have a setting that allows you to override the operating system and wake from an S5 state anyway. If there is no support for wake from S5 state in your BIOS settings, you are limited to Wake From Standby when using these operating systems in ACPI computers.

For some adapters, the Power Management tab in Intel PROSet includes a setting called Wake on Magic Packet from power off state. Enable this setting to explicitly allow wake up with a Magic Packet* from shutdown under APM power management mode.

In ACPI-capable versions of Windows, the Intel PROSet Power Management tab includes Wake on Magic Packet and Wake on directed packet settings. These controls the type of packets that wake up the system from standby.

Wake on Intel® Ready Access

Intel® Ready Access keeps your network connection active when the rest of your system is in sleep or standby mode, so that content on your system is readily accessible. Requests from other computers will wake up your computer.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/note.gif0000755000000000000000000000073211651742220012150 0ustar GIF89a!1J!Z)c1sRR{{{{Z{9sssBBssR99JJfffZZZ))ZZ9ZZ)RRRRRBJJJBBB333)))!!!!,@pH,  f!:(3z<H\! E@S$bQ/G2~C $.$G(c%Gz',sE!rrC $M*L ( +UMG&MBCN#L}G ,ȻB+KB)Yt(E # B*$#һ+s-N#m@@465֘ 09!.(*@ 1A ;PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/prosetdm.htm0000755000000000000000000000472411714043510013064 0ustar Using PROSet

Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager

Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager is an extension to the Windows Device Manager. When you install the Intel PROSet software, additional tabs are automatically added to Device Manager.

NOTE:  You must have administrator rights to install or use Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Installing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager is installed from the Product CD with the same process used to install drivers. You can select Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager and Advanced Network Services from the Install Options dialog.

Removing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

Use Add/Remove programs from the Control Panel to uninstall Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Changing Intel PROSet Settings Under Windows Server Core

You can use the command line utility prosetcl.exe to change most Intel PROSet settings under Windows Server Core. Please refer to the help file prosetcl.txt located in the \Program Files\Intel\DMIX\CL directory. For iSCSI Crash Dump cofiguration, use the CrashDmp.exe utility and refer to the CrashDmp.txt help file.

Compatibility Notes

The following devices do not support Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager

  • Intel® 82552 10/100 Network Connection
  • Intel® 82567V-3 Gigabit Network Connection

Last modified on 8/04/10 8:12p Revision PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/pushinst.htm0000755000000000000000000000243211744272404013107 0ustar Microsoft* Windows* Push Install Instructions

Microsoft* Windows* Push Install Instructions

A "Push," or unattended, installation provides a means for network administrators to easily install the drivers on systems that have similar equipment. The following document provides instructions for a basic unattended installation of Microsoft* Windows* that includes the installation of drivers for Intel® Network Adapters.

For 32-bit Microsoft Windows operating systems, see the Push32.txt file in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\WIN32 directory on the Product CD or in the download directory.

For x64 Microsoft Windows operating systems, see the Pushx64.txt file in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\WINX64 directory on the Product CD or in the download directory.

Last modified on 2/22/10 4:47p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/qos.htm0000755000000000000000000000400112145155630012023 0ustar Quality of Service (QoS)

Quality of Service

Quality of Service (QoS) allows the adapter to send and receive IEEE 802.3ac tagged frames. 802.3ac tagged frames include 802.1p priority-tagged frames and 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frames. In order to implement QoS, the adapter must be connected to a switch that supports and is configured for QoS. Priority-tagged frames allow programs that deal with real-time events to make the most efficient use of network bandwidth. High priority packets are processed before lower priority packets.

Under Microsoft Windows Vista*, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2, tagging is enabled using the "Priority/VLAN Tagging" setting on the Advanced tab in Intel® PROSet. 

Once QoS is enabled in Intel PROSet, you can specify levels of priority based on IEEE 802.1p/802.1Q frame tagging.

The supported operating systems have a utility for 802.1p packet prioritization. For more information, see the Windows system help and Microsoft's knowledge base.

NOTE: The first generation Intel® PRO/1000 Gigabit Server Adapter (PWLA 8490) does not support QoS frame tagging.


Last modified on 4/24/13.

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/save_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000001102712147427264012654 0ustar Save and Restore

Saving and Restoring an Adapter's Configuration Settings

The Save and Restore Command Line Tool is a VBScript (SavResDX.vbs) that allows you to copy the current adapter and team settings into a standalone file (such as on a USB drive) as a backup measure. In the event of a hard drive failure, you can reinstate most of your former settings.

The system on which you restore network configuration settings must have the same configuration as the one on which the save was performed.

  • You must have Administration privileges to run scripts. If you do not have Administration privileges, you will not receive an error, the script just will not run.
  • Only adapter settings are saved (these include ANS teaming and VLANs). The adapter's driver is not saved.
  • Restore using the script only once. Restoring multiple times may result in unstable configuration.
  • The Restore operation requires the same OS as when the configuration was Saved.

Command Line Syntax

cscript SavResDX.vbs save|restore [filename] [/bdf]

SavResDX.vbs has the following command line options:

save Saves adapter and team settings that have been changed from the default settings.  When you restore with the resulting file, any settings not contained in the file are assumed to be the default.
restore Restores the settings.

The file to save settings to or restore settings from.  If no filename is specified, the script default to WmiConf.txt.

Note: The static IP address and WINS configuration are saved to separate files (StaticIP.txt and WINS.txt). You cannot choose the path or names for these files. If you wish restore these settings, the files must be in the same directory as the SavResDX.vbs script.


If you specify /bdf during a restore, the script attempts to restore the configuration based on the PCI Bus:Device:Function:Segment values of the saved configuration. If you removed, added, or moved a NIC to a different slot, this may result in the script applying the saved settings to a different device.


  • If the restore system is not identical to the saved system, the script may not restore any settings when the /bdf option is specified.
  • Virtual Function devices do not support the /bdf option.


Save Example

To save the adapter settings to a file on a floppy diskette, do the following.

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where SavResDX.vbs is located (generally c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX).
  3. Type the following:
  4. cscript SavResDX.vbs save e:\settings.txt

Restore Example

To restore the adapter settings from a file on a floppy diskette, do the following:

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where SavResDX.vbs is located (generally c:\Program Files\Intel\DMIX).
  3. Type the following:
  4. cscript SavResDX.vbs restore e:\settings.txt

Last modified on 2/10/10 3:18p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/snmpwin.htm0000755000000000000000000000441211656603624012731 0ustar Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

Simple Network Management Protocol

The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. SNMP-compliant devices (agents) communicate with management applications (consoles) to send alerts and updates and allow configuration changes.

The Intel® SNMP Agent translates event notices from the adapter and sends them to specified SNMP management stations. The SNMP agent provides information on Intel® network adapters as well as information about advanced features, such as teaming and VLANs.

Using the Intel SNMP Agent

  • Before you install the Intel SNMP Agent on a computer, you must install SNMP on the computer. See your operating system documentation for more information.

  • To use the Intel SNMP Agent with an SNMP management application, you must first compile the Intel MIB (Management Information Base) into the management application's database. This allows the management application to recognize and support the adapter.

Installing the SNMP Agent on Microsoft* Windows* Operating Systems

This utility should only be employed by experienced network administrators. Additional software/services must be installed on your network prior to installing the Intel® SNMP Agent.

To install the SNMP Agent, start the autorun menu from the Product CD or download directory and click Install Drivers and Software. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Last modified on 9/03/07 4:49p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/style.css0000755000000000000000000000450511651742220012370 0ustar .legaldis { font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 7pt; color: #555555; align: justify; } BODY { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: black } .nav {background-color: #ddeeFF} a:link {color:#001060} a:visited {color:#800080} a:hover {color:#800000} H1 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 18pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H2 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H3 { MARGIN-TOP:14;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR:#0860A8 } H4 { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } H5 { MARGIN-LEFT:14; MARGIN-TOP:2; MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; font-size:10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } P { MARGIN-TOP:10;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } blockquote { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } ol { MARGIN-TOP:10;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } ul { MARGIN-TOP:0;MARGIN-BOTTOM:0; } li { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; margin-top: 6px; } TH { COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } TD { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } .top {MARGIN-LEFT:12;} .contents { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 6px; MARGIN-LEFT: 20px; MARGIN-TOP: 6px; TEXT-INDENT: -20px } .gui { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } .inentry { MARGIN-BOTTOM: 3px; MARGIN-TOP: 0px; WORD-SPACING: 0px } .monospace { FONT-FAMILY: Courier New, Courier; FONT-SIZE: 10pt } .numlst { LIST-STYLE: decimal; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 8px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; TEXT-ALIGN: left; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; WORD-SPACING: 0px } .r { font-size: 11pt } .small { FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 7pt; color:#505050} .warning { FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-WEIGHT: bold } .toc_head { FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: 6px; TEXT-INDENT: 0px; } .toc_level1 { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 15px; MARGIN-TOP: 1px; TEXT-INDENT: -10px } .toc_level2 { FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 1px; MARGIN-LEFT: 30px; MARGIN-TOP: 1px; TEXT-INDENT: -10px } PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/support.gif0000755000000000000000000003157611651742220012731 0ustar GIF89a]h!"9)$9J,Z B R)j)R% X& e)(s!4k#2x1 k1&X1JMwuC6~9;f37j.\8%׶}$).fdӫ_m: ҅qըqaI[1ĖlpG uQW!Qd9ކvEt #81TL37Hae1`)(IroP"YBT!υT"qI}(TVOiH"3McΙᆋ¶]2833h&cv!b r$1%<3 $nxY'eqFRZ)餔VF<3Hc9|ƘllLؗ1fl3_v9z>L*c1KBxdi6lP.Ęrnaa9}y+T0b .z91IvgGU C!zJK4H"ta / w4RSx8-(Q98 3Ċ;>#hAe0H8#nA 7 .;#OH>[ҸUDBHUa-?%Agdx HJ T-pxcG#(#Aژ"btАQ]]E IH"8$@3džhLh!;Z<A01pƸx 㨑8UI˼Qxm(1 2 R&7)ǒ@Wb&H\!"yxȥ8!orH-,8 '$"X21zEcb$ -9F[Ӝ,dQ =z扅z^WpB 8Els IN3lB*:TF5a?BbG;T?@A ^TJqkt#P:uh!p!2|wѻ eHMOAO8(6a5zB`!` +)́l HH9z (3"01Jͫ^iFBK5!AT3ƍi@ʉdyq9Y`C+H8e{MjibH8Wqts Ad@("C;p+QqF `_p`` ؀ؐȉِ Jv/(ِ2P܀[8 TDE7yq P Ҩ `bu0vxqp % e |73Yxhȉ(+h  yѐ 2   ^]0}!-HLX @ bi0] `m@}FP#V `0&g (v0q\gs  p! e +A6p1\@ȏ P*9  *` *p **\) 0%لM8 Q:P[PHG R$PGP yPfsv^h'~XuG} 1H Op.-=0 ` p؉ Xz`  򀙹\KnlQ$Ii0xw E<@lp@ 0l09I8 xS&v(@qōۘi)DEpV $ gj` ЏzI_vZ  yTw+׈ x;50Awb Ds mPXx'&ʁF\˵qyv5GUGEBV'WtEpIi0'ŰxYmڦP}YsJuJ}^ K(Jp`p7fC7 P iBH^jJ&ʆ`*W` `Y|H QZ/fphpӯ PP gq1p *Jvtژ i]!]0iMyIr,°BFɑѭW[9 Y\Kf9 T@Q |{-隡p1:@'ߡC~1^Ph5i&=ڰ ԉ.q* P `@g_ eлfr`qq@p#[/o46{*iK0!YHp D盾]*J! 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Customer Support

Intel support is available on the web or by phone. Support offers the most up-to-date information about Intel products, including installation instructions, troubleshooting tips, and general product information.

Web and Internet Sites


Corporate Site for Network Products:


Last modified on 5/12/10 3:26p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/vlan.gif0000755000000000000000000001066311656603624012160 0ustar GIF89a*?*?*_*_U*_*_**U****U****U****U*ߪ***U**UUUUUUUUUUU?U?UU?U?U_U_UU_U_UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUߪUUUUUUUU??U??__U__UUUUߪUUU??U??__U__UUUUߪUUU??U??__U__UԟԟUԟԟԿԿUԿԿUߪUUU??U??__U__UUUUߪU3fUUUUߪU**U****U***?*?U𠠤, H*\ȰÇ#JHŋ3jȱǏ CIѐ3raʕZL!6q@C0=J`O$*]^Z %(^ V/kU,ٰP|ziE)@ 1Ĵ߿ hd jqW1 hbƐ% `\ 8XӅO &#i^˞M`TWDVpdg|[\bAZ ]:"Wl]N6_}5bKOy]^}6ހ_!Uyu ]IulE(H$`yTW1 &y=҃NaS Ձ r+$7cH`0 S|)fe-$W#m _Qs pUyB$h浟Ox+"˦2~_^ۖ "<0ho `é{kllNgJ2CJFQfPa )UxO\ʰa t%:d]`0S֭d]HxD @]ԡM¯'4ROu5لA >dp(6PɵBAt6Ʈm k6Xgh{ᵭ!GWf^gu^ieWYN,暧˂}ItIؠ͞lrמ6Jm'|r><$WogO:Ο }R/r/ /#o_|s_'0TKwv # Ab@*C`>Mp# 23%A"-ta(C pG50?Pȑ~s`> 0Lh(ZPQDaEOըOрod#58C8)>2gxHB DT&$C:R##Iɿ<$%LyS 8kq_d񢧔E-rW@y'U2I1^N+@ /i%L@e%B+Kd.Eiiq{ .vhc g.EI%Xh\^ЩNA4Ж@h+\sx"sZCRxG lq<%jXeD%QH8W:ֱYJG?{.Q>HZѩCЇ$C>Q&cai]F^JT:ҡD\fy*ŸMMMm,Y~zQi4?jXֱhfmb/í-Hǣf\Nİ gV(&cؿNIcS.%ϡ2( l" \V!K2،M‚5y-B QWďnၘP7V֭n79c-ɴ.PY;nKIIeJQtHBcנO?561I%[H0 ί@` ωrxR;9Kʦօ+d҂*7I:6O*u<ϥʕ!묒lxŷT" bgaqUc&T:2R|XdϬy׸6Ao!6&9\]"xnW> td7zd0˸ 9%R7&5 LPK6 iK;8J z61푫 D,<dRm좗b qi[a#x.q P~/>xxכ=u]KȖKhNtڔ^4dN.xE6k9p崰YV )fׄD;ڮwg]{w*ؒkNu棧ܲES7͙/lP:8yd;1A},}D xWvl]T.ZG|)nwDaұjm[P*_о,[ⰖyOLÊI ;Oֶ; ]ѷL8NPPAy3w^,UJj 1PMQdX.% g :m7h\(cH*ߓL4M$M啈.Zx(WbZ%_Q2`O"bgz}(IbRQfR"R\vK|]6QARJeTңSaU6mW{7r%V9ar(QqfhVHz׀k=@9^rvxKw ;b/&(8؊9ItD.XȊ3Z j=SՑlQUV,Hc< IA"I$:>sePFsĈ,=|w;"WOE3dN]ZE=7GRr L铻 QxLX,fmmO֙\J%N)$NK\\P][fxX8[OH#X:1C4% Wo AS]ahQ:6yN8y8xRؗqj!qY-+7pS:5$bD\pQed%E?VW5rCeΈK=Z!sLet<4MGtU?Cfux)6:|:_HOk&$g*xBZ刡{JjfLX'b"kfg(d#ZAY'vi&9(OuV!کLQF9)^w)tfK6uPj]ezw[ӧbg@[x3av{[{};PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/vlwin.htm0000755000000000000000000001262112012474320012360 0ustar Join a Virtual LAN under Windows OS

Virtual LANs

The term VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) refers to a collection of devices that communicate as if they were on the same physical LAN. Any set of ports (including all ports on the switch) can be considered a VLAN. LAN segments are not restricted by the hardware that physically connects them.

VLANs offer the ability to group computers together into logical workgroups. This can simplify network administration when connecting clients to servers that are geographically dispersed across the building, campus, or enterprise network.

Typically, VLANs consist of co-workers within the same department but in different locations, groups of users running the same network protocol, or a cross-functional team working on a joint project. 


By using VLANs on your network, you can:

  • Improve network performance

  • Limit broadcast storms

  • Improve LAN configuration updates (adds, moves, and changes)

  • Minimize security problems

  • Ease your management task

Other Considerations

  • To set up IEEE VLAN membership (multiple VLANs), the adapter must be attached to a switch with IEEE 802.1Q VLAN capability.

  • A maximum of 64 VLANs per network port or team are supported by Intel software.

  • VLANs can co-exist with teaming (if the adapter supports both). If you do this, the team must be defined first, then you can set up your VLAN.

  • The Intel PRO/100 VE and VM Desktop Adapters and Network Connections can be used in a switch based VLAN but do not support IEEE Tagging.

  • You can set up only one untagged VLAN per adapter or team. You must have at least one tagged VLAN before you can set up an untagged VLAN.

CAUTION: When using IEEE 802 VLANs, settings must match between the switch and those adapters using the VLANs.

Microsoft* Load Balancing and Failover (LBFO) teams

Intel ANS VLANs are not compatible with Microsoft's LBFO teams. Intel® PROSet will block a member of an LBFO team from being added to an Intel ANS VLAN. You should not add a port that is already part of an Intel ANS VLAN to an LBFO team, as this may cause system instability.


Configuring VLANs in Microsoft* Windows*

In Microsoft* Windows*, you must use Intel® PROSet to set up and configure VLANs. For more information, select Intel PROSet in the Table of Contents (left pane) of this window.

  • If you change a setting under the Advanced tab for one VLAN, it changes the settings for all VLANS using that port.
  • In most environments, a maximum of 64 VLANs per network port or team are supported by Intel PROSet.
  • ANS VLANs are not supported on adpaters and teams that have VMQ enabled. However, VLAN filtering with VMQ is supported via the Microsoft Hyper-V VLAN interface. For more information see Microsoft Hyper-V virtual NICs on teams and VLANs.
  • You can have different VLAN tags on a child partition and its parent.  Those settings are separate from one another, and can be different or the same.  The only instance where the VLAN tag on the parent and child MUST be the same is if you want the parent and child partitions to be able to communicate with each other through that VLAN. For more information see Microsoft Hyper-V virtual NICs on teams and VLANs.

Last modified on 6/17/09 9:47p Revision

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/warranty.htm0000755000000000000000000001374712135233534013110 0ustar Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Returning a defective product

From North America:

All other locations:

Intel Adapter Money-back Guarantee (North America Only)

Limitation of Liability and Remedies

Last modified on 9/17/12 10:42a

PRO100/DOCS/WINDOWS/wminicdm.htm0000755000000000000000000000763511656603624013057 0ustar WMI NIC Provider

Intel® Network Adapters WMI Provider


The Intel® Network Adapters Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Provider enables WMI-based management applications such as Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager to monitor and configure the status of PCI network adapters. Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider uses WMI, a user-level instrumentation technology for the Microsoft Windows* platform.

WMI is a middleware layer that allows measurement and instrumentation information to be collected from kernel mode data providers. This information can then be provided to local or remote user-mode data consumers through the use of a common set of interfaces (Web-based Enterprise Management called WBEM). WMI is a data-independent pipeline between the data consumer and the data provider that makes no assumptions about the format of the data.

A guide is available on this distribution, which contains detailed information on the Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider, also referred to as Network Configuration Services (NCS2) WMI Providers. This guide is located in \APPS\WMI\DOCS. The technical reference paper describes the external view of NCS2 WMI providers so WMI-based management applications could use it to manage the network configuration for the Intel adapters.

System Requirements

  • Any Intel® PRO/100, Intel® Gigabit Network Adapter, or Intel® 10GbE Network Adapter

  • related driver software

  • a supported Microsoft* Windows* operating system. Please refer to the System Requirements page for a list of supported operating systems.

The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider supports all Intel PRO/100, Gigabit, and 10GbE network adapters.


The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider are installed as part of Intel® PROSet for Windows Device Manager software installation. See the Installing Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager section for more information on how to install Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager.

Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager Typical Setup Type registers the Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider into the root\IntelNCS2 namespace.

Supported Standards

The Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider supports the standards based CIM 2.6 specification.

Known Issues

DMI-SNMP Instrumentation

This Intel Network Adapters WMI Provider cannot jointly operate with the Intel® DMI-SNMP instrumentation.

Missing Instances under Microsoft Windows Vista*

You must elevate (i.e., embed a manifest file) in your application in order to access all of the Intel WMI classes.

Last modified on 6/05/09 11:26a Revision PRO100/DOS0000755000000000000000000000000012233423726007177 5ustar PRO100/DOS/E100BODI.INS0000755000000000000000000000102406713351670010700 0ustar InS_StArT E100BODI.COM 1.1 ^Intel(R) PRO PCI Adapter,E100BODI.COM,0000P0 ?This is the DOSODI driver for the Intel(R) PRO PCI Adapter. !00000P0(SPEED) Optional Line Speed 10 100 !0000P0(FORCEDUPLEX) Optional Force Duplex Mode ?Contact your Network Administator for the correct value. An incorrect setting can cause network errors. 0 1 2 *0IEMAP0(FRAME) Frame Type @Ethernet_802.2 Ethernet_802.3 Ethernet_II Ethernet_SNAP $0IEMAP0(NODE ADDRESS) Optional Adapter Node Address 020000000000 FEFFFFFFFFFF InS_EnD PRO100/DOS/E100bodi.com0000755000000000000000000017150711137233344011234 0ustar )n|i ^^W~^"^ 0t u!PaaaX$!t r&hp h!d&fԈ&gPaaaX"3>b&^&E`ËdPaaaX f3>b^PSQRWVUȎػV">u] .V^_ZY[Xπ>t>uDu]ҜUw&us  ] X꓊jz3þ4ٳSQ!YQY[QtD D  VY uI!3WP3&uǿ0&G&ǿX&G &X_3S&ۋxeZuYD D 39swۋxMDu+ø t=;t5QSۋxM$V[KuYQ8Y u:+>u 6+ø96u9u&|Ar &|~wt&Dr$t : w&&&D&D>6&5&Ep6 t&&D&DVڀ&àiPaaaX8uÀt xMZuËtxD$SV[uà  t &&KtJۋ6zz8󤋿z%?e" E"e"߀u3.Zø ˉ66 6U&l>NS.x>~[Ku] ETHERNET_IIETHERNET_802.2ETHERNET_802.3 ETHERNET_SNAPtC3]˸ P&D&\ X UȎux΋w V]. .V3H 6t, 땃<>>t 6t,V > txp&&M u& 3Ë6 uË6E,DD &]3&E&}w D &E*Dt@$ȃu tzt>u ÿ,XrHw;wr>u&\tDtEP]D&Dtz{@Msƀ s.l@],O&|ut+&dE &DE &DED'4 O7EtEmM u+PEP&DEP&DEP&D EPVuW&D&D&D&D3&L,\.&W&l &T*&LMt +;r)&l*X @B3ÃDF Ëŋ+Ht u&D&D&D &DN+Mt> u7&D/T w+&l +&D*;r&l*&D uVø&tYt(v}t É]UEcE&tu Mt3ø3v&&\&Tv}t9Uu 9]u9u3à 3ۋvAi tzؖ<ws ti.2RVvzۋxE(3ɋu$ +E*}<uHE,6}uЋ6V^ uO Service SuspendService ResumeService/Status ChangeMLID ShutdownMLID ResetIntel(R) PRO PCI AdapterE100BODITx Good FramesTx Maximum CollisionsTx Late CollisionsTx DMA UnderrunsTx Lost Carrier SenseTx Frames DeferredTx OK With Single CollisionsTx OK With Multiple CollisionsTx Total CollisionsRx Good Frames Rx CRC ErrorsRx Alignment ErrorsRx No Resource ErrorsRx DMA Overrun ErrorsRx Collision Detect ErrorsRx Short Frame Errors FC TX Pause FC RX PauseFC RX UnsupportedHardwareDriverMLID  ɠ @  ! 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A TSR is loaded above the driver. The adapter did not initialize. did not load. You need another driver section in the NET.CFG file in order to load the LAN driver again. A NET.CFG is required to load the driver again. The following configuration file entry was ignored: The driver has been successfully removed. The driver does not support frame . The protocol keyword has been ignored. The protocol keyword must have a frame type. Entry ignored. The driver could not register Protocol ID for protocol stack for frame type The frame type is already activated for frame The node address was incorrectly specified in NET.CFG. An invalid keyword was specified in NET.CFG on line The frame type specified in the NET.CFG is not supported. An invalid node address is specified in NET.CFG. The driver modified the incorrect address bits. This driver requires LSL version 2.11 or higher.The driver did not load.A missing or invalid value was specified on line Driver registered as a NESL Suspend Class producer. !Driver registered as a NESL Resume Class producer. "Driver registered as a NESL Service Change Class producer. #The driver requires the NetWare Event Service Layer (NESL). $NetWare Event Service Layer (NESL) is Loaded. Available command line options: -Installs the LAN driver S -Shows resident LAN drivers in memory U -Unloads resident LAN driver from memory ? -Displays this help screen The following LAN drivers are loaded in memory: v is loaded at Segment h. Invalid parameter. -DOS-Slot IRQ Port DMA Mem Node Address L M, LSB Mode, MSB ModeMax Frame bytesLine Speed Mbps KbpsBus ID Board , Frame Unknown.. : ,  The HSM's version of the statistics table is not supported.The HSM's version of the configuration table is not supported.The HSM forgot to set the MSMTxFreeCount variable during DriverInit.The HSM forgot to set the MSMLookAheadSegment variable during DriverInit.The HSM has set the MSMTxFreeCount too High.The HSM returned an invalid return code.This driver must run on a 386 processor or better.MSM = v2.10 (960401) pIPXpsvy|эՍ   lqq7?HH 5 k >u> uܺ>4uҀ>5u˸/5!&?t&tP/<Xt uۍuu;u&| r&| s?NYl>t'., tI!>!1! 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The automatic TXTHRESHOLD algorithm will remain enabled. FORCEDUPLEXValue should be 1 or 2. Auto-Negotiation will set the duplex mode. IRQMODEValue should be 0, 1 or 2. The driver will auto-detect IRQ sharing mode. EARLYRECVValue should be 0 or 1. 1. MCWA0 - 10 decimal. 2. CONGENB0 - 1 decimal. 0. FRAMEGAP6 - 15 decimal. 6. IFS0 - 255 decimal. PHYADDRESS0 - 32 decimal. Auto-negotiation will determine the PHYADDRESS. TXDMACOUNT0 - 127 decimal. 0. RXDMACOUNTThe network driver could not detect a PHY at the specified address. Try re-loading the driver without specifying the PHY address or check the PHY address. The network driver could not detect a cable link. Auto-negotiation will remain enabled. Speed determined at link time. The network driver detected a link on MII PHY at PHY address 0. It will isolate PHY 1 (if present) and put PHY 0 in Normal mode. The network driver detected a PHY supporting 100Base-T4. Full Duplex is not supported for this PHY and the override was ignored. The network driver will default to auto negotiation mode. Cannot find an Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection. Possible Causes : - The PCI adapter may not be properly installed in the slot. - Some of the PCI adapter resources in config space may be invalid because the PCI BIOS could not allocate the resources. Action : - Check for possible errors listed above, run adapter diagnostics, and if the problem persists, contact your network supplier. The network adapter failed self test. Possible Causes : - The adapter is not in a bus-mastering slot. - The adapter is not functioning normally. Possible Actions : - Move the adapter to another PCI slot. - Run adapter diagnostics to verify that the adapter works properly. Cannot allocate an Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection. Possible Causes : - All adapters in the system are currently in use. - The adapter in the PCI slot specifed by the SLOT keyword is currently in use. - There is no adapter in the slot specifed by the SLOT keyword Possible Actions: - Add another adapter to the system. - Correct the problem related to the use of the SLOT keyword. The network adapter did not receive the proper resources from the PCI BIOS. Cause : - The PCI BIOS was unable to assign some of the resources requested by the adapter. Action : - Remove some PCI devices from machine to see if resources get allocated. If problems persist, contact your network supplier. Illegal node address : multicast address format. Cause : - The node address of the adapter has a multicast address format, where the least significant bit of the most significant address byte is a 1. Action : - Specify a unique node address override using the NODE parameter in NET.CFG or on command line. Illegal node address : all zeroes. Cause : - The node address of the adapter contains all zeroes. This is not a valid ethernet address. Action : - Specify a unique node address override using the NODE parameter in NET.CFG or on command line. Unable to configure the network adapter. Cause : - The network adapter did not respond to a configuration command during initialization. Action : - Verify that the adapter is properly installed in the slot. If the problem persists, run diagnostics. Unable to set up the node address of the adapter. Cause : - The network adapter did not respond to a node address set up command during initialization. Action : - Verify that the adapter is properly installed in the slot. If the problem persists, run diagnostics. User specified INTERRUPT does not match the hardware settings. Action : - The driver will use the hardware setting for interrupt. To change the setting, please reconfigure the adapter. EEPROM checksum was incorrect. Cause : - The installed EEPROM may be bad. Action : - Contact your network services supplier for a replacement Automatic speed-detect feature failed. Forcing speed and duplex. Supports 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX Supports 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T4 Supports 10BASE2, 10BASE5, 10BASE-T Ethernet (BNC,AUI and/or TPE) Using Half Duplex Connection Using Full Duplex Connection Disabled Enabled Early Receive Mode is Interrupt Sharing is CB Modem56 enabler is active PCI ID: / Running on an Intel 82559 Running on an Intel 82558 Running on an Intel 82557 $.29DLU\cjr   P(h H@\..... fSfWfQl3f>ۋ?A;yr33f>gfGfGA;yr=u fYf_f[f3fYf_f[pf .USWVfQ$ f^fySPyfY^_[].SQ2C@@ċ2C@@=prPXu =rߴ2Y[.Sص*2$s M*+[.SQ3۹t Y[Ð $ ËP$X.PSR2C@@ċ2C@@;rZ[X.$ ËUSWV`lf8Wd_lmt|݉y6ca^_[]Ðf@tftffff`mln6lT> >tR>uuAmffff U>oީuut udt8>muޢnffff =ouޢ>muffff =oީu>muuޢRPS[XZunQ>nt;C6  v<txffa3fa Ë>u2fff =  >u f%f%,=ot`t>v>t/>t(>t!>u>vduRPS[XZalfff~<>vdt v % %%>lu f%f%}<xy>nu2>u RPS9[XZxv RPS[XZ@>>>oީ fff ;%Pfff ;%Ytd#xuGu4u!uv v vdvdvd>tPxv nxfff ;uv vdt70xfff :@tv vd3Ðfff:qfff :o qto#qރt3ø .-fff \:Pfff H:fXf=Pfff [:fff :ff%:ufPfRfQf 55fYfZfXPfff 3:Xusfff  9fff 9ff%9u fPfRfQf 4fd4fYfZfXfff 09fff C93.>vfff  9Pfff  9fXf= \fff fP8fX8tBfff 9fRf23fZfff fP8fX8duHfff 8fRf23fZfff fPg8fXb8 u63ÉvfPRPSN[XZfXÐ>v f>P>tfQfSf>tLfff 7fff 7%ufRfQfd2fYfZufff 7f[fYf[fY.fff 7Pfff m7fXff%ff=u2f=Pu#f=Puf= \ufff <7fPfy2fXËffff %7fQ2fff6ffQf1fYfff 6 u.S>tb ua6VWfQR f;tttdz;6tF݉b޴ZfY_^ [ÐSڴ[2d ÐSڴ [e .Sڴ [fg ËSڴ [Ðр<t7u<r w{$ԺyԺԺԺԺр<tu<r w| zdр<tu tdu2vSԺyMԺG.0р<t4u<r =wbԺyԺԺn Ժ.Ѐ<t4Cu<w<t'fu GfӺyӺ.Ѐ<t7u<r w$KӺyӺӺVӺӺipЀ<t!u<r wnb뾺nZËDЀ<t-u w:Ӻy4Ӻ.Ӻ(Ӻ"Ë Ѐ<t3_u =w$ӺyҺҺҺҺπ<t3#u w$ҺyҺҺҺҺπ<thu =w~ҺyҺ~Һxdπ<t8ur w}$UҺyOҺIҺCҺ=Һ7. π<t=suwu$b ҺyҺҺlѺѺË΀<t+u=w ΀<tu wѺyѺË΀<tu.|΀<tu.h΀<tu.VW336Nۿ> u!Nۍ>Pbމ3E6NF6N>u6Nt_^UVWFR!&GF@F3ۋ&G@F@ǹF&%G8t 8uIu &?Mt33 NFu3B_^]VW t0;t*»&GZPۋN;uE IuF_^VWju"PۋN j>bދ׿fgރleމeމ,eމ.eމ3ɿedވ<WdހtRtMQVeހtY>nt:ntRPSD[XZnh>0| >0h3_^ËUVWF32F2FvV uKtFu<vV:Nu-F*2F<vV V:NuFNNrۊNN rNNr_^]ÐVW#G#Gu5D`PPPGEPPPGPPPG"D`PPP|GEPPPkGEuEuE u NEu3_^ËVWVP DPPE_^.G" )jIlnfpf#t'6ۍ> b޿Lfgޣ)v< t)*<uM=A4;?GLȢKNpO3QS2TM.RPS[XZ0123456789ABCDEF1234>rQփbYr.RV6666|3^>u#t tKWrOG3w }.'*"4t*K*>uaZ&(0.`EuCE\DZErD^E^D\u*QfPWNۿPffPNۿPfXf_fXY>C>4ȁ> t>htbu >tDZE\D\E^D^Er VW"_^ K f'DfEFs#DxBF p ..&t#& t&t&t&G&G4 &G....fPȎ&45؎м4fSfQfRfWfVfU.+f]f^f_fZfYf[5&4fXfP>fX !e-<u R-duX--R-< t--m-Ȣ.k-<u.e-.>R- t45t>35u35>45tE353525>00< u6DAH- t f uH-$H-$ ...fPfL-fH/P-L/f5f8/5R- tff`/WVf3ی؎f3@u4H-f`H- t f uH-3^_..MH- t f uH- t $ H-H-t3dH- t f u-H- H-fPfffX-H-H- t f utH- tH-$ H-H- t f uR3.....Vf3^@ؿ{ t7fV50f3EfE] KfXr"fE fPKfX f3fff3f3fH.....-"w-uÐ D/5>05t؎>15t E@EQV} f >F>15t ^Yz^Y>-u3dH- t f u-H- >-H- t f uH-fPfffX-H-6..!.>15t/5...05f8-PH- t f uXH-f>8-t05UfSfQfRfWfVv/tv=f^f_fZfYf[] ..UfSfQfRfWfVv60FtN^ ;0s~^ ~&f^f_fZfYf[] ..UfSfQfRfWfVv>)5t)5u>-}tf^f_fZfYf[]....Uv)5]... 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All Rights Reserved. Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection Supports 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TXSupports 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T4Supports 10BASE5, 10BASE2, 10BASE-T Ethernet (AUI, BNC and/or TPE).)) I$123456789:;<=>Y$]$YPQRSTUVWdefghijk' Error: Unable to locate the correct NIC for this driver. Use the driver on the driver disk that shipped with the NIC installed in this computer. Error: Unable to locate the NIC. The following are possible causes: 1. The system may not support the PCI bus. 2. The NIC may not be properly installed in a slot. 3. Some of the NIC resources in configuration space may be invalid. Check for possible errors listed above and run diagnostics. Error: The BIOS was unable to allocate a valid I/O Base address for the NIC. Please check with your system manufacturer. Automatic speed-detect feature disabled. User-specified speed used. Automatic duplex-detect feature disabled. User-specified duplex mode used. Error: PROTOCOL.INI does not have a DRIVERNAME = E100B entry. Error: PROTOCOL.INI does not have a DRIVERNAME = E100Bx entry. The driver looks for DRIVERNAME based on its load order in CONFIG.SYS, the second E100B driver loaded uses E100B2, the third uses E100B3, etc. SPEED parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be "Auto", or, 10 or 100 decimal. Using default value of automatic speed-detect. FORCEDUPLEX parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be "Auto", or, 1 (force Half) or 2 (force Full). Using default value of automatic duplex-detect. RXFIFO parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. TXFIFO parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 0x0 - 0xF hexadecimal or 0 - 15 decimal. Using default value of 0x8. TXTHRESHOLD parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 0x0 - 0xFE hexadecimal or 0 - 254 decimal. Using default value of 0x20. IFS parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 0x0 - 0xFF hexadecimal or 0 - 255 decimal. Using default value of 0x0. RXDMACOUNT parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. TXDMACOUNT parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 0x0 - 0x7F hexadecimal or 1 - 127 decimal. Using default value of 0x0. RECEIVEBUFFERSTRANSMITBUFFERS parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 3 - 30, but true maximum depends on the value of the parameter, and a 64Kb total code+data size maximum. Using initial default value of 8. This value may get adjusted later. 4. This value may get adjusted later. The space allocated for data+buffers exceeds the initial driver load size. Under Windows for Workgroups or when loading high under DOS, the default buffer allocations (or smaller) must be used. PHYADDRESS parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 0x0 - 0x20 hexadecimal or 0 - 32 decimal. Using default value of automatic PHY-detect. CONGENB parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be either 0 (disable) or 1 (enable). Using default value of 0. SPEED parameter must have a value of 10 or 100 if FORCEDUPLEX parameter has a value of 1 or 2. Using default value for Speed and Duplex of automatic detection. Total code+data size of the driver has exceeded 64Kb due to the TRANSMITBUFFERS and RECEIVEBUFFERS parameter values in PROTOCOL.INI. TRANSMITBUFFERS has been set to RECEIVEBUFFERS has been set to Error: Interrupt not available or stack requirements exceed available. Error: Unable to load using the user-specified individual node address. Error: The eeprom associated with this NIC has a bad checksum. Unable to load using the individual node address stored on the NIC. A valid address must be provided by using the NODE parameter in PROCOTOL.INI. The NODE parameter value has an improper length, content, or format. Value must be 12 hexadecimal digits enclosed in double quotes. The NODE parameter has a multicast address format, because the second digit is one of: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, B, D, or F. The NODE parameter contains all zeroes. Replace the value with a valid non-zero address. Failure: Driver did not load, NDIS environment invalid. Error: Driver did not load, could not allocate minimal requirements for buffers. Failure: Driver did not load, Protocol Manager did not let driver register. Error: There are already enough instances of the driver loaded to handle all of the NICs present. This driver does not have a NIC to control. SLOT parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is out of range. Value must be in the range 0x0000-0xFFFF hexadecimal. Warning: The driver detected multiple ports. Possible SLOT parameter values are: SLOT parameter value in PROTOCOL.INI is incorrect: the slot is empty or the NIC in that slot has not been enabled. Defaulting to NIC found in slot Using NIC found in specified slot Permanent Node Address: Current Node Address: Configured Speed/Duplex: 10/100/AutoFullHalfTransmitBuffers: ReceiveBuffers : PCI\VEN_&DEV_&SUBSYS_&REV_/PRO100/DOS/e100beds.nif0000755000000000000000000000402111370266470011261 0ustar ; Extended DOS NIF file [E100B] Type = NDIS Title = Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection Version = 4.59 Drivername = E100B$ Xports = NETBEUI LANDD [FILE] Name = E100B.DOS [SPEED] display = "Media Speed" type = Decimal set = 10, 100 optional = YES editable = YES help = "The driver can configure the adapter for either 10 or 100 Mbps. Assigning a value to this parameter will override the Auto-Speed-Sense feature of the driver. Leave the field blank to enable the Auto-Speed-Sense feature." [FORCEDUPLEX] display = "Force Duplex Mode" type = Decimal set = 1, 2 optional = YES editable = YES help = "The driver can configure the adapter for either Half or Full Duplex. Automatic detection of Full Duplex REQUIRES a hub with ports which are capable of performing N-Way auto-negotiation, so forcing the duplex mode to Full is recommended for most users connecting to a Full Duplex hub. Assigning a value of 1 (Half) or 2 (Full) to this parameter will override the auto-negotiation feature of the adapter, and will also make the SPEED parameter REQUIRED. Leave the field blank to enable the auto-negotiation feature." [SLOT] display = "Slot/Device Identifier" type = Hexadecimal range = 0-1FFF optional = YES editable = YES help = "Use of this parameter is only required in systems with more than one adapter installed. If you are installing more than one PCI adapter: 1) complete the configuration process, but leave the Slot field blank for each driver; 2) restart the system and record the list of Slots that each driver displays; 3) complete the configuration by assigning one of the values from the list to the Slot parameter of each driver. Leave the field blank if you have only one adapter installed." [NODE] display = "Locally Administered Address" type = String strlength = 12 optional = YES editable = YES help = "Use of this parameter to modify the network address used by the adapter." PRO100/DOS/ipxodi.com0000755000000000000000000011550406713351670011267 0ustar [W2,J #6GMisformedPacketsGetECBRequests AESEventsMaxConfiguredSocketsMaxOpenSocketsOpenSocketFailures ListenECBsECBCancelFailuresFindRouteFailedChecksumErrors@(SSn  %F~ z ^  Q J vWq '%7% =$mY j} IPX,'s7t P XuU]ېs˃NsˁeNu5Wtu/ t Kukc.<.D.lRzt==t =Kt.....(t.SL:.G.G=7v 3ҹ7ȉ&&D,;"v"-@s >x^6`\[+&(&|$+ۉK2&|$&|$u]&|$EBu..V&L"+҈TW&m(;w+ t_ t M%( ++TTTTTTTTTT T TTTTT +sr_&u$u^ ZáS.[&tV^&D5P&D oXu&D&D hjVP&\tf ht:&D&T76f&D t&)D s&D &4f?X t&;E r ߌ&=&&G&7&<&L>f t&E Ɏ7DTU.6f&D t t&)D s&D &4Ȏ6f&&LfhV^&D&D& Dt *+&\.6f t| uȎ&]6f t&|u &9T uRZ&4ËnOt Ê tu\;lr t tZz&/\tW>b)ۋ>`ۋ>dA_\\;prp t U+]+á^y@Ku^hu<8>bۋ>d1A ́v;|v|ROZQW\>`u +>`OO 3_YËtSb?[t>d= t&E &E&=\+Ht0ȋ>bFۋ>`uۋ>du\ tRZR0Z62 t&9T t&46:$|" t#&9U u&E&E D"D$$D % t u>$u t U] t$D w<|&uD >Ƈˋ\/>z&>b=t:t u+>bۋ>`GIuÎ_./ Wu}r&DɎَdf\>`]u}+d>b=t>> tm7 t=&&LO>߉u"E$>َ؃,"3_ˋ tU] uZ\>PSR6tZ[X&t$&t"I^r*&D& Dt &D&D&&D &L Z[X6U&&D&DUȎ|"އ>+D"D$9Duo&E VXD\L&E&]&M \.G.9D*rq.zu&D&D& Du]79Fu~it+F&\]ˁ|tWL,\2+Ix\.O;wg&E c&} t+ɋ\,VKxL2^9L*u&E g`]˃s.$ .J3PSˎۃdft8d7 t&&DG[XË tU] uZ\+ԡ t&+D&+\ u U]Ãxz&D t#&Dd&G&D7G+&D &D J2&\r|ð t V^u&&D&D&D +Ì»f&97u&9Wt & u만&D&D &4&t&G&fu;u2&D tP6d< t%;u;u&E &E&D3Ë6:9L"u9\$t t uðÿ26uÌ95u9]t = u &&LM u.~.^&D 3&DU]Ã$Svp[^`&D +&D&|(r&L"w+ҍ\(&IuV&D &|$& &U&m&En&E& Eu &ED&E&G9r. uw&^tw&D2 4t< twzur<&L"O,w"G$،͎ō..&U։W*ŋ RTzu:RT&D a4t+&&D>65E.66.8zu<&D 7.6<.7.w".G".G$&D.u.t_.zuN&|u .>4uU +&\]U62&&L24 u 628]Cu .G.#G@uU&D뮎‹&|t&D ‹&t$&DtVRWVXW|ru_ڋE".*&D".,]$l$ڋO..7&N.0&~...90s,.0.).s.,t8&N.0&~.)0s.*tڋO..7^&D ^&D .>*u&D &D&D& Du +&\ÌȎ&DN& &| t|*tL*D(DF|,&E&EV| ut$|u>x ]u?\ \t7\\]tš;u;Eu>B&E&E&E`tD- 3һ| tT;u;Ut=EċU>B&e&E&E&U}<u+^t&Dutj u&j&Gl&G&G6xD(LZD*\,T. 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Program load aborted. CoPyRiGhT=(C) Copyright 1990-1995 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. IPX protocol has been successfully removed. Bound to logical board %u (%s) : Protocol ID %s Available command line options: /? Display this help screen. /D Eliminate Diagnostic Responder - Reduces size by 3K. /A Eliminate Diagnostic Responder and SPX - Reduces size by 9K. /M Use NetWare Mobile IPX support. Do not use this option unless a Home Router is installed on your network. Using /M without a Home Router disables network connectivity. This option overrides the /D and /A options. /C=[path\]filename.ext Specify a configuration file to use (Default is NET.CFG). /U Unload resident IPXODI from memory. /F Forcibly unload resident IPXODI from memory, regardless of programs loaded above it. Using this option can cause a machine to crash if applications are still using IPX/SPX. The IPX protocol has already been loaded. The LSL is not loaded. Please load the LSL then IPXODI. The loaded LSL is too old. LSL.COM must be 1.20 or later. Cannot find an IPX protocol to unload. Cannot unload IPXODI because another program has been loaded above it. Unload the other program or programs and try again. IPXODI cannot be unloaded because the installed IPXODI is a different version than this IPXODI module. IPXODI cannot be unloaded because interrupt 0x%X is owned by another program. Unload the other program then unload IPXODI. A network adapter driver must be loaded before IPXODI.COM can be loaded. IPX could not find a board to bind to. Please specify a board in the NET.CFG file by adding a "BIND" entry to the "PROTOCOL IPX" section and specify the protocol ID IPX should use for that board by adding a "PROTOCOL IPX id frametype" entry to the board's "LINK DRIVER" section. IPX cannot bind to board "%u" because a IPX protocol ID for the "%s" frame type has not been registered with the LSL. Please register an ID by adding a "PROTOCOL IPX id %s" entry to the "LINK DRIVER %s" NET.CFG section, replacing "id" with the appropriate protocol ID for IPX to use on this frame type. For the new ID to be recognized the %s LAN Driver must be reloaded. Maximum number of stacks already loaded. Either unload an existing stack or increase the maximum by adding a "MAX STACKS" entry to the "LINK SUPPORT" section in the NET.CFG file. Attempt to register an IPX Protocol ID failed. Increase the maximum number of stacks in the LSL.COM by adding a "MAX STACKS" entry to the "LINK SUPPORT" section in the NET.CFG file. An IPX protocol stack is already registered with the LSL. Invalid command line option was specified: "%s". Missing or invalid value for "%s" parameter was specified on line %u of the configuration file. Entry was ignored. Missing or invalid ON/OFF value for "%s" parameter was specified on line %u of the configuration file. Entry was ignored. Missing or invalid IPATCH values were specified on line %u of the configuration file. Entry was ignored. Specified board in "BIND" statement on line %u of the configuration file does not exist. Entry was ignored. Invalid "BIND" statement on line %u of the configuration file. Requires a board number (Example, BIND 2). Entry was ignored. Duplicate "BIND" statement on line %u of the configuration file. IPXODI cannot be bound to more than one board. Entry was ignored. An invalid entry was found on line %u of the configuration file. Entry "%s" ignored. Failed to locate configuration file "%s". NET.CFG will be used. NESL.COM must be loaded before Mobile IPX support may be enabled. Mobile IPX successfully registered with NESL. The alternate board specified in the configuration file is not loaded. Mobile IPX will only use the primary board for communication. Unable to register with NESL.COM to receive necessary events. PRO100/DOS/lsl.com0000755000000000000000000004366406713351670010574 0ustar LLINKSUP$2 U _ %5!s w?. &DP&\ X U;&sf. t^͸ۋ>(O"!y. 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NWLANGUAGE=MsGtAcK=9~&p 0DOSAUSQVW.X)Ub!&, E U y ] c sH_^Y[]USn+&^.Z)[]USVv+ t.Z)^[]USQVvFŒ;u;s+ۊ.Z);rtHv+^Y[]U+.X)"t%F+Ftv vvvRPx+F]USQVvN+ۃr t .Z)+ތڋ^Y[]USnU+&F t &FX[]USQVW~vװы8@uu+_^Y[]USQVW~v+ыً+8@u++It'.Z)utD&E:tItJ_^Y[]Ê.Z)u<w ):~X0<9vª;u_Y[]USQVWvVt<0xt<0XuF +++ɋ~ 0r- r0 ar ;sr FsӋv++ЋÌ~ t5]_^Y[]USQ .X)V9'r=+''B'!r$?'!r;u"'$'+' 'Y[] USQv=t;9F r;P.X)' '''B'!Yr?V!r ;uY[]øUSQF+ۊ.Z).X)*)*)@!Y[]UVW.X)6V) PVPv, F<u: D|@)U_^]UVW.X)&'PVv#tbʿt2_^]UVWvFʿt2t_^]UVW.X)&'PVvtFV.l*.n* ʿ20_^]UVWFV.l*.n*v ʿ2_^]SQ.f*.6^*.`*.>Z*.\*+.6^* t&%t .Z)|%u&|.6^*.Z*͋.6^*.Z*.f*Y[Ë.6^*.Z*F<-uF Ph*PV .96h*t .6h*.b*<.uF Ph*PV .6h*.d*d*WV tOA.Z*.X)&)|.Z*|U+.Z*a.X)>)Nt+tVW0)PRQ` RPȉ<).d*t>0)0u u +ɢ0)<);r.d*+t.;b*s.b*+u &)|.Z*.>d*+><)trQϾ()|.Z*Y0)><).Z* &)|.Z*>)SQ+.f*׻@!Y[Q+.f*.>l*.>l*& YˁV t v,t@]Un>VE t v,tF]USQVW.X)#F #F ###V t#=!s"t#=!s.X)#####r#u&## u&vvV u#yЃ>#uɀ# ^V#u&Gt &OE< t<u &?It.$Ju#u~6#$PV.X)c<tF#&wV PVW.X)6#>!.X)#_^Y[]À&#߾$&##tr< t< u#6# F&#Zr<"t< t< t# u<,t<=u#u F#.#X##tNξ$+thXՁ%s#9#vW### rv uxV=vȿ@).X)-^ cwCcw>ϵ PWPQ] G rGWˀ s0 PWPQ: _-)->V)v6'''|&'&&,+&=uG.W. t"= vWe& _t@܉6''E' '~&\CG&E u;t$SVcS#=u?\t?:uC 'V=!rP.X)~&VX.X)&6'V&> 'NLS\V=u<t<;t<,t< t < tۥ;t;t%N&6'&6'\ u.X)~&=!r!v.X) '&FC u~&=!r'++sZ}&.X)'=!rE'x&z&dr5>}&tP<~&PPl6'~& u'&PP6'6'*&Pd''B'!r&'x?!r;r&u9'uj>'ucF9'uZ'''''''+'''B!r(&'?!r;r&'('+''''Ë'>!DOS Client Message File: LSL 101, Tran L1.0 e) ,<[]a0w0N{J2 c m X  3 The message file %s is invalid. The LSL was not loaded. The LSL has been successfully removed. Max Boards %u, Max Stacks %u BUFFERS %u %u The LSL has not been loaded. The configuration file used was "%s". Available command line options: /? -Displays this help screen /U -Removes the resident LSL from memory /C=[path\]filename -Specify a configuration file to use. (The default is NET.CFG.) . Board %u was still registered with the LSL. It has been shutdown. A default protocol stack for board %u is still registered with the LSL. Unload the stack and try again. A prescan receive protocol stack for board %u is still registered with the LSL. Unload the stack and try again. The protocol stack %s is still registered with the LSL. Unload the stack and try again. The LSL failed to locate the configuration file "%s". Looking for NET.CFG. The NET.CFG file was not found. The LSL will use system defaults. An invalid command line option was specified: "%s". The LSL has already been loaded. Cannot find a loaded LSL to unload. The Multiplex Interrupt (2Fh) has no available slots. The LSL cannot be unloaded. Another program has been loaded after it. Unload the other program and try again. The LSL cannot be unloaded. Either the installed LSL is a different version than this LSL module, or another program has hooked the 2Fh interrupt vector and not released it. Unload the other program and try again. The configuration file contains an invalid entry on line %u. Ignored the entry "%s" The configuration file contains a missing or invalid value for keyword "%s" on line %u. The entry was ignored. An invalid filename was specified: "%s". Buffers %u, Buffer size %u bytes, Memory pool %u bytes. VeRsIoN=1.01 Novell Link Support Layer for DOS ODI message file.The LSL version is v%hu.%.2hu The LSL configuration table version is v%hu.%.2hu LSL Initial Entry point = %.4X:%.4X LSL Protocol Support Entry point = %.4X:%.4X LSL General Services Entry point = %.4X:%.4X LSL MLID Support Entry point = %.4X:%.4X LSL Config Table pointer = %.4X:%.4X LSL Stat Table pointer = %.4X:%.4X Memory Pool Memory Available: %4u paragraphs Memory Inuse: %4u paragraphs Largest Available Block %4u paragraphs Number Available Blocks %u Memory Management Overhead %u bytes Minimum Allowed Allocation %u bytes Internal Information Table: LSLProtoIDArray %.4X:%.4X LSLSystemFlags %.4X:%.4X LSLPStackBoundMLIDFlags %.4X:%.4X LSLMLIDBitMasks %.4X:%.4X LSLStackNames %.4X:%.4X LSLMediaIDTable %.4X:%.4X A prescan transmit protocol stack for board %u is still registered with the LSL. Unload the stack and try again. The LSL cannot be unloaded. Another program has hooked and not released one or more of the LSL interrupts. Unload the other program and try again. The LSL was not Unloaded. The LSL machine type is IBM. The LSL machine type is NEC. The LSL machine type is Fujitsu (FMR). The LSL machine type is %u. CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1990 - 1996, by Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. LaNgUaGe=English (English)PRO100/DOS/net.cfg0000755000000000000000000000073106713351670010535 0ustar Link Driver E100BODI ; Remove the semi-colon in front of the frame type you will use. ; This frame type must match what the NetWare server is using. ; FRAME Ethernet_802.2 ; FRAME Ethernet_802.3 ; FRAME Ethernet_SNAP ; FRAME Ethernet_II NetWare DOS Requester FIRST NETWORK DRIVE = F ; If you know the name of your preferred server, remove the ; semi-colon below and enter the preferred server name after ; the equal sign. ;preferred server = PRO100/DOS/netx.exe0000755000000000000000000023163506713351670010760 0ustar MZ3@u>0jrS d^jpv&,8DP###)))))))))M"M(MMLURUXUgUbbfffgggghhWhnhthzhhhhhiiiiiiii3r9rGrSrYr_rgrwr}rrrrrrr0w6w,:L9z v YeNQ_Gdp#Gt!5BO.::L:5J_r~-ASey9Qi#-%F(Oz+VlMSDOSV0.00IBM_PCIBMy(@Peef @SMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMSMNETWORK @!NETW!@444444444?CR!q!!!!!Y"""# #.#=### $2$}$V7777889>99J:::5;;<=>>;?;?ON?o??AeB|BCDF$GrCGGIVKsKK+||};t}o{}}}rlsssssstt tttYuuuuuuuvv;vovsvxvv}}vvF~n~t~~~ q~ǀIׁĂ˂vvv&7DŽ*jXX. 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NWLANGUAGE=MsGtAcK=3p 0DOSAUSQVW.tUb! O h F g ] W sH_^Y[]USn+&^.v[]USVv+ t.v^[]USQVvF Œ;u;s+ۊ.v;rtHv+^Y[]'F+F tv v vvRPv+F ]USQVvN +ۃr t .v+ތڋ^Y[]USnU+&F t &FX[]USQVW~v װы8@uu+_^Y[]USQVW~v +ыً+8@u++It'.vutD&E:tItJ_^Y[]ˊ.vu<w @+:<Y[] USQv=t;9F r;P.t:<02B*!Yr?V!r ;uY[]˸USQF+ۊ.v.tFF@!Y[]UVW.t6r PVPv) F<u: D|\^_^]UVW.tBPVv tjʿ_^]UVWv Nʿu_^]UVW.tBPVv tFV.. ʿ0_^]UVWFV..v ʿ_^]SQ..6z.|.>v.x+.6z t&%t .v|%u&|.6z.v͋.6z.v.Y[Ë.6z.vF<-uF PPV .96t .6.~<.uF PPV .6.WV tOA.v.tB|.vxU.v\.tZNt+tVWLPRQU RPȉX.t>L0u u +ɢLX;r.+t.;~s.~+u B|.v.>+>XtrQϾD|.vYL>X.v B|.vZSQ+.׻@!Y[Q+..>.>& YˁV t v,t@]Un>VE t v,tF]USQVW.tFF V t=!st.=!s.tru& u'vvV uyσ>uȀ ^Vu&Gt &OE< t<u &?It7Juu}6PF&&.tY<tF&wVPVG&&.t">!.t_^Y[]ˀ&߾&tr< t< u6 F&Zr<"t< t< t u<,t<=uu F.XtNξ+thXՁs9vW rv u{V=vȿ\.t-^ cwEcw@ϵ PWPQm G rGWˀ s0 PWPQI _I->rv6 " &,+&=uG/W; t"= vW _t@ۉ6E$&\CG&E u;t&SVmS,=u?\t?:uC(.t&6V&>(NLS\V=u<t<;t<,t< t < tڥ;t;t%N&6&6 \ u.t=!rEv.t(&FC u=!s$V=!r+P.tVX*++s\.t$=!rG*ir7>tPIPPy6$ uCPP 6"6 FPo,.B*!rBx?!r;r*u9uj>ucF 9uZ4,.024+02*B!r(B?!r;rBD+68Ë*>!DOS Client Message File: NetWareShell 0, Tran 0 oLy $Q+MrL\ 8 v  C 9 x , X 6tQGVF#Ag=Ne+Famu2Jn$Fa#?_vMessage file %s is invalid. Program load aborted. CoPyRiGhT=(C) Copyright 1994 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Patent Pending. Established Preferred Server connection. Command line preferred server overrides configuration file parameter. NetWare release for %s Attached to server %s Running on DOS %s Configuration File %s You are being logged out of all servers... Memory for resident shell has been released. The NetWare shell has been unloaded. Expanded memory used has been released. High Memory Area (HMA) has been released. Note: For use with DOS v3.X through v7.X. Available command line options: /? Display this help screen. /PS= Specify a preferred server. /C=[path\]filename.ext Specify a configuration file. /U Unload resident NetWare shell from memory. /F Forcibly unload resident NetWare shell from memory, regardless of programs loaded above it. Using this option can cause a machine to crash if applications are still using the shell. A network server could not be found. Network server %.47s has no free connection slots. IPX has not been loaded. Please load and then run the shell. Connection to the preferred server could not be established. NetWare workstation shell has already been loaded. The NetWare DOS NP Extender is currently loaded. Unload it and then reload it after loading the NetWare workstation shell. The number specified in the "files=" parameter in CONFIG.SYS plus "file handles=" in NET.CFG exceeds 254. Please reconfigure one of these parameters.The network is inactive or you are not connected properly. Shell requires DOS v3.X through v6.X. NetWare printer driver (LPTDRV) has to be installed first. NetWare console driver (STANDIO) has to be installed first. Invalid command line option was specified: "%s". Name of Preferred Server must be fewer than 48 characters. No more IPX sockets are available. Incorrect version of IPX loaded. No more DESQview tasks can be attached to NetWare. DESQview must be activated. Translated run-time messages are too long. An unrecoverable error occurred during EMS MOVE MEMORY REGION. Initialization cannot continue because an Expanded Memory Manager cannot be found. Initialization cannot continue because the Expanded Memory Manager is not v4.0 or later. Shell cannot be loaded due to insufficient expanded memory. Initialization cannot continue because an extended memory manager cannot be found. Initialization cannot continue because the extended memory manager is not v2.0 or later. Hi Memory Area (HMA) memory could not be allocated because the function is not implemented in the XMS driver. Hi Memory Area (HMA) memory could not be allocated because a VDISK module was detected. Hi Memory Area (HMA) memory could not be allocated because the HMA is already being used. Hi Memory Area (HMA) memory could not be allocated because the XMS driver "/HMAMIN=" parameter is set too high. Hi Memory Area (HMA) memory could not be allocated because an error was received from the XMS driver. Cannot unload NetWare shell because a shell is not loaded. Cannot unload NetWare shell because a different shell version is being used or another program has hooked a shell interrupt. Cannot unload NetWare shell because another program has hooked into the resident shell. Cannot unload NetWare shell because a TSR has been loaded above it. Cannot unload NetWare shell because a critical error prevented shell memory from being freed. Cannot unload NetWare shell because expanded memory could not be freed. Cannot unload NetWare shell because HMA memory could not be freed. Warning - Pipe signature cannot be found. COMMAND.COM may be corrupted. Missing or invalid value for "%s" parameter was specified on line %u of the configuration file. Entry was ignored. Missing or invalid ON/OFF value for "%s" parameter was specified on line %u of the configuration file. Entry was ignored. Missing or invalid PATCH values were specified on line %u of the configuration file. Entry was ignored. Missing or invalid LONG MACHINE TYPE name was specified on line %u of the configuration file. Name must be 4-8 characters in length. Entry was ignored. Missing or invalid SHORT MACHINE TYPE name was specified on line %u of the configuration file. Name must be 4 characters or less. Entry was ignored. Missing or invalid PREFERRED SERVER name was specified on line %u of the configuration file. Name must be 2-47 characters in length. Entry was ignored. Missing or invalid DOS NAME parameter was specified on line %u of the configuration file. Parameter must be 5 characters or less. Entry was ignored. An invalid entry was found on line %u of the configuration file. Entry "%s" ignored. Shell is not attached to a server. Requested server %s is not available.You are not connected to any network servers. The shell will try to connect to a server whenever the current drive is changed to an invalid drive. Network Spooler Error: Probably out of space on volume SYS: Abort, Retry? Abort, Retry, Fail? ** Program Aborted ** retry fail Network Error on Server %s. Error receiving from network.Error sending on network.Error locating router.Unknown error code.Connection no longer valid.Could not route to server.Bad local network address.. File: %sSEARCH:File in use during %sOut of file handles during %sIO error network disk during %sInvalid file handle during %sNo read privilege during %sNo write privilege or file read only during %sFile detached during %sOut of dynamic work space during %sOut of disk space during %sBad directory handle during %sOut of directory handles during %sIO error in directory area during %sIO attempted to a physically locked area during %sIllegal completion code during %sServer went down during %sOPEN CLOSE CREATE SEARCH FIRST SEARCH NEXT DELETE RENAME SEQUENTIAL READ SEQUENTIAL WRITE RANDOM READ RANDOM WRITE RANDOM BLOCK READ RANDOM BLOCK WRITE FILE SIZE SET ATTRIBUTES SPOOL LST: CATCH UPDATE FILE SIZE CREATE A FILE OPEN A FILE CLOSE A FILE READ FROM A FILE WRITE TO A FILE DELETE A FILE RENAME A FILE/DIRECTORY MOVE FILE POINTER FIND FIRST MATCHING FILE FIND NEXT MATCHING FILE CREATE A SUBDIRECTORY REMOVE A SUBDIRECTORY CHANGE THE CURRENT DIRECTORY CHANGE FILE MODE GET CURRENT DIRECTORY GET SET A FILE DATE AND TIME IO CONTROL FOR DEVICES CREATE NEW FILE CREATE TEMP FILE Increase "ENTRY STACK SIZE" in the NET.CFG file.Error during EMM function: %s.XMS error: Function not implemented.XMS error: VDISK detected.XMS error: A20 error occurred. (CTRL-ENTER to clear) (ESC to clear) (ESC to clear)Translated init-time messages are too long. Checksums are required but not supported by IPX. PRO100/DOS/oemsetup.inf0000755000000000000000000000101711370266470011621 0ustar ; OEMSETUP.INF for Intel(R) PRO/100 Fast Ethernet Connection Driver 4.59 [netcard] E100B$="Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection",0,ndis,ethernet,real,E100B,E100B_nif [E100B] devdir=1:E100B.dos device=E100B.dos,@devdir\E100B.dos [E100B_nif] Drivername=E100B$ [PCI] VENDOR_ID=8086 DEVICE_ID=1229;1029;1209;2449;1031;1032;1033;1034;1035;1036;1037;1038;1039;103A;103B;103C;103D;103E;2459;245D;1059;1050;1051;1052;1053;1054;1055;1056;1057;1064;1065;1066;1067;1068;1069;106A;106B;27DC;1091;1092;1093;1094;1095;10FE PRO100/DOS/protocol.ini0000755000000000000000000000155407754641730011641 0ustar ; Protocol.Ini section for the Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection DRIVERNAME = E100B$ ; ; Some common parameters ; ; SPEED = [0 | 10 | 100] ; 0 = Auto (default) ; ; FORCEDUPLEX = [0 | 1 | 2] ; 0 = Auto (default); 1 = Half; 2 = Full ; ; SLOT = 0x38 ; ; NODE = "00AA00123456" ; ; TRANSMITBUFFERS = 20 ; range 3 - 30 ; ; RECEIVEBUFFERS = 20 ; range 3 - 30 ; ; CACHEFLUSH = 0 ; set to 1 to allow the driver to hook the cache flush interrupt ; ; this is needed when doing unattended installations of NT 4 ; ; NOWARMBOOTHOOK = 0 ; set to 1 to prevent the driver from hooking the ; ; warm boot interrupts under DOS only - ; ; not recommended for normal use PRO100/Win320000755000000000000000000000000012233423717007454 5ustar PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x0000755000000000000000000000000012233423726010466 5ustar PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x/NicCo26.dll0000755000000000000000000006716010663507610012422 0ustar MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $F9@'W'W'W'V'WN'W'W;J'Wh'Wv'W;K'Wj'WRich'WPELF! B#` ܜQR$Lxp Tp .textAB `.data<`F@.rsrc pH@@.reloc N@BTQFQMMMMN N8NTNlNzNNNNNNNNOO"O.O:OHO\OnO~OO(QOOOOOP*P@PZPjPxPPPPPPPPPQQOMvQM<F744 ,NicCoWaitDelayNicCoWaitCountNicCoPlugins%s\%sGlobal\NicCo_Driver_Upgrade_CompleteGlobal\NicCo_Driver_Upgrade_BeginCorExitProcessmscoree.dllruntime error TLOSS error SING error DOMAIN error R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. 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Please contact the application's support team for more information. 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turned on - exitingCHelper::IsSettingDebugableGetPathFromRegistry() - Unable to open the registry value - exitingGetPathFromRegistry() - Unable to open the registry key - exitingCHelper::GetPathFromRegistry\.DLLCHelper::StripLibraryNameResourcePathInstalledDirSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\NCS2\Agents\..\Common\Src\Helper.cppERROR: Unable to find path to library! 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IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#;Ȁ3k<Treiber fr Intel(R) Network Connections entfernen>MS Sans SerifP`T2JaPT2NeinPhP-4<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$GȀ1Q<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`<2YesP<2NoPhP-"<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#-PAȀ2g<Supprimer les pilotes des cartes rseau Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`R2OuiPR2NonPhP+2<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$BȀ2b<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`N2SPN2NoPhP+.<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$@Ȁ1]<0000(R) PRO 0000000000000000000n0JRd> -3 00000P`K2o0D0PK2D0D0H0PhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#@Ȁ1`<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers> tPL2P`L2DȲ$PhP+-<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#>Ȁ1b<Remova os drivers de Conexes de rede Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`N2SimPN2NoPhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$AȀ1\<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software> [SOPbG3/fPG2&TPhP+,<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#<Ȁ1h<Desinstalar los controladores de Intel(R) Network Connections>MS Sans SerifP`R2SPR2NoPhP+1<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$Cyd Intel(R) }#}ߎԚ&T(&N)/f(&Y)F`yd@b g g} Intel }#}vER z_U ͑ޞˊ(WydER z_KNMR HQyd(W Intel }#} N-[vD}T VLAN0`-[p iSCSI Boot ;Nb!k݈nv Intel(R) NbaS(Wdk|q}-N0d[݈݈nER z_MR `N[f 0_j*QHQ^ 0-[ O[(W@b gv Intel NbaS NhQ 0\P(u 00W-[p FCoE Boot ݈nv Intel? NbaSX[(We P|q}-N0`N[(W@b gv Intel NbaS N\0_j^0-[p0*g-[0 KN_Mbd[݈݈nER z_07|q}v[daԚRj/fO(u FCoE xOMn0(W`OSNd݈nER z_[݈MR `_Mn[OO(u,g_jxx0LNbaSO(ue0Ethernet IQ~S0Bf `1\ Nd[݈݈nER z_0ˊ\0_j^0-[fp0*g-[0&Nx[RjHhO(u,g_jxx_j_QfN!k02Enfernen der Intel( R ) Netzwerkanschluss-Software&Nein&JaMchten Sie Treiber fr alle verdrahteten Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen entfernen? WICHTIG: Entfernen Sie vor der Deinstallation alle auf Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen konfigurierte Gruppen und VLANs.In diesem System existieren Intel(R) Adapter, die als iSCSI Boot Primr- oder Sekundr-Gerte konfiguriert sind. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in Deaktiviert ndern, bevor Sie den Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.In diesem System existieren als FCoE-Bootgerte konfigurierte Intel Adapter. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in 'Nicht festgelegt' ndern, bevor Sie die Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.Die Paging-Datei des virtuellen Speichers des Systems ist fr ein FCoE-Laufwerk konfiguriert. Sie muss fr ein lokales Laufwerk konfiguriert werden, bevor die Gertetreiber deinstalliert werden knnen.5Sie knnen den Gertetreiber nicht deinstallieren, solange der Adapter fr Fibre Channel over Ethernet verwendet wird. ndern Sie die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt in 'Nicht festgelegt' und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Auslagerungsdatei einen lokalen Datentrger verwendet, bevor Sie es erneut versuchen.,Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software&No&YesDo you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.Intel(R) Adapters configured as iSCSI Boot Primary or Secondary devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Priority setting to Disabled on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device driver.Intel Adapters configured as FCoE Boot devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device drivers.The system s virtual memory paging file is configured to use an FCoE drive. You must configure it to use a local drive before you can uninstall the device drivers.You cannot uninstall the device driver while the adapter is in use for Fibre Channel over Ethernet. Change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set and make sure the paging file uses a local drive before trying again.PA0Supprimer le logiciel Connexions rseau Intel(R)&Non&OuiVoulez-vous supprimer les pilotes de toutes les connexions rseau Intel filaires ? IMPORTANT : supprimez l'ensemble des associations et des rseaux VLAN configurs sur les connexions rseau Intel avant de procder la suppression des pilotes.Des cartes Intel(R) configures comme priphriques iSCSI Boot principaux ou secondaires se trouvent sur le systme. Le paramtre Priorit d'amorage doit tre dfini sur Dsactiv sur toutes les cartes Intel avant que vous puissiez dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique.Des cartes Intel configures comme priphriques d'amorage FCoE se trouvent sur le systme. Vous devez dfinir le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur "Non dfini" sur toutes les cartes Intel avant d'installer les pilotes de priphrique.Le fichier de pagination de mmoire virtuelle du systme est configur pour tre utilis sur un disque FCoE. Vous devez le configurer pour utiliser un disque local avant de pouvoir dsinstaller les pilotes de priphriques.Vous ne pouvez pas dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique alors que la carte est utilise pour FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Dfinissez le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur Non dfini et assurez-vous que le fichier de pagination utilise un lecteur local avant d'essayer nouveau.Rimuovi il software di Intel(R)&No&SRimuovere i driver remoti per tutte le connessioni di rete cablate Intel? IMPORTANTE: prima di rimuovere i driver, rimuovere i raggruppamenti e le VLAN configurati sulla rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel(R) configurate come periferiche iSCSI Boot primarie o secondarie. Per installare il driver della periferica prima necessario impostare a Disattivato la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel configurate come periferiche FCoE Boot. Per disinstallare i driver della periferica prima necessario configurare su 'Non impostata' la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.L'impaginazione della memoria virtuale del sistema configurata per l'uso di un'unit FCoE. Sar necessario configurarla per l'uso di un'unit locale prima che sia possibile disinstallare i driver della periferica.Impossibile disinstallare il driver del dispositivo quando la scheda di rete utilizzata per Fibre Channel su Ethernet. Prima di riprovare, impostare l'ordine di avvio a  Non impostato e accertarsi che il file di paging usi un'unit locale.0000(R) 00000000000000000000n0JRdD0D0H0(&N)o0D0(&Y)_Y0y0f0n0 g}n0000000000000000000 0JRdW0~0Y0K0 00000JRdY00MRk00000000000000000000 k0-[U00f0D00000h0 VLAN 0JRdW0f0O0`0U0D00S0n00000k0o00iSCSI Boot 000000~0_0o000000000000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n00000000000g0wRn0*QHQ-[0!qRk0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00xFCoE Boot 0000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0S0n00000k0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n0000000000g0 [wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00 Y0000n0N`000000000000000o0 FCoE 00000O(uY000F0-[U00f0D0~0Y000000000000JRdY00MRk0000000000O(uY000F0-[W0f0O0`0U0D0000000L0 Fibre Channel over Ethernet (uk0O(uU00f0D00o00000000000JRdg0M0~0[000[wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfW0f00000000000L0000000000O(uY00S0h00xW0f0K00QfLW0f0O0`0U0D00xT(R) $l Ű ոƴ pDȲ$(&N)(&Y)W xT(R) $l Ű ܴ|tDŽ| pX ȲL? ɔ: pX0  xT $l Ű ޹ l1 VLAND pX$.oiSCSI X  p X\ l1 xT(R) 0 t ¤\ ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX$t < xT 0  $D D\1T(<\ t| iȲ.jt ¤\ FCoE X\ l1 xT(R) 0 ǵȲ. X ܴ|t | $X pX$t < xT 0 t  $D "$ JL"<\ t| iȲ.X¤\X T t |@ FCoE ܴ|t | Xij] l1 ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX0  \ ܴ|t | Xij] l1t|iȲ.0 Fibre Channel Over Ethernet<\  ٳHŔ X ܴ|tDŽ| p`  ŵȲ. ijX0   $D "$ JL"<\ X t |t \ ܴ|t | XՔ UxX$.0Remova o software para conexes de rede Intel(R)&No&SimDeseja remover os drivers de todas a conexes de rede Intel(R) com fio. IMPORTANTE: Remova os grupos e as VLANs configuradas nas conexes de rede Intel antes de remover os drivers.Adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos de inicializao iSCSI principal ou secundrio esto presentes neste sistema. Voc precisa mudar a configurao de prioridade de inicializao para Desabilitada em todos os adaptadores Intel antes de poder desinstalar o dispositivo.O sistema contm adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de inicializao FCoE. Voc precisa modificar o parmetro Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) em todos os adaptadores Intel para poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivo.O arquivo de paginao da memria virtual do sistema est configurado para usar uma unidade FCoE. Voc deve configur-lo para usar a unidade local antes de poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivos. GVoc no pode desinstalar o driver de dispositivo enquanto o adaptador est em uso para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet - canal de fibra em Ethernet). Antes de tentar de novo, mude a configurao Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) e configure o arquivo de paginao para usar uma unidade local.ydyr\(R) Q~ޏcoN&T(&N)/f(&Y)@/f&T Rdyr\(R) Q~ޏcvhQqR z^ ͑ RdqR z^KNMR Rd(Wyr\(R) Q~ޏc NMnv~T VLAN0N,g|~-NX[(WMn:N iSCSI _[;NYb!kYvyr\(R) MhV0傁xS}YqR z^ _{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[OHQCg n9e:N y(u 0Ldk|~-NX[(WMn:N FCoE _[Yvyr\(R) MhV0`_{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[z^ nf9e:N *gn 6qTMbxS}YqR z^0;|~vZbQX[RueNMn:NO(u FCoE qRhV0_{\vQMn:NO(uN*N,g0WqRhV 6qTMbSNxS}YqR z^0=` N(WMhVck(W(uNN*YQIQ~SexS}YqR z^0\_[nf9e:N Nn v^nxORueNO(u,g0WqRhV 6qTQՋ06Desinstalar el software de conexiones de red Intel(R)&No&SDesea desinstalar los controladores de todas las conexiones de red Intel(R) conectadas? IMPORTANTE: Antes de desinstalar los controladores, elimine los equipos y LAN virtuales configurados en las conexiones de red Intel.En este sistema hay presentes adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos primarios o secundarios de iSCSI Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Prioridad de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos.En este sistema hay adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de FCoE Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Orden de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.El archivo de paginacin de memoria virtual del sistema est configurado para usar una unidad FCoE. Necesitar configurarlo para usar una unidad local antes de poder desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.No puede desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos mientras se utiliza el adaptador para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Cambie la opcin Orden de inicio a  No establecido y asegrese de que el archivo de paginacin utilice una unidad local antes de intentarlo de nuevo.^Intel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980T Windows Me NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gIIntel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gd[݈ z_!ql_Uv-[j jHhd[݈\Omi]}B}bkIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 und Windows ME vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!NDas Deinstallationsprogramm konnte die erforderliche Setup-Datei nicht ffnen:+Die Deinstallation der Datei wurde beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me. The program will exit!wIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. The program will exit!0Uninstaller cannot open the required setup file:(File uninstallation has been terminated!Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 et Windows ME. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 200. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.QLe programme de dsinstallation ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'installation requis :/La dsinstallation du fichier a t abandonne.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. Il programma verr chiuso.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. Il programma verr chiuso.CIl programma di disinstallazione non pu aprire il file necessario:/La disinstallazione del file stata terminata.t0000(R) PRO 00000h0000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980J00s0 Windows Me g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y00]0000(R) PRO 00000h00000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y0000000000o0_j0000000 00000Q0~0[0000000n000000000L0-NbkU00~0W0_00sxT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98  Windows Me ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.\xT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.DՔ\ $ |D  ŵȲ. | $X p ŵȲ.O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. O programa vai ser fechado!O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. O programa vai ser fechado!IO desinstalador no conseguiu abrir o arquivo de configurao necessrio:.A desinstalao dos arquivos foi interrompida!X"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^" ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 95 Windows 98 T Windows ME -N0 z^\QA"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^"ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 -N0 z^\QxSň z^elSb_@b[ňeNeNxSň~bkLa desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 y Windows Me. El programa se cerrar.La desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. El programa se cerrar.SEl programa de desinstalacin no puede abrir el archivo de configuracin requerido:-Se ha cancelado la desinstalacin de archivos!/` g{t kPMbWL P z_0 ˊT`v|q}{tT=mb0.1ue iSCSI Boot ck(WO(udkER z_ @bN!qlpN Nv݈nd[݈dkER z_%sFEHLER: Fr die Ausfhrung dieses Programms werden Administratorrechte bentigt. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den zustndigen Systemadministrator.uDer Treiber des folgenden Gertes konnte nicht deinstalliert werden, da er momentan fr iSCSI Boot verwendet wird: %seERROR: You need administrative rights to run this program. Please consult your system administrators.iCould not uninstall the driver for the following device because it is currently in use for iSCSI Boot. %sERREUR : Vous devez possder des droits d'administrateur pour pouvoir excuter ce programme. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur systme.iImpossible de dsinstaller le pilote du priphrique suivant parce qu il est utilis pour iSCSI Boot : %sERRORE: per eseguire questo programma necessario avere i diritti di amministrazione. Rivolgersi agli amministratori del sistema.mImpossibile disinstallare il driver per la seguente periferica poich attualmente in uso per iSCSI Boot: %s1000S0n0000000[LY00k0o0{t)jPL0_g0Y00 0000{tk0OUD0T0[0f0O0`0U0D00*!kn000000o0s(W iSCSI Bootk000O(u-Nn0_000JRdg0M0~0[00: %s4$X: t \D ‰X$t \t Ǵ| iȲ. ¤\ Ō 8XX$.2iSCSI Boot ֬ 0 L8 L XX ܴ|tDŽ| p` ŵȲ: %spERRO: Voc precisa de direitos administrativos para executar este programa. Consulte o administrador do sistema.`No foi possvel desinstalar o driver a seguir porque ele est sendo usado para o iSCSI Boot: %sERROR: ЏLdk z^{tXTCgP0 T`v{tXTT0"el:NN NYxS}qR z^ V:N[ck(uN iSCSI _[: %soERROR: Debe tener derechos de administrador para ejecutar este programa. Consulte el administrador de sistemas.vNo se puede desinstalar el controlador del siguiente dispositivo ya que est actualmente en uso para el iSCSI Boot: %s !qld[݈ %s$Fehler bei der Deinstallation von %sFailed to Uninstall %s"La dsinstallation d'%s a chou. Impossibile disinstallare %s%s 000000000g0M0~0[00%sD(|) pX յȲ.Falha ao desinstalar o %s.elxSň %sNo se ha podido desinstalar %sIntel(R) xed_jTߎԚd[݈ z_+d[݈ z_gyd@b g Intel xed_jvܕvER z_TߎԚ0 `|~~2LU7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerfDas Deinstallationsprogramm entfernt Treiber und Software von allen Intel Modems. Vorgang fortsetzen?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerjUninstaller will remove the associated drivers and software of all Intel modems. Do you want to continue?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIEProgramme de dsinstallation Intel(R) Modems and Software Uninstaller|Le programme de dsinstallation va supprimer les pilotes et les logiciels de tous les modems Intel. Voulez-vous continuer ?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II=Programma di disinstallazione del software dei modem Intel(R)rIl programma di disinstallazione rimuover il software e i driver associati a tutti i modem Intel(R). Continuare?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II0000(R) 000h00000000n000000000@000000000[LY00h000000n0000k0#W0_000000h00000000L0JRdU00~0Y00 }LW0f0000W0D0g0Y0K07Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIxT(R)  ոƴ $X p \9$X p \t xT  ܴ|tDŽ  ոƴ| piȲ. ĬX ȲL?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II+Desinstalador de software e modems Intel(R)]O desinstalador vai remover os drivers e softwares de todos os modems Intel. Quer continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIyr\(R) 6RhVToNxSň z^$xSň z^\ Rd@b gyr\6RhVvvsQqR z^ToN0 /f&T~~7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II,Desinstalacin de programa y mdems Intel(R)}El programa de desinstalacin eliminar los controladores y software asociados con todos los mdems Intel. Desea continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II           4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. 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Make the following changes to the .SIF file that is used for this image installation (located in the [IMAGE_ROOT]\I386\Templates directory): [Unattended] OemPreinstall = yes OemPnpDriversPath = \Drivers\Nic 4. Copy all .SYS files from PRO100\WIN32\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\i386 directory. Do NOT copy the INF files to this directory. 5. Extract the .INF file from PRO100\WIN32\NDIS5x\RIS_INF\E100B325.ZIP to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\i386 directory. 6. Restart the Remote Installation Service. 7. Follow the rest of the Microsoft instructions for adding a new network driver to the RIS installation. Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition and Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 64-bit Edition ============================================= 1. Create an [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory if one does not already exist. 2. Copy all files from the PRO100\WIN64\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory. 3. Make the following changes to the .SIF file that is used for this image installation (located in the [IMAGE_ROOT]\ia64\Templates directory): [Unattended] OemPreinstall = yes OemPnpDriversPath = \Drivers\Nic 4. Copy all .SYS files from the PRO100\WIN64\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\ia64 directory. Do NOT copy the INF files to this directory. 5. Extract the .INF file from PRO100\WIN64\NDIS5x\RIS_INF\E100B645.ZIP to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\ia64 directory. 6. Restart the Remote Installation Service. 7. Follow the rest of the Microsoft instructions for adding a new network driver to the RIS installation. Microsoft Windows XP x64 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 ============================================================== 1. Create an [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory if one does not already exist. 2. Copy all files from the PRO100\WINX64\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory. 3. Make the following changes to the .SIF file that is used for this image installation (located in the [IMAGE_ROOT]\amd64\Templates directory): [Unattended] OemPreinstall = yes OemPnpDriversPath = \Drivers\Nic 4. Copy all .SYS files from the PRO100\WINX64\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\amd64 directory. Do NOT copy the INF files to this directory. 5. Extract the .INF file from PRO100\WINX64\NDIS5x\RIS_INF\EFE5B32E.ZIP to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\amd64 directory. 6. Restart the Remote Installation Service. 7. Follow the rest of the Microsoft instructions for adding a new network driver to the RIS installation. Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x/e100a325.inf0000755000000000000000000045267310743404460012325 0ustar ;******************************************************************************* ;* ** ;* I N T E L P R O P R I E T A R Y ** ;* ** ;* COPYRIGHT (c) 2000-2007 BY INTEL CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO ** ;* PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, ** ;* TRANSCRIBED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY ** ;* LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER LANGUAGE IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, ** ;* MECHANICAL, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ** ;* THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF : ** ;* ** ;* INTEL CORPORATION ** ;* ** ;* 2200 MISSION COLLEGE BLVD ** ;* ** ;* SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052-8119 ** ;* ** ;******************************************************************************* ; ;******************************************************************************* ; e100a325.INF ; $Revision: 25 $ ; ; Intel 8255x-based PCI Ethernet Adapters ; PnP install script for Windows XP ; ; Version [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_INTEL% CatalogFile = DriverVer = 12/06/2007, [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel, NTx86 [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = \ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00018086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00028086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00038086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00048086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00058086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00068086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00078086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00088086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10098086&REV_05,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_24088086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_240F8086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_24118086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_24128086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_24138086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_21038086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_21048086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_21058086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_21088086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_22018086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_22058086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_22068086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_22078086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_22088086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_21008086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_22048086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_24028086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_24078086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_24098086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_24108086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_21068086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1035,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1036,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_01,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_02,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_04,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_05,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_08,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_09,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0C,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0D,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0E,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30128086,\ PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30158086 [Intel] [Intel.NTx86] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110G.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30128086 %PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110G.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30128086&REV_01 %PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110G.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30128086&REV_03 %PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc% = XP_E10P.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00038086 %PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00018086 %PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00028086 %PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00048086 %I557IFE.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00058086 %I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00068086 %I558IFE.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00078086 %I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00088086 %PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101r5.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00098086 %PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101r5.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000A8086 %PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10098086&REV_04 %PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101r5.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10098086&REV_05 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_01 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_02 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_04 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101r5.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_05 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_08 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101SG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_09 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SCNG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0C %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0D %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0E ;--- Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter ; [XP_E10P.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed10.reg, 82557.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_E10P.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_E10P.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82557 Rev 1, 2 ; [XP_E100B.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 5 ; PCI DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_E100B.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_E100B.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82558 Rev 4 ; [XP_D101.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_D101.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82558 Rev 5 ; [XP_D101r5.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_D101r5.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101r5.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82559 Rev 8 Generic ; [XP_D101MG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg AddReg = LLPDD_OFF.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_D101MG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101MG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82559 Rev 9 Security Generic ; [XP_D101SG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, LLPDD_OFF.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, SecOff.reg, LogLinkState.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_D101SG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101SG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C Generic ; [XP_D102SCNG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, LLPDD_OFF.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_D102SCNG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102SCNG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev D Generic ; [XP_D102mG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LLPDD_OFF.reg, LogLinkState.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_D102mG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102mG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles [XP_D110G.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = Phone.reg,ICH2.reg,Gilad.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LogLinkState.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [XP_D110G.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D110G.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Registry settings ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;--- Common 82557 NDI parameters ; [82557.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, ParamDesc, 0, %RxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Default, 0, "48" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Max, 0, "1024" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumRfd, MiniHelp, 0, %RxBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, ParamDesc, 0, %TxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Default, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Max, 0, "64" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumTcb, MiniHelp, 0, %TxBuffersMiniHelp% HKR, , NumTcb, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %CoalesceBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Default, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Max, 0, "32" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumCoalesce, MiniHelp, 0, %CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveIFS% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Max, 0, "255" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Adaptive_IFS, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTxThreshold% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Default, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Max, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Threshold, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, ParamDesc, 0, %HPQPriorityLevelDef% HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Default, 0, "4" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Max, 0, "7" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, MiniHelp, 0, %HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTechnology% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "1", 0, %On% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\UcodeSW, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %PciBusEfficiency% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Coalesce, MiniHelp, 0, %PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal, ParamDesc, 0, %BasicConnectivity% HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal\Enum,"1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal\Enum,"0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal, MiniHelp, 0, %BasicConnectivityMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %LocalyAdminAddress% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Type, 0, "edit" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Default, 0, "" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NetworkAddress, MiniHelp, 0, %LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, ParamDesc, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpace% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Default, 0, "6" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Max, 0, "15" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\ConfigIFS, MiniHelp, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp% HKR,,PcNic, 0, "1" HKR,,MWIEnable, 2, "0" HKR,,AdaptiveStalledInterrupts, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveCarrierLoss, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveTransmitMethod, 2, "1" HKR,,Threshold, 0, "200" HKR,,DeviceVxDsPrefix, 0, "e100b" ;--- Log Link State Event ; [LogLinkState.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, ParamDesc, 0, %LogLinkState% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, MiniHelp, 0, %LogLinkStateMiniHelp% ;--- 82558 specifics ; [82558.reg] ; 802.1p/802.1q Packet Tagging - This parameter repeated in ICH2.REG HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, ParamDesc, 0, %QoSPacketTag% HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\TaggingMode, MiniHelp, 0, %QosPacketTagMiniHelp% ; Flow Control Settings HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, ParamDesc, 0, %FlowControlSettings% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Default, 0, "3" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "3", 0, %GenerateAndRespond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "2", 0, %Respond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "1", 0, %Generate% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\FlowControl, MiniHelp, 0, %FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp% HKR,, FlowControl, 0, "3" ; Adaptive Performance Tuning HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuning% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Type, 0, "slider" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "0" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, LeftLabel, 0, %AdapterBandwidth% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, RightLabel, 0, %CpuUtil% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "0", 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "1", 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "2", 0, "512" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "3", 0, "768" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "4", 0, "1024" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "5", 0, "1280" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "6", 0, "1536" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "7", 0, "1792" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "8", 0, "2048" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "9", 0, "2304" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "10", 0, "2560" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "11", 0, "2816" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "12", 0, "3072" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "13", 0, "3328" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "14", 0, "3584" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "15", 0, "3840" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "16", 0, "4096" ;--- 82558 B Rev 5 - no force wake on link ; [82558B.reg] ; WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, default, 0, "246" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "6", 0, %WakeOnMagicPacket% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "116", 0, %WakeOnDirected% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "118", 0, %WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "246", 0, %OSControlled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, ExposeLevel, 0, "2" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, MiniHelp, 0, %WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp% HKR,, WakeOn, 0, "246" ;Wake on Link parameter HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnLinkSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ; HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "1", 0, %OSControlled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "2", 0, %Enabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, type, 0, "enum" ;HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, ExposeLevel, 0, "2" HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\WakeOnLink, MiniHelp, 0, %WakeOnLinkHelp% ;--- 82559 Enable PME ; [EnablePME.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, ParamDesc, 0, %EnablePME% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Default, 0, "2" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "2", 0, %OsControlled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\EnablePME, MiniHelp, 0, %EnablePMEMiniHelp% HKR, , EnablePME, 0, "2" ;--- ; [XP_PowerSave.reg] HKR,,AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled, 0, "0" HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "1" HKR,,SavePowerNowEnabled, 0, "1" HKR,,NdisMultipleIndicateDown, 0, "0" ;--- Enable Power Down ; [EnableLLPD.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, ParamDesc, 0, %SmartPowerDown% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, MiniHelp, 0, %SmartPowerDownMiniHelp% ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveLinkResponse% ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin, Type, 0, "enum" ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin, Default, 0, "0" ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin\Enum, "1", 0, %On% ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% ;HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\LinkBasedLogin, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp% [LLPDD_OFF.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Default, 0, "0" ;--- Security ; [Security.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled, ParamDesc, 0, %IPSecEnabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled\Enum,"0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled\Enum,"1", 0, %On% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\IPSecEnabled, MiniHelp, 0, %IPSecEnabledMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, ParamDesc, 0, %SecurityAssociations% HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Default, 0, "64" ; Client HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Max, 0, "5000" HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, MiniHelp, 0, %SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp% HKR,,IPSecTunnelMode, 2, "1" HKR,,MaxNumSecAssoc, 2, "64" [SecOff.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled, Default, 0, "0" ;--- Checksum Offload ; [CSumOffload.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled, ParamDesc, 0, %ChecksumEnabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled\Enum,"0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled\Enum,"1", 0, %On% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\ChecksumEnabled, MiniHelp, 0, %ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp% ;--- Large Send Offload ; [LargeSendOffload.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled, ParamDesc, 0, %LargeSendEnabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled\Enum,"0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled\Enum,"1", 0, %On% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\LargeSendEnabled, MiniHelp, 0, %LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp% ;--- CPUSaver Server [CPUSaverServer.reg] HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "1536" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "1536" ;--- Speed Duplex Mode common base 10Mb ; [Speed10.reg] HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, ParamDesc, 0, %SpeedDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, default, 0, "1" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "1", 0, %10Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "2", 0, %10Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\params\SpeedDuplex, MiniHelp, 0, %SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp% HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\params\SpeedDuplex, ExposeLevel, 0, "3" ;--- Speed Duplex Mode common base 10/100Mb ; [Speed100.reg] HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, ParamDesc, 0, %SpeedDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "0", 0, %AutoDetect% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "1", 0, %10Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "2", 0, %10Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "3", 0, %100Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "4", 0, %100Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\params\SpeedDuplex, MiniHelp, 0, %SpeedDuplexMiniHelp% HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\params\SpeedDuplex, ExposeLevel, 0, "3" ;--- Gilad Phoneline ; [Phone.reg] HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhonePower, ParamDesc, 0, %PhyPhonePower% HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhonePower, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhonePower, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhonePower\enum, "0", 0, %Low% HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhonePower\enum, "1", 0, %High% HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhoneSpeed, ParamDesc, 0, %PhyPhoneSpeed% HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhoneSpeed, default, 0, "1" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhoneSpeed, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhoneSpeed\enum, "0", 0, %Low% HKR, Ndi\params\PhyPhoneSpeed\enum, "1", 0, %High% HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs, ParamDesc, 0, %PhyGiladIfs% HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs, default, 0, "96" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "96", 0, " 96 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "112", 0, "112 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "128", 0, "128 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "144", 0, "144 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "160", 0, "160 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "176", 0, "176 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "192", 0, "192 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "208", 0, "208 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "224", 0, "224 bit-times" HKR, Ndi\params\PhyGiladIfs\enum, "240", 0, "240 bit-times" ;--- Gilad parameters starts [Gilad.reg] HKR,,EnablePME, 0, "2" HKR,,BroadcastEnable, 0, "0" [ICH2.reg] ; 802.1p/802.1q Packet Tagging - This parameter repeated in 82558.REG HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, ParamDesc, 0, %QoSPacketTag% HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\TaggingMode, MiniHelp, 0, %QoSPacketTagMiniHelp% ; Flow Control Settings HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, ParamDesc, 0, %FlowControlSettings% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Default, 0, "3" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "3", 0, %GenerateAndRespond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "2", 0, %Respond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "1", 0, %Generate% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\FlowControl, MiniHelp, 0, %FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, ParamDesc, 0, %RxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Default, 0, "48" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Max, 0, "1024" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumRfd, MiniHelp, 0, %RxBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, ParamDesc, 0, %TxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Default, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Max, 0, "64" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumTcb, MiniHelp, 0, %TxBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %CoalesceBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Default, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Max, 0, "32" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumCoalesce, MiniHelp, 0, %CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveIFS% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Max, 0, "255" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Adaptive_IFS, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTxThreshold% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Default, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Max, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Threshold, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTechnology% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "1", 0, %On% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\UcodeSW, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %PciBusEfficiency% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Coalesce, MiniHelp, 0, %PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp% ; Adaptive Performance Tuning HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuning% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Type, 0, "slider" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "0" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, LeftLabel, 0, %AdapterBandwidth% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, RightLabel, 0, %CpuUtil% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "0", 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "1", 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "2", 0, "512" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "3", 0, "768" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "4", 0, "1024" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "5", 0, "1280" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "6", 0, "1536" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "7", 0, "1792" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "8", 0, "2048" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "9", 0, "2304" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "10", 0, "2560" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "11", 0, "2816" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "12", 0, "3072" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "13", 0, "3328" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "14", 0, "3584" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "15", 0, "3840" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "16", 0, "4096" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %LocalyAdminAddress% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Type, 0, "edit" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Default, 0, "" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NetworkAddress, MiniHelp, 0, %LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, ParamDesc, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpace% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Default, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Max, 0, "15" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\ConfigIFS, MiniHelp, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp% HKR,,PcNic, 0, "1" HKR,,MWIEnable, 0, "0" HKR,,DeviceVxDsPrefix, 0, "e100b" HKR,,HPQDisable, 0, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveStalledInterrupts, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveCarrierLoss, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveTransmitMethod, 2, "1" HKR,,Threshold, 0, "200" ;--- NT NDI object registration ; [e100b.ndi.NT.reg] HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5" HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" HKR,Ndi, Service, 0, "E100B" HKR,,LogErrorMessages, 0, "1" ;--- Uninstallation HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1031, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1032, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1033, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1034, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1035, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1036, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1038, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1039, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103A, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103B, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103C, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103D, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103E, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1050, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1051, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1052, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1053, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1054, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1055, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1064, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1065, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1066, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1067, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1068, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1069, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1059, 0, "82551" ; Do MWI in coinstaller HKR,,CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, "0x80000004" ; Del Reg section ;------------------------------------ [SpeedDpx.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\Speed HKR,Ndi\Params\ForceDpx HKR,Ndi\Params\PacketTagging HKR,,Speed HKR,,ForceDpx HKR,,PacketTagging [TaskOffload.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\TaskOffload HKR,,TaskOffload [ALR.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin HKR,,LinkBasedLogin [82557DelReg.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControlReceive HKR,,FlowControlReceive [82558BDelReg.DelReg] HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink ;--- NT Service ; [e100b325.Service] DisplayName = %e100bnt.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\e100b325.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS AddReg = TextModeFlags.reg ;--- NT Common base ; [common325.EventLog] AddReg = common325.AddEventLog.reg [common325.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %MessageStringSource_XP% HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 [TextModeFlags.reg] HKR, , TextModeFlags, 0x00010001, 0x0001 ;--- Copy files ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles = 12 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DISKNAME%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] e100b325.din = 1,, e100b325.sys = 1,, NicCo2.dll = 1,, NicInst.dll = 1,, e100bmsg.dll = 1,, [E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles] e100b325.sys,,,2 [UninstallW2k.CopyFiles] e100b325.din,,,2 ;--- Coinstaller [CoInstaller_CopyFiles] NicCo2.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicInst.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo2.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicInst.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" ;--- Localizable Strings ; [Strings] MessageStringSource_XP = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\e100b325.sys" ; Parameters ; values On = "On" Off = "Off" Enabled = "Enabled" Disabled = "Disabled" AutoDetect = "Auto Detect" 10Mb-Half-Duplex = "10Mbps/Half Duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex = "10Mbps/Full Duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex = "100Mbps/Half Duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex = "100Mbps/Full Duplex" High = "High" Low = "Low" None = "None" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond = "Generate and Respond" Respond = "Respond" Generate = "Generate" NoAction = "No Action" HardwareDefault = "Hardware Default" OSControlled = "OS Controlled" Forced = "Forced" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers = "Receive Descriptors" RxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of buffers the driver uses when copying data to protocol memory. Increasing this value can enhance receive performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." TxBuffers = "Transmit Descriptors" TxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of data segments that enable the adapter to track transmit packets. Increasing this value can improve transmit performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." CoalesceBuffers = "Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets number of buffers available for transmit acceleration. Should be 30-50 percent of Transmit Descriptors. See Help for more information." AdaptiveIFS = "Adaptive Inter-Frame Spacing" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling back-to-back timing." AdaptiveTxThreshold = "Adaptive Transmit Threshold" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp = "Sets number of bytes before adapter empties FIFO buffer. Lower values may enhance transmit performance, but may also result in more underruns. If the adapter can achieve better performance using a lower value, it will use that value. Actual value is 8 times setting." HPQPriorityLevelDef = "Priority Level Definition" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp = "Sets the controlled cutoff level between high and low traffic priorities for use with High Priority Queue (HPQ) and Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology = "Adaptive Technology" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp = "Enables or disables micro-code that optimizes performance. If you disable this feature, you must enable Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency = "PCI Bus Efficiency" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp = "Combines transmit packet buffer fragments into a single buffer before sending them to the network." BasicConnectivity = "Low Resource Connectivity" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp = "Sets the driver to attempt to load in low-resource environments. Advanced features will be disabled until they have sufficient resources to function." LocalyAdminAddress = "Locally Administered Address" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp = "Allows you to configure a custom MAC address for the adapter." RetransmitInterFrameSpace = "Retransmit Inter-Frame Spacing" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling retransmit timing. Increasing this value can improve network performance if there is a large number of collisions on the network." LogLinkState = "Log Link State Event" LogLinkStateMiniHelp = "Enables/disables recording of the link state message to the Event Viewer." QoSPacketTag = "QoS Packet Tagging" QosPacketTagMiniHelp = "Enables sending and receiving of IEEE Tagged frames (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), which include priority and VLAN indicators." FlowControlSettings = "Flow Control" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp = "Pauses packet transmission on receipt of full flow control frame and sends full flow control frame to notify the other side to stop transmission." SpeedDuplex = "Link Speed & Duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must coincide with switch port or no link will occur." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 or 100 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must match link partner settings, or link may be unstable, and performance will suffer." PhyPhoneSpeed = "Phoneline Transmit Speed" PhyPhonePower = "Phoneline Power Level" PhyGiladIfs = "Inter Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled = "Offload IP Security" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles by offloading IPSec encryption from the CPU to the adapter." ChecksumEnabled = "Offload TCP/IP Checksum" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows adapter to verify TCP/IP checksum on received packets and compute checksum on transmitted packets. May improve TCP/IP performance." LargeSendEnabled = "Offload TCP Segmentation" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows the adapter to offload the task of segmenting TCP messages. May improve CPU utilization." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations = "Security Associations" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp = "Sets Simultaneous Security Associations that can be offloaded to the adapters co-processor." AdaptivePerfTuning = "Adaptive Performance Tuning" AdapterBandwidth = "Network Performance" CpuUtil = "Computer Performance" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp = "Maximize the performance of the network adapter or computer. See Help for more information." WakeOnSettings = "Wake On Settings" WakeOnLink = "Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket = "Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets = "Wake on Magic & Directed" WakeOnLAA = "Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp = "Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected = "Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT = "Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp = "Determines how to wake the system." ForceWakeOnLink = "Force Wake On Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." EnablePME = "Enable PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp = "Enables/disables wake-up from Advanced Power Management (APM) sleep states." SmartPowerDown = "Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp = "Minimizes power consumption by enabling the adapter to enter a deep sleep mode when it does not have a valid link or when the operating system is in Suspend mode." AdaptiveLinkResponse = "Adaptive Link Response" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp = "Enables Adaptive Link Response to check PHYLink status." WakeOnLinkSettings = "Wake On Link Settings" WakeOnLinkHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="ر" Enabled ="" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="Զ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/˫" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/ȫ˫" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/˫" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/ȫ˫" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ɲӦ" Respond ="Ӧ" Generate ="" NoAction ="޲" HardwareDefault ="ӲĬ" OSControlled ="ϵͳ" Forced ="ǿ" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ݸЭڴʱʹõĻߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" TxBuffers ="" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ʹ׷ٴݰƬߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" CoalesceBuffers ="Ӻϻ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ڴٵĻӦΪİٷ֮ 3050μԻȡϢ" AdaptiveIFS ="Ӧ֡" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ͨƱʱ̫ݰײ" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="ӦԴֵ" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="趨 FIFO ֮ǰֽʹֵܻǿܣҲܵ¸ǷСԽϵ͵ֵܣʹøֵʵֵΪֵ 8 " HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Լ" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="ͨȼ͵ȼ֮ܿؽֹ롰Զ(HPQ)Ӣض(R) ݰһʹá" AdaptiveTechnology ="ӦԼ" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ûŻܵ΢롣ô˹ܣáӦ֡" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Ч" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ݰƬϲ뵥һȻǷ硣" BasicConnectivity ="Դʱ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ڵԴмء߼㹻Դɹ乤֮ǰá" LocalyAdminAddress ="عĵַ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="ΪԶ MAC ַ" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="´֡" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="ͨ´䶨ʱ̫ݰײдײĻߴֵܻܣ" LogLinkState ="¼״̬¼" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="/ý״̬Ϣ롰¼鿴" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ݰǩ" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="÷ͺͽ IEEE ǩ֡802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Qȼ VLAN ָʾ" FlowControlSettings ="̿" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ڽյȫ֡ʱͣݰ䣬ȫ֡Ϣ֪ͨԷֹͣ䡣" SpeedDuplex ="ٶȺ˫" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 Mbps ˫ģʽΪ빤ȫ뽻˿ӡ" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 100 Mbps˫ģʽΪ˫ȫ˫ӻӽܲȶӰ졣" PhyPhoneSpeed ="绰ߴٶ" PhyPhonePower ="绰ߵԴ" PhyGiladIfs ="֡" IPSecEnabled =" IP ȫ" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="ͨ CPU IPSec Ա CPU ڡ" ChecksumEnabled ="ش TCP/IP У" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="֤յݰ TCP/IP Уͣ㴫ݰУܻ͡ TCP/IP ܡ" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP ֶ" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="ض TCP ϢֶεĹܻ CPU ʡ" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ȫ" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="趨ɷЭġͬȫϡ" AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ӧܵ" AdapterBandwidth ="" CpuUtil ="" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̶ȵܡйظϢμ" WakeOnSettings ="û" WakeOnLink ="Ӹ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="ħ" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="ħݰ" WakeOnLAA ="ѱعַ(LAA)" WakeOnArp ="ѵַЭ(ARP)" WakeOnDirected ="ݰ" WakeOnNBT =" NBT ѯ" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="λϵͳ" ForceWakeOnLink ="ǿƻ" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" EnablePME =" PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ãôӡ߼ԴAPM˯״̬ѡ" SmartPowerDown ="ܹرյԴ" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ͨʹڲЧʱϵͳڡģʽʱ˯״̶̬ȵؼٵԴġ" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="ӦӦ" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ӦӦԼ PHYLinkӣ״̬" WakeOnLinkSettings ="" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0C04] ; Chinese (Traditional) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0407] ; German (Germany) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ein" Off ="Aus" Enabled ="Aktiviert" Disabled ="Deaktiviert" AutoDetect ="Automatische Erkennung" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" High ="Hoch" Low ="Niedrig" None ="Keine" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generieren und Reagieren" Respond ="Reagieren" Generate ="Generieren" NoAction ="Keine Aktion" HardwareDefault ="Hardware-Standard" OSControlled ="Betriebssystem-gesteuert" Forced ="Erzwungen" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Empfangsdeskriptoren" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Anzahl der Puffer, die der Treiber beim Kopieren von Daten in den Protokollspeicher verwendet. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Empfangsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." TxBuffers ="bertragungsdeskriptoren" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der Datensegmente ein, die dem Adapter ermglichen, bertragungspakete zu verfolgen. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die bertragungsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." CoalesceBuffers ="Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der zur bertragungsbeschleunigung verfgbaren Puffer ein. Sollte 30 - 50% der bertragungsdeskriptoren ausmachen. Siehe Hilfe." AdaptiveIFS ="Adaptives Interframe-Spacing " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch Steuerung der aufeinanderfolgenden Pakete." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Adaptiver bertragungsschwellenwert" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die Anzahl der Byte, bevor der Adapter seine FIFO-Puffer leert. Niedrigere Werte knnen die bertragungsleistung steigern, verursachen aber mglicherweise auch mehr Unterlufe. Wenn der Adapter eine bessere Leistung mit einem niedrigen Wert erreichen kann, wird er diesen verwenden. Der tatschliche Wert betrgt 8 Mal die Einstellung." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definition der Priorittsebene" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die berwachte Abschaltebene zwischen hoher und niedriger Verkehrsprioritt fr HPQ und Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Adaptive Technologie" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert den Mikrocode zur Leistungsoptimierung. Wenn Sie diese Funktion deaktivieren, mssen Sie die Inter-Frame-Trennung auf dem Adapter aktivieren." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Bus-Effizienz" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Fgt Pufferfragmente aus bertragungspaketen in einem einzigen Puffer zusammen, bevor sie ber das Netzwerk bertragen werden. " BasicConnectivity ="Verbindung mit beschr. Ressourcen" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Stellt den Ladeversuch des Treibers in einer Umgebung mit geringen Ressourcen ein. Erweiterte Funktionen werden solange deaktiviert, bis ausreichend Ressourcen verfgbar sind." LocalyAdminAddress ="Lokal verwaltete Adresse" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Ermglicht Ihnen das Konfigurieren einer benutzerdefinierten MAC-Adresse des Adapters." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Inter-Frame Spacing bei Neubertrg." RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch berwachung der zeitlichen Regulierung neu zu bertragender Pakete. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Leistung im Netzwerk steigern, wenn viele Kollisionen im Netzwerk auftreten." LogLinkState ="Verbindungsereignis protokollieren" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Aufzeichnung der Verbindungszustandsmeldung in der Ereignisansicht." QoSPacketTag ="QoS-Paketmarkierung" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Ermglicht den Versand und Empfang von IEEE gekennzeichneten Frames (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), zu denen Prioritts- und VLAN-Indikatoren gehren." FlowControlSettings ="Flusssteuerung" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Unterbricht die Paketbertragung beim Erhalt eines vollen Flusssteuerungsframes und sendet vollen Flusssteuerungsframe, um die andere Seite aufzufordern, die bertragung zu stoppen." SpeedDuplex ="Geschwindigkeit und Duplexmodus" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit dem Switchanschluss bereinstimmen, da andernfalls keine Verbindung zustande kommt." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10/100 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit den Einstellungen des Verbindungspartners bereinstimmen, da andernfalls die Verbindung unstabil wird und eine Leistungsminderung eintritt." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Geschwindigkeit der Telefonleitung" PhyPhonePower ="Stromstrke der Telefonleitung" PhyGiladIfs ="Inter-Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled ="IP Security abladen" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Spart CPU-Zyklen durch Abgabe der IPSec-Verschlsselung vom CPU an den Adapter." ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP-Prfsumme abladen" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die TCP/IP-Prfsumme empfangener Pakete zu berprfen und die Prfsumme bertragener Pakete zu berechnen. Dadurch kann die TCP/IP-Leistung gesteigert werden." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP-Segmentierung abladen" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die Segmentierung von TCP-Meldungen abzugeben und die CPU-Auslastung zu verbessern." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Sicherheitszuordnungen" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Stellt gleichzeitige Sicherheitszuordnungen ein, die auf den Co-Prozessoren des Adapters abgeladen werden knnen." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Adaptives Leistungs-Tuning" AdapterBandwidth ="Netzwerkleistung" CpuUtil ="Computerleistung" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximieren Sie die Leistung des Netzwerkadapters oder Computers. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Hilfe." WakeOnSettings ="Aktivierungseinstellungen" WakeOnLink ="Aktivierung bei Verbindungsnderung" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Akt. ber Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic & adressierte Pakete" WakeOnLAA ="Aktivierung ber LAA" WakeOnArp ="Aktivierung ber ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Akt. ber adressiertes Paket" WakeOnNBT ="Remoteaktivierung ber NBT-Abfrage" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Bestimmt, wie das Systems reaktiviert (Wake-Up) werden soll." ForceWakeOnLink ="Akt. bei Verbindungsnderung erzwingen" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." EnablePME ="PME aktivieren" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert Wake-Up aus APM-Energiesparmodus." SmartPowerDown ="Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiert den Energieverbrauch, indem es dem Adapter ermglicht in den Tiefschlafmodus berzugehen, wenn keine gltige Verbindung besteht oder das Betriebssystem im Ruhezustand ist." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Adaptive Verbindungsreaktion" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Aktiviert die adaptive Verbindungsreaktion, um den PHYLink-Status zu berprfen." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Einst. fr Aktivierung bei Verbindung" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activado" Off ="Desactivado" Enabled ="Activado" Disabled ="Desactivado" AutoDetect ="Deteccin automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/Dplex medio" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/Dplex completo" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/Dplex medio" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/Dplex completo" High ="Alto" Low ="Bajo" None ="Ninguno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generar y responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Generar" NoAction ="Ninguna accin" HardwareDefault ="Predeterminado del hardware" OSControlled ="Controlado por el SO" Forced ="Forzado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descriptores de recepcin" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes que el controlador utiliza cuando copia datos a la memoria del protocolo. La incrementacin de este valor puede mejorar el rendimiento de la recepcin, pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." TxBuffers ="Descriptores de transmisin" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de segmentos de datos que habilita al adaptador para que realice el seguimiento de los paquetes de transmisin. Si incrementa este valor, puede mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." CoalesceBuffers ="Bferes de unin" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes disponibles para la aceleracin de la transmisin. Debe contener de 30 a 50% de los Descriptores de la transmisin. Consulte Ayuda para obtener informacin adicional." AdaptiveIFS ="Separacin entre tramas ajustables" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos consecutivos." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Umbral de transmisin ajustable" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bytes antes de que el adaptador vace su bfer FIFO. Los valores inferiores pueden mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin resultan en ms ejecuciones deficientes. Si el adaptador puede funcionar mejor usando un valor inferior, utilizar ese valor. El valor real es 8 veces el valor de configuracin." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definicin de niveles de prioridad" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Establece el nivel controlado de detencin entre las prioridades de trfico bajo y alto para el uso de la cola de alta prioridad (HPQ) y el Paquete de Prioridad Intel(R) ." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologa ajustable" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita el micro-cdigo que optimiza el rendimiento. Si ha deshabilita, debe habilitar el Espaciado entre tramas del adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficiencia del bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina los fragmento de bfer del paquete de transmisin en un solo bfer antes de enviarlos a la red." BasicConnectivity ="Conectividad de recursos reducidos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Configura el controlador para que intente cargarse en entornos de bajos recursos. Las funciones avanzadas se desactivarn hasta que tengan suficientes recursos para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Direccin administrada localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Le permite configurar la direccin MAC personalizada del adaptador." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Separacin entre tramas de retransmisiones" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos de retransmisin. Si incrementa este valor puede que mejore el rendimiento de la red, si existe una gran cantidad de colisiones en la red." LogLinkState ="Registrar sucesos del estado del enlace" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita o dehabilita la grabacin del mensaje de estado de enlace para el que Visor de sucesos." QoSPacketTag ="Etiquetado de paquete QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita las tramas de envo y recepcin con etiqueta IEEE (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), que incluyen la prioridad y los indicadores de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Control de flujo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa la transmisin de paquetes al recibir la trama del control de flujo completo y enva una trama del control de flujo completo para indicar al otro lado que detenga la transmisin." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidad y dplex del enlace" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Debe coincidir con el puerto conmutador para que se realice el enlace." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 o 100 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Deben coincidir las opciones del interlocutor de enlace o probablemente el enlace sea inestable y el rendimiento sea afectado." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidad de transmisin de la lnea telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nivel de potencia de la lnea telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Separacin entre tramas" IPSecEnabled ="Descarga de Seguridad IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Guarda los ciclos CPU al descargar el cifrado de IPSec a partir de la CPU al adaptador." ChecksumEnabled ="Descarga suma de comprobacin TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador verifique la suma de verificacin TCP/IP de los paquetes recibidos y calcula la suma de verificacin de los paquetes transmitidos. Puede que mejore el rendimiento de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Descarga de Segmentacin TCP " LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador descargue la tarea de segmentacin de mensajes TCP y puede que mejore el uso de la CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Asociaciones de seguridad" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define las asociaciones de seguridad simultneas que pueden descargarse en el coprocesador del adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimizacin de rendimiento ajustable" AdapterBandwidth ="Rendimiento de la red" CpuUtil ="Rendimiento de PC" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximice el rendimiento del adaptador de red o PC. Para obtener ms informacin, consulte la ayuda." WakeOnSettings ="Configuracin de la reactivacin" WakeOnLink ="Activar en cambio de enlace" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Activar en Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Activar en Magic y Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Activar en LAA" WakeOnArp ="Activar en ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Activar en Paquete dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Activar en consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina cmo activar el sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forzar Activacin en enlace" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite la activacin de la administracin de energa APM cuando se reconecta el enlace." EnablePME ="Activar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita la activacin desde los estados de la inactividad de la Administracin de energa (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Apagado inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza el consumo de energa al habilitar el adaptador para que entre en un modo de inactividad profunda cuando no tenga un enlace vlido o cuando el sistema operativo se encuentre en el modo Suspensin." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Respuesta de enlace ajustable" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Activa la respuesta de enlace ajustable para verificar el estado de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuracin de Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Cuando se reconecta el enlace, permite la activacin desde la administracin de energa APM." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.040C] ; French (France) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activ(e)" Off ="Dsactiv(e)" Enabled ="Activ(e)" Disabled ="Dsactiv(e)" AutoDetect ="Dtection automatique" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s full duplex" High ="Haut" Low ="Faible" None ="Aucun" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gnrer et rpondre" Respond ="Rpondre" Generate ="Gnrer" NoAction ="Aucune action" HardwareDefault ="Matriel par dfaut" OSControlled ="Contrl par le systme" Forced ="Forc" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descripteurs de rception" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons utiliss par le pilote lors de la copie des donnes dans la mmoire de protocole. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de rception mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." TxBuffers ="Descripteurs de transmission" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de segments de donnes permettant la carte de suivre les paquets de transmission. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." CoalesceBuffers ="Tampons de regroupement" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons disponibles pour l'acclration des transmissions. Doit correspondre 30 50 pour cent de la valeur du paramtre Descripteurs de transmission. Reportez-vous l'aide pour de plus amples informations." AdaptiveIFS ="Espacement intertrame dynamique" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant les synchronisations successives." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Seuil dynamique de transmission" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre d'octets avant la remise zro du tampon FIFO de la carte rseau. La dfinition de valeurs infrieures peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais risque galement d'entraner un plus grand nombre de sous-excutions. Si la carte peut obtenir de meilleures performances avec une valeur infrieure, elle utilisera cette valeur. La valeur relle est de 8 fois la valeur dfinie." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Dfinition du niveau de priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Dfinit le point de coupure contrl entre les priorits de faible trafic et de trafic lev pour l'utilisation de la fonction HPQ et Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Technologie Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive le microcode d'optimisation des performances. Si vous dsactivez cette fonctionnalit, vous devez activer l'espacement intertrame dynamique." PciBusEfficiency ="Rendement du bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Regroupe les fragments de paquets de transmission en un seul tampon avant de les envoyer sur le rseau." BasicConnectivity ="Connectivit (ressources insuff.)" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Dfinit le chargement du pilote dans un environnement faible niveau de ressources. Les fonctionnalits avances seront dsactives jusqu' ce que les ressources soient suffisantes." LocalyAdminAddress ="Adresse administre localement" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permet de configurer une adresse MAC personnalise pour la carte." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espacement intertrame des retransmissions" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant la cadence des retransmissions. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances du rseau si de nombreuses collisions s'y produisent." LogLinkState ="Consigner l'vnement de la liaison" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive l'enregistrement du message d'tat de l'Observateur d'vnements." QoSPacketTag ="Reprage des paquets QS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Permet l'envoi et la rception de trames tiquetes IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), qui comprennent des indicateurs de priorit et de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Contrle de flux" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Interrompt la transmission des paquets en cas de rception d'une trame de contrle de flux complte et envoie une trame de contrle de flux complte l'interlocuteur afin de stopper la transmission." SpeedDuplex ="Vitesse de liaison et duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Si les paramtres ne concident pas avec le port de commutation, aucune liaison ne se produira. " SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 ou 100 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Ces paramtres doivent correspondre ceux du partenaire de liaison, faute de quoi la liaison risque d'tre instable et les performances risquent de se dgrader." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Vitesse de trans. tlphonique" PhyPhonePower ="Puissance de ligne tlphonique" PhyGiladIfs ="Espacement intertrame" IPSecEnabled ="Dlestage scurit IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="conomise les cycles du processeur en dlestant le chiffrement IPSec du processeur sur la carte." ChecksumEnabled ="Dlester somme de contrle TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de vrifier la somme de contrle TCP/IP des paquets entrants et de calculer la somme de contrle des paquets sortants. Ceci permet d'amliorer les performances TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Dlestage segmentation TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de dlester la tche de segmentation des messages TCP. Ceci peut amliorer le taux d'utilisation du processeur." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associations de scurit" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Dfinit les associations de scurit simultanes pouvant tre dlestes sur le coprocesseur de la carte rseau." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimisation dynamique des performances" AdapterBandwidth ="Performance de la carte rseau" CpuUtil ="Performance de l'ordinateur" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Optimiser la performance de la carte rseau ou de l'ordinateur. Voir l'Aide pour davantage d'informations." WakeOnSettings ="Paramtres Wake On" WakeOnLink ="Fonction Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Wake on Magic & Directed Packet" WakeOnLAA ="Fonction Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp ="Fonction Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Fonction Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Dtermine comment rveiller le systme." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forcer la fonction Wake on Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." EnablePME ="Activer PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer/de dsactiver le rveil depuis les tats de veille de la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Extinction automatique" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimise la consommation lectrique en permettant la carte d'entrer en mode de sommeil profond lorsqu'elle ne possde pas de liaison valide ou lorsque le systme d'exploitation est en mode suspendu." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Rponse dynamique de liaison" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer la fonction Rponse dynamique de liaison pour la vrification de l'tat de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Paramtres Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Attivato" Off ="Disattivato" Enabled ="Attivato" Disabled ="Disattivato" AutoDetect ="Rilevamento automatico" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Basso" None ="Nessuno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Genera e rispondi" Respond ="Rispondi" Generate ="Genera" NoAction ="Nessuna azione" HardwareDefault ="Impostazioni predefinite hardware" OSControlled ="Controllato dal sis. operativo" Forced ="Imposto" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descrittori di ricezione" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer allocati dal driver durante la copia dei dati nella memoria del protocollo. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." TxBuffers ="Descrittori di trasmissione" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero dei segmenti di dati che permettono alla scheda di tenere traccia dei pacchetti trasmessi. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni di trasmissione, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffer coalesce" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer disponibili per l'accelerazione della trasmissione. Deve essere il 30-50 percento dei descrittori di trasmissione. Consultare la Guida per ulteriori informazioni." AdaptiveIFS ="Spaziatura adattiva tra frame" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione back to back. " AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Soglia adattiva di trasmissione" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di byte raggiunto il quale la scheda di rete svuota il proprio buffer FIFO. Valori pi bassi possono migliorare le prestazioni della trasmissione, ma possono provocare pi underrun. Se la scheda pu ottenere migliori prestazioni utilizzando un valore pi basso, verr utilizzato tale valore. Il valore effettivo 8 volte l'impostazione." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definizione del livello di priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Imposta il livello limite controllato tra le priorit alta e bassa del traffico da utilizzare con High Priority Queue (HPQ) e Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva il microcode che ottimizza le prestazioni. Se si disabilita questa funzione, necessario abilitare Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency ="Efficienza bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina i frammenti del buffer dei pacchetti di trasmissione in un unico buffer prima di inviarli alla rete." BasicConnectivity ="Connettivit in presenza di risorse scarse" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Imposta il driver per il caricamento in un ambiente con scarse risorse. Le funzionalit avanzate verranno disattivate fino a quando non saranno presenti risorse sufficienti." LocalyAdminAddress ="Indirizzo amministrato localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Consente di configurare un indirizzo MAC personalizzato della scheda. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Spaziatura tra frame di ritrasmissioni" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione di ritrasmissione. Aumentando questo valore possibile migliorare le prestazioni della rete se si verifica un gran numero di collisioni sulla rete." LogLinkState ="Registra evento stato del collegamento" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva la registrazione del messaggio di stato del collegamento inviato a Visualizzatore eventi." QoSPacketTag ="Codifica pacchetti QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Abilita l'invio e la ricezione di frame con codifica IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), che comprendono indicatori di priorit e VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controllo del flusso" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sospende la trasmissione dei pacchetti al ricevimento di un frame di controllo indicante di flusso completo e invia un frame di controllo di flusso completo per avvisare l'altra parte di interrompere la trasmissione." SpeedDuplex ="Velocit di collegamento e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. Affinch il collegamento avvenga, necessario che queste impostazioni coincidano con la porta di commutazione." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10/100 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. necessario che coincida con le impostazioni del partner di collegamento, altrimenti il collegamento sar instabile e le prestazioni verranno penalizzate." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocit di trasmissione della linea telefonica" PhyPhonePower ="Livello di alimentazione della linea telefonica" PhyGiladIfs ="Spaziatura tra frame" IPSecEnabled ="Offload della protezione IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Risparmia cicli della CPU scaricando la crittografia IPSec dalla CPU alla scheda." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload del checksum IP/TCP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di verificare il checksum TCP/IP dei pacchetti ricevuti e di calcolare il checksum dei pacchetti trasmessi, migliorando le prestazioni di trasmissione TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload della segmentazione TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di effettuare l'offload dell'operazione di segmentazione dei messaggi TCP e migliora l'utilizzo della CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associazioni protezione" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Imposta le associazioni di protezione simultanee che possono essere scaricate sul coprocessore delle schede di rete." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ottimizzazione adattiva delle prestazioni" AdapterBandwidth ="Prestazioni di rete" CpuUtil ="Prestazioni del computer" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni della scheda di rete o del computer. Consultare la Guida in linea per ulteriori informazioni." WakeOnSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione" WakeOnLink ="Attiva su modifica del collegamento" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Attiva su pacchetto Magic" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Attiva su Magic e diretto" WakeOnLAA ="Attiva con LAA" WakeOnArp ="Attiva con ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Attiva su pacchetto diretto" WakeOnNBT ="Attiva su query NTB" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina come attivare il sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Imponi attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." EnablePME ="Abilita PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Abilita/disabilita l'attivazione dagli stati di sospensione Advanced Power Management (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Spegnimento intelligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimizza il consumo energetico consentendo alla scheda di mettersi in uno stato di sospensione quando non presente un collegamento valido o quando il sistema operativo si trova in modalit sospesa." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Risposta adattiva dei collegamenti" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Attiva la risposta adattiva dei collegamenti per il controllo dello stato di PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="I" Off ="It" Enabled ="I" Disabled ="It" AutoDetect ="o" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/dʐM" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/SdʐM" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/dʐM" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/SdʐM" High ="" Low ="" None ="Ȃ" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="쐬Ɖ" Respond ="" Generate ="쐬" NoAction ="ANVȂ" HardwareDefault ="n[hEFA ftHg" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="MLqq" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="f[^vgR ɃRs[ۂɃhCogobt@̐ݒ肵܂B" TxBuffers ="MLqq" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="A_v^MpPbgǐՂł悤ɂf[^ ZOg̐ݒ肵܂B̒l𑝂₷ƑMptH[}Xł܂AVXe ̎gpʂ܂BptH[}X̖肪Ȃꍇ̓ftHggpĂB" CoalesceBuffers ="Wobt@" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="M̍Ɏgpłobt@ݒ肵܂BMLqq 30`50 %ɂĂBڍׂ́AwvQƂĂB" AdaptiveIFS ="A_veBu C^[t[ X؁|VO" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RWA^C~Oɂ⏞܂B" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="A_veBuMl" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="A_v^ FIFO obt@ɂÕoCgݒ肵܂B̒lႭƁAMptH[}Xサ܂AA_[”\܂BႢlgpƃptH[}Xシꍇ́AA_v^͂̒lgp܂Bl͐ݒl 8 {łB" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="D惌x̒`" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="High Priority Queue (HPQ) уCe(R) Priority Packet gp̂߂̃gtBbN̍ђDxԂŐ䂳ꂽ؂̂ăxݒ肵܂B" AdaptiveTechnology ="A_veBu eNmW" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ptH[}XœK}CNR[h̃I/It؂ւ܂B̋@\Itɂꍇ́AA_v^ C^[t[ Xy[VOLɂKv܂B" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI oX" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="MpPbg̃obt@ tOglbg[NɑMO 1 ‚̃obt@ɂ܂Ƃ߂܂B" BasicConnectivity ="\[Xs̐ڑ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="჊\[X‹ł̃hCõ[hs܂B@\ɏ\ȃ\[Xł܂Ŋg@\͖ɂȂ܂B" LocalyAdminAddress ="[JǗAhX" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="A_v^̃JX^ MAC AhXݒ肵܂B" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="C^[t[ X؁|VO̍đM" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="đM̃^C~O𐧌䂷邱ƂʼnߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RW⏞܂B" LogLinkState ="N Xe[g Cxg̃O" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Cxg r[Aւ̃N Xe[g bZ[W̃I/It؂ւ܂B" QoSPacketTag ="QoS pPbg ^O" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="IEEE ^Ott[̑M (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q)”\ɂ܂BvCIeB VLAN CWP[^܂܂܂B" FlowControlSettings ="t[" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sȃt[t[̎MɃpPbgMꎞ~AΑőM~悤ɒʒm銮Sȃt[t[𑗐M܂B" SpeedDuplex ="NxƃfvbNX" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nx10 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪XCb` |[gƈvȂƁAN܂B" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nx10/100 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪葤̐ݒɈvȂƁAN͕sɂȂAptH[}X򉻂܂B" PhyPhoneSpeed ="dbMx" PhyPhonePower ="dbd̓x" PhyGiladIfs ="C^[t[ X؁|VO" IPSecEnabled ="ho ZLeB̃It[h" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU A_v^ւ IPSec ÍIt[h邱ƂŁACPU TCNߖ񂵂܂B" ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP `FbNT̃It[h" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂMpPbg TCP/IP `FbNT̊mF”\ƂAMꂽpPbg̃`FbNTvZ܂Bɂ TCP/IP ptH[}Xシꍇ܂B" LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ZOe[ṼIt[h" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂ TCP bZ[W̕f^XÑIt[h”\Ƃ܂Bɂ CPU gpPꍇ܂B" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ZLeB֘A" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="A_v^̃RvZbTɃIt[h邱Ƃ̂łZLeB֘Aݒ肵܂B" AdaptivePerfTuning ="A_veBu ptH[}X `[jO" AdapterBandwidth ="lbg[ÑptH[}X" CpuUtil ="Rs[^̃ptH[}X" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="lbg[N A_v^Rs[^̃ptH[}Xőɂ܂Bڍׂɂ‚Ă̓wvQƂĂB" WakeOnSettings ="Wake On ݒ" WakeOnLink ="Wake On Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake On Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic Directed" WakeOnLAA ="Wake On LAA" WakeOnArp ="Wake On ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake On Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Wake On NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="VXeEF[NAbv@w肵܂B" ForceWakeOnLink ="Wake On Link ̋" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="NĐڑꂽƂ APM dǗEF[NAbv邱Ƃ”\Ƃ܂B" EnablePME ="PME Iɂ" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="APM dǗ̃X[vԂ̃EF[NAbvL^ɂ܂B" SmartPowerDown ="X}[g p[ _E" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="A_v^LȃNȂꍇIy[eBO VXeTXyh [hɂꍇAA_v^̓fB[v X[v [hɂȂ邱ƂŁAd͂ŏ܂B" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="A_veBu N X|X" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="PHYLink Xe[^XmF邽߂ɁAA_veBu N X|XIɂ܂B" WakeOnLinkSettings ="Wake On Link ݒ" WakeOnLinkHelp ="NĐڑ APM dǗ̃EF[NAbv”\Ƃ܂B" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="" Enabled ="Ȱȭ" Disabled ="Ȱ " AutoDetect ="ڵ ˻" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond =" " Respond ="" Generate ="" NoAction =" " HardwareDefault ="ϵ ⺻" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers =" " RxBuffersMiniHelp ="̹ ޸𸮷 ͸ ϴ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." TxBuffers =" " TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Ͱ Ŷ ֵ ϴ ׸Ʈ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." CoalesceBuffers =" " CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp =" ȭ ִ մϴ. 30-50% մϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." AdaptiveIFS =" Ӱ " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="-- Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ." AdaptiveTxThreshold =" Ӱ谪" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Ͱ FIFO ۸ Ʈ մϴ. ߻ ֽϴ. Ͱ Ͽ ִ ޼ ش ˴ϴ. 8ȸ Ǿ ֽϴ." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="켱 " HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="HPQ( 켱 ⿭) (R) 켱 Ŷ Բ ϱ Ʈ 켱 Ʈ 켱 մϴ." AdaptiveTechnology =" " AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp =" ȭϴ ũ ڵ带 Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ. Ȱȭϴ 쿡 Ӱ Ȱȭؾ մϴϴ." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ȿ" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ŷ ׸Ʈ ϳ ۷ մϴ." BasicConnectivity ="ҽ " BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ҽ ȯ濡 ̹ ε带 õϵ մϴ. ҽ ؼ ۵ Ȱȭ˴ϴ." LocalyAdminAddress =" ּ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp =" MAC ּҸ ֽϴ." RetransmitInterFrameSpace =" Ӱ " RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp =" Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ. Ʈũ 浹 ߻ ø Ʈũ ˴ϴ." LogLinkState ="ũ ̺Ʈ " LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="̺Ʈ  ũ ޽ ϴ Ȱȭ/Ȱմϴ." QoSPacketTag ="QoS Ŷ ± " QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="켱 VLAN ǥñⰡ Ե IEEE ± ִ (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q) ۼ ֽϴ." FlowControlSettings ="帧 " FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ü 帧 Ŷ ߴϰ ü 帧 ٸ ʿ ϵ ˸ϴ." SpeedDuplex ="ũ ӵ ߼" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ġ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷  ũ ߻ ʽϴ." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10/100Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ũ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷ ũ Ҿ ϵ˴ϴ." PhyPhoneSpeed ="ȭ ӵ" PhyPhonePower ="ȭ " PhyGiladIfs ="Ӱ " IPSecEnabled ="ε IP " IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU ͷ IPSec ȣȭ εϿ CPU Ŭ մϴ." ChecksumEnabled ="ε TCP/IP üũ" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ ŵ Ŷ TCP/IP üũ ˻ϰ ۵ Ŷ üũ ֽϴ. ̷ TCP/IP ˴ϴ." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ׸Ʈȭ ε" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ TCP ޽ ׸Ʈȭ ۾ ε ֽϴ. ̷ CPU ̿ ˴ϴ." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations =" " SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp =" μ ε ִ մϴ." AdaptivePerfTuning =" " AdapterBandwidth ="Ʈũ " CpuUtil ="ǻ " AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ǵ ǻ شȭմϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." WakeOnSettings =" " WakeOnLink ="ũ " WakeOnMagicPacket =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnLAA ="LAA ߰ " WakeOnArp ="ARP " WakeOnDirected =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnNBT ="NBT " WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="ý մϴ." ForceWakeOnLink ="ũ " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ũ ٽ APM ֽϴ." EnablePME ="PME Ȱȭ" EnablePMEMiniHelp =" (APM) ¿ Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ." SmartPowerDown ="Ʈ " SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ȿ ũ ų  ü Ͻ ߴ Ͱ ִ 带 ֵ Ͽ Ҹ ּȭմϴ." AdaptiveLinkResponse =" ũ " AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp =" ũ PHYLink ¸ ˻ ֵ մϴ." WakeOnLinkSettings ="ũ " WakeOnLinkHelp ="ٽ APM ֽϴ." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" [Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ativado" Off ="Desativado" Enabled ="Ativado" Disabled ="Desativado" AutoDetect ="Deteco automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/Half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/Full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/Half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/Full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Baixo" None ="Nenhum" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gerar e responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Gerar" NoAction ="Nenhuma ao" HardwareDefault ="Hardware padro" OSControlled ="Controlado por SO" Forced ="Forado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descritores de recepo" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers usados pelo driver ao copiar dados na memria do protocolo. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de recepo mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." TxBuffers ="Descritores de transmisso" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de segmentos de dados que ativam o adaptador a rastrear pacotes de transmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffers de coalescncia" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers disponveis para a acelerao da transmisso. Dever ser entre 30 a 50 por cento dos descritores de transmisso. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." AdaptiveIFS ="Espaamento inter-frames adaptativo" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao back-to-back." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Limiar adaptativo de transmisso" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de bytes antes do adaptador esvaziar seu buffer de FIFO. Diminuir os valores pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm pode resultar em mais dficits . Se o adaptador pode alcanar melhor desempenho usando um valor menor ele usar esse valor. O valor real uma configurao de 8 vezes." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definio do nvel de prioridade" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Define o limite de corte controlado entre alta prioridade de trfego e baixa prioridade de trfego a ser usado com HPQ (High Priority Queue) e o Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia adaptativa" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita ou desabilita o micro cdigo que otimiza o desempenho. Se desabilitar esse recurso voc deve habilitar o espaamento entre frames do adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficincia do barramento PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina fragmentos do buffer de pacotes de transmisso em um buffer nico antes de envi-los para a rede. " BasicConnectivity ="Conectividade para ambiente com poucos recursos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Define o driver para tentar ser carregado em ambiente de poucos recursos. Os recursos avanados sero desabilitados at terem recursos suficientes para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Endereo administrado localmente (LAA)" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permite configurar um endereo MAC personalizado para o adaptador. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espaamento inter-frames de retransmisso" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao de retransmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho da rede se houver um nmero grande de colises na rede." LogLinkState ="Evento de estado de link de registro" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita a gravao da mensagem de estado do link para o visualizador de eventos." QoSPacketTag ="Rotulao de pacotes de QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita o envio e a recepo de frames rotuladas IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), que incluem indicadores de prioridade e de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controle de fluxo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa a transmisso de pacotes na recepo de frame de controle de fluxo completo e envia frame de controle de fluxo completo para notificar o outro lado a fim de parar a transmisso." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidade de link e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com a porta do switch ou no ocorrer nenhum link." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 ou 100 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com as configuraes do parceiro de link ou o link pode ficar instvel e o desempenho pode sofrer degradao." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidade de transmisso da linha telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nvel de potncia da linha telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Espaamento inter-frames" IPSecEnabled ="Offload Segurana de IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Salva os ciclos da CPU ao descarregar a criptografia IPSec da CPU para o adaptador.." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload Checksum de TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador verificar a checksum de TCP/IP dos pacotes recebidos e computa a checksum nos pacotes transmitidos. Isso melhora o desempenho de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload Segmentao de TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador fazer a descarga da tarefa de segmentar mensagens de TCP.Melhora a utilizao da CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associaes de segurana" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define as associaes simultneas de segurana que podem ser descarregados no coprocessador do adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ajuste adaptativo de desempenho" AdapterBandwidth ="Desempenho da rede" CpuUtil ="Desempenho do computador" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximizar o desempenho do adaptador de rede ou do computador. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." WakeOnSettings ="Configuraes de ativao" WakeOnLink ="Ativar com mudana de link" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Ativar com Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Ativar com pacotes Magic e Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Ativar com LAA" WakeOnArp ="Ativar com ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Ativar com pacote dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Ativar com consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina como ativar o sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forar ativao com mudana de link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." EnablePME ="Habilitar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita o wake-up dos estados sleep do APM (Advanced Power Management)." SmartPowerDown ="Desativao inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza o consumo de energia ao habilitar o adaptador a entrar no modo sleep profundo quando ele no tem um link vlido ou quando so sistema operacional est no modo Suspenso." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Resposta do link adaptativa" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Habilita a Resposta de link adaptativa para verificar o status de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuraes de Wake On Link (ativao por link)" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE1EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "82562EH based Phoneline Desktop Adapter" PCIE10PPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/10+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100BTX.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (TX)" PCIE100BT4.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100B PCI Adapter (T4)" PCIE100RWU.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 WfM PCI Adapter" I557IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82557-based Integrated Ethernet PCI (10/100)" I557IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "82557-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" I558IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet" I558IFEWFM.DeviceDesc = "Intel 82558-based Integrated Ethernet with Wake on LAN" PCIE100SERVER.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x/e100b325.cat0000755000000000000000000011064010744115424012302 0ustar 0 *H 01 0 +0m +7 m0l0  +7 0NFo 080117203351Z0 +7 0~0R229551E297DECE107F4383C946AEF35336ED891B1g0< +7 1.0,Filee100bmsg.dll0X +7 1J0H OSAttr22:5.00,2:5.1,2:5.2,2:6.00b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& 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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO ** ;* PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, ** ;* TRANSCRIBED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY ** ;* LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER LANGUAGE IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, ** ;* MECHANICAL, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ** ;* THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF : ** ;* ** ;* INTEL CORPORATION ** ;* ** ;* 2200 MISSION COLLEGE BLVD ** ;* ** ;* SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052-8119 ** ;* ** ;******************************************************************************* ; ;******************************************************************************* ; e100b325.din ; $Revision: 8 $ ; ; Intel 82557-based PCI Ethernet Adapters ; PnP Un-install script for Windows XP [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" SetupClass = BASE Provider = %V_INTEL% [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel [ControlFlags] [Intel] [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 Uninstall.DelFiles = 11 8255x.System.DelFiles = 11 ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles = 12 [8255x.Uninstall] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg ; vista [8255x.Uninstall.6.0] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg [8255x.System.DelFiles] IntelNic.dll,,,1 e100bmsg.dll,,,1 NicCo32.dll,,,1 NicIn32.dll,,,1 NicCo.dll,,,1 NicCo2.dll,,,1 NicInst.dll,,,1 NicCo6.dll,,,1 NicCo26.dll,,,1 NicInst6.dll,,,1 [ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles] e100b325.sys,,,1 [Uninstall.DelFiles] Prounstl.exe,,,1 e100b325.din,,,1 [8255x.DelReg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PROSet HKLM,Software\INTEL\Prounstl HKLM,Software\INTEL\NIC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Localizable Strings ; [Strings] ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x/e100b325.inf0000755000000000000000000102044610743404460012314 0ustar ;******************************************************************************* ;* ** ;* I N T E L P R O P R I E T A R Y ** ;* ** ;* COPYRIGHT (c) 2000-2007 BY INTEL CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO ** ;* PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, ** ;* TRANSCRIBED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY ** ;* LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER LANGUAGE IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, ** ;* MECHANICAL, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ** ;* THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF : ** ;* ** ;* INTEL CORPORATION ** ;* ** ;* 2200 MISSION COLLEGE BLVD ** ;* ** ;* SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052-8119 ** ;* ** ;******************************************************************************* ; ;******************************************************************************* ; e100b325.INF ; $Revision: 36 $ ; ; Intel 8255x-based PCI Ethernet Adapters ; PnP install script for Windows XP ; ; Version [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_INTEL% CatalogFile = DriverVer = 12/06/2007, [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel, NTx86, NTIA64, NTAMD64, NTx86.6.0 [ControlFlags] 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;ICH3 - kinerreth (9)LOM/(A)CNR/(B)+LOM/(C)+CNR/(D)LOM mobile/(E)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_9550107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_5350107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_1450107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0400107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0401107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0600107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_00011179 ;ICH3 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1032 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1033 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1034 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1038 ;ICH4 - kinerreth (9)LOM/(A)CNR/(B)+LOM/(C)+CNR/(D)LOM mobile/(E)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_1049107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_4000107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2000107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2700107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_5288107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2009107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2010107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2018107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2019107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_5350107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103A %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103B %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103C %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D ;mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0402107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0450107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0601107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_FF101179 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103E ;mobile ;ICH5 - kinerreth (0)LOM/(1)CNR/(2)+LOM/(3)+CNR/(4)LOM mobile/(5)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1051 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1052 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1053 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1054 ;mobile %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1055 ;mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1056 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1057 ;ICH6 - Kinnereth (4)LOM/(5)CNR/(6)+LOM/(7)+CNR/(8)LOM Mobile/(9)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1064 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1065 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1066 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1067 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1068 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1068&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1069 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_106A %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_106B ; Sony/Asus %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KSA.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1064&SUBSYS_81A1104D %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KSA.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC&SUBSYS_81F3104D ;ICH7 - Kinnereth (DC)LOM/(1)+LOM/(2)LOM Mobile/(3)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1091 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1093 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1094 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1095 ; NEC %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC&SUBSYS_88271033 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_00120E11 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_00910E11 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01CE1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01DC1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01EB1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01EC1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02021014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02051014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02171014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02341014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_023D1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02441014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02451014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02651014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02671014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_026A1014 %IBMFES.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_022D1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_02091014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_02651014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_02671014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_026A1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_027E1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02851014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02871014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02C71014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02D21014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_05221014 ;Toshiba %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092&SUBSYS_FF001179 ;=========== 1229 ===================================================== %PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000B8086 %PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000C8086 %PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000D8086 %PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000E8086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000F8086 %PCIE100S.DeviceDesc% = D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00108086 %PCIE100S.DeviceDesc% = D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00118086 %PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc% = D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00128086 %PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc% = D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00138086 %PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00308086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00318086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00408086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00418086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = D102SCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00428086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00508086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00518086 %PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc% = D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00608086 %PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc% = Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00708086 %PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc% = Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00718086 %PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_100C8086 %PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc% = D101SS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10128086 %PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc% = D101SS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10138086 %PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc% = D102m0.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10148086 %PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc% = D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10158086 %PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc% = D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10168086 %PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10178086 %PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10308086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = D102SSC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10408086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = D102SSC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10418086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = D102SSCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10428086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10508086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = D102SSCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10518086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = D102SSCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10528086 %PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc% = D101.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10F08086&REV_04 %PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc% = D101r5D.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10F08086&REV_05 %PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc% = D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10608086 %I559IFE.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30008086 %I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30018086 %I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30028086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30068086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30078086 %PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc% = D102SCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30088086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30108086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30118086 %PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc% = D102m0.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30128086 %MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc% = D102MPS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30138086 %MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc% = D102MPS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30148086 ;EPSD %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_340F8086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34108086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34118086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34128086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34138086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34148086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34178086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34188086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34198086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_341E8086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34208086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34218086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34228086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34258086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34268086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_342C8086 ;Compaq %I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc% = D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_B2090E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30010E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30020E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30030E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30040E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30050E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30060E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30070E11 ;HP %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10C0103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = D101r5.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10C3103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10CA103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10CB103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10E3103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10E4103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_1200103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = D102m0.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_1273103C ;IBM %IBMFE9.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01BC1014 %IBMFED.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_02071014 %IBMFED.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_023F1014 ;Fujitsu Siemens %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10401734 ;Dell Viper %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_009B1028&REV_08 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01061028&REV_08 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00DA1028&REV_08 ;Unisys %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10180D88&REV_08 ; Toshiba %Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc% = D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00031179 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_FF011179 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&SUBSYS_00051179 %PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc% = Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0F %PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc% = Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_10 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&REV_0F %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&REV_10 ; CICH support for embedded dual kinnereth %PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2459 %PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_245D ; The following NEC devices defined by PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_81691033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_81831033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_818b1033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_818c1033 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ XP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTx86] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- ; ich %PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449 %PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30108086 %PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30108086&REV_01 %PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30108086&REV_03 %PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc%= XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30118086 %PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc%= XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30118086&REV_01 %PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc%= XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30118086&REV_03 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30138086 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30138086&REV_01 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30138086&REV_03 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30148086 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30148086&REV_01 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30148086&REV_03 %PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30188086 %PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30188086&REV_01 %PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30188086&REV_03 ;ICH3 - kinerreth (9)LOM/(A)CNR/(B)+LOM/(C)+CNR/(D)LOM mobile/(E)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_9550107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_5350107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_1450107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0400107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0401107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0600107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1032 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1033 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1034 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1038 ;ICH4 - kinerreth (9)LOM/(A)CNR/(B)+LOM/(C)+CNR/(D)LOM mobile/(E)+ Mobile ; need to see if there are different parameters required in registry between them %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_1049107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_4000107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2000107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2700107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_5288107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2009107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2010107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2018107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2019107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_5350107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103A %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103B %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103C %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0402107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0450107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0601107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_FF101179 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103E ;ICH5 - kinerreth (9)LOM/(A)CNR/(B)+LOM/(C)+CNR/(D)LOM mobile/(E)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1051 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1052 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1053 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1054 ;mobile %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1055 ;mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1056 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1057 ;ICH6 - Kinnereth (4)LOM/(5)CNR/(6)+LOM/(7)+CNR/(8)LOM Mobile/(9)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1064 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1065 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1066 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1067 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1068 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1068&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1069 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_106A %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_106B ; Sony/Asus %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KSA.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1064&SUBSYS_81A1104D %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KSA.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC&SUBSYS_81F3104D ;ICH7 - Kinnereth (DC)LOM/(1)+LOM/(2)LOM Mobile/(3)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1091 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1093 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1094 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1095 ;NEC %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC&SUBSYS_88271033 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_00120E11 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_00910E11 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01CE1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01DC1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01EB1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01EC1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02021014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02051014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02171014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02341014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_023D1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02441014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02451014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02651014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02671014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_026A1014 %IBMFES.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_022D1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_02091014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_02651014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_02671014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_026A1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_027E1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02851014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02871014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02C71014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02D21014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_05221014 ;Toshiba %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092&SUBSYS_FF001179 ;=========== 1229 ===================================================== %PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000B8086 %PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000C8086 %PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000D8086 %PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000E8086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000F8086 %PCIE100S.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00108086 %PCIE100S.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00118086 %PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00128086 %PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00138086 %PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00308086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00318086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00408086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00418086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00428086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00508086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00518086 %PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00608086 %PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc% = XP_Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00708086 %PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc% = XP_Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00718086 %PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_100C8086 %PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101SS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10128086 %PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101SS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10138086 %PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102m0.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10148086 %PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10158086 %PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10168086 %PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10178086 %PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10308086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SSC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10408086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SSC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10418086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SSCN.ndi,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10428086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10508086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SSCN.ndi,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10518086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SSCN.ndi,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10528086 %PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10F08086&REV_04 %PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101r5D.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10F08086&REV_05 %PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10608086 %I559IFE.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30008086 %I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30018086 %I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30018086&REV_09 %I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30028086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30068086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30078086 %PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30088086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30108086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30118086 ;EPSD %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_340F8086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34108086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34118086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34128086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34138086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34148086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34178086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34188086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34198086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_341E8086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34208086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34218086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34228086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34258086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34268086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_342C8086 ;Compaq %I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_B2090E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30010E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30020E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30030E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30040E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30050E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30060E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30070E11 ;HP %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10C0103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101r5.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10C3103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10CA103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10CB103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10E3103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10E4103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_1200103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102m0.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_1273103C ;IBM %IBMFE9.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01BC1014&REV_09 %IBMFE9.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01BC1014&REV_08 %IBMFE9.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01BC1014 %IBMFED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_02071014 %IBMFED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_023F1014 ;Fujitsu Siemens %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10401734 ;Dell Viper %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_009B1028&REV_08 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01061028&REV_08 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00DA1028&REV_08 ;Unisys %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10180D88&REV_08 ; Toshiba %Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc% = XP_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00031179 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = XP_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_FF011179 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = XP_Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = XP_Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&SUBSYS_00051179 %PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0F %PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc% = XP_Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_10 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = XP_Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&REV_0F %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = XP_Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&REV_10 ; CICH support for embedded dual kinnereth %PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2459 %PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = XP_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_245D ; The following NEC devices defined by PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_81691033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_81831033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_818b1033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_818c1033 ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; UNUSED ID Sections ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTIA64] [INTEL.NTAMD64] ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows Vista ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTx86.6.0] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- ; ich %PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449 %PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc%= VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30118086 %PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc%= VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30118086&REV_01 %PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc%= VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30118086&REV_03 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30138086 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30138086&REV_01 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30138086&REV_03 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30148086 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30148086&REV_01 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30148086&REV_03 %PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30188086 %PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30188086&REV_01 %PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_30188086&REV_03 ;ICH3 - kinerreth (9)LOM/(A)CNR/(B)+LOM/(C)+CNR/(D)LOM mobile/(E)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_9550107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_5350107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_1450107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0400107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0401107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_0600107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1032 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1033 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1034 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1038 ;ICH4 - kinerreth (9)LOM/(A)CNR/(B)+LOM/(C)+CNR/(D)LOM mobile/(E)+ Mobile ; need to see if there are different parameters required in registry between them %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_1049107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_4000107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2000107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2700107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_5288107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2009107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2010107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2018107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_2019107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_5350107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103A %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103B %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103C %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0402107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0450107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_0601107B %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_FF101179 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103E ;ICH5 - kinerreth (9)LOM/(A)CNR/(B)+LOM/(C)+CNR/(D)LOM mobile/(E)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1051 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1052 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1053 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1054 ;mobile %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1055 ;mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1056 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1057 ;ICH6 - Kinnereth (4)LOM/(5)CNR/(6)+LOM/(7)+CNR/(8)LOM Mobile/(9)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1064 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1065 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1066 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1067 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1068 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1068&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1069 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_106A %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_106B ; Sony/Asus %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KSA.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1064&SUBSYS_81A1104D %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KSA.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC&SUBSYS_81F3104D ;ICH7 - Kinnereth (DC)LOM/(1)+LOM/(2)LOM Mobile/(3)+ Mobile %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1091 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1093 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1094 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1095 ;NEC %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27DC&SUBSYS_88271033 %PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_00120E11 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_00910E11 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01CE1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01DC1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01EB1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_01EC1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02021014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02051014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02171014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02341014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_023D1014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02441014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02451014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02651014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_02671014 %IBMFEK.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_026A1014 %IBMFES.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_022D1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_02091014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_02651014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_02671014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_026A1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1039&SUBSYS_027E1014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02851014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02871014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02C71014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1050&SUBSYS_02D21014 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_103D&SUBSYS_05221014 ;Toshiba %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110KMP.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1092&SUBSYS_FF001179 ;=========== 1229 ===================================================== %PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000B8086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_000F8086 %PCIE100S.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00108086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00318086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00408086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00418086 %PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00428086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00508086 %PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00518086 %PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00608086 %PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc% = VS_Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00708086 %PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc% = VS_Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00718086 %PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10158086 %PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10168086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SSC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10408086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SSC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10418086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SSCN.ndi,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10428086 %PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10508086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SSCN.ndi,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10518086 %PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SSCN.ndi,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10528086 %PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mS.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10608086 %I559IFE.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30008086 %I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30018086 %I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30018086&REV_09 %I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30028086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30068086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30078086 %PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SCN.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30088086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30108086 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30118086 ;EPSD %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_340F8086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34108086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34118086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34128086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34138086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34148086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34178086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34188086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34198086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_341E8086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34208086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34218086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34228086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34258086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_34268086 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_342C8086 ;Compaq %I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101S.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_B2090E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30010E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30020E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30030E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30040E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30050E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30060E11 %I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_30070E11 ;HP %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = VS_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10C0103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101r5.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10C3103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10CA103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10CB103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10E3103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10E4103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = VS_E100B.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_1200103C %HPTX.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102m0.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_1273103C ;IBM %IBMFE9.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01BC1014&REV_09 %IBMFE9.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01BC1014&REV_08 %IBMFE9.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01BC1014 %IBMFED.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_02071014 %IBMFED.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_023F1014 ;Fujitsu Siemens %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102mG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10401734 ;Dell Viper %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_009B1028&REV_08 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_01061028&REV_08 %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00DA1028&REV_08 ;Unisys %PCIE100B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101MG.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_10180D88&REV_08 ; Toshiba %Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc% = VS_D101M.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00031179 %PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc% = VS_D102SC.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2449&SUBSYS_FF011179 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = VS_Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&SUBSYS_00011179 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = VS_Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&SUBSYS_00051179 %PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_0F %PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc% = VS_Lavon.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1229&REV_10 %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = VS_Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&REV_0F %PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc% = VS_Lavonmb.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1059&REV_10 ; CICH support for embedded dual kinnereth %PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2459 %PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc% = VS_D110K.ndi, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_245D ; The following NEC devices defined by PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_81691033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_81831033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_818b1033 ; PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1031&SUBSYS_818c1033 ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Installation sections ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows 2000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;--- 82550 Rev D Server ; [D102mS.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102mS.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102mS.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev D Client ; [D102mC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102mC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102mC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev D Server NoDes ; [D102m0.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102m0.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102m0.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev F Lavon ; [Lavon.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [Lavon.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [Lavon.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev F Lavon Mobile ; [Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev D Generic ; [D102mG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = Security.reg, CSumOffload.reg, LLPDD_OFF.reg, EnableLLPDOverride.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102mG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102mG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82557 Rev 1, 2 ; [E100B.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 5 ; PCI DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [E100B.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [E100B.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82558 Rev 4 ; [D101.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D101.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D101.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82558 Rev 5 ; [D101r5.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D101r5.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D101r5.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82558 Rev 5 (DUAL) ; [D101r5D.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg, 82558r5dDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, WakeOnDisable.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D101r5D.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D101r5D.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82559 Rev 8 ; [D101M.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D101M.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D101M.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82559 Rev 8 Generic ; [D101MG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, LLPDD_OFF.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D101MG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D101MG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82559 Rev 9 Security ; [D101S.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = Security.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D101S.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D101S.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- D101S Rev 9 Server ; [D101SS.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D101SS.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D101SS.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C Server ; [D102SC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102SC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102SC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C ; [D102SCN.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102SCN.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102SCN.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C Security Server ; [D102SSC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102SSC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102SSC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C Server ; [D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C MiniPCI Security ; [D102MPS.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D102MPS.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D102MPS.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- D110 Ethernet ; [D110K.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = 82558B.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D110K.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D110K.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- D110 Ethernet Sony/Asus ; [D110KSA.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = 82558B.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg, Force10Disable.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D110KSA.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D110KSA.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- D110 Ethernet Mobile ; [D110KMP.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg AddReg = e100b.ndi.NT.reg, 82558B.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallw2k.reg CopyFiles = E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallW2k.CopyFiles [D110KMP.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b.Service, common.EventLog [D110KMP.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;--- 82550 Rev D Server ; [XP_D102mS.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D102mS.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102mS.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev D Client ; [XP_D102mC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D102mC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102mC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev D Server NoDes ; [XP_D102m0.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D102m0.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102m0.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev F Lavon ; [XP_Lavon.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_Lavon.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_Lavon.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev F Lavon Mobile ; [XP_Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev D Generic ; [XP_D102mG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LLPDD_OFF.reg, LogLinkState.reg AddReg = EnableLLPDOverride.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D102mG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102mG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82557 Rev 1, 2 ; [XP_E100B.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 5 ; PCI DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_E100B.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_E100B.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82558 Rev 4 ; [XP_D101.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D101.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82558 Rev 5 ; [XP_D101r5.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D101r5.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101r5.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82558 Rev 5 (Dual) ; [XP_D101r5D.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg, 82558r5dDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, WakeOnDisable.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D101r5D.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101r5D.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82559 Rev 8 ; [XP_D101M.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg AddReg = e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D101M.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101M.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82559 Rev 8 Generic ; [XP_D101MG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg AddReg = LLPDD_OFF.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D101MG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101MG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82559 Rev 9 Security ; [XP_D101S.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = Security.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D101S.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101S.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- D101S Rev 9 Server ; [XP_D101SS.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D101SS.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D101SS.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C Server ; [XP_D102SC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D102SC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102SC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C ; [XP_D102SCN.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D102SCN.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102SCN.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C Security Server ; [XP_D102SSC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D102SSC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102SSC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- 82550 Rev C Server ; [XP_D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- D110 Ethernet ; [XP_D110K.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg AddReg = LargeSendOffload.reg, 82558B.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D110K.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D110K.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- D110 Ethernet Sony/Asus ; [XP_D110KSA.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg AddReg = LargeSendOffload.reg, 82558B.reg, uninstallwxp.reg, Force10Disable.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D110KSA.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D110KSA.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;--- D110 Ethernet Mobile ; [XP_D110KMP.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg AddReg = e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, 82558B.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [XP_D110KMP.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [XP_D110KMP.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows Vista ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;--- 82550 Rev D Server ; [VS_D102mS.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D102mS.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D102mS.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev D Client ; [VS_D102mC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D102mC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D102mC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev D Server NoDes ; [VS_D102m0.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D102m0.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D102m0.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev F Lavon ; [VS_Lavon.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_Lavon.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_Lavon.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev F Lavon Mobile ; [VS_Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_Lavonmb.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev D Generic ; [VS_D102mG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, Security.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LLPDD_OFF.reg, LogLinkState.reg AddReg = EnableLLPDOverride.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D102mG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D102mG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82557 Rev 1, 2 ; [VS_E100B.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 ; NCF_HAS_UI | NCF_PHYSICAL BusType = 5 ; PCI DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallvista.reg, VistaOS.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_E100B.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_E100B.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82558 Rev 4 ; [VS_D101.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallvista.reg, VistaOS.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D101.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D101.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82558 Rev 5 ; [VS_D101r5.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallvista.reg, VistaOS.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D101r5.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D101r5.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82558 Rev 5 (Dual) ; [VS_D101r5D.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg, 82558r5dDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, WakeOnDisable.reg, uninstallvista.reg, VistaOS.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D101r5D.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D101r5D.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82559 Rev 8 ; [VS_D101M.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D101M.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D101M.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82559 Rev 8 Generic ; [VS_D101MG.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = LLPDD_OFF.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D101MG.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D101MG.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82559 Rev 9 Security ; [VS_D101S.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = Security.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D101S.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D101S.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- D101S Rev 9 Server ; [VS_D101SS.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = SpeedDpx.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D101SS.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D101SS.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev C Server ; [VS_D102SC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D102SC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D102SC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev C ; [VS_D102SCN.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D102SCN.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D102SCN.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev C Security Server ; [VS_D102SSC.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, Security.reg, SecSerDef.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D102SSC.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D102SSC.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- 82550 Rev C Server ; [VS_D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = TaskOffload.DelReg, 82557DelReg.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg, 82557.reg, 82558.reg, 82558B.reg, EnablePME.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, Force10Disable.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = CSumOffload.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, LogLinkState.reg, CPUSaverServer.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D102SSCN.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- D110 Ethernet ; [VS_D110K.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = LargeSendOffload.reg, 82558B.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D110K.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D110K.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- D110 Ethernet Sony/Asus ; [VS_D110KSA.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, e100b.ndi.NT.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = LargeSendOffload.reg, 82558B.reg, uninstallvista.reg, Force10Disable.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D110KSA.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D110KSA.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;--- D110 Ethernet Mobile ; [VS_D110KMP.ndi.NTx86] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 DelReg = Kinnerth.DelReg, TaskOffload.DelReg, ALR.DelReg, 82558BDelReg.DelReg AddReg = Speed100.reg,ICH2.reg,Kinnereth.reg, EnablePME.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, XP_PowerSave.reg, LogLinkState.reg, VistaOS.reg AddReg = e100b.ndi.NT.reg, LargeSendOffload.reg, 82558B.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles, UninstallWxp.CopyFiles [VS_D110KMP.ndi.NTx86.Services] AddService = E100B, 2, e100b325.Service, common325.EventLog [VS_D110KMP.ndi.NTx86.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles=CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Registry settings ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;--- Common 82557 NDI parameters ; [82557.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, ParamDesc, 0, %RxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Default, 0, "48" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Max, 0, "1024" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumRfd, MiniHelp, 0, %RxBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, ParamDesc, 0, %TxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Default, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Max, 0, "64" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumTcb, MiniHelp, 0, %TxBuffersMiniHelp% HKR, , NumTcb, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %CoalesceBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Default, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Max, 0, "32" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumCoalesce, MiniHelp, 0, %CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveIFS% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Max, 0, "255" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Adaptive_IFS, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTxThreshold% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Default, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Max, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Threshold, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, ParamDesc, 0, %HPQPriorityLevelDef% HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Default, 0, "4" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Max, 0, "7" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\HPQPriorityLevel, MiniHelp, 0, %HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTechnology% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "1", 0, %On% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\UcodeSW, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %PciBusEfficiency% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Coalesce, MiniHelp, 0, %PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal, ParamDesc, 0, %BasicConnectivity% HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal\Enum,"1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal\Enum,"0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\AlwaysConnectGoal, MiniHelp, 0, %BasicConnectivityMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %LocalyAdminAddress% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Type, 0, "edit" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Default, 0, "" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NetworkAddress, MiniHelp, 0, %LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, ParamDesc, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpace% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Default, 0, "6" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Max, 0, "15" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\ConfigIFS, MiniHelp, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp% HKR,,PcNic, 0, "1" HKR,,MWIEnable, 2, "0" HKR,,AdaptiveStalledInterrupts, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveCarrierLoss, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveTransmitMethod, 2, "1" HKR,,Threshold, 0, "200" HKR,,DeviceVxDsPrefix, 0, "e100b" ;--- Log Link State Event ; [LogLinkState.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, ParamDesc, 0, %LogLinkState% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, MiniHelp, 0, %LogLinkStateMiniHelp% ;--- 82558 specifics ; [82558.reg] ; 802.1p/802.1q Packet Tagging - This parameter repeated in ICH2.REG HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, ParamDesc, 0, %QoSPacketTag% HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\TaggingMode, MiniHelp, 0, %QosPacketTagMiniHelp% ; Flow Control Settings HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, ParamDesc, 0, %FlowControlSettings% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Default, 0, "3" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "3", 0, %GenerateAndRespond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "2", 0, %Respond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "1", 0, %Generate% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\FlowControl, MiniHelp, 0, %FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp% HKR,, FlowControl, 0, "3" ; Adaptive Performance Tuning HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuning% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Type, 0, "slider" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "0" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, LeftLabel, 0, %AdapterBandwidth% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, RightLabel, 0, %CpuUtil% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "0", 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "1", 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "2", 0, "512" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "3", 0, "768" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "4", 0, "1024" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "5", 0, "1280" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "6", 0, "1536" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "7", 0, "1792" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "8", 0, "2048" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "9", 0, "2304" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "10", 0, "2560" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "11", 0, "2816" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "12", 0, "3072" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "13", 0, "3328" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "14", 0, "3584" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "15", 0, "3840" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "16", 0, "4096" ;--- 82558 B Rev 5 - no force wake on link ; [82558B.reg] ; WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, default, 0, "246" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "6", 0, %WakeOnMagicPacket% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "116", 0, %WakeOnDirected% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "118", 0, %WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "246", 0, %OSControlled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, type, 0, "enum" HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\params\WakeOn, ExposeLevel, 0, "3" HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\params\WakeOn, MiniHelp, 0, %WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp% HKR,, WakeOn, 0, "246" ;Wake on Link parameter HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnLinkSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ;HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "1", 0, %OSControlled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "2", 0, %Enabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, type, 0, "enum" ;HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, ExposeLevel, 0, "2" HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\WakeOnLink, MiniHelp, 0, %WakeOnLinkHelp% [PowerSave.reg] HKR,,AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled, 0, "1" HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "1" HKR,,SavePowerNowEnabled, 0, "1" [Force10Disable.reg] HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "0" ;--- Wake on disable - sets WakeOn registry key to 0 ; [WakeOnDisable.reg] HKR,, WakeOn, 0, "0" ;--- 82559 Enable PME ; [EnablePME.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, ParamDesc, 0, %EnablePME% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Default, 0, "2" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "2", 0, %OsControlled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\EnablePME, MiniHelp, 0, %EnablePMEMiniHelp% HKR, , EnablePME, 0, "2" ;--- ; [XP_PowerSave.reg] HKR,,AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled, 0, "0" HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "1" HKR,,SavePowerNowEnabled, 0, "1" HKR,,NdisMultipleIndicateDown, 0, "0" [VistaOS.reg] HKR,,VistaOS, 0, "1" [ICH2.reg] ; 802.1p/802.1q Packet Tagging - This parameter repeated in 82558.REG HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, ParamDesc, 0, %QoSPacketTag% HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\TaggingMode\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\TaggingMode, MiniHelp, 0, %QoSPacketTagMiniHelp% ; Flow Control Settings HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, ParamDesc, 0, %FlowControlSettings% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Default, 0, "3" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "3", 0, %GenerateAndRespond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "2", 0, %Respond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "1", 0, %Generate% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\FlowControl, MiniHelp, 0, %FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, ParamDesc, 0, %RxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Default, 0, "48" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Max, 0, "1024" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumRfd, MiniHelp, 0, %RxBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, ParamDesc, 0, %TxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Default, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Max, 0, "64" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumTcb, MiniHelp, 0, %TxBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %CoalesceBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Default, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Max, 0, "32" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NumCoalesce, MiniHelp, 0, %CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveIFS% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Max, 0, "255" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Adaptive_IFS, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTxThreshold% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Default, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Max, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Threshold, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTechnology% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "1", 0, %On% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\UcodeSW, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %PciBusEfficiency% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\Coalesce, MiniHelp, 0, %PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp% ; Adaptive Performance Tuning HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuning% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Type, 0, "slider" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "0" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, LeftLabel, 0, %AdapterBandwidth% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, RightLabel, 0, %CpuUtil% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "0", 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "1", 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "2", 0, "512" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "3", 0, "768" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "4", 0, "1024" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "5", 0, "1280" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "6", 0, "1536" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "7", 0, "1792" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "8", 0, "2048" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "9", 0, "2304" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "10", 0, "2560" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "11", 0, "2816" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "12", 0, "3072" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "13", 0, "3328" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "14", 0, "3584" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "15", 0, "3840" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "16", 0, "4096" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %LocalyAdminAddress% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Type, 0, "edit" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Default, 0, "" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\NetworkAddress, MiniHelp, 0, %LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, ParamDesc, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpace% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Default, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Max, 0, "15" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\ConfigIFS, MiniHelp, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp% HKR,,PcNic, 0, "1" HKR,,MWIEnable, 0, "0" HKR,,DeviceVxDsPrefix, 0, "e100b" HKR,,HPQDisable, 0, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveStalledInterrupts, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveCarrierLoss, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveTransmitMethod, 2, "1" HKR,,Threshold, 0, "200" ;--- Kinnereth [Kinnereth.reg] HKR,,BroadcastEnable, 0, "1" HKR,,EnableDynamicReducedPower, 0, "1" [Kinnerth.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\AcpiWol HKR,,AcpiWol ;--- Enable Power Down ; [EnableLLPD.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, ParamDesc, 0, %SmartPowerDown% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, MiniHelp, 0, %SmartPowerDownMiniHelp% ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveLinkResponse% ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin, Type, 0, "enum" ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin, Default, 0, "0" ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin\Enum, "1", 0, %On% ;HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% ;HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\LinkBasedLogin, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp% [LLPDD_OFF.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Default, 0, "0" [EnableLLPDOverride.reg] HKR, , EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, 0, "0" ;--- Security ; [Security.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled, ParamDesc, 0, %IPSecEnabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled\Enum,"0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\IPSecEnabled\Enum,"1", 0, %On% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\IPSecEnabled, MiniHelp, 0, %IPSecEnabledMiniHelp% HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, ParamDesc, 0, %SecurityAssociations% HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Default, 0, "64" ; Client HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Max, 0, "5000" HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Base, 0, "10" HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, MiniHelp, 0, %SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp% HKR,,IPSecTunnelMode, 2, "1" HKR,,MaxNumSecAssoc, 2, "64" [SecSerDef.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\MaxNumSecAssoc, Default, 0, "1000" ; Server HKR,,MaxNumSecAssoc, 2, "1000" ;--- Checksum Offload ; [CSumOffload.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled, ParamDesc, 0, %ChecksumEnabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled\Enum,"0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\ChecksumEnabled\Enum,"1", 0, %On% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\ChecksumEnabled, MiniHelp, 0, %ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp% ;--- Large Send Offload ; [LargeSendOffload.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled, ParamDesc, 0, %LargeSendEnabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled\Enum,"0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\LargeSendEnabled\Enum,"1", 0, %On% HKR,PROSetNdi\NdiExt\Params\LargeSendEnabled, MiniHelp, 0, %LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp% ;--- CPUSaver Server [CPUSaverServer.reg] HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "1536" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "1536" ;--- Speed Duplex Mode common base 10/100Mb ; [Speed100.reg] HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, ParamDesc, 0, %SpeedDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "0", 0, %AutoDetect% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "1", 0, %10Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "2", 0, %10Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "3", 0, %100Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "4", 0, %100Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\params\SpeedDuplex, MiniHelp, 0, %SpeedDuplexMiniHelp% HKR, PROSetNdi\NdiExt\params\SpeedDuplex, ExposeLevel, 0, "3" ; Del Reg section ;------------------------------------ [SpeedDpx.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\Speed HKR,Ndi\Params\ForceDpx HKR,Ndi\Params\PacketTagging HKR,,Speed HKR,,ForceDpx HKR,,PacketTagging [TaskOffload.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\TaskOffload HKR,,TaskOffload [ALR.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LinkBasedLogin HKR,,LinkBasedLogin [82557DelReg.DelReg] HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControlReceive HKR,,FlowControlReceive [82558BDelReg.DelReg] HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink [82558r5dDelReg.DelReg] HKR,,AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled HKR,,Force10MbOnD3 ;--- NT NDI object registration ; [e100b.ndi.NT.reg] HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5" HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" HKR,Ndi, Service, 0, "E100B" HKR,,LogErrorMessages, 0, "1" ;--- Uninstallation HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1031, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1032, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1033, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1034, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1038, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1039, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103A, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103B, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103C, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103D, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 103E, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1050, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1051, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1052, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1053, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1054, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1055, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1056, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1057, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1064, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1065, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1066, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1067, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1068, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1069, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 106A, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 106B, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 27DC, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1091, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1092, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1093, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1094, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1095, 0, "82562" HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 1059, 0, "82551" [uninstallwxp.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, e100b325.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall" [uninstallw2k.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, e100bnt5.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall" [uninstallvista.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, e100b325.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall.6.0" ; Do MWI in coinstaller HKR,,CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, "0x80000004" ;--- NT Service ; [e100b.Service] DisplayName = %e100bnt.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\e100bnt5.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS AddReg = TextModeFlags.reg [common.EventLog] AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg [common.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %MessageStringSource_2K% HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 [e100b325.Service] DisplayName = %e100bnt.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\e100b325.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS AddReg = TextModeFlags.reg ;--- NT Common base ; [common325.EventLog] AddReg = common325.AddEventLog.reg [common325.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %MessageStringSource_XP% HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 [TextModeFlags.reg] HKR, , TextModeFlags, 0x00010001, 0x0001 ;--- Copy files ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles = 12 E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles = 12 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DISKNAME%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] e100b325.din = 1,, e100bnt5.din = 1,, e100b325.sys = 1,, e100bnt5.sys = 1,, NicCo2.dll = 1,, NicInst.dll = 1,, NicCo26.dll = 1,, NicInst6.dll = 1,, e100bmsg.dll = 1,, [E100B_NT.ndis5.CopyFiles] e100bnt5.sys,,,2 [E100B_325.ndis5.CopyFiles] e100b325.sys,,,2 [UninstallW2k.CopyFiles] e100bnt5.din,,,2 [UninstallWxp.CopyFiles] e100b325.din,,,2 ;--- Coinstaller [CoInstaller_CopyFiles] NicCo2.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicInst.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo2.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicInst.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" [CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS] NicCo26.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicInst6.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg_VS] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo26.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicInst6.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" ;--- Localizable Strings ; [Strings] MessageStringSource_XP = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\e100b325.sys" MessageStringSource_2K = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\e100bnt5.sys" ; Parameters ; values On = "On" Off = "Off" Enabled = "Enabled" Disabled = "Disabled" AutoDetect = "Auto Detect" 10Mb-Half-Duplex = "10Mbps/Half Duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex = "10Mbps/Full Duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex = "100Mbps/Half Duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex = "100Mbps/Full Duplex" High = "High" Low = "Low" None = "None" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond = "Generate and Respond" Respond = "Respond" Generate = "Generate" NoAction = "No Action" HardwareDefault = "Hardware Default" OSControlled = "OS Controlled" Forced = "Forced" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers = "Receive Descriptors" RxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of buffers the driver uses when copying data to protocol memory. Increasing this value can enhance receive performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." TxBuffers = "Transmit Descriptors" TxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of data segments that enable the adapter to track transmit packets. Increasing this value can improve transmit performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." CoalesceBuffers = "Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets number of buffers available for transmit acceleration. Should be 30-50 percent of Transmit Descriptors. See Help for more information." AdaptiveIFS = "Adaptive Inter-Frame Spacing" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling back-to-back timing." AdaptiveTxThreshold = "Adaptive Transmit Threshold" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp = "Sets number of bytes before adapter empties FIFO buffer. Lower values may enhance transmit performance, but may also result in more underruns. If the adapter can achieve better performance using a lower value, it will use that value. Actual value is 8 times setting." HPQPriorityLevelDef = "Priority Level Definition" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp = "Sets the controlled cutoff level between high and low traffic priorities for use with High Priority Queue (HPQ) and Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology = "Adaptive Technology" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp = "Enables or disables micro-code that optimizes performance. If you disable this feature, you must enable Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency = "PCI Bus Efficiency" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp = "Combines transmit packet buffer fragments into a single buffer before sending them to the network." BasicConnectivity = "Low Resource Connectivity" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp = "Sets the driver to attempt to load in low-resource environments. Advanced features will be disabled until they have sufficient resources to function." LocalyAdminAddress = "Locally Administered Address" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp = "Allows you to configure a custom MAC address for the adapter." RetransmitInterFrameSpace = "Retransmit Inter-Frame Spacing" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling retransmit timing. Increasing this value can improve network performance if there is a large number of collisions on the network." LogLinkState = "Log Link State Event" LogLinkStateMiniHelp = "Enables/disables recording of the link state message to the Event Viewer." QoSPacketTag = "QoS Packet Tagging" QosPacketTagMiniHelp = "Enables sending and receiving of IEEE Tagged frames (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), which include priority and VLAN indicators." FlowControlSettings = "Flow Control" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp = "Pauses packet transmission on receipt of full flow control frame and sends full flow control frame to notify the other side to stop transmission." SpeedDuplex = "Link Speed & Duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must coincide with switch port or no link will occur." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 or 100 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must match link partner settings, or link may be unstable, and performance will suffer." PhyPhoneSpeed = "Phoneline Transmit Speed" PhyPhonePower = "Phoneline Power Level" PhyGiladIfs = "Inter Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled = "Offload IP Security" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles by offloading IPSec encryption from the CPU to the adapter." ChecksumEnabled = "Offload TCP/IP Checksum" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows adapter to verify TCP/IP checksum on received packets and compute checksum on transmitted packets. May improve TCP/IP performance." LargeSendEnabled = "Offload TCP Segmentation" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows the adapter to offload the task of segmenting TCP messages. May improve CPU utilization." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations = "Security Associations" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp = "Sets Simultaneous Security Associations that can be offloaded to the adapters co-processor." AdaptivePerfTuning = "Adaptive Performance Tuning" AdapterBandwidth = "Network Performance" CpuUtil = "Computer Performance" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp = "Maximize the performance of the network adapter or computer. See Help for more information." WakeOnSettings = "Wake On Settings" WakeOnLink = "Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket = "Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets = "Wake on Magic & Directed" WakeOnLAA = "Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp = "Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected = "Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT = "Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp = "Determines how to wake the system." ForceWakeOnLink = "Force Wake On Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." EnablePME = "Enable PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp = "Enables/disables wake-up from Advanced Power Management (APM) sleep states." SmartPowerDown = "Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp = "Minimizes power consumption by enabling the adapter to enter a deep sleep mode when it does not have a valid link or when the operating system is in Suspend mode." AdaptiveLinkResponse = "Adaptive Link Response" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp = "Enables Adaptive Link Response to check PHYLink status." WakeOnLinkSettings = "Wake On Link Settings" WakeOnLinkHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="ر" Enabled ="" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="Զ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/˫" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/ȫ˫" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/˫" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/ȫ˫" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ɲӦ" Respond ="Ӧ" Generate ="" NoAction ="޲" HardwareDefault ="ӲĬ" OSControlled ="ϵͳ" Forced ="ǿ" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ݸЭڴʱʹõĻߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" TxBuffers ="" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ʹ׷ٴݰƬߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" CoalesceBuffers ="Ӻϻ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ڴٵĻӦΪİٷ֮ 3050μԻȡϢ" AdaptiveIFS ="Ӧ֡" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ͨƱʱ̫ݰײ" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="ӦԴֵ" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="趨 FIFO ֮ǰֽʹֵܻǿܣҲܵ¸ǷСԽϵ͵ֵܣʹøֵʵֵΪֵ 8 " HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Լ" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="ͨȼ͵ȼ֮ܿؽֹ롰Զ(HPQ)Ӣض(R) ݰһʹá" AdaptiveTechnology ="ӦԼ" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ûŻܵ΢롣ô˹ܣáӦ֡" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Ч" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ݰƬϲ뵥һȻǷ硣" BasicConnectivity ="Դʱ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ڵԴмء߼㹻Դɹ乤֮ǰá" LocalyAdminAddress ="عĵַ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="ΪԶ MAC ַ" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="´֡" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="ͨ´䶨ʱ̫ݰײдײĻߴֵܻܣ" LogLinkState ="¼״̬¼" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="/ý״̬Ϣ롰¼鿴" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ݰǩ" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="÷ͺͽ IEEE ǩ֡802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Qȼ VLAN ָʾ" FlowControlSettings ="̿" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ڽյȫ֡ʱͣݰ䣬ȫ֡Ϣ֪ͨԷֹͣ䡣" SpeedDuplex ="ٶȺ˫" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 Mbps ˫ģʽΪ빤ȫ뽻˿ӡ" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 100 Mbps˫ģʽΪ˫ȫ˫ӻӽܲȶӰ졣" PhyPhoneSpeed ="绰ߴٶ" PhyPhonePower ="绰ߵԴ" PhyGiladIfs ="֡" IPSecEnabled =" IP ȫ" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="ͨ CPU IPSec Ա CPU ڡ" ChecksumEnabled ="ش TCP/IP У" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="֤յݰ TCP/IP Уͣ㴫ݰУܻ͡ TCP/IP ܡ" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP ֶ" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="ض TCP ϢֶεĹܻ CPU ʡ" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ȫ" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="趨ɷЭġͬȫϡ" AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ӧܵ" AdapterBandwidth ="" CpuUtil ="" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̶ȵܡйظϢμ" WakeOnSettings ="û" WakeOnLink ="Ӹ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="ħ" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="ħݰ" WakeOnLAA ="ѱعַ(LAA)" WakeOnArp ="ѵַЭ(ARP)" WakeOnDirected ="ݰ" WakeOnNBT =" NBT ѯ" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="λϵͳ" ForceWakeOnLink ="ǿƻ" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" EnablePME =" PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ãôӡ߼ԴAPM˯״̬ѡ" SmartPowerDown ="ܹرյԴ" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ͨʹڲЧʱϵͳڡģʽʱ˯״̶̬ȵؼٵԴġ" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="ӦӦ" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ӦӦԼ PHYLinkӣ״̬" WakeOnLinkSettings ="" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0C04] ; Chinese (Traditional) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0407] ; German (Germany) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ein" Off ="Aus" Enabled ="Aktiviert" Disabled ="Deaktiviert" AutoDetect ="Automatische Erkennung" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" High ="Hoch" Low ="Niedrig" None ="Keine" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generieren und Reagieren" Respond ="Reagieren" Generate ="Generieren" NoAction ="Keine Aktion" HardwareDefault ="Hardware-Standard" OSControlled ="Betriebssystem-gesteuert" Forced ="Erzwungen" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Empfangsdeskriptoren" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Anzahl der Puffer, die der Treiber beim Kopieren von Daten in den Protokollspeicher verwendet. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Empfangsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." TxBuffers ="bertragungsdeskriptoren" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der Datensegmente ein, die dem Adapter ermglichen, bertragungspakete zu verfolgen. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die bertragungsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." CoalesceBuffers ="Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der zur bertragungsbeschleunigung verfgbaren Puffer ein. Sollte 30 - 50% der bertragungsdeskriptoren ausmachen. Siehe Hilfe." AdaptiveIFS ="Adaptives Interframe-Spacing " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch Steuerung der aufeinanderfolgenden Pakete." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Adaptiver bertragungsschwellenwert" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die Anzahl der Byte, bevor der Adapter seine FIFO-Puffer leert. Niedrigere Werte knnen die bertragungsleistung steigern, verursachen aber mglicherweise auch mehr Unterlufe. Wenn der Adapter eine bessere Leistung mit einem niedrigen Wert erreichen kann, wird er diesen verwenden. Der tatschliche Wert betrgt 8 Mal die Einstellung." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definition der Priorittsebene" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die berwachte Abschaltebene zwischen hoher und niedriger Verkehrsprioritt fr HPQ und Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Adaptive Technologie" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert den Mikrocode zur Leistungsoptimierung. Wenn Sie diese Funktion deaktivieren, mssen Sie die Inter-Frame-Trennung auf dem Adapter aktivieren." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Bus-Effizienz" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Fgt Pufferfragmente aus bertragungspaketen in einem einzigen Puffer zusammen, bevor sie ber das Netzwerk bertragen werden. " BasicConnectivity ="Verbindung mit beschr. Ressourcen" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Stellt den Ladeversuch des Treibers in einer Umgebung mit geringen Ressourcen ein. Erweiterte Funktionen werden solange deaktiviert, bis ausreichend Ressourcen verfgbar sind." LocalyAdminAddress ="Lokal verwaltete Adresse" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Ermglicht Ihnen das Konfigurieren einer benutzerdefinierten MAC-Adresse des Adapters." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Inter-Frame Spacing bei Neubertrg." RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch berwachung der zeitlichen Regulierung neu zu bertragender Pakete. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Leistung im Netzwerk steigern, wenn viele Kollisionen im Netzwerk auftreten." LogLinkState ="Verbindungsereignis protokollieren" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Aufzeichnung der Verbindungszustandsmeldung in der Ereignisansicht." QoSPacketTag ="QoS-Paketmarkierung" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Ermglicht den Versand und Empfang von IEEE gekennzeichneten Frames (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), zu denen Prioritts- und VLAN-Indikatoren gehren." FlowControlSettings ="Flusssteuerung" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Unterbricht die Paketbertragung beim Erhalt eines vollen Flusssteuerungsframes und sendet vollen Flusssteuerungsframe, um die andere Seite aufzufordern, die bertragung zu stoppen." SpeedDuplex ="Geschwindigkeit und Duplexmodus" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit dem Switchanschluss bereinstimmen, da andernfalls keine Verbindung zustande kommt." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10/100 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit den Einstellungen des Verbindungspartners bereinstimmen, da andernfalls die Verbindung unstabil wird und eine Leistungsminderung eintritt." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Geschwindigkeit der Telefonleitung" PhyPhonePower ="Stromstrke der Telefonleitung" PhyGiladIfs ="Inter-Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled ="IP Security abladen" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Spart CPU-Zyklen durch Abgabe der IPSec-Verschlsselung vom CPU an den Adapter." ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP-Prfsumme abladen" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die TCP/IP-Prfsumme empfangener Pakete zu berprfen und die Prfsumme bertragener Pakete zu berechnen. Dadurch kann die TCP/IP-Leistung gesteigert werden." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP-Segmentierung abladen" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die Segmentierung von TCP-Meldungen abzugeben und die CPU-Auslastung zu verbessern." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Sicherheitszuordnungen" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Stellt gleichzeitige Sicherheitszuordnungen ein, die auf den Co-Prozessoren des Adapters abgeladen werden knnen." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Adaptives Leistungs-Tuning" AdapterBandwidth ="Netzwerkleistung" CpuUtil ="Computerleistung" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximieren Sie die Leistung des Netzwerkadapters oder Computers. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Hilfe." WakeOnSettings ="Aktivierungseinstellungen" WakeOnLink ="Aktivierung bei Verbindungsnderung" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Akt. ber Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic & adressierte Pakete" WakeOnLAA ="Aktivierung ber LAA" WakeOnArp ="Aktivierung ber ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Akt. ber adressiertes Paket" WakeOnNBT ="Remoteaktivierung ber NBT-Abfrage" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Bestimmt, wie das Systems reaktiviert (Wake-Up) werden soll." ForceWakeOnLink ="Akt. bei Verbindungsnderung erzwingen" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." EnablePME ="PME aktivieren" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert Wake-Up aus APM-Energiesparmodus." SmartPowerDown ="Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiert den Energieverbrauch, indem es dem Adapter ermglicht in den Tiefschlafmodus berzugehen, wenn keine gltige Verbindung besteht oder das Betriebssystem im Ruhezustand ist." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Adaptive Verbindungsreaktion" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Aktiviert die adaptive Verbindungsreaktion, um den PHYLink-Status zu berprfen." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Einst. fr Aktivierung bei Verbindung" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activado" Off ="Desactivado" Enabled ="Activado" Disabled ="Desactivado" AutoDetect ="Deteccin automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/Dplex medio" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/Dplex completo" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/Dplex medio" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/Dplex completo" High ="Alto" Low ="Bajo" None ="Ninguno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generar y responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Generar" NoAction ="Ninguna accin" HardwareDefault ="Predeterminado del hardware" OSControlled ="Controlado por el SO" Forced ="Forzado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descriptores de recepcin" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes que el controlador utiliza cuando copia datos a la memoria del protocolo. La incrementacin de este valor puede mejorar el rendimiento de la recepcin, pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." TxBuffers ="Descriptores de transmisin" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de segmentos de datos que habilita al adaptador para que realice el seguimiento de los paquetes de transmisin. Si incrementa este valor, puede mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." CoalesceBuffers ="Bferes de unin" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes disponibles para la aceleracin de la transmisin. Debe contener de 30 a 50% de los Descriptores de la transmisin. Consulte Ayuda para obtener informacin adicional." AdaptiveIFS ="Separacin entre tramas ajustables" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos consecutivos." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Umbral de transmisin ajustable" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bytes antes de que el adaptador vace su bfer FIFO. Los valores inferiores pueden mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin resultan en ms ejecuciones deficientes. Si el adaptador puede funcionar mejor usando un valor inferior, utilizar ese valor. El valor real es 8 veces el valor de configuracin." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definicin de niveles de prioridad" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Establece el nivel controlado de detencin entre las prioridades de trfico bajo y alto para el uso de la cola de alta prioridad (HPQ) y el Paquete de Prioridad Intel(R) ." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologa ajustable" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita el micro-cdigo que optimiza el rendimiento. Si ha deshabilita, debe habilitar el Espaciado entre tramas del adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficiencia del bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina los fragmento de bfer del paquete de transmisin en un solo bfer antes de enviarlos a la red." BasicConnectivity ="Conectividad de recursos reducidos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Configura el controlador para que intente cargarse en entornos de bajos recursos. Las funciones avanzadas se desactivarn hasta que tengan suficientes recursos para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Direccin administrada localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Le permite configurar la direccin MAC personalizada del adaptador." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Separacin entre tramas de retransmisiones" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos de retransmisin. Si incrementa este valor puede que mejore el rendimiento de la red, si existe una gran cantidad de colisiones en la red." LogLinkState ="Registrar sucesos del estado del enlace" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita o dehabilita la grabacin del mensaje de estado de enlace para el que Visor de sucesos." QoSPacketTag ="Etiquetado de paquete QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita las tramas de envo y recepcin con etiqueta IEEE (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), que incluyen la prioridad y los indicadores de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Control de flujo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa la transmisin de paquetes al recibir la trama del control de flujo completo y enva una trama del control de flujo completo para indicar al otro lado que detenga la transmisin." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidad y dplex del enlace" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Debe coincidir con el puerto conmutador para que se realice el enlace." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 o 100 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Deben coincidir las opciones del interlocutor de enlace o probablemente el enlace sea inestable y el rendimiento sea afectado." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidad de transmisin de la lnea telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nivel de potencia de la lnea telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Separacin entre tramas" IPSecEnabled ="Descarga de Seguridad IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Guarda los ciclos CPU al descargar el cifrado de IPSec a partir de la CPU al adaptador." ChecksumEnabled ="Descarga suma de comprobacin TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador verifique la suma de verificacin TCP/IP de los paquetes recibidos y calcula la suma de verificacin de los paquetes transmitidos. Puede que mejore el rendimiento de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Descarga de Segmentacin TCP " LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador descargue la tarea de segmentacin de mensajes TCP y puede que mejore el uso de la CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Asociaciones de seguridad" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define las asociaciones de seguridad simultneas que pueden descargarse en el coprocesador del adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimizacin de rendimiento ajustable" AdapterBandwidth ="Rendimiento de la red" CpuUtil ="Rendimiento de PC" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximice el rendimiento del adaptador de red o PC. Para obtener ms informacin, consulte la ayuda." WakeOnSettings ="Configuracin de la reactivacin" WakeOnLink ="Activar en cambio de enlace" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Activar en Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Activar en Magic y Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Activar en LAA" WakeOnArp ="Activar en ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Activar en Paquete dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Activar en consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina cmo activar el sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forzar Activacin en enlace" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite la activacin de la administracin de energa APM cuando se reconecta el enlace." EnablePME ="Activar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita la activacin desde los estados de la inactividad de la Administracin de energa (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Apagado inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza el consumo de energa al habilitar el adaptador para que entre en un modo de inactividad profunda cuando no tenga un enlace vlido o cuando el sistema operativo se encuentre en el modo Suspensin." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Respuesta de enlace ajustable" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Activa la respuesta de enlace ajustable para verificar el estado de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuracin de Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Cuando se reconecta el enlace, permite la activacin desde la administracin de energa APM." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.040C] ; French (France) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activ(e)" Off ="Dsactiv(e)" Enabled ="Activ(e)" Disabled ="Dsactiv(e)" AutoDetect ="Dtection automatique" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s full duplex" High ="Haut" Low ="Faible" None ="Aucun" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gnrer et rpondre" Respond ="Rpondre" Generate ="Gnrer" NoAction ="Aucune action" HardwareDefault ="Matriel par dfaut" OSControlled ="Contrl par le systme" Forced ="Forc" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descripteurs de rception" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons utiliss par le pilote lors de la copie des donnes dans la mmoire de protocole. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de rception mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." TxBuffers ="Descripteurs de transmission" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de segments de donnes permettant la carte de suivre les paquets de transmission. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." CoalesceBuffers ="Tampons de regroupement" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons disponibles pour l'acclration des transmissions. Doit correspondre 30 50 pour cent de la valeur du paramtre Descripteurs de transmission. Reportez-vous l'aide pour de plus amples informations." AdaptiveIFS ="Espacement intertrame dynamique" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant les synchronisations successives." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Seuil dynamique de transmission" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre d'octets avant la remise zro du tampon FIFO de la carte rseau. La dfinition de valeurs infrieures peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais risque galement d'entraner un plus grand nombre de sous-excutions. Si la carte peut obtenir de meilleures performances avec une valeur infrieure, elle utilisera cette valeur. La valeur relle est de 8 fois la valeur dfinie." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Dfinition du niveau de priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Dfinit le point de coupure contrl entre les priorits de faible trafic et de trafic lev pour l'utilisation de la fonction HPQ et Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Technologie Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive le microcode d'optimisation des performances. Si vous dsactivez cette fonctionnalit, vous devez activer l'espacement intertrame dynamique." PciBusEfficiency ="Rendement du bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Regroupe les fragments de paquets de transmission en un seul tampon avant de les envoyer sur le rseau." BasicConnectivity ="Connectivit (ressources insuff.)" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Dfinit le chargement du pilote dans un environnement faible niveau de ressources. Les fonctionnalits avances seront dsactives jusqu' ce que les ressources soient suffisantes." LocalyAdminAddress ="Adresse administre localement" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permet de configurer une adresse MAC personnalise pour la carte." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espacement intertrame des retransmissions" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant la cadence des retransmissions. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances du rseau si de nombreuses collisions s'y produisent." LogLinkState ="Consigner l'vnement de la liaison" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive l'enregistrement du message d'tat de l'Observateur d'vnements." QoSPacketTag ="Reprage des paquets QS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Permet l'envoi et la rception de trames tiquetes IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), qui comprennent des indicateurs de priorit et de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Contrle de flux" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Interrompt la transmission des paquets en cas de rception d'une trame de contrle de flux complte et envoie une trame de contrle de flux complte l'interlocuteur afin de stopper la transmission." SpeedDuplex ="Vitesse de liaison et duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Si les paramtres ne concident pas avec le port de commutation, aucune liaison ne se produira. " SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 ou 100 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Ces paramtres doivent correspondre ceux du partenaire de liaison, faute de quoi la liaison risque d'tre instable et les performances risquent de se dgrader." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Vitesse de trans. tlphonique" PhyPhonePower ="Puissance de ligne tlphonique" PhyGiladIfs ="Espacement intertrame" IPSecEnabled ="Dlestage scurit IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="conomise les cycles du processeur en dlestant le chiffrement IPSec du processeur sur la carte." ChecksumEnabled ="Dlester somme de contrle TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de vrifier la somme de contrle TCP/IP des paquets entrants et de calculer la somme de contrle des paquets sortants. Ceci permet d'amliorer les performances TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Dlestage segmentation TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de dlester la tche de segmentation des messages TCP. Ceci peut amliorer le taux d'utilisation du processeur." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associations de scurit" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Dfinit les associations de scurit simultanes pouvant tre dlestes sur le coprocesseur de la carte rseau." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimisation dynamique des performances" AdapterBandwidth ="Performance de la carte rseau" CpuUtil ="Performance de l'ordinateur" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Optimiser la performance de la carte rseau ou de l'ordinateur. Voir l'Aide pour davantage d'informations." WakeOnSettings ="Paramtres Wake On" WakeOnLink ="Fonction Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Wake on Magic & Directed Packet" WakeOnLAA ="Fonction Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp ="Fonction Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Fonction Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Dtermine comment rveiller le systme." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forcer la fonction Wake on Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." EnablePME ="Activer PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer/de dsactiver le rveil depuis les tats de veille de la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Extinction automatique" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimise la consommation lectrique en permettant la carte d'entrer en mode de sommeil profond lorsqu'elle ne possde pas de liaison valide ou lorsque le systme d'exploitation est en mode suspendu." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Rponse dynamique de liaison" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer la fonction Rponse dynamique de liaison pour la vrification de l'tat de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Paramtres Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Attivato" Off ="Disattivato" Enabled ="Attivato" Disabled ="Disattivato" AutoDetect ="Rilevamento automatico" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Basso" None ="Nessuno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Genera e rispondi" Respond ="Rispondi" Generate ="Genera" NoAction ="Nessuna azione" HardwareDefault ="Impostazioni predefinite hardware" OSControlled ="Controllato dal sis. operativo" Forced ="Imposto" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descrittori di ricezione" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer allocati dal driver durante la copia dei dati nella memoria del protocollo. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." TxBuffers ="Descrittori di trasmissione" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero dei segmenti di dati che permettono alla scheda di tenere traccia dei pacchetti trasmessi. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni di trasmissione, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffer coalesce" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer disponibili per l'accelerazione della trasmissione. Deve essere il 30-50 percento dei descrittori di trasmissione. Consultare la Guida per ulteriori informazioni." AdaptiveIFS ="Spaziatura adattiva tra frame" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione back to back. " AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Soglia adattiva di trasmissione" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di byte raggiunto il quale la scheda di rete svuota il proprio buffer FIFO. Valori pi bassi possono migliorare le prestazioni della trasmissione, ma possono provocare pi underrun. Se la scheda pu ottenere migliori prestazioni utilizzando un valore pi basso, verr utilizzato tale valore. Il valore effettivo 8 volte l'impostazione." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definizione del livello di priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Imposta il livello limite controllato tra le priorit alta e bassa del traffico da utilizzare con High Priority Queue (HPQ) e Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva il microcode che ottimizza le prestazioni. Se si disabilita questa funzione, necessario abilitare Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency ="Efficienza bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina i frammenti del buffer dei pacchetti di trasmissione in un unico buffer prima di inviarli alla rete." BasicConnectivity ="Connettivit in presenza di risorse scarse" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Imposta il driver per il caricamento in un ambiente con scarse risorse. Le funzionalit avanzate verranno disattivate fino a quando non saranno presenti risorse sufficienti." LocalyAdminAddress ="Indirizzo amministrato localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Consente di configurare un indirizzo MAC personalizzato della scheda. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Spaziatura tra frame di ritrasmissioni" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione di ritrasmissione. Aumentando questo valore possibile migliorare le prestazioni della rete se si verifica un gran numero di collisioni sulla rete." LogLinkState ="Registra evento stato del collegamento" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva la registrazione del messaggio di stato del collegamento inviato a Visualizzatore eventi." QoSPacketTag ="Codifica pacchetti QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Abilita l'invio e la ricezione di frame con codifica IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), che comprendono indicatori di priorit e VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controllo del flusso" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sospende la trasmissione dei pacchetti al ricevimento di un frame di controllo indicante di flusso completo e invia un frame di controllo di flusso completo per avvisare l'altra parte di interrompere la trasmissione." SpeedDuplex ="Velocit di collegamento e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. Affinch il collegamento avvenga, necessario che queste impostazioni coincidano con la porta di commutazione." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10/100 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. necessario che coincida con le impostazioni del partner di collegamento, altrimenti il collegamento sar instabile e le prestazioni verranno penalizzate." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocit di trasmissione della linea telefonica" PhyPhonePower ="Livello di alimentazione della linea telefonica" PhyGiladIfs ="Spaziatura tra frame" IPSecEnabled ="Offload della protezione IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Risparmia cicli della CPU scaricando la crittografia IPSec dalla CPU alla scheda." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload del checksum IP/TCP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di verificare il checksum TCP/IP dei pacchetti ricevuti e di calcolare il checksum dei pacchetti trasmessi, migliorando le prestazioni di trasmissione TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload della segmentazione TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di effettuare l'offload dell'operazione di segmentazione dei messaggi TCP e migliora l'utilizzo della CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associazioni protezione" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Imposta le associazioni di protezione simultanee che possono essere scaricate sul coprocessore delle schede di rete." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ottimizzazione adattiva delle prestazioni" AdapterBandwidth ="Prestazioni di rete" CpuUtil ="Prestazioni del computer" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni della scheda di rete o del computer. Consultare la Guida in linea per ulteriori informazioni." WakeOnSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione" WakeOnLink ="Attiva su modifica del collegamento" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Attiva su pacchetto Magic" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Attiva su Magic e diretto" WakeOnLAA ="Attiva con LAA" WakeOnArp ="Attiva con ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Attiva su pacchetto diretto" WakeOnNBT ="Attiva su query NTB" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina come attivare il sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Imponi attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." EnablePME ="Abilita PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Abilita/disabilita l'attivazione dagli stati di sospensione Advanced Power Management (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Spegnimento intelligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimizza il consumo energetico consentendo alla scheda di mettersi in uno stato di sospensione quando non presente un collegamento valido o quando il sistema operativo si trova in modalit sospesa." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Risposta adattiva dei collegamenti" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Attiva la risposta adattiva dei collegamenti per il controllo dello stato di PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="I" Off ="It" Enabled ="I" Disabled ="It" AutoDetect ="o" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/dʐM" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/SdʐM" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/dʐM" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/SdʐM" High ="" Low ="" None ="Ȃ" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="쐬Ɖ" Respond ="" Generate ="쐬" NoAction ="ANVȂ" HardwareDefault ="n[hEFA ftHg" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="MLqq" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="f[^vgR ɃRs[ۂɃhCogobt@̐ݒ肵܂B" TxBuffers ="MLqq" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="A_v^MpPbgǐՂł悤ɂf[^ ZOg̐ݒ肵܂B̒l𑝂₷ƑMptH[}Xł܂AVXe ̎gpʂ܂BptH[}X̖肪Ȃꍇ̓ftHggpĂB" CoalesceBuffers ="Wobt@" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="M̍Ɏgpłobt@ݒ肵܂BMLqq 30`50 %ɂĂBڍׂ́AwvQƂĂB" AdaptiveIFS ="A_veBu C^[t[ X؁|VO" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RWA^C~Oɂ⏞܂B" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="A_veBuMl" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="A_v^ FIFO obt@ɂÕoCgݒ肵܂B̒lႭƁAMptH[}Xサ܂AA_[”\܂BႢlgpƃptH[}Xシꍇ́AA_v^͂̒lgp܂Bl͐ݒl 8 {łB" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="D惌x̒`" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="High Priority Queue (HPQ) уCe(R) Priority Packet gp̂߂̃gtBbN̍ђDxԂŐ䂳ꂽ؂̂ăxݒ肵܂B" AdaptiveTechnology ="A_veBu eNmW" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ptH[}XœK}CNR[h̃I/It؂ւ܂B̋@\Itɂꍇ́AA_v^ C^[t[ Xy[VOLɂKv܂B" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI oX" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="MpPbg̃obt@ tOglbg[NɑMO 1 ‚̃obt@ɂ܂Ƃ߂܂B" BasicConnectivity ="\[Xs̐ڑ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="჊\[X‹ł̃hCõ[hs܂B@\ɏ\ȃ\[Xł܂Ŋg@\͖ɂȂ܂B" LocalyAdminAddress ="[JǗAhX" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="A_v^̃JX^ MAC AhXݒ肵܂B" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="C^[t[ X؁|VO̍đM" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="đM̃^C~O𐧌䂷邱ƂʼnߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RW⏞܂B" LogLinkState ="N Xe[g Cxg̃O" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Cxg r[Aւ̃N Xe[g bZ[W̃I/It؂ւ܂B" QoSPacketTag ="QoS pPbg ^O" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="IEEE ^Ott[̑M (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q)”\ɂ܂BvCIeB VLAN CWP[^܂܂܂B" FlowControlSettings ="t[" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sȃt[t[̎MɃpPbgMꎞ~AΑőM~悤ɒʒm銮Sȃt[t[𑗐M܂B" SpeedDuplex ="NxƃfvbNX" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nx10 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪XCb` |[gƈvȂƁAN܂B" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nx10/100 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪葤̐ݒɈvȂƁAN͕sɂȂAptH[}X򉻂܂B" PhyPhoneSpeed ="dbMx" PhyPhonePower ="dbd̓x" PhyGiladIfs ="C^[t[ X؁|VO" IPSecEnabled ="ho ZLeB̃It[h" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU A_v^ւ IPSec ÍIt[h邱ƂŁACPU TCNߖ񂵂܂B" ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP `FbNT̃It[h" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂMpPbg TCP/IP `FbNT̊mF”\ƂAMꂽpPbg̃`FbNTvZ܂Bɂ TCP/IP ptH[}Xシꍇ܂B" LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ZOe[ṼIt[h" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂ TCP bZ[W̕f^XÑIt[h”\Ƃ܂Bɂ CPU gpPꍇ܂B" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ZLeB֘A" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="A_v^̃RvZbTɃIt[h邱Ƃ̂łZLeB֘Aݒ肵܂B" AdaptivePerfTuning ="A_veBu ptH[}X `[jO" AdapterBandwidth ="lbg[ÑptH[}X" CpuUtil ="Rs[^̃ptH[}X" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="lbg[N A_v^Rs[^̃ptH[}Xőɂ܂Bڍׂɂ‚Ă̓wvQƂĂB" WakeOnSettings ="Wake On ݒ" WakeOnLink ="Wake On Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake On Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic Directed" WakeOnLAA ="Wake On LAA" WakeOnArp ="Wake On ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake On Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Wake On NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="VXeEF[NAbv@w肵܂B" ForceWakeOnLink ="Wake On Link ̋" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="NĐڑꂽƂ APM dǗEF[NAbv邱Ƃ”\Ƃ܂B" EnablePME ="PME Iɂ" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="APM dǗ̃X[vԂ̃EF[NAbvL^ɂ܂B" SmartPowerDown ="X}[g p[ _E" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="A_v^LȃNȂꍇIy[eBO VXeTXyh [hɂꍇAA_v^̓fB[v X[v [hɂȂ邱ƂŁAd͂ŏ܂B" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="A_veBu N X|X" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="PHYLink Xe[^XmF邽߂ɁAA_veBu N X|XIɂ܂B" WakeOnLinkSettings ="Wake On Link ݒ" WakeOnLinkHelp ="NĐڑ APM dǗ̃EF[NAbv”\Ƃ܂B" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="" Enabled ="Ȱȭ" Disabled ="Ȱ " AutoDetect ="ڵ ˻" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond =" " Respond ="" Generate ="" NoAction =" " HardwareDefault ="ϵ ⺻" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers =" " RxBuffersMiniHelp ="̹ ޸𸮷 ͸ ϴ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." TxBuffers =" " TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Ͱ Ŷ ֵ ϴ ׸Ʈ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." CoalesceBuffers =" " CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp =" ȭ ִ մϴ. 30-50% մϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." AdaptiveIFS =" Ӱ " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="-- Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ." AdaptiveTxThreshold =" Ӱ谪" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Ͱ FIFO ۸ Ʈ մϴ. ߻ ֽϴ. Ͱ Ͽ ִ ޼ ش ˴ϴ. 8ȸ Ǿ ֽϴ." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="켱 " HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="HPQ( 켱 ⿭) (R) 켱 Ŷ Բ ϱ Ʈ 켱 Ʈ 켱 մϴ." AdaptiveTechnology =" " AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp =" ȭϴ ũ ڵ带 Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ. Ȱȭϴ 쿡 Ӱ Ȱȭؾ մϴϴ." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ȿ" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ŷ ׸Ʈ ϳ ۷ մϴ." BasicConnectivity ="ҽ " BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ҽ ȯ濡 ̹ ε带 õϵ մϴ. ҽ ؼ ۵ Ȱȭ˴ϴ." LocalyAdminAddress =" ּ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp =" MAC ּҸ ֽϴ." RetransmitInterFrameSpace =" Ӱ " RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp =" Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ. Ʈũ 浹 ߻ ø Ʈũ ˴ϴ." LogLinkState ="ũ ̺Ʈ " LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="̺Ʈ  ũ ޽ ϴ Ȱȭ/Ȱմϴ." QoSPacketTag ="QoS Ŷ ± " QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="켱 VLAN ǥñⰡ Ե IEEE ± ִ (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q) ۼ ֽϴ." FlowControlSettings ="帧 " FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ü 帧 Ŷ ߴϰ ü 帧 ٸ ʿ ϵ ˸ϴ." SpeedDuplex ="ũ ӵ ߼" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ġ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷  ũ ߻ ʽϴ." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10/100Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ũ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷ ũ Ҿ ϵ˴ϴ." PhyPhoneSpeed ="ȭ ӵ" PhyPhonePower ="ȭ " PhyGiladIfs ="Ӱ " IPSecEnabled ="ε IP " IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU ͷ IPSec ȣȭ εϿ CPU Ŭ մϴ." ChecksumEnabled ="ε TCP/IP üũ" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ ŵ Ŷ TCP/IP üũ ˻ϰ ۵ Ŷ üũ ֽϴ. ̷ TCP/IP ˴ϴ." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ׸Ʈȭ ε" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ TCP ޽ ׸Ʈȭ ۾ ε ֽϴ. ̷ CPU ̿ ˴ϴ." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations =" " SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp =" μ ε ִ մϴ." AdaptivePerfTuning =" " AdapterBandwidth ="Ʈũ " CpuUtil ="ǻ " AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ǵ ǻ شȭմϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." WakeOnSettings =" " WakeOnLink ="ũ " WakeOnMagicPacket =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnLAA ="LAA ߰ " WakeOnArp ="ARP " WakeOnDirected =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnNBT ="NBT " WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="ý մϴ." ForceWakeOnLink ="ũ " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ũ ٽ APM ֽϴ." EnablePME ="PME Ȱȭ" EnablePMEMiniHelp =" (APM) ¿ Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ." SmartPowerDown ="Ʈ " SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ȿ ũ ų  ü Ͻ ߴ Ͱ ִ 带 ֵ Ͽ Ҹ ּȭմϴ." AdaptiveLinkResponse =" ũ " AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp =" ũ PHYLink ¸ ˻ ֵ մϴ." WakeOnLinkSettings ="ũ " WakeOnLinkHelp ="ٽ APM ֽϴ." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" [Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil) MessageStringSource_XP ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" MessageStringSource_2K ="%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ativado" Off ="Desativado" Enabled ="Ativado" Disabled ="Desativado" AutoDetect ="Deteco automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/Half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/Full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/Half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/Full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Baixo" None ="Nenhum" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gerar e responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Gerar" NoAction ="Nenhuma ao" HardwareDefault ="Hardware padro" OSControlled ="Controlado por SO" Forced ="Forado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descritores de recepo" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers usados pelo driver ao copiar dados na memria do protocolo. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de recepo mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." TxBuffers ="Descritores de transmisso" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de segmentos de dados que ativam o adaptador a rastrear pacotes de transmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffers de coalescncia" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers disponveis para a acelerao da transmisso. Dever ser entre 30 a 50 por cento dos descritores de transmisso. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." AdaptiveIFS ="Espaamento inter-frames adaptativo" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao back-to-back." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Limiar adaptativo de transmisso" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de bytes antes do adaptador esvaziar seu buffer de FIFO. Diminuir os valores pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm pode resultar em mais dficits . Se o adaptador pode alcanar melhor desempenho usando um valor menor ele usar esse valor. O valor real uma configurao de 8 vezes." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definio do nvel de prioridade" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Define o limite de corte controlado entre alta prioridade de trfego e baixa prioridade de trfego a ser usado com HPQ (High Priority Queue) e o Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia adaptativa" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita ou desabilita o micro cdigo que otimiza o desempenho. Se desabilitar esse recurso voc deve habilitar o espaamento entre frames do adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficincia do barramento PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina fragmentos do buffer de pacotes de transmisso em um buffer nico antes de envi-los para a rede. " BasicConnectivity ="Conectividade para ambiente com poucos recursos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Define o driver para tentar ser carregado em ambiente de poucos recursos. Os recursos avanados sero desabilitados at terem recursos suficientes para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Endereo administrado localmente (LAA)" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permite configurar um endereo MAC personalizado para o adaptador. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espaamento inter-frames de retransmisso" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao de retransmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho da rede se houver um nmero grande de colises na rede." LogLinkState ="Evento de estado de link de registro" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita a gravao da mensagem de estado do link para o visualizador de eventos." QoSPacketTag ="Rotulao de pacotes de QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita o envio e a recepo de frames rotuladas IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), que incluem indicadores de prioridade e de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controle de fluxo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa a transmisso de pacotes na recepo de frame de controle de fluxo completo e envia frame de controle de fluxo completo para notificar o outro lado a fim de parar a transmisso." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidade de link e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com a porta do switch ou no ocorrer nenhum link." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 ou 100 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com as configuraes do parceiro de link ou o link pode ficar instvel e o desempenho pode sofrer degradao." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidade de transmisso da linha telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nvel de potncia da linha telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Espaamento inter-frames" IPSecEnabled ="Offload Segurana de IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Salva os ciclos da CPU ao descarregar a criptografia IPSec da CPU para o adaptador.." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload Checksum de TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador verificar a checksum de TCP/IP dos pacotes recebidos e computa a checksum nos pacotes transmitidos. Isso melhora o desempenho de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload Segmentao de TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador fazer a descarga da tarefa de segmentar mensagens de TCP.Melhora a utilizao da CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associaes de segurana" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define as associaes simultneas de segurana que podem ser descarregados no coprocessador do adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ajuste adaptativo de desempenho" AdapterBandwidth ="Desempenho da rede" CpuUtil ="Desempenho do computador" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximizar o desempenho do adaptador de rede ou do computador. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." WakeOnSettings ="Configuraes de ativao" WakeOnLink ="Ativar com mudana de link" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Ativar com Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Ativar com pacotes Magic e Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Ativar com LAA" WakeOnArp ="Ativar com ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Ativar com pacote dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Ativar com consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina como ativar o sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forar ativao com mudana de link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." EnablePME ="Habilitar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita o wake-up dos estados sleep do APM (Advanced Power Management)." SmartPowerDown ="Desativao inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza o consumo de energia ao habilitar o adaptador a entrar no modo sleep profundo quando ele no tem um link vlido ou quando so sistema operacional est no modo Suspenso." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Resposta do link adaptativa" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Habilita a Resposta de link adaptativa para verificar o status de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuraes de Wake On Link (ativao por link)" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel PRO Network Connections CD-ROM or floppy disk" ; NT service name e100bnt.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) PRO Network Connection Driver" ; Device descriptions PCIE100B.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100PLUS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter" PCIE100PLUS64.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter not supported" PCIE100LOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" PCIE100MAN.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter" PCIE100SERVERW.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)" PCIE100DUAL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100AOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* 2 Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Alert on LAN* Management Adapter" PCIE100MANAOLGC.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC" PCIE100MANAOLGS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server" I559IFE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" I559IFEAOLII.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN* 2" PCIE100S.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Management Adapter" PCIE100SADV.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter" PCIE100SSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" MiniPCIComboDes.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter" PCIE100S0.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Desktop Adapter" PCIE100Sx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter" PCIE100S0SVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Server Adapter" PCIE100SxSVR.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Server Adapter" PCIE100S0L.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100SxL.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" PCIE100LAVON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Desktop Adapter" PCIE100LAVONMB.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Mobile Connection" PCIE100LAVONLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 M Network Connection" I559CLONPCI.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Mobile LAN on Motherboard" I559IFEAOLCPQ.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*" PCIE100EMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Adapter" PCIE100PLUSEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Desktop Adapter" PCIE100EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection" PCIE100PLUSEMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection" PCIE100EMBLON.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Network Connection" PCIE100DUALSx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100DUALx.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 Dual Port Server Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSD.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Desktop Adapter" PCIE100BSPLUSS.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S+ Server Adapter" HPTX.DeviceDesc = "NetServer 10/100TX PCI LAN Adapter" IBMFE9.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard" IBMFED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 S Network Connection" IBMFEK.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Desktop Connection" IBMFES.DeviceDesc = "iSeries 2892 10/100 Ethernet Port" Toshiba82559B.DeviceDesc = "Intel 8255x-based Fast Ethernet" DL_EMBLOM.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Adapter" ; CICH PCIE100CICHEMBEDDED.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82562 based Fast Ethernet Connection" PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x/e100b325.sys0000755000000000000000000050317010717273404012360 0ustar MZ@P !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $3V^R8^R8^R8^R9R8]eYR8]gzR8]f_R8]b_R8Rich^R8PEL,=G  LFlGALFPPXlx`p @<.text?,,@INIT F F .rsrcXPP@B.reloc ` `@BUExt@E P  @M ]̋UExt@uE P @M U] ̋UQju Eujuf3̋UQju\$Eujuzf3̋UE utf3]̋Uju $]̋UQju Eujuf3̋UQju$Eujuf3̋Uju$]̋Ujuu$]̋UQVjuU Eujus3ju7uhF|3@^3̋UVu5ju"j3^]̋USV5j֋]SjSNjSjS:j^3[]̋UV5Wj֋}Wt 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Ein Duplexkonflikt ist mglich. 0%2 : Dies ist eine FEHLER-Testmeldung. ,Adapter %2: Hardware-Fehler gefunden 0Adapter %2: EEPROM-Korruption gefunden |@@@@ @ @@@8(Tx,%2 : This is an SUCCESS test message. 4%2 : This is an INFORMATIONAL test message. $Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 10Mbps Half Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 10Mbps Full Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 100Mbps Half Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 100Mbps Full Duplex $%2 driver has been started $%2 driver has been stopped ,%2 : This is an WARNING test message. $Adapter %2: Adapter Link Down tAdapter %2: Did not receive auto-negotiation advertisement from link partner. A duplex mismatch may occur. ,%2 : This is an ERROR test message. ,Adapter %2: Hardware failure detected 0Adapter %2: EEprom corruption detected |@@@@ @ @@@Xdh8%2 : Ceci est un message de test de RUSSITE. 8%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'INFORMATION. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte actif @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s half duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s full duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s half duplex D Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s full duplex $Le pilote %2 a t dmarr. $Le pilote %2 a t arrt. <%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'AVERTISSEMENT. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte inactif Carte %2 : annonce de ngociation automatique du partenaire de liaison non reue. Il est possible qu'une mauvaise correspondance duplex se produise. 4%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'ERREUR. <Carte %2 : dtection d'une dfaillance matrielle <Carte %2 : dtection d'une altration de l'EEPROM |@@@@ @ @ @@d|8%2 : Questo un messaggio di test di SUCCESSO. <%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'INFORMAZIONI. 0Scheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 10Mbps Half Duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 10Mbps full duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 100Mbps half duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 100Mbps full duplex $Il driver %2 stato avviato (Il driver %2 stato arrestato 4%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'AVVISO. 0Scheda %2: collegamento scheda disattivo Scheda di rete %2: non ha ricevuto l'annuncio di negoziazione automatica dal partner di collegamento, possibile che si sia verificato un problema di duplex 4%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'ERRORE. ,Scheda %2: rilevato errore hardware 0Scheda %2: rilevata EEprom danneggiata |@@@@ @ @ @@h8%2 : ͍iۂ̃eXg bZ[WłB 4%2 : ͎Ql̃eXg bZ[WłB 8A_v^ %2: A_v^̃NڑĂ܂ HA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F10Mbps dʐM HA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F10Mbps SdʐM LA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F100Mbps dʐM LA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F100Mbps SdʐM $%2 hCoN܂ $%2hCo~܂ 0%2 : ͌x̃eXg bZ[WłB <A_v^ %2: A_v^̃NڑĂ܂ A_v^ %2FN p[gi[I[glSVG[V̌M܂łBSd̕sv”\܂B 4%2 : ̓eXg̃G[ bZ[WłB <A_v^ %2: n[hEFAŃG[o܂ 4A_v^ %2: EEprom ̔j󂪌o܂ |@@@@ @ @@@,$Lx(%2: ׽Ʈ ޽Դϴ. 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(Adaptador %2: EEprom corrompida |@@@@ @ @@@ <$%2 "ɹ" Ϣ (%2 "Ϣ" Ϣ $ %2ͨ 4 %2ѽ10Mbps ˫ 4 %2ѽ10Mbps ȫ˫ 4 %2ѽ100Mbps ˫ 4 %2ѽ100Mbps ȫ˫ %2 %2 ֹ $%2 "" Ϣ $ %2Ӳͨ T %2δյӻԶЭ̹档ܻᷢ˫ƥ $%2 "" Ϣ $ %2⵽Ӳ ( %2⵽ EEprom |@@@@ @ @4@@|H%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de OPERACIN SATISFACTORIA. <%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de INFORMACIN. 4Adaptador %2: Enlace del adaptador activo HAdaptador %2: enlace de adaptador activo: 10Mbps dplex medio HAdaptador %2: enlace de adaptador activo: 10Mbps dplex completo HAdaptador %2: enlace de adaptador activo: 100Mbps dplex medio LAdaptador %2: enlace de adaptador activo: 100Mbps dplex completo (Se ha iniciado el controlador %2 (Se ha detenido el controlador %2 <%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de ADVERTENCIA. 4Adaptador %2: Enlace del adaptador inactivo Adaptador %2: No ha recibido anuncio de negociacin automtica del interlocutor de enlace. Se puede presentar una incorrespondencia dplex. 4%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de ERROR. 4Adaptador %2: Fallo de hardware detectado 4Adaptador %2: Daos detectados en la EEprom l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. 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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO ** ;* PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, ** ;* TRANSCRIBED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY ** ;* LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER LANGUAGE IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, ** ;* MECHANICAL, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ** ;* THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF : ** ;* ** ;* INTEL CORPORATION ** ;* ** ;* 2200 MISSION COLLEGE BLVD ** ;* ** ;* SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052-8119 ** ;* ** ;******************************************************************************* ; ;******************************************************************************* ; e100bnt5.din ; $Revision: 8 $ ; ; Intel 82557-based PCI Ethernet Adapters ; PnP Un-install script for Windows 2000 [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" SetupClass = BASE Provider = %V_INTEL% [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel [ControlFlags] [Intel] [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 Uninstall.DelFiles = 11 8255x.System.DelFiles = 11 ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles = 12 [8255x.Uninstall] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg [8255x.System.DelFiles] IntelNic.dll,,,1 e100bmsg.dll,,,1 NicCo32.dll,,,1 NicIn32.dll,,,1 NicCo.dll,,,1 NicCo2.dll,,,1 NicInst.dll,,,1 [ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles] e100bnt5.sys,,,1 [Uninstall.DelFiles] Prounstl.exe,,,1 e100bnt5.din,,,1 [8255x.DelReg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PROSet HKLM,Software\INTEL\Prounstl HKLM,Software\INTEL\NIC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Localizable Strings ; [Strings] ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x/e100bnt5.sys0000755000000000000000000045561010717273574012572 0ustar MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ MMMJM LMoRichMPEL=G  F4@P& Ax4$ .texta^ .rsrc &&@B.reloc2 4 4@BUVu~tFPF@ ~EtFuP NAf3^]UVu~tFPF@$~EtFuP NAf3^]D$t$tTf3̋D$xt@P@@$UVu~tFPF@ ~EtFuP NAf3^]UVu~tFPF@$~EtFuP NAf3^]̋D$xt@P@@$D$xt@P@@$USVu~W=t FPF@ ~EtFuP NA3ۀ~t 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Title to the Material remains with Intel ** ;** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** ;** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** ;** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** ;** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** ;** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, ** ;** posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's ** ;** prior express written permission. ** ;** ** ;** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** ;** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** ;** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** ;** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** ;** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** ;** writing. ** ;** ** ;/*****************************************************************************/ ; ;******************************************************************************* ; fei5132.din ; ; PnP Un-install script for Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection devices ;******************************************************************************* ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" SetupClass = BASE Provider = %V_INTEL% [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel [ControlFlags] [Intel] [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 Uninstall.DelFiles = 11 8255x.System.DelFiles = 11 ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles = 12 [8255x.Uninstall] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Driver.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg ; vista [8255x.Uninstall.6.0] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Driver.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg [8255x.System.DelFiles] e100bmsg.dll,,,1 NicCo2.dll,,,1 NicCo26.dll,,,1 NicIn100.dll,,,1 [Driver.DelFiles] fei5132.sys,,,1 [Uninstall.DelFiles] Prounstl.exe,,,1 fei5132.din,,,1 [8255x.DelReg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PROSet HKLM,Software\INTEL\Prounstl HKLM,Software\INTEL\NIC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Localizable Strings ; [Strings] ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x/fei5132.inf0000755000000000000000000035101311261145200012313 0ustar ;/****************************************************************************** ;** ** ;** INTEL CONFIDENTIAL ** ;** ** ;** Copyright 2009 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved. ** ;** ** ;** The source code contained or described herein and all documents related ** ;** to the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its ** ;** suppliers or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel ** ;** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** ;** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** ;** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** ;** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** ;** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, ** ;** posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's ** ;** prior express written permission. ** ;** ** ;** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** ;** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** ;** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** ;** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** ;** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** ;** writing. ** ;** ** ;/*****************************************************************************/ ; ;******************************************************************************* ; fei5132.INF (Windows XP/Vista 32 bit) ; ; Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection devices ;******************************************************************************* ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_INTEL% CatalogFile = DriverVer = 10/01/2009, [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel, NTx86.5.1.1, NTIA64, NTamd64, NTx86.6.0.1, NTx86.6.1 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows 2000 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel] ; Empty section. Windows 2000 is not supported ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows XP +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTx86.5.1.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %FE10FE.DeviceDesc% = 10FE, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10FE ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows Vista ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTx86.6.0.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %FE10FE.DeviceDesc% = 10FE.V, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10FE [Intel.NTIA64] ; Empty section. IA64 is not supported. [Intel.NTamd64] ; Empty section. x64 Architecture is not supported in this INF [Intel.NTx86.6.1] ; Empty section. No support beyond Windows Vista in this INF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Installation sections ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;============================================ ; Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection ;============================================ [10FE] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = ICH.reg, LogLinkState.reg, Speed100.reg, EnablePME.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, PowerSave.reg AddReg = FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg, WakeOn.reg AddReg = Uninstall.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles, UninstallFEI.CopyFiles [10FE.Services] AddService = FEIExpress, 2, FEIExpress.Service, FEI.EventLog [10FE.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles = CoInstaller_CopyFiles [E10FE.HW] Include=machine.inf Needs=PciIoSpaceNotRequired ;============================================ ; Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection ;============================================ [10FE.V] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = ICH.reg, LogLinkState.reg, Speed100.reg, EnablePME.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, PowerSave.reg AddReg = FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg, WakeOn.reg AddReg = Uninstall.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles, UninstallFEI.CopyFiles [10FE.V.Services] AddService = FEIExpress, 2, FEIExpress.Service, FEI.EventLog [10FE.V.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles = CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS [E10FE.V.HW] Include=machine.inf Needs=PciIoSpaceNotRequired ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registry settings ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- [ICH.reg] ; Flow Control Settings HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, ParamDesc, 0, %FlowControlSettings% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Default, 0, "3" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "3", 0, %GenerateAndRespond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "2", 0, %Respond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "1", 0, %Generate% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, ParamDesc, 0, %RxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Default, 0, "48" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Max, 0, "1024" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, ParamDesc, 0, %TxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Default, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Max, 0, "64" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %CoalesceBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Default, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Max, 0, "32" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveIFS% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Max, 0, "255" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTxThreshold% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Default, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Max, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTechnology% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "1", 0, %On% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %PciBusEfficiency% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ; Adaptive Performance Tuning HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuning% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Type, 0, "slider" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "0" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, LeftLabel, 0, %AdapterBandwidth% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, RightLabel, 0, %CpuUtil% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "0", 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "1", 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "2", 0, "512" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "3", 0, "768" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "4", 0, "1024" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "5", 0, "1280" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "6", 0, "1536" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "7", 0, "1792" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "8", 0, "2048" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "9", 0, "2304" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "10", 0, "2560" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "11", 0, "2816" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "12", 0, "3072" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "13", 0, "3328" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "14", 0, "3584" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "15", 0, "3840" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "16", 0, "4096" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %LocalyAdminAddress% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Type, 0, "edit" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Default, 0, "" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, ParamDesc, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpace% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Default, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Max, 0, "15" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,,PcNic, 0, "1" HKR,,MWIEnable, 0, "0" HKR,,DeviceVxDsPrefix, 0, "e100b" HKR,,HPQDisable, 0, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveStalledInterrupts, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveCarrierLoss, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveTransmitMethod, 2, "1" HKR,,Threshold, 0, "200" HKR,,LogErrorMessages, 0, "1" ;--- Log Link State Event [LogLinkState.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, ParamDesc, 0, %LogLinkState% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ;--- Speed Duplex Mode common base 10/100Mb [Speed100.reg] HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, ParamDesc, 0, %SpeedDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "0", 0, %AutoDetect% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "1", 0, %10Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "2", 0, %10Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "3", 0, %100Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "4", 0, %100Mb-Full-Duplex% ;--- Enable PME [EnablePME.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, ParamDesc, 0, %EnablePME% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Default, 0, "2" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "2", 0, %OsControlled% HKR,,EnablePME, 0, "2" ;--- Enable Power Down on link loss [EnableLLPD.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, ParamDesc, 0, %SmartPowerDown% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% [PowerSave.reg] HKR,,AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled, 0, "0" HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "1" HKR,,SavePowerNowEnabled, 0, "1" HKR,,NdisMultipleIndicateDown, 0, "0" HKR,,LPLUEnabled, 0, "1" ;--- NDI object registration [FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg] HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5" HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" HKR,Ndi, Service, 0, "FEIExpress" [WakeOn.reg] ; WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, default, 0, "246" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "2", 0, %WakeOnMagicPacket% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "116", 0, %WakeOnDirected% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "118", 0, %WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "246", 0, %OSControlled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, type, 0, "enum" HKR,,WakeOn, 0, "246" ;Wake on Link parameter HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnLinkSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "2", 0, %Enabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, type, 0, "enum" [WakeOnDelReg.DelReg] HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink [Force10Disable.reg] HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "0" ;--- Uninstallation [Uninstall.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10FE, 0, "82552" [uninstallwxp.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, fei5132.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall" [uninstallvista.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, fei5132.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall.6.0" ; --- Service --- ; [FEIExpress.Service] DisplayName = %FEI.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\fei5132.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS AddReg = TextModeFlags.reg [TextModeFlags.reg] HKR, , TextModeFlags, 0x00010001, 0x0001 ; --- Event log --- ; [FEI.EventLog] AddReg = FEI.AddEventLog.reg [FEI.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132% HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 ;--- Copy files ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles = 12 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DISKNAME%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] fei5132.din = 1,, fei5132.sys = 1,, NicCo2.dll = 1,, NicCo26.dll = 1,, NicIn100.dll = 1,, e100bmsg.dll = 1,, [FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles] fei5132.sys,,,2 [UninstallFEI.CopyFiles] fei5132.din,,,2 ;--- Coinstaller [CoInstaller_CopyFiles] NicCo2.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicIn100.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo2.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicIn100.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" ; Set co-installer flags for coinstaller HKR,, CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, "0x80000000" [CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS] NicCo26.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicIn100.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg_VS] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo26.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicIn100.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" ; Set co-installer flags for coinstaller HKR,, CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, "0x80000000" ;--- Localizable Strings ; [Strings] EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fei5132.sys" ; Parameters ; values On = "On" Off = "Off" Enabled = "Enabled" Disabled = "Disabled" AutoDetect = "Auto Detect" 10Mb-Half-Duplex = "10Mbps/Half Duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex = "10Mbps/Full Duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex = "100Mbps/Half Duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex = "100Mbps/Full Duplex" High = "High" Low = "Low" None = "None" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond = "Generate and Respond" Respond = "Respond" Generate = "Generate" NoAction = "No Action" HardwareDefault = "Hardware Default" OSControlled = "OS Controlled" Forced = "Forced" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers = "Receive Descriptors" RxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of buffers the driver uses when copying data to protocol memory. Increasing this value can enhance receive performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." TxBuffers = "Transmit Descriptors" TxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of data segments that enable the adapter to track transmit packets. Increasing this value can improve transmit performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." CoalesceBuffers = "Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets number of buffers available for transmit acceleration. Should be 30-50 percent of Transmit Descriptors. See Help for more information." AdaptiveIFS = "Adaptive Inter-Frame Spacing" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling back-to-back timing." AdaptiveTxThreshold = "Adaptive Transmit Threshold" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp = "Sets number of bytes before adapter empties FIFO buffer. Lower values may enhance transmit performance, but may also result in more underruns. If the adapter can achieve better performance using a lower value, it will use that value. Actual value is 8 times setting." HPQPriorityLevelDef = "Priority Level Definition" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp = "Sets the controlled cutoff level between high and low traffic priorities for use with High Priority Queue (HPQ) and Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology = "Adaptive Technology" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp = "Enables or disables micro-code that optimizes performance. If you disable this feature, you must enable Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency = "PCI Bus Efficiency" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp = "Combines transmit packet buffer fragments into a single buffer before sending them to the network." BasicConnectivity = "Low Resource Connectivity" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp = "Sets the driver to attempt to load in low-resource environments. Advanced features will be disabled until they have sufficient resources to function." LocalyAdminAddress = "Locally Administered Address" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp = "Allows you to configure a custom MAC address for the adapter." RetransmitInterFrameSpace = "Retransmit Inter-Frame Spacing" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling retransmit timing. Increasing this value can improve network performance if there is a large number of collisions on the network." LogLinkState = "Log Link State Event" LogLinkStateMiniHelp = "Enables/disables recording of the link state message to the Event Viewer." QoSPacketTag = "QoS Packet Tagging" QosPacketTagMiniHelp = "Enables sending and receiving of IEEE Tagged frames (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), which include priority and VLAN indicators." FlowControlSettings = "Flow Control" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp = "Pauses packet transmission on receipt of full flow control frame and sends full flow control frame to notify the other side to stop transmission." SpeedDuplex = "Link Speed & Duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must coincide with switch port or no link will occur." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 or 100 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must match link partner settings, or link may be unstable, and performance will suffer." PhyPhoneSpeed = "Phoneline Transmit Speed" PhyPhonePower = "Phoneline Power Level" PhyGiladIfs = "Inter Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled = "Offload IP Security" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles by offloading IPSec encryption from the CPU to the adapter." ChecksumEnabled = "Offload TCP/IP Checksum" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows adapter to verify TCP/IP checksum on received packets and compute checksum on transmitted packets. May improve TCP/IP performance." LargeSendEnabled = "Offload TCP Segmentation" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows the adapter to offload the task of segmenting TCP messages. May improve CPU utilization." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations = "Security Associations" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp = "Sets Simultaneous Security Associations that can be offloaded to the adapters co-processor." AdaptivePerfTuning = "Adaptive Performance Tuning" AdapterBandwidth = "Network Performance" CpuUtil = "Computer Performance" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp = "Maximize the performance of the network adapter or computer. See Help for more information." WakeOnSettings = "Wake On Settings" WakeOnLink = "Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket = "Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets = "Wake on Magic & Directed" WakeOnLAA = "Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp = "Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected = "Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT = "Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp = "Determines how to wake the system." ForceWakeOnLink = "Force Wake On Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." EnablePME = "Enable PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp = "Enables/disables wake-up from Advanced Power Management (APM) sleep states." SmartPowerDown = "Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp = "Minimizes power consumption by enabling the adapter to enter a deep sleep mode when it does not have a valid link or when the operating system is in Suspend mode." AdaptiveLinkResponse = "Adaptive Link Response" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp = "Enables Adaptive Link Response to check PHYLink status." WakeOnLinkSettings = "Wake On Link Settings" WakeOnLinkHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." LPLUEnabled = "Low Power Link Up"; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="ر" Enabled ="" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="Զ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/˫" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/ȫ˫" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/˫" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/ȫ˫" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ɲӦ" Respond ="Ӧ" Generate ="" NoAction ="޲" HardwareDefault ="ӲĬ" OSControlled ="ϵͳ" Forced ="ǿ" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ݸЭڴʱʹõĻߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" TxBuffers ="" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ʹ׷ٴݰƬߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" CoalesceBuffers ="Ӻϻ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ڴٵĻӦΪİٷ֮ 3050μԻȡϢ" AdaptiveIFS ="Ӧ֡" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ͨƱʱ̫ݰײ" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="ӦԴֵ" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="趨 FIFO ֮ǰֽʹֵܻǿܣҲܵ¸ǷСԽϵ͵ֵܣʹøֵʵֵΪֵ 8 " HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Լ" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="ͨȼ͵ȼ֮ܿؽֹ롰Զ(HPQ)Ӣض(R) ݰһʹá" AdaptiveTechnology ="ӦԼ" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ûŻܵ΢롣ô˹ܣáӦ֡" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Ч" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ݰƬϲ뵥һȻǷ硣" BasicConnectivity ="Դʱ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ڵԴмء߼㹻Դɹ乤֮ǰá" LocalyAdminAddress ="عĵַ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="ΪԶ MAC ַ" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="´֡" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="ͨ´䶨ʱ̫ݰײдײĻߴֵܻܣ" LogLinkState ="¼״̬¼" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="/ý״̬Ϣ롰¼鿴" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ݰǩ" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="÷ͺͽ IEEE ǩ֡802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Qȼ VLAN ָʾ" FlowControlSettings ="̿" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ڽյȫ֡ʱͣݰ䣬ȫ֡Ϣ֪ͨԷֹͣ䡣" SpeedDuplex ="ٶȺ˫" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 Mbps ˫ģʽΪ빤ȫ뽻˿ӡ" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 100 Mbps˫ģʽΪ˫ȫ˫ӻӽܲȶӰ졣" PhyPhoneSpeed ="绰ߴٶ" PhyPhonePower ="绰ߵԴ" PhyGiladIfs ="֡" IPSecEnabled =" IP ȫ" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="ͨ CPU IPSec Ա CPU ڡ" ChecksumEnabled ="ش TCP/IP У" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="֤յݰ TCP/IP Уͣ㴫ݰУܻ͡ TCP/IP ܡ" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP ֶ" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="ض TCP ϢֶεĹܻ CPU ʡ" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ȫ" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="趨ɷЭġͬȫϡ" AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ӧܵ" AdapterBandwidth ="" CpuUtil ="" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̶ȵܡйظϢμ" WakeOnSettings ="û" WakeOnLink ="Ӹ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="ħ" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="ħݰ" WakeOnLAA ="ѱعַ(LAA)" WakeOnArp ="ѵַЭ(ARP)" WakeOnDirected ="ݰ" WakeOnNBT =" NBT ѯ" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="λϵͳ" ForceWakeOnLink ="ǿƻ" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" EnablePME =" PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ãôӡ߼ԴAPM˯״̬ѡ" SmartPowerDown ="ܹرյԴ" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ͨʹڲЧʱϵͳڡģʽʱ˯״̶̬ȵؼٵԴġ" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="ӦӦ" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ӦӦԼ PHYLinkӣ״̬" WakeOnLinkSettings ="" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0C04] ; Chinese (Traditional) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0407] ; German (Germany) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ein" Off ="Aus" Enabled ="Aktiviert" Disabled ="Deaktiviert" AutoDetect ="Automatische Erkennung" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" High ="Hoch" Low ="Niedrig" None ="Keine" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generieren und Reagieren" Respond ="Reagieren" Generate ="Generieren" NoAction ="Keine Aktion" HardwareDefault ="Hardware-Standard" OSControlled ="Betriebssystem-gesteuert" Forced ="Erzwungen" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Empfangsdeskriptoren" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Anzahl der Puffer, die der Treiber beim Kopieren von Daten in den Protokollspeicher verwendet. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Empfangsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." TxBuffers ="bertragungsdeskriptoren" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der Datensegmente ein, die dem Adapter ermglichen, bertragungspakete zu verfolgen. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die bertragungsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." CoalesceBuffers ="Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der zur bertragungsbeschleunigung verfgbaren Puffer ein. Sollte 30 - 50% der bertragungsdeskriptoren ausmachen. Siehe Hilfe." AdaptiveIFS ="Adaptives Interframe-Spacing " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch Steuerung der aufeinanderfolgenden Pakete." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Adaptiver bertragungsschwellenwert" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die Anzahl der Byte, bevor der Adapter seine FIFO-Puffer leert. Niedrigere Werte knnen die bertragungsleistung steigern, verursachen aber mglicherweise auch mehr Unterlufe. Wenn der Adapter eine bessere Leistung mit einem niedrigen Wert erreichen kann, wird er diesen verwenden. Der tatschliche Wert betrgt 8 Mal die Einstellung." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definition der Priorittsebene" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die berwachte Abschaltebene zwischen hoher und niedriger Verkehrsprioritt fr HPQ und Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Adaptive Technologie" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert den Mikrocode zur Leistungsoptimierung. Wenn Sie diese Funktion deaktivieren, mssen Sie die Inter-Frame-Trennung auf dem Adapter aktivieren." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Bus-Effizienz" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Fgt Pufferfragmente aus bertragungspaketen in einem einzigen Puffer zusammen, bevor sie ber das Netzwerk bertragen werden. " BasicConnectivity ="Verbindung mit beschr. Ressourcen" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Stellt den Ladeversuch des Treibers in einer Umgebung mit geringen Ressourcen ein. Erweiterte Funktionen werden solange deaktiviert, bis ausreichend Ressourcen verfgbar sind." LocalyAdminAddress ="Lokal verwaltete Adresse" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Ermglicht Ihnen das Konfigurieren einer benutzerdefinierten MAC-Adresse des Adapters." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Inter-Frame Spacing bei Neubertrg." RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch berwachung der zeitlichen Regulierung neu zu bertragender Pakete. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Leistung im Netzwerk steigern, wenn viele Kollisionen im Netzwerk auftreten." LogLinkState ="Verbindungsereignis protokollieren" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Aufzeichnung der Verbindungszustandsmeldung in der Ereignisansicht." QoSPacketTag ="QoS-Paketmarkierung" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Ermglicht den Versand und Empfang von IEEE gekennzeichneten Frames (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), zu denen Prioritts- und VLAN-Indikatoren gehren." FlowControlSettings ="Flusssteuerung" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Unterbricht die Paketbertragung beim Erhalt eines vollen Flusssteuerungsframes und sendet vollen Flusssteuerungsframe, um die andere Seite aufzufordern, die bertragung zu stoppen." SpeedDuplex ="Geschwindigkeit und Duplexmodus" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit dem Switchanschluss bereinstimmen, da andernfalls keine Verbindung zustande kommt." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10/100 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit den Einstellungen des Verbindungspartners bereinstimmen, da andernfalls die Verbindung unstabil wird und eine Leistungsminderung eintritt." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Geschwindigkeit der Telefonleitung" PhyPhonePower ="Stromstrke der Telefonleitung" PhyGiladIfs ="Inter-Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled ="IP Security abladen" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Spart CPU-Zyklen durch Abgabe der IPSec-Verschlsselung vom CPU an den Adapter." ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP-Prfsumme abladen" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die TCP/IP-Prfsumme empfangener Pakete zu berprfen und die Prfsumme bertragener Pakete zu berechnen. Dadurch kann die TCP/IP-Leistung gesteigert werden." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP-Segmentierung abladen" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die Segmentierung von TCP-Meldungen abzugeben und die CPU-Auslastung zu verbessern." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Sicherheitszuordnungen" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Stellt gleichzeitige Sicherheitszuordnungen ein, die auf den Co-Prozessoren des Adapters abgeladen werden knnen." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Adaptives Leistungs-Tuning" AdapterBandwidth ="Netzwerkleistung" CpuUtil ="Computerleistung" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximieren Sie die Leistung des Netzwerkadapters oder Computers. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Hilfe." WakeOnSettings ="Aktivierungseinstellungen" WakeOnLink ="Aktivierung bei Verbindungsnderung" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Akt. ber Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic & adressierte Pakete" WakeOnLAA ="Aktivierung ber LAA" WakeOnArp ="Aktivierung ber ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Akt. ber adressiertes Paket" WakeOnNBT ="Remoteaktivierung ber NBT-Abfrage" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Bestimmt, wie das Systems reaktiviert (Wake-Up) werden soll." ForceWakeOnLink ="Akt. bei Verbindungsnderung erzwingen" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." EnablePME ="PME aktivieren" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert Wake-Up aus APM-Energiesparmodus." SmartPowerDown ="Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiert den Energieverbrauch, indem es dem Adapter ermglicht in den Tiefschlafmodus berzugehen, wenn keine gltige Verbindung besteht oder das Betriebssystem im Ruhezustand ist." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Adaptive Verbindungsreaktion" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Aktiviert die adaptive Verbindungsreaktion, um den PHYLink-Status zu berprfen." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Einst. fr Aktivierung bei Verbindung" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activado" Off ="Desactivado" Enabled ="Activado" Disabled ="Desactivado" AutoDetect ="Deteccin automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbps/Dplex medio" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbps/Dplex completo" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbps/Dplex medio" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbps/Dplex completo" High ="Alto" Low ="Bajo" None ="Ninguno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generar y responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Generar" NoAction ="Ninguna accin" HardwareDefault ="Predeterminado del hardware" OSControlled ="Controlado por el SO" Forced ="Forzado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descriptores de recepcin" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes que el controlador utiliza cuando copia datos a la memoria del protocolo. La incrementacin de este valor puede mejorar el rendimiento de la recepcin, pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." TxBuffers ="Descriptores de transmisin" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de segmentos de datos que habilita al adaptador para que realice el seguimiento de los paquetes de transmisin. Si incrementa este valor, puede mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." CoalesceBuffers ="Bferes de unin" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes disponibles para la aceleracin de la transmisin. Debe contener de 30 a 50% de los Descriptores de la transmisin. Consulte Ayuda para obtener informacin adicional." AdaptiveIFS ="Separacin entre tramas ajustables" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos consecutivos." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Umbral de transmisin ajustable" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bytes antes de que el adaptador vace su bfer FIFO. Los valores inferiores pueden mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin resultan en ms ejecuciones deficientes. Si el adaptador puede funcionar mejor usando un valor inferior, utilizar ese valor. El valor real es 8 veces el valor de configuracin." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definicin de niveles de prioridad" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Establece el nivel controlado de detencin entre las prioridades de trfico bajo y alto para el uso de la cola de alta prioridad (HPQ) y el Paquete de Prioridad Intel(R) ." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologa ajustable" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita el micro-cdigo que optimiza el rendimiento. Si ha deshabilita, debe habilitar el Espaciado entre tramas del adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficiencia del bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina los fragmento de bfer del paquete de transmisin en un solo bfer antes de enviarlos a la red." BasicConnectivity ="Conectividad de recursos reducidos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Configura el controlador para que intente cargarse en entornos de bajos recursos. Las funciones avanzadas se desactivarn hasta que tengan suficientes recursos para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Direccin administrada localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Le permite configurar la direccin MAC personalizada del adaptador." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Separacin entre tramas de retransmisiones" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos de retransmisin. Si incrementa este valor puede que mejore el rendimiento de la red, si existe una gran cantidad de colisiones en la red." LogLinkState ="Registrar sucesos del estado del enlace" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita o dehabilita la grabacin del mensaje de estado de enlace para el que Visor de sucesos." QoSPacketTag ="Etiquetado de paquete QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita las tramas de envo y recepcin con etiqueta IEEE (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), que incluyen la prioridad y los indicadores de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Control de flujo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa la transmisin de paquetes al recibir la trama del control de flujo completo y enva una trama del control de flujo completo para indicar al otro lado que detenga la transmisin." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidad y dplex del enlace" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Debe coincidir con el puerto conmutador para que se realice el enlace." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 o 100 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Deben coincidir las opciones del interlocutor del enlace, o probablemente el enlace sea inestable y el rendimiento se vea afectado." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidad de transmisin de la lnea telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nivel de potencia de la lnea telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Separacin entre tramas" IPSecEnabled ="Descarga de Seguridad IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Guarda los ciclos CPU al descargar el cifrado de IPSec a partir de la CPU al adaptador." ChecksumEnabled ="Descarga suma de comprobacin TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador verifique la suma de verificacin TCP/IP de los paquetes recibidos y calcula la suma de verificacin de los paquetes transmitidos. Puede que mejore el rendimiento de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Descarga de Segmentacin TCP " LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador descargue la tarea de segmentacin de mensajes TCP y puede que mejore el uso de la CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Asociaciones de seguridad" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define las asociaciones de seguridad simultneas que pueden descargarse en el coprocesador del adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimizacin de rendimiento ajustable" AdapterBandwidth ="Rendimiento de la red" CpuUtil ="Rendimiento de PC" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximice el rendimiento del adaptador de red o PC. Para obtener ms informacin, consulte la ayuda." WakeOnSettings ="Configuracin de la reactivacin" WakeOnLink ="Activar en cambio de enlace" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Activar en Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Activar en Magic y Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Activar en LAA" WakeOnArp ="Activar en ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Activar en Paquete dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Activar en consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina cmo activar el sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forzar Activacin en enlace" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite la activacin de la administracin de energa APM cuando se reconecta el enlace." EnablePME ="Activar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita la activacin desde los estados de la inactividad de la Administracin de energa (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Apagado inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza el consumo de energa al habilitar el adaptador para que entre en un modo de inactividad profunda cuando no tenga un enlace vlido o cuando el sistema operativo se encuentre en el modo Suspensin." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Respuesta de enlace ajustable" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Activa la respuesta de enlace ajustable para verificar el estado de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuracin de Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Cuando se reconecta el enlace, permite la activacin desde la administracin de energa APM." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.040C] ; French (France) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activ(e)" Off ="Dsactiv(e)" Enabled ="Activ(e)" Disabled ="Dsactiv(e)" AutoDetect ="Dtection automatique" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s full duplex" High ="Haut" Low ="Faible" None ="Aucun" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gnrer et rpondre" Respond ="Rpondre" Generate ="Gnrer" NoAction ="Aucune action" HardwareDefault ="Matriel par dfaut" OSControlled ="Contrl par le systme" Forced ="Forc(e)" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descripteurs de rception" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons utiliss par le pilote lors de la copie des donnes dans la mmoire de protocole. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de rception mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." TxBuffers ="Descripteurs de transmission" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de segments de donnes permettant la carte de suivre les paquets de transmission. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." CoalesceBuffers ="Tampons de regroupement" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons disponibles pour l'acclration des transmissions. Doit correspondre 30 50 pour cent de la valeur du paramtre Descripteurs de transmission. Reportez-vous l'aide pour de plus amples informations." AdaptiveIFS ="Espacement intertrame dynamique" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant les synchronisations successives." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Seuil dynamique de transmission" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre d'octets avant la remise zro du tampon FIFO de la carte rseau. La dfinition de valeurs infrieures peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais risque galement d'entraner un plus grand nombre de sous-excutions. Si la carte peut obtenir de meilleures performances avec une valeur infrieure, elle utilisera cette valeur. La valeur relle est de 8 fois la valeur dfinie." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Dfinition du niveau de priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Dfinit le point de coupure contrl entre les priorits de faible trafic et de trafic lev pour l'utilisation de la fonction HPQ et Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Technologie Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive le microcode d'optimisation des performances. Si vous dsactivez cette fonctionnalit, vous devez activer l'espacement intertrame dynamique." PciBusEfficiency ="Rendement du bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Regroupe les fragments de paquets de transmission en un seul tampon avant de les envoyer sur le rseau." BasicConnectivity ="Connectivit (ressources insuff.)" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Dfinit le chargement du pilote dans un environnement faible niveau de ressources. Les fonctionnalits avances seront dsactives jusqu' ce que les ressources soient suffisantes." LocalyAdminAddress ="Adresse administre localement" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permet de configurer une adresse MAC personnalise pour la carte." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espacement intertrame des retransmissions" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant la cadence des retransmissions. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances du rseau si de nombreuses collisions s'y produisent." LogLinkState ="Consigner l'vnement de la liaison" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive l'enregistrement du message d'tat de l'Observateur d'vnements." QoSPacketTag ="Reprage des paquets QS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Permet l'envoi et la rception de trames tiquetes IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), qui comprennent des indicateurs de priorit et de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Contrle de flux" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Interrompt la transmission des paquets en cas de rception d'une trame de contrle de flux complte et envoie une trame de contrle de flux complte l'interlocuteur afin de stopper la transmission." SpeedDuplex ="Vitesse de liaison et duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Si les paramtres ne concident pas avec le port de commutation, aucune liaison ne se produira. " SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 ou 100 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Ces paramtres doivent correspondre ceux du partenaire de liaison, faute de quoi la liaison risque d'tre instable et les performances risquent de se dgrader." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Vitesse de trans. tlphonique" PhyPhonePower ="Puissance de ligne tlphonique" PhyGiladIfs ="Espacement intertrame" IPSecEnabled ="Dlestage scurit IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="conomise les cycles du processeur en dlestant le chiffrement IPSec du processeur sur la carte." ChecksumEnabled ="Dlester somme de contrle TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de vrifier la somme de contrle TCP/IP des paquets entrants et de calculer la somme de contrle des paquets sortants. Ceci permet d'amliorer les performances TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Dlestage segmentation TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de dlester la tche de segmentation des messages TCP. Ceci peut amliorer le taux d'utilisation du processeur." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associations de scurit" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Dfinit les associations de scurit simultanes pouvant tre dlestes sur le coprocesseur de la carte rseau." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimisation dynamique des performances" AdapterBandwidth ="Performance de la carte rseau" CpuUtil ="Performance de l'ordinateur" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Optimiser la performance de la carte rseau ou de l'ordinateur. Voir l'Aide pour davantage d'informations." WakeOnSettings ="Paramtres Wake On" WakeOnLink ="Fonction Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Wake on Magic & Directed Packet" WakeOnLAA ="Fonction Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp ="Fonction Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Fonction Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Dtermine comment rveiller le systme." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forcer la fonction Wake on Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." EnablePME ="Activer PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer/de dsactiver le rveil depuis les tats de veille de la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Extinction automatique" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimise la consommation lectrique en permettant la carte d'entrer en mode de sommeil profond lorsqu'elle ne possde pas de liaison valide ou lorsque le systme d'exploitation est en mode suspendu." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Rponse dynamique de liaison" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer la fonction Rponse dynamique de liaison pour la vrification de l'tat de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Paramtres Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Attivato" Off ="Disattivato" Enabled ="Attivato" Disabled ="Disattivato" AutoDetect ="Rilevamento automatico" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Basso" None ="Nessuno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Genera e rispondi" Respond ="Rispondi" Generate ="Genera" NoAction ="Nessuna azione" HardwareDefault ="Impostazioni predefinite hardware" OSControlled ="Controllato dal sis. operativo" Forced ="Imposto" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descrittori di ricezione" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer allocati dal driver durante la copia dei dati nella memoria del protocollo. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." TxBuffers ="Descrittori di trasmissione" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero dei segmenti di dati che permettono alla scheda di tenere traccia dei pacchetti trasmessi. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni di trasmissione, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffer coalesce" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer disponibili per l'accelerazione della trasmissione. Deve essere il 30-50 percento dei descrittori di trasmissione. Consultare la Guida per ulteriori informazioni." AdaptiveIFS ="Spaziatura adattiva tra frame" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione back to back. " AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Soglia adattiva di trasmissione" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di byte raggiunto il quale la scheda di rete svuota il proprio buffer FIFO. Valori pi bassi possono migliorare le prestazioni della trasmissione, ma possono provocare pi underrun. Se la scheda pu ottenere migliori prestazioni utilizzando un valore pi basso, verr utilizzato tale valore. Il valore effettivo 8 volte l'impostazione." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definizione del livello di priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Imposta il livello limite controllato tra le priorit alta e bassa del traffico da utilizzare con High Priority Queue (HPQ) e Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva il microcode che ottimizza le prestazioni. Se si disabilita questa funzione, necessario abilitare Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency ="Efficienza bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina i frammenti del buffer dei pacchetti di trasmissione in un unico buffer prima di inviarli alla rete." BasicConnectivity ="Connettivit in presenza di risorse scarse" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Imposta il driver per il caricamento in un ambiente con scarse risorse. Le funzionalit avanzate verranno disattivate fino a quando non saranno presenti risorse sufficienti." LocalyAdminAddress ="Indirizzo amministrato localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Consente di configurare un indirizzo MAC personalizzato della scheda. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Spaziatura tra frame di ritrasmissioni" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione di ritrasmissione. Aumentando questo valore possibile migliorare le prestazioni della rete se si verifica un gran numero di collisioni sulla rete." LogLinkState ="Registra evento stato del collegamento" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva la registrazione del messaggio di stato del collegamento inviato a Visualizzatore eventi." QoSPacketTag ="Codifica pacchetti QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Abilita l'invio e la ricezione di frame con codifica IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), che comprendono indicatori di priorit e VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controllo del flusso" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sospende la trasmissione dei pacchetti al ricevimento di un frame di controllo indicante di flusso completo e invia un frame di controllo di flusso completo per avvisare l'altra parte di interrompere la trasmissione." SpeedDuplex ="Velocit di collegamento e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. Affinch il collegamento avvenga, necessario che queste impostazioni coincidano con la porta di commutazione." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10/100 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. necessario che coincida con le impostazioni del partner di collegamento, altrimenti il collegamento sar instabile e le prestazioni verranno penalizzate." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocit di trasmissione della linea telefonica" PhyPhonePower ="Livello di alimentazione della linea telefonica" PhyGiladIfs ="Spaziatura tra frame" IPSecEnabled ="Offload della protezione IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Risparmia cicli della CPU scaricando la crittografia IPSec dalla CPU alla scheda." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload del checksum IP/TCP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di verificare il checksum TCP/IP dei pacchetti ricevuti e di calcolare il checksum dei pacchetti trasmessi, migliorando le prestazioni di trasmissione TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload della segmentazione TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di effettuare l'offload dell'operazione di segmentazione dei messaggi TCP e migliora l'utilizzo della CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associazioni protezione" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Imposta le associazioni di protezione simultanee che possono essere scaricate sul coprocessore delle schede di rete." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ottimizzazione adattiva delle prestazioni" AdapterBandwidth ="Prestazioni di rete" CpuUtil ="Prestazioni del computer" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni della scheda di rete o del computer. Consultare la Guida in linea per ulteriori informazioni." WakeOnSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione" WakeOnLink ="Attiva su modifica del collegamento" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Attiva su pacchetto Magic" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Attiva su Magic e diretto" WakeOnLAA ="Attiva con LAA" WakeOnArp ="Attiva con ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Attiva su pacchetto diretto" WakeOnNBT ="Attiva su query NTB" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina come attivare il sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Imponi attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." EnablePME ="Abilita PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Abilita/disabilita l'attivazione dagli stati di sospensione Advanced Power Management (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Spegnimento intelligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimizza il consumo energetico consentendo alla scheda di mettersi in uno stato di sospensione quando non presente un collegamento valido o quando il sistema operativo si trova in modalit sospesa." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Risposta adattiva dei collegamenti" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Attiva la risposta adattiva dei collegamenti per il controllo dello stato di PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="I" Off ="It" Enabled ="I" Disabled ="It" AutoDetect ="o" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/dʐM" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/SdʐM" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/dʐM" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/SdʐM" High ="" Low ="" None ="Ȃ" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="쐬Ɖ" Respond ="" Generate ="쐬" NoAction ="ANVȂ" HardwareDefault ="n[hEFA ftHg" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="MLqq" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="f[^vgR ɃRs[ۂɃhCogobt@̐ݒ肵܂B" TxBuffers ="MLqq" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="A_v^MpPbgǐՂł悤ɂf[^ ZOg̐ݒ肵܂B̒l𑝂₷ƑMptH[}Xł܂AVXe ̎gpʂ܂BptH[}X̖肪Ȃꍇ̓ftHggpĂB" CoalesceBuffers ="Wobt@" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="M̍Ɏgpłobt@ݒ肵܂BMLqq 30`50 %ɂĂBڍׂ́AwvQƂĂB" AdaptiveIFS ="A_veBu C^[t[ X؁|VO" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RWA^C~Oɂ⏞܂B" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="A_veBuMl" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="A_v^ FIFO obt@ɂÕoCgݒ肵܂B̒lႭƁAMptH[}Xサ܂AA_[”\܂BႢlgpƃptH[}Xシꍇ́AA_v^͂̒lgp܂Bl͐ݒl 8 {łB" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="D惌x̒`" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="High Priority Queue (HPQ) уCe(R) Priority Packet gp̂߂̃gtBbN̍ђDxԂŐ䂳ꂽ؂̂ăxݒ肵܂B" AdaptiveTechnology ="A_veBu eNmW" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ptH[}XœK}CNR[h̃I/It؂ւ܂B̋@\Itɂꍇ́AA_v^ C^[t[ Xy[VOLɂKv܂B" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI oX" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="MpPbg̃obt@ tOglbg[NɑMO 1 ‚̃obt@ɂ܂Ƃ߂܂B" BasicConnectivity ="\[Xs̐ڑ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="჊\[X‹ł̃hCõ[hs܂B@\ɏ\ȃ\[Xł܂Ŋg@\͖ɂȂ܂B" LocalyAdminAddress ="[JǗAhX" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="A_v^̃JX^ MAC AhXݒ肵܂B" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="C^[t[ X؁|VO̍đM" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="đM̃^C~O𐧌䂷邱ƂʼnߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RW⏞܂B" LogLinkState ="N Xe[g Cxg̃O" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Cxg r[Aւ̃N Xe[g bZ[W̃I/It؂ւ܂B" QoSPacketTag ="QoS pPbg ^O" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="IEEE ^Ott[̑M (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q)”\ɂ܂BvCIeB VLAN CWP[^܂܂܂B" FlowControlSettings ="t[" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sȃt[t[̎MɃpPbgMꎞ~AΑőM~悤ɒʒm銮Sȃt[t[𑗐M܂B" SpeedDuplex ="NxƃfvbNX" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nx10 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪XCb` |[gƈvȂƁAN܂B" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nx10/100 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪葤̐ݒɈvȂƁAN͕sɂȂAptH[}X򉻂܂B" PhyPhoneSpeed ="dbMx" PhyPhonePower ="dbd̓x" PhyGiladIfs ="C^[t[ X؁|VO" IPSecEnabled ="ho ZLeB̃It[h" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU A_v^ւ IPSec ÍIt[h邱ƂŁACPU TCNߖ񂵂܂B" ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP `FbNT̃It[h" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂMpPbg TCP/IP `FbNT̊mF”\ƂAMꂽpPbg̃`FbNTvZ܂Bɂ TCP/IP ptH[}Xシꍇ܂B" LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ZOe[ṼIt[h" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂ TCP bZ[W̕f^XÑIt[h”\Ƃ܂Bɂ CPU gpPꍇ܂B" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ZLeB֘A" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="A_v^̃RvZbTɃIt[h邱Ƃ̂łZLeB֘Aݒ肵܂B" AdaptivePerfTuning ="A_veBu ptH[}X `[jO" AdapterBandwidth ="lbg[ÑptH[}X" CpuUtil ="Rs[^̃ptH[}X" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="lbg[N A_v^Rs[^̃ptH[}Xőɂ܂Bڍׂɂ‚Ă̓wvQƂĂB" WakeOnSettings ="Wake On ݒ" WakeOnLink ="Wake On Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake On Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic Directed" WakeOnLAA ="Wake On LAA" WakeOnArp ="Wake On ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake On Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Wake On NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="VXeEF[NAbv@w肵܂B" ForceWakeOnLink ="Wake On Link ̋" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="NĐڑꂽƂ APM dǗEF[NAbv邱Ƃ”\Ƃ܂B" EnablePME ="PME Iɂ" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="APM dǗ̃X[vԂ̃EF[NAbvL^ɂ܂B" SmartPowerDown ="X}[g p[ _E" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="A_v^LȃNȂꍇIy[eBO VXeTXyh [hɂꍇAA_v^̓fB[v X[v [hɂȂ邱ƂŁAd͂ŏ܂B" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="A_veBu N X|X" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="PHYLink Xe[^XmF邽߂ɁAA_veBu N X|XIɂ܂B" WakeOnLinkSettings ="Wake On Link ݒ" WakeOnLinkHelp ="NĐڑ APM dǗ̃EF[NAbv”\Ƃ܂B" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="" Enabled ="Ȱȭ" Disabled ="Ȱ " AutoDetect ="ڵ ˻" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond =" " Respond ="" Generate ="" NoAction =" " HardwareDefault ="ϵ ⺻" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers =" " RxBuffersMiniHelp ="̹ ޸𸮷 ͸ ϴ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." TxBuffers =" " TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Ͱ Ŷ ֵ ϴ ׸Ʈ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." CoalesceBuffers =" " CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp =" ȭ ִ մϴ. 30-50% մϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." AdaptiveIFS =" Ӱ " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="-- Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ." AdaptiveTxThreshold =" Ӱ谪" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Ͱ FIFO ۸ Ʈ մϴ. ߻ ֽϴ. Ͱ Ͽ ִ ޼ ش ˴ϴ. 8ȸ Ǿ ֽϴ." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="켱 " HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="HPQ( 켱 ⿭) (R) 켱 Ŷ Բ ϱ Ʈ 켱 Ʈ 켱 մϴ." AdaptiveTechnology =" " AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp =" ȭϴ ũ ڵ带 Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ. Ȱȭϴ 쿡 Ӱ Ȱȭؾ մϴϴ." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ȿ" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ŷ ׸Ʈ ϳ ۷ մϴ." BasicConnectivity ="ҽ " BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ҽ ȯ濡 ̹ ε带 õϵ մϴ. ҽ ؼ ۵ Ȱȭ˴ϴ." LocalyAdminAddress =" ּ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp =" MAC ּҸ ֽϴ." RetransmitInterFrameSpace =" Ӱ " RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp =" Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ. Ʈũ 浹 ߻ ø Ʈũ ˴ϴ." LogLinkState ="ũ ̺Ʈ " LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="̺Ʈ  ũ ޽ ϴ Ȱȭ/Ȱմϴ." QoSPacketTag ="QoS Ŷ ± " QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="켱 VLAN ǥñⰡ Ե IEEE ± ִ (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q) ۼ ֽϴ." FlowControlSettings ="帧 " FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ü 帧 Ŷ ߴϰ ü 帧 ٸ ʿ ϵ ˸ϴ." SpeedDuplex ="ũ ӵ ߼" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ġ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷  ũ ߻ ʽϴ." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10/100Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ũ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷ ũ Ҿ ϵ˴ϴ." PhyPhoneSpeed ="ȭ ӵ" PhyPhonePower ="ȭ " PhyGiladIfs ="Ӱ " IPSecEnabled ="ε IP " IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU ͷ IPSec ȣȭ εϿ CPU Ŭ մϴ." ChecksumEnabled ="ε TCP/IP üũ" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ ŵ Ŷ TCP/IP üũ ˻ϰ ۵ Ŷ üũ ֽϴ. ̷ TCP/IP ˴ϴ." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ׸Ʈȭ ε" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ TCP ޽ ׸Ʈȭ ۾ ε ֽϴ. ̷ CPU ̿ ˴ϴ." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations =" " SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp =" μ ε ִ մϴ." AdaptivePerfTuning =" " AdapterBandwidth ="Ʈũ " CpuUtil ="ǻ " AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ǵ ǻ شȭմϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." WakeOnSettings =" " WakeOnLink ="ũ " WakeOnMagicPacket =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnLAA ="LAA ߰ " WakeOnArp ="ARP " WakeOnDirected =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnNBT ="NBT " WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="ý մϴ." ForceWakeOnLink ="ũ " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ũ ٽ APM ֽϴ." EnablePME ="PME Ȱȭ" EnablePMEMiniHelp =" (APM) ¿ Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ." SmartPowerDown ="Ʈ " SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ȿ ũ ų  ü Ͻ ߴ Ͱ ִ 带 ֵ Ͽ Ҹ ּȭմϴ." AdaptiveLinkResponse =" ũ " AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp =" ũ PHYLink ¸ ˻ ֵ մϴ." WakeOnLinkSettings ="ũ " WakeOnLinkHelp ="ٽ APM ֽϴ." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei5132 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ativado" Off ="Desativado" Enabled ="Ativado" Disabled ="Desabilitado" AutoDetect ="Deteco automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/Half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/Full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/Half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/Full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Baixo" None ="Nenhum" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gerar e responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Gerar" NoAction ="Nenhuma ao" HardwareDefault ="Hardware padro" OSControlled ="Controlado por SO" Forced ="Forado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descritores de recepo" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers usados pelo driver ao copiar dados na memria do protocolo. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de recepo mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." TxBuffers ="Descritores de transmisso" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de segmentos de dados que ativam o adaptador a rastrear pacotes de transmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffers de coalescncia" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers disponveis para a acelerao da transmisso. Dever ser entre 30 a 50 por cento dos descritores de transmisso. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." AdaptiveIFS ="Espaamento inter-frames adaptativo" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao back-to-back." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Limiar adaptativo de transmisso" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de bytes antes do adaptador esvaziar seu buffer de FIFO. Diminuir os valores pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm pode resultar em mais dficits . Se o adaptador pode alcanar melhor desempenho usando um valor menor ele usar esse valor. O valor real uma configurao de 8 vezes." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definio do nvel de prioridade" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Define o limite de corte controlado entre alta prioridade de trfego e baixa prioridade de trfego a ser usado com HPQ (High Priority Queue) e o Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia adaptativa" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita ou desabilita o micro cdigo que otimiza o desempenho. Se desabilitar esse recurso voc deve habilitar o espaamento entre frames do adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficincia do barramento PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina fragmentos do buffer de pacotes de transmisso em um buffer nico antes de envi-los para a rede. " BasicConnectivity ="Conectividade para ambiente com poucos recursos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Define o driver para tentar ser carregado em ambiente de poucos recursos. Os recursos avanados sero desabilitados at terem recursos suficientes para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Endereo administrado localmente (LAA)" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permite configurar um endereo MAC personalizado para o adaptador. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espaamento inter-frames de retransmisso" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao de retransmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho da rede se houver um nmero grande de colises na rede." LogLinkState ="Evento de estado de link de registro" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita a gravao da mensagem de estado do link para o visualizador de eventos." QoSPacketTag ="Rotulao de pacotes de QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita o envio e a recepo de frames rotuladas IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), que incluem indicadores de prioridade e de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controle de fluxo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa a transmisso de pacotes na recepo de frame de controle de fluxo completo e envia frame de controle de fluxo completo para notificar o outro lado a fim de parar a transmisso." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidade de link e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com a porta do switch ou no ocorrer nenhum link." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 ou 100 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com as configuraes do parceiro de link ou o link pode ficar instvel e o desempenho pode sofrer degradao." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidade de transmisso da linha telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nvel de potncia da linha telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Espaamento inter-frames" IPSecEnabled ="Offload Segurana de IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Salva os ciclos da CPU ao descarregar a criptografia IPSec da CPU para o adaptador.." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload Checksum de TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador verificar a checksum de TCP/IP dos pacotes recebidos e computa a checksum nos pacotes transmitidos. Isso melhora o desempenho de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload Segmentao de TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador fazer a descarga da tarefa de segmentar mensagens de TCP.Melhora a utilizao da CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associaes de segurana" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define as associaes simultneas de segurana que podem ser descarregados no coprocessador do adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ajuste adaptativo de desempenho" AdapterBandwidth ="Desempenho da rede" CpuUtil ="Desempenho do computador" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximizar o desempenho do adaptador de rede ou do computador. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." WakeOnSettings ="Configuraes de ativao" WakeOnLink ="Ativar com mudana de link" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Ativar com Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Ativar com pacotes Magic e Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Ativar com LAA" WakeOnArp ="Ativar com ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Ativar com pacote dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Ativar com consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina como ativar o sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forar ativao com mudana de link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." EnablePME ="Habilitar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita o wake-up dos estados sleep do APM (Advanced Power Management)." SmartPowerDown ="Desativao inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza o consumo de energia ao habilitar o adaptador a entrar no modo sleep profundo quando ele no tem um link vlido ou quando so sistema operacional est no modo Suspenso." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Resposta do link adaptativa" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Habilita a Resposta de link adaptativa para verificar o status de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuraes de Wake On Link (ativao por link)" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO100/Win32/NDIS5x/fei5132.sys0000755000000000000000000046531011261144620012370 0ustar MZ@P !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $3V^R8^R8^R8^R9R8]eYR8]gzR8]f_R8]b_R8Rich^R8PEL9J  N*PL*P4xPD @<.textY h.rdata\ * * .rsrcx44@B.relocN D D@BUExt@E P  @M ]̋UExt@uE P @M U] ̋UQju Eujuf3̋UQju\$Eujuzf3̋UE utf3]̋Uju $]̋UQju Eujuf3̋UQju$Eujuf3̋Uju$]̋UQVjus Euju3juUuhF|3@^3̋UVu5ju@j3^]̋USV5j֋]SjSljSjSXj^3[]̋UV5Wj֋}Wt WjWjWjWj_3^]̋UQSV5W}jE[M3E PWSW.SEdWLM}~AWk<tSMyW]SWWSEWSE_^[jX̋UQQE SV5W}jEE[SWSWsM WESMuր}WuSWdSW SWKSWpSWS֊EM _^3[ ̋UE Iƀ ƀ  ƀ #ƀ oƀ ƀ hƀ ƀ ƀ ƀ ƀ ƀ @ƀ ]̋UE fxWxVuEUW<0r<9w,0u W/hjW}}hjWk >udWYuhjVE Phh( Vd(uWjV 8uWVt_^]̋USVu M 038EƆƆutV uXWjVƆ 9u= r4hVahVa VJxSWSSSVx_ PpM uƆ4^[]̋USVu W0EƆƆur <vh<t&u7T fF_^[]̋UQM A<SVWqE# 97349tf9tCLf A;ΉuM~43iL1#;u] ;Ku EM;M|MiQPfD<1E# 97349t9f9t9ttL9f A;ΉuM~23i 1#;u] ; 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For more information, visit the following web URL: Legal / Disclaimers =================== Copyright (C) 2004-2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein. * Other product and corporate names may be trademarks of other companies and are used only for explanation and to the owners' benefit, without intent to infringe.PRO100/Win32/NDIS620000755000000000000000000000000012233423726010361 5ustar PRO100/Win32/NDIS62/NicCo26.dll0000755000000000000000000006716010663507610012315 0ustar MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $F9@'W'W'W'V'WN'W'W;J'Wh'Wv'W;K'Wj'WRich'WPELF! 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IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#;Ȁ3k<Treiber fr Intel(R) Network Connections entfernen>MS Sans SerifP`T2JaPT2NeinPhP-4<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$GȀ1Q<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`<2YesP<2NoPhP-"<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#-PAȀ2g<Supprimer les pilotes des cartes rseau Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`R2OuiPR2NonPhP+2<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$BȀ2b<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`N2SPN2NoPhP+.<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$@Ȁ1]<0000(R) PRO 0000000000000000000n0JRd> -3 00000P`K2o0D0PK2D0D0H0PhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#@Ȁ1`<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers> tPL2P`L2DȲ$PhP+-<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#>Ȁ1b<Remova os drivers de Conexes de rede Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`N2SimPN2NoPhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$AȀ1\<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software> [SOPbG3/fPG2&TPhP+,<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#<Ȁ1h<Desinstalar los controladores de Intel(R) Network Connections>MS Sans SerifP`R2SPR2NoPhP+1<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$Cyd Intel(R) }#}ߎԚ&T(&N)/f(&Y)F`yd@b g g} Intel }#}vER z_U ͑ޞˊ(WydER z_KNMR HQyd(W Intel }#} N-[vD}T VLAN0`-[p iSCSI Boot ;Nb!k݈nv Intel(R) NbaS(Wdk|q}-N0d[݈݈nER z_MR `N[f 0_j*QHQ^ 0-[ O[(W@b gv Intel NbaS NhQ 0\P(u 00W-[p FCoE Boot ݈nv Intel? NbaSX[(We P|q}-N0`N[(W@b gv Intel NbaS N\0_j^0-[p0*g-[0 KN_Mbd[݈݈nER z_07|q}v[daԚRj/fO(u FCoE xOMn0(W`OSNd݈nER z_[݈MR `_Mn[OO(u,g_jxx0LNbaSO(ue0Ethernet IQ~S0Bf `1\ Nd[݈݈nER z_0ˊ\0_j^0-[fp0*g-[0&Nx[RjHhO(u,g_jxx_j_QfN!k02Enfernen der Intel( R ) Netzwerkanschluss-Software&Nein&JaMchten Sie Treiber fr alle verdrahteten Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen entfernen? WICHTIG: Entfernen Sie vor der Deinstallation alle auf Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen konfigurierte Gruppen und VLANs.In diesem System existieren Intel(R) Adapter, die als iSCSI Boot Primr- oder Sekundr-Gerte konfiguriert sind. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in Deaktiviert ndern, bevor Sie den Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.In diesem System existieren als FCoE-Bootgerte konfigurierte Intel Adapter. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in 'Nicht festgelegt' ndern, bevor Sie die Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.Die Paging-Datei des virtuellen Speichers des Systems ist fr ein FCoE-Laufwerk konfiguriert. Sie muss fr ein lokales Laufwerk konfiguriert werden, bevor die Gertetreiber deinstalliert werden knnen.5Sie knnen den Gertetreiber nicht deinstallieren, solange der Adapter fr Fibre Channel over Ethernet verwendet wird. ndern Sie die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt in 'Nicht festgelegt' und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Auslagerungsdatei einen lokalen Datentrger verwendet, bevor Sie es erneut versuchen.,Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software&No&YesDo you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.Intel(R) Adapters configured as iSCSI Boot Primary or Secondary devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Priority setting to Disabled on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device driver.Intel Adapters configured as FCoE Boot devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device drivers.The system s virtual memory paging file is configured to use an FCoE drive. You must configure it to use a local drive before you can uninstall the device drivers.You cannot uninstall the device driver while the adapter is in use for Fibre Channel over Ethernet. Change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set and make sure the paging file uses a local drive before trying again.PA0Supprimer le logiciel Connexions rseau Intel(R)&Non&OuiVoulez-vous supprimer les pilotes de toutes les connexions rseau Intel filaires ? IMPORTANT : supprimez l'ensemble des associations et des rseaux VLAN configurs sur les connexions rseau Intel avant de procder la suppression des pilotes.Des cartes Intel(R) configures comme priphriques iSCSI Boot principaux ou secondaires se trouvent sur le systme. Le paramtre Priorit d'amorage doit tre dfini sur Dsactiv sur toutes les cartes Intel avant que vous puissiez dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique.Des cartes Intel configures comme priphriques d'amorage FCoE se trouvent sur le systme. Vous devez dfinir le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur "Non dfini" sur toutes les cartes Intel avant d'installer les pilotes de priphrique.Le fichier de pagination de mmoire virtuelle du systme est configur pour tre utilis sur un disque FCoE. Vous devez le configurer pour utiliser un disque local avant de pouvoir dsinstaller les pilotes de priphriques.Vous ne pouvez pas dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique alors que la carte est utilise pour FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Dfinissez le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur Non dfini et assurez-vous que le fichier de pagination utilise un lecteur local avant d'essayer nouveau.Rimuovi il software di Intel(R)&No&SRimuovere i driver remoti per tutte le connessioni di rete cablate Intel? IMPORTANTE: prima di rimuovere i driver, rimuovere i raggruppamenti e le VLAN configurati sulla rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel(R) configurate come periferiche iSCSI Boot primarie o secondarie. Per installare il driver della periferica prima necessario impostare a Disattivato la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel configurate come periferiche FCoE Boot. Per disinstallare i driver della periferica prima necessario configurare su 'Non impostata' la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.L'impaginazione della memoria virtuale del sistema configurata per l'uso di un'unit FCoE. Sar necessario configurarla per l'uso di un'unit locale prima che sia possibile disinstallare i driver della periferica.Impossibile disinstallare il driver del dispositivo quando la scheda di rete utilizzata per Fibre Channel su Ethernet. Prima di riprovare, impostare l'ordine di avvio a  Non impostato e accertarsi che il file di paging usi un'unit locale.0000(R) 00000000000000000000n0JRdD0D0H0(&N)o0D0(&Y)_Y0y0f0n0 g}n0000000000000000000 0JRdW0~0Y0K0 00000JRdY00MRk00000000000000000000 k0-[U00f0D00000h0 VLAN 0JRdW0f0O0`0U0D00S0n00000k0o00iSCSI Boot 000000~0_0o000000000000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n00000000000g0wRn0*QHQ-[0!qRk0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00xFCoE Boot 0000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0S0n00000k0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n0000000000g0 [wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00 Y0000n0N`000000000000000o0 FCoE 00000O(uY000F0-[U00f0D0~0Y000000000000JRdY00MRk0000000000O(uY000F0-[W0f0O0`0U0D0000000L0 Fibre Channel over Ethernet (uk0O(uU00f0D00o00000000000JRdg0M0~0[000[wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfW0f00000000000L0000000000O(uY00S0h00xW0f0K00QfLW0f0O0`0U0D00xT(R) $l Ű ոƴ pDȲ$(&N)(&Y)W xT(R) $l Ű ܴ|tDŽ| pX ȲL? ɔ: pX0  xT $l Ű ޹ l1 VLAND pX$.oiSCSI X  p X\ l1 xT(R) 0 t ¤\ ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX$t < xT 0  $D D\1T(<\ t| iȲ.jt ¤\ FCoE X\ l1 xT(R) 0 ǵȲ. X ܴ|t | $X pX$t < xT 0 t  $D "$ JL"<\ t| iȲ.X¤\X T t |@ FCoE ܴ|t | Xij] l1 ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX0  \ ܴ|t | Xij] l1t|iȲ.0 Fibre Channel Over Ethernet<\  ٳHŔ X ܴ|tDŽ| p`  ŵȲ. ijX0   $D "$ JL"<\ X t |t \ ܴ|t | XՔ UxX$.0Remova o software para conexes de rede Intel(R)&No&SimDeseja remover os drivers de todas a conexes de rede Intel(R) com fio. IMPORTANTE: Remova os grupos e as VLANs configuradas nas conexes de rede Intel antes de remover os drivers.Adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos de inicializao iSCSI principal ou secundrio esto presentes neste sistema. Voc precisa mudar a configurao de prioridade de inicializao para Desabilitada em todos os adaptadores Intel antes de poder desinstalar o dispositivo.O sistema contm adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de inicializao FCoE. Voc precisa modificar o parmetro Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) em todos os adaptadores Intel para poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivo.O arquivo de paginao da memria virtual do sistema est configurado para usar uma unidade FCoE. Voc deve configur-lo para usar a unidade local antes de poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivos. GVoc no pode desinstalar o driver de dispositivo enquanto o adaptador est em uso para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet - canal de fibra em Ethernet). Antes de tentar de novo, mude a configurao Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) e configure o arquivo de paginao para usar uma unidade local.ydyr\(R) Q~ޏcoN&T(&N)/f(&Y)@/f&T Rdyr\(R) Q~ޏcvhQqR z^ ͑ RdqR z^KNMR Rd(Wyr\(R) Q~ޏc NMnv~T VLAN0N,g|~-NX[(WMn:N iSCSI _[;NYb!kYvyr\(R) MhV0傁xS}YqR z^ _{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[OHQCg n9e:N y(u 0Ldk|~-NX[(WMn:N FCoE _[Yvyr\(R) MhV0`_{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[z^ nf9e:N *gn 6qTMbxS}YqR z^0;|~vZbQX[RueNMn:NO(u FCoE qRhV0_{\vQMn:NO(uN*N,g0WqRhV 6qTMbSNxS}YqR z^0=` N(WMhVck(W(uNN*YQIQ~SexS}YqR z^0\_[nf9e:N Nn v^nxORueNO(u,g0WqRhV 6qTQՋ06Desinstalar el software de conexiones de red Intel(R)&No&SDesea desinstalar los controladores de todas las conexiones de red Intel(R) conectadas? IMPORTANTE: Antes de desinstalar los controladores, elimine los equipos y LAN virtuales configurados en las conexiones de red Intel.En este sistema hay presentes adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos primarios o secundarios de iSCSI Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Prioridad de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos.En este sistema hay adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de FCoE Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Orden de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.El archivo de paginacin de memoria virtual del sistema est configurado para usar una unidad FCoE. Necesitar configurarlo para usar una unidad local antes de poder desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.No puede desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos mientras se utiliza el adaptador para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Cambie la opcin Orden de inicio a  No establecido y asegrese de que el archivo de paginacin utilice una unidad local antes de intentarlo de nuevo.^Intel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980T Windows Me NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gIIntel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gd[݈ z_!ql_Uv-[j jHhd[݈\Omi]}B}bkIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 und Windows ME vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!NDas Deinstallationsprogramm konnte die erforderliche Setup-Datei nicht ffnen:+Die Deinstallation der Datei wurde beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me. The program will exit!wIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. The program will exit!0Uninstaller cannot open the required setup file:(File uninstallation has been terminated!Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 et Windows ME. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 200. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.QLe programme de dsinstallation ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'installation requis :/La dsinstallation du fichier a t abandonne.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. Il programma verr chiuso.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. Il programma verr chiuso.CIl programma di disinstallazione non pu aprire il file necessario:/La disinstallazione del file stata terminata.t0000(R) PRO 00000h0000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980J00s0 Windows Me g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y00]0000(R) PRO 00000h00000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y0000000000o0_j0000000 00000Q0~0[0000000n000000000L0-NbkU00~0W0_00sxT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98  Windows Me ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.\xT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.DՔ\ $ |D  ŵȲ. | $X p ŵȲ.O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. O programa vai ser fechado!O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. O programa vai ser fechado!IO desinstalador no conseguiu abrir o arquivo de configurao necessrio:.A desinstalao dos arquivos foi interrompida!X"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^" ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 95 Windows 98 T Windows ME -N0 z^\QA"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^"ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 -N0 z^\QxSň z^elSb_@b[ňeNeNxSň~bkLa desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 y Windows Me. El programa se cerrar.La desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. El programa se cerrar.SEl programa de desinstalacin no puede abrir el archivo de configuracin requerido:-Se ha cancelado la desinstalacin de archivos!/` g{t kPMbWL P z_0 ˊT`v|q}{tT=mb0.1ue iSCSI Boot ck(WO(udkER z_ @bN!qlpN Nv݈nd[݈dkER z_%sFEHLER: Fr die Ausfhrung dieses Programms werden Administratorrechte bentigt. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den zustndigen Systemadministrator.uDer Treiber des folgenden Gertes konnte nicht deinstalliert werden, da er momentan fr iSCSI Boot verwendet wird: %seERROR: You need administrative rights to run this program. Please consult your system administrators.iCould not uninstall the driver for the following device because it is currently in use for iSCSI Boot. %sERREUR : Vous devez possder des droits d'administrateur pour pouvoir excuter ce programme. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur systme.iImpossible de dsinstaller le pilote du priphrique suivant parce qu il est utilis pour iSCSI Boot : %sERRORE: per eseguire questo programma necessario avere i diritti di amministrazione. Rivolgersi agli amministratori del sistema.mImpossibile disinstallare il driver per la seguente periferica poich attualmente in uso per iSCSI Boot: %s1000S0n0000000[LY00k0o0{t)jPL0_g0Y00 0000{tk0OUD0T0[0f0O0`0U0D00*!kn000000o0s(W iSCSI Bootk000O(u-Nn0_000JRdg0M0~0[00: %s4$X: t \D ‰X$t \t Ǵ| iȲ. ¤\ Ō 8XX$.2iSCSI Boot ֬ 0 L8 L XX ܴ|tDŽ| p` ŵȲ: %spERRO: Voc precisa de direitos administrativos para executar este programa. Consulte o administrador do sistema.`No foi possvel desinstalar o driver a seguir porque ele est sendo usado para o iSCSI Boot: %sERROR: ЏLdk z^{tXTCgP0 T`v{tXTT0"el:NN NYxS}qR z^ V:N[ck(uN iSCSI _[: %soERROR: Debe tener derechos de administrador para ejecutar este programa. Consulte el administrador de sistemas.vNo se puede desinstalar el controlador del siguiente dispositivo ya que est actualmente en uso para el iSCSI Boot: %s !qld[݈ %s$Fehler bei der Deinstallation von %sFailed to Uninstall %s"La dsinstallation d'%s a chou. Impossibile disinstallare %s%s 000000000g0M0~0[00%sD(|) pX յȲ.Falha ao desinstalar o %s.elxSň %sNo se ha podido desinstalar %sIntel(R) xed_jTߎԚd[݈ z_+d[݈ z_gyd@b g Intel xed_jvܕvER z_TߎԚ0 `|~~2LU7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerfDas Deinstallationsprogramm entfernt Treiber und Software von allen Intel Modems. Vorgang fortsetzen?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerjUninstaller will remove the associated drivers and software of all Intel modems. Do you want to continue?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIEProgramme de dsinstallation Intel(R) Modems and Software Uninstaller|Le programme de dsinstallation va supprimer les pilotes et les logiciels de tous les modems Intel. Voulez-vous continuer ?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II=Programma di disinstallazione del software dei modem Intel(R)rIl programma di disinstallazione rimuover il software e i driver associati a tutti i modem Intel(R). Continuare?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II0000(R) 000h00000000n000000000@000000000[LY00h000000n0000k0#W0_000000h00000000L0JRdU00~0Y00 }LW0f0000W0D0g0Y0K07Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIxT(R)  ոƴ $X p \9$X p \t xT  ܴ|tDŽ  ոƴ| piȲ. ĬX ȲL?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II+Desinstalador de software e modems Intel(R)]O desinstalador vai remover os drivers e softwares de todos os modems Intel. Quer continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIyr\(R) 6RhVToNxSň z^$xSň z^\ Rd@b gyr\6RhVvvsQqR z^ToN0 /f&T~~7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II,Desinstalacin de programa y mdems Intel(R)}El programa de desinstalacin eliminar los controladores y software asociados con todos los mdems Intel. Desea continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II           4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. 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A duplex mismatch may occur. ,%2 : This is an ERROR test message. ,Adapter %2: Hardware failure detected 0Adapter %2: EEprom corruption detected |@@@@ @ @@@Xdh8%2 : Ceci est un message de test de RUSSITE. 8%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'INFORMATION. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte actif @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s half duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s full duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s half duplex D Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s full duplex $Le pilote %2 a t dmarr. $Le pilote %2 a t arrt. <%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'AVERTISSEMENT. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte inactif Carte %2 : annonce de ngociation automatique du partenaire de liaison non reue. 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Se puede presentar una incorrespondencia dplex. 4%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de ERROR. 4Adaptador %2: Fallo de hardware detectado 4Adaptador %2: Daos detectados en la EEprom l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. 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Title to the Material remains with Intel ** ;** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** ;** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** ;** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** ;** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** ;** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, ** ;** posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's ** ;** prior express written permission. ** ;** ** ;** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** ;** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** ;** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** ;** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** ;** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** ;** writing. ** ;** ** ;/*****************************************************************************/ ; ;******************************************************************************* ; fei6232.din ; ; PnP Un-install script for Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection devices ;******************************************************************************* ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" SetupClass = BASE Provider = %V_INTEL% [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel [ControlFlags] [Intel] [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 Uninstall.DelFiles = 11 8255x.System.DelFiles = 11 ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles = 12 [8255x.Uninstall] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Driver.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg ; vista [8255x.Uninstall.6.0] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Driver.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg [8255x.System.DelFiles] e100bmsg.dll,,,1 NicCo2.dll,,,1 NicCo26.dll,,,1 NicIn100.dll,,,1 [Driver.DelFiles] fei6232.sys,,,1 [Uninstall.DelFiles] Prounstl.exe,,,1 fei6232.din,,,1 [8255x.DelReg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PROSet HKLM,Software\INTEL\Prounstl HKLM,Software\INTEL\NIC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Localizable Strings ; [Strings] ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" PRO100/Win32/NDIS62/fei6232.inf0000755000000000000000000034530611261145104012223 0ustar ;/****************************************************************************** ;** ** ;** INTEL CONFIDENTIAL ** ;** ** ;** Copyright 2009 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved. ** ;** ** ;** The source code contained or described herein and all documents related ** ;** to the source code ("Material") are owned by Intel Corporation or its ** ;** suppliers or licensors. Title to the Material remains with Intel ** ;** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** ;** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** ;** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** ;** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** ;** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, ** ;** posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's ** ;** prior express written permission. ** ;** ** ;** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** ;** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** ;** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** ;** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** ;** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** ;** writing. ** ;** ** ;/*****************************************************************************/ ; ;******************************************************************************* ; fei6232.INF (Windows 7 32-bit) ; ; Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection devices ;******************************************************************************* ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_INTEL% CatalogFile = DriverVer = 10/01/2009, [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel, NTx86.6.0, NTx86.6.1.1 [Intel] ; Empty section. [Intel.NTx86.6.0] ; Empty section. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows 7 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTx86.6.1.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %FE10FE.DeviceDesc% = 10FE, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10FE ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Installation sections ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;============================================ ; Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection ;============================================ [10FE] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = ICH.reg, LogLinkState.reg, Speed100.reg, EnablePME.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, PowerSave.reg AddReg = FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg, WakeOn.reg AddReg = Uninstall.reg, uninstallW7.reg CopyFiles = FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles, UninstallFEI.CopyFiles [10FE.Services] AddService = FEIExpress, 2, FEIExpress.Service, FEI.EventLog [10FE.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles = CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS [E10FE.HW] Include=machine.inf Needs=PciIoSpaceNotRequired ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registry settings ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- [ICH.reg] ; Flow Control Settings HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, ParamDesc, 0, %FlowControlSettings% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Default, 0, "3" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "3", 0, %GenerateAndRespond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "2", 0, %Respond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "1", 0, %Generate% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, ParamDesc, 0, %RxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Default, 0, "48" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Max, 0, "1024" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, ParamDesc, 0, %TxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Default, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Max, 0, "64" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %CoalesceBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Default, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Max, 0, "32" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveIFS% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Max, 0, "255" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTxThreshold% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Default, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Max, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTechnology% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "1", 0, %On% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %PciBusEfficiency% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ; Adaptive Performance Tuning HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuning% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Type, 0, "slider" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "0" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, LeftLabel, 0, %AdapterBandwidth% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, RightLabel, 0, %CpuUtil% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "0", 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "1", 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "2", 0, "512" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "3", 0, "768" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "4", 0, "1024" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "5", 0, "1280" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "6", 0, "1536" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "7", 0, "1792" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "8", 0, "2048" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "9", 0, "2304" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "10", 0, "2560" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "11", 0, "2816" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "12", 0, "3072" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "13", 0, "3328" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "14", 0, "3584" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "15", 0, "3840" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "16", 0, "4096" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %LocalyAdminAddress% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Type, 0, "edit" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Default, 0, "" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, ParamDesc, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpace% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Default, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Max, 0, "15" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,,PcNic, 0, "1" HKR,,MWIEnable, 0, "0" HKR,,DeviceVxDsPrefix, 0, "e100b" HKR,,HPQDisable, 0, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveStalledInterrupts, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveCarrierLoss, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveTransmitMethod, 2, "1" HKR,,Threshold, 0, "200" HKR,,LogErrorMessages, 0, "1" ;--- Log Link State Event ; [LogLinkState.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, ParamDesc, 0, %LogLinkState% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ;--- Speed Duplex Mode common base 10/100Mb ; [Speed100.reg] HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, ParamDesc, 0, %SpeedDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "0", 0, %AutoDetect% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "1", 0, %10Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "2", 0, %10Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "3", 0, %100Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "4", 0, %100Mb-Full-Duplex% ;--- 82552 Enable PME [EnablePME.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, ParamDesc, 0, %EnablePME% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Default, 0, "2" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "2", 0, %OsControlled% HKR,,EnablePME, 0, "2" ;--- Enable Power Down on link loss [EnableLLPD.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, ParamDesc, 0, %SmartPowerDown% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% [PowerSave.reg] HKR,,AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled, 0, "0" HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "1" HKR,,SavePowerNowEnabled, 0, "1" HKR,,NdisMultipleIndicateDown, 0, "0" HKR,,LPLUEnabled, 0, "1" ;--- NDI object registration [FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg] HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5" HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" HKR,Ndi, Service, 0, "FEIExpress" [WakeOn.reg] ; WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, default, 0, "246" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "2", 0, %WakeOnMagicPacket% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "116", 0, %WakeOnDirected% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "118", 0, %WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "246", 0, %OSControlled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, type, 0, "enum" HKR,, WakeOn, 0, "246" ;Wake on Link parameter HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnLinkSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "2", 0, %Enabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, type, 0, "enum" [WakeOnDelReg.DelReg] HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink [Force10Disable.reg] HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "0" ;--- Uninstallation [Uninstall.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10FE, 0, "82552" [uninstallW7.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, fei6232.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall.6.0" ; --- Service --- ; [FEIExpress.Service] DisplayName = %FEI.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\fei6232.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS AddReg = TextModeFlags.reg [TextModeFlags.reg] HKR, , TextModeFlags, 0x00010001, 0x0001 ; --- Event log --- ; [FEI.EventLog] AddReg = FEI.AddEventLog.reg [FEI.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232% HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 ;--- Copy files ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles = 12 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DISKNAME%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] fei6232.din = 1,, fei6232.sys = 1,, NicCo26.dll = 1,, NicIn100.dll = 1,, e100bmsg.dll = 1,, [FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles] fei6232.sys,,,2 [UninstallFEI.CopyFiles] fei6232.din,,,2 ;--- Coinstaller [CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS] NicCo26.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicIn100.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg_VS] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo26.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicIn100.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" ; Set co-installer flags for coinstaller HKR,, CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, "0x80000000" ;--- Localizable Strings ; [Strings] EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fei6232.sys" ; Parameters ; values On = "On" Off = "Off" Enabled = "Enabled" Disabled = "Disabled" AutoDetect = "Auto Detect" 10Mb-Half-Duplex = "10Mbps/Half Duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex = "10Mbps/Full Duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex = "100Mbps/Half Duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex = "100Mbps/Full Duplex" High = "High" Low = "Low" None = "None" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond = "Generate and Respond" Respond = "Respond" Generate = "Generate" NoAction = "No Action" HardwareDefault = "Hardware Default" OSControlled = "OS Controlled" Forced = "Forced" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers = "Receive Descriptors" RxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of buffers the driver uses when copying data to protocol memory. Increasing this value can enhance receive performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." TxBuffers = "Transmit Descriptors" TxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of data segments that enable the adapter to track transmit packets. Increasing this value can improve transmit performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." CoalesceBuffers = "Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets number of buffers available for transmit acceleration. Should be 30-50 percent of Transmit Descriptors. See Help for more information." AdaptiveIFS = "Adaptive Inter-Frame Spacing" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling back-to-back timing." AdaptiveTxThreshold = "Adaptive Transmit Threshold" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp = "Sets number of bytes before adapter empties FIFO buffer. Lower values may enhance transmit performance, but may also result in more underruns. If the adapter can achieve better performance using a lower value, it will use that value. Actual value is 8 times setting." HPQPriorityLevelDef = "Priority Level Definition" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp = "Sets the controlled cutoff level between high and low traffic priorities for use with High Priority Queue (HPQ) and Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology = "Adaptive Technology" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp = "Enables or disables micro-code that optimizes performance. If you disable this feature, you must enable Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency = "PCI Bus Efficiency" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp = "Combines transmit packet buffer fragments into a single buffer before sending them to the network." BasicConnectivity = "Low Resource Connectivity" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp = "Sets the driver to attempt to load in low-resource environments. Advanced features will be disabled until they have sufficient resources to function." LocalyAdminAddress = "Locally Administered Address" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp = "Allows you to configure a custom MAC address for the adapter." RetransmitInterFrameSpace = "Retransmit Inter-Frame Spacing" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling retransmit timing. Increasing this value can improve network performance if there is a large number of collisions on the network." LogLinkState = "Log Link State Event" LogLinkStateMiniHelp = "Enables/disables recording of the link state message to the Event Viewer." QoSPacketTag = "QoS Packet Tagging" QosPacketTagMiniHelp = "Enables sending and receiving of IEEE Tagged frames (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), which include priority and VLAN indicators." FlowControlSettings = "Flow Control" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp = "Pauses packet transmission on receipt of full flow control frame and sends full flow control frame to notify the other side to stop transmission." SpeedDuplex = "Link Speed & Duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must coincide with switch port or no link will occur." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 or 100 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must match link partner settings, or link may be unstable, and performance will suffer." PhyPhoneSpeed = "Phoneline Transmit Speed" PhyPhonePower = "Phoneline Power Level" PhyGiladIfs = "Inter Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled = "Offload IP Security" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles by offloading IPSec encryption from the CPU to the adapter." ChecksumEnabled = "Offload TCP/IP Checksum" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows adapter to verify TCP/IP checksum on received packets and compute checksum on transmitted packets. May improve TCP/IP performance." LargeSendEnabled = "Offload TCP Segmentation" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows the adapter to offload the task of segmenting TCP messages. May improve CPU utilization." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations = "Security Associations" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp = "Sets Simultaneous Security Associations that can be offloaded to the adapters co-processor." AdaptivePerfTuning = "Adaptive Performance Tuning" AdapterBandwidth = "Network Performance" CpuUtil = "Computer Performance" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp = "Maximize the performance of the network adapter or computer. See Help for more information." WakeOnSettings = "Wake On Settings" WakeOnLink = "Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket = "Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets = "Wake on Magic & Directed" WakeOnLAA = "Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp = "Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected = "Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT = "Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp = "Determines how to wake the system." ForceWakeOnLink = "Force Wake On Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." EnablePME = "Enable PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp = "Enables/disables wake-up from Advanced Power Management (APM) sleep states." SmartPowerDown = "Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp = "Minimizes power consumption by enabling the adapter to enter a deep sleep mode when it does not have a valid link or when the operating system is in Suspend mode." AdaptiveLinkResponse = "Adaptive Link Response" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp = "Enables Adaptive Link Response to check PHYLink status." WakeOnLinkSettings = "Wake On Link Settings" WakeOnLinkHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." LPLUEnabled = "Low Power Link Up"; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="ر" Enabled ="" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="Զ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/˫" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/ȫ˫" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/˫" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/ȫ˫" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ɲӦ" Respond ="Ӧ" Generate ="" NoAction ="޲" HardwareDefault ="ӲĬ" OSControlled ="ϵͳ" Forced ="ǿ" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ݸЭڴʱʹõĻߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" TxBuffers ="" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ʹ׷ٴݰƬߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" CoalesceBuffers ="Ӻϻ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ڴٵĻӦΪİٷ֮ 3050μԻȡϢ" AdaptiveIFS ="Ӧ֡" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ͨƱʱ̫ݰײ" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="ӦԴֵ" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="趨 FIFO ֮ǰֽʹֵܻǿܣҲܵ¸ǷСԽϵ͵ֵܣʹøֵʵֵΪֵ 8 " HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Լ" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="ͨȼ͵ȼ֮ܿؽֹ롰Զ(HPQ)Ӣض(R) ݰһʹá" AdaptiveTechnology ="ӦԼ" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ûŻܵ΢롣ô˹ܣáӦ֡" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Ч" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ݰƬϲ뵥һȻǷ硣" BasicConnectivity ="Դʱ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ڵԴмء߼㹻Դɹ乤֮ǰá" LocalyAdminAddress ="عĵַ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="ΪԶ MAC ַ" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="´֡" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="ͨ´䶨ʱ̫ݰײдײĻߴֵܻܣ" LogLinkState ="¼״̬¼" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="/ý״̬Ϣ롰¼鿴" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ݰǩ" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="÷ͺͽ IEEE ǩ֡802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Qȼ VLAN ָʾ" FlowControlSettings ="̿" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ڽյȫ֡ʱͣݰ䣬ȫ֡Ϣ֪ͨԷֹͣ䡣" SpeedDuplex ="ٶȺ˫" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 Mbps ˫ģʽΪ빤ȫ뽻˿ӡ" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 100 Mbps˫ģʽΪ˫ȫ˫ӻӽܲȶӰ졣" PhyPhoneSpeed ="绰ߴٶ" PhyPhonePower ="绰ߵԴ" PhyGiladIfs ="֡" IPSecEnabled =" IP ȫ" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="ͨ CPU IPSec Ա CPU ڡ" ChecksumEnabled ="ش TCP/IP У" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="֤յݰ TCP/IP Уͣ㴫ݰУܻ͡ TCP/IP ܡ" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP ֶ" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="ض TCP ϢֶεĹܻ CPU ʡ" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ȫ" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="趨ɷЭġͬȫϡ" AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ӧܵ" AdapterBandwidth ="" CpuUtil ="" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̶ȵܡйظϢμ" WakeOnSettings ="û" WakeOnLink ="Ӹ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="ħ" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="ħݰ" WakeOnLAA ="ѱعַ(LAA)" WakeOnArp ="ѵַЭ(ARP)" WakeOnDirected ="ݰ" WakeOnNBT =" NBT ѯ" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="λϵͳ" ForceWakeOnLink ="ǿƻ" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" EnablePME =" PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ãôӡ߼ԴAPM˯״̬ѡ" SmartPowerDown ="ܹرյԴ" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ͨʹڲЧʱϵͳڡģʽʱ˯״̶̬ȵؼٵԴġ" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="ӦӦ" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ӦӦԼ PHYLinkӣ״̬" WakeOnLinkSettings ="" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0C04] ; Chinese (Traditional) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0407] ; German (Germany) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ein" Off ="Aus" Enabled ="Aktiviert" Disabled ="Deaktiviert" AutoDetect ="Automatische Erkennung" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" High ="Hoch" Low ="Niedrig" None ="Keine" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generieren und Reagieren" Respond ="Reagieren" Generate ="Generieren" NoAction ="Keine Aktion" HardwareDefault ="Hardware-Standard" OSControlled ="Betriebssystem-gesteuert" Forced ="Erzwungen" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Empfangsdeskriptoren" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Anzahl der Puffer, die der Treiber beim Kopieren von Daten in den Protokollspeicher verwendet. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Empfangsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." TxBuffers ="bertragungsdeskriptoren" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der Datensegmente ein, die dem Adapter ermglichen, bertragungspakete zu verfolgen. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die bertragungsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." CoalesceBuffers ="Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der zur bertragungsbeschleunigung verfgbaren Puffer ein. Sollte 30 - 50% der bertragungsdeskriptoren ausmachen. Siehe Hilfe." AdaptiveIFS ="Adaptives Interframe-Spacing " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch Steuerung der aufeinanderfolgenden Pakete." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Adaptiver bertragungsschwellenwert" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die Anzahl der Byte, bevor der Adapter seine FIFO-Puffer leert. Niedrigere Werte knnen die bertragungsleistung steigern, verursachen aber mglicherweise auch mehr Unterlufe. Wenn der Adapter eine bessere Leistung mit einem niedrigen Wert erreichen kann, wird er diesen verwenden. Der tatschliche Wert betrgt 8 Mal die Einstellung." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definition der Priorittsebene" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die berwachte Abschaltebene zwischen hoher und niedriger Verkehrsprioritt fr HPQ und Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Adaptive Technologie" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert den Mikrocode zur Leistungsoptimierung. Wenn Sie diese Funktion deaktivieren, mssen Sie die Inter-Frame-Trennung auf dem Adapter aktivieren." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Bus-Effizienz" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Fgt Pufferfragmente aus bertragungspaketen in einem einzigen Puffer zusammen, bevor sie ber das Netzwerk bertragen werden. " BasicConnectivity ="Verbindung mit beschr. Ressourcen" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Stellt den Ladeversuch des Treibers in einer Umgebung mit geringen Ressourcen ein. Erweiterte Funktionen werden solange deaktiviert, bis ausreichend Ressourcen verfgbar sind." LocalyAdminAddress ="Lokal verwaltete Adresse" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Ermglicht Ihnen das Konfigurieren einer benutzerdefinierten MAC-Adresse des Adapters." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Inter-Frame Spacing bei Neubertrg." RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch berwachung der zeitlichen Regulierung neu zu bertragender Pakete. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Leistung im Netzwerk steigern, wenn viele Kollisionen im Netzwerk auftreten." LogLinkState ="Verbindungsereignis protokollieren" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Aufzeichnung der Verbindungszustandsmeldung in der Ereignisansicht." QoSPacketTag ="QoS-Paketmarkierung" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Ermglicht den Versand und Empfang von IEEE gekennzeichneten Frames (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), zu denen Prioritts- und VLAN-Indikatoren gehren." FlowControlSettings ="Flusssteuerung" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Unterbricht die Paketbertragung beim Erhalt eines vollen Flusssteuerungsframes und sendet vollen Flusssteuerungsframe, um die andere Seite aufzufordern, die bertragung zu stoppen." SpeedDuplex ="Geschwindigkeit und Duplexmodus" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit dem Switchanschluss bereinstimmen, da andernfalls keine Verbindung zustande kommt." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10/100 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit den Einstellungen des Verbindungspartners bereinstimmen, da andernfalls die Verbindung unstabil wird und eine Leistungsminderung eintritt." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Geschwindigkeit der Telefonleitung" PhyPhonePower ="Stromstrke der Telefonleitung" PhyGiladIfs ="Inter-Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled ="IP Security abladen" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Spart CPU-Zyklen durch Abgabe der IPSec-Verschlsselung vom CPU an den Adapter." ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP-Prfsumme abladen" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die TCP/IP-Prfsumme empfangener Pakete zu berprfen und die Prfsumme bertragener Pakete zu berechnen. Dadurch kann die TCP/IP-Leistung gesteigert werden." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP-Segmentierung abladen" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die Segmentierung von TCP-Meldungen abzugeben und die CPU-Auslastung zu verbessern." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Sicherheitszuordnungen" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Stellt gleichzeitige Sicherheitszuordnungen ein, die auf den Co-Prozessoren des Adapters abgeladen werden knnen." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Adaptives Leistungs-Tuning" AdapterBandwidth ="Netzwerkleistung" CpuUtil ="Computerleistung" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximieren Sie die Leistung des Netzwerkadapters oder Computers. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Hilfe." WakeOnSettings ="Aktivierungseinstellungen" WakeOnLink ="Aktivierung bei Verbindungsnderung" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Akt. ber Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic & adressierte Pakete" WakeOnLAA ="Aktivierung ber LAA" WakeOnArp ="Aktivierung ber ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Akt. ber adressiertes Paket" WakeOnNBT ="Remoteaktivierung ber NBT-Abfrage" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Bestimmt, wie das Systems reaktiviert (Wake-Up) werden soll." ForceWakeOnLink ="Akt. bei Verbindungsnderung erzwingen" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." EnablePME ="PME aktivieren" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert Wake-Up aus APM-Energiesparmodus." SmartPowerDown ="Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiert den Energieverbrauch, indem es dem Adapter ermglicht in den Tiefschlafmodus berzugehen, wenn keine gltige Verbindung besteht oder das Betriebssystem im Ruhezustand ist." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Adaptive Verbindungsreaktion" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Aktiviert die adaptive Verbindungsreaktion, um den PHYLink-Status zu berprfen." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Einst. fr Aktivierung bei Verbindung" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activado" Off ="Desactivado" Enabled ="Activado" Disabled ="Desactivado" AutoDetect ="Deteccin automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbps/Dplex medio" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbps/Dplex completo" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbps/Dplex medio" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbps/Dplex completo" High ="Alto" Low ="Bajo" None ="Ninguno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generar y responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Generar" NoAction ="Ninguna accin" HardwareDefault ="Predeterminado del hardware" OSControlled ="Controlado por el SO" Forced ="Forzado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descriptores de recepcin" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes que el controlador utiliza cuando copia datos a la memoria del protocolo. La incrementacin de este valor puede mejorar el rendimiento de la recepcin, pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." TxBuffers ="Descriptores de transmisin" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de segmentos de datos que habilita al adaptador para que realice el seguimiento de los paquetes de transmisin. Si incrementa este valor, puede mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." CoalesceBuffers ="Bferes de unin" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes disponibles para la aceleracin de la transmisin. Debe contener de 30 a 50% de los Descriptores de la transmisin. Consulte Ayuda para obtener informacin adicional." AdaptiveIFS ="Separacin entre tramas ajustables" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos consecutivos." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Umbral de transmisin ajustable" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bytes antes de que el adaptador vace su bfer FIFO. Los valores inferiores pueden mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin resultan en ms ejecuciones deficientes. Si el adaptador puede funcionar mejor usando un valor inferior, utilizar ese valor. El valor real es 8 veces el valor de configuracin." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definicin de niveles de prioridad" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Establece el nivel controlado de detencin entre las prioridades de trfico bajo y alto para el uso de la cola de alta prioridad (HPQ) y el Paquete de Prioridad Intel(R) ." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologa ajustable" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita el micro-cdigo que optimiza el rendimiento. Si ha deshabilita, debe habilitar el Espaciado entre tramas del adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficiencia del bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina los fragmento de bfer del paquete de transmisin en un solo bfer antes de enviarlos a la red." BasicConnectivity ="Conectividad de recursos reducidos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Configura el controlador para que intente cargarse en entornos de bajos recursos. Las funciones avanzadas se desactivarn hasta que tengan suficientes recursos para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Direccin administrada localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Le permite configurar la direccin MAC personalizada del adaptador." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Separacin entre tramas de retransmisiones" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos de retransmisin. Si incrementa este valor puede que mejore el rendimiento de la red, si existe una gran cantidad de colisiones en la red." LogLinkState ="Registrar sucesos del estado del enlace" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita o dehabilita la grabacin del mensaje de estado de enlace para el que Visor de sucesos." QoSPacketTag ="Etiquetado de paquete QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita las tramas de envo y recepcin con etiqueta IEEE (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), que incluyen la prioridad y los indicadores de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Control de flujo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa la transmisin de paquetes al recibir la trama del control de flujo completo y enva una trama del control de flujo completo para indicar al otro lado que detenga la transmisin." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidad y dplex del enlace" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Debe coincidir con el puerto conmutador para que se realice el enlace." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 o 100 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Deben coincidir las opciones del interlocutor del enlace, o probablemente el enlace sea inestable y el rendimiento se vea afectado." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidad de transmisin de la lnea telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nivel de potencia de la lnea telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Separacin entre tramas" IPSecEnabled ="Descarga de Seguridad IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Guarda los ciclos CPU al descargar el cifrado de IPSec a partir de la CPU al adaptador." ChecksumEnabled ="Descarga suma de comprobacin TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador verifique la suma de verificacin TCP/IP de los paquetes recibidos y calcula la suma de verificacin de los paquetes transmitidos. Puede que mejore el rendimiento de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Descarga de Segmentacin TCP " LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador descargue la tarea de segmentacin de mensajes TCP y puede que mejore el uso de la CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Asociaciones de seguridad" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define las asociaciones de seguridad simultneas que pueden descargarse en el coprocesador del adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimizacin de rendimiento ajustable" AdapterBandwidth ="Rendimiento de la red" CpuUtil ="Rendimiento de PC" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximice el rendimiento del adaptador de red o PC. Para obtener ms informacin, consulte la ayuda." WakeOnSettings ="Configuracin de la reactivacin" WakeOnLink ="Activar en cambio de enlace" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Activar en Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Activar en Magic y Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Activar en LAA" WakeOnArp ="Activar en ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Activar en Paquete dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Activar en consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina cmo activar el sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forzar Activacin en enlace" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite la activacin de la administracin de energa APM cuando se reconecta el enlace." EnablePME ="Activar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita la activacin desde los estados de la inactividad de la Administracin de energa (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Apagado inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza el consumo de energa al habilitar el adaptador para que entre en un modo de inactividad profunda cuando no tenga un enlace vlido o cuando el sistema operativo se encuentre en el modo Suspensin." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Respuesta de enlace ajustable" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Activa la respuesta de enlace ajustable para verificar el estado de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuracin de Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Cuando se reconecta el enlace, permite la activacin desde la administracin de energa APM." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.040C] ; French (France) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activ(e)" Off ="Dsactiv(e)" Enabled ="Activ(e)" Disabled ="Dsactiv(e)" AutoDetect ="Dtection automatique" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s full duplex" High ="Haut" Low ="Faible" None ="Aucun" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gnrer et rpondre" Respond ="Rpondre" Generate ="Gnrer" NoAction ="Aucune action" HardwareDefault ="Matriel par dfaut" OSControlled ="Contrl par le systme" Forced ="Forc(e)" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descripteurs de rception" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons utiliss par le pilote lors de la copie des donnes dans la mmoire de protocole. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de rception mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." TxBuffers ="Descripteurs de transmission" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de segments de donnes permettant la carte de suivre les paquets de transmission. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." CoalesceBuffers ="Tampons de regroupement" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons disponibles pour l'acclration des transmissions. Doit correspondre 30 50 pour cent de la valeur du paramtre Descripteurs de transmission. Reportez-vous l'aide pour de plus amples informations." AdaptiveIFS ="Espacement intertrame dynamique" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant les synchronisations successives." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Seuil dynamique de transmission" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre d'octets avant la remise zro du tampon FIFO de la carte rseau. La dfinition de valeurs infrieures peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais risque galement d'entraner un plus grand nombre de sous-excutions. Si la carte peut obtenir de meilleures performances avec une valeur infrieure, elle utilisera cette valeur. La valeur relle est de 8 fois la valeur dfinie." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Dfinition du niveau de priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Dfinit le point de coupure contrl entre les priorits de faible trafic et de trafic lev pour l'utilisation de la fonction HPQ et Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Technologie Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive le microcode d'optimisation des performances. Si vous dsactivez cette fonctionnalit, vous devez activer l'espacement intertrame dynamique." PciBusEfficiency ="Rendement du bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Regroupe les fragments de paquets de transmission en un seul tampon avant de les envoyer sur le rseau." BasicConnectivity ="Connectivit (ressources insuff.)" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Dfinit le chargement du pilote dans un environnement faible niveau de ressources. Les fonctionnalits avances seront dsactives jusqu' ce que les ressources soient suffisantes." LocalyAdminAddress ="Adresse administre localement" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permet de configurer une adresse MAC personnalise pour la carte." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espacement intertrame des retransmissions" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant la cadence des retransmissions. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances du rseau si de nombreuses collisions s'y produisent." LogLinkState ="Consigner l'vnement de la liaison" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive l'enregistrement du message d'tat de l'Observateur d'vnements." QoSPacketTag ="Reprage des paquets QS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Permet l'envoi et la rception de trames tiquetes IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), qui comprennent des indicateurs de priorit et de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Contrle de flux" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Interrompt la transmission des paquets en cas de rception d'une trame de contrle de flux complte et envoie une trame de contrle de flux complte l'interlocuteur afin de stopper la transmission." SpeedDuplex ="Vitesse de liaison et duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Si les paramtres ne concident pas avec le port de commutation, aucune liaison ne se produira. " SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 ou 100 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Ces paramtres doivent correspondre ceux du partenaire de liaison, faute de quoi la liaison risque d'tre instable et les performances risquent de se dgrader." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Vitesse de trans. tlphonique" PhyPhonePower ="Puissance de ligne tlphonique" PhyGiladIfs ="Espacement intertrame" IPSecEnabled ="Dlestage scurit IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="conomise les cycles du processeur en dlestant le chiffrement IPSec du processeur sur la carte." ChecksumEnabled ="Dlester somme de contrle TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de vrifier la somme de contrle TCP/IP des paquets entrants et de calculer la somme de contrle des paquets sortants. Ceci permet d'amliorer les performances TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Dlestage segmentation TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de dlester la tche de segmentation des messages TCP. Ceci peut amliorer le taux d'utilisation du processeur." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associations de scurit" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Dfinit les associations de scurit simultanes pouvant tre dlestes sur le coprocesseur de la carte rseau." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimisation dynamique des performances" AdapterBandwidth ="Performance de la carte rseau" CpuUtil ="Performance de l'ordinateur" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Optimiser la performance de la carte rseau ou de l'ordinateur. Voir l'Aide pour davantage d'informations." WakeOnSettings ="Paramtres Wake On" WakeOnLink ="Fonction Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Wake on Magic & Directed Packet" WakeOnLAA ="Fonction Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp ="Fonction Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Fonction Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Dtermine comment rveiller le systme." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forcer la fonction Wake on Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." EnablePME ="Activer PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer/de dsactiver le rveil depuis les tats de veille de la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Extinction automatique" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimise la consommation lectrique en permettant la carte d'entrer en mode de sommeil profond lorsqu'elle ne possde pas de liaison valide ou lorsque le systme d'exploitation est en mode suspendu." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Rponse dynamique de liaison" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer la fonction Rponse dynamique de liaison pour la vrification de l'tat de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Paramtres Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Attivato" Off ="Disattivato" Enabled ="Attivato" Disabled ="Disattivato" AutoDetect ="Rilevamento automatico" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Basso" None ="Nessuno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Genera e rispondi" Respond ="Rispondi" Generate ="Genera" NoAction ="Nessuna azione" HardwareDefault ="Impostazioni predefinite hardware" OSControlled ="Controllato dal sis. operativo" Forced ="Imposto" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descrittori di ricezione" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer allocati dal driver durante la copia dei dati nella memoria del protocollo. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." TxBuffers ="Descrittori di trasmissione" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero dei segmenti di dati che permettono alla scheda di tenere traccia dei pacchetti trasmessi. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni di trasmissione, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffer coalesce" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer disponibili per l'accelerazione della trasmissione. Deve essere il 30-50 percento dei descrittori di trasmissione. Consultare la Guida per ulteriori informazioni." AdaptiveIFS ="Spaziatura adattiva tra frame" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione back to back. " AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Soglia adattiva di trasmissione" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di byte raggiunto il quale la scheda di rete svuota il proprio buffer FIFO. Valori pi bassi possono migliorare le prestazioni della trasmissione, ma possono provocare pi underrun. Se la scheda pu ottenere migliori prestazioni utilizzando un valore pi basso, verr utilizzato tale valore. Il valore effettivo 8 volte l'impostazione." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definizione del livello di priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Imposta il livello limite controllato tra le priorit alta e bassa del traffico da utilizzare con High Priority Queue (HPQ) e Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva il microcode che ottimizza le prestazioni. Se si disabilita questa funzione, necessario abilitare Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency ="Efficienza bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina i frammenti del buffer dei pacchetti di trasmissione in un unico buffer prima di inviarli alla rete." BasicConnectivity ="Connettivit in presenza di risorse scarse" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Imposta il driver per il caricamento in un ambiente con scarse risorse. Le funzionalit avanzate verranno disattivate fino a quando non saranno presenti risorse sufficienti." LocalyAdminAddress ="Indirizzo amministrato localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Consente di configurare un indirizzo MAC personalizzato della scheda. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Spaziatura tra frame di ritrasmissioni" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione di ritrasmissione. Aumentando questo valore possibile migliorare le prestazioni della rete se si verifica un gran numero di collisioni sulla rete." LogLinkState ="Registra evento stato del collegamento" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva la registrazione del messaggio di stato del collegamento inviato a Visualizzatore eventi." QoSPacketTag ="Codifica pacchetti QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Abilita l'invio e la ricezione di frame con codifica IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), che comprendono indicatori di priorit e VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controllo del flusso" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sospende la trasmissione dei pacchetti al ricevimento di un frame di controllo indicante di flusso completo e invia un frame di controllo di flusso completo per avvisare l'altra parte di interrompere la trasmissione." SpeedDuplex ="Velocit di collegamento e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. Affinch il collegamento avvenga, necessario che queste impostazioni coincidano con la porta di commutazione." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10/100 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. necessario che coincida con le impostazioni del partner di collegamento, altrimenti il collegamento sar instabile e le prestazioni verranno penalizzate." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocit di trasmissione della linea telefonica" PhyPhonePower ="Livello di alimentazione della linea telefonica" PhyGiladIfs ="Spaziatura tra frame" IPSecEnabled ="Offload della protezione IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Risparmia cicli della CPU scaricando la crittografia IPSec dalla CPU alla scheda." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload del checksum IP/TCP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di verificare il checksum TCP/IP dei pacchetti ricevuti e di calcolare il checksum dei pacchetti trasmessi, migliorando le prestazioni di trasmissione TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload della segmentazione TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di effettuare l'offload dell'operazione di segmentazione dei messaggi TCP e migliora l'utilizzo della CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associazioni protezione" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Imposta le associazioni di protezione simultanee che possono essere scaricate sul coprocessore delle schede di rete." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ottimizzazione adattiva delle prestazioni" AdapterBandwidth ="Prestazioni di rete" CpuUtil ="Prestazioni del computer" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni della scheda di rete o del computer. Consultare la Guida in linea per ulteriori informazioni." WakeOnSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione" WakeOnLink ="Attiva su modifica del collegamento" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Attiva su pacchetto Magic" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Attiva su Magic e diretto" WakeOnLAA ="Attiva con LAA" WakeOnArp ="Attiva con ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Attiva su pacchetto diretto" WakeOnNBT ="Attiva su query NTB" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina come attivare il sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Imponi attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." EnablePME ="Abilita PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Abilita/disabilita l'attivazione dagli stati di sospensione Advanced Power Management (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Spegnimento intelligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimizza il consumo energetico consentendo alla scheda di mettersi in uno stato di sospensione quando non presente un collegamento valido o quando il sistema operativo si trova in modalit sospesa." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Risposta adattiva dei collegamenti" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Attiva la risposta adattiva dei collegamenti per il controllo dello stato di PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="I" Off ="It" Enabled ="I" Disabled ="It" AutoDetect ="o" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/dʐM" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/SdʐM" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/dʐM" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/SdʐM" High ="" Low ="" None ="Ȃ" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="쐬Ɖ" Respond ="" Generate ="쐬" NoAction ="ANVȂ" HardwareDefault ="n[hEFA ftHg" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="MLqq" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="f[^vgR ɃRs[ۂɃhCogobt@̐ݒ肵܂B" TxBuffers ="MLqq" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="A_v^MpPbgǐՂł悤ɂf[^ ZOg̐ݒ肵܂B̒l𑝂₷ƑMptH[}Xł܂AVXe ̎gpʂ܂BptH[}X̖肪Ȃꍇ̓ftHggpĂB" CoalesceBuffers ="Wobt@" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="M̍Ɏgpłobt@ݒ肵܂BMLqq 30`50 %ɂĂBڍׂ́AwvQƂĂB" AdaptiveIFS ="A_veBu C^[t[ X؁|VO" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RWA^C~Oɂ⏞܂B" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="A_veBuMl" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="A_v^ FIFO obt@ɂÕoCgݒ肵܂B̒lႭƁAMptH[}Xサ܂AA_[”\܂BႢlgpƃptH[}Xシꍇ́AA_v^͂̒lgp܂Bl͐ݒl 8 {łB" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="D惌x̒`" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="High Priority Queue (HPQ) уCe(R) Priority Packet gp̂߂̃gtBbN̍ђDxԂŐ䂳ꂽ؂̂ăxݒ肵܂B" AdaptiveTechnology ="A_veBu eNmW" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ptH[}XœK}CNR[h̃I/It؂ւ܂B̋@\Itɂꍇ́AA_v^ C^[t[ Xy[VOLɂKv܂B" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI oX" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="MpPbg̃obt@ tOglbg[NɑMO 1 ‚̃obt@ɂ܂Ƃ߂܂B" BasicConnectivity ="\[Xs̐ڑ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="჊\[X‹ł̃hCõ[hs܂B@\ɏ\ȃ\[Xł܂Ŋg@\͖ɂȂ܂B" LocalyAdminAddress ="[JǗAhX" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="A_v^̃JX^ MAC AhXݒ肵܂B" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="C^[t[ X؁|VO̍đM" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="đM̃^C~O𐧌䂷邱ƂʼnߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RW⏞܂B" LogLinkState ="N Xe[g Cxg̃O" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Cxg r[Aւ̃N Xe[g bZ[W̃I/It؂ւ܂B" QoSPacketTag ="QoS pPbg ^O" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="IEEE ^Ott[̑M (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q)”\ɂ܂BvCIeB VLAN CWP[^܂܂܂B" FlowControlSettings ="t[" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sȃt[t[̎MɃpPbgMꎞ~AΑőM~悤ɒʒm銮Sȃt[t[𑗐M܂B" SpeedDuplex ="NxƃfvbNX" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nx10 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪XCb` |[gƈvȂƁAN܂B" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nx10/100 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪葤̐ݒɈvȂƁAN͕sɂȂAptH[}X򉻂܂B" PhyPhoneSpeed ="dbMx" PhyPhonePower ="dbd̓x" PhyGiladIfs ="C^[t[ X؁|VO" IPSecEnabled ="ho ZLeB̃It[h" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU A_v^ւ IPSec ÍIt[h邱ƂŁACPU TCNߖ񂵂܂B" ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP `FbNT̃It[h" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂMpPbg TCP/IP `FbNT̊mF”\ƂAMꂽpPbg̃`FbNTvZ܂Bɂ TCP/IP ptH[}Xシꍇ܂B" LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ZOe[ṼIt[h" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂ TCP bZ[W̕f^XÑIt[h”\Ƃ܂Bɂ CPU gpPꍇ܂B" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ZLeB֘A" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="A_v^̃RvZbTɃIt[h邱Ƃ̂łZLeB֘Aݒ肵܂B" AdaptivePerfTuning ="A_veBu ptH[}X `[jO" AdapterBandwidth ="lbg[ÑptH[}X" CpuUtil ="Rs[^̃ptH[}X" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="lbg[N A_v^Rs[^̃ptH[}Xőɂ܂Bڍׂɂ‚Ă̓wvQƂĂB" WakeOnSettings ="Wake On ݒ" WakeOnLink ="Wake On Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake On Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic Directed" WakeOnLAA ="Wake On LAA" WakeOnArp ="Wake On ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake On Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Wake On NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="VXeEF[NAbv@w肵܂B" ForceWakeOnLink ="Wake On Link ̋" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="NĐڑꂽƂ APM dǗEF[NAbv邱Ƃ”\Ƃ܂B" EnablePME ="PME Iɂ" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="APM dǗ̃X[vԂ̃EF[NAbvL^ɂ܂B" SmartPowerDown ="X}[g p[ _E" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="A_v^LȃNȂꍇIy[eBO VXeTXyh [hɂꍇAA_v^̓fB[v X[v [hɂȂ邱ƂŁAd͂ŏ܂B" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="A_veBu N X|X" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="PHYLink Xe[^XmF邽߂ɁAA_veBu N X|XIɂ܂B" WakeOnLinkSettings ="Wake On Link ݒ" WakeOnLinkHelp ="NĐڑ APM dǗ̃EF[NAbv”\Ƃ܂B" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="" Enabled ="Ȱȭ" Disabled ="Ȱ " AutoDetect ="ڵ ˻" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond =" " Respond ="" Generate ="" NoAction =" " HardwareDefault ="ϵ ⺻" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers =" " RxBuffersMiniHelp ="̹ ޸𸮷 ͸ ϴ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." TxBuffers =" " TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Ͱ Ŷ ֵ ϴ ׸Ʈ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." CoalesceBuffers =" " CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp =" ȭ ִ մϴ. 30-50% մϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." AdaptiveIFS =" Ӱ " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="-- Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ." AdaptiveTxThreshold =" Ӱ谪" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Ͱ FIFO ۸ Ʈ մϴ. ߻ ֽϴ. Ͱ Ͽ ִ ޼ ش ˴ϴ. 8ȸ Ǿ ֽϴ." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="켱 " HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="HPQ( 켱 ⿭) (R) 켱 Ŷ Բ ϱ Ʈ 켱 Ʈ 켱 մϴ." AdaptiveTechnology =" " AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp =" ȭϴ ũ ڵ带 Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ. Ȱȭϴ 쿡 Ӱ Ȱȭؾ մϴϴ." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ȿ" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ŷ ׸Ʈ ϳ ۷ մϴ." BasicConnectivity ="ҽ " BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ҽ ȯ濡 ̹ ε带 õϵ մϴ. ҽ ؼ ۵ Ȱȭ˴ϴ." LocalyAdminAddress =" ּ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp =" MAC ּҸ ֽϴ." RetransmitInterFrameSpace =" Ӱ " RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp =" Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ. Ʈũ 浹 ߻ ø Ʈũ ˴ϴ." LogLinkState ="ũ ̺Ʈ " LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="̺Ʈ  ũ ޽ ϴ Ȱȭ/Ȱմϴ." QoSPacketTag ="QoS Ŷ ± " QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="켱 VLAN ǥñⰡ Ե IEEE ± ִ (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q) ۼ ֽϴ." FlowControlSettings ="帧 " FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ü 帧 Ŷ ߴϰ ü 帧 ٸ ʿ ϵ ˸ϴ." SpeedDuplex ="ũ ӵ ߼" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ġ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷  ũ ߻ ʽϴ." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10/100Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ũ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷ ũ Ҿ ϵ˴ϴ." PhyPhoneSpeed ="ȭ ӵ" PhyPhonePower ="ȭ " PhyGiladIfs ="Ӱ " IPSecEnabled ="ε IP " IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU ͷ IPSec ȣȭ εϿ CPU Ŭ մϴ." ChecksumEnabled ="ε TCP/IP üũ" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ ŵ Ŷ TCP/IP üũ ˻ϰ ۵ Ŷ üũ ֽϴ. ̷ TCP/IP ˴ϴ." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ׸Ʈȭ ε" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ TCP ޽ ׸Ʈȭ ۾ ε ֽϴ. ̷ CPU ̿ ˴ϴ." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations =" " SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp =" μ ε ִ մϴ." AdaptivePerfTuning =" " AdapterBandwidth ="Ʈũ " CpuUtil ="ǻ " AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ǵ ǻ شȭմϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." WakeOnSettings =" " WakeOnLink ="ũ " WakeOnMagicPacket =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnLAA ="LAA ߰ " WakeOnArp ="ARP " WakeOnDirected =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnNBT ="NBT " WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="ý մϴ." ForceWakeOnLink ="ũ " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ũ ٽ APM ֽϴ." EnablePME ="PME Ȱȭ" EnablePMEMiniHelp =" (APM) ¿ Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ." SmartPowerDown ="Ʈ " SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ȿ ũ ų  ü Ͻ ߴ Ͱ ִ 带 ֵ Ͽ Ҹ ּȭմϴ." AdaptiveLinkResponse =" ũ " AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp =" ũ PHYLink ¸ ˻ ֵ մϴ." WakeOnLinkSettings ="ũ " WakeOnLinkHelp ="ٽ APM ֽϴ." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei6232 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ativado" Off ="Desativado" Enabled ="Ativado" Disabled ="Desabilitado" AutoDetect ="Deteco automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/Half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/Full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/Half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/Full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Baixo" None ="Nenhum" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gerar e responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Gerar" NoAction ="Nenhuma ao" HardwareDefault ="Hardware padro" OSControlled ="Controlado por SO" Forced ="Forado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descritores de recepo" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers usados pelo driver ao copiar dados na memria do protocolo. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de recepo mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." TxBuffers ="Descritores de transmisso" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de segmentos de dados que ativam o adaptador a rastrear pacotes de transmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffers de coalescncia" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers disponveis para a acelerao da transmisso. Dever ser entre 30 a 50 por cento dos descritores de transmisso. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." AdaptiveIFS ="Espaamento inter-frames adaptativo" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao back-to-back." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Limiar adaptativo de transmisso" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de bytes antes do adaptador esvaziar seu buffer de FIFO. Diminuir os valores pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm pode resultar em mais dficits . Se o adaptador pode alcanar melhor desempenho usando um valor menor ele usar esse valor. O valor real uma configurao de 8 vezes." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definio do nvel de prioridade" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Define o limite de corte controlado entre alta prioridade de trfego e baixa prioridade de trfego a ser usado com HPQ (High Priority Queue) e o Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia adaptativa" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita ou desabilita o micro cdigo que otimiza o desempenho. Se desabilitar esse recurso voc deve habilitar o espaamento entre frames do adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficincia do barramento PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina fragmentos do buffer de pacotes de transmisso em um buffer nico antes de envi-los para a rede. " BasicConnectivity ="Conectividade para ambiente com poucos recursos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Define o driver para tentar ser carregado em ambiente de poucos recursos. Os recursos avanados sero desabilitados at terem recursos suficientes para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Endereo administrado localmente (LAA)" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permite configurar um endereo MAC personalizado para o adaptador. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espaamento inter-frames de retransmisso" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao de retransmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho da rede se houver um nmero grande de colises na rede." LogLinkState ="Evento de estado de link de registro" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita a gravao da mensagem de estado do link para o visualizador de eventos." QoSPacketTag ="Rotulao de pacotes de QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita o envio e a recepo de frames rotuladas IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), que incluem indicadores de prioridade e de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controle de fluxo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa a transmisso de pacotes na recepo de frame de controle de fluxo completo e envia frame de controle de fluxo completo para notificar o outro lado a fim de parar a transmisso." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidade de link e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com a porta do switch ou no ocorrer nenhum link." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 ou 100 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com as configuraes do parceiro de link ou o link pode ficar instvel e o desempenho pode sofrer degradao." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidade de transmisso da linha telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nvel de potncia da linha telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Espaamento inter-frames" IPSecEnabled ="Offload Segurana de IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Salva os ciclos da CPU ao descarregar a criptografia IPSec da CPU para o adaptador.." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload Checksum de TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador verificar a checksum de TCP/IP dos pacotes recebidos e computa a checksum nos pacotes transmitidos. Isso melhora o desempenho de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload Segmentao de TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador fazer a descarga da tarefa de segmentar mensagens de TCP.Melhora a utilizao da CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associaes de segurana" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define as associaes simultneas de segurana que podem ser descarregados no coprocessador do adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ajuste adaptativo de desempenho" AdapterBandwidth ="Desempenho da rede" CpuUtil ="Desempenho do computador" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximizar o desempenho do adaptador de rede ou do computador. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." WakeOnSettings ="Configuraes de ativao" WakeOnLink ="Ativar com mudana de link" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Ativar com Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Ativar com pacotes Magic e Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Ativar com LAA" WakeOnArp ="Ativar com ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Ativar com pacote dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Ativar com consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina como ativar o sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forar ativao com mudana de link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." EnablePME ="Habilitar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita o wake-up dos estados sleep do APM (Advanced Power Management)." SmartPowerDown ="Desativao inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza o consumo de energia ao habilitar o adaptador a entrar no modo sleep profundo quando ele no tem um link vlido ou quando so sistema operacional est no modo Suspenso." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Resposta do link adaptativa" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Habilita a Resposta de link adaptativa para verificar o status de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuraes de Wake On Link (ativao por link)" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO100/Win32/NDIS62/fei6232.sys0000755000000000000000000046100011261145464012264 0ustar MZ@P !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $3V^R8^R8^R8^R9R8]eYR8]gzR8]f_R8]b_R8Rich^R8PEL:J  N*PL*P4PD @<.textY h.rdata\ * * .rsrc44@B.relocN D D@BUExt@E P  @M ]̋UExt@uE P @M U] ̋UQju Eujuf3̋UQju\$Eujuzf3̋UE utf3]̋Uju $]̋UQju Eujuf3̋UQju$Eujuf3̋Uju$]̋UQVjus Euju3juUuhF|3@^3̋UVu5ju@j3^]̋USV5j֋]SjSljSjSXj^3[]̋UV5Wj֋}Wt WjWjWjWj_3^]̋UQSV5W}jE[M3E PWSW.SEdWLM}~AWk<tSMyW]SWWSEWSE_^[jX̋UQQE SV5W}jEE[SWSWsM WESMuր}WuSWdSW SWKSWpSWS֊EM _^3[ ̋UE Iƀ ƀ  ƀ #ƀ oƀ ƀ hƀ ƀ ƀ ƀ ƀ ƀ @ƀ ]̋UE fxWxVuEUW<0r<9w,0u W/hjW}}hjWk >udWYuhjVE Phh( Vd(uWjV 8uWVt_^]̋USVu M 038EƆƆutV uXWjVƆ 9u= r4hVahVa VJxSWSSSVx_ PpM uƆ4^[]̋USVu W0EƆƆur <vh<t&u7T fF_^[]̋UQM A<SVWqE# 97349tf9tCLf A;ΉuM~43iL1#;u] ;Ku EM;M|MiQPfD<1E# 97349t9f9t9ttL9f A;ΉuM~23i 1#;u] ; 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Please contact the application's support team for more information. R6033 - Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. R6032 - not enough space for locale information R6031 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. This indicates a bug in your application. R6030 - CRT not initialized R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. R6009 - not enough space for environment R6008 - not enough space for arguments R6002 - floating point support not loaded Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime LibraryRuntime Error! 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IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#;Ȁ3k<Treiber fr Intel(R) Network Connections entfernen>MS Sans SerifP`T2JaPT2NeinPhP-4<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$GȀ1Q<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`<2YesP<2NoPhP-"<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#-PAȀ2g<Supprimer les pilotes des cartes rseau Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`R2OuiPR2NonPhP+2<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$BȀ2b<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`N2SPN2NoPhP+.<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$@Ȁ1]<0000(R) PRO 0000000000000000000n0JRd> -3 00000P`K2o0D0PK2D0D0H0PhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#@Ȁ1`<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers> tPL2P`L2DȲ$PhP+-<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#>Ȁ1b<Remova os drivers de Conexes de rede Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`N2SimPN2NoPhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$AȀ1\<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software> [SOPbG3/fPG2&TPhP+,<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#<Ȁ1h<Desinstalar los controladores de Intel(R) Network Connections>MS Sans SerifP`R2SPR2NoPhP+1<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$Cyd Intel(R) }#}ߎԚ&T(&N)/f(&Y)F`yd@b g g} Intel }#}vER z_U ͑ޞˊ(WydER z_KNMR HQyd(W Intel }#} N-[vD}T VLAN0`-[p iSCSI Boot ;Nb!k݈nv Intel(R) NbaS(Wdk|q}-N0d[݈݈nER z_MR `N[f 0_j*QHQ^ 0-[ O[(W@b gv Intel NbaS NhQ 0\P(u 00W-[p FCoE Boot ݈nv Intel? NbaSX[(We P|q}-N0`N[(W@b gv Intel NbaS N\0_j^0-[p0*g-[0 KN_Mbd[݈݈nER z_07|q}v[daԚRj/fO(u FCoE xOMn0(W`OSNd݈nER z_[݈MR `_Mn[OO(u,g_jxx0LNbaSO(ue0Ethernet IQ~S0Bf `1\ Nd[݈݈nER z_0ˊ\0_j^0-[fp0*g-[0&Nx[RjHhO(u,g_jxx_j_QfN!k02Enfernen der Intel( R ) Netzwerkanschluss-Software&Nein&JaMchten Sie Treiber fr alle verdrahteten Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen entfernen? WICHTIG: Entfernen Sie vor der Deinstallation alle auf Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen konfigurierte Gruppen und VLANs.In diesem System existieren Intel(R) Adapter, die als iSCSI Boot Primr- oder Sekundr-Gerte konfiguriert sind. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in Deaktiviert ndern, bevor Sie den Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.In diesem System existieren als FCoE-Bootgerte konfigurierte Intel Adapter. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in 'Nicht festgelegt' ndern, bevor Sie die Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.Die Paging-Datei des virtuellen Speichers des Systems ist fr ein FCoE-Laufwerk konfiguriert. Sie muss fr ein lokales Laufwerk konfiguriert werden, bevor die Gertetreiber deinstalliert werden knnen.5Sie knnen den Gertetreiber nicht deinstallieren, solange der Adapter fr Fibre Channel over Ethernet verwendet wird. ndern Sie die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt in 'Nicht festgelegt' und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Auslagerungsdatei einen lokalen Datentrger verwendet, bevor Sie es erneut versuchen.,Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software&No&YesDo you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.Intel(R) Adapters configured as iSCSI Boot Primary or Secondary devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Priority setting to Disabled on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device driver.Intel Adapters configured as FCoE Boot devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device drivers.The system s virtual memory paging file is configured to use an FCoE drive. You must configure it to use a local drive before you can uninstall the device drivers.You cannot uninstall the device driver while the adapter is in use for Fibre Channel over Ethernet. Change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set and make sure the paging file uses a local drive before trying again.PA0Supprimer le logiciel Connexions rseau Intel(R)&Non&OuiVoulez-vous supprimer les pilotes de toutes les connexions rseau Intel filaires ? IMPORTANT : supprimez l'ensemble des associations et des rseaux VLAN configurs sur les connexions rseau Intel avant de procder la suppression des pilotes.Des cartes Intel(R) configures comme priphriques iSCSI Boot principaux ou secondaires se trouvent sur le systme. Le paramtre Priorit d'amorage doit tre dfini sur Dsactiv sur toutes les cartes Intel avant que vous puissiez dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique.Des cartes Intel configures comme priphriques d'amorage FCoE se trouvent sur le systme. Vous devez dfinir le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur "Non dfini" sur toutes les cartes Intel avant d'installer les pilotes de priphrique.Le fichier de pagination de mmoire virtuelle du systme est configur pour tre utilis sur un disque FCoE. Vous devez le configurer pour utiliser un disque local avant de pouvoir dsinstaller les pilotes de priphriques.Vous ne pouvez pas dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique alors que la carte est utilise pour FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Dfinissez le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur Non dfini et assurez-vous que le fichier de pagination utilise un lecteur local avant d'essayer nouveau.Rimuovi il software di Intel(R)&No&SRimuovere i driver remoti per tutte le connessioni di rete cablate Intel? IMPORTANTE: prima di rimuovere i driver, rimuovere i raggruppamenti e le VLAN configurati sulla rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel(R) configurate come periferiche iSCSI Boot primarie o secondarie. Per installare il driver della periferica prima necessario impostare a Disattivato la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel configurate come periferiche FCoE Boot. Per disinstallare i driver della periferica prima necessario configurare su 'Non impostata' la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.L'impaginazione della memoria virtuale del sistema configurata per l'uso di un'unit FCoE. Sar necessario configurarla per l'uso di un'unit locale prima che sia possibile disinstallare i driver della periferica.Impossibile disinstallare il driver del dispositivo quando la scheda di rete utilizzata per Fibre Channel su Ethernet. Prima di riprovare, impostare l'ordine di avvio a  Non impostato e accertarsi che il file di paging usi un'unit locale.0000(R) 00000000000000000000n0JRdD0D0H0(&N)o0D0(&Y)_Y0y0f0n0 g}n0000000000000000000 0JRdW0~0Y0K0 00000JRdY00MRk00000000000000000000 k0-[U00f0D00000h0 VLAN 0JRdW0f0O0`0U0D00S0n00000k0o00iSCSI Boot 000000~0_0o000000000000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n00000000000g0wRn0*QHQ-[0!qRk0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00xFCoE Boot 0000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0S0n00000k0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n0000000000g0 [wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00 Y0000n0N`000000000000000o0 FCoE 00000O(uY000F0-[U00f0D0~0Y000000000000JRdY00MRk0000000000O(uY000F0-[W0f0O0`0U0D0000000L0 Fibre Channel over Ethernet (uk0O(uU00f0D00o00000000000JRdg0M0~0[000[wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfW0f00000000000L0000000000O(uY00S0h00xW0f0K00QfLW0f0O0`0U0D00xT(R) $l Ű ոƴ pDȲ$(&N)(&Y)W xT(R) $l Ű ܴ|tDŽ| pX ȲL? ɔ: pX0  xT $l Ű ޹ l1 VLAND pX$.oiSCSI X  p X\ l1 xT(R) 0 t ¤\ ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX$t < xT 0  $D D\1T(<\ t| iȲ.jt ¤\ FCoE X\ l1 xT(R) 0 ǵȲ. X ܴ|t | $X pX$t < xT 0 t  $D "$ JL"<\ t| iȲ.X¤\X T t |@ FCoE ܴ|t | Xij] l1 ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX0  \ ܴ|t | Xij] l1t|iȲ.0 Fibre Channel Over Ethernet<\  ٳHŔ X ܴ|tDŽ| p`  ŵȲ. ijX0   $D "$ JL"<\ X t |t \ ܴ|t | XՔ UxX$.0Remova o software para conexes de rede Intel(R)&No&SimDeseja remover os drivers de todas a conexes de rede Intel(R) com fio. IMPORTANTE: Remova os grupos e as VLANs configuradas nas conexes de rede Intel antes de remover os drivers.Adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos de inicializao iSCSI principal ou secundrio esto presentes neste sistema. Voc precisa mudar a configurao de prioridade de inicializao para Desabilitada em todos os adaptadores Intel antes de poder desinstalar o dispositivo.O sistema contm adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de inicializao FCoE. Voc precisa modificar o parmetro Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) em todos os adaptadores Intel para poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivo.O arquivo de paginao da memria virtual do sistema est configurado para usar uma unidade FCoE. Voc deve configur-lo para usar a unidade local antes de poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivos. GVoc no pode desinstalar o driver de dispositivo enquanto o adaptador est em uso para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet - canal de fibra em Ethernet). Antes de tentar de novo, mude a configurao Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) e configure o arquivo de paginao para usar uma unidade local.ydyr\(R) Q~ޏcoN&T(&N)/f(&Y)@/f&T Rdyr\(R) Q~ޏcvhQqR z^ ͑ RdqR z^KNMR Rd(Wyr\(R) Q~ޏc NMnv~T VLAN0N,g|~-NX[(WMn:N iSCSI _[;NYb!kYvyr\(R) MhV0傁xS}YqR z^ _{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[OHQCg n9e:N y(u 0Ldk|~-NX[(WMn:N FCoE _[Yvyr\(R) MhV0`_{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[z^ nf9e:N *gn 6qTMbxS}YqR z^0;|~vZbQX[RueNMn:NO(u FCoE qRhV0_{\vQMn:NO(uN*N,g0WqRhV 6qTMbSNxS}YqR z^0=` N(WMhVck(W(uNN*YQIQ~SexS}YqR z^0\_[nf9e:N Nn v^nxORueNO(u,g0WqRhV 6qTQՋ06Desinstalar el software de conexiones de red Intel(R)&No&SDesea desinstalar los controladores de todas las conexiones de red Intel(R) conectadas? IMPORTANTE: Antes de desinstalar los controladores, elimine los equipos y LAN virtuales configurados en las conexiones de red Intel.En este sistema hay presentes adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos primarios o secundarios de iSCSI Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Prioridad de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos.En este sistema hay adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de FCoE Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Orden de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.El archivo de paginacin de memoria virtual del sistema est configurado para usar una unidad FCoE. Necesitar configurarlo para usar una unidad local antes de poder desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.No puede desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos mientras se utiliza el adaptador para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Cambie la opcin Orden de inicio a  No establecido y asegrese de que el archivo de paginacin utilice una unidad local antes de intentarlo de nuevo.^Intel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980T Windows Me NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gIIntel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gd[݈ z_!ql_Uv-[j jHhd[݈\Omi]}B}bkIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 und Windows ME vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!NDas Deinstallationsprogramm konnte die erforderliche Setup-Datei nicht ffnen:+Die Deinstallation der Datei wurde beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me. The program will exit!wIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. The program will exit!0Uninstaller cannot open the required setup file:(File uninstallation has been terminated!Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 et Windows ME. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 200. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.QLe programme de dsinstallation ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'installation requis :/La dsinstallation du fichier a t abandonne.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. Il programma verr chiuso.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. Il programma verr chiuso.CIl programma di disinstallazione non pu aprire il file necessario:/La disinstallazione del file stata terminata.t0000(R) PRO 00000h0000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980J00s0 Windows Me g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y00]0000(R) PRO 00000h00000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y0000000000o0_j0000000 00000Q0~0[0000000n000000000L0-NbkU00~0W0_00sxT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98  Windows Me ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.\xT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.DՔ\ $ |D  ŵȲ. | $X p ŵȲ.O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. O programa vai ser fechado!O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. O programa vai ser fechado!IO desinstalador no conseguiu abrir o arquivo de configurao necessrio:.A desinstalao dos arquivos foi interrompida!X"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^" ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 95 Windows 98 T Windows ME -N0 z^\QA"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^"ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 -N0 z^\QxSň z^elSb_@b[ňeNeNxSň~bkLa desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 y Windows Me. El programa se cerrar.La desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. El programa se cerrar.SEl programa de desinstalacin no puede abrir el archivo de configuracin requerido:-Se ha cancelado la desinstalacin de archivos!/` g{t kPMbWL P z_0 ˊT`v|q}{tT=mb0.1ue iSCSI Boot ck(WO(udkER z_ @bN!qlpN Nv݈nd[݈dkER z_%sFEHLER: Fr die Ausfhrung dieses Programms werden Administratorrechte bentigt. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den zustndigen Systemadministrator.uDer Treiber des folgenden Gertes konnte nicht deinstalliert werden, da er momentan fr iSCSI Boot verwendet wird: %seERROR: You need administrative rights to run this program. Please consult your system administrators.iCould not uninstall the driver for the following device because it is currently in use for iSCSI Boot. %sERREUR : Vous devez possder des droits d'administrateur pour pouvoir excuter ce programme. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur systme.iImpossible de dsinstaller le pilote du priphrique suivant parce qu il est utilis pour iSCSI Boot : %sERRORE: per eseguire questo programma necessario avere i diritti di amministrazione. Rivolgersi agli amministratori del sistema.mImpossibile disinstallare il driver per la seguente periferica poich attualmente in uso per iSCSI Boot: %s1000S0n0000000[LY00k0o0{t)jPL0_g0Y00 0000{tk0OUD0T0[0f0O0`0U0D00*!kn000000o0s(W iSCSI Bootk000O(u-Nn0_000JRdg0M0~0[00: %s4$X: t \D ‰X$t \t Ǵ| iȲ. ¤\ Ō 8XX$.2iSCSI Boot ֬ 0 L8 L XX ܴ|tDŽ| p` ŵȲ: %spERRO: Voc precisa de direitos administrativos para executar este programa. Consulte o administrador do sistema.`No foi possvel desinstalar o driver a seguir porque ele est sendo usado para o iSCSI Boot: %sERROR: ЏLdk z^{tXTCgP0 T`v{tXTT0"el:NN NYxS}qR z^ V:N[ck(uN iSCSI _[: %soERROR: Debe tener derechos de administrador para ejecutar este programa. Consulte el administrador de sistemas.vNo se puede desinstalar el controlador del siguiente dispositivo ya que est actualmente en uso para el iSCSI Boot: %s !qld[݈ %s$Fehler bei der Deinstallation von %sFailed to Uninstall %s"La dsinstallation d'%s a chou. Impossibile disinstallare %s%s 000000000g0M0~0[00%sD(|) pX յȲ.Falha ao desinstalar o %s.elxSň %sNo se ha podido desinstalar %sIntel(R) xed_jTߎԚd[݈ z_+d[݈ z_gyd@b g Intel xed_jvܕvER z_TߎԚ0 `|~~2LU7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerfDas Deinstallationsprogramm entfernt Treiber und Software von allen Intel Modems. Vorgang fortsetzen?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerjUninstaller will remove the associated drivers and software of all Intel modems. Do you want to continue?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIEProgramme de dsinstallation Intel(R) Modems and Software Uninstaller|Le programme de dsinstallation va supprimer les pilotes et les logiciels de tous les modems Intel. Voulez-vous continuer ?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II=Programma di disinstallazione del software dei modem Intel(R)rIl programma di disinstallazione rimuover il software e i driver associati a tutti i modem Intel(R). Continuare?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II0000(R) 000h00000000n000000000@000000000[LY00h000000n0000k0#W0_000000h00000000L0JRdU00~0Y00 }LW0f0000W0D0g0Y0K07Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIxT(R)  ոƴ $X p \9$X p \t xT  ܴ|tDŽ  ոƴ| piȲ. ĬX ȲL?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II+Desinstalador de software e modems Intel(R)]O desinstalador vai remover os drivers e softwares de todos os modems Intel. Quer continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIyr\(R) 6RhVToNxSň z^$xSň z^\ Rd@b gyr\6RhVvvsQqR z^ToN0 /f&T~~7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II,Desinstalacin de programa y mdems Intel(R)}El programa de desinstalacin eliminar los controladores y software asociados con todos los mdems Intel. Desea continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II           4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. 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Ein Duplexkonflikt ist mglich. 0%2 : Dies ist eine FEHLER-Testmeldung. ,Adapter %2: Hardware-Fehler gefunden 0Adapter %2: EEPROM-Korruption gefunden |@@@@ @ @@@8(Tx,%2 : This is an SUCCESS test message. 4%2 : This is an INFORMATIONAL test message. $Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 10Mbps Half Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 10Mbps Full Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 100Mbps Half Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 100Mbps Full Duplex $%2 driver has been started $%2 driver has been stopped ,%2 : This is an WARNING test message. $Adapter %2: Adapter Link Down tAdapter %2: Did not receive auto-negotiation advertisement from link partner. A duplex mismatch may occur. ,%2 : This is an ERROR test message. ,Adapter %2: Hardware failure detected 0Adapter %2: EEprom corruption detected |@@@@ @ @@@Xdh8%2 : Ceci est un message de test de RUSSITE. 8%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'INFORMATION. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte actif @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s half duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s full duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s half duplex D Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s full duplex $Le pilote %2 a t dmarr. $Le pilote %2 a t arrt. <%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'AVERTISSEMENT. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte inactif Carte %2 : annonce de ngociation automatique du partenaire de liaison non reue. Il est possible qu'une mauvaise correspondance duplex se produise. 4%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'ERREUR. <Carte %2 : dtection d'une dfaillance matrielle <Carte %2 : dtection d'une altration de l'EEPROM |@@@@ @ @ @@d|8%2 : Questo un messaggio di test di SUCCESSO. <%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'INFORMAZIONI. 0Scheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 10Mbps Half Duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 10Mbps full duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 100Mbps half duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 100Mbps full duplex $Il driver %2 stato avviato (Il driver %2 stato arrestato 4%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'AVVISO. 0Scheda %2: collegamento scheda disattivo Scheda di rete %2: non ha ricevuto l'annuncio di negoziazione automatica dal partner di collegamento, possibile che si sia verificato un problema di duplex 4%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'ERRORE. ,Scheda %2: rilevato errore hardware 0Scheda %2: rilevata EEprom danneggiata |@@@@ @ @ @@h8%2 : ͍iۂ̃eXg bZ[WłB 4%2 : ͎Ql̃eXg bZ[WłB 8A_v^ %2: A_v^̃NڑĂ܂ HA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F10Mbps dʐM HA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F10Mbps SdʐM LA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F100Mbps dʐM LA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F100Mbps SdʐM $%2 hCoN܂ $%2hCo~܂ 0%2 : ͌x̃eXg bZ[WłB <A_v^ %2: A_v^̃NڑĂ܂ A_v^ %2FN p[gi[I[glSVG[V̌M܂łBSd̕sv”\܂B 4%2 : ̓eXg̃G[ bZ[WłB <A_v^ %2: n[hEFAŃG[o܂ 4A_v^ %2: EEprom ̔j󂪌o܂ |@@@@ @ @@@,$Lx(%2: ׽Ʈ ޽Դϴ. 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Se puede presentar una incorrespondencia dplex. 4%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de ERROR. 4Adaptador %2: Fallo de hardware detectado 4Adaptador %2: Daos detectados en la EEprom l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. 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return code Status = %dCHBAAPIInt::RefreshTargetInfo SucceededINTEL_RescanScsiBusCHBAAPIInt::RefreshTargetInfo"<[D[XCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacityV2 pRspBuf or pSenseBuf invalidRetrieveLUNCapacityV2 failed%dRetrieveLUNCapacityV2 SucceededCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacityV2"t[|[HCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacity pRspBuf or pSenseBuf invalidReadCapacityHandler failedReadCapacityHandler SucceededCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacity"[[HCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacity16 pRspBuf or pSenseBuf invalidSendReadCapacity16 failedSendReadCapacity16 SucceededINTEL_SendReadCapacity16CHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacity16"\\XCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveSCSIInfo pRspBuf or pSenseBuf invalidRetrieveSCSIInfo - ScsiInquiryHandler failedRetrieveSCSIInfo - ScsiInquiryHandler SucceededCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveSCSIInfo"<\D\HGetFCEthernetProperties GetProcAddress failedGetFCEthernetProperties failedGetFCEthernetProperties SucceededINTEL_GetRSSAttributesCHBAAPIInt::GetFcoeNicRssAttributes"\\PCHBAAPIInt::GetSetLinkTimeoutValue failed to acquire MutexGetSetLinkTimeoutValue failed - status - %dGetSetLinkTimeoutValue SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetSetLinkTimeoutValue ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GetSet_LinkTimeOutCHBAAPIInt::GetSetLinkTimeoutValue"\ ]PCHBAAPIInt::GetSetDeviceQDepth failed to acquire MutexGetSetDeviceQDepth failed - status - %dGetSetDeviceQDepth SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetSetDeviceQDepth ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GetSet_DeviceQDepthCHBAAPIInt::GetSetDeviceQDepth"`]h] CHBAAPIInt::GetNumberOfHBAAdapters"]]8GetAdapterName failedGetAdapterName convert chAdapName failedGetAdapterName SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetAdapterName"]]HGetAdapHandleBasedOnAdapName failed with handle 0GetAdapHandleBasedOnAdapName SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetAdapHandleBasedOnAdapName"^ ^HCHBAAPIInt::GetVLANList pFnVlanIdList == NULLCHBAAPIInt::GetVlanIdList failed with error - %dCHBAAPIInt::GetVlanIdList SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetVlanIdList failed with more data availableCHBAAPIInt::GetVLANList Before calling pFnVlanIdList Handle - %dINTEL_GetVlanIdListCHBAAPIInt::GetVLANList pVLANList = NULLCHBAAPIInt::GetVLANList"h^ x^HCHBAAPIInt::GenerateVportWwpn failed to acquire MutexGenerateVportWwpn failed - status - %dGenerateVportWwpn SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GenerateVportWwpn ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GeneratePortWWNCHBAAPIInt::GenerateVportWwpn wwpn is NULLCHBAAPIInt::GenerateVportWwpn"^_PCHBAAPIInt::CreateVport failed to acquire MutexCreateVport failed - status - %dCreateVport SucceededCHBAAPIInt::CreateVport ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_CreateVPortCHBAAPIInt::CreateVport"`_ p_PCHBAAPIInt::GetVports failed to acquire MutexGetVports failed - status - %dGetVports SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetVports ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GetFCPortListCHBAAPIInt::Null Pointer passed, memory must be allocated before calling this functionCHBAAPIInt::GetPorts"__PCHBAAPIInt::GetVportCount failed to acquire MutexCHBAAPIInt::GetVportCount ConvertTCHARToChar failedCHBAAPIInt::GetPortsCount"@`P`PCHBAAPIInt::RemoveVport failed to acquire MutexRemoveVport failed - status - %dRemoveVport SucceededCHBAAPIInt::RemoveVport ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_RemoveVPortCHBAAPIInt::RemoveVport"` `PGetVn2VnPortList failed - status - %dGetVn2VnPortList SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetVn2VnPortList ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GetRemoteVN2VNPortListCHBAAPIInt::GetVn2VnPortList Null Pointer passed, memory must be allocated before calling this functionCHBAAPIInt::GetVn2VnPortList failed to acquire MutexCHBAAPIInt::GetVn2VnPortListstring too longinvalid string position"LaTa CHBAAPIInt::~CHBAAPIInt"dc4d "dePForcing NCS_SETTING_CHECK_FCOE_REMOTE_PAGE_FILE TRUEFcoE_RemotePageFileForcing NCS_SETTING_CHECK_FCOE_REMOTE_BOOTED TRUEFcoE_RemoteBootedINTEL_GetFCAndNICPropertiesCHBAAPIInt::GetFCEthernetProperties"Xi`i "ii "jj N@@Б@@@@VMMSASFAgent"kkhbefore CoUnitialize After pEnumInstanceName->ReleaseFailed: After ExecQuery -> SELECT * FROM WMI_MSFT_NET_QOS_DCBX_SETTING_DATA pEnumInstanceName == NULLQuery WMI_MSFT_NET_QOS_DCBX_SETTING_DATA was successful, MS DCB is installedWQLAfter CoSetProxyBlanket()After ConnectServer()After CoCreateInstance()After CoInitializeSecurity()After CoInitializeEx()MSFT_NetQosDcbxSettingData SELECT * FROMroot\standardcimv2CHelper::IsMicrosoftDcbInstalled8O@@"ll InstalledLangShortStringSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\NCS2"m m LocalLanguageSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\DMIX"xmm(IsDcbInstalled() - DCB was not installed - exiting1IsDcbInstalled() - Unable to open the DCB installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIX_DCBIsDcbInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\DMIX\CHelper::IsDcbInstalled"Xnn(IsFcoeInstalled() - fcoe was not installed - exitingIsFcoeInstalled() - Unable to open the Fcoe installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIX_FCOEIsFcoeInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsFcoeInstalled"8o`o(IsDmixInstalled() - DMIX was not installed - exitingIsDmixInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIXIsDmixInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsDmixInstalled"p@p(IsAnsInstalled() - ANS was not installed - exitingIsAnsInstalled() - Unable to open the ANS installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIX_ANSIsAnsInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsAnsInstalled"p q(IsIscsiInstalled() - fcoe was not installed - exitingIsIscsiInstalled() - Unable to open the Fcoe installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIX_ISCSIIsIscsiInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsIscsiInstalled"qq(DebugFeature"Dr dr ShowLocalSettings"r r(IsDebugEnbled() - debugging is enabled - exitingIsDebugEnbled() - Unable to open the debug registry value - exitingDebuggingIsDebugEnbled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsDebugEnbled"ls s(IsSettingDebugable() - Unable to open the debug registry value - exitingIsSettingDebugable() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\DebugIsSettingDebugable() - debugging is not turned on - exitingCHelper::IsSettingDebugable"t t EnablePreReleaseCHelper::IsPreReleaseEnabled"Dt \t(GetDebugString() - Unable to open the debug registry value - exitingGetDebugString() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingGetDebugString() - debugging is not turned on - exitingCHelper::GetDebugString"t t0HwResourceOwnerSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IFCoES\ParametersCHelper::IsFCoEDisklessInstall"lutu MSiSCSIIntelDCBIFCoEDCB"uu(CHelper::NcsStopService"v v(CHelper::NcsStartService"lvv(GetPathFromRegistry() - Unable to open the registry value - exitingGetPathFromRegistry() - Unable to open the registry key - exitingCHelper::GetPathFromRegistry"4w lw8\.DLLCHelper::StripLibraryName"w0x enu_8023.DLLResourcePath"x x InstalledDirSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\NCS2\Agents\"@y!y8..\Common\Src\Helper.cppERROR: Unable to find path to library! Defaulting to no path %sAgentDMIXInstallDirNetShellriched32devmgrNCS2DMIXAccessorNcsColibCommonResVlanResTeamResDmixResDiagResBtAgtResBrandResVlanSrvTeamSrvDiagSrvBtAgtSrvVlanAgentTeamAgentRuleVlanAgntTeamAgntRulesCoreAgntBootAgntCHelper::DXLoadLibrary"zzXCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString invalid parameterCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString FormatMessage succeeded: "%s"CHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString FormatMessage failed dwErr - %xCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString LoadResource failedCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString FindResourceEx failed dwErr %x, message - %sCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString DXLoadLibrary failedCHelper::FindOSNCPStringW@W@W@W@W@W@W@W@ ? @ 0@0@ O@@"P{`{(CISCSISupport::isTheRightiSCSIOS"{{8CISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIPatchInstalled LoadLibrary failed with error code - %dversionInfo - BuildNumber - %d, MajorVersion - %d, MinorVersion - %disTheiSCSIPatchInstalled - GetIScsiVersionInformation() succeededGetIScsiVersionInformationiscsidsc.dllCISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIPatchInstalled"|| IsBootLUN_Valid() - the Boot LUN value is acceptable.CISCSISupport::IsBootLUN_Valid"0|8| IsTargetPortValid() - the Target Port value is acceptable.CISCSISupport::IsTargetPortValid"`|h| IsVLAN_IdTagValid() - the VLAN ID Tag is acceptable.CISCSISupport::IsVLAN_IdTagValid"|| CISCSISupport::IsTheIscsiServiceRunning"p}x} "}}HIsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - The first octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 1 and 223IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - The 2nd octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - The 3rd octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - The 4th octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - the IP address passed in is invalid!!CISCSISupport::IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid"~$~HIsSubnetMaskValid() - The first octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 128 and 255IsSubnetMaskValid() - The Subnet Mask is invalid - a 1 was found after the first zero!IsSubnetMaskValid() - The Subnet Mask is invalid - it cannot equal all 1'sIsSubnetMaskValid() - the IP address passed in is invalid!!CISCSISupport::IsSubnetMaskValid"T~\~HIsGatewayIpAddressValid() - The first octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 223IsGatewayIpAddressValid() - The 2nd octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsGatewayIpAddressValid() - The 3rd octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsGatewayIpAddressValid() - The 4th octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsGatewayIpAddressValid() - the IP address passed in is invalid!!CISCSISupport::IsGatewayIpAddressValid"~~ IsLunValid() - a LUN value is outside the valid rangeCFcoeSupport::IsLunValid"~ (CISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey failed to open parameters keyCISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey opened parameter keyParametersCISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey found Microsoft Initator keyCISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey driver is %s, is not initiatorroot\iscsiprtCISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey failed to get driver descriptionMatchingDeviceId CISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey failed to open controller key CISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey failed to open SCSI controller class keySYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}CISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey" ( CISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIInitiatorKeyPresent failed to get initiator keyCISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIInitiatorKeyPresent"( CISCSISupport::IsCrashDumpEnabled unknown crash dump driver is installed CISCSISupport::IsCrashDumpEnabled crash dump driver is installediSCSDump.sysDumpMiniPort CISCSISupport::IsCrashDumpEnabled failed to open initiator keyCISCSISupport::IsCrashDumpEnabled"4 \( CISCSISupport::EnableCrashDump failed to get initiator keyCISCSISupport::EnableCrashDump" `Exited CheckHotFixInstalled() - bRet - %dExecQuery -> select * from L_CLASS_WIN32_QUICKFIXENG"=HotFixIDWHEREWin32_QuickFixEngineeringroot\cimv2Entered CheckHotFixInstalled()"x(KB902113CISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIHotFixInstalled() This is WS03 SP2, no need to call CheckiSCSIHotFixInstalled()CISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIHotFixInstalled"0KB939875CISCSISupport::IsTheiSCSIDumpHotFixInstalled_OnW2K3"HX0KB970312CISCSISupport::IsISCSIDumpHotFixNeeded_OnW2K8" CISCSISupport::IsiSCSISupported" IsValidISCSIString() - the name passed is of invalid size!!IsValidISCSIString() - the name contains spaces! "D\(IsCHAP_UserNameValid() - the user name is of invalid size!!CISCSISupport::IsCHAP_UserNameValid"(IsCHAP_SecretValid() - the password is of invalid size!!IsCHAP_SecretValid() - the password passed in is invalid!!CISCSISupport::IsCHAP_SecretValid"@(IsTargetValid() - all targets are valid.IsTargetValid() - this is a valid target.000:00:00:00:00:00:00:00IsTargetValid() - this target has not been set.IsTargetValid() - error getting the default value.DefaultIsTargetValid() - error opening Port Targets registry key.PortTargetsSoftware\Intel\Network_Services\NCS2\Agents\BootAgnt\SettingsCFcoeSupport::IsTargetValid"$(IsBootOrderValid() - found an invalid boot order setting, no need to continue.IsBootOrderValid() - this boot order setting matches another setting's value.IsBootOrderValid() - this value is invalid, setting value to default.432IsBootOrderValid() - this setting is does not have a boot order specified.IsBootOrderValid() - error getting the default value.IsBootOrderValid() - error opening Port Targets registry key.PortBootOrderCFcoeSupport::IsBootOrderValid" CISCSISupport::IsInitiatorNameValid"<L CISCSISupport::IsTargetNameValid(P@`@"؈CNcsDebug::Error - 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Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. R6032 - not enough space for locale information R6031 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. This indicates a bug in your application. R6030 - CRT not initialized R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data R6010 - abort() has been called R6009 - not enough space for environment R6008 - not enough space for arguments R6002 - floating point support not loaded 0!@ @ p @ @@`@@@@@@@@@x@@ @@!P@x0@y@z@@@Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library ...<program name unknown>Runtime Error! 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" r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???( @;;;;0;;;;0;;;;0""r"'"r"!"!" " r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???( @;;;;0;;;;0;;;;0""r"'"r"!"!" " r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???( @;;;;0;;;;0;;;;0""r"'"r"!"!" " r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???( @;;;;0;;;;0;;;;0""r"'"r"!"!" " r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???Ȁ1\<yd Intel(R) }#}ER z_> 0}fԚP`H2/fPH2&TP hP*,<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#;Ȁ3k<Treiber fr Intel(R) Network Connections entfernen>MS Sans SerifP`T2JaPT2NeinPhP-4<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$GȀ1Q<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`<2YesP<2NoPhP-"<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#-PAȀ2g<Supprimer les pilotes des cartes rseau Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`R2OuiPR2NonPhP+2<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$BȀ2b<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`N2SPN2NoPhP+.<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$@Ȁ1]<0000(R) PRO 0000000000000000000n0JRd> -3 00000P`K2o0D0PK2D0D0H0PhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#@Ȁ1`<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers> tPL2P`L2DȲ$PhP+-<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#>Ȁ1b<Remova os drivers de Conexes de rede Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`N2SimPN2NoPhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$AȀ1\<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software> [SOPbG3/fPG2&TPhP+,<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#<Ȁ1h<Desinstalar los controladores de Intel(R) Network Connections>MS Sans SerifP`R2SPR2NoPhP+1<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$Cyd Intel(R) }#}ߎԚ&T(&N)/f(&Y)F`yd@b g g} Intel }#}vER z_U ͑ޞˊ(WydER z_KNMR HQyd(W Intel }#} N-[vD}T VLAN0`-[p iSCSI Boot ;Nb!k݈nv Intel(R) NbaS(Wdk|q}-N0d[݈݈nER z_MR `N[f 0_j*QHQ^ 0-[ O[(W@b gv Intel NbaS NhQ 0\P(u 00W-[p FCoE Boot ݈nv Intel? NbaSX[(We P|q}-N0`N[(W@b gv Intel NbaS N\0_j^0-[p0*g-[0 KN_Mbd[݈݈nER z_07|q}v[daԚRj/fO(u FCoE xOMn0(W`OSNd݈nER z_[݈MR `_Mn[OO(u,g_jxx0LNbaSO(ue0Ethernet IQ~S0Bf `1\ Nd[݈݈nER z_0ˊ\0_j^0-[fp0*g-[0&Nx[RjHhO(u,g_jxx_j_QfN!k02Enfernen der Intel( R ) Netzwerkanschluss-Software&Nein&JaMchten Sie Treiber fr alle verdrahteten Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen entfernen? WICHTIG: Entfernen Sie vor der Deinstallation alle auf Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen konfigurierte Gruppen und VLANs.In diesem System existieren Intel(R) Adapter, die als iSCSI Boot Primr- oder Sekundr-Gerte konfiguriert sind. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in Deaktiviert ndern, bevor Sie den Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.In diesem System existieren als FCoE-Bootgerte konfigurierte Intel Adapter. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in 'Nicht festgelegt' ndern, bevor Sie die Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.Die Paging-Datei des virtuellen Speichers des Systems ist fr ein FCoE-Laufwerk konfiguriert. Sie muss fr ein lokales Laufwerk konfiguriert werden, bevor die Gertetreiber deinstalliert werden knnen.5Sie knnen den Gertetreiber nicht deinstallieren, solange der Adapter fr Fibre Channel over Ethernet verwendet wird. ndern Sie die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt in 'Nicht festgelegt' und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Auslagerungsdatei einen lokalen Datentrger verwendet, bevor Sie es erneut versuchen.,Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software&No&YesDo you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.Intel(R) Adapters configured as iSCSI Boot Primary or Secondary devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Priority setting to Disabled on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device driver.Intel Adapters configured as FCoE Boot devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device drivers.The system s virtual memory paging file is configured to use an FCoE drive. You must configure it to use a local drive before you can uninstall the device drivers.You cannot uninstall the device driver while the adapter is in use for Fibre Channel over Ethernet. Change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set and make sure the paging file uses a local drive before trying again.PA0Supprimer le logiciel Connexions rseau Intel(R)&Non&OuiVoulez-vous supprimer les pilotes de toutes les connexions rseau Intel filaires ? IMPORTANT : supprimez l'ensemble des associations et des rseaux VLAN configurs sur les connexions rseau Intel avant de procder la suppression des pilotes.Des cartes Intel(R) configures comme priphriques iSCSI Boot principaux ou secondaires se trouvent sur le systme. Le paramtre Priorit d'amorage doit tre dfini sur Dsactiv sur toutes les cartes Intel avant que vous puissiez dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique.Des cartes Intel configures comme priphriques d'amorage FCoE se trouvent sur le systme. Vous devez dfinir le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur "Non dfini" sur toutes les cartes Intel avant d'installer les pilotes de priphrique.Le fichier de pagination de mmoire virtuelle du systme est configur pour tre utilis sur un disque FCoE. Vous devez le configurer pour utiliser un disque local avant de pouvoir dsinstaller les pilotes de priphriques.Vous ne pouvez pas dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique alors que la carte est utilise pour FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Dfinissez le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur Non dfini et assurez-vous que le fichier de pagination utilise un lecteur local avant d'essayer nouveau.Rimuovi il software di Intel(R)&No&SRimuovere i driver remoti per tutte le connessioni di rete cablate Intel? IMPORTANTE: prima di rimuovere i driver, rimuovere i raggruppamenti e le VLAN configurati sulla rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel(R) configurate come periferiche iSCSI Boot primarie o secondarie. Per installare il driver della periferica prima necessario impostare a Disattivato la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel configurate come periferiche FCoE Boot. Per disinstallare i driver della periferica prima necessario configurare su 'Non impostata' la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.L'impaginazione della memoria virtuale del sistema configurata per l'uso di un'unit FCoE. Sar necessario configurarla per l'uso di un'unit locale prima che sia possibile disinstallare i driver della periferica.Impossibile disinstallare il driver del dispositivo quando la scheda di rete utilizzata per Fibre Channel su Ethernet. Prima di riprovare, impostare l'ordine di avvio a  Non impostato e accertarsi che il file di paging usi un'unit locale.0000(R) 00000000000000000000n0JRdD0D0H0(&N)o0D0(&Y)_Y0y0f0n0 g}n0000000000000000000 0JRdW0~0Y0K0 00000JRdY00MRk00000000000000000000 k0-[U00f0D00000h0 VLAN 0JRdW0f0O0`0U0D00S0n00000k0o00iSCSI Boot 000000~0_0o000000000000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n00000000000g0wRn0*QHQ-[0!qRk0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00xFCoE Boot 0000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0S0n00000k0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n0000000000g0 [wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00 Y0000n0N`000000000000000o0 FCoE 00000O(uY000F0-[U00f0D0~0Y000000000000JRdY00MRk0000000000O(uY000F0-[W0f0O0`0U0D0000000L0 Fibre Channel over Ethernet (uk0O(uU00f0D00o00000000000JRdg0M0~0[000[wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfW0f00000000000L0000000000O(uY00S0h00xW0f0K00QfLW0f0O0`0U0D00xT(R) $l Ű ոƴ pDȲ$(&N)(&Y)W xT(R) $l Ű ܴ|tDŽ| pX ȲL? ɔ: pX0  xT $l Ű ޹ l1 VLAND pX$.oiSCSI X  p X\ l1 xT(R) 0 t ¤\ ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX$t < xT 0  $D D\1T(<\ t| iȲ.jt ¤\ FCoE X\ l1 xT(R) 0 ǵȲ. X ܴ|t | $X pX$t < xT 0 t  $D "$ JL"<\ t| iȲ.X¤\X T t |@ FCoE ܴ|t | Xij] l1 ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX0  \ ܴ|t | Xij] l1t|iȲ.0 Fibre Channel Over Ethernet<\  ٳHŔ X ܴ|tDŽ| p`  ŵȲ. ijX0   $D "$ JL"<\ X t |t \ ܴ|t | XՔ UxX$.0Remova o software para conexes de rede Intel(R)&No&SimDeseja remover os drivers de todas a conexes de rede Intel(R) com fio. IMPORTANTE: Remova os grupos e as VLANs configuradas nas conexes de rede Intel antes de remover os drivers.Adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos de inicializao iSCSI principal ou secundrio esto presentes neste sistema. Voc precisa mudar a configurao de prioridade de inicializao para Desabilitada em todos os adaptadores Intel antes de poder desinstalar o dispositivo.O sistema contm adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de inicializao FCoE. Voc precisa modificar o parmetro Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) em todos os adaptadores Intel para poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivo.O arquivo de paginao da memria virtual do sistema est configurado para usar uma unidade FCoE. Voc deve configur-lo para usar a unidade local antes de poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivos. GVoc no pode desinstalar o driver de dispositivo enquanto o adaptador est em uso para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet - canal de fibra em Ethernet). Antes de tentar de novo, mude a configurao Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) e configure o arquivo de paginao para usar uma unidade local.ydyr\(R) Q~ޏcoN&T(&N)/f(&Y)@/f&T Rdyr\(R) Q~ޏcvhQqR z^ ͑ RdqR z^KNMR Rd(Wyr\(R) Q~ޏc NMnv~T VLAN0N,g|~-NX[(WMn:N iSCSI _[;NYb!kYvyr\(R) MhV0傁xS}YqR z^ _{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[OHQCg n9e:N y(u 0Ldk|~-NX[(WMn:N FCoE _[Yvyr\(R) MhV0`_{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[z^ nf9e:N *gn 6qTMbxS}YqR z^0;|~vZbQX[RueNMn:NO(u FCoE qRhV0_{\vQMn:NO(uN*N,g0WqRhV 6qTMbSNxS}YqR z^0=` N(WMhVck(W(uNN*YQIQ~SexS}YqR z^0\_[nf9e:N Nn v^nxORueNO(u,g0WqRhV 6qTQՋ06Desinstalar el software de conexiones de red Intel(R)&No&SDesea desinstalar los controladores de todas las conexiones de red Intel(R) conectadas? IMPORTANTE: Antes de desinstalar los controladores, elimine los equipos y LAN virtuales configurados en las conexiones de red Intel.En este sistema hay presentes adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos primarios o secundarios de iSCSI Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Prioridad de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos.En este sistema hay adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de FCoE Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Orden de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.El archivo de paginacin de memoria virtual del sistema est configurado para usar una unidad FCoE. Necesitar configurarlo para usar una unidad local antes de poder desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.No puede desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos mientras se utiliza el adaptador para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Cambie la opcin Orden de inicio a  No establecido y asegrese de que el archivo de paginacin utilice una unidad local antes de intentarlo de nuevo.^Intel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980T Windows Me NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gIIntel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gd[݈ z_!ql_Uv-[j jHhd[݈\Omi]}B}bkIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 und Windows ME vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!NDas Deinstallationsprogramm konnte die erforderliche Setup-Datei nicht ffnen:+Die Deinstallation der Datei wurde beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me. The program will exit!wIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. The program will exit!0Uninstaller cannot open the required setup file:(File uninstallation has been terminated!Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 et Windows ME. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 200. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.QLe programme de dsinstallation ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'installation requis :/La dsinstallation du fichier a t abandonne.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. Il programma verr chiuso.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. Il programma verr chiuso.CIl programma di disinstallazione non pu aprire il file necessario:/La disinstallazione del file stata terminata.t0000(R) PRO 00000h0000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980J00s0 Windows Me g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y00]0000(R) PRO 00000h00000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y0000000000o0_j0000000 00000Q0~0[0000000n000000000L0-NbkU00~0W0_00sxT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98  Windows Me ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.\xT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.DՔ\ $ |D  ŵȲ. | $X p ŵȲ.O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. O programa vai ser fechado!O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. O programa vai ser fechado!IO desinstalador no conseguiu abrir o arquivo de configurao necessrio:.A desinstalao dos arquivos foi interrompida!X"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^" ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 95 Windows 98 T Windows ME -N0 z^\QA"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^"ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 -N0 z^\QxSň z^elSb_@b[ňeNeNxSň~bkLa desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 y Windows Me. El programa se cerrar.La desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. El programa se cerrar.SEl programa de desinstalacin no puede abrir el archivo de configuracin requerido:-Se ha cancelado la desinstalacin de archivos!/` g{t kPMbWL P z_0 ˊT`v|q}{tT=mb0.1ue iSCSI Boot ck(WO(udkER z_ @bN!qlpN Nv݈nd[݈dkER z_%sFEHLER: Fr die Ausfhrung dieses Programms werden Administratorrechte bentigt. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den zustndigen Systemadministrator.uDer Treiber des folgenden Gertes konnte nicht deinstalliert werden, da er momentan fr iSCSI Boot verwendet wird: %seERROR: You need administrative rights to run this program. Please consult your system administrators.iCould not uninstall the driver for the following device because it is currently in use for iSCSI Boot. %sERREUR : Vous devez possder des droits d'administrateur pour pouvoir excuter ce programme. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur systme.iImpossible de dsinstaller le pilote du priphrique suivant parce qu il est utilis pour iSCSI Boot : %sERRORE: per eseguire questo programma necessario avere i diritti di amministrazione. Rivolgersi agli amministratori del sistema.mImpossibile disinstallare il driver per la seguente periferica poich attualmente in uso per iSCSI Boot: %s1000S0n0000000[LY00k0o0{t)jPL0_g0Y00 0000{tk0OUD0T0[0f0O0`0U0D00*!kn000000o0s(W iSCSI Bootk000O(u-Nn0_000JRdg0M0~0[00: %s4$X: t \D ‰X$t \t Ǵ| iȲ. ¤\ Ō 8XX$.2iSCSI Boot ֬ 0 L8 L XX ܴ|tDŽ| p` ŵȲ: %spERRO: Voc precisa de direitos administrativos para executar este programa. Consulte o administrador do sistema.`No foi possvel desinstalar o driver a seguir porque ele est sendo usado para o iSCSI Boot: %sERROR: ЏLdk z^{tXTCgP0 T`v{tXTT0"el:NN NYxS}qR z^ V:N[ck(uN iSCSI _[: %soERROR: Debe tener derechos de administrador para ejecutar este programa. Consulte el administrador de sistemas.vNo se puede desinstalar el controlador del siguiente dispositivo ya que est actualmente en uso para el iSCSI Boot: %s !qld[݈ %s$Fehler bei der Deinstallation von %sFailed to Uninstall %s"La dsinstallation d'%s a chou. Impossibile disinstallare %s%s 000000000g0M0~0[00%sD(|) pX յȲ.Falha ao desinstalar o %s.elxSň %sNo se ha podido desinstalar %sIntel(R) xed_jTߎԚd[݈ z_+d[݈ z_gyd@b g Intel xed_jvܕvER z_TߎԚ0 `|~~2LU7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerfDas Deinstallationsprogramm entfernt Treiber und Software von allen Intel Modems. Vorgang fortsetzen?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerjUninstaller will remove the associated drivers and software of all Intel modems. Do you want to continue?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIEProgramme de dsinstallation Intel(R) Modems and Software Uninstaller|Le programme de dsinstallation va supprimer les pilotes et les logiciels de tous les modems Intel. Voulez-vous continuer ?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II=Programma di disinstallazione del software dei modem Intel(R)rIl programma di disinstallazione rimuover il software e i driver associati a tutti i modem Intel(R). Continuare?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II0000(R) 000h00000000n000000000@000000000[LY00h000000n0000k0#W0_000000h00000000L0JRdU00~0Y00 }LW0f0000W0D0g0Y0K07Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIxT(R)  ոƴ $X p \9$X p \t xT  ܴ|tDŽ  ոƴ| piȲ. ĬX ȲL?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II+Desinstalador de software e modems Intel(R)]O desinstalador vai remover os drivers e softwares de todos os modems Intel. Quer continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIyr\(R) 6RhVToNxSň z^$xSň z^\ Rd@b gyr\6RhVvvsQqR z^ToN0 /f&T~~7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II,Desinstalacin de programa y mdems Intel(R)}El programa de desinstalacin eliminar los controladores y software asociados con todos los mdems Intel. Desea continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II           4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. 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Follow the directions for your operating system. Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft* Windows Server* 2003 (32-bit) ================================================================== 1. Create an [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory if one does not already exist. 2. Copy all files from the PRO100\WIN32\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory. 3. Make the following changes to the .SIF file that is used for this image installation (located in the [IMAGE_ROOT]\I386\Templates directory): [Unattended] OemPreinstall = yes OemPnpDriversPath = \Drivers\Nic 4. Copy all .SYS files from PRO100\WIN32\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\i386 directory. Do NOT copy the INF files to this directory. 5. Extract the .INF file from PRO100\WIN32\NDIS5x\RIS_INF\E100B325.ZIP to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\i386 directory. 6. Restart the Remote Installation Service. 7. Follow the rest of the Microsoft instructions for adding a new network driver to the RIS installation. Microsoft Windows XP 64-bit Edition and Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 64-bit Edition ============================================= 1. Create an [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory if one does not already exist. 2. Copy all files from the PRO100\WIN64\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory. 3. Make the following changes to the .SIF file that is used for this image installation (located in the [IMAGE_ROOT]\ia64\Templates directory): [Unattended] OemPreinstall = yes OemPnpDriversPath = \Drivers\Nic 4. Copy all .SYS files from the PRO100\WIN64\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\ia64 directory. Do NOT copy the INF files to this directory. 5. Extract the .INF file from PRO100\WIN64\NDIS5x\RIS_INF\E100B645.ZIP to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\ia64 directory. 6. Restart the Remote Installation Service. 7. Follow the rest of the Microsoft instructions for adding a new network driver to the RIS installation. Microsoft Windows XP x64 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 ============================================================== 1. Create an [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory if one does not already exist. 2. Copy all files from the PRO100\WINX64\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\$oem$\$1\Drivers\NIC directory. 3. Make the following changes to the .SIF file that is used for this image installation (located in the [IMAGE_ROOT]\amd64\Templates directory): [Unattended] OemPreinstall = yes OemPnpDriversPath = \Drivers\Nic 4. Copy all .SYS files from the PRO100\WINX64\NDIS5x directory to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\amd64 directory. Do NOT copy the INF files to this directory. 5. Extract the .INF file from PRO100\WINX64\NDIS5x\RIS_INF\EFE5B32E.ZIP to the [IMAGE_ROOT]\amd64 directory. 6. Restart the Remote Installation Service. 7. Follow the rest of the Microsoft instructions for adding a new network driver to the RIS installation. Copyright (C) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. PRO100/Winx64/NDIS5x/e100bmsg.dll0000755000000000000000000010514010730470554012762 0ustar MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ 5ۯA[A[A[hG]A[RichA[PELbG! ``pK1pIp``.rsrcpIP@@.reloc ``@B 8P   0 @P`p     0 @P4tx $$(\,/2D87l:l>l|AlDlTHlKl,OlRlVl |@@@@ @ @@@,t(%2 : oO\հTC (%2 : oOTհTC d %2Gdws 0d %2GdwsG10Mbps bu 0d %2GdwsG10Mbps u 0d %2GdwsG100Mbps bu 0d %2GdwsG100Mbps u %2 Xʵ{wҰ %2 Xʵ{w $%2 : oOĵiհTC $d %2Gw}ds Hd %2GSqs٦񱵦۰ʥAsiCioušC (%2 : oO~հTC $d %2Gww饢 (d %2Gw EEprom al |@@@@ @ @ @@PdHx0%2 : Dies ist eine ERFOLGS-Testmeldung. 4%2 : Dies ist eine INFORMATIONS-Testmeldung. ,Adapter %2: Adapterverbindung aktiv DAdapter %2: Adapterverbindung besteht: 10 Mbit/s Halbduplex DAdapter %2: Adapterverbindung besteht: 10 Mbit/s Vollduplex DAdapter %2: Adapterverbindung besteht: 100 Mbit/s Halbduplex DAdapter %2: Adapterverbindung besteht: 100 Mbit/s Vollduplex $%2 Treiber wurde gestartet $%2 Treiber wurde gestoppt 0%2 : Dies ist eine WARNUNGS-Testmeldung. 0Adapter %2: Adapterverbindung inaktiv Adapter %2: Keine Ankndigung ber automatische Absprache vom Verbindungspartner erhalten. 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A duplex mismatch may occur. ,%2 : This is an ERROR test message. ,Adapter %2: Hardware failure detected 0Adapter %2: EEprom corruption detected |@@@@ @ @@@Xdh8%2 : Ceci est un message de test de RUSSITE. 8%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'INFORMATION. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte actif @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s half duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s full duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s half duplex D Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s full duplex $Le pilote %2 a t dmarr. $Le pilote %2 a t arrt. <%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'AVERTISSEMENT. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte inactif Carte %2 : annonce de ngociation automatique du partenaire de liaison non reue. Il est possible qu'une mauvaise correspondance duplex se produise. 4%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'ERREUR. <Carte %2 : dtection d'une dfaillance matrielle <Carte %2 : dtection d'une altration de l'EEPROM |@@@@ @ @ @@d|8%2 : Questo un messaggio di test di SUCCESSO. <%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'INFORMAZIONI. 0Scheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 10Mbps Half Duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 10Mbps full duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 100Mbps half duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 100Mbps full duplex $Il driver %2 stato avviato (Il driver %2 stato arrestato 4%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'AVVISO. 0Scheda %2: collegamento scheda disattivo Scheda di rete %2: non ha ricevuto l'annuncio di negoziazione automatica dal partner di collegamento, possibile che si sia verificato un problema di duplex 4%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'ERRORE. ,Scheda %2: rilevato errore hardware 0Scheda %2: rilevata EEprom danneggiata |@@@@ @ @ @@h8%2 : ͍iۂ̃eXg bZ[WłB 4%2 : ͎Ql̃eXg bZ[WłB 8A_v^ %2: A_v^̃NڑĂ܂ HA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F10Mbps dʐM HA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F10Mbps SdʐM LA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F100Mbps dʐM LA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F100Mbps SdʐM $%2 hCoN܂ $%2hCo~܂ 0%2 : ͌x̃eXg bZ[WłB <A_v^ %2: A_v^̃NڑĂ܂ A_v^ %2FN p[gi[I[glSVG[V̌M܂łBSd̕sv”\܂B 4%2 : ̓eXg̃G[ bZ[WłB <A_v^ %2: n[hEFAŃG[o܂ 4A_v^ %2: EEprom ̔j󂪌o܂ |@@@@ @ @@@,$Lx(%2: ׽Ʈ ޽Դϴ. 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Se puede presentar una incorrespondencia dplex. 4%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de ERROR. 4Adaptador %2: Fallo de hardware detectado 4Adaptador %2: Daos detectados en la EEprom l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. 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Title to the Material remains with Intel ** ;** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** ;** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** ;** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** ;** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** ;** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, ** ;** posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's ** ;** prior express written permission. ** ;** ** ;** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** ;** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** ;** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** ;** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** ;** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** ;** writing. ** ;** ** ;/*****************************************************************************/ ; ;******************************************************************************* ; fei51x64.INF (Windows XP/Vista x64 Edition) ; ; Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection devices ;******************************************************************************* ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_INTEL% CatalogFile = DriverVer = 10/01/2009, [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel, NTx86, NTIA64, NTamd64.5.2.1, NTamd64.6.0.1, NTamd64.6.1 [Intel] ; Empty section. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows XP/Vista +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTx86] ; Empty section. 32-bit Architectures not supported in this INF [Intel.NTIA64] ; Empty section. IA64 is not supported. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows XP (x64) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTamd64.5.2.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %FE10FE.DeviceDesc% = 10FE, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10FE ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows Vista (x64) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTamd64.6.0.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %FE10FE.DeviceDesc% = 10FE.V, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10FE [Intel.NTamd64.6.1] ; Empty section. No support beyond Windows Vista in this INF ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Installation sections ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;============================================ ; Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection ;============================================ [10FE] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = ICH.reg, LogLinkState.reg, Speed100.reg, EnablePME.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, PowerSave.reg AddReg = FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg, WakeOn.reg AddReg = Uninstall.reg, uninstallwxp.reg CopyFiles = FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles, UninstallFEI.CopyFiles [10FE.Services] AddService = FEIExpress, 2, FEIExpress.Service, FEI.EventLog [10FE.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles = CoInstaller_CopyFiles [E10FE.HW] Include=machine.inf Needs=PciIoSpaceNotRequired ;============================================ ; Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection ;============================================ [10FE.V] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = ICH.reg, LogLinkState.reg, Speed100.reg, EnablePME.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, PowerSave.reg AddReg = FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg, WakeOn.reg AddReg = Uninstall.reg, uninstallvista.reg CopyFiles = FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles, UninstallFEI.CopyFiles [10FE.V.Services] AddService = FEIExpress, 2, FEIExpress.Service, FEI.EventLog [10FE.V.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles = CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS [E10FE.V.HW] Include=machine.inf Needs=PciIoSpaceNotRequired ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registry settings ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- [ICH.reg] ; Flow Control Settings HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, ParamDesc, 0, %FlowControlSettings% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Default, 0, "3" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "3", 0, %GenerateAndRespond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "2", 0, %Respond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "1", 0, %Generate% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, ParamDesc, 0, %RxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Default, 0, "48" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Max, 0, "1024" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, ParamDesc, 0, %TxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Default, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Max, 0, "64" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %CoalesceBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Default, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Max, 0, "32" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveIFS% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Max, 0, "255" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTxThreshold% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Default, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Max, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTechnology% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "1", 0, %On% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %PciBusEfficiency% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ; Adaptive Performance Tuning HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuning% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Type, 0, "slider" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "0" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, LeftLabel, 0, %AdapterBandwidth% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, RightLabel, 0, %CpuUtil% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "0", 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "1", 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "2", 0, "512" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "3", 0, "768" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "4", 0, "1024" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "5", 0, "1280" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "6", 0, "1536" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "7", 0, "1792" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "8", 0, "2048" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "9", 0, "2304" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "10", 0, "2560" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "11", 0, "2816" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "12", 0, "3072" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "13", 0, "3328" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "14", 0, "3584" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "15", 0, "3840" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "16", 0, "4096" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %LocalyAdminAddress% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Type, 0, "edit" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Default, 0, "" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, ParamDesc, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpace% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Default, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Max, 0, "15" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,,PcNic, 0, "1" HKR,,MWIEnable, 0, "0" HKR,,DeviceVxDsPrefix, 0, "e100b" HKR,,HPQDisable, 0, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveStalledInterrupts, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveCarrierLoss, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveTransmitMethod, 2, "1" HKR,,Threshold, 0, "200" HKR,,LogErrorMessages, 0, "1" ;--- Log Link State Event ; [LogLinkState.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, ParamDesc, 0, %LogLinkState% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ;--- Speed Duplex Mode common base 10/100Mb ; [Speed100.reg] HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, ParamDesc, 0, %SpeedDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "0", 0, %AutoDetect% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "1", 0, %10Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "2", 0, %10Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "3", 0, %100Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "4", 0, %100Mb-Full-Duplex% ;--- 82552 Enable PME [EnablePME.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, ParamDesc, 0, %EnablePME% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Default, 0, "2" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "2", 0, %OsControlled% HKR, , EnablePME, 0, "2" ;--- Enable Power Down on link loss [EnableLLPD.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, ParamDesc, 0, %SmartPowerDown% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% [PowerSave.reg] HKR,,AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled, 0, "0" HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "1" HKR,,SavePowerNowEnabled, 0, "1" HKR,,NdisMultipleIndicateDown, 0, "0" HKR,,LPLUEnabled, 0, "1" ;--- NDI object registration [FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg] HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5" HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" HKR,Ndi, Service, 0, "FEIExpress" [WakeOn.reg] ; WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, default, 0, "246" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "2", 0, %WakeOnMagicPacket% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "116", 0, %WakeOnDirected% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "118", 0, %WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "246", 0, %OSControlled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, type, 0, "enum" HKR,, WakeOn, 0, "246" ;Wake on Link parameter HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnLinkSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "2", 0, %Enabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, type, 0, "enum" [WakeOnDelReg.DelReg] HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink [Force10Disable.reg] HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "0" ;--- Uninstallation [Uninstall.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10FE, 0, "82552" [uninstallwxp.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, fei51x64.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall" [uninstallvista.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, fei51x64.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall.6.0" ; --- Service --- ; [FEIExpress.Service] DisplayName = %FEI.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\fei51x64.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS AddReg = TextModeFlags.reg [TextModeFlags.reg] HKR, , TextModeFlags, 0x00010001, 0x0001 ; --- Event log --- ; [FEI.EventLog] AddReg = FEI.AddEventLog.reg [FEI.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64% HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 ;--- Copy files ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles = 12 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DISKNAME%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] fei51x64.din = 1,, fei51x64.sys = 1,, NicCo2.dll = 1,, NicCo26.dll = 1,, NicIn100.dll = 1,, e100bmsg.dll = 1,, [FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles] fei51x64.sys,,,2 [UninstallFEI.CopyFiles] fei51x64.din,,,2 ;--- Coinstaller [CoInstaller_CopyFiles] NicCo2.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicIn100.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo2.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicIn100.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" ; Set co-installer flags for coinstaller HKR,, CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, "0x80000000" [CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS] NicCo26.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicIn100.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg_VS] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo26.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicIn100.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" ; Set co-installer flags for coinstaller HKR,, CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, "0x80000000" ;--- Localizable Strings ; [Strings] EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fei51x64.sys" ; Parameters ; values On = "On" Off = "Off" Enabled = "Enabled" Disabled = "Disabled" AutoDetect = "Auto Detect" 10Mb-Half-Duplex = "10Mbps/Half Duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex = "10Mbps/Full Duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex = "100Mbps/Half Duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex = "100Mbps/Full Duplex" High = "High" Low = "Low" None = "None" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond = "Generate and Respond" Respond = "Respond" Generate = "Generate" NoAction = "No Action" HardwareDefault = "Hardware Default" OSControlled = "OS Controlled" Forced = "Forced" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers = "Receive Descriptors" RxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of buffers the driver uses when copying data to protocol memory. Increasing this value can enhance receive performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." TxBuffers = "Transmit Descriptors" TxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of data segments that enable the adapter to track transmit packets. Increasing this value can improve transmit performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." CoalesceBuffers = "Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets number of buffers available for transmit acceleration. Should be 30-50 percent of Transmit Descriptors. See Help for more information." AdaptiveIFS = "Adaptive Inter-Frame Spacing" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling back-to-back timing." AdaptiveTxThreshold = "Adaptive Transmit Threshold" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp = "Sets number of bytes before adapter empties FIFO buffer. Lower values may enhance transmit performance, but may also result in more underruns. If the adapter can achieve better performance using a lower value, it will use that value. Actual value is 8 times setting." HPQPriorityLevelDef = "Priority Level Definition" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp = "Sets the controlled cutoff level between high and low traffic priorities for use with High Priority Queue (HPQ) and Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology = "Adaptive Technology" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp = "Enables or disables micro-code that optimizes performance. If you disable this feature, you must enable Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency = "PCI Bus Efficiency" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp = "Combines transmit packet buffer fragments into a single buffer before sending them to the network." BasicConnectivity = "Low Resource Connectivity" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp = "Sets the driver to attempt to load in low-resource environments. Advanced features will be disabled until they have sufficient resources to function." LocalyAdminAddress = "Locally Administered Address" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp = "Allows you to configure a custom MAC address for the adapter." RetransmitInterFrameSpace = "Retransmit Inter-Frame Spacing" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling retransmit timing. Increasing this value can improve network performance if there is a large number of collisions on the network." LogLinkState = "Log Link State Event" LogLinkStateMiniHelp = "Enables/disables recording of the link state message to the Event Viewer." QoSPacketTag = "QoS Packet Tagging" QosPacketTagMiniHelp = "Enables sending and receiving of IEEE Tagged frames (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), which include priority and VLAN indicators." FlowControlSettings = "Flow Control" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp = "Pauses packet transmission on receipt of full flow control frame and sends full flow control frame to notify the other side to stop transmission." SpeedDuplex = "Link Speed & Duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must coincide with switch port or no link will occur." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 or 100 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must match link partner settings, or link may be unstable, and performance will suffer." PhyPhoneSpeed = "Phoneline Transmit Speed" PhyPhonePower = "Phoneline Power Level" PhyGiladIfs = "Inter Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled = "Offload IP Security" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles by offloading IPSec encryption from the CPU to the adapter." ChecksumEnabled = "Offload TCP/IP Checksum" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows adapter to verify TCP/IP checksum on received packets and compute checksum on transmitted packets. May improve TCP/IP performance." LargeSendEnabled = "Offload TCP Segmentation" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows the adapter to offload the task of segmenting TCP messages. May improve CPU utilization." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations = "Security Associations" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp = "Sets Simultaneous Security Associations that can be offloaded to the adapters co-processor." AdaptivePerfTuning = "Adaptive Performance Tuning" AdapterBandwidth = "Network Performance" CpuUtil = "Computer Performance" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp = "Maximize the performance of the network adapter or computer. See Help for more information." WakeOnSettings = "Wake On Settings" WakeOnLink = "Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket = "Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets = "Wake on Magic & Directed" WakeOnLAA = "Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp = "Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected = "Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT = "Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp = "Determines how to wake the system." ForceWakeOnLink = "Force Wake On Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." EnablePME = "Enable PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp = "Enables/disables wake-up from Advanced Power Management (APM) sleep states." SmartPowerDown = "Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp = "Minimizes power consumption by enabling the adapter to enter a deep sleep mode when it does not have a valid link or when the operating system is in Suspend mode." AdaptiveLinkResponse = "Adaptive Link Response" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp = "Enables Adaptive Link Response to check PHYLink status." WakeOnLinkSettings = "Wake On Link Settings" WakeOnLinkHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." LPLUEnabled = "Low Power Link Up"; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="ر" Enabled ="" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="Զ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/˫" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/ȫ˫" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/˫" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/ȫ˫" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ɲӦ" Respond ="Ӧ" Generate ="" NoAction ="޲" HardwareDefault ="ӲĬ" OSControlled ="ϵͳ" Forced ="ǿ" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ݸЭڴʱʹõĻߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" TxBuffers ="" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ʹ׷ٴݰƬߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" CoalesceBuffers ="Ӻϻ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ڴٵĻӦΪİٷ֮ 3050μԻȡϢ" AdaptiveIFS ="Ӧ֡" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ͨƱʱ̫ݰײ" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="ӦԴֵ" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="趨 FIFO ֮ǰֽʹֵܻǿܣҲܵ¸ǷСԽϵ͵ֵܣʹøֵʵֵΪֵ 8 " HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Լ" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="ͨȼ͵ȼ֮ܿؽֹ롰Զ(HPQ)Ӣض(R) ݰһʹá" AdaptiveTechnology ="ӦԼ" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ûŻܵ΢롣ô˹ܣáӦ֡" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Ч" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ݰƬϲ뵥һȻǷ硣" BasicConnectivity ="Դʱ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ڵԴмء߼㹻Դɹ乤֮ǰá" LocalyAdminAddress ="عĵַ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="ΪԶ MAC ַ" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="´֡" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="ͨ´䶨ʱ̫ݰײдײĻߴֵܻܣ" LogLinkState ="¼״̬¼" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="/ý״̬Ϣ롰¼鿴" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ݰǩ" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="÷ͺͽ IEEE ǩ֡802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Qȼ VLAN ָʾ" FlowControlSettings ="̿" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ڽյȫ֡ʱͣݰ䣬ȫ֡Ϣ֪ͨԷֹͣ䡣" SpeedDuplex ="ٶȺ˫" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 Mbps ˫ģʽΪ빤ȫ뽻˿ӡ" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 100 Mbps˫ģʽΪ˫ȫ˫ӻӽܲȶӰ졣" PhyPhoneSpeed ="绰ߴٶ" PhyPhonePower ="绰ߵԴ" PhyGiladIfs ="֡" IPSecEnabled =" IP ȫ" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="ͨ CPU IPSec Ա CPU ڡ" ChecksumEnabled ="ش TCP/IP У" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="֤յݰ TCP/IP Уͣ㴫ݰУܻ͡ TCP/IP ܡ" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP ֶ" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="ض TCP ϢֶεĹܻ CPU ʡ" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ȫ" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="趨ɷЭġͬȫϡ" AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ӧܵ" AdapterBandwidth ="" CpuUtil ="" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̶ȵܡйظϢμ" WakeOnSettings ="û" WakeOnLink ="Ӹ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="ħ" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="ħݰ" WakeOnLAA ="ѱعַ(LAA)" WakeOnArp ="ѵַЭ(ARP)" WakeOnDirected ="ݰ" WakeOnNBT =" NBT ѯ" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="λϵͳ" ForceWakeOnLink ="ǿƻ" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" EnablePME =" PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ãôӡ߼ԴAPM˯״̬ѡ" SmartPowerDown ="ܹرյԴ" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ͨʹڲЧʱϵͳڡģʽʱ˯״̶̬ȵؼٵԴġ" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="ӦӦ" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ӦӦԼ PHYLinkӣ״̬" WakeOnLinkSettings ="" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0C04] ; Chinese (Traditional) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0407] ; German (Germany) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ein" Off ="Aus" Enabled ="Aktiviert" Disabled ="Deaktiviert" AutoDetect ="Automatische Erkennung" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" High ="Hoch" Low ="Niedrig" None ="Keine" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generieren und Reagieren" Respond ="Reagieren" Generate ="Generieren" NoAction ="Keine Aktion" HardwareDefault ="Hardware-Standard" OSControlled ="Betriebssystem-gesteuert" Forced ="Erzwungen" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Empfangsdeskriptoren" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Anzahl der Puffer, die der Treiber beim Kopieren von Daten in den Protokollspeicher verwendet. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Empfangsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." TxBuffers ="bertragungsdeskriptoren" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der Datensegmente ein, die dem Adapter ermglichen, bertragungspakete zu verfolgen. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die bertragungsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." CoalesceBuffers ="Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der zur bertragungsbeschleunigung verfgbaren Puffer ein. Sollte 30 - 50% der bertragungsdeskriptoren ausmachen. Siehe Hilfe." AdaptiveIFS ="Adaptives Interframe-Spacing " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch Steuerung der aufeinanderfolgenden Pakete." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Adaptiver bertragungsschwellenwert" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die Anzahl der Byte, bevor der Adapter seine FIFO-Puffer leert. Niedrigere Werte knnen die bertragungsleistung steigern, verursachen aber mglicherweise auch mehr Unterlufe. Wenn der Adapter eine bessere Leistung mit einem niedrigen Wert erreichen kann, wird er diesen verwenden. Der tatschliche Wert betrgt 8 Mal die Einstellung." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definition der Priorittsebene" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die berwachte Abschaltebene zwischen hoher und niedriger Verkehrsprioritt fr HPQ und Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Adaptive Technologie" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert den Mikrocode zur Leistungsoptimierung. Wenn Sie diese Funktion deaktivieren, mssen Sie die Inter-Frame-Trennung auf dem Adapter aktivieren." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Bus-Effizienz" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Fgt Pufferfragmente aus bertragungspaketen in einem einzigen Puffer zusammen, bevor sie ber das Netzwerk bertragen werden. " BasicConnectivity ="Verbindung mit beschr. Ressourcen" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Stellt den Ladeversuch des Treibers in einer Umgebung mit geringen Ressourcen ein. Erweiterte Funktionen werden solange deaktiviert, bis ausreichend Ressourcen verfgbar sind." LocalyAdminAddress ="Lokal verwaltete Adresse" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Ermglicht Ihnen das Konfigurieren einer benutzerdefinierten MAC-Adresse des Adapters." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Inter-Frame Spacing bei Neubertrg." RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch berwachung der zeitlichen Regulierung neu zu bertragender Pakete. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Leistung im Netzwerk steigern, wenn viele Kollisionen im Netzwerk auftreten." LogLinkState ="Verbindungsereignis protokollieren" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Aufzeichnung der Verbindungszustandsmeldung in der Ereignisansicht." QoSPacketTag ="QoS-Paketmarkierung" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Ermglicht den Versand und Empfang von IEEE gekennzeichneten Frames (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), zu denen Prioritts- und VLAN-Indikatoren gehren." FlowControlSettings ="Flusssteuerung" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Unterbricht die Paketbertragung beim Erhalt eines vollen Flusssteuerungsframes und sendet vollen Flusssteuerungsframe, um die andere Seite aufzufordern, die bertragung zu stoppen." SpeedDuplex ="Geschwindigkeit und Duplexmodus" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit dem Switchanschluss bereinstimmen, da andernfalls keine Verbindung zustande kommt." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10/100 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit den Einstellungen des Verbindungspartners bereinstimmen, da andernfalls die Verbindung unstabil wird und eine Leistungsminderung eintritt." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Geschwindigkeit der Telefonleitung" PhyPhonePower ="Stromstrke der Telefonleitung" PhyGiladIfs ="Inter-Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled ="IP Security abladen" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Spart CPU-Zyklen durch Abgabe der IPSec-Verschlsselung vom CPU an den Adapter." ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP-Prfsumme abladen" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die TCP/IP-Prfsumme empfangener Pakete zu berprfen und die Prfsumme bertragener Pakete zu berechnen. Dadurch kann die TCP/IP-Leistung gesteigert werden." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP-Segmentierung abladen" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die Segmentierung von TCP-Meldungen abzugeben und die CPU-Auslastung zu verbessern." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Sicherheitszuordnungen" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Stellt gleichzeitige Sicherheitszuordnungen ein, die auf den Co-Prozessoren des Adapters abgeladen werden knnen." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Adaptives Leistungs-Tuning" AdapterBandwidth ="Netzwerkleistung" CpuUtil ="Computerleistung" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximieren Sie die Leistung des Netzwerkadapters oder Computers. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Hilfe." WakeOnSettings ="Aktivierungseinstellungen" WakeOnLink ="Aktivierung bei Verbindungsnderung" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Akt. ber Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic & adressierte Pakete" WakeOnLAA ="Aktivierung ber LAA" WakeOnArp ="Aktivierung ber ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Akt. ber adressiertes Paket" WakeOnNBT ="Remoteaktivierung ber NBT-Abfrage" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Bestimmt, wie das Systems reaktiviert (Wake-Up) werden soll." ForceWakeOnLink ="Akt. bei Verbindungsnderung erzwingen" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." EnablePME ="PME aktivieren" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert Wake-Up aus APM-Energiesparmodus." SmartPowerDown ="Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiert den Energieverbrauch, indem es dem Adapter ermglicht in den Tiefschlafmodus berzugehen, wenn keine gltige Verbindung besteht oder das Betriebssystem im Ruhezustand ist." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Adaptive Verbindungsreaktion" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Aktiviert die adaptive Verbindungsreaktion, um den PHYLink-Status zu berprfen." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Einst. fr Aktivierung bei Verbindung" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activado" Off ="Desactivado" Enabled ="Activado" Disabled ="Desactivado" AutoDetect ="Deteccin automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbps/Dplex medio" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbps/Dplex completo" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbps/Dplex medio" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbps/Dplex completo" High ="Alto" Low ="Bajo" None ="Ninguno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generar y responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Generar" NoAction ="Ninguna accin" HardwareDefault ="Predeterminado del hardware" OSControlled ="Controlado por el SO" Forced ="Forzado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descriptores de recepcin" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes que el controlador utiliza cuando copia datos a la memoria del protocolo. La incrementacin de este valor puede mejorar el rendimiento de la recepcin, pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." TxBuffers ="Descriptores de transmisin" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de segmentos de datos que habilita al adaptador para que realice el seguimiento de los paquetes de transmisin. Si incrementa este valor, puede mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." CoalesceBuffers ="Bferes de unin" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes disponibles para la aceleracin de la transmisin. Debe contener de 30 a 50% de los Descriptores de la transmisin. Consulte Ayuda para obtener informacin adicional." AdaptiveIFS ="Separacin entre tramas ajustables" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos consecutivos." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Umbral de transmisin ajustable" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bytes antes de que el adaptador vace su bfer FIFO. Los valores inferiores pueden mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin resultan en ms ejecuciones deficientes. Si el adaptador puede funcionar mejor usando un valor inferior, utilizar ese valor. El valor real es 8 veces el valor de configuracin." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definicin de niveles de prioridad" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Establece el nivel controlado de detencin entre las prioridades de trfico bajo y alto para el uso de la cola de alta prioridad (HPQ) y el Paquete de Prioridad Intel(R) ." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologa ajustable" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita el micro-cdigo que optimiza el rendimiento. Si ha deshabilita, debe habilitar el Espaciado entre tramas del adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficiencia del bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina los fragmento de bfer del paquete de transmisin en un solo bfer antes de enviarlos a la red." BasicConnectivity ="Conectividad de recursos reducidos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Configura el controlador para que intente cargarse en entornos de bajos recursos. Las funciones avanzadas se desactivarn hasta que tengan suficientes recursos para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Direccin administrada localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Le permite configurar la direccin MAC personalizada del adaptador." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Separacin entre tramas de retransmisiones" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos de retransmisin. Si incrementa este valor puede que mejore el rendimiento de la red, si existe una gran cantidad de colisiones en la red." LogLinkState ="Registrar sucesos del estado del enlace" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita o dehabilita la grabacin del mensaje de estado de enlace para el que Visor de sucesos." QoSPacketTag ="Etiquetado de paquete QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita las tramas de envo y recepcin con etiqueta IEEE (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), que incluyen la prioridad y los indicadores de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Control de flujo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa la transmisin de paquetes al recibir la trama del control de flujo completo y enva una trama del control de flujo completo para indicar al otro lado que detenga la transmisin." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidad y dplex del enlace" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Debe coincidir con el puerto conmutador para que se realice el enlace." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 o 100 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Deben coincidir las opciones del interlocutor del enlace, o probablemente el enlace sea inestable y el rendimiento se vea afectado." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidad de transmisin de la lnea telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nivel de potencia de la lnea telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Separacin entre tramas" IPSecEnabled ="Descarga de Seguridad IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Guarda los ciclos CPU al descargar el cifrado de IPSec a partir de la CPU al adaptador." ChecksumEnabled ="Descarga suma de comprobacin TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador verifique la suma de verificacin TCP/IP de los paquetes recibidos y calcula la suma de verificacin de los paquetes transmitidos. Puede que mejore el rendimiento de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Descarga de Segmentacin TCP " LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador descargue la tarea de segmentacin de mensajes TCP y puede que mejore el uso de la CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Asociaciones de seguridad" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define las asociaciones de seguridad simultneas que pueden descargarse en el coprocesador del adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimizacin de rendimiento ajustable" AdapterBandwidth ="Rendimiento de la red" CpuUtil ="Rendimiento de PC" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximice el rendimiento del adaptador de red o PC. Para obtener ms informacin, consulte la ayuda." WakeOnSettings ="Configuracin de la reactivacin" WakeOnLink ="Activar en cambio de enlace" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Activar en Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Activar en Magic y Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Activar en LAA" WakeOnArp ="Activar en ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Activar en Paquete dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Activar en consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina cmo activar el sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forzar Activacin en enlace" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite la activacin de la administracin de energa APM cuando se reconecta el enlace." EnablePME ="Activar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita la activacin desde los estados de la inactividad de la Administracin de energa (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Apagado inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza el consumo de energa al habilitar el adaptador para que entre en un modo de inactividad profunda cuando no tenga un enlace vlido o cuando el sistema operativo se encuentre en el modo Suspensin." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Respuesta de enlace ajustable" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Activa la respuesta de enlace ajustable para verificar el estado de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuracin de Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Cuando se reconecta el enlace, permite la activacin desde la administracin de energa APM." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.040C] ; French (France) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activ(e)" Off ="Dsactiv(e)" Enabled ="Activ(e)" Disabled ="Dsactiv(e)" AutoDetect ="Dtection automatique" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s full duplex" High ="Haut" Low ="Faible" None ="Aucun" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gnrer et rpondre" Respond ="Rpondre" Generate ="Gnrer" NoAction ="Aucune action" HardwareDefault ="Matriel par dfaut" OSControlled ="Contrl par le systme" Forced ="Forc(e)" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descripteurs de rception" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons utiliss par le pilote lors de la copie des donnes dans la mmoire de protocole. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de rception mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." TxBuffers ="Descripteurs de transmission" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de segments de donnes permettant la carte de suivre les paquets de transmission. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." CoalesceBuffers ="Tampons de regroupement" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons disponibles pour l'acclration des transmissions. Doit correspondre 30 50 pour cent de la valeur du paramtre Descripteurs de transmission. Reportez-vous l'aide pour de plus amples informations." AdaptiveIFS ="Espacement intertrame dynamique" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant les synchronisations successives." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Seuil dynamique de transmission" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre d'octets avant la remise zro du tampon FIFO de la carte rseau. La dfinition de valeurs infrieures peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais risque galement d'entraner un plus grand nombre de sous-excutions. Si la carte peut obtenir de meilleures performances avec une valeur infrieure, elle utilisera cette valeur. La valeur relle est de 8 fois la valeur dfinie." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Dfinition du niveau de priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Dfinit le point de coupure contrl entre les priorits de faible trafic et de trafic lev pour l'utilisation de la fonction HPQ et Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Technologie Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive le microcode d'optimisation des performances. Si vous dsactivez cette fonctionnalit, vous devez activer l'espacement intertrame dynamique." PciBusEfficiency ="Rendement du bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Regroupe les fragments de paquets de transmission en un seul tampon avant de les envoyer sur le rseau." BasicConnectivity ="Connectivit (ressources insuff.)" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Dfinit le chargement du pilote dans un environnement faible niveau de ressources. Les fonctionnalits avances seront dsactives jusqu' ce que les ressources soient suffisantes." LocalyAdminAddress ="Adresse administre localement" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permet de configurer une adresse MAC personnalise pour la carte." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espacement intertrame des retransmissions" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant la cadence des retransmissions. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances du rseau si de nombreuses collisions s'y produisent." LogLinkState ="Consigner l'vnement de la liaison" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive l'enregistrement du message d'tat de l'Observateur d'vnements." QoSPacketTag ="Reprage des paquets QS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Permet l'envoi et la rception de trames tiquetes IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), qui comprennent des indicateurs de priorit et de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Contrle de flux" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Interrompt la transmission des paquets en cas de rception d'une trame de contrle de flux complte et envoie une trame de contrle de flux complte l'interlocuteur afin de stopper la transmission." SpeedDuplex ="Vitesse de liaison et duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Si les paramtres ne concident pas avec le port de commutation, aucune liaison ne se produira. " SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 ou 100 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Ces paramtres doivent correspondre ceux du partenaire de liaison, faute de quoi la liaison risque d'tre instable et les performances risquent de se dgrader." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Vitesse de trans. tlphonique" PhyPhonePower ="Puissance de ligne tlphonique" PhyGiladIfs ="Espacement intertrame" IPSecEnabled ="Dlestage scurit IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="conomise les cycles du processeur en dlestant le chiffrement IPSec du processeur sur la carte." ChecksumEnabled ="Dlester somme de contrle TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de vrifier la somme de contrle TCP/IP des paquets entrants et de calculer la somme de contrle des paquets sortants. Ceci permet d'amliorer les performances TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Dlestage segmentation TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de dlester la tche de segmentation des messages TCP. Ceci peut amliorer le taux d'utilisation du processeur." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associations de scurit" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Dfinit les associations de scurit simultanes pouvant tre dlestes sur le coprocesseur de la carte rseau." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimisation dynamique des performances" AdapterBandwidth ="Performance de la carte rseau" CpuUtil ="Performance de l'ordinateur" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Optimiser la performance de la carte rseau ou de l'ordinateur. Voir l'Aide pour davantage d'informations." WakeOnSettings ="Paramtres Wake On" WakeOnLink ="Fonction Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Wake on Magic & Directed Packet" WakeOnLAA ="Fonction Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp ="Fonction Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Fonction Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Dtermine comment rveiller le systme." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forcer la fonction Wake on Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." EnablePME ="Activer PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer/de dsactiver le rveil depuis les tats de veille de la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Extinction automatique" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimise la consommation lectrique en permettant la carte d'entrer en mode de sommeil profond lorsqu'elle ne possde pas de liaison valide ou lorsque le systme d'exploitation est en mode suspendu." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Rponse dynamique de liaison" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer la fonction Rponse dynamique de liaison pour la vrification de l'tat de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Paramtres Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Attivato" Off ="Disattivato" Enabled ="Attivato" Disabled ="Disattivato" AutoDetect ="Rilevamento automatico" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Basso" None ="Nessuno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Genera e rispondi" Respond ="Rispondi" Generate ="Genera" NoAction ="Nessuna azione" HardwareDefault ="Impostazioni predefinite hardware" OSControlled ="Controllato dal sis. operativo" Forced ="Imposto" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descrittori di ricezione" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer allocati dal driver durante la copia dei dati nella memoria del protocollo. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." TxBuffers ="Descrittori di trasmissione" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero dei segmenti di dati che permettono alla scheda di tenere traccia dei pacchetti trasmessi. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni di trasmissione, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffer coalesce" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer disponibili per l'accelerazione della trasmissione. Deve essere il 30-50 percento dei descrittori di trasmissione. Consultare la Guida per ulteriori informazioni." AdaptiveIFS ="Spaziatura adattiva tra frame" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione back to back. " AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Soglia adattiva di trasmissione" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di byte raggiunto il quale la scheda di rete svuota il proprio buffer FIFO. Valori pi bassi possono migliorare le prestazioni della trasmissione, ma possono provocare pi underrun. Se la scheda pu ottenere migliori prestazioni utilizzando un valore pi basso, verr utilizzato tale valore. Il valore effettivo 8 volte l'impostazione." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definizione del livello di priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Imposta il livello limite controllato tra le priorit alta e bassa del traffico da utilizzare con High Priority Queue (HPQ) e Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva il microcode che ottimizza le prestazioni. Se si disabilita questa funzione, necessario abilitare Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency ="Efficienza bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina i frammenti del buffer dei pacchetti di trasmissione in un unico buffer prima di inviarli alla rete." BasicConnectivity ="Connettivit in presenza di risorse scarse" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Imposta il driver per il caricamento in un ambiente con scarse risorse. Le funzionalit avanzate verranno disattivate fino a quando non saranno presenti risorse sufficienti." LocalyAdminAddress ="Indirizzo amministrato localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Consente di configurare un indirizzo MAC personalizzato della scheda. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Spaziatura tra frame di ritrasmissioni" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione di ritrasmissione. Aumentando questo valore possibile migliorare le prestazioni della rete se si verifica un gran numero di collisioni sulla rete." LogLinkState ="Registra evento stato del collegamento" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva la registrazione del messaggio di stato del collegamento inviato a Visualizzatore eventi." QoSPacketTag ="Codifica pacchetti QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Abilita l'invio e la ricezione di frame con codifica IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), che comprendono indicatori di priorit e VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controllo del flusso" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sospende la trasmissione dei pacchetti al ricevimento di un frame di controllo indicante di flusso completo e invia un frame di controllo di flusso completo per avvisare l'altra parte di interrompere la trasmissione." SpeedDuplex ="Velocit di collegamento e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. Affinch il collegamento avvenga, necessario che queste impostazioni coincidano con la porta di commutazione." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10/100 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. necessario che coincida con le impostazioni del partner di collegamento, altrimenti il collegamento sar instabile e le prestazioni verranno penalizzate." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocit di trasmissione della linea telefonica" PhyPhonePower ="Livello di alimentazione della linea telefonica" PhyGiladIfs ="Spaziatura tra frame" IPSecEnabled ="Offload della protezione IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Risparmia cicli della CPU scaricando la crittografia IPSec dalla CPU alla scheda." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload del checksum IP/TCP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di verificare il checksum TCP/IP dei pacchetti ricevuti e di calcolare il checksum dei pacchetti trasmessi, migliorando le prestazioni di trasmissione TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload della segmentazione TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di effettuare l'offload dell'operazione di segmentazione dei messaggi TCP e migliora l'utilizzo della CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associazioni protezione" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Imposta le associazioni di protezione simultanee che possono essere scaricate sul coprocessore delle schede di rete." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ottimizzazione adattiva delle prestazioni" AdapterBandwidth ="Prestazioni di rete" CpuUtil ="Prestazioni del computer" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni della scheda di rete o del computer. Consultare la Guida in linea per ulteriori informazioni." WakeOnSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione" WakeOnLink ="Attiva su modifica del collegamento" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Attiva su pacchetto Magic" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Attiva su Magic e diretto" WakeOnLAA ="Attiva con LAA" WakeOnArp ="Attiva con ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Attiva su pacchetto diretto" WakeOnNBT ="Attiva su query NTB" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina come attivare il sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Imponi attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." EnablePME ="Abilita PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Abilita/disabilita l'attivazione dagli stati di sospensione Advanced Power Management (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Spegnimento intelligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimizza il consumo energetico consentendo alla scheda di mettersi in uno stato di sospensione quando non presente un collegamento valido o quando il sistema operativo si trova in modalit sospesa." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Risposta adattiva dei collegamenti" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Attiva la risposta adattiva dei collegamenti per il controllo dello stato di PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="I" Off ="It" Enabled ="I" Disabled ="It" AutoDetect ="o" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/dʐM" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/SdʐM" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/dʐM" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/SdʐM" High ="" Low ="" None ="Ȃ" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="쐬Ɖ" Respond ="" Generate ="쐬" NoAction ="ANVȂ" HardwareDefault ="n[hEFA ftHg" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="MLqq" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="f[^vgR ɃRs[ۂɃhCogobt@̐ݒ肵܂B" TxBuffers ="MLqq" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="A_v^MpPbgǐՂł悤ɂf[^ ZOg̐ݒ肵܂B̒l𑝂₷ƑMptH[}Xł܂AVXe ̎gpʂ܂BptH[}X̖肪Ȃꍇ̓ftHggpĂB" CoalesceBuffers ="Wobt@" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="M̍Ɏgpłobt@ݒ肵܂BMLqq 30`50 %ɂĂBڍׂ́AwvQƂĂB" AdaptiveIFS ="A_veBu C^[t[ X؁|VO" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RWA^C~Oɂ⏞܂B" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="A_veBuMl" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="A_v^ FIFO obt@ɂÕoCgݒ肵܂B̒lႭƁAMptH[}Xサ܂AA_[”\܂BႢlgpƃptH[}Xシꍇ́AA_v^͂̒lgp܂Bl͐ݒl 8 {łB" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="D惌x̒`" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="High Priority Queue (HPQ) уCe(R) Priority Packet gp̂߂̃gtBbN̍ђDxԂŐ䂳ꂽ؂̂ăxݒ肵܂B" AdaptiveTechnology ="A_veBu eNmW" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ptH[}XœK}CNR[h̃I/It؂ւ܂B̋@\Itɂꍇ́AA_v^ C^[t[ Xy[VOLɂKv܂B" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI oX" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="MpPbg̃obt@ tOglbg[NɑMO 1 ‚̃obt@ɂ܂Ƃ߂܂B" BasicConnectivity ="\[Xs̐ڑ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="჊\[X‹ł̃hCõ[hs܂B@\ɏ\ȃ\[Xł܂Ŋg@\͖ɂȂ܂B" LocalyAdminAddress ="[JǗAhX" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="A_v^̃JX^ MAC AhXݒ肵܂B" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="C^[t[ X؁|VO̍đM" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="đM̃^C~O𐧌䂷邱ƂʼnߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RW⏞܂B" LogLinkState ="N Xe[g Cxg̃O" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Cxg r[Aւ̃N Xe[g bZ[W̃I/It؂ւ܂B" QoSPacketTag ="QoS pPbg ^O" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="IEEE ^Ott[̑M (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q)”\ɂ܂BvCIeB VLAN CWP[^܂܂܂B" FlowControlSettings ="t[" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sȃt[t[̎MɃpPbgMꎞ~AΑőM~悤ɒʒm銮Sȃt[t[𑗐M܂B" SpeedDuplex ="NxƃfvbNX" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nx10 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪XCb` |[gƈvȂƁAN܂B" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nx10/100 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪葤̐ݒɈvȂƁAN͕sɂȂAptH[}X򉻂܂B" PhyPhoneSpeed ="dbMx" PhyPhonePower ="dbd̓x" PhyGiladIfs ="C^[t[ X؁|VO" IPSecEnabled ="ho ZLeB̃It[h" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU A_v^ւ IPSec ÍIt[h邱ƂŁACPU TCNߖ񂵂܂B" ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP `FbNT̃It[h" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂMpPbg TCP/IP `FbNT̊mF”\ƂAMꂽpPbg̃`FbNTvZ܂Bɂ TCP/IP ptH[}Xシꍇ܂B" LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ZOe[ṼIt[h" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂ TCP bZ[W̕f^XÑIt[h”\Ƃ܂Bɂ CPU gpPꍇ܂B" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ZLeB֘A" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="A_v^̃RvZbTɃIt[h邱Ƃ̂łZLeB֘Aݒ肵܂B" AdaptivePerfTuning ="A_veBu ptH[}X `[jO" AdapterBandwidth ="lbg[ÑptH[}X" CpuUtil ="Rs[^̃ptH[}X" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="lbg[N A_v^Rs[^̃ptH[}Xőɂ܂Bڍׂɂ‚Ă̓wvQƂĂB" WakeOnSettings ="Wake On ݒ" WakeOnLink ="Wake On Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake On Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic Directed" WakeOnLAA ="Wake On LAA" WakeOnArp ="Wake On ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake On Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Wake On NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="VXeEF[NAbv@w肵܂B" ForceWakeOnLink ="Wake On Link ̋" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="NĐڑꂽƂ APM dǗEF[NAbv邱Ƃ”\Ƃ܂B" EnablePME ="PME Iɂ" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="APM dǗ̃X[vԂ̃EF[NAbvL^ɂ܂B" SmartPowerDown ="X}[g p[ _E" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="A_v^LȃNȂꍇIy[eBO VXeTXyh [hɂꍇAA_v^̓fB[v X[v [hɂȂ邱ƂŁAd͂ŏ܂B" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="A_veBu N X|X" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="PHYLink Xe[^XmF邽߂ɁAA_veBu N X|XIɂ܂B" WakeOnLinkSettings ="Wake On Link ݒ" WakeOnLinkHelp ="NĐڑ APM dǗ̃EF[NAbv”\Ƃ܂B" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="" Enabled ="Ȱȭ" Disabled ="Ȱ " AutoDetect ="ڵ ˻" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond =" " Respond ="" Generate ="" NoAction =" " HardwareDefault ="ϵ ⺻" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers =" " RxBuffersMiniHelp ="̹ ޸𸮷 ͸ ϴ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." TxBuffers =" " TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Ͱ Ŷ ֵ ϴ ׸Ʈ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." CoalesceBuffers =" " CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp =" ȭ ִ մϴ. 30-50% մϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." AdaptiveIFS =" Ӱ " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="-- Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ." AdaptiveTxThreshold =" Ӱ谪" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Ͱ FIFO ۸ Ʈ մϴ. ߻ ֽϴ. Ͱ Ͽ ִ ޼ ش ˴ϴ. 8ȸ Ǿ ֽϴ." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="켱 " HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="HPQ( 켱 ⿭) (R) 켱 Ŷ Բ ϱ Ʈ 켱 Ʈ 켱 մϴ." AdaptiveTechnology =" " AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp =" ȭϴ ũ ڵ带 Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ. Ȱȭϴ 쿡 Ӱ Ȱȭؾ մϴϴ." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ȿ" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ŷ ׸Ʈ ϳ ۷ մϴ." BasicConnectivity ="ҽ " BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ҽ ȯ濡 ̹ ε带 õϵ մϴ. ҽ ؼ ۵ Ȱȭ˴ϴ." LocalyAdminAddress =" ּ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp =" MAC ּҸ ֽϴ." RetransmitInterFrameSpace =" Ӱ " RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp =" Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ. Ʈũ 浹 ߻ ø Ʈũ ˴ϴ." LogLinkState ="ũ ̺Ʈ " LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="̺Ʈ  ũ ޽ ϴ Ȱȭ/Ȱմϴ." QoSPacketTag ="QoS Ŷ ± " QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="켱 VLAN ǥñⰡ Ե IEEE ± ִ (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q) ۼ ֽϴ." FlowControlSettings ="帧 " FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ü 帧 Ŷ ߴϰ ü 帧 ٸ ʿ ϵ ˸ϴ." SpeedDuplex ="ũ ӵ ߼" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ġ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷  ũ ߻ ʽϴ." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10/100Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ũ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷ ũ Ҿ ϵ˴ϴ." PhyPhoneSpeed ="ȭ ӵ" PhyPhonePower ="ȭ " PhyGiladIfs ="Ӱ " IPSecEnabled ="ε IP " IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU ͷ IPSec ȣȭ εϿ CPU Ŭ մϴ." ChecksumEnabled ="ε TCP/IP üũ" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ ŵ Ŷ TCP/IP üũ ˻ϰ ۵ Ŷ üũ ֽϴ. ̷ TCP/IP ˴ϴ." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ׸Ʈȭ ε" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ TCP ޽ ׸Ʈȭ ۾ ε ֽϴ. ̷ CPU ̿ ˴ϴ." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations =" " SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp =" μ ε ִ մϴ." AdaptivePerfTuning =" " AdapterBandwidth ="Ʈũ " CpuUtil ="ǻ " AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ǵ ǻ شȭմϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." WakeOnSettings =" " WakeOnLink ="ũ " WakeOnMagicPacket =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnLAA ="LAA ߰ " WakeOnArp ="ARP " WakeOnDirected =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnNBT ="NBT " WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="ý մϴ." ForceWakeOnLink ="ũ " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ũ ٽ APM ֽϴ." EnablePME ="PME Ȱȭ" EnablePMEMiniHelp =" (APM) ¿ Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ." SmartPowerDown ="Ʈ " SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ȿ ũ ų  ü Ͻ ߴ Ͱ ִ 带 ֵ Ͽ Ҹ ּȭմϴ." AdaptiveLinkResponse =" ũ " AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp =" ũ PHYLink ¸ ˻ ֵ մϴ." WakeOnLinkSettings ="ũ " WakeOnLinkHelp ="ٽ APM ֽϴ." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei51x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ativado" Off ="Desativado" Enabled ="Ativado" Disabled ="Desabilitado" AutoDetect ="Deteco automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/Half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/Full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/Half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/Full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Baixo" None ="Nenhum" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gerar e responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Gerar" NoAction ="Nenhuma ao" HardwareDefault ="Hardware padro" OSControlled ="Controlado por SO" Forced ="Forado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descritores de recepo" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers usados pelo driver ao copiar dados na memria do protocolo. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de recepo mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." TxBuffers ="Descritores de transmisso" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de segmentos de dados que ativam o adaptador a rastrear pacotes de transmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffers de coalescncia" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers disponveis para a acelerao da transmisso. Dever ser entre 30 a 50 por cento dos descritores de transmisso. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." AdaptiveIFS ="Espaamento inter-frames adaptativo" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao back-to-back." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Limiar adaptativo de transmisso" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de bytes antes do adaptador esvaziar seu buffer de FIFO. Diminuir os valores pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm pode resultar em mais dficits . Se o adaptador pode alcanar melhor desempenho usando um valor menor ele usar esse valor. O valor real uma configurao de 8 vezes." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definio do nvel de prioridade" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Define o limite de corte controlado entre alta prioridade de trfego e baixa prioridade de trfego a ser usado com HPQ (High Priority Queue) e o Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia adaptativa" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita ou desabilita o micro cdigo que otimiza o desempenho. Se desabilitar esse recurso voc deve habilitar o espaamento entre frames do adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficincia do barramento PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina fragmentos do buffer de pacotes de transmisso em um buffer nico antes de envi-los para a rede. " BasicConnectivity ="Conectividade para ambiente com poucos recursos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Define o driver para tentar ser carregado em ambiente de poucos recursos. Os recursos avanados sero desabilitados at terem recursos suficientes para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Endereo administrado localmente (LAA)" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permite configurar um endereo MAC personalizado para o adaptador. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espaamento inter-frames de retransmisso" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao de retransmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho da rede se houver um nmero grande de colises na rede." LogLinkState ="Evento de estado de link de registro" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita a gravao da mensagem de estado do link para o visualizador de eventos." QoSPacketTag ="Rotulao de pacotes de QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita o envio e a recepo de frames rotuladas IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), que incluem indicadores de prioridade e de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controle de fluxo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa a transmisso de pacotes na recepo de frame de controle de fluxo completo e envia frame de controle de fluxo completo para notificar o outro lado a fim de parar a transmisso." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidade de link e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com a porta do switch ou no ocorrer nenhum link." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 ou 100 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com as configuraes do parceiro de link ou o link pode ficar instvel e o desempenho pode sofrer degradao." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidade de transmisso da linha telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nvel de potncia da linha telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Espaamento inter-frames" IPSecEnabled ="Offload Segurana de IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Salva os ciclos da CPU ao descarregar a criptografia IPSec da CPU para o adaptador.." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload Checksum de TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador verificar a checksum de TCP/IP dos pacotes recebidos e computa a checksum nos pacotes transmitidos. Isso melhora o desempenho de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload Segmentao de TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador fazer a descarga da tarefa de segmentar mensagens de TCP.Melhora a utilizao da CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associaes de segurana" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define as associaes simultneas de segurana que podem ser descarregados no coprocessador do adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ajuste adaptativo de desempenho" AdapterBandwidth ="Desempenho da rede" CpuUtil ="Desempenho do computador" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximizar o desempenho do adaptador de rede ou do computador. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." WakeOnSettings ="Configuraes de ativao" WakeOnLink ="Ativar com mudana de link" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Ativar com Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Ativar com pacotes Magic e Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Ativar com LAA" WakeOnArp ="Ativar com ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Ativar com pacote dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Ativar com consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina como ativar o sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forar ativao com mudana de link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." EnablePME ="Habilitar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita o wake-up dos estados sleep do APM (Advanced Power Management)." SmartPowerDown ="Desativao inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza o consumo de energia ao habilitar o adaptador a entrar no modo sleep profundo quando ele no tem um link vlido ou quando so sistema operacional est no modo Suspenso." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Resposta do link adaptativa" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Habilita a Resposta de link adaptativa para verificar o status de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuraes de Wake On Link (ativao por link)" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO100/Winx64/NDIS5x/fei51x64.cat0000755000000000000000000002265311272763210012716 0ustar 0% *H %0%1 0 +0  +7  t0 p0  +7 +ͭO$8 091029021048Z0 +7 0 0R1C2FA99D73620E994160CAAF8A63389C84B3E8791Q0< +7 1.0,Filefei51x64.din0J +7 1<0: OSAttr$2:5.1,2:5.2,2:6.00a +71S0Q0, +7<<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +/sbA`ʯc8y0b +7 1T0RL{DE351A42-8E59-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0R229551E297DECE107F4383C946AEF35336ED891B1Y0< +7 1.0,Filee100bmsg.dll0J +7 1<0: OSAttr$2:5.1,2:5.2,2:6.00b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +"QCFS60R45B5394FF0CCE876135E8FE579BA653638D465BA1Y0< +7 1.0,Filefei51x64.sys0J +7 1<0: OSAttr$2:5.1,2:5.2,2:6.00b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +E9Ov^ye68e0R56866AB18710D0CC6A49C2BA4E6D3B577CDF736B1U08 +7 1*0(Filenicco2.dll0J +7 1<0: OSAttr$2:5.1,2:5.2,2:6.00b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +VjjIºNm;W|sk0R9060E2331BB0D0DB3680C26C40396233D7B9E7131Y0< +7 1.0,Filenicin100.dll0J +7 1<0: OSAttr$2:5.1,2:5.2,2:6.00b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +`36l@9b3׹0RBDCC2608F5256728099CF1F11C02BF81C0BBEA211W0: +7 1,0*Filenicco26.dll0J +7 1<0: OSAttr$2:5.1,2:5.2,2:6.00b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +&%g( !0REBBD680C4BE9A260F0966C73F38799424246EB761Q0< +7 1.0,Filefei51x64.inf0J +7 1<0: OSAttr$2:5.1,2:5.2,2:6.00a +71S0Q0, +7<<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +h K`lsBBFv0b +7 1T0RL{DE351A42-8E59-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}L0H0J +7 <0:&Qualification Level 20000$ +7 0DTC10D +7 604Submission ID13711500< +7 .0,OSXPX64,VistaX640P +7 B0@ HWID1,pci\ven_8086&dev_10fe#00j O%EXzg0  *H 0p1+0)U "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Root Authority0 060916010447Z 190915070000Z0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Timestamping PCA0"0  *H 0 7nBJqH>S,2ORȃ>3I1(dPKuǨծipfx'f趷 Y")/@VvmdmJT޿ǀL7VhGv\/}%V[jc|<%M9wt]\؆7,u9 |vlnz>q_*Ob`2҃N+"\hE/Pl%ׅvs6ƕz`3[AXn,HoCj&k(0$0U% 0 +0U0[pir#Q~Mˡr0p1+0)U "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Root Authority<<>c@0 +70UoN?4K;AC0 +7  SubCA0 U0U00  *H M1|PapEsT? 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Title to the Material remains with Intel ** ;** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** ;** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** ;** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** ;** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** ;** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, ** ;** posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's ** ;** prior express written permission. ** ;** ** ;** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** ;** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** ;** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** ;** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** ;** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** ;** writing. ** ;** ** ;/*****************************************************************************/ ; ;******************************************************************************* ; fei51x64.din ; ; PnP Un-install script for Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection devices ;******************************************************************************* ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" SetupClass = BASE Provider = %V_INTEL% [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel [ControlFlags] [Intel] [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 Uninstall.DelFiles = 11 8255x.System.DelFiles = 11 ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles = 12 [8255x.Uninstall] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Driver.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg ; vista [8255x.Uninstall.6.0] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Driver.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg [8255x.System.DelFiles] e100bmsg.dll,,,1 NicCo2.dll,,,1 NicCo26.dll,,,1 NicIn100.dll,,,1 [Driver.DelFiles] fei51x64.sys,,,1 [Uninstall.DelFiles] Prounstl.exe,,,1 fei51x64.din,,,1 [8255x.DelReg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PROSet HKLM,Software\INTEL\Prounstl HKLM,Software\INTEL\NIC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 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Please contact the application's support team for more information. 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return code Status = %dCHBAAPIInt::RefreshTargetInfo SucceededINTEL_RescanScsiBusCHBAAPIInt::RefreshTargetInfo"<[D[XCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacityV2 pRspBuf or pSenseBuf invalidRetrieveLUNCapacityV2 failed%dRetrieveLUNCapacityV2 SucceededCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacityV2"t[|[HCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacity pRspBuf or pSenseBuf invalidReadCapacityHandler failedReadCapacityHandler SucceededCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacity"[[HCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacity16 pRspBuf or pSenseBuf invalidSendReadCapacity16 failedSendReadCapacity16 SucceededINTEL_SendReadCapacity16CHBAAPIInt::RetrieveLUNCapacity16"\\XCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveSCSIInfo pRspBuf or pSenseBuf invalidRetrieveSCSIInfo - ScsiInquiryHandler failedRetrieveSCSIInfo - ScsiInquiryHandler SucceededCHBAAPIInt::RetrieveSCSIInfo"<\D\HGetFCEthernetProperties GetProcAddress failedGetFCEthernetProperties failedGetFCEthernetProperties SucceededINTEL_GetRSSAttributesCHBAAPIInt::GetFcoeNicRssAttributes"\\PCHBAAPIInt::GetSetLinkTimeoutValue failed to acquire MutexGetSetLinkTimeoutValue failed - status - %dGetSetLinkTimeoutValue SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetSetLinkTimeoutValue ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GetSet_LinkTimeOutCHBAAPIInt::GetSetLinkTimeoutValue"\ ]PCHBAAPIInt::GetSetDeviceQDepth failed to acquire MutexGetSetDeviceQDepth failed - status - %dGetSetDeviceQDepth SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetSetDeviceQDepth ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GetSet_DeviceQDepthCHBAAPIInt::GetSetDeviceQDepth"`]h] CHBAAPIInt::GetNumberOfHBAAdapters"]]8GetAdapterName failedGetAdapterName convert chAdapName failedGetAdapterName SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetAdapterName"]]HGetAdapHandleBasedOnAdapName failed with handle 0GetAdapHandleBasedOnAdapName SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetAdapHandleBasedOnAdapName"^ ^HCHBAAPIInt::GetVLANList pFnVlanIdList == NULLCHBAAPIInt::GetVlanIdList failed with error - %dCHBAAPIInt::GetVlanIdList SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetVlanIdList failed with more data availableCHBAAPIInt::GetVLANList Before calling pFnVlanIdList Handle - %dINTEL_GetVlanIdListCHBAAPIInt::GetVLANList pVLANList = NULLCHBAAPIInt::GetVLANList"h^ x^HCHBAAPIInt::GenerateVportWwpn failed to acquire MutexGenerateVportWwpn failed - status - %dGenerateVportWwpn SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GenerateVportWwpn ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GeneratePortWWNCHBAAPIInt::GenerateVportWwpn wwpn is NULLCHBAAPIInt::GenerateVportWwpn"^_PCHBAAPIInt::CreateVport failed to acquire MutexCreateVport failed - status - %dCreateVport SucceededCHBAAPIInt::CreateVport ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_CreateVPortCHBAAPIInt::CreateVport"`_ p_PCHBAAPIInt::GetVports failed to acquire MutexGetVports failed - status - %dGetVports SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetVports ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GetFCPortListCHBAAPIInt::Null Pointer passed, memory must be allocated before calling this functionCHBAAPIInt::GetPorts"__PCHBAAPIInt::GetVportCount failed to acquire MutexCHBAAPIInt::GetVportCount ConvertTCHARToChar failedCHBAAPIInt::GetPortsCount"@`P`PCHBAAPIInt::RemoveVport failed to acquire MutexRemoveVport failed - status - %dRemoveVport SucceededCHBAAPIInt::RemoveVport ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_RemoveVPortCHBAAPIInt::RemoveVport"` `PGetVn2VnPortList failed - status - %dGetVn2VnPortList SucceededCHBAAPIInt::GetVn2VnPortList ConvertTCHARToChar failedINTEL_GetRemoteVN2VNPortListCHBAAPIInt::GetVn2VnPortList Null Pointer passed, memory must be allocated before calling this functionCHBAAPIInt::GetVn2VnPortList failed to acquire MutexCHBAAPIInt::GetVn2VnPortListstring too longinvalid string position"LaTa CHBAAPIInt::~CHBAAPIInt"dc4d "dePForcing NCS_SETTING_CHECK_FCOE_REMOTE_PAGE_FILE TRUEFcoE_RemotePageFileForcing NCS_SETTING_CHECK_FCOE_REMOTE_BOOTED TRUEFcoE_RemoteBootedINTEL_GetFCAndNICPropertiesCHBAAPIInt::GetFCEthernetProperties"Xi`i "ii "jj N@@Б@@@@VMMSASFAgent"kkhbefore CoUnitialize After pEnumInstanceName->ReleaseFailed: After ExecQuery -> SELECT * FROM WMI_MSFT_NET_QOS_DCBX_SETTING_DATA pEnumInstanceName == NULLQuery WMI_MSFT_NET_QOS_DCBX_SETTING_DATA was successful, MS DCB is installedWQLAfter CoSetProxyBlanket()After ConnectServer()After CoCreateInstance()After CoInitializeSecurity()After CoInitializeEx()MSFT_NetQosDcbxSettingData SELECT * FROMroot\standardcimv2CHelper::IsMicrosoftDcbInstalled8O@@"ll InstalledLangShortStringSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\NCS2"m m LocalLanguageSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\DMIX"xmm(IsDcbInstalled() - DCB was not installed - exiting1IsDcbInstalled() - Unable to open the DCB installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIX_DCBIsDcbInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\DMIX\CHelper::IsDcbInstalled"Xnn(IsFcoeInstalled() - fcoe was not installed - exitingIsFcoeInstalled() - Unable to open the Fcoe installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIX_FCOEIsFcoeInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsFcoeInstalled"8o`o(IsDmixInstalled() - DMIX was not installed - exitingIsDmixInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIXIsDmixInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsDmixInstalled"p@p(IsAnsInstalled() - ANS was not installed - exitingIsAnsInstalled() - Unable to open the ANS installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIX_ANSIsAnsInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsAnsInstalled"p q(IsIscsiInstalled() - fcoe was not installed - exitingIsIscsiInstalled() - Unable to open the Fcoe installation status registry value - exitingInstalledDMIX_ISCSIIsIscsiInstalled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsIscsiInstalled"qq(DebugFeature"Dr dr ShowLocalSettings"r r(IsDebugEnbled() - debugging is enabled - exitingIsDebugEnbled() - Unable to open the debug registry value - exitingDebuggingIsDebugEnbled() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingCHelper::IsDebugEnbled"ls s(IsSettingDebugable() - Unable to open the debug registry value - exitingIsSettingDebugable() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\DebugIsSettingDebugable() - debugging is not turned on - exitingCHelper::IsSettingDebugable"t t EnablePreReleaseCHelper::IsPreReleaseEnabled"Dt \t(GetDebugString() - Unable to open the debug registry value - exitingGetDebugString() - Unable to open the DMIX registry key - exitingGetDebugString() - debugging is not turned on - exitingCHelper::GetDebugString"t t0HwResourceOwnerSYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IFCoES\ParametersCHelper::IsFCoEDisklessInstall"lutu MSiSCSIIntelDCBIFCoEDCB"uu(CHelper::NcsStopService"v v(CHelper::NcsStartService"lvv(GetPathFromRegistry() - Unable to open the registry value - exitingGetPathFromRegistry() - Unable to open the registry key - exitingCHelper::GetPathFromRegistry"4w lw8\.DLLCHelper::StripLibraryName"w0x enu_8023.DLLResourcePath"x x InstalledDirSOFTWARE\INTEL\Network_Services\NCS2\Agents\"@y!y8..\Common\Src\Helper.cppERROR: Unable to find path to library! Defaulting to no path %sAgentDMIXInstallDirNetShellriched32devmgrNCS2DMIXAccessorNcsColibCommonResVlanResTeamResDmixResDiagResBtAgtResBrandResVlanSrvTeamSrvDiagSrvBtAgtSrvVlanAgentTeamAgentRuleVlanAgntTeamAgntRulesCoreAgntBootAgntCHelper::DXLoadLibrary"zzXCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString invalid parameterCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString FormatMessage succeeded: "%s"CHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString FormatMessage failed dwErr - %xCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString LoadResource failedCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString FindResourceEx failed dwErr %x, message - %sCHelper::FindOSNCPStatusString DXLoadLibrary failedCHelper::FindOSNCPStringW@W@W@W@W@W@W@W@ ? @ 0@0@ O@@"P{`{(CISCSISupport::isTheRightiSCSIOS"{{8CISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIPatchInstalled LoadLibrary failed with error code - %dversionInfo - BuildNumber - %d, MajorVersion - %d, MinorVersion - %disTheiSCSIPatchInstalled - GetIScsiVersionInformation() succeededGetIScsiVersionInformationiscsidsc.dllCISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIPatchInstalled"|| IsBootLUN_Valid() - the Boot LUN value is acceptable.CISCSISupport::IsBootLUN_Valid"0|8| IsTargetPortValid() - the Target Port value is acceptable.CISCSISupport::IsTargetPortValid"`|h| IsVLAN_IdTagValid() - the VLAN ID Tag is acceptable.CISCSISupport::IsVLAN_IdTagValid"|| CISCSISupport::IsTheIscsiServiceRunning"p}x} "}}HIsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - The first octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 1 and 223IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - The 2nd octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - The 3rd octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - The 4th octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid() - the IP address passed in is invalid!!CISCSISupport::IsInitatorOrTargetIpAddressValid"~$~HIsSubnetMaskValid() - The first octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 128 and 255IsSubnetMaskValid() - The Subnet Mask is invalid - a 1 was found after the first zero!IsSubnetMaskValid() - The Subnet Mask is invalid - it cannot equal all 1'sIsSubnetMaskValid() - the IP address passed in is invalid!!CISCSISupport::IsSubnetMaskValid"T~\~HIsGatewayIpAddressValid() - The first octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 223IsGatewayIpAddressValid() - The 2nd octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsGatewayIpAddressValid() - The 3rd octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsGatewayIpAddressValid() - The 4th octet of the IP Address is not betweeen 0 and 255IsGatewayIpAddressValid() - the IP address passed in is invalid!!CISCSISupport::IsGatewayIpAddressValid"~~ IsLunValid() - a LUN value is outside the valid rangeCFcoeSupport::IsLunValid"~ (CISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey failed to open parameters keyCISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey opened parameter keyParametersCISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey found Microsoft Initator keyCISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey driver is %s, is not initiatorroot\iscsiprtCISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey failed to get driver descriptionMatchingDeviceId CISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey failed to open controller key CISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey failed to open SCSI controller class keySYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}CISCSISupport::GetIscsiInitiatorKey" ( CISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIInitiatorKeyPresent failed to get initiator keyCISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIInitiatorKeyPresent"( CISCSISupport::IsCrashDumpEnabled unknown crash dump driver is installed CISCSISupport::IsCrashDumpEnabled crash dump driver is installediSCSDump.sysDumpMiniPort CISCSISupport::IsCrashDumpEnabled failed to open initiator keyCISCSISupport::IsCrashDumpEnabled"4 \( CISCSISupport::EnableCrashDump failed to get initiator keyCISCSISupport::EnableCrashDump" `Exited CheckHotFixInstalled() - bRet - %dExecQuery -> select * from L_CLASS_WIN32_QUICKFIXENG"=HotFixIDWHEREWin32_QuickFixEngineeringroot\cimv2Entered CheckHotFixInstalled()"x(KB902113CISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIHotFixInstalled() This is WS03 SP2, no need to call CheckiSCSIHotFixInstalled()CISCSISupport::isTheiSCSIHotFixInstalled"0KB939875CISCSISupport::IsTheiSCSIDumpHotFixInstalled_OnW2K3"HX0KB970312CISCSISupport::IsISCSIDumpHotFixNeeded_OnW2K8" CISCSISupport::IsiSCSISupported" IsValidISCSIString() - the name passed is of invalid size!!IsValidISCSIString() - the name contains spaces! "D\(IsCHAP_UserNameValid() - the user name is of invalid size!!CISCSISupport::IsCHAP_UserNameValid"(IsCHAP_SecretValid() - the password is of invalid size!!IsCHAP_SecretValid() - the password passed in is invalid!!CISCSISupport::IsCHAP_SecretValid"@(IsTargetValid() - all targets are valid.IsTargetValid() - this is a valid target.000:00:00:00:00:00:00:00IsTargetValid() - this target has not been set.IsTargetValid() - error getting the default value.DefaultIsTargetValid() - error opening Port Targets registry key.PortTargetsSoftware\Intel\Network_Services\NCS2\Agents\BootAgnt\SettingsCFcoeSupport::IsTargetValid"$(IsBootOrderValid() - found an invalid boot order setting, no need to continue.IsBootOrderValid() - this boot order setting matches another setting's value.IsBootOrderValid() - this value is invalid, setting value to default.432IsBootOrderValid() - this setting is does not have a boot order specified.IsBootOrderValid() - error getting the default value.IsBootOrderValid() - error opening Port Targets registry key.PortBootOrderCFcoeSupport::IsBootOrderValid" CISCSISupport::IsInitiatorNameValid"<L CISCSISupport::IsTargetNameValid(P@`@"؈CNcsDebug::Error - 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Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. R6032 - not enough space for locale information R6031 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. This indicates a bug in your application. R6030 - CRT not initialized R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data R6010 - abort() has been called R6009 - not enough space for environment R6008 - not enough space for arguments R6002 - floating point support not loaded 0!@ @ p @ @@`@@@@@@@@@x@@ @@!P@x0@y@z@@@Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library ...<program name unknown>Runtime Error! 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" r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???( @;;;;0;;;;0;;;;0""r"'"r"!"!" " r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???( @;;;;0;;;;0;;;;0""r"'"r"!"!" " r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???( @;;;;0;;;;0;;;;0""r"'"r"!"!" " r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???( @;;;;0;;;;0;;;;0""r"'"r"!"!" " r"""""" "x'r"  "p/wr"x' p""""""r"""""" p" wwzwr px'r"""""r p"p/wr""r p""""""ww"xwpp r'"xr p"x'r'"xr "p/wr'"wwp'""r"r'"'""r "'""r"r""r wwwwwwwwwwwwwp???Ȁ1\<yd Intel(R) }#}ER z_> 0}fԚP`H2/fPH2&TP hP*,<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#;Ȁ3k<Treiber fr Intel(R) Network Connections entfernen>MS Sans SerifP`T2JaPT2NeinPhP-4<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$GȀ1Q<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`<2YesP<2NoPhP-"<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#-PAȀ2g<Supprimer les pilotes des cartes rseau Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`R2OuiPR2NonPhP+2<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$BȀ2b<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers>MS Sans SerifP`N2SPN2NoPhP+.<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$@Ȁ1]<0000(R) PRO 0000000000000000000n0JRd> -3 00000P`K2o0D0PK2D0D0H0PhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#@Ȁ1`<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Drivers> tPL2P`L2DȲ$PhP+-<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#>Ȁ1b<Remova os drivers de Conexes de rede Intel(R)>MS Sans SerifP`N2SimPN2NoPhP+0<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$AȀ1\<Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software> [SOPbG3/fPG2&TPhP+,<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P#<Ȁ1h<Desinstalar los controladores de Intel(R) Network Connections>MS Sans SerifP`R2SPR2NoPhP+1<Do you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.>P$Cyd Intel(R) }#}ߎԚ&T(&N)/f(&Y)F`yd@b g g} Intel }#}vER z_U ͑ޞˊ(WydER z_KNMR HQyd(W Intel }#} N-[vD}T VLAN0`-[p iSCSI Boot ;Nb!k݈nv Intel(R) NbaS(Wdk|q}-N0d[݈݈nER z_MR `N[f 0_j*QHQ^ 0-[ O[(W@b gv Intel NbaS NhQ 0\P(u 00W-[p FCoE Boot ݈nv Intel? NbaSX[(We P|q}-N0`N[(W@b gv Intel NbaS N\0_j^0-[p0*g-[0 KN_Mbd[݈݈nER z_07|q}v[daԚRj/fO(u FCoE xOMn0(W`OSNd݈nER z_[݈MR `_Mn[OO(u,g_jxx0LNbaSO(ue0Ethernet IQ~S0Bf `1\ Nd[݈݈nER z_0ˊ\0_j^0-[fp0*g-[0&Nx[RjHhO(u,g_jxx_j_QfN!k02Enfernen der Intel( R ) Netzwerkanschluss-Software&Nein&JaMchten Sie Treiber fr alle verdrahteten Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen entfernen? WICHTIG: Entfernen Sie vor der Deinstallation alle auf Intel(R) Netzwerkverbindungen konfigurierte Gruppen und VLANs.In diesem System existieren Intel(R) Adapter, die als iSCSI Boot Primr- oder Sekundr-Gerte konfiguriert sind. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in Deaktiviert ndern, bevor Sie den Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.In diesem System existieren als FCoE-Bootgerte konfigurierte Intel Adapter. Sie mssen die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt auf allen Intel Adaptern in 'Nicht festgelegt' ndern, bevor Sie die Gertetreiber deinstallieren knnen.Die Paging-Datei des virtuellen Speichers des Systems ist fr ein FCoE-Laufwerk konfiguriert. Sie muss fr ein lokales Laufwerk konfiguriert werden, bevor die Gertetreiber deinstalliert werden knnen.5Sie knnen den Gertetreiber nicht deinstallieren, solange der Adapter fr Fibre Channel over Ethernet verwendet wird. ndern Sie die Einstellung fr die Boot-Prioritt in 'Nicht festgelegt' und stellen Sie sicher, dass die Auslagerungsdatei einen lokalen Datentrger verwendet, bevor Sie es erneut versuchen.,Remove Intel(R) Network Connections Software&No&YesDo you want to remove drivers for all wired Intel Network Connections? IMPORTANT: Remove teams and VLANs configured on Intel Network Connections before removing drivers.Intel(R) Adapters configured as iSCSI Boot Primary or Secondary devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Priority setting to Disabled on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device driver.Intel Adapters configured as FCoE Boot devices are present in this system. You must change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set on all Intel Adapters before you can uninstall the device drivers.The system s virtual memory paging file is configured to use an FCoE drive. You must configure it to use a local drive before you can uninstall the device drivers.You cannot uninstall the device driver while the adapter is in use for Fibre Channel over Ethernet. Change the Boot Order setting to  Not Set and make sure the paging file uses a local drive before trying again.PA0Supprimer le logiciel Connexions rseau Intel(R)&Non&OuiVoulez-vous supprimer les pilotes de toutes les connexions rseau Intel filaires ? IMPORTANT : supprimez l'ensemble des associations et des rseaux VLAN configurs sur les connexions rseau Intel avant de procder la suppression des pilotes.Des cartes Intel(R) configures comme priphriques iSCSI Boot principaux ou secondaires se trouvent sur le systme. Le paramtre Priorit d'amorage doit tre dfini sur Dsactiv sur toutes les cartes Intel avant que vous puissiez dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique.Des cartes Intel configures comme priphriques d'amorage FCoE se trouvent sur le systme. Vous devez dfinir le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur "Non dfini" sur toutes les cartes Intel avant d'installer les pilotes de priphrique.Le fichier de pagination de mmoire virtuelle du systme est configur pour tre utilis sur un disque FCoE. Vous devez le configurer pour utiliser un disque local avant de pouvoir dsinstaller les pilotes de priphriques.Vous ne pouvez pas dsinstaller le pilote de priphrique alors que la carte est utilise pour FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Dfinissez le paramtre Ordre d'amorage sur Non dfini et assurez-vous que le fichier de pagination utilise un lecteur local avant d'essayer nouveau.Rimuovi il software di Intel(R)&No&SRimuovere i driver remoti per tutte le connessioni di rete cablate Intel? IMPORTANTE: prima di rimuovere i driver, rimuovere i raggruppamenti e le VLAN configurati sulla rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel(R) configurate come periferiche iSCSI Boot primarie o secondarie. Per installare il driver della periferica prima necessario impostare a Disattivato la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.In questo sistema sono presenti schede di rete Intel configurate come periferiche FCoE Boot. Per disinstallare i driver della periferica prima necessario configurare su 'Non impostata' la priorit di avvio di tutte le schede di rete Intel.L'impaginazione della memoria virtuale del sistema configurata per l'uso di un'unit FCoE. Sar necessario configurarla per l'uso di un'unit locale prima che sia possibile disinstallare i driver della periferica.Impossibile disinstallare il driver del dispositivo quando la scheda di rete utilizzata per Fibre Channel su Ethernet. Prima di riprovare, impostare l'ordine di avvio a  Non impostato e accertarsi che il file di paging usi un'unit locale.0000(R) 00000000000000000000n0JRdD0D0H0(&N)o0D0(&Y)_Y0y0f0n0 g}n0000000000000000000 0JRdW0~0Y0K0 00000JRdY00MRk00000000000000000000 k0-[U00f0D00000h0 VLAN 0JRdW0f0O0`0U0D00S0n00000k0o00iSCSI Boot 000000~0_0o000000000000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n00000000000g0wRn0*QHQ-[0!qRk0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00xFCoE Boot 0000h0W0f0-[U00_00000(R) 00000L0S0n00000k0B00~0Y00000000000000000000Y00k0o00Y0y0f0n0000000000g0 [wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfY00_L0B00~0Y00 Y0000n0N`000000000000000o0 FCoE 00000O(uY000F0-[U00f0D0~0Y000000000000JRdY00MRk0000000000O(uY000F0-[W0f0O0`0U0D0000000L0 Fibre Channel over Ethernet (uk0O(uU00f0D00o00000000000JRdg0M0~0[000[wRn0^] n0-[0 [-[j0W0] k0 YfW0f00000000000L0000000000O(uY00S0h00xW0f0K00QfLW0f0O0`0U0D00xT(R) $l Ű ոƴ pDȲ$(&N)(&Y)W xT(R) $l Ű ܴ|tDŽ| pX ȲL? ɔ: pX0  xT $l Ű ޹ l1 VLAND pX$.oiSCSI X  p X\ l1 xT(R) 0 t ¤\ ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX$t < xT 0  $D D\1T(<\ t| iȲ.jt ¤\ FCoE X\ l1 xT(R) 0 ǵȲ. X ܴ|t | $X pX$t < xT 0 t  $D "$ JL"<\ t| iȲ.X¤\X T t |@ FCoE ܴ|t | Xij] l1 ǵȲ. X ܴ|tDŽ| pX0  \ ܴ|t | Xij] l1t|iȲ.0 Fibre Channel Over Ethernet<\  ٳHŔ X ܴ|tDŽ| p`  ŵȲ. ijX0   $D "$ JL"<\ X t |t \ ܴ|t | XՔ UxX$.0Remova o software para conexes de rede Intel(R)&No&SimDeseja remover os drivers de todas a conexes de rede Intel(R) com fio. IMPORTANTE: Remova os grupos e as VLANs configuradas nas conexes de rede Intel antes de remover os drivers.Adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos de inicializao iSCSI principal ou secundrio esto presentes neste sistema. Voc precisa mudar a configurao de prioridade de inicializao para Desabilitada em todos os adaptadores Intel antes de poder desinstalar o dispositivo.O sistema contm adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de inicializao FCoE. Voc precisa modificar o parmetro Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) em todos os adaptadores Intel para poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivo.O arquivo de paginao da memria virtual do sistema est configurado para usar uma unidade FCoE. Voc deve configur-lo para usar a unidade local antes de poder desinstalar os drivers de dispositivos. GVoc no pode desinstalar o driver de dispositivo enquanto o adaptador est em uso para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet - canal de fibra em Ethernet). Antes de tentar de novo, mude a configurao Boot Order (ordem de inicializao) para  Not Set (no definida) e configure o arquivo de paginao para usar uma unidade local.ydyr\(R) Q~ޏcoN&T(&N)/f(&Y)@/f&T Rdyr\(R) Q~ޏcvhQqR z^ ͑ RdqR z^KNMR Rd(Wyr\(R) Q~ޏc NMnv~T VLAN0N,g|~-NX[(WMn:N iSCSI _[;NYb!kYvyr\(R) MhV0傁xS}YqR z^ _{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[OHQCg n9e:N y(u 0Ldk|~-NX[(WMn:N FCoE _[Yvyr\(R) MhV0`_{HQ\@b gyr\MhVv _[z^ nf9e:N *gn 6qTMbxS}YqR z^0;|~vZbQX[RueNMn:NO(u FCoE qRhV0_{\vQMn:NO(uN*N,g0WqRhV 6qTMbSNxS}YqR z^0=` N(WMhVck(W(uNN*YQIQ~SexS}YqR z^0\_[nf9e:N Nn v^nxORueNO(u,g0WqRhV 6qTQՋ06Desinstalar el software de conexiones de red Intel(R)&No&SDesea desinstalar los controladores de todas las conexiones de red Intel(R) conectadas? IMPORTANTE: Antes de desinstalar los controladores, elimine los equipos y LAN virtuales configurados en las conexiones de red Intel.En este sistema hay presentes adaptadores Intel(R) configurados como dispositivos primarios o secundarios de iSCSI Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Prioridad de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos.En este sistema hay adaptadores Intel configurados como dispositivos de FCoE Boot. Debe deshabilitar la opcin Orden de inicio en todos los adaptadores Intel antes de desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.El archivo de paginacin de memoria virtual del sistema est configurado para usar una unidad FCoE. Necesitar configurarlo para usar una unidad local antes de poder desinstalar los controladores de dispositivos.No puede desinstalar el controlador de dispositivos mientras se utiliza el adaptador para FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet). Cambie la opcin Orden de inicio a  No establecido y asegrese de que el archivo de paginacin utilice una unidad local antes de intentarlo de nuevo.^Intel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980T Windows Me NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gIIntel(R) PRO McaSTߎԚd[݈ z_v-/f(W Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 NWLv0 dk z_\P}_gd[݈ z_!ql_Uv-[j jHhd[݈\Omi]}B}bkIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 und Windows ME vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller ist fr die Ausfhrung unter Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 vorgesehen. Das Programm wird beendet!NDas Deinstallationsprogramm konnte die erforderliche Setup-Datei nicht ffnen:+Die Deinstallation der Datei wurde beendet!Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me. The program will exit!wIntel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller is designed to run in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. The program will exit!0Uninstaller cannot open the required setup file:(File uninstallation has been terminated!Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 et Windows ME. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.Le programme de dsinstallation Intel(R) PRO Adapters and Software Uninstaller est conu pour tre excut sous Microsoft(R) Windows 200. Le programme va maintenant s'interrompre.QLe programme de dsinstallation ne peut ouvrir le fichier d'installation requis :/La dsinstallation du fichier a t abandonne.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. Il programma verr chiuso.Il programma di disinstallazione del software delle schede di rete Intel(R) PRO funziona in Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. Il programma verr chiuso.CIl programma di disinstallazione non pu aprire il file necessario:/La disinstallazione del file stata terminata.t0000(R) PRO 00000h0000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 950Windows 980J00s0 Windows Me g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y00]0000(R) PRO 00000h00000000n000000000o00Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 g0[LY000F0k0-U00f0D0~0Y00 000000B}NW0~0Y0000000000o0_j0000000 00000Q0~0[0000000n000000000L0-NbkU00~0W0_00sxT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98  Windows Me ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.\xT(R) PRO 0  ոƴ $X p \@ Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 ‰ij] xŵȲ. \D ̸iȲ.DՔ\ $ |D  ŵȲ. | $X p ŵȲ.O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 e Windows Me. O programa vai ser fechado!O desinstalador de software e adaptadores Intel(R) PRO foi projetado para rodar no Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. O programa vai ser fechado!IO desinstalador no conseguiu abrir o arquivo de configurao necessrio:.A desinstalao dos arquivos foi interrompida!X"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^" ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 95 Windows 98 T Windows ME -N0 z^\QA"yr\(R) PRO MhVToNxSň z^"ЏLN Microsoft(R) Windows 2000 -N0 z^\QxSň z^elSb_@b[ňeNeNxSň~bkLa desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 95, Windows 98 y Windows Me. El programa se cerrar.La desinstalacin de programa y adaptadores Intel(R) PRO est diseada para ser ejecutada en Microsoft(R) Windows 2000. El programa se cerrar.SEl programa de desinstalacin no puede abrir el archivo de configuracin requerido:-Se ha cancelado la desinstalacin de archivos!/` g{t kPMbWL P z_0 ˊT`v|q}{tT=mb0.1ue iSCSI Boot ck(WO(udkER z_ @bN!qlpN Nv݈nd[݈dkER z_%sFEHLER: Fr die Ausfhrung dieses Programms werden Administratorrechte bentigt. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den zustndigen Systemadministrator.uDer Treiber des folgenden Gertes konnte nicht deinstalliert werden, da er momentan fr iSCSI Boot verwendet wird: %seERROR: You need administrative rights to run this program. Please consult your system administrators.iCould not uninstall the driver for the following device because it is currently in use for iSCSI Boot. %sERREUR : Vous devez possder des droits d'administrateur pour pouvoir excuter ce programme. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur systme.iImpossible de dsinstaller le pilote du priphrique suivant parce qu il est utilis pour iSCSI Boot : %sERRORE: per eseguire questo programma necessario avere i diritti di amministrazione. Rivolgersi agli amministratori del sistema.mImpossibile disinstallare il driver per la seguente periferica poich attualmente in uso per iSCSI Boot: %s1000S0n0000000[LY00k0o0{t)jPL0_g0Y00 0000{tk0OUD0T0[0f0O0`0U0D00*!kn000000o0s(W iSCSI Bootk000O(u-Nn0_000JRdg0M0~0[00: %s4$X: t \D ‰X$t \t Ǵ| iȲ. ¤\ Ō 8XX$.2iSCSI Boot ֬ 0 L8 L XX ܴ|tDŽ| p` ŵȲ: %spERRO: Voc precisa de direitos administrativos para executar este programa. Consulte o administrador do sistema.`No foi possvel desinstalar o driver a seguir porque ele est sendo usado para o iSCSI Boot: %sERROR: ЏLdk z^{tXTCgP0 T`v{tXTT0"el:NN NYxS}qR z^ V:N[ck(uN iSCSI _[: %soERROR: Debe tener derechos de administrador para ejecutar este programa. Consulte el administrador de sistemas.vNo se puede desinstalar el controlador del siguiente dispositivo ya que est actualmente en uso para el iSCSI Boot: %s !qld[݈ %s$Fehler bei der Deinstallation von %sFailed to Uninstall %s"La dsinstallation d'%s a chou. Impossibile disinstallare %s%s 000000000g0M0~0[00%sD(|) pX յȲ.Falha ao desinstalar o %s.elxSň %sNo se ha podido desinstalar %sIntel(R) xed_jTߎԚd[݈ z_+d[݈ z_gyd@b g Intel xed_jvܕvER z_TߎԚ0 `|~~2LU7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerfDas Deinstallationsprogramm entfernt Treiber und Software von allen Intel Modems. Vorgang fortsetzen?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II(Intel(R) Modems and Software UninstallerjUninstaller will remove the associated drivers and software of all Intel modems. Do you want to continue?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIEProgramme de dsinstallation Intel(R) Modems and Software Uninstaller|Le programme de dsinstallation va supprimer les pilotes et les logiciels de tous les modems Intel. Voulez-vous continuer ?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II=Programma di disinstallazione del software dei modem Intel(R)rIl programma di disinstallazione rimuover il software e i driver associati a tutti i modem Intel(R). Continuare?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II0000(R) 000h00000000n000000000@000000000[LY00h000000n0000k0#W0_000000h00000000L0JRdU00~0Y00 }LW0f0000W0D0g0Y0K07Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIxT(R)  ոƴ $X p \9$X p \t xT  ܴ|tDŽ  ոƴ| piȲ. ĬX ȲL?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II+Desinstalador de software e modems Intel(R)]O desinstalador vai remover os drivers e softwares de todos os modems Intel. Quer continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus IIyr\(R) 6RhVToNxSň z^$xSň z^\ Rd@b gyr\6RhVvvsQqR z^ToN0 /f&T~~7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II,Desinstalacin de programa y mdems Intel(R)}El programa de desinstalacin eliminar los controladores y software asociados con todos los mdems Intel. Desea continuar?7Start Menu\Programs\Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II#Intel(R) PRO 100 Modem56 CardBus II           4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?lStringFileInfoH040904b0CommentsDCompanyNameIntel Corporation1FileDescriptionIntel (R) Network Connections Driver Uninstaller4 FileVersion18.4.11.02 InternalNamePROUnstl;LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.(LegalTrademarksB OriginalFilenamePROUnstl.exe PrivateBuild^ProductNameIntel (R) Network Connections8 ProductVersion18.4.11.0 SpecialBuildDVarFileInfo$Translation  Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PAD Intel(R) PROSet for Windows Device Manager PADPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPAD80+ *H 01 0 +0L +7>0<0 +70 0!0 +8 f}hK7s3T00W~|NYKw;0  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Durbanville10 U Thawte10U Thawte Certification10UThawte Timestamping CA0 121221000000Z 201230235959Z0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20"0  *H 0 ITK %y"W*oܸ&Csk¿.PZvC%CE{t"״MD$k_E;DCsi+˙r&Mq1QaSI,xE/W?=ƒJ{3y uAQlie)`; tޒ"t|'JÞ-'}aqPK],e ؖ|NHDD h]jxdE`F~T|yq00U_n\t}?L.02+&0$0"+0http://ocsp.thawte.com0U00?U8060420. 0 +0U0(U!0010UTimeStamp-2048-10  *H  yY0h O]7_R DnmX|0i#s oG9*ÎY M1\*zzWLey@b%n7j!AW?wI*^8j"Q~0085njP0  *H 0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20 121018000000Z 201229235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G40"0  *H 0 c 9D#DIa Sۭ,Jn"hcSit<üu00m'v\Иr0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)101.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0 120517000000Z 150530235959Z01 0 UUS10 UOregon10U Hillsboro10U Intel Corporation1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v210U LAN Access Division10UIntel Corporation0"0  *H 0 ʱi,30+ =Je jjwled0j+3HmjQg 01CSl_PyDEG9NMJ:!ʒ}0[hiMfI&^_$& AYnG4ɕIYA.Ml 5\Qԃ"Ɋ7 jF d1qsǹ?҈], ~sV{0w0 U00U0@U9070531/ =0;09 `HE0*0(+ 0 +0q+e0c0$+0;+0/ϙ{&KɎ&ҧ0 `HB0 +700  *H (_&̑% u^Ӌ9]/N|bJ#|L)|'xk)J;m=6hb1,7LwA jpt6'81|8#[Xߔm|hүyU[~+#콅sOI4eM8֙7+ފ/mDb쨢0 u'a[]k͆eⲾ#j GMy9a: W|Gfض]JGqC2 wߖqU&J@<& m%{Ͽ?/wƵVz;T0Sb4Z(LN~[uGr.4L~O =W0֦6րv.~4-00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+*+0 a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#'%#$+0!0010UVeriSignMPKI-2-80Uϙ{&KɎ&ҧ0U#0e0 C93130  *H V"4aHVdٌĻ z"G8J-lq|pO S^tI$&GLc4E &sЩdmqE`YQ9XkԤyk Ar7" #?Da̱\=ҍB=e6Դ=@(#&K ː]L4<7o 4&ٮ Ś!3oX%|tXuc?1|Sv[퓺]!S‚Sc P=TR,=.ǓH10001 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)101.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA'v\Иr0 +0 *H  1  +70 +7 10  +70# *H  1@GwSuB:ʁl5,0 +7 1r0pnld:\Sandbox\305346\prounstl\release\Win32E\PROUNSTL.exe0  *H .-d6[vb6ݨeأJ[􉳊?g Lh)%U]-X/ =[J}!e+=P$H>%a]Rbe$I>vSkT_F1>Ia?BihuDQW& є;X e9K~@*3# ҈9Z("9="Ur)mڃ:I^H&E[?uB.a*PRO100/Winx64/NDIS62/e100bmsg.dll0000755000000000000000000010514010730470554012655 0ustar MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $ 5ۯA[A[A[hG]A[RichA[PELbG! ``pK1pIp``.rsrcpIP@@.reloc ``@B 8P   0 @P`p     0 @P4tx $$(\,/2D87l:l>l|AlDlTHlKl,OlRlVl |@@@@ @ @@@,t(%2 : oO\հTC (%2 : oOTհTC d %2Gdws 0d %2GdwsG10Mbps bu 0d %2GdwsG10Mbps u 0d %2GdwsG100Mbps bu 0d %2GdwsG100Mbps u %2 Xʵ{wҰ %2 Xʵ{w $%2 : oOĵiհTC $d %2Gw}ds Hd %2GSqs٦񱵦۰ʥAsiCioušC (%2 : oO~հTC $d %2Gww饢 (d %2Gw EEprom al |@@@@ @ @ @@PdHx0%2 : Dies ist eine ERFOLGS-Testmeldung. 4%2 : Dies ist eine INFORMATIONS-Testmeldung. ,Adapter %2: Adapterverbindung aktiv DAdapter %2: Adapterverbindung besteht: 10 Mbit/s Halbduplex DAdapter %2: Adapterverbindung besteht: 10 Mbit/s Vollduplex DAdapter %2: Adapterverbindung besteht: 100 Mbit/s Halbduplex DAdapter %2: Adapterverbindung besteht: 100 Mbit/s Vollduplex $%2 Treiber wurde gestartet $%2 Treiber wurde gestoppt 0%2 : Dies ist eine WARNUNGS-Testmeldung. 0Adapter %2: Adapterverbindung inaktiv Adapter %2: Keine Ankndigung ber automatische Absprache vom Verbindungspartner erhalten. Ein Duplexkonflikt ist mglich. 0%2 : Dies ist eine FEHLER-Testmeldung. ,Adapter %2: Hardware-Fehler gefunden 0Adapter %2: EEPROM-Korruption gefunden |@@@@ @ @@@8(Tx,%2 : This is an SUCCESS test message. 4%2 : This is an INFORMATIONAL test message. $Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 10Mbps Half Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 10Mbps Full Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 100Mbps Half Duplex 8Adapter %2: Adapter Link Up: 100Mbps Full Duplex $%2 driver has been started $%2 driver has been stopped ,%2 : This is an WARNING test message. $Adapter %2: Adapter Link Down tAdapter %2: Did not receive auto-negotiation advertisement from link partner. A duplex mismatch may occur. ,%2 : This is an ERROR test message. ,Adapter %2: Hardware failure detected 0Adapter %2: EEprom corruption detected |@@@@ @ @@@Xdh8%2 : Ceci est un message de test de RUSSITE. 8%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'INFORMATION. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte actif @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s half duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 10 Mbits/s full duplex @Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s half duplex D Carte %2 : Liaison de la carte : 100 Mbits/s full duplex $Le pilote %2 a t dmarr. $Le pilote %2 a t arrt. <%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'AVERTISSEMENT. ,Carte %2 : lien de la carte inactif Carte %2 : annonce de ngociation automatique du partenaire de liaison non reue. Il est possible qu'une mauvaise correspondance duplex se produise. 4%2 : Ceci est un message de test d'ERREUR. <Carte %2 : dtection d'une dfaillance matrielle <Carte %2 : dtection d'une altration de l'EEPROM |@@@@ @ @ @@d|8%2 : Questo un messaggio di test di SUCCESSO. <%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'INFORMAZIONI. 0Scheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 10Mbps Half Duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 10Mbps full duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 100Mbps half duplex DScheda %2: collegamento scheda attivo: 100Mbps full duplex $Il driver %2 stato avviato (Il driver %2 stato arrestato 4%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'AVVISO. 0Scheda %2: collegamento scheda disattivo Scheda di rete %2: non ha ricevuto l'annuncio di negoziazione automatica dal partner di collegamento, possibile che si sia verificato un problema di duplex 4%2 : Questo un messaggio di test d'ERRORE. ,Scheda %2: rilevato errore hardware 0Scheda %2: rilevata EEprom danneggiata |@@@@ @ @ @@h8%2 : ͍iۂ̃eXg bZ[WłB 4%2 : ͎Ql̃eXg bZ[WłB 8A_v^ %2: A_v^̃NڑĂ܂ HA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F10Mbps dʐM HA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F10Mbps SdʐM LA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F100Mbps dʐM LA_v^ %2FA_v^̃Nm܂F100Mbps SdʐM $%2 hCoN܂ $%2hCo~܂ 0%2 : ͌x̃eXg bZ[WłB <A_v^ %2: A_v^̃NڑĂ܂ A_v^ %2FN p[gi[I[glSVG[V̌M܂łBSd̕sv”\܂B 4%2 : ̓eXg̃G[ bZ[WłB <A_v^ %2: n[hEFAŃG[o܂ 4A_v^ %2: EEprom ̔j󂪌o܂ |@@@@ @ @@@,$Lx(%2: ׽Ʈ ޽Դϴ. 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(Adaptador %2: EEprom corrompida |@@@@ @ @@@ <$%2 "ɹ" Ϣ (%2 "Ϣ" Ϣ $ %2ͨ 4 %2ѽ10Mbps ˫ 4 %2ѽ10Mbps ȫ˫ 4 %2ѽ100Mbps ˫ 4 %2ѽ100Mbps ȫ˫ %2 %2 ֹ $%2 "" Ϣ $ %2Ӳͨ T %2δյӻԶЭ̹档ܻᷢ˫ƥ $%2 "" Ϣ $ %2⵽Ӳ ( %2⵽ EEprom |@@@@ @ @4@@|H%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de OPERACIN SATISFACTORIA. <%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de INFORMACIN. 4Adaptador %2: Enlace del adaptador activo HAdaptador %2: enlace de adaptador activo: 10Mbps dplex medio HAdaptador %2: enlace de adaptador activo: 10Mbps dplex completo HAdaptador %2: enlace de adaptador activo: 100Mbps dplex medio LAdaptador %2: enlace de adaptador activo: 100Mbps dplex completo (Se ha iniciado el controlador %2 (Se ha detenido el controlador %2 <%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de ADVERTENCIA. 4Adaptador %2: Enlace del adaptador inactivo Adaptador %2: No ha recibido anuncio de negociacin automtica del interlocutor de enlace. Se puede presentar una incorrespondencia dplex. 4%2 : Este es un mensaje de prueba de ERROR. 4Adaptador %2: Fallo de hardware detectado 4Adaptador %2: Daos detectados en la EEprom l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation l4VS_VERSION_INFO((?StringFileInfo040904B0DCompanyNameIntel Corporation/FileDescriptionIntel(R) PRO/100 Adapter Event-Log Message Dll2 FileVersion8.0.40.0: InternalNamee100bmsg.dll<LegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2005 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.B OriginalFilenamee100bmsg.dll: ProductNamee100bmsg.dll6 ProductVersion8.0.40.0DVarFileInfo$Translation PADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDINGPADDINGXXPADDING`0S *H D0@1 0 +0h +7Z0X03 +70% <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +"QCFS60z0b8%a&Z0  *H 0S1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1+0)U"VeriSign Time Stamping Services CA0 070615000000Z 120614235959Z0\1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1402U+VeriSign Time Stamping Services Signer - G200  *H 0ĵR`)J[/Kk5TX56^bMRQ4q{f*j 7٘tvJcEG.k NK+XJ,XB-uލǎlLgrIž`<cxi{-004+(0&0$+0 U003U,0*0(&$" 0 +0U0U0010 UTSA1-20  *H PK$ $- 7 ,Za񑑳V@뒾89u6t:O7ʕBǠWdB5N3M'L8MxSݤ^ ⥾`߭(ǥKd[98"3/!?DA e$HDT\y>]r},CS}=*:Om ]^SWp`+nx'4[^I2300-GߍRFCmH 10  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Durbanville10 U Thawte10U Thawte Certification10UThawte Timestamping CA0 031204000000Z 131203235959Z0S1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1+0)U"VeriSign Time Stamping Services CA0"0  *H 0 ʲ }uNgadڻ30X~k6xw~o< hlʽR-H=]_/kLR`@~ ?Ǵ߇_zj1.G 1s W-x43h/Š*Ë!fXWou<&]'x1"ijGC_^|}bM "Vͮv M٠h;004+(0&0$+0 0 +0U0$U0010U TSA2048-1-530  *H JkXD1y+LͰXn)^ʓR G'/8ɓN"b?7!Op18UN$ҩ'NzaA*^ݻ+>W~ +;R8'?J00(AZ9xIef8Lu0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 040716000000Z 140715235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)041.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2004 CA0"0  *H 0 ~7O8Ҍ} kBRH%czQeӪ;+f$n96Уv"'$l8'I%,0q(wJQTom dc-N'm)G|-Wg32 #m„Kvhq,]! 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Title to the Material remains with Intel ** ;** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** ;** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** ;** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** ;** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** ;** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, ** ;** posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's ** ;** prior express written permission. ** ;** ** ;** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** ;** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** ;** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** ;** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** ;** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** ;** writing. ** ;** ** ;/*****************************************************************************/ ; ;******************************************************************************* ; fei62x64.INF (Windows 7 x64 Edition) ; ; Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection devices ;******************************************************************************* ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_INTEL% CatalogFile = DriverVer = 10/01/2009, [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel, NTamd64.6.0, NTamd64.6.1.1 [Intel] ; Empty section. [Intel.NTamd64.6.0] ; Empty section. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++ Windows 7 (x64) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Intel.NTamd64.6.1.1] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- %FE10FE.DeviceDesc% = 10FE, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_10FE ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Installation sections ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ;============================================ ; Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection ;============================================ [10FE] Characteristics = 0x84 BusType = 5 AddReg = ICH.reg, LogLinkState.reg, Speed100.reg, EnablePME.reg, EnableLLPD.reg, PowerSave.reg AddReg = FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg, WakeOn.reg AddReg = Uninstall.reg, uninstallW7.reg CopyFiles = FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles, UninstallFEI.CopyFiles [10FE.Services] AddService = FEIExpress, 2, FEIExpress.Service, FEI.EventLog [10FE.CoInstallers] AddReg = CoInstaller_AddReg_VS CopyFiles = CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS [E10FE.HW] Include=machine.inf Needs=PciIoSpaceNotRequired ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registry settings ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- [ICH.reg] ; Flow Control Settings HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, ParamDesc, 0, %FlowControlSettings% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl, Default, 0, "3" HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "3", 0, %GenerateAndRespond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "2", 0, %Respond% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "1", 0, %Generate% HKR,Ndi\Params\FlowControl\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, ParamDesc, 0, %RxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Default, 0, "48" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Max, 0, "1024" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumRfd, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, ParamDesc, 0, %TxBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Default, 0, "16" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Min, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Max, 0, "64" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumTcb, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %CoalesceBuffers% HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Default, 0, "8" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Min, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Max, 0, "32" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\NumCoalesce, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveIFS% HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Max, 0, "255" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Adaptive_IFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTxThreshold% HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Default, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Max, 0, "200" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\Threshold, Base, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptiveTechnology% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "1", 0, %On% HKR,Ndi\Params\UcodeSW\Enum, "0", 0, %Off% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, ParamDesc, 0, %PciBusEfficiency% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\Coalesce\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ; Adaptive Performance Tuning HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, ParamDesc, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuning% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Type, 0, "slider" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, Default, 0, "0" HKR,,CPUSaver, 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, LeftLabel, 0, %AdapterBandwidth% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, RightLabel, 0, %CpuUtil% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver, MiniHelp, 0, %AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp% HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "0", 0, "0" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "1", 0, "1" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "2", 0, "512" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "3", 0, "768" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "4", 0, "1024" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "5", 0, "1280" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "6", 0, "1536" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "7", 0, "1792" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "8", 0, "2048" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "9", 0, "2304" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "10", 0, "2560" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "11", 0, "2816" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "12", 0, "3072" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "13", 0, "3328" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "14", 0, "3584" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "15", 0, "3840" HKR,PROSetNdi\Params\CPUSaver\Values, "16", 0, "4096" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, ParamDesc, 0, %LocalyAdminAddress% HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Type, 0, "edit" HKR,Ndi\Params\NetworkAddress, Default, 0, "" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, LimitText, 0, "12" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, UpperCase, 0, "1" HKR,NDI\params\NetworkAddress, optional, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, ParamDesc, 0, %RetransmitInterFrameSpace% HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Type, 0, "int" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Default, 0, "10" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Min, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Max, 0, "15" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Step, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\ConfigIFS, Base, 0, "10" HKR,,PcNic, 0, "1" HKR,,MWIEnable, 0, "0" HKR,,DeviceVxDsPrefix, 0, "e100b" HKR,,HPQDisable, 0, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveStalledInterrupts, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveCarrierLoss, 2, "1" HKR,,AdaptiveTransmitMethod, 2, "1" HKR,,Threshold, 0, "200" HKR,,LogErrorMessages, 0, "1" ;--- Log Link State Event ; [LogLinkState.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, ParamDesc, 0, %LogLinkState% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent, Default, 0, "0" HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\LogLinkStateEvent\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% ;--- Speed Duplex Mode common base 10/100Mb ; [Speed100.reg] HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, ParamDesc, 0, %SpeedDuplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "0", 0, %AutoDetect% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "1", 0, %10Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "2", 0, %10Mb-Full-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "3", 0, %100Mb-Half-Duplex% HKR, Ndi\params\SpeedDuplex\enum, "4", 0, %100Mb-Full-Duplex% ;--- 82552 Enable PME [EnablePME.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, ParamDesc, 0, %EnablePME% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME, Default, 0, "2" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePME\Enum, "2", 0, %OsControlled% HKR, , EnablePME, 0, "2" ;--- Enable Power Down on link loss [EnableLLPD.reg] HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, ParamDesc, 0, %SmartPowerDown% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Type, 0, "enum" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss, Default, 0, "1" HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "1", 0, %Enabled% HKR,Ndi\Params\EnablePowerDownOnLinkLoss\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% [PowerSave.reg] HKR,,AutoPowerSaveModeEnabled, 0, "0" HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "1" HKR,,SavePowerNowEnabled, 0, "1" HKR,,NdisMultipleIndicateDown, 0, "0" HKR,,LPLUEnabled, 0, "1" ;--- NDI object registration [FEI.ndi.Interfaces.reg] HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndis5" HKR,Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "ethernet" HKR,Ndi, Service, 0, "FEIExpress" [WakeOn.reg] ; WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, default, 0, "246" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "2", 0, %WakeOnMagicPacket% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "116", 0, %WakeOnDirected% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "118", 0, %WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn\Enum, "246", 0, %OSControlled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn, type, 0, "enum" HKR,, WakeOn, 0, "246" ;Wake on Link parameter HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, ParamDesc, 0, %WakeOnLinkSettings% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "0", 0, %Disabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink\Enum, "2", 0, %Enabled% HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink, type, 0, "enum" [WakeOnDelReg.DelReg] HKR, PROSetNdi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOn HKR, Ndi\Params\WakeOnLink [Force10Disable.reg] HKR,,Force10MbOnD3, 0, "0" ;--- Uninstallation [Uninstall.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 10FE, 0, "82552" [uninstallW7.reg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\Dins, fei62x64.din, 0, "8255x.Uninstall.6.0" ; --- Service --- ; [FEIExpress.Service] DisplayName = %FEI.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\fei62x64.sys LoadOrderGroup = NDIS AddReg = TextModeFlags.reg [TextModeFlags.reg] HKR, , TextModeFlags, 0x00010001, 0x0001 ; --- Event log --- ; [FEI.EventLog] AddReg = FEI.AddEventLog.reg [FEI.AddEventLog.reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, %EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64% HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 ;--- Copy files ; [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles = 12 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %DISKNAME%,,, [SourceDisksFiles] fei62x64.din = 1,, fei62x64.sys = 1,, NicCo26.dll = 1,, NicIn100.dll = 1,, e100bmsg.dll = 1,, [FEI.ndis5x.CopyFiles] fei62x64.sys,,,2 [UninstallFEI.CopyFiles] fei62x64.din,,,2 ;--- Coinstaller [CoInstaller_CopyFiles_VS] NicCo26.dll,,,0x00000010 ;don't overwrite NicIn100.dll,,,2 e100bmsg.dll,,,2 [CoInstaller_AddReg_VS] HKR,, CoInstallers32, 0x00010000,"NicCo26.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" HKR,, NicCoPlugins, 0x00010000, "NicIn100.dll,NicCoInstallerEntry" ; Set co-installer flags for coinstaller HKR,, CoInstallFlag, 0x00010001, "0x80000000" ;--- Localizable Strings ; [Strings] EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\fei62x64.sys" ; Parameters ; values On = "On" Off = "Off" Enabled = "Enabled" Disabled = "Disabled" AutoDetect = "Auto Detect" 10Mb-Half-Duplex = "10Mbps/Half Duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex = "10Mbps/Full Duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex = "100Mbps/Half Duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex = "100Mbps/Full Duplex" High = "High" Low = "Low" None = "None" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond = "Generate and Respond" Respond = "Respond" Generate = "Generate" NoAction = "No Action" HardwareDefault = "Hardware Default" OSControlled = "OS Controlled" Forced = "Forced" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers = "Receive Descriptors" RxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of buffers the driver uses when copying data to protocol memory. Increasing this value can enhance receive performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." TxBuffers = "Transmit Descriptors" TxBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets the number of data segments that enable the adapter to track transmit packets. Increasing this value can improve transmit performance, but also consumes system memory. Use the default if performance is not an issue." CoalesceBuffers = "Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp = "Sets number of buffers available for transmit acceleration. Should be 30-50 percent of Transmit Descriptors. See Help for more information." AdaptiveIFS = "Adaptive Inter-Frame Spacing" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling back-to-back timing." AdaptiveTxThreshold = "Adaptive Transmit Threshold" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp = "Sets number of bytes before adapter empties FIFO buffer. Lower values may enhance transmit performance, but may also result in more underruns. If the adapter can achieve better performance using a lower value, it will use that value. Actual value is 8 times setting." HPQPriorityLevelDef = "Priority Level Definition" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp = "Sets the controlled cutoff level between high and low traffic priorities for use with High Priority Queue (HPQ) and Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology = "Adaptive Technology" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp = "Enables or disables micro-code that optimizes performance. If you disable this feature, you must enable Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency = "PCI Bus Efficiency" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp = "Combines transmit packet buffer fragments into a single buffer before sending them to the network." BasicConnectivity = "Low Resource Connectivity" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp = "Sets the driver to attempt to load in low-resource environments. Advanced features will be disabled until they have sufficient resources to function." LocalyAdminAddress = "Locally Administered Address" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp = "Allows you to configure a custom MAC address for the adapter." RetransmitInterFrameSpace = "Retransmit Inter-Frame Spacing" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp = "Compensates for excessive Ethernet packet collisions by controlling retransmit timing. Increasing this value can improve network performance if there is a large number of collisions on the network." LogLinkState = "Log Link State Event" LogLinkStateMiniHelp = "Enables/disables recording of the link state message to the Event Viewer." QoSPacketTag = "QoS Packet Tagging" QosPacketTagMiniHelp = "Enables sending and receiving of IEEE Tagged frames (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), which include priority and VLAN indicators." FlowControlSettings = "Flow Control" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp = "Pauses packet transmission on receipt of full flow control frame and sends full flow control frame to notify the other side to stop transmission." SpeedDuplex = "Link Speed & Duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must coincide with switch port or no link will occur." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp = "Sets link speed to 10 or 100 Mbps and duplex to half or full. Must match link partner settings, or link may be unstable, and performance will suffer." PhyPhoneSpeed = "Phoneline Transmit Speed" PhyPhonePower = "Phoneline Power Level" PhyGiladIfs = "Inter Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled = "Offload IP Security" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles by offloading IPSec encryption from the CPU to the adapter." ChecksumEnabled = "Offload TCP/IP Checksum" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows adapter to verify TCP/IP checksum on received packets and compute checksum on transmitted packets. May improve TCP/IP performance." LargeSendEnabled = "Offload TCP Segmentation" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp = "Allows the adapter to offload the task of segmenting TCP messages. May improve CPU utilization." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations = "Security Associations" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp = "Sets Simultaneous Security Associations that can be offloaded to the adapters co-processor." AdaptivePerfTuning = "Adaptive Performance Tuning" AdapterBandwidth = "Network Performance" CpuUtil = "Computer Performance" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp = "Maximize the performance of the network adapter or computer. See Help for more information." WakeOnSettings = "Wake On Settings" WakeOnLink = "Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket = "Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets = "Wake on Magic & Directed" WakeOnLAA = "Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp = "Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected = "Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT = "Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp = "Determines how to wake the system." ForceWakeOnLink = "Force Wake On Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." EnablePME = "Enable PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp = "Enables/disables wake-up from Advanced Power Management (APM) sleep states." SmartPowerDown = "Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp = "Minimizes power consumption by enabling the adapter to enter a deep sleep mode when it does not have a valid link or when the operating system is in Suspend mode." AdaptiveLinkResponse = "Adaptive Link Response" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp = "Enables Adaptive Link Response to check PHYLink status." WakeOnLinkSettings = "Wake On Link Settings" WakeOnLinkHelp = "Allows wake-up from APM power management when link is reconnected." LPLUEnabled = "Low Power Link Up"; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="ر" Enabled ="" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="Զ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/˫" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/ȫ˫" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/˫" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/ȫ˫" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ɲӦ" Respond ="Ӧ" Generate ="" NoAction ="޲" HardwareDefault ="ӲĬ" OSControlled ="ϵͳ" Forced ="ǿ" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ݸЭڴʱʹõĻߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" TxBuffers ="" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ʹ׷ٴݰƬߴֵǿܣͬʱҲϵͳڴ档û⣬ʹĬֵ" CoalesceBuffers ="Ӻϻ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="趨ڴٵĻӦΪİٷ֮ 3050μԻȡϢ" AdaptiveIFS ="Ӧ֡" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ͨƱʱ̫ݰײ" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="ӦԴֵ" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="趨 FIFO ֮ǰֽʹֵܻǿܣҲܵ¸ǷСԽϵ͵ֵܣʹøֵʵֵΪֵ 8 " HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Լ" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="ͨȼ͵ȼ֮ܿؽֹ롰Զ(HPQ)Ӣض(R) ݰһʹá" AdaptiveTechnology ="ӦԼ" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ûŻܵ΢롣ô˹ܣáӦ֡" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Ч" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ݰƬϲ뵥һȻǷ硣" BasicConnectivity ="Դʱ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ڵԴмء߼㹻Դɹ乤֮ǰá" LocalyAdminAddress ="عĵַ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="ΪԶ MAC ַ" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="´֡" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="ͨ´䶨ʱ̫ݰײдײĻߴֵܻܣ" LogLinkState ="¼״̬¼" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="/ý״̬Ϣ롰¼鿴" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ݰǩ" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="÷ͺͽ IEEE ǩ֡802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Qȼ VLAN ָʾ" FlowControlSettings ="̿" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ڽյȫ֡ʱͣݰ䣬ȫ֡Ϣ֪ͨԷֹͣ䡣" SpeedDuplex ="ٶȺ˫" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 Mbps ˫ģʽΪ빤ȫ뽻˿ӡ" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ٶΪ 10 100 Mbps˫ģʽΪ˫ȫ˫ӻӽܲȶӰ졣" PhyPhoneSpeed ="绰ߴٶ" PhyPhonePower ="绰ߵԴ" PhyGiladIfs ="֡" IPSecEnabled =" IP ȫ" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="ͨ CPU IPSec Ա CPU ڡ" ChecksumEnabled ="ش TCP/IP У" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="֤յݰ TCP/IP Уͣ㴫ݰУܻ͡ TCP/IP ܡ" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP ֶ" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="ض TCP ϢֶεĹܻ CPU ʡ" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ȫ" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="趨ɷЭġͬȫϡ" AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ӧܵ" AdapterBandwidth ="" CpuUtil ="" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̶ȵܡйظϢμ" WakeOnSettings ="û" WakeOnLink ="Ӹ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="ħ" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="ħݰ" WakeOnLAA ="ѱعַ(LAA)" WakeOnArp ="ѵַЭ(ARP)" WakeOnDirected ="ݰ" WakeOnNBT =" NBT ѯ" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="λϵͳ" ForceWakeOnLink ="ǿƻ" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" EnablePME =" PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ãôӡ߼ԴAPM˯״̬ѡ" SmartPowerDown ="ܹرյԴ" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ͨʹڲЧʱϵͳڡģʽʱ˯״̶̬ȵؼٵԴġ" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="ӦӦ" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ӦӦԼ PHYLinkӣ״̬" WakeOnLinkSettings ="" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ʱ APM Դѡ" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0C04] ; Chinese (Traditional) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="}" Off ="" Enabled ="ҥ" Disabled ="" AutoDetect ="۰ʰ" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10MbpsAbu" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10MbpsAu" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100MbpsAbu" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100MbpsAu" High ="" Low ="C" None ="L" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="ͻP^" Respond ="^" Generate ="" NoAction ="Lʧ@" HardwareDefault ="ww]" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="j" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="yz" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wƻsƨqTwOɡAXʵ{ϥΪwİϼƥءC@ȥiHWjįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" TxBuffers ="ǿyz" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="]wdlܶǿʥ]ưϬqơC@ȥiHﵽǿįA]|ӨtΰOCpGįSDAШϥιw]ȡC" CoalesceBuffers ="Xwİ" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="]wiΩ[tǿ骺wİϼƥءCӳ]ǿyz 30-50%CаѾ\uvHhTC" AdaptiveIFS ="վʮج[j" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="spɨӸvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬC" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="վʶǰeH" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="]wdM FIFO wİϫe줸ռơCCȥiHWjǿįA]iɭPhCYdϥθCȥiHFnįAK|ϥθӭȡCڭȬO 8 H]wȡC" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="uhũwq" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="]wPCyquǪμhAH uǦC (HPQ) P Intel(R) uǫʥ] ϥΡC" AdaptiveTechnology ="վ޳N" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ҥΩΰγ̨ΤƮį઺LXCpGzΦ\Azҥνվʮج[jC" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ׬yƮIJv" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="ǰeʥ]eANǿʥ]wİϬqX@wİϡC" BasicConnectivity ="C귽su" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="]wbC귽ҹոJXʵ{Ci\b귽B@eNΡC" LocalyAdminAddress ="a޲z}" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="\z]wdۭq MAC }C" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="sǿج[j" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="sǿpɥHvLת Ethernet ʥ]ĬCYWjqĬA@ȥiHﵽįC" LogLinkState ="nsAƥ" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="ҥ/αNsATO ƥ˵C" QoSPacketTag ="QoS ʥ]" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="ҥζǰeM IEEE Хܪج[]802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q^A]AuǻP VLAN ܾC" FlowControlSettings ="y{" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ty{ج[ɼȰʥ]ǿAöǰety{ج[Hqt~@谱ǿC" SpeedDuplex ="st׻Pu" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 MbpsAñNuBz]buΥuC@wnP}s۲šA_hNLksC" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nst׳] 10 100 MbpsAñNu]buΥuC@wnPsOq]w۲šA_hsu|íwAӥB|CįC" PhyPhoneSpeed ="qܽuǿt" PhyPhonePower ="qܽuq{" PhyGiladIfs ="ج[j" IPSecEnabled =" IP O" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="q CPU IPSec [K줶dAH` CPU gC" ChecksumEnabled =" TCP/IP `" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="\dұʥ]W TCP/IP ˬdȡAípǿʥ]WˬdȡCpiHﵽ TCP/IP įC" LargeSendEnabled =" TCP Ϭq" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="\dϬqBz TCP Tu@CpiHﵽ CPU ϥζqC" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Op" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="]wiH줶dUBzPBOpC" AdaptivePerfTuning ="iAʮįվ" AdapterBandwidth ="qį" CpuUtil ="į" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="̤jƺdιqįCаѾ\uvHhTC" WakeOnSettings ="]w" WakeOnLink ="sܧ" WakeOnMagicPacket ="_ʥ]" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="_ʥ]Mʥ]" WakeOnLAA =" LAA" WakeOnArp =" ARP " WakeOnDirected ="ʥ]" WakeOnNBT =" NBT d" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="MwptΡC" ForceWakeOnLink ="js " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" EnablePME ="ҥ PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="ҥ/αqiq޲z]APM^ίvAC" SmartPowerDown ="۰ʹq" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ҥΤdbSĪsAΧ@~tΦbݩRҦɶiJ`׺ίvҦAH̤pƹqӡC" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="վs^" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="ҥΤs^ˬd鶥hsAC" WakeOnLinkSettings ="s]w" WakeOnLinkHelp ="ssɡA\q APM q޲zC" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0407] ; German (Germany) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ein" Off ="Aus" Enabled ="Aktiviert" Disabled ="Deaktiviert" AutoDetect ="Automatische Erkennung" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Halbduplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbit/s/Vollduplex" High ="Hoch" Low ="Niedrig" None ="Keine" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generieren und Reagieren" Respond ="Reagieren" Generate ="Generieren" NoAction ="Keine Aktion" HardwareDefault ="Hardware-Standard" OSControlled ="Betriebssystem-gesteuert" Forced ="Erzwungen" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Empfangsdeskriptoren" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Anzahl der Puffer, die der Treiber beim Kopieren von Daten in den Protokollspeicher verwendet. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Empfangsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." TxBuffers ="bertragungsdeskriptoren" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der Datensegmente ein, die dem Adapter ermglichen, bertragungspakete zu verfolgen. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die bertragungsleistung steigern, verbraucht aber auch Systemspeicher. Verwenden Sie die Standardeinstellung, wenn Leistungsanforderungen keine Rolle spielen." CoalesceBuffers ="Coalesce Buffers" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Stellt die Anzahl der zur bertragungsbeschleunigung verfgbaren Puffer ein. Sollte 30 - 50% der bertragungsdeskriptoren ausmachen. Siehe Hilfe." AdaptiveIFS ="Adaptives Interframe-Spacing " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch Steuerung der aufeinanderfolgenden Pakete." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Adaptiver bertragungsschwellenwert" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die Anzahl der Byte, bevor der Adapter seine FIFO-Puffer leert. Niedrigere Werte knnen die bertragungsleistung steigern, verursachen aber mglicherweise auch mehr Unterlufe. Wenn der Adapter eine bessere Leistung mit einem niedrigen Wert erreichen kann, wird er diesen verwenden. Der tatschliche Wert betrgt 8 Mal die Einstellung." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definition der Priorittsebene" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Bestimmt die berwachte Abschaltebene zwischen hoher und niedriger Verkehrsprioritt fr HPQ und Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Adaptive Technologie" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert den Mikrocode zur Leistungsoptimierung. Wenn Sie diese Funktion deaktivieren, mssen Sie die Inter-Frame-Trennung auf dem Adapter aktivieren." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI Bus-Effizienz" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Fgt Pufferfragmente aus bertragungspaketen in einem einzigen Puffer zusammen, bevor sie ber das Netzwerk bertragen werden. " BasicConnectivity ="Verbindung mit beschr. Ressourcen" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Stellt den Ladeversuch des Treibers in einer Umgebung mit geringen Ressourcen ein. Erweiterte Funktionen werden solange deaktiviert, bis ausreichend Ressourcen verfgbar sind." LocalyAdminAddress ="Lokal verwaltete Adresse" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Ermglicht Ihnen das Konfigurieren einer benutzerdefinierten MAC-Adresse des Adapters." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Inter-Frame Spacing bei Neubertrg." RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Kompensiert bermige Ethernet-Paketkollisionen durch berwachung der zeitlichen Regulierung neu zu bertragender Pakete. Die Erhhung dieses Wertes kann die Leistung im Netzwerk steigern, wenn viele Kollisionen im Netzwerk auftreten." LogLinkState ="Verbindungsereignis protokollieren" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert die Aufzeichnung der Verbindungszustandsmeldung in der Ereignisansicht." QoSPacketTag ="QoS-Paketmarkierung" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Ermglicht den Versand und Empfang von IEEE gekennzeichneten Frames (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), zu denen Prioritts- und VLAN-Indikatoren gehren." FlowControlSettings ="Flusssteuerung" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Unterbricht die Paketbertragung beim Erhalt eines vollen Flusssteuerungsframes und sendet vollen Flusssteuerungsframe, um die andere Seite aufzufordern, die bertragung zu stoppen." SpeedDuplex ="Geschwindigkeit und Duplexmodus" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit dem Switchanschluss bereinstimmen, da andernfalls keine Verbindung zustande kommt." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Setzt die Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit auf 10/100 Mbit/s und den Duplexmodus auf Halb- oder Vollduplex. Die Einstellungen mssen mit den Einstellungen des Verbindungspartners bereinstimmen, da andernfalls die Verbindung unstabil wird und eine Leistungsminderung eintritt." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Geschwindigkeit der Telefonleitung" PhyPhonePower ="Stromstrke der Telefonleitung" PhyGiladIfs ="Inter-Frame Spacing" IPSecEnabled ="IP Security abladen" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Spart CPU-Zyklen durch Abgabe der IPSec-Verschlsselung vom CPU an den Adapter." ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP-Prfsumme abladen" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die TCP/IP-Prfsumme empfangener Pakete zu berprfen und die Prfsumme bertragener Pakete zu berechnen. Dadurch kann die TCP/IP-Leistung gesteigert werden." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP-Segmentierung abladen" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ermglicht dem Adapter, die Segmentierung von TCP-Meldungen abzugeben und die CPU-Auslastung zu verbessern." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Sicherheitszuordnungen" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Stellt gleichzeitige Sicherheitszuordnungen ein, die auf den Co-Prozessoren des Adapters abgeladen werden knnen." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Adaptives Leistungs-Tuning" AdapterBandwidth ="Netzwerkleistung" CpuUtil ="Computerleistung" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximieren Sie die Leistung des Netzwerkadapters oder Computers. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Hilfe." WakeOnSettings ="Aktivierungseinstellungen" WakeOnLink ="Aktivierung bei Verbindungsnderung" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Akt. ber Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic & adressierte Pakete" WakeOnLAA ="Aktivierung ber LAA" WakeOnArp ="Aktivierung ber ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Akt. ber adressiertes Paket" WakeOnNBT ="Remoteaktivierung ber NBT-Abfrage" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Bestimmt, wie das Systems reaktiviert (Wake-Up) werden soll." ForceWakeOnLink ="Akt. bei Verbindungsnderung erzwingen" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." EnablePME ="PME aktivieren" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Aktiviert/deaktiviert Wake-Up aus APM-Energiesparmodus." SmartPowerDown ="Smart Power Down" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiert den Energieverbrauch, indem es dem Adapter ermglicht in den Tiefschlafmodus berzugehen, wenn keine gltige Verbindung besteht oder das Betriebssystem im Ruhezustand ist." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Adaptive Verbindungsreaktion" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Aktiviert die adaptive Verbindungsreaktion, um den PHYLink-Status zu berprfen." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Einst. fr Aktivierung bei Verbindung" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Ermglicht die Aktivierung im APM-Energiesparmodus, wenn die Verbindung wiederhergestellt wird." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activado" Off ="Desactivado" Enabled ="Activado" Disabled ="Desactivado" AutoDetect ="Deteccin automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbps/Dplex medio" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbps/Dplex completo" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbps/Dplex medio" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbps/Dplex completo" High ="Alto" Low ="Bajo" None ="Ninguno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Generar y responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Generar" NoAction ="Ninguna accin" HardwareDefault ="Predeterminado del hardware" OSControlled ="Controlado por el SO" Forced ="Forzado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descriptores de recepcin" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes que el controlador utiliza cuando copia datos a la memoria del protocolo. La incrementacin de este valor puede mejorar el rendimiento de la recepcin, pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." TxBuffers ="Descriptores de transmisin" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de segmentos de datos que habilita al adaptador para que realice el seguimiento de los paquetes de transmisin. Si incrementa este valor, puede mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin consume memoria del sistema. Utilice el valor predeterminado si el rendimiento no es crucial." CoalesceBuffers ="Bferes de unin" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bferes disponibles para la aceleracin de la transmisin. Debe contener de 30 a 50% de los Descriptores de la transmisin. Consulte Ayuda para obtener informacin adicional." AdaptiveIFS ="Separacin entre tramas ajustables" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos consecutivos." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Umbral de transmisin ajustable" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define la cantidad de bytes antes de que el adaptador vace su bfer FIFO. Los valores inferiores pueden mejorar el rendimiento de transmisin pero tambin resultan en ms ejecuciones deficientes. Si el adaptador puede funcionar mejor usando un valor inferior, utilizar ese valor. El valor real es 8 veces el valor de configuracin." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definicin de niveles de prioridad" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Establece el nivel controlado de detencin entre las prioridades de trfico bajo y alto para el uso de la cola de alta prioridad (HPQ) y el Paquete de Prioridad Intel(R) ." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologa ajustable" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita el micro-cdigo que optimiza el rendimiento. Si ha deshabilita, debe habilitar el Espaciado entre tramas del adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficiencia del bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina los fragmento de bfer del paquete de transmisin en un solo bfer antes de enviarlos a la red." BasicConnectivity ="Conectividad de recursos reducidos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Configura el controlador para que intente cargarse en entornos de bajos recursos. Las funciones avanzadas se desactivarn hasta que tengan suficientes recursos para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Direccin administrada localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Le permite configurar la direccin MAC personalizada del adaptador." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Separacin entre tramas de retransmisiones" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa las colisiones excesivas de paquetes Ethernet mediante el control de intervalos de retransmisin. Si incrementa este valor puede que mejore el rendimiento de la red, si existe una gran cantidad de colisiones en la red." LogLinkState ="Registrar sucesos del estado del enlace" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita o dehabilita la grabacin del mensaje de estado de enlace para el que Visor de sucesos." QoSPacketTag ="Etiquetado de paquete QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita las tramas de envo y recepcin con etiqueta IEEE (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q), que incluyen la prioridad y los indicadores de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Control de flujo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa la transmisin de paquetes al recibir la trama del control de flujo completo y enva una trama del control de flujo completo para indicar al otro lado que detenga la transmisin." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidad y dplex del enlace" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Debe coincidir con el puerto conmutador para que se realice el enlace." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Establece la velocidad del enlace en 10 o 100 Mbps y el dplex en medio o completo. Deben coincidir las opciones del interlocutor del enlace, o probablemente el enlace sea inestable y el rendimiento se vea afectado." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidad de transmisin de la lnea telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nivel de potencia de la lnea telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Separacin entre tramas" IPSecEnabled ="Descarga de Seguridad IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Guarda los ciclos CPU al descargar el cifrado de IPSec a partir de la CPU al adaptador." ChecksumEnabled ="Descarga suma de comprobacin TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador verifique la suma de verificacin TCP/IP de los paquetes recibidos y calcula la suma de verificacin de los paquetes transmitidos. Puede que mejore el rendimiento de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Descarga de Segmentacin TCP " LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite que el adaptador descargue la tarea de segmentacin de mensajes TCP y puede que mejore el uso de la CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Asociaciones de seguridad" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define las asociaciones de seguridad simultneas que pueden descargarse en el coprocesador del adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimizacin de rendimiento ajustable" AdapterBandwidth ="Rendimiento de la red" CpuUtil ="Rendimiento de PC" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximice el rendimiento del adaptador de red o PC. Para obtener ms informacin, consulte la ayuda." WakeOnSettings ="Configuracin de la reactivacin" WakeOnLink ="Activar en cambio de enlace" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Activar en Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Activar en Magic y Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Activar en LAA" WakeOnArp ="Activar en ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Activar en Paquete dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Activar en consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina cmo activar el sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forzar Activacin en enlace" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite la activacin de la administracin de energa APM cuando se reconecta el enlace." EnablePME ="Activar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita o deshabilita la activacin desde los estados de la inactividad de la Administracin de energa (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Apagado inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza el consumo de energa al habilitar el adaptador para que entre en un modo de inactividad profunda cuando no tenga un enlace vlido o cuando el sistema operativo se encuentre en el modo Suspensin." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Respuesta de enlace ajustable" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Activa la respuesta de enlace ajustable para verificar el estado de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuracin de Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Cuando se reconecta el enlace, permite la activacin desde la administracin de energa APM." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.040C] ; French (France) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Activ(e)" Off ="Dsactiv(e)" Enabled ="Activ(e)" Disabled ="Dsactiv(e)" AutoDetect ="Dtection automatique" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10 Mbits/s full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100 Mbits/s full duplex" High ="Haut" Low ="Faible" None ="Aucun" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gnrer et rpondre" Respond ="Rpondre" Generate ="Gnrer" NoAction ="Aucune action" HardwareDefault ="Matriel par dfaut" OSControlled ="Contrl par le systme" Forced ="Forc(e)" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descripteurs de rception" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons utiliss par le pilote lors de la copie des donnes dans la mmoire de protocole. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de rception mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." TxBuffers ="Descripteurs de transmission" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de segments de donnes permettant la carte de suivre les paquets de transmission. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais consomme galement plus de mmoire systme. Utilisez la valeur par dfaut si les performances ne posent pas de problmes." CoalesceBuffers ="Tampons de regroupement" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre de tampons disponibles pour l'acclration des transmissions. Doit correspondre 30 50 pour cent de la valeur du paramtre Descripteurs de transmission. Reportez-vous l'aide pour de plus amples informations." AdaptiveIFS ="Espacement intertrame dynamique" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant les synchronisations successives." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Seuil dynamique de transmission" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Dfinit le nombre d'octets avant la remise zro du tampon FIFO de la carte rseau. La dfinition de valeurs infrieures peut amliorer les performances de transmission mais risque galement d'entraner un plus grand nombre de sous-excutions. Si la carte peut obtenir de meilleures performances avec une valeur infrieure, elle utilisera cette valeur. La valeur relle est de 8 fois la valeur dfinie." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Dfinition du niveau de priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Dfinit le point de coupure contrl entre les priorits de faible trafic et de trafic lev pour l'utilisation de la fonction HPQ et Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Technologie Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive le microcode d'optimisation des performances. Si vous dsactivez cette fonctionnalit, vous devez activer l'espacement intertrame dynamique." PciBusEfficiency ="Rendement du bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Regroupe les fragments de paquets de transmission en un seul tampon avant de les envoyer sur le rseau." BasicConnectivity ="Connectivit (ressources insuff.)" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Dfinit le chargement du pilote dans un environnement faible niveau de ressources. Les fonctionnalits avances seront dsactives jusqu' ce que les ressources soient suffisantes." LocalyAdminAddress ="Adresse administre localement" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permet de configurer une adresse MAC personnalise pour la carte." RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espacement intertrame des retransmissions" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compense les collisions excessives des paquets Ethernet en contrlant la cadence des retransmissions. L'accroissement de cette valeur peut amliorer les performances du rseau si de nombreuses collisions s'y produisent." LogLinkState ="Consigner l'vnement de la liaison" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Active/dsactive l'enregistrement du message d'tat de l'Observateur d'vnements." QoSPacketTag ="Reprage des paquets QS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Permet l'envoi et la rception de trames tiquetes IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), qui comprennent des indicateurs de priorit et de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Contrle de flux" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Interrompt la transmission des paquets en cas de rception d'une trame de contrle de flux complte et envoie une trame de contrle de flux complte l'interlocuteur afin de stopper la transmission." SpeedDuplex ="Vitesse de liaison et duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Si les paramtres ne concident pas avec le port de commutation, aucune liaison ne se produira. " SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Dfinit la vitesse de liaison sur 10 ou 100 Mbits/s et le duplex sur half ou full. Ces paramtres doivent correspondre ceux du partenaire de liaison, faute de quoi la liaison risque d'tre instable et les performances risquent de se dgrader." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Vitesse de trans. tlphonique" PhyPhonePower ="Puissance de ligne tlphonique" PhyGiladIfs ="Espacement intertrame" IPSecEnabled ="Dlestage scurit IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="conomise les cycles du processeur en dlestant le chiffrement IPSec du processeur sur la carte." ChecksumEnabled ="Dlester somme de contrle TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de vrifier la somme de contrle TCP/IP des paquets entrants et de calculer la somme de contrle des paquets sortants. Ceci permet d'amliorer les performances TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Dlestage segmentation TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permet la carte rseau de dlester la tche de segmentation des messages TCP. Ceci peut amliorer le taux d'utilisation du processeur." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associations de scurit" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Dfinit les associations de scurit simultanes pouvant tre dlestes sur le coprocesseur de la carte rseau." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Optimisation dynamique des performances" AdapterBandwidth ="Performance de la carte rseau" CpuUtil ="Performance de l'ordinateur" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Optimiser la performance de la carte rseau ou de l'ordinateur. Voir l'Aide pour davantage d'informations." WakeOnSettings ="Paramtres Wake On" WakeOnLink ="Fonction Wake on Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake on Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Wake on Magic & Directed Packet" WakeOnLAA ="Fonction Wake on LAA" WakeOnArp ="Fonction Wake on ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake on Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Fonction Wake on NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Dtermine comment rveiller le systme." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forcer la fonction Wake on Link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." EnablePME ="Activer PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer/de dsactiver le rveil depuis les tats de veille de la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Extinction automatique" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimise la consommation lectrique en permettant la carte d'entrer en mode de sommeil profond lorsqu'elle ne possde pas de liaison valide ou lorsque le systme d'exploitation est en mode suspendu." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Rponse dynamique de liaison" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Permet d'activer la fonction Rponse dynamique de liaison pour la vrification de l'tat de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Paramtres Wake On Link" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permet un rveil depuis la fonctionnalit Gestion avance de l'alimentation (APM) lorsque la liaison est rtablie." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Attivato" Off ="Disattivato" Enabled ="Attivato" Disabled ="Disattivato" AutoDetect ="Rilevamento automatico" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Basso" None ="Nessuno" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Genera e rispondi" Respond ="Rispondi" Generate ="Genera" NoAction ="Nessuna azione" HardwareDefault ="Impostazioni predefinite hardware" OSControlled ="Controllato dal sis. operativo" Forced ="Imposto" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descrittori di ricezione" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer allocati dal driver durante la copia dei dati nella memoria del protocollo. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." TxBuffers ="Descrittori di trasmissione" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero dei segmenti di dati che permettono alla scheda di tenere traccia dei pacchetti trasmessi. Aumentando questo valore si migliorano le prestazioni di trasmissione, ma si consuma memoria di sistema. Utilizzare il valore predefinito se le prestazioni non rappresentano un problema." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffer coalesce" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di buffer disponibili per l'accelerazione della trasmissione. Deve essere il 30-50 percento dei descrittori di trasmissione. Consultare la Guida per ulteriori informazioni." AdaptiveIFS ="Spaziatura adattiva tra frame" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione back to back. " AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Soglia adattiva di trasmissione" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Imposta il numero di byte raggiunto il quale la scheda di rete svuota il proprio buffer FIFO. Valori pi bassi possono migliorare le prestazioni della trasmissione, ma possono provocare pi underrun. Se la scheda pu ottenere migliori prestazioni utilizzando un valore pi basso, verr utilizzato tale valore. Il valore effettivo 8 volte l'impostazione." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definizione del livello di priorit" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Imposta il livello limite controllato tra le priorit alta e bassa del traffico da utilizzare con High Priority Queue (HPQ) e Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia Adaptive" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva il microcode che ottimizza le prestazioni. Se si disabilita questa funzione, necessario abilitare Adapter Inter-Frame Spacing." PciBusEfficiency ="Efficienza bus PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina i frammenti del buffer dei pacchetti di trasmissione in un unico buffer prima di inviarli alla rete." BasicConnectivity ="Connettivit in presenza di risorse scarse" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Imposta il driver per il caricamento in un ambiente con scarse risorse. Le funzionalit avanzate verranno disattivate fino a quando non saranno presenti risorse sufficienti." LocalyAdminAddress ="Indirizzo amministrato localmente" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Consente di configurare un indirizzo MAC personalizzato della scheda. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Spaziatura tra frame di ritrasmissioni" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Consente di compensare le collisioni eccessive di pacchetti Ethernet tramite il controllo della sincronizzazione di ritrasmissione. Aumentando questo valore possibile migliorare le prestazioni della rete se si verifica un gran numero di collisioni sulla rete." LogLinkState ="Registra evento stato del collegamento" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Attiva/disattiva la registrazione del messaggio di stato del collegamento inviato a Visualizzatore eventi." QoSPacketTag ="Codifica pacchetti QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Abilita l'invio e la ricezione di frame con codifica IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), che comprendono indicatori di priorit e VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controllo del flusso" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sospende la trasmissione dei pacchetti al ricevimento di un frame di controllo indicante di flusso completo e invia un frame di controllo di flusso completo per avvisare l'altra parte di interrompere la trasmissione." SpeedDuplex ="Velocit di collegamento e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. Affinch il collegamento avvenga, necessario che queste impostazioni coincidano con la porta di commutazione." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Imposta la velocit del collegamento a 10/100 Mbps e il duplex a half o full. necessario che coincida con le impostazioni del partner di collegamento, altrimenti il collegamento sar instabile e le prestazioni verranno penalizzate." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocit di trasmissione della linea telefonica" PhyPhonePower ="Livello di alimentazione della linea telefonica" PhyGiladIfs ="Spaziatura tra frame" IPSecEnabled ="Offload della protezione IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Risparmia cicli della CPU scaricando la crittografia IPSec dalla CPU alla scheda." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload del checksum IP/TCP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di verificare il checksum TCP/IP dei pacchetti ricevuti e di calcolare il checksum dei pacchetti trasmessi, migliorando le prestazioni di trasmissione TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload della segmentazione TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Consente alla scheda di effettuare l'offload dell'operazione di segmentazione dei messaggi TCP e migliora l'utilizzo della CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associazioni protezione" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Imposta le associazioni di protezione simultanee che possono essere scaricate sul coprocessore delle schede di rete." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ottimizzazione adattiva delle prestazioni" AdapterBandwidth ="Prestazioni di rete" CpuUtil ="Prestazioni del computer" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni della scheda di rete o del computer. Consultare la Guida in linea per ulteriori informazioni." WakeOnSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione" WakeOnLink ="Attiva su modifica del collegamento" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Attiva su pacchetto Magic" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Attiva su Magic e diretto" WakeOnLAA ="Attiva con LAA" WakeOnArp ="Attiva con ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Attiva su pacchetto diretto" WakeOnNBT ="Attiva su query NTB" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina come attivare il sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Imponi attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." EnablePME ="Abilita PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Abilita/disabilita l'attivazione dagli stati di sospensione Advanced Power Management (APM)." SmartPowerDown ="Spegnimento intelligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimizza il consumo energetico consentendo alla scheda di mettersi in uno stato di sospensione quando non presente un collegamento valido o quando il sistema operativo si trova in modalit sospesa." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Risposta adattiva dei collegamenti" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Attiva la risposta adattiva dei collegamenti per il controllo dello stato di PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Impostazioni di attivazione alla modifica del collegamento" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Consente l'attivazione da uno stato di risparmio energia avanzato (APM) quando il collegamento viene ristabilito." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="I" Off ="It" Enabled ="I" Disabled ="It" AutoDetect ="o" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/dʐM" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/SdʐM" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/dʐM" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/SdʐM" High ="" Low ="" None ="Ȃ" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="쐬Ɖ" Respond ="" Generate ="쐬" NoAction ="ANVȂ" HardwareDefault ="n[hEFA ftHg" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="MLqq" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="f[^vgR ɃRs[ۂɃhCogobt@̐ݒ肵܂B" TxBuffers ="MLqq" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="A_v^MpPbgǐՂł悤ɂf[^ ZOg̐ݒ肵܂B̒l𑝂₷ƑMptH[}Xł܂AVXe ̎gpʂ܂BptH[}X̖肪Ȃꍇ̓ftHggpĂB" CoalesceBuffers ="Wobt@" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="M̍Ɏgpłobt@ݒ肵܂BMLqq 30`50 %ɂĂBڍׂ́AwvQƂĂB" AdaptiveIFS ="A_veBu C^[t[ X؁|VO" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="ߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RWA^C~Oɂ⏞܂B" AdaptiveTxThreshold ="A_veBuMl" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="A_v^ FIFO obt@ɂÕoCgݒ肵܂B̒lႭƁAMptH[}Xサ܂AA_[”\܂BႢlgpƃptH[}Xシꍇ́AA_v^͂̒lgp܂Bl͐ݒl 8 {łB" HPQPriorityLevelDef ="D惌x̒`" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="High Priority Queue (HPQ) уCe(R) Priority Packet gp̂߂̃gtBbN̍ђDxԂŐ䂳ꂽ؂̂ăxݒ肵܂B" AdaptiveTechnology ="A_veBu eNmW" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="ptH[}XœK}CNR[h̃I/It؂ւ܂B̋@\Itɂꍇ́AA_v^ C^[t[ Xy[VOLɂKv܂B" PciBusEfficiency ="PCI oX" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="MpPbg̃obt@ tOglbg[NɑMO 1 ‚̃obt@ɂ܂Ƃ߂܂B" BasicConnectivity ="\[Xs̐ڑ" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="჊\[X‹ł̃hCõ[hs܂B@\ɏ\ȃ\[Xł܂Ŋg@\͖ɂȂ܂B" LocalyAdminAddress ="[JǗAhX" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="A_v^̃JX^ MAC AhXݒ肵܂B" RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="C^[t[ X؁|VO̍đM" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="đM̃^C~O𐧌䂷邱ƂʼnߏȃC[Tlbg pPbg̃RW⏞܂B" LogLinkState ="N Xe[g Cxg̃O" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Cxg r[Aւ̃N Xe[g bZ[W̃I/It؂ւ܂B" QoSPacketTag ="QoS pPbg ^O" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="IEEE ^Ott[̑M (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q)”\ɂ܂BvCIeB VLAN CWP[^܂܂܂B" FlowControlSettings ="t[" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Sȃt[t[̎MɃpPbgMꎞ~AΑőM~悤ɒʒm銮Sȃt[t[𑗐M܂B" SpeedDuplex ="NxƃfvbNX" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Nx10 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪XCb` |[gƈvȂƁAN܂B" SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Nx10/100 Mbps ɁAfvbNX𔼓d܂͑Sdɐݒ肵܂Bݒ肪葤̐ݒɈvȂƁAN͕sɂȂAptH[}X򉻂܂B" PhyPhoneSpeed ="dbMx" PhyPhonePower ="dbd̓x" PhyGiladIfs ="C^[t[ X؁|VO" IPSecEnabled ="ho ZLeB̃It[h" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU A_v^ւ IPSec ÍIt[h邱ƂŁACPU TCNߖ񂵂܂B" ChecksumEnabled ="TCP/IP `FbNT̃It[h" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂMpPbg TCP/IP `FbNT̊mF”\ƂAMꂽpPbg̃`FbNTvZ܂Bɂ TCP/IP ptH[}Xシꍇ܂B" LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ZOe[ṼIt[h" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="A_v^ɂ TCP bZ[W̕f^XÑIt[h”\Ƃ܂Bɂ CPU gpPꍇ܂B" ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="ZLeB֘A" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="A_v^̃RvZbTɃIt[h邱Ƃ̂łZLeB֘Aݒ肵܂B" AdaptivePerfTuning ="A_veBu ptH[}X `[jO" AdapterBandwidth ="lbg[ÑptH[}X" CpuUtil ="Rs[^̃ptH[}X" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="lbg[N A_v^Rs[^̃ptH[}Xőɂ܂Bڍׂɂ‚Ă̓wvQƂĂB" WakeOnSettings ="Wake On ݒ" WakeOnLink ="Wake On Link Change" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Wake On Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Magic Directed" WakeOnLAA ="Wake On LAA" WakeOnArp ="Wake On ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Wake On Directed Packet" WakeOnNBT ="Wake On NBT Query" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="VXeEF[NAbv@w肵܂B" ForceWakeOnLink ="Wake On Link ̋" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="NĐڑꂽƂ APM dǗEF[NAbv邱Ƃ”\Ƃ܂B" EnablePME ="PME Iɂ" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="APM dǗ̃X[vԂ̃EF[NAbvL^ɂ܂B" SmartPowerDown ="X}[g p[ _E" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="A_v^LȃNȂꍇIy[eBO VXeTXyh [hɂꍇAA_v^̓fB[v X[v [hɂȂ邱ƂŁAd͂ŏ܂B" AdaptiveLinkResponse ="A_veBu N X|X" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="PHYLink Xe[^XmF邽߂ɁAA_veBu N X|XIɂ܂B" WakeOnLinkSettings ="Wake On Link ݒ" WakeOnLinkHelp ="NĐڑ APM dǗ̃EF[NAbv”\Ƃ܂B" LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="" Off ="" Enabled ="Ȱȭ" Disabled ="Ȱ " AutoDetect ="ڵ ˻" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/" High ="" Low ="" None ="" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond =" " Respond ="" Generate ="" NoAction =" " HardwareDefault ="ϵ ⺻" OSControlled ="OS " Forced ="" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers =" " RxBuffersMiniHelp ="̹ ޸𸮷 ͸ ϴ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." TxBuffers =" " TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Ͱ Ŷ ֵ ϴ ׸Ʈ մϴ. ̸ ý ޸𸮰 Ҹ˴ϴ. ⺻ Ͻʽÿ." CoalesceBuffers =" " CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp =" ȭ ִ մϴ. 30-50% մϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." AdaptiveIFS =" Ӱ " AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="-- Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ." AdaptiveTxThreshold =" Ӱ谪" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Ͱ FIFO ۸ Ʈ մϴ. ߻ ֽϴ. Ͱ Ͽ ִ ޼ ش ˴ϴ. 8ȸ Ǿ ֽϴ." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="켱 " HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="HPQ( 켱 ⿭) (R) 켱 Ŷ Բ ϱ Ʈ 켱 Ʈ 켱 մϴ." AdaptiveTechnology =" " AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp =" ȭϴ ũ ڵ带 Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ. Ȱȭϴ 쿡 Ӱ Ȱȭؾ մϴϴ." PciBusEfficiency ="PCI ȿ" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ŷ ׸Ʈ ϳ ۷ մϴ." BasicConnectivity ="ҽ " BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="ҽ ȯ濡 ̹ ε带 õϵ մϴ. ҽ ؼ ۵ Ȱȭ˴ϴ." LocalyAdminAddress =" ּ" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp =" MAC ּҸ ֽϴ." RetransmitInterFrameSpace =" Ӱ " RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp =" Ÿ̹ Ͽ ̴ Ŷ 浹 մϴ. Ʈũ 浹 ߻ ø Ʈũ ˴ϴ." LogLinkState ="ũ ̺Ʈ " LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="̺Ʈ  ũ ޽ ϴ Ȱȭ/Ȱմϴ." QoSPacketTag ="QoS Ŷ ± " QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="켱 VLAN ǥñⰡ Ե IEEE ± ִ (802.3ac/802.1p/802.1Q) ۼ ֽϴ." FlowControlSettings ="帧 " FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="ü 帧 Ŷ ߴϰ ü 帧 ٸ ʿ ϵ ˸ϴ." SpeedDuplex ="ũ ӵ ߼" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ġ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷  ũ ߻ ʽϴ." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="ũ ӵ 10/100Mbps ϰ ߼ Ǵ մϴ. ݵ ũ Ʈ ġؾ մϴ. ׷ ũ Ҿ ϵ˴ϴ." PhyPhoneSpeed ="ȭ ӵ" PhyPhonePower ="ȭ " PhyGiladIfs ="Ӱ " IPSecEnabled ="ε IP " IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="CPU ͷ IPSec ȣȭ εϿ CPU Ŭ մϴ." ChecksumEnabled ="ε TCP/IP üũ" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ ŵ Ŷ TCP/IP üũ ˻ϰ ۵ Ŷ üũ ֽϴ. ̷ TCP/IP ˴ϴ." LargeSendEnabled ="TCP ׸Ʈȭ ε" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Ͱ TCP ޽ ׸Ʈȭ ۾ ε ֽϴ. ̷ CPU ̿ ˴ϴ." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations =" " SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp =" μ ε ִ մϴ." AdaptivePerfTuning =" " AdapterBandwidth ="Ʈũ " CpuUtil ="ǻ " AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Ʈũ Ǵ ǻ شȭմϴ. ڼ Ͻʽÿ." WakeOnSettings =" " WakeOnLink ="ũ " WakeOnMagicPacket =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnLAA ="LAA ߰ " WakeOnArp ="ARP " WakeOnDirected =" Ŷ ߻ " WakeOnNBT ="NBT " WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="ý մϴ." ForceWakeOnLink ="ũ " ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="ũ ٽ APM ֽϴ." EnablePME ="PME Ȱȭ" EnablePMEMiniHelp =" (APM) ¿ Ȱȭ/Ȱȭմϴ." SmartPowerDown ="Ʈ " SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="ȿ ũ ų  ü Ͻ ߴ Ͱ ִ 带 ֵ Ͽ Ҹ ּȭմϴ." AdaptiveLinkResponse =" ũ " AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp =" ũ PHYLink ¸ ˻ ֵ մϴ." WakeOnLinkSettings ="ũ " WakeOnLinkHelp ="ٽ APM ֽϴ." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; [Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil) EventLogMessageDllPath_fei62x64 = "%SystemRoot%\System32\netevent.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\e100bmsg.dll" ; Parameters ; values On ="Ativado" Off ="Desativado" Enabled ="Ativado" Disabled ="Desabilitado" AutoDetect ="Deteco automtica" 10Mb-Half-Duplex ="10Mbps/Half duplex" 10Mb-Full-Duplex ="10Mbps/Full duplex" 100Mb-Half-Duplex ="100Mbps/Half duplex" 100Mb-Full-Duplex ="100Mbps/Full duplex" High ="Alto" Low ="Baixo" None ="Nenhum" ;Ipsecurity = "IP Security" ;Checksum_str = "Checksum" ;LargeSend_str = "Large Send" ;All_str = "All" GenerateAndRespond ="Gerar e responder" Respond ="Responder" Generate ="Gerar" NoAction ="Nenhuma ao" HardwareDefault ="Hardware padro" OSControlled ="Controlado por SO" Forced ="Forado" ; advanced tab strings RxBuffers ="Descritores de recepo" RxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers usados pelo driver ao copiar dados na memria do protocolo. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de recepo mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." TxBuffers ="Descritores de transmisso" TxBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de segmentos de dados que ativam o adaptador a rastrear pacotes de transmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm usa memria do sistema. Use o padro se o desempenho no for importante." CoalesceBuffers ="Buffers de coalescncia" CoalesceBuffersMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de buffers disponveis para a acelerao da transmisso. Dever ser entre 30 a 50 por cento dos descritores de transmisso. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." AdaptiveIFS ="Espaamento inter-frames adaptativo" AdaptiveIFSMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao back-to-back." AdaptiveTxThreshold ="Limiar adaptativo de transmisso" AdaptiveTxThresholdMiniHelp ="Define o nmero de bytes antes do adaptador esvaziar seu buffer de FIFO. Diminuir os valores pode melhorar o desempenho de transmisso mas tambm pode resultar em mais dficits . Se o adaptador pode alcanar melhor desempenho usando um valor menor ele usar esse valor. O valor real uma configurao de 8 vezes." HPQPriorityLevelDef ="Definio do nvel de prioridade" HPQPriorityLevelDefMiniHelp ="Define o limite de corte controlado entre alta prioridade de trfego e baixa prioridade de trfego a ser usado com HPQ (High Priority Queue) e o Intel(R) Priority Packet." AdaptiveTechnology ="Tecnologia adaptativa" AdaptiveTechnologyMiniHelp ="Habilita ou desabilita o micro cdigo que otimiza o desempenho. Se desabilitar esse recurso voc deve habilitar o espaamento entre frames do adaptador." PciBusEfficiency ="Eficincia do barramento PCI" PciBusEfficiencyMiniHelp ="Combina fragmentos do buffer de pacotes de transmisso em um buffer nico antes de envi-los para a rede. " BasicConnectivity ="Conectividade para ambiente com poucos recursos" BasicConnectivityMiniHelp ="Define o driver para tentar ser carregado em ambiente de poucos recursos. Os recursos avanados sero desabilitados at terem recursos suficientes para funcionar." LocalyAdminAddress ="Endereo administrado localmente (LAA)" LocalyAdminAddressMiniHelp ="Permite configurar um endereo MAC personalizado para o adaptador. " RetransmitInterFrameSpace ="Espaamento inter-frames de retransmisso" RetransmitInterFrameSpaceMiniHelp ="Compensa as colises excessivas de pacotes Ethernet controlando a temporizao de retransmisso. Aumentar esse valor pode melhorar o desempenho da rede se houver um nmero grande de colises na rede." LogLinkState ="Evento de estado de link de registro" LogLinkStateMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita a gravao da mensagem de estado do link para o visualizador de eventos." QoSPacketTag ="Rotulao de pacotes de QoS" QosPacketTagMiniHelp ="Habilita o envio e a recepo de frames rotuladas IEEE (802.3ac / 802.1p / 802.1Q), que incluem indicadores de prioridade e de VLAN." FlowControlSettings ="Controle de fluxo" FlowControlSettingsMiniHelp ="Pausa a transmisso de pacotes na recepo de frame de controle de fluxo completo e envia frame de controle de fluxo completo para notificar o outro lado a fim de parar a transmisso." SpeedDuplex ="Velocidade de link e duplex" SpeedDuplex10MiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com a porta do switch ou no ocorrer nenhum link." SpeedDuplexMiniHelp ="Define a velocidade do link para 10 ou 100 Mbps e duplex para half ou full. Deve coincidir com as configuraes do parceiro de link ou o link pode ficar instvel e o desempenho pode sofrer degradao." PhyPhoneSpeed ="Velocidade de transmisso da linha telefnica" PhyPhonePower ="Nvel de potncia da linha telefnica" PhyGiladIfs ="Espaamento inter-frames" IPSecEnabled ="Offload Segurana de IP" IPSecEnabledMiniHelp ="Salva os ciclos da CPU ao descarregar a criptografia IPSec da CPU para o adaptador.." ChecksumEnabled ="Offload Checksum de TCP/IP" ChecksumEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador verificar a checksum de TCP/IP dos pacotes recebidos e computa a checksum nos pacotes transmitidos. Isso melhora o desempenho de TCP/IP." LargeSendEnabled ="Offload Segmentao de TCP" LargeSendEnabledMiniHelp ="Permite ao adaptador fazer a descarga da tarefa de segmentar mensagens de TCP.Melhora a utilizao da CPU." ;TaskOffload = "Offloading" ;TaskOffloadMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security." ;TaskOffloadXsumMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum." ;TaskOffloadLSOMiniHelp = "Saves CPU cycles if set to correspond to the adapter type. Range: None, IP Security, Checksum, Larges Send." SecurityAssociations ="Associaes de segurana" SecurityAssociationsMiniHelp ="Define as associaes simultneas de segurana que podem ser descarregados no coprocessador do adaptador." AdaptivePerfTuning ="Ajuste adaptativo de desempenho" AdapterBandwidth ="Desempenho da rede" CpuUtil ="Desempenho do computador" AdaptivePerfTuningMiniHelp ="Maximizar o desempenho do adaptador de rede ou do computador. Consulte a Ajuda para mais informaes." WakeOnSettings ="Configuraes de ativao" WakeOnLink ="Ativar com mudana de link" WakeOnMagicPacket ="Ativar com Magic Packet" WakeOnMagicAndDirectedPackets ="Ativar com pacotes Magic e Dirigidos" WakeOnLAA ="Ativar com LAA" WakeOnArp ="Ativar com ARP" WakeOnDirected ="Ativar com pacote dirigido" WakeOnNBT ="Ativar com consulta NBT" WakeOnSettingsMiniHelp ="Determina como ativar o sistema." ForceWakeOnLink ="Forar ativao com mudana de link" ForceWakeOnLinkMiniHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." EnablePME ="Habilitar PME" EnablePMEMiniHelp ="Habilita/desabilita o wake-up dos estados sleep do APM (Advanced Power Management)." SmartPowerDown ="Desativao inteligente" SmartPowerDownMiniHelp ="Minimiza o consumo de energia ao habilitar o adaptador a entrar no modo sleep profundo quando ele no tem um link vlido ou quando so sistema operacional est no modo Suspenso." AdaptiveLinkResponse ="Resposta do link adaptativa" AdaptiveLinkResponseMiniHelp ="Habilita a Resposta de link adaptativa para verificar o status de PHYLink." WakeOnLinkSettings ="Configuraes de Wake On Link (ativao por link)" WakeOnLinkHelp ="Permite a ativao pelo gerenciamento de energia APM quando o link reconectado." LPLUEnabled ="Low Power Link Up" ; Vendors V_INTEL="Intel" ; Source disk name DISKNAME="Intel Network Connections" ; Service name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEI.Service.DispName = "Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection Driver" ; Branding strings ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Device descriptions FE10FE.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) 82552 10/100 Network Connection" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRO100/Winx64/NDIS62/fei62x64.cat0000755000000000000000000002151111272763210012603 0ustar 0#E *H #60#21 0 +0 . +7  0 0  +7 +]tG{Krt 091029021047Z0 +7 0 0R19EA63CE97107C3232F07197404AA8257FB734D11902 +7 1$0" OSAttr 2:6.10< +7 1.0,Filefei62x64.din0a +71S0Q0, +7<<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +cΗ|22q@J%40b +7 1T0RL{DE351A42-8E59-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0R229551E297DECE107F4383C946AEF35336ED891B1A02 +7 1$0" OSAttr 2:6.10< +7 1.0,Filee100bmsg.dll0b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +"QCFS60R9060E2331BB0D0DB3680C26C40396233D7B9E7131A02 +7 1$0" OSAttr 2:6.10< +7 1.0,Filenicin100.dll0b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +`36l@9b3׹0RADC80882DC47920906DBE995B1FAD8E3DB710CF01A02 +7 1$0" OSAttr 2:6.10< +7 1.0,Filefei62x64.sys0b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +G 镱q 0RB1487214F8F0C81D18BC96941AA8D6B776F962F81902 +7 1$0" OSAttr 2:6.10< +7 1.0,Filefei62x64.inf0a +71S0Q0, +7<<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +Hrַvb0b +7 1T0RL{DE351A42-8E59-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0RBDCC2608F5256728099CF1F11C02BF81C0BBEA211?02 +7 1$0" OSAttr 2:6.10: +7 1,0*Filenicco26.dll0b +7 1T0RL{C689AAB8-8E78-11D0-8C47-00C04FC295EE}0i +71[0Y04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +&%g( !8040J +7 <0:&Qualification Level 50000$ +7 0DTC10D +7 604Submission ID13711500( +7 0OS 7X640P +7 B0@ HWID1,pci\ven_8086&dev_10fe00 aI|0  *H 0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Timestamping PCA0 060916015522Z 110916020522Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1'0%U nCipher DSE ESN:10D8-5847-CBF81'0%UMicrosoft Timestamping Service0"0  *H 0 cyD>L$9v 2JXx+٥=&|}~2=97;4Ԓ4hrLฅ3 vs5L]J}xBFq'WуO;?aK0U#0oN?4K;AC0DU=0;09753<0:08+0, 0 +0U0  *H iz F.4z'(A*!_S^)TJ} Mn(E,92o7Z#RT?d86C:> q(f1\]RR\듐i LvL4 j|D+[TE$%ĊF%i)",F^+w>#odb ->IZt9ΣּȭV<*D?}fͲ c @=e2|=&HN"n000j O%EXzg0  *H 0p1+0)U "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Root Authority0 060916010447Z 190915070000Z0y1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1#0!UMicrosoft Timestamping PCA0"0  *H 0 7nBJqH>S,2ORȃ>3I1(dPKuǨծipfx'f趷 Y")/@VvmdmJT޿ǀL7VhGv\/}%V[jc|<%M9wt]\؆7,u9 |vlnz>q_*Ob`2҃N+"\hE/Pl%ׅvs6ƕz`3[AXn,HoCj&k(0$0U% 0 +0U0[pir#Q~Mˡr0p1+0)U "Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp.10U Microsoft Corporation1!0UMicrosoft Root Authority<<>c@0 +70UoN?4K;AC0 +7  SubCA0 U0U00  *H M1|PapEsT? 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Title to the Material remains with Intel ** ;** Corporation or its suppliers and licensors. The Material contains trade ** ;** secrets and proprietary and confidential information of Intel or its ** ;** suppliers and licensors. The Material is protected by worldwide ** ;** copyright and trade secret laws and treaty provisions. No part of the ** ;** Material may be used, copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, ** ;** posted, transmitted, distributed, or disclosed in any way without Intel's ** ;** prior express written permission. ** ;** ** ;** No license under any patent, copyright, trade secret or other ** ;** intellectual property right is granted to or conferred upon you by ** ;** disclosure or delivery of the Materials, either expressly, by ** ;** implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license under such ** ;** intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel in ** ;** writing. ** ;** ** ;/*****************************************************************************/ ; ;******************************************************************************* ; fei62x64.din ; ; PnP Un-install script for Intel(R) 10/100 Network Connection devices ;******************************************************************************* ; [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" SetupClass = BASE Provider = %V_INTEL% [Manufacturer] %V_INTEL% = Intel [ControlFlags] [Intel] [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 Uninstall.DelFiles = 11 8255x.System.DelFiles = 11 ProsetWk5Dr.DelFiles = 12 [8255x.Uninstall] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Driver.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg ; vista [8255x.Uninstall.6.0] DelFiles=8255x.System.DelFiles, Driver.DelFiles, Uninstall.DelFiles DelReg=8255x.DelReg [8255x.System.DelFiles] e100bmsg.dll,,,1 NicCo2.dll,,,1 NicCo26.dll,,,1 NicIn100.dll,,,1 [Driver.DelFiles] fei62x64.sys,,,1 [Uninstall.DelFiles] Prounstl.exe,,,1 fei62x64.din,,,1 [8255x.DelReg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PROSet HKLM,Software\INTEL\Prounstl HKLM,Software\INTEL\NIC ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 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Configuring VLANs in Microsoft* Windows*

Configuring VLANs in Microsoft* Windows*