896x/896x-frh.htm 0000755 0000000 0000000 00000050141 11400667332 010475 0 ustar
Firmware Release History
Model: U160/FC2G to SATA 16 CHL. (80303)(8960)
Version |
Firmware Date |
Release Date |
Notes |
6.12a |
08/30/2005 |
09/12/2005 |
1. Display bad block active count number on the system statistic function. 2. Support new flash type. 3. Fixed DV failed. 4. FC: Fixed dual channel for Mac OS X issue. 5. Force bad block re-map use disk itself first. |
6.10a |
12/16/2004 |
12/31/2004 |
1. Fixed report LUN problem. 2. Improve the SATA HDD (Hitachi 400GB) compatibility issue. |
6.08a |
10/15/2004 |
11/01/2004 |
1. Variable sector size. (Up to 8192). 2. Slice over 2TB. (Up to 16TB). 3. Add GUI remaps count info. 4. FC: Fixed JBOD problem. 5. Improve the SATA HDD compatibility issue. 6. Re-definition ups port wording. |
6.07a |
05/14/2004 |
07/21/2004 |
1. Add remap count function. 2. FC: Fixed problem of secondary SAN mask cannot enable. 3. Modify remap count default and maximum to 62. |
6.05a |
01/29/2004 |
02/10/2004 |
1. Improve SATA HDD compatibility (Maxtor 7Y250M0, Hitachi 7K250SA). 2. Support Array Roaming. 3. Fixed exception problem when users erase NVRAM and RAID in degraded mode. 4. Fixed LCD panel operation problem. (Fix exception problem when no free disk and users create new array). 5. Fixed GUI issues. 6. Fixed JBOD issue. 7. Fixed FreeBSD compatible issue. 8. Fixed exception problem while encounter heavy small I/O. 9. Fixed serial number not visible from Veritas. 10. FC: Fixed RAID capacity over 1TB issue under fiber interface. 11. FC: Replace RISC code back to single ID version. (SAN masking issue). 12. Since 6.03a the array configuration did not compatible with early version. |
6.02a |
08/28/2003 |
09/15/2003 |
1. Fixed HDD remap problem. 2. Fixed Maxtor SATA HDD compatibility problem. 3. FC: Fixed Fiber command queue problem. |
6.00a |
06/24/2003 |
07/01/2003 |
1. Initial release. |
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