BOOTAGNT/DOCS0000755000000000000000000000000012233423472007634 5ustar BOOTAGNT/DOCS/ba_msgs.htm0000755000000000000000000003006211660472040012042 0ustar Boot Agent Messages

Intel® Boot Agent Messages

The Message Text column in the table below contains an alphanumeric list of error and informational messages that the Intel® Boot Agent may display during initialization. Possible causes for the messages are listed in the table's Cause column. Wherever applicable, advice regarding how to avoid an error condition appears in the Cause column.

Message Text Cause
Invalid PMM function number. PMM is not installed or is not working correctly. Try updating the BIOS.
PMM allocation error. PMM could not or did not allocate the requested amount of memory for driver usage.
PXE-E00: This system does not have enough free conventional memory. The Intel Boot Agent cannot continue. System does not have enough free memory to run PXE image. The Intel Boot Agent was unable to find enough free base memory (below 640K) to install the PXE  client software. The system cannot boot via PXE in its current configuration. The error returns control to the BIOS and the system does not attempt to remote boot. If this error persists, try updating your system's BIOS to the most-recent version. Contact your system administrator or your computer vendor's customer support to resolve the problem.
PXE-E01: PCI Vendor and Device IDs do not match! Image vendor and device ID do not match those located on the card. Make sure the correct flash image is installed on the adapter.
PXE-E04: Error reading PCI configuration space. The Intel Boot Agent cannot continue. PCI configuration space could not be read. Machine is probably not PCI compliant. The Intel Boot Agent was unable to read one or more of the adapter's PCI configuration registers. The adapter may be mis-configured, or the wrong Intel Boot Agent image may be installed on the adapter. The Intel Boot Agent will return control to the BIOS and not attempt to remote boot. Try to update the flash image. If this does not solve the problem, contact your system administrator or Intel Customer Support.
PXE-E05: The LAN adapter's configuration is corrupted or has not been initialized.  The Intel Boot Agent cannot continue. The adapter's EEPROM is corrupted. The Intel Boot Agent determined that the adapter EEPROM checksum is incorrect. The agent will return control to the BIOS and not attempt to remote boot. Try to update the flash image. If this does not solve the problem, contact your system administrator or Intel Customer Support.
PXE-E06: Option ROM requires DDIM support. The system BIOS does not support DDIM. The BIOS does not support the mapping of the PCI expansion ROMs into upper memory as required by the PCI specification. The Intel Boot Agent cannot function in this system. The Intel Boot Agent returns control to the BIOS and does not attempt to remote boot. You may be able to resolve the problem by updating the BIOS on your system. If updating your system's BIOS does not fix the problem, contact your system administrator or your computer vendor's customer support to resolve the problem.
PXE-E07: PCI BIOS calls not supported. BIOS-level PCI services not available. Machine is probably not PCI compliant.
PXE-E09: Unexpected UNDI loader error. Status == xx The UNDI loader returned an unknown error status. xx is the status returned.
PXE-E20: BIOS extended memory copy error. BIOS could not move the image into extended memory.
PXE-E20: BIOS extended memory copy error. AH == xx Error occurred while trying to copy the image into extended memory. xx is the BIOS failure code.
PXE-E51: No DHCP or BOOTP offers received. The Intel Boot Agent did not receive any DHCP or BOOTP responses to its initial request. Please make sure that your DHCP server (and/or proxyDHCP server, if one is in use) is properly configured and has sufficient IP addresses available for lease. If you are using BOOTP instead, make sure that the BOOTP service is running and is properly configured.
PXE-E53: No boot filename received. The Intel Boot Agent received a DHCP or BOOTP offer,  but has not received a valid filename to download. If you are using PXE, please check your PXE and BINL configuration. If using BOOTP, be sure that the TFTP service is running and that the specific path and filename are correct.
PXE-E61: Media test failure. The adapter does not detect link. Please make sure that the cable is good and is attached to a working hub or switch. The link light visible from the back of the adapter should be lit.
PXE-EC1: Base-code ROM ID structure was not found. No base code could be located. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image.
PXE-EC3: BC ROM ID structure is invalid. Base code could not be installed. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image.
PXE-EC4: UNDI ROM ID structure was not found. UNDI ROM ID structure signature is incorrect. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image.
PXE-EC5: UNDI ROM ID structure is invalid. The structure length is incorrect. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image.
PXE-EC6: UNDI driver image is invalid. The UNDI driver image signature was invalid. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image.
PXE-EC8: !PXE structure was not found in UNDI driver code segment. The Intel Boot Agent could not locate the needed !PXE structure resource. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image.
PXE-EC9: PXENV + structure was not found in UNDI driver code segment. The Intel Boot Agent could not locate the needed PXENV+ structure. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image.
PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent. Ending execution of the ROM image.
This option has been locked and cannot be changed. You have attempted to change a configuration setting that has been locked by your system administrator with BootUtil. This message can appear either from within Intel® PROSet's Boot Options tab when operating under Windows* or from the Configuration Setup Menu when operating in a stand-alone environment. If you think you should be able to change the configuration setting, consult your system administrator.
PXE-M0E: Retrying network boot; press ESC to cancel. The Intel Boot Agent did not successfully complete a network boot due to a network error (such as not receiving a DHCP offer). The Intel Boot Agent will continue to attempt to boot from the network until successful  or until canceled by the user. This feature is disabled by default. For information on how to enable this feature, contact Intel Customer Support.

Last modified on 3/01/10 9:37a Revision

BOOTAGNT/DOCS/boot_util.htm0000755000000000000000000007017612055512430012436 0ustar

Intel® Ethernet FLASH Firmware Utility


The Intel® Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility (BootUtil) is a utility that can be used to program the PCI option ROM on the flash memory of supported Intel PCI and PCI-Express-based network adapters, and to update configurations. BootUtil replaces existing utilities and provides the functionality of the older IBAUTIL, ISCSIUTL, LANUTIL, and FLAUTIL. BootUtil supports all the adapters supported by the previous utilities.

NOTE: Updating the adapter's flash memory using BootUtil will erase any existing firmware image from the flash memory.

Intel provides the following flash firmware in FLB file format for programming to the flash memory:

Intel® Boot Agent as PXE Option ROM for legacy BIOS

Intel® iSCSI Remote Boot as iSCSI Option ROM for legacy BIOS

Network Connectivity, UEFI network driver

OEMs may provide custom flash firmware images for OEM network adapters. Please refer to the instructions given by OEMs.

BootUtil allows the user to flash supported firmware to the adapter from the included master FLB file. This option ROM includes PXE, iSCSI, FCoE and UEFI drivers, and the image is programmed to the flash memory at once. BootUtil will also build the required combo images for supported adapters and program those images to the flash, as well. Since both discrete and combo images are supported, the -BOOTENABLE command ONLY works on combo images.

PXE+EFI and iSCSI+EFI image combinations are supported for all OEM generic adapters, however support is limited to devices which support both technologies as discrete images. However, flash size is a limiting factor, as the image size can change without notice.

The Master FLB file (BOOTIMG.FLB) is the new container for all the Intel® Boot Option ROMs. This file replaces the existing FLB files for FCoE, iSCSI, PXE, and EFI.

NOTE: BootUtil supports older flb files to maintain backwards compatibility with the previous utilities.

BootUtil without command-line options will display a list of all supported Intel network ports in the system. BootUtil will also allow the user to enable or disable the flash memory on specific ports by using -FLASHENABLE or -FLASHDISABLE options in order to control access to the firmware from the system.

BootUtil allows the user to individually set iSCSI, FCoE, UEFI and PXE boot configurations by -NIC=xx -[OPTION]=[VALUE] options. The -I option is iSCSI specific and will not work for PXE configurations.

  • BootUtil displays up to 128 adapter ports.
  • No configuration settings are supported for the UEFI driver.
  • Functionality from the previous utility, IBAutil, is preserved in BootUtil.

BootUtil is located on the software installation CD in the \APPS\BootUtil\ directory. Check the Intel Customer Support ( website for the latest information and component updates.

Running BootUtil

The syntax for issuing BootUtil command-line options is:


Command-line Options

BootUtil accepts one executable option and its associated non-executable options in an execution. If conflicting executable options (such as -FLASHENABLE and -UPDATE used together) are supplied, BOOTUTIL exits with an error.

The options, where applicable, are listed in logical groups.

NOTE: If you run BootUtil without any command-line options, the utility displays a list of all supported Intel network ports found in the system.

General Options

Parameter Description
-HELP or -? Displays a list of command-line options.
-EXITCODES Displays exit codes returned to the OS by BootUtil.
-IMAGEVERSION or -IV Displays firmware types and version numbers from a resource image.
If used with the -FILE option, the resource image is in the FLB file.
If used with the -NIC option, the resource image is in the adapter flash.
If used with the -ALL option, each resource image is continuously displayed for all adapters.
-E Enumerates all supported network ports in the system.
-O=[FILENAME] Must be used with E or NIC.
If used with the -E option, saves a list of all NICs and their MAC addresses to the specified file.
If used with the -NIC option, saves all iSCSI Remote Boot configuration options for the specified NIC to the specified file.
-I=[FILENAME] Reads iSCSI boot configuration options from [FILENAME] script file and program settings on the selected port.
-P With this command, BootUtil pauses the screen after displaying every 25th line.
In pause mode, the last line of the screen will contain information that:
- screen has been paused, and
- user can press Enter to continue
-NODPL With this command, BootUtil does not display the PCI device location.
Power Management Options
Parameter Description
-WOLDISABLE or -WOLD Disables Wake on Lan (WOL) functionality on the selected adapter.
-WOLENABLE or -WOLE Enables Wake on Lan (WOL) functionality on the selected adapter.
Flash Programming Options
Parameter Description
-UP or -UPDATE=[ROMType]


Updates the flash memory of the adapter specified by the -NIC option with the given FLB flash firmware image file. If -QUIET is not specified, the user is prompted to confirm overwriting the existing firmware image before upgrading. If a Filename is not provided, the utility looks for the default bootimg.FLB file which contains all image types.

The following examples use pxe, but could also be efi, efi64, FCoE or iSCSI.
eg: Bootutil -Nic=x -up=pxe
or Bootutil -Nic=x -up=pxe -file=pxeimg.flb

If your adapter supports a combo option ROM, the following command option automatically detects the supported combo image and programs the adapter with that image.

 up=pxe+efi and up=iscsi+efi are valid.

-SAVEIMAGE or SI Saves the existing flash firmware image in the flash memory of the adapter specified by the -NIC option to a disk file. The destination file is specified by the -FILE option.
-RESTOREIMAGE or RI Restores a previously-saved flash firmware image to the same network adapter using the -NIC option. The source file is specified by the -FILE option.
-QUIET Runs BootUtil without confirmation prompts. This option is used with -IMAGEVERSION, -UP, -UPDATE, -RESTOREIMAGE, or -HELP option.
Adapter Selection Options
Parameter Description
-ALL Selects all supported network ports found in the system.
-NIC=XX Selects a specific network port in the system. If used without any executable option, it prints the iSCSI boot configuration of the selected port, or saves it in the file when the -O option is used.
-TARGET=XX This is an FCoE-specific selection option. Legal values are 1,2,3,and 4. This option is required for configuration commands -WWPN, -FCOELUN, FCOEVLAN, and - BOOTORDER.
-BLINK Blinks the LED on the selected port for ten seconds.
Adapter Flash Enable/Disable Options
Parameter Description
-FLASHENABLE or -FE Enables the capability to run the flash firmware on the selected adapter.
-FLASHDISABLE or -FD Disables the capability to run the flash firmware on the selected adapter.
-BOOTENABLE=[PXE, ISCSIPRIMARY, ISCSISECONDARY, FCOE, or DISABLED] Selects flash firmware type to enable or disable on the selected port. The combo option ROM could have all capabilities. The monolithic option ROM has either PXE, FCoE, or iSCSI capability but not all. This command will NOT WORK on monolithic Option ROMs.
NOTES: This manual command is not applicable to the UEFI network driver.
The UEFI network driver is enabled by default and loaded automatically unless network ports are already used by other flash firmware.
PXE Boot Configuration options (can be used with -NIC or -ALL)
Parameter Description
-DEFAULTCONFIG or -DEFCFG Sets the PXE configuration of the selected NIC back to default settings.
-SETUPENABLE or -STE Enables Setup Menu.
-SETUPDISABLE OR -STD Disables Setup Menu.
-TITLEENABLE OR -TLE Enables Initial Title Message.
-TITLEDISABLE OR -TLD Disables Initial Title Message.
-MESSAGEENABLE or -MSE Enables display of the Control-S Setup message when PXE initializes.
-MESSAGEDISABLE or -MSD Disables display of the Control-S Setup message when PXE initializes.
-SETWAITTIME=X or -SWT=X Set the setup delay time for the NIC to X seconds. Valid delay times are 0, 2, 3, and 5.
-MODE This parameter should not be used except as advised by Intel Support personnel.
iSCSI Boot Configuration Options  
Parameter Description
-SAVECONFIG Saves a snapshot of iSCSI boot configurations on the selected port to a binary file. Need to specify the file name by the -FILE option.
WARNING: For security reasons it is recommended that CHAP settings are disabled when using this option.
-RESTORECONFIG Restores previously-saved iSCSI boot configuration snapshot on the selected port. Need the -FILE option to specify the saved data.
WARNING: This feature may create multiple primary or secondary ports if the same command is issued to multiple ports. Review the boot priority setting in the iSCSI setup menu for the next system boot.
Port Configuration Options for iSCSI Initiator These options can either be used individually with the -NIC=XX option, or in a script file with the -I option. The value is specified in
-[OPTION]=[VALUE] format.
-[OPTION]=[VALUE] Description
-INITIATORNAME Specifies the iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) for the initiator.
-INITIATORIP Specifies the initiator IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation.
-INITIATORDHCP Enable or disable to get initiator configuration from DHCP.
-NETMASK Specifies the initiator subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.
-GATEWAY Specifies the gateway IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation.

iSCSI Target Configuration Options

 These options can either be used individually with the -NIC=XX option, or in a script file with the -I option. The value is specified in
-[OPTION]=[VALUE] format.



-TARGETNAME Specifies the iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) for the target.
-TARGETIP Specifies the target IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation.
-TARGETDHCP Enable or Disable to get the target information from DHCP Root Path.
-TARGETPORT Specifies the TCP port number on the target to connect to.
-BOOTLUN Specifies the LUN number to boot from.

Authentication Configuration Options

These options can either be used individually with the -NIC=XX option, or in a script file with the -I option. The value is specified in
-[OPTION]=[VALUE] format.



-CHAPUSERNAME Specifies CHAP user name.
-CHAPSECRET Specifies a secret text string to go with the CHAP user name. Secret must be 12 to 16 characters long.
-MUTUALCHAPSECRET Specifies the reverse (target) CHAP secret text string. Secret must be 12 to 16 characters long.

FCoE General Configuration Options

These options have to be used with the -NIC=XX option. They cannot be used with the -ALL option.
-WWPNPREFIX Specifies the Prefix to use for the WWPN. The prefix comprises of 4 hex digits. Separators '-' or ':' are allowed but optional.
-WWNNPREFIX Specifies the Prefix to use for the WWNN. The prefix comprises of 4 hex digits. Separators '-' or ':' are allowed but optional.

FCoE Target Configuration Options

These Options require the use of both the -NIC=XX Option AND the -TARGET=XX Option. The -ALL option is not allowed.
-WWPN Specifies the WWPN for the selected Target. The WWPN consists of 16 HEX digits or 8 bytes. Each byte can be separated with '-' or ':' as an optional separator.
eg: BOOTUTIL -NIC=1 -TARGET=1 -WWPN=00-11-22-33-44-55-66-77
-FCOELUN Specifies the LUN for the selected FCoE Target. Valid range is 0..255.
-FCOEVLAN Specifies the VLAN to use in order to connect to the selected target. Valid range is 0..4094.
Specifies the boot order for the selected target. Valid range is 1-4. If 0 is specified then this target will be excluded from the boot order. Boot order values of 1-4 can only be assigned once to target(s) across all FCoE boot-enabled ports.
NOTE: These commands can all be used on the same command line to configure an entire target in one shot.

The CHAP Authentication feature of this product requires the following acknowledgements:
This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (


The following examples show how to enter some typical BootUtil command lines:

Example 1:

To enable the flash firmware on the first network adapter for the system to be capable of executing the flash firmware.


Example 2:

To disable the flash firmware on all the network adapters.

BootUtil -ALL -FD

Example 3:

To display BootUtil FLB flash firmware types and versions.


Example 4:

To update all ports of a supported NIC with PXE.

1. BootUtil -UP=PXE -ALL (Assumes input file is bootimg.flb)
2. Bootutil -UP=PXE -ALL -FILE=BOOTIMG.FLB (explicit user specified file)

Example 5:

To update a combo image on supported adapter (eg, pxe+iscsi).

Bootutil -UP=Combo -NIC=2 -FILE=BOOTIMG.FLB

The above command will succeed if the PXE+ISCSI combination is supported on NIC #2. If not an error is displayed to the user.

NOTE: THE -UP and -UPDATE commands are equivalent and interchangeable.

Example 6:

To enable PXE firmware on the third network port in the system.


NOTE: This command will work only if PXE is part of a combo Option ROM and not a discrete Option ROM.

Example 7:

To disable the firmware on the second network port in the system.


Example 8:

To get help descriptions.

BootUtil -?

Example 9:

To enable DHCP for the iSCSI initiator on all the network ports in the system.


Example 10:

To load the iSCSI boot configurations from a text script file to the first network port.


Exit Codes

BootUtil returns exit codes to the OS environment. Possible exit codes are listed below:

Code Name Value
All BootUtil operations completed successfully 0
Bad command line parameter 1
No supported network port detected 2
Invalid network port selected 3
FLASH operation failed 4
EEPROM read operation failed 5
EEPROM write operation failed 6
File content is missing or corrupt 7
Operator termination 8
LOM not supported for selected operation 9
Network port is not bootable 10
FLASH memory is disabled for flash firmware 11
FLASH memory too small for selected firmware 12
Programming iSCSI boot configurations failed 13
System memory allocation failed 14
File operation failed 15
FCoE operation failed 16

Last modified on 9/20/11 10:51a Revision

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Configuration Setup

The Intel® Boot Agent software provides configuration options that allow you to customize the behavior of the Intel Boot Agent software. You can configure the Intel Boot Agent in any of the following environments:

The Intel Boot Agent supports PXE in pre-boot, Windows*, and DOS environments. In each of these environments, a single user interface allows you to configure PXE protocols on Fast Ethernet, Gigabit, and PXE on 10GbE adapters.

To enter the Intel Boot Agent setup menu, press and hold <Ctrl>-S during system start-up.

Configuring the Intel® Boot Agent in a Windows Vista or More Recent Environment

If you use Windows Vista or a more recent version of the Windows operating system on your client computer, you can use Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager to configure and update the Intel Boot Agent software. Intel PROSet is available through the device manager. Intel PROSet provides a special tab, called the Boot Options tab, used for configuring and updating the Intel Boot Agent software.

To access the Boot Options tab:

  1. Open Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager by opening the System Control Panel. On the Hardware tab, click Device Manager.

  2. Select the appropriate adapter and click the Boot Options tab. If the tab does not appear, update your network driver.

  3. The Boot Options tab shows a list of current configuration parameters and their corresponding values. Corresponding configuration values appear for the selected setting in a drop-down box. A brief description of the settings function appears in the Description box below it. See Boot Agent Configuration Settings for a list of configuration parameters, their possible values, and detailed descriptions.

  4. Select a setting you want to change from the Settings selection box.

  5. Select a value for that setting from the Value drop-down list.

  6. Repeat the preceding two steps to change any additional settings.

  7. Once you have completed your changes, click Apply Changes to update the adapter with the new values.

Configuring the Intel® Boot Agent in an MS-DOS Environment

Intel provides a utility, Intel® Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility (BootUtil) for installing and configuring the Intel Boot Agent using the DOS environment. BootUtil supports the Intel® PRO/100, Gigabit, and 10GbE family of adapters. See BootUtil for more information.

Configuring the Intel® Boot Agent in a Pre-Boot PXE Environment

NOTE: Intel Boot Agent may be disabled in the BIOS. 

You can customize the behavior of the Intel Boot Agent software through a pre-boot (operating system independent) configuration setup program contained within the adapter's flash ROM. You can access this pre-boot configuration setup program each time the client computer cycles through the boot process. The boot process is triggered whenever any of the following boot events occur:

  • Power on

  • Hard reset (Reset button on system, if available)

  • Soft reset (Ctrl+Alt+Del)

  • Operating system or application-initiated system restart

When the boot process begins, the screen clears and the computer begins its Power On Self Test (POST) sequence. Shortly after completion of the POST, the Intel Boot Agent software stored in flash ROM executes. The Intel Boot Agent then displays an initialization message, similar to the one below, indicating that it is active:

Initializing Intel(R) Boot Agent Version X.X.XX
PXE 2.0 Build 083
NOTE: This display may be hidden by the manufacturer's splash screen. Consult your manufacturer's documentation for details.

The configuration setup menu shows a list of configuration settings on the left and their corresponding values on the right. Key descriptions near the bottom of the menu indicate how to change values for the configuration settings. For each selected setting, a brief "mini-Help" description of its function appears just above the key descriptions.

  1. Highlight the setting you need to change by using the arrow keys.

  2. Once you have accessed the setting you want to change, press the spacebar until the desired value appears.

  3. Once you have completed your changes, press F4 to update the adapter with the new values. Any changed configuration values are applied as the boot process resumes. 

The table below provides a list of configuration settings, their possible values, and their detailed descriptions:

Intel Boot Agent Configuration Settings

Configuration Setting

Possible Values


Network Boot Protocol

PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment)

Select PXE for use with network management programs, such as LANDesk* Management Suite.

NOTE: Depending on the configuration of the Intel Boot Agent, this parameter may not be changeable.

Boot Order

Use BIOS Setup Boot Order

Try network first, then local drives

Try local drives first, then network

Try network only

Try local drives only

Sets the boot order in which devices are selected during boot up if the computer does not have its own control method. 

If your client computer's BIOS supports the BIOS Boot Specification (BBS), or allows PnP-compliant selection of the boot order in the BIOS setup program, then this setting will always be Use BIOS Setup Boot Order and cannot be changed. In this case, refer to the BIOS setup manual specific to your client computer to set up boot options.

If your client computer does not have a BBS- or PnP-compliant BIOS, you can select any one of the other possible values listed for this setting except for Use BIOS Setup Boot Order.

Legacy OS Wakeup Support. (For 82559-based adapters only)

0 = Disabled (Default Value)

1 = Enabled

If set to 1, the Intel Boot Agent will enable PME in the adapters PCI configuration space during initialization. This allows remote wakeup under legacy operating systems that dont normally support it. Note that enabling this makes the adapter technically non-compliant with the ACPI specification, which is why the default is disabled.


NOTE: If, during PXE boot, more than one adapter is installed in a computer and you want to boot from the boot ROM located on a specific adapter, you can do so by removing the adapter from the BIOS Boot Order or disabling the flash by running BootUtil -FlashDisable on the desired adapter.

While the configuration setup menu is displayed, diagnostics information is also displayed in the lower half of the screen. This information can be helpful during interaction with Intel Customer Support personnel or your IT team members. For more information about how to interpret the information displayed, refer to Diagnostics Information for Pre-boot PXE Environments.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

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This Glossary defines terms, abbreviations, and acronyms that apply directly to the Intel® Boot Agent.



Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

BBS BIOS Boot Specification
BC BaseCode. The PXE Base Code is comprised of a simple network stack (UDP/IP) and a few common network protocols (DHCP, ARP, TFTP) that are useful for remote booting machines.
BINL Binary Image Negotiation Layer
BIOS Basic Input/Output System. The program a personal computer's microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on. It also manages data flow between the computer's OS and attached devices.
BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol. A legacy remote booting protocol developed originally for use with UNIX. Used as Linux*'s server side PXE host software. Runs a Daemon once installed.
BootUtil Intel® Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility (BootUtil).
DDIM Device Driver Initialization Model


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. An industry standard Internet protocol defined by the IETF. DHCP was defined to dynamically provide communications-related configuration values such as network addresses to network client computers at boot time. DHCP is specified by IETF RFCs 1534, 2131, and 2132.
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
Flash A high-density, truly non-volatile, high-performance, read-write memory solution, also characterized by low power consumption, extreme ruggedness, and high reliability.
IA32 Shorthand for computer platforms based on Intel 32-bit architecture CPUs.
IA64 Shorthand for computer platforms based on Intel Itanium 64-bit architecture CPUs.


Intel Architecture Lab

LCM LANDesk Configuration Manager


LAN On Motherboard. This is a network device that is built onto the motherboard (or baseboard) of the machine.

NIC Network Interface Card. Also referred to as adapter. Technically, this is a network device that is inserted into a bus on the motherboard or into an expansion board. For the purposes of this document, the term NIC will be used in a generic sense, meaning any device that enables a network connection (including LOMs and network devices on external busses, such as USB 1394, etc).


Operating System

PMM POST Memory Manager. A mechanism used by option ROMs to allocate RAM memory for use during system startup.


Plug and Play


Power On Self-Test

proxyDHCP Used to ease the transition of PXE clients and servers into an existing network infrastructure. proxyDHCP provides additional DHCP information that is needed by PXE clients and boot servers without making changes to existing DHCP servers.

Preboot Execution Environment. PXE provides a way for a system to initiate a network connection to various servers prior to loading an OS. This network connection supports a number of standard IP protocols such as DHCP and TFTP, and can be used for purposes such as software installation and system inventory maintenance.

RIS Remote Installation Services. A Microsoft* service that uses PXE to deliver the Network Bootstrap Program to start the boot process.


Read-Only Memory. When used in this guide, ROM refers to a non-volatile memory storage device on a NIC.
TCO Total Cost of Ownership. Studies indicate that the most expensive part of a PC for businesses is not the cost of the PC itself, but its on-going maintenance and management. This after-purchase cost is tracked as Total Cost of Ownership. Remote management tools like PXE help lower the overall cost of the ownership.
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol. An industry standard Internet protocol defined by the IETF to enable the transmission of files across the Internet. Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP, Revision 2) to support NBP download is specified by IETF RFC 1350.
UNDI Universal Network Driver Interface. UNDI provides a hardware-independent mechanism for the PXE base code to use an adapter for network access without controlling the adapter hardware directly.


Uniform Resource Locator. The address of a file (resource) accessible on the Internet.
USB Universal Serial Bus. A Plug and Play (PnP) interface between a computer and add-on devices.


Wake on LAN*

Last modified on 3/09/10 1:57p Revision

BOOTAGNT/DOCS/hw_indm.htm0000755000000000000000000001637111660472040012063 0ustar Client Computer Hardware Installation

Client Computer Hardware Installation

Before you install the Intel® Boot Agent, make sure the client computer's hardware is installed properly. To do this, make sure that a compatible network adapter is installed and the Intel Boot Agent software image resides within the network adapter's flash ROM. The following topics guide you through the hardware installation process:

Setup for a Known Configuration

Identifying the Client Computer Configuration

Setup for a Known Configuration

If you have an Intel Desktop adapter installed in your client computer, the flash ROM device is already available in your adapter, and no further installation steps are necessary.

NOTE: For Intel server adapters, the flash ROM can be enabled using BootUtil.

Some adapters ship with flash ROM disabled. To enable, refer to the BootUtil documentation.

You can use the hardware configuration information to determine proper installation through the steps indicated in the Intel Boot Agent Installation Procedures table below.

Intel Boot Agent Installation Procedures

  1. Install adapter into your machine.
  2. Use BootUtil to verify.

Identifying the Client Computer Configuration

To determine the hardware configuration of your client computer without removing its cover:

  1. Examine the back panel of the computer to determine if there is a network adapter already installed. The following figure shows the back panel of a typical computer and indicates the areas you should examine:

  1. As shown in the figure, the network connector is an RJ-45 connector. If there is a network connector in the back panel cluster only, it is possible that the computer motherboard incorporates compatible LAN on motherboard (LOM) hardware. Contact the motherboard manufacturer to verify this information. If your motherboard is equipped with LOM hardware, perform either of the following:

  1. Follow the motherboard manufacturer's instructions to check if your computer's BIOS already handles Intel Boot Agent capability. Otherwise, ask your manufacturer for a new BIOS upgrade for your system.

  1. If there is no network connector at the back of your computer, you must install a network adapter. Refer to the installation procedures for the adapter for any setup requirements.

  2. If there is a network connector in one of the add-in board slots, there might be a compatible network adapter already installed in the computer. Perform the following steps to identify all compatible network adapters already installed in your computer:

  1. Boot your computer to DOS (a DOS Command Prompt window will not work).

  2. From the drive or directory containing the Intel Boot Agent software, type BOOTUTIL and then press Enter.

  3. If there is no flash ROM device installed, BootUtil displays the following type of information:

    === ================= ====== ===== ============ ================== ==== ====
    NIC Network Address Series WOL Boot Agent FLASH Memory Size Valid
    === ================= ====== ===== ============ ================== ==== ====
    1 xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx No x.x.xx Unknown [8282] 1024 Yes

    NOTE: If the flash ROM device installed in the adapter ROM socket is not large enough (64 KB or larger), BootUtil returns a message stating that the flash is too small, and does not allow you to proceed.

  4. Update the flash ROM. See Installing/Updating in DOS Environments for instructions.

Last modified on 3/01/10 9:43a 9/08/04 3:59p

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Copyright and Legal Disclaimers

Copyright © 2002 - 2013 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Intel Corporation, 5200 N.E. Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497 USA

Intel Corporation assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. Nor does Intel make any commitment to update the information contained herein.

Intel, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Warranty Information

Software License


BOOTAGNT/DOCS/license.htm0000755000000000000000000003756411736273470012101 0ustar Software License



Do not copy, install, or use this software and any associated materials (collectively, the “Software”) provided under this license agreement (“Agreement”) until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions.

By copying, installing, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not copy, install, or use the Software.


Please Note:

  • If you are a network or system administrator, the “Site License” below shall apply to you.
  • If you are an end user, the “Single User License” shall apply to you.
  • If you are an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), the “OEM License” shall apply to you.

SITE LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto your organization’s computers for your organization’s use, and you may make a reasonable number of back-up copies of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

SINGLE USER LICENSE: You may copy the Software onto a single computer for your personal use, and you may make one back-up copy of the Software, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute, or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

OEM LICENSE: You may reproduce and distribute the Software only as an integral part of or incorporated in your product, as a standalone Software maintenance update for existing end users of your products, excluding any other standalone products, or as a component of a larger Software distribution, including but not limited to the distribution of an installation image or a Guest Virtual Machine image, subject to these conditions:

  1. This Software is licensed for use only in conjunction with (a) physical Intel component products, and (b) virtual (emulated) devices designed to appear as Intel component products to a Guest operating system running within the context of a virtual machine. Any other use of the Software, including but not limited to use with non-Intel component products, is not licensed hereunder.
  2. Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Intel Corporation ("Intel") grants to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, copyright license to use the Software.
  3. You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software.
  4. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
  5. You may only distribute the Software to your customers pursuant to a written license agreement. Such license agreement may be a "break-the-seal" license agreement. At a minimum such license shall safeguard Intel's ownership rights to the Software.
  6. You may not distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel.
  7. The Software may include portions offered on terms differing from those set out here, as set out in a license accompanying those portions.

LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may NOT: (i) use or copy the Software except as provided in this Agreement; (ii) rent or lease the Software to any third party; (iii) assign this Agreement or transfer the Software without the express written consent of Intel; (iv) modify, adapt, or translate the Software in whole or in part except as provided in this Agreement; (v) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software; (vi) attempt to modify or tamper with the normal function of a license manager that regulates usage of the Software; (vii) distribute, sublicense or transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Software and derivatives thereof to any third party without the express written consent of Intel; (viii) permit, authorize, license or sublicense any third party to view or use the Source Code; (ix) modify or distribute the Source Code or Software so that any part of it becomes subject to an Excluded License. (An "Excluded License" is one that requires, as a condition of use, modification, or distribution, that (a) the code be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or (b) others have the right to modify it.); (x) use or include the Source Code or Software in deceptive, malicious or unlawful programs.

NO OTHER RIGHTS. No rights or licenses are granted by Intel to you, expressly or by implication, with respect to any proprietary information or patent, copyright, mask work, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right owned or controlled by Intel, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. Except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted to you directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel, or otherwise. Specifically, Intel grants no express or implied right to you under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights.

OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. The Software is licensed, not sold. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. You agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software.

ADDITIONAL TERMS FOR PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE.  If the Software you are installing or using under this Agreement is pre-commercial release or is labeled or otherwise represented as alpha- or beta- versions of the Software ("pre-release Software"), then the following terms apply. To the extent that any provision in this Section conflicts with any other term(s) or condition(s) in this Agreement with respect to pre-release Software, this Section shall supersede the other term(s) or condition(s), but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. You understand and acknowledge that the Software is pre-release Software, does not represent the final Software from Intel, and may contain errors and other problems that could cause data loss, system failures, or other errors. The pre-release Software is provided to you "as-is" and Intel disclaims any warranty or liability to you for any damages that arise out of the use of the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that Intel has not promised that pre-release Software will be released in the future, that Intel has no express or implied obligation to you to release the pre-release Software and that Intel may not introduce Software that is compatible with the pre-release Software. You acknowledge that the entirety of any research or development you perform that is related to the pre-release Software or to any product making use of or associated with the pre-release Software is done at your own risk. If Intel has provided you with pre-release Software pursuant to a separate written agreement, your use of the pre-release Software is also governed by such agreement.

LIMITED MEDIA WARRANTY.  If the Software has been delivered by Intel on physical media, Intel warrants the media to be free from material physical defects for a period of ninety days after delivery by Intel. If such a defect is found, return the media to Intel for replacement or alternate delivery of the Software as Intel may select.

EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES.  EXCEPT AS PROVIDED ABOVE, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained within the Software.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.  IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. In the event that you use the Software in conjunction with a virtual (emulated) device designed to appear as an Intel component product, you acknowledge that Intel is neither the author nor the creator of the virtual (emulated) device. You understand and acknowledge that Intel makes no representations about the correct operation of the Software when used with a virtual (emulated) device, that Intel did not design the Software to operate in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, and that the Software may not be capable of correct operation in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to assume the risk that the Software may not operate properly in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device. You agree to indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with the use of the Software in conjunction with the virtual (emulated) device, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Software.

UNAUTHORIZED USE. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, OR AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN ANY TYPE OF SYSTEM OR APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD CREATE A SITUATION WHERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MAY OCCUR (E.G MEDICAL SYSTEMS, LIFE SUSTAINING OR LIFE SAVING SYSTEMS). If you use the Software for any such unintended or unauthorized use, you shall indemnify and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of product liability, personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.

TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement at any time if you violate its terms. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy the Software or return all copies of the Software to Intel.

APPLICABLE LAWS. Claims arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. You agree that the terms of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods do not apply to this Agreement. You may not export the Software in violation of applicable export laws and regulations. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel.

GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The enclosed Software and documentation were developed at private expense, and are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR 52.227-14 and DFARS 252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor. The use of this product by the Government constitutes acknowledgement of Intels proprietary rights in the Software. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel.

LANGUAGE; TRANSLATIONS. In the event that the English language version of this Agreement is accompanied by any other version translated into any other language, such translated version is provided for convenience purposes only and the English language version shall control.

Last modified on 4/02/12 10:56p Revision

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Product Contents

Operating Environment


The Intel® Boot Agent is a software product that allows your networked client computer to boot using a program code image supplied by a remote server. PC vendors can implement the Intel Boot Agent to accommodate various environments and protocols.

Implementation Support for the Intel Boot Agent:

  • Multi-protocol boot ROM code designed for remote booting from Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet Adapters.

  • Complies with the Pre-boot eXecution Environment (PXE) Version 2.1 Specification.

Important Features Offered by Intel Boot Agent:

  • Same user interface for Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet Adapters.

  • Compatible with legacy boot agent environments that use BOOTP protocol.

  • Customizable in pre-boot, Windows*, and DOS environments.

Product Contents

When you purchase an Intel Desktop adapter, the product package includes the following items related to the Intel Boot Agent:

  • An Intel Boot Agent software image integrated into the adapter's flash ROM device. This must be added and enabled to server adapters.

  • A CD-ROM containing a set of DOS utilities, this online Intel® Boot Agent User's Guide, and a readme file.

This software and documentation as well as updates are available by visiting the Intel Customer Support website.

Operating Environment

The Intel Boot Agent operates in a client/server environment. Often, in this environment, one or more servers provide remote boot services to a large number of client computers through a common network. The computer system where the Intel Boot Agent is loaded is considered to be a client with respect to the remote boot capability even if that system acts as a server after the system has finished booting.

Last modified on 6/01/11 1:39p Revision

BOOTAGNT/DOCS/run.gif0000755000000000000000000000014111654256224011212 0ustar GIF89aE Server System Setup

Server System Setup


Linux* Server Setup

Other Server Setup Information


For the Intel® Boot Agent software to perform its intended job, there must be a server set up on the same network as the client computer. That server must recognize and respond to the PXE or BOOTP boot protocols that are used by the Intel Boot Agent software.

The following topics describe the actions you should take to set up various types of servers to work with the Intel Boot Agent. If you have questions concerning the setup of your server system, contact the manufacturer of your server hardware or your server operating system vendor for assistance.

NOTE: When the Intel Boot Agent software is installed as an upgrade for an earlier version boot ROM, the associated server-side software may not be compatible with the updated Intel Boot Agent. Contact your system administrator to determine if any server updates are necessary.

Linux* Server Setup

Consult your Linux* vendor for information about setting up the Linux Server.

Other Server Setup Information

An extensive list of hardware and software manufacturers provide products that support remote boot technology, conforming to the PXE /BOOTP/ DHCP protocols. For information about setting up servers, as well as about other remote boot-related products provided by these manufacturers, select Boot-Related Resources.

Windows* Deployment Services

Nothing is needed beyond the standard driver files supplied on the media. Microsoft* owns the process and associated instructions for Windows Deployment Services. For more information on Windows Deployment Services perform a search of Microsoft articles at:

Last modified on 6/05/09 11:31a Revision

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Customer Support

Intel support is available on the web or by phone. Support offers the most up-to-date information about Intel products, including installation instructions, troubleshooting tips, and general product information.

Web and Internet Sites


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Last modified on 5/12/10 3:26p Revision

BOOTAGNT/DOCS/sw_indm.htm0000755000000000000000000002564012145155534012102 0ustar Installing the Boot Agent Software Image

Installing the Intel® Boot Agent Software Image


Installing/Updating in Windows Vista or More Recent Environment

Installing/Updating in MS-DOS Environments


Intel® desktop adapters have a factory-installed, integrated flash ROM device that has been pre-programmed with an Intel® Boot Agent software image. 

NOTE: Use BootUtil to enable the flash ROM on Intel server adapters. 

Installing/Updating in Windows Vista or More Recent Environment

  • Intel® PROSet for Windows* Device Manager can flash the Boot ROM. However, if you need to enable or disable the Boot ROM use BootUtil from an MS-DOS environment.

  • The Intel Boot Agent update operation involves writing the Intel Boot Agent image into the flash ROM, which may temporarily disable the operation of the Windows network device driver. Depending on what software is installed in your system, you may need to reboot the computer following this operation.

  • If MS-DOS installation is required, refer to Installing/Updating in MS-DOS Environments.

You can use Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager to install or update the Intel Boot Agent software in Windows Vista or more recent environments as follows:

  1. When downloading a flash ROM image file from Intel's website, be sure to save it to a temporary directory or a location where you can easily locate it for this procedure.

  2. Install the Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager software onto the system.

  3. Open Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager by opening the System Control Panel. On the Hardware tab, click Device Manager.

  4. Select the appropriate adapter and click the Boot Options tab. If the tab does not appear, update your network driver.

NOTE: Intel PROSet for Windows Device Manager also allows you to change configuration settings for PXE environments. To do so, refer to Configuring the Boot Agent in a Windows Vista or More Recent Environment. Not all configuration settings are available for some flash ROMs.
  1. Click the Update Flash Image button and follow the directions.

    The flash ROM update process can take up to 90 seconds on some systems.

Installing/Updating in MS-DOS Environments

In this procedure, you will use an executable flash tool called BootUtil that has the necessary Intel Boot Agent images stored within the executable. You will select the adapter you want to flash, and indicate whether or not you want BootUtil to create a backup image of the old flash before flashing a new Intel Boot Agent image. BootUtil then erases the flash before writing the new Intel Boot Agent image onto the flash.

To use BootUtil to install or update the Intel Boot Agent software in an MS-DOS environment:

  1. Obtain an MS-DOS-bootable floppy disk containing an executable image of the BootUtil utility. If you do not have BootUtil on your MS-DOS bootable disk, copy it to your system disk from the CD ROM that came with your product under the \BOOTAGNT directory, or acquire the most up-to-date version from Intel's website at

  2. Using your MS-DOS bootable floppy disk, boot your computer to an MS-DOS prompt.

    CAUTION: The next several steps require that your computer be booted only to MS-DOS. These steps cannot be performed from an MS-DOS Command Prompt window or using an MS-DOS task within Windows.

  3. Type BOOTUTIL -nic=x -upgrade (where x is the number of the adapter you wish to update) and press Enter. Refer to the help document for BootUtil.


    Type BOOTUTIL -all -upgrade (to update all the adapters).

    A message similar to the one below appears showing a list of all compatible network adapters found in your system, assuming both the adapter and the flash ROM device are properly installed.

    NOTE: Actual adapter-related data may vary depending upon the adapters installed.
  4. Adapter Choices
    === ================ ======= ==== ============== =======
    NIC Network Address Series WOL Boot ROM Type Version
    === ================ ======= ==== ============== =======
    1 00D0B7D36018 Gigabit No PXE 4.1.17
    2 000347003E35 Gigabit No PXE 4.1.17
  5. Type Y (yes) to create a backup of the current contents of the flash ROM device (not yet updated) onto a file. If such a file already exists, you'll be asked if you want to overwrite the file. If you type Y (yes), the flash image file is overwritten with the current contents of the flash ROM. The new Intel Boot Agent image is then written into the flash ROM device used by the adapter. The process takes approximately one minute. 


    NOTE: The BootUtil utility automatically names the flash image file (backup file) with a .IBA extension.



  6. Type N (no) to cause BootUtil to proceed without first saving a copy of the current contents of the flash ROM device onto a file. BootUtil asks you to confirm your choice as follows:

    Continue Update without Restore Image? (Y)es or (N)o:

    If you type N (no), BootUtil cancels the update, leaving the flash contents unchanged, and returns to the DOS prompt. If you type Y (yes), a new Intel Boot Agent image is written into the flash ROM device used by the adapter.

  7. You may need to go into the BIOS to change the boot order.

Last modified on 4/24/13.

BOOTAGNT/DOCS/toc_dm.htm0000755000000000000000000000265511660472040011703 0ustar


Client Computer Hardware Installation

Installing the Intel® Boot Agent Software Image

Server System Setup

Configuration Setup


Intel® Boot Agent Messages

Troubleshooting Procedures


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Intel® Boot Agent Guide

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BOOTAGNT/DOCS/troubdm.htm0000755000000000000000000001732312131213234012100 0ustar Troubleshooting Procedures

Troubleshooting Procedures

Common Issues

Diagnostics Information for Pre-boot PXE Environments

Common Issues

The following list of problems and associated solutions covers a representative set of problems that you might encounter while using the Intel Boot Agent.

After booting, my computer experiences problems

After the Intel® Boot Agent product has finished its sole task (remote booting), it no longer has any effect on the client computer operation. Thus, any issues that arise after the boot process is complete are most likely not related to the Intel Boot Agent product.

If you are having problems with the local (client) or network operating system, contact the operating system manufacturer for assistance. If you are having problems with some application program, contact the application manufacturer for assistance. If you are having problems with any of your computer's hardware or with the BIOS, contact your computer system manufacturer for assistance.

Cannot change boot order

If you are accustomed to redefining your computer's boot order using the motherboard BIOS setup program, the default settings of the Intel Boot Agent setup program can override that setup. To change the boot sequence, you must first override the Intel Boot Agent setup program defaults. A configuration setup menu appears allowing you to set configuration values for the Intel Boot Agent. To change your computer's boot order setting, see Configuring the Boot Agent in a Pre-boot PXE Environment.

My computer does not complete POST

If your computer fails to boot with an adapter installed, but does boot when you remove the adapter, try moving the adapter to another computer and using BootUtil to disable the Flash ROM.

If this does not work, the problem may be occurring before the Intel Boot Agent software even begins operating. In this case, there may be a BIOS problem with your computer. Contact your computer manufacturer's customer support group for help in correcting your problem.

There are configuration/operation problems with the boot process

If your PXE client receives a DHCP address, but then fails to boot, you know the PXE client is working correctly. Check your network or PXE server configuration to troubleshoot the problem. Contact Intel Customer Support if you need further assistance.

POST hang may occur if two or more ports on Quad Port Server Adapters are configured for PXE

If you have an Intel® Gigabit VT Quad Port Server Adapter, Intel® PRO/1000 PT Quad Port LP Server Adapter, or an Intel® PRO/1000 PF Quad Port Server Adapter with two or more ports configured for PXE, you may experience POST hangs on some server systems. If this occurs the suggested workaround is move the adapter to another system and disable PXE on all but one port of the Adapter. You may also be able to prevent this problem by disabling any on-board SCSI or SAS controllers in your system BIOS.

Diagnostics Information for Pre-boot PXE Environments

Anytime the configuration setup menu is displayed (see Configuring the Boot Agent in a Pre-boot PXE Environment), diagnostics information is also displayed on the lower portion of the screen. The information displayed appears similar to that shown in the lower half of the screen image below. This information can be helpful during interaction with Intel Customer Support personnel or your IT team members.

NOTE: Actual diagnostics information may vary, depending upon the adapter(s) installed in your computer.

Diagnostics information may include the following items:



PWA Number The Printed Wire Assembly number identifies the adapter's model and version.
MAC Address The unique Ethernet address assigned to the device.
Memory The memory address assigned by the BIOS for memory-mapped adapter access.
I/O The I/O port address assigned by the BIOS for I/O-mapped adapter access.
IRQ The hardware interrupt assigned by the system BIOS.
UNB The address in upper memory where the Boot Agent is installed by the BIOS.
PCI ID The set of PCI identification values from the adapter in the form:


Slot The PCI bus address (slot number) reported by the BIOS.

NOTE: The number displayed is the BIOS version of the PCI slot number. Therefore, actual positions of NICs within physical slots may not be displayed as expected. Slots are not always enumerated in an obvious manner, and this will only report what is indicated by the BIOS.

Flags A set of miscellaneous data either read from the adapter EEPROM or calculated by the Boot Agent initialization code. This information varies from one adapter to the next and is only intended for use by Intel customer support.

Last modified on 3/09/10 2:11p Revision

BOOTAGNT/DOCS/warranty.htm0000755000000000000000000001374712135233534012312 0ustar Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Limited Lifetime Hardware Warranty

Returning a defective product

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Last modified on 9/17/12 10:42a