DOCS/ba_msgs.htm 0000755 0000000 0000000 00000030062 11660472040 010625 0 ustar
The Message Text column in the table below contains an alphanumeric list of error and informational messages that the Intel® Boot Agent may display during initialization. Possible causes for the messages are listed in the table's Cause column. Wherever applicable, advice regarding how to avoid an error condition appears in the Cause column.
Message Text | Cause |
Invalid PMM function number. | PMM is not installed or is not working correctly. Try updating the BIOS. |
PMM allocation error. | PMM could not or did not allocate the requested amount of memory for driver usage. |
PXE-E00: This system does not have enough free conventional memory. The Intel Boot Agent cannot continue. | System does not have enough free memory to run PXE image. The Intel Boot Agent was unable to find enough free base memory (below 640K) to install the PXE client software. The system cannot boot via PXE in its current configuration. The error returns control to the BIOS and the system does not attempt to remote boot. If this error persists, try updating your system's BIOS to the most-recent version. Contact your system administrator or your computer vendor's customer support to resolve the problem. |
PXE-E01: PCI Vendor and Device IDs do not match! | Image vendor and device ID do not match those located on the card. Make sure the correct flash image is installed on the adapter. |
PXE-E04: Error reading PCI configuration space. The Intel Boot Agent cannot continue. | PCI configuration space could not be read. Machine is probably not PCI compliant. The Intel Boot Agent was unable to read one or more of the adapter's PCI configuration registers. The adapter may be mis-configured, or the wrong Intel Boot Agent image may be installed on the adapter. The Intel Boot Agent will return control to the BIOS and not attempt to remote boot. Try to update the flash image. If this does not solve the problem, contact your system administrator or Intel Customer Support. |
PXE-E05: The LAN adapter's configuration is corrupted or has not been initialized. The Intel Boot Agent cannot continue. | The adapter's EEPROM is corrupted. The Intel Boot Agent determined that the adapter EEPROM checksum is incorrect. The agent will return control to the BIOS and not attempt to remote boot. Try to update the flash image. If this does not solve the problem, contact your system administrator or Intel Customer Support. |
PXE-E06: Option ROM requires DDIM support. | The system BIOS does not support DDIM. The BIOS does not support the mapping of the PCI expansion ROMs into upper memory as required by the PCI specification. The Intel Boot Agent cannot function in this system. The Intel Boot Agent returns control to the BIOS and does not attempt to remote boot. You may be able to resolve the problem by updating the BIOS on your system. If updating your system's BIOS does not fix the problem, contact your system administrator or your computer vendor's customer support to resolve the problem. |
PXE-E07: PCI BIOS calls not supported. | BIOS-level PCI services not available. Machine is probably not PCI compliant. |
PXE-E09: Unexpected UNDI loader error. Status == xx | The UNDI loader returned an unknown error status. xx is the status returned. |
PXE-E20: BIOS extended memory copy error. | BIOS could not move the image into extended memory. |
PXE-E20: BIOS extended memory copy error. AH == xx | Error occurred while trying to copy the image into extended memory. xx is the BIOS failure code. |
PXE-E51: No DHCP or BOOTP offers received. | The Intel Boot Agent did not receive any DHCP or BOOTP responses to its initial request. Please make sure that your DHCP server (and/or proxyDHCP server, if one is in use) is properly configured and has sufficient IP addresses available for lease. If you are using BOOTP instead, make sure that the BOOTP service is running and is properly configured. |
PXE-E53: No boot filename received. | The Intel Boot Agent received a DHCP or BOOTP offer, but has not received a valid filename to download. If you are using PXE, please check your PXE and BINL configuration. If using BOOTP, be sure that the TFTP service is running and that the specific path and filename are correct. |
PXE-E61: Media test failure. | The adapter does not detect link. Please make sure that the cable is good and is attached to a working hub or switch. The link light visible from the back of the adapter should be lit. |
PXE-EC1: Base-code ROM ID structure was not found. | No base code could be located. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image. |
PXE-EC3: BC ROM ID structure is invalid. | Base code could not be installed. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image. |
PXE-EC4: UNDI ROM ID structure was not found. | UNDI ROM ID structure signature is incorrect. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image. |
PXE-EC5: UNDI ROM ID structure is invalid. | The structure length is incorrect. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image. |
PXE-EC6: UNDI driver image is invalid. | The UNDI driver image signature was invalid. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image. |
PXE-EC8: !PXE structure was not found in UNDI driver code segment. | The Intel Boot Agent could not locate the needed !PXE structure resource. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image. |
PXE-EC9: PXENV + structure was not found in UNDI driver code segment. | The Intel Boot Agent could not locate the needed PXENV+ structure. An incorrect flash image is installed or the image has become corrupted. Try to update the flash image. |
PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent. | Ending execution of the ROM image. |
This option has been locked and cannot be changed. | You have attempted to change a configuration setting that has been locked by your system administrator with BootUtil. This message can appear either from within Intel® PROSet's Boot Options tab when operating under Windows* or from the Configuration Setup Menu when operating in a stand-alone environment. If you think you should be able to change the configuration setting, consult your system administrator. |
PXE-M0E: Retrying network boot; press ESC to cancel. | The Intel Boot Agent did not successfully complete a network boot due to a network error (such as not receiving a DHCP offer). The Intel Boot Agent will continue to attempt to boot from the network until successful or until canceled by the user. This feature is disabled by default. For information on how to enable this feature, contact Intel Customer Support. |
Last modified on 3/01/10 9:37a Revision