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message' core got resource fail, Please shutdown and check invalid vender id, Please shutdown and check invalid pci info, Please shutdown and check invalid pci memory range, Please shutdown and check invalid base address, Please shutdown and check handle EOI mode timeout, Please shutdown and check set post window timeout, Please shutdown and check core start rebulid command timeout 'warning message' get core specification timeout, Please shutdown and check get memory resource cross 4G, Please shutdown and check core set dma high part address timeout, Please contact with Areca system hibernate or error dump ,re-entrent ccbs resource lack ,Please check firmware events Areca RAID Adapter arrival Areca RAID Adapter removal Hello! I am ARCMSR.SYSSCSIDISKARCMSRDummyDevice ntldr=1dump=1Jul 8 2013Areca SAS/SATA RAID Host Adapter family driver Built %s arcmsr_HwFindAdapter%s: ntldr dump error %s: get pci configuration info error %s: invalid vendor id=%x %s: mem_base0==NULL %s: ARCMSR_ADAPTER_REMOVAL %s: mem_base1==NULL %s: mem_base0==NULL or mem_base1==NULL %s: enable driver mode==FALSE Areca RAID Host Adapter: HwMsiInterrupt (%x) Areca RAID Host Adapter: HwInterrupt (%x) %s: get uncache ccbs pool and hbb message unit fail %s: ccbs pool range cross 4G! %s %s=%s=%dThunderbolt%s\%s\Parameters\PnpInterface\REGISTRY\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\%s%s%s0Hd| $.F`t~,BXb0B\lOQgRSDSk Ed֩d:\areca\sourcecode\win2000\arcmsr\arcmsr\objfre_wnet_amd64\amd64\arcs_a64.pdbb t d T 424  20 T#4" p `B  d4+ dT4rp܀8 t dT422 p ` 0 4, (p܀0Bp0dT42p!42,p`P܀P }p`P0܀  4 p dT4rp dT4rpd T 4 Rp dT 4 Rp t d T 4 Rd T 4Rp  4 Rp 4r p`PRpd T 4RpR0d 4  p  4 ` d T 42pt 4R  t d T 42 42 p ` PtT42t42   4 2pdT 4 p) 4UL p`P܀P  T4 p `' 4RJ p `P܀@202-+] fmt0@ВH( s|P"X"j$p$$$6'H<'( ()*0*+p+-d-/d/W0`01$1 2(24\4686#8,8F:L:<<<=>X>?В?@@hB$pBC@ChE$(GGВGHВHJȓJK KN| NlNtN)O 0O+P4PTdToZxZZPZO[PX[[P[X]`]^^_(_`$```aabbrlxlo8ooĒoppttuu{8{_{pӀ܀PHI2-+HtI;u/LH HI3II#IDHHH̠r0Hd| $.F`t~,BXb0B\l>RtlInitUnicodeString4KeInitializeSemaphoreJObReferenceObjectByHandleKeWaitForSingleObject!RtlFreeAnsiStringRtlQueryRegistryValues:RtlInitAnsiStringRtlUnicodeStringToAnsiStringdKeReleaseSemaphoreVKeReadStateSemaphoreFExAllocatePoolWithTagstrrchrIoWriteErrorLogEntry1IoAllocateErrorLogEntryXExFreePoolWithTagstrncmp%RtlFreeUnicodeStringstrncpyRtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString2DbgPrintExnPsCreateSystemThread;ZwEnumerateKeyPsTerminateSystemThreadOZwOpenKey_vsnprintf<ZwEnumerateValueKey~KeSetPriorityThread%ZwCloseKeBugCheckExntoskrnl.exeStorPortPauseStorPortGetPhysicalAddressStorPortInitialize StorPortFreeDeviceBase StorPortGetDeviceBase-StorPortSetDeviceQueueDepth/StorPortSynchronizeAccess*StorPortResumeStorPortCompleteRequest'StorPortReadyStorPortGetUncachedExtensionStorPortNotification StorPortGetBusData,StorPortSetBusDataByOffsetStorPortGetScatterGatherList.StorPortStallExecutionstorport.sys 8Ph   @@d@@@@    xAreca RAID controller get pci configuration info error. dAreca RAID controller invalid pci vendor id. dAreca RAID controller invalid pci device id. lAreca RAID controller get uncache ccbs pool fail. @Areca RAID Volume arrival. DAreca RAID Volume departure. @Areca RAID Volume arrival. @Areca RAID Volume removal. `Areca RAID controller ccbs resource empty. Areca RAID controller iop base address no memory map method. dAreca RAID controller iop base address error. tAreca RAID controller iop base address invalid range. |Areca RAID controller os dump error or system hibernate. `Areca RAID controller has pending command. Areca RAID controller wait to flush adapter cache timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to start adapter background rebulid timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to abort all outstanding command timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to get adapter firmware data timeout. Areca RAID controller set ccb high part physical address timeout. tAreca RAID controller set post queue window timeout. dAreca RAID controller can not set diver mode. tAreca RAID controller set post queue window timeout. tAreca RAID controller raid volume scsi command error. hAreca RAID controller enable EOI mode timeout. Areca RAID controller isr get an illegal ccb command done. Areca RAID controller isr get unknow command status error. hAreca RAID controller ccbs pool range cross 4G. hAreca RAID controller unknow scsi status error. Areca RAID controller wait to stop adapter rebulid timeout. 4VS_VERSION_INFO?*`StringFileInfo<040904b0PCommentssupport: Technology Corporation4 FileVersion6,20,0,28^LegalCopyrightARECA Technology Corporation4LegalTrademarksARECAZPrivateBuildTEL: 886-2-8797-4060 ext 2038 ProductVersion6,20,0,28VSpecialBuilde-mail: X86-64 STORPORT SATA/SAS RAID host controller\InternalName(arcs_a64.sys) Windows driverB OriginalFilenamearcs_a64.sys:ProductNameAreca (X86-64) SATA/SAS RAID HOST ADAPTER STORPORT DRIVERDVarFileInfo$Translation #0#  *H "0"1 0 +0h +7Z0X03 +70% <<<Obsolete>>>0!0 +|d+S0r(WE{00W~|NYKw;0  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Durbanville10 U Thawte10U Thawte Certification10UThawte Timestamping CA0 121221000000Z 201230235959Z0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20"0  *H 0 ITK %y"W*oܸ&Csk¿.PZvC%CE{t"״MD$k_E;DCsi+˙r&Mq1QaSI,xE/W?=ƒJ{3y uAQlie)`; tޒ"t|'JÞ-'}aqPK],e ؖ|NHDD h]jxdE`F~T|yq00U_n\t}?L.02+&0$0"+0http://ocsp.thawte.com0U00?U8060420. 0 +0U0(U!0010UTimeStamp-2048-10  *H  yY0h O]7_R DnmX|0i#s oG9*ÎY M1\*zzWLey@b%n7j!AW?wI*^8j"Q~0085njP0  *H 0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20 121018000000Z 201229235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G40"0  *H 0 c 9D#DIa Sۭ,Jn"hcSit<üu009% 0a.+M|0  *H 0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority0 061108000000Z 211107235959Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUU%705+++ `HB `HE0  *H Z YbNY8Nfӭ m>J c^.*g3 *׉V#:YE5[fPmWxWKɎ~ƽ00 a 0  *H 01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1)0'U Microsoft Code Verification Root0 060523170129Z 160523171129Z0_1 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.1705U .Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority00  *H 0\Y@WjE@ 3X%*Dx#}֬cEr'Luq9OBu Ǝ o#_p)6Ɇ籚 S=}$E3vqdLe.hE#00U  00U 06 +7)0'+7щNלӿn0 U0U00U{wߞ ?.iw0 +7CrossCA0U#0b ![Cn TPkҖq0UUN0L0JHFD  *H F;Eu~_CFˊGAt9QG{W2|?B!JCJo\KџLUn %qNg˂׎U7>n.aAHu,(I$s%<̈ (LeT^,Q:G<5ITJK}yϿ5\9QDD4*\;)N7~uմ nl#qgqNt LX^m9ˆ?2mב6Gx'*hONg?-@aH1s FVI) ڣ`TY(TfLۦg.Q{49AŒh&$ 灎 -/HoSIdx] U&ﺍѥ/Zka3b$v/C|4$(UuN1+gc׫s Y?*Eb[/9_sG*CbU==&}bU֔4Me00g`[0GcC0  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)101.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0 120511000000Z 150528235959Z01 0 UTW10 UTaiwan10U Taipei City1%0#U Areca Technology Corporation1>0<U 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v21%0#UAreca Technology Corporation0"0  *H 0 51ދe/tR<^W- g1? )fv |(odQ{vgx`у`<>yPS"dn#Z,g_mg0`;K|yyQ Ռ>p eD oԐH,E}{0w0 U00U0@U9070531/ =0;09 `HE0*0(+ 0 +0q+e0c0$+0;+0/ϙ{&KɎ&ҧ0 `HB0 +700  *H hS(meNv c[F/QL Dқ8:ΞN&+H|V5$ uBHh 3J)5(=nܢ0jga۲Y2[WwT:llzZ]PMq#wl;hHc)ɻr`5lQ7y"}"-`;̧Ejg88ሑV`[,k*^"uL.Dk^.RN xK\-&6b'8 Jo0 0R%VK30  *H 01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUߖqU&J@<& m%{Ͽ?/wƵVz;T0Sb4Z(LN~[uGr.4L~O =W0֦6րv.~4-00U00pU i0g0e `HE0V0(+*+0 a0_][0Y0W0U image/gif0!00+kπjH,{.0%#'%#$+0!0010UVeriSignMPKI-2-80Uϙ{&KɎ&ҧ0U#0e0 C93130  *H V"4aHVdٌĻ z"G8J-lq|pO S^tI$&GLc4E &sЩdmqE`YQ9XkԤyk Ar7" #?Da̱\=ҍB=e6Դ=@(#&K ː]L4<7o 4&ٮ Ś!3oX%|tXuc?1|Sv[퓺]!S‚Sc P=TR,=.ǓH1r0n001 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1;09U 2Terms of use at (c)101.0,U%VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA`[0GcC0 +p0 +7 100 *H  1  +70 +7 10  +70# *H  1:>p]!զ_60  *H N1g)+Ķ1-HWOf4t`0 uV amIND'Pm͙vʏ|U b fb"ZrSHΈ*9P?}U 8 dA''%)Dk?zRi22Qw']Zv"߄ g)EZswźQUbp܉%*OVuy6kpIqSY:X 1(,8nO-Kȗ 0 *H  100r0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G285njP0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 130709025912Z0# *H  1о/6S~{A>0  *H p?"\BXaHa<99ND4ZYd-غf}YoT -`mrԐPҵzêDž8,MhXuׂ֞4!癉k+8CӱqqAT,-hWek-HF,EmtKN'&s48KItRMix'Lu@FF UP.874H>o`=y @wLH0Nuova cartella/64bit/arcvdev.inf0000755000000000000000000000404412165513644013700 0ustar ;************************************************************************************ ; oemsetup.inf - (Windows 2003 and above only) ; ; This is the INF file for Windows 2003 and above for the ARECA ; SATA/SAS PCI RAID HOST Adapter SCSI Cards ; ; ********************************************************************* ; * * ; * Copyright 2002 ARECA, Inc. All rights reserved. * ; * * ; * This file is property of ARECA, Inc. and is licensed for * ; * use as is. The receipt of or possession of this file does not * ; * convey any rights to modify its contents, in whole, or in part, * ; * without the specific written consent of ARECA, Inc. * ; * * ; ********************************************************************* ;************************************************************************************ [Version] Signature="$WINDOWS NT$" Class=System ClassGuid={4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider=%ARECA% DriverVer=07/05/2013, [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = * [Manufacturer] %ARECA%=ARECA, ntamd64 [ARECA.ntamd64] %Areca.DeviceDesc% = ARCVDEV, SCSI\Other__RAID___DummyDevice____ [ARCVDEV.ntamd64] ;**************************************************** ; this is blank to just allow the install to succeed ;**************************************************** [ARCVDEV.ntamd64.Services] AddService = , %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE% ; areca raid virtual device service install [strings] ARECA = "Areca Technology Corporation" Areca.DeviceDesc = "Areca VIRTUAL SCSI RAID Device" ;**************************************************** ;Handy macro substitutions (non-localizable) ;**************************************************** SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE = 0x00000002 Nuova cartella/64bit/oemsetup.inf0000755000000000000000000001527712165513644014121 0ustar ;************************************************************************************ ; oemsetup.inf - (Windows 2003 and above only) ; ; This is the INF file for Windows 2003 and above for ARECA ; SATA/SAS PCI RAID HOST Adapters ; ; ********************************************************************* ; * * ; * Copyright 2002 ARECA, Inc. All rights reserved. * ; * * ; * This file is property of ARECA, Inc. and is licensed for * ; * use as is. The receipt of or possession of this file does not * ; * convey any rights to modify its contents, in whole, or in part, * ; * without the specific written consent of ARECA, Inc. * ; * * ; ********************************************************************* ;************************************************************************************ [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Class=SCSIAdapter ClassGUID={4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider=%ARECA% DriverVer=07/05/2013, [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 12 ; DIRID_DRIVERS [SourceDisksFiles] arcs_a64.sys = 1 [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %Source_Disk_Name%,,, [Manufacturer] %ARECA%=ARECA,ntamd64 [ARECA.ntamd64] %arcsataNr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_Inst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1110 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_Inst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1120 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_Inst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1130 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_Inst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1160 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_Inst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1170 %arcsataNr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1210 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1220 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1230 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1260 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1270 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1280 %arcsasYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1380 %arcsasYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1381 %arcsasYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1680 %arcsasYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1681 %arcsataNr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1201 %arcsasYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1880 %arcsataYr6.DevDesc% = arcs_a64_MsiInst, PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1214 [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1110 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1120 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1130 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1160 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1170 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1210 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1220 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1230 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1260 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1270 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1280 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1380 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1381 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1680 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1681 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1201 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1880 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1214 [arcs_a64_Inst] CopyFiles = @arcs_a64.sys CopyINF = arcvdev.inf AddReg = arcs_a64_AddReg [arcs_a64_Inst.HW] Include = machine.inf Needs = PciIoSpaceNotRequired AddReg = arcs_a64_Removal_Addreg AddReg = arcs_a64_Shutdown_addreg DelReg = arcs_a64_LegacyStorportValues [arcs_a64_Inst.Services] AddService = arcs_a64, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, arcs_a64_Service_Inst, Miniport_EventLog_Inst [arcs_a64_MsiInst] CopyFiles = @arcs_a64.sys CopyINF = arcvdev.inf AddReg = arcs_a64_AddReg [arcs_a64_MsiInst.HW] Include = machine.inf Needs = PciIoSpaceNotRequired AddReg = arcs_a64_Removal_Addreg AddReg = arcs_a64_Interrupt_Management_Addreg AddReg = arcs_a64_Shutdown_addreg DelReg = arcs_a64_LegacyStorportValues [arcs_a64_MsiInst.Services] AddService = arcs_a64, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, arcs_a64_Service_Inst, Miniport_EventLog_Inst [arcs_a64_Service_Inst] ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = %SERVICE_BOOT_START% ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\arcs_a64.sys LoadOrderGroup = SCSI Miniport AddReg = Parameters_Addreg AddReg = BusTypeRAID_Addreg [Parameters_Addreg] HKR, "Parameters\PnpInterface", "5", 0x00010001, 0x00000001 ;PCIBus (5), Isa (1), Eisa (2) and PCMCIABus (8). HKR, "Parameters\PnpInterface", "Thunderbolt", 0x00010001, 0x00000001 ; [arcs_a64_Removal_Addreg] HKR, , "RemovalPolicy", 0x00010001, REMOVAL_POLICY [arcs_a64_Interrupt_Management_Addreg] HKR, "Interrupt Management", 0x00000010 HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", 0x00000010 HKR, "Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties", MSISupported, 0x00010001, 1 [BusTypeRAID_Addreg] HKR, "Parameters", "BusType", 0x00010001, 0x00000008 [arcs_a64_AddReg] HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\disk,TimeOutValue,0x00010001,0x5a HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\arcs_a64\Parameters\Device,MaximumSGList,0x00010001,0x1000 HKLM,SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\arcs_a64\Parameters\Device,NumberOfRequests,0x00010001,0x101 [Miniport_EventLog_Inst] AddReg = Miniport_EventLog_Inst.AddReg [Miniport_EventLog_Inst.AddReg] HKR,,EventMessageFile,%REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\Drivers\arcs_a64.sys" HKR,,TypesSupported,%REG_DWORD%,7 [arcs_a64_Shutdown_addreg] HKR,"StorPort","NeedsSystemShutdownNotification",0x00010001,1 [arcs_a64_LegacyStorportValues] HKR,Storport,BusNumber HKR,Storport,LegacyInterfaceType HKR,Storport,SlotNumber [Strings] ARECA = "Areca Technology Corporation" arcsataNr6.DevDesc = "ARECA (X86-64-STORPORT) SATA RAID Host Adapter" arcsataYr6.DevDesc = "ARECA (X86-64-STORPORT) SATA RAID Host Adapter (RAID6-ENGINE Inside)" arcsasYr6.DevDesc = "ARECA (X86-64-STORPORT) SAS RAID Host Adapter (RAID6-ENGINE Inside)" Source_Disk_Name = "ARECA (X86-64-STORPORT) SATA/SAS PCI RAID Installation Disk" ;******************************************* ;Handy macro substitutions (non-localizable) REMOVAL_POLICY = 3 ;where Policy = 2 for ExpectOrderlyRemoval, Policy = 3 for ExpectSurpriseRemoval. REQUEST_COUNT = 257 TIMEOUT_SECS = 90 PCI_BUS = 5 SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE = 0x00000002 SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 1 SERVICE_BOOT_START = 0 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = 1 REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000 REG_DWORD = 0x00010001 Nuova cartella/64bit/readme.txt0000755000000000000000000001044012165513460013537 0ustar ****************************************************************************************** ** ** ARECA "SATA & SAS PCI RAID" Driver Release ** ****************************************************************************************** ** O.S : Microsoft windows sever 2K3 or later ** FILE NAME : arcs_a64.sys ** BY : Erich Chen ,mail address: ** Description: Microsoft Windows STORPORT Device Driver ** for ARECA Co. Ltd. PCI RAID Host adapter ****************************************************************************************** ** History: ** REV# DATE NAME DESCRIPTION ** 3/31/2004 Erich Chen First release ** 11/29/2004 Erich Chen Bug fix with Bus reset if PHY error(Device error) ** 6/29/2005 Erich Chen Bug fix with abort command,add ARC1x70 serial adapters support ** 11/29/2005 Erich Chen add ioctl code 'ARCMSR_IOCTL_FLUSH_ADAPTER_CACHE', ** customer can send this command for sync its raid volume data, ** Bug fix with abort command, ** scheduling pending ccb with first in first out ** add scsi device "iop processor" id 16 ** 7/29/2006 Erich Chen add SAS RAID adapters support ** 03/22/2007 Erich Chen Bug on shutdown notify ** 04/04/2007 Erich Chen add new host adapter ** 04/04/2008 Erich Chen add Bus change notify ** 09/04/2008 Nick Cheng add system event log text notify ** 04/04/2009 Erich Chen support max transfer length into 16M bytes ** for each request ** 06/04/2009 Erich Chen fix storport ioctl ** 01/25/2010 Erich Chen support ARC1880 ** 07/13/2011 Erich Chen modify os scsi id map for raid scsi id ** scsi 0...127 into scsi 0...15 lun 0...7 ** 09/06/2012 Erich Chen fix support for thunderbolt ** fix bug on Windows 8 "hiber sleep" ** 10/22/2012 Erich Chen support ARC1214 ** 12/21/2012 Erich Chen Enable MSI isr and fix ARC1882 ioctl function ** in Windows8, Windows2012. ** 1/11/2013 Erich Chen Bug fix low performance issue in storport ** 3/25/2013 Erich Chen Bug fix ARC188X archttp disconnect ** 6/13/2013 Erich Chen modify for ** INTEL Thunderbolt Functional Compliance Test Procedure ** Windows2003 leagcy ISR bug fix ** 7/05/2013 Erich Chen modify for RAID Volumes hide, in "Safty Remove Display UI" ** if none Thunderbolt device ****************************************************************************************** P.S: Areca SCSIPORT PCI RAID Host adapter Driver does not support Windows 8 or later. Please Use Areca STORPORT PCI RAID Host adapter Driver for your need. Areca's Windows XP (32bits) and Windows 2000 SCSIPORT driver does not be supported from driver version Driver version totally works on "message signal interrupt". If you try to update your "legacy interrupt" driver into, You need to uninstall the old driver: from "Device manager" => "Storage Controllers" => "ARECA (X86-32-STORPORT) SAS RAID Host Adapter (RAID6-ENGINE Inside)" => "Uninstall" (Delete the driver software for this device) => "RAID controller" and then "RAID controller" => "ARECA (X86-32-STORPORT) SAS RAID Host Adapter (RAID6-ENGINE Inside)" Nuova cartella/64bit/txtsetup.oem0000755000000000000000000000621612031024062014134 0ustar ########################################################################################## # # TXTSETUP.OEM for ARECA Windows SATA/SAS PCI RAID Host Controller # ########################################################################################## [Disks] # This section lists all disks in the disk set. # # is a descriptive name for a disk, used when # prompting for the disk # is a file whose presence allows setup to recognize # that the disk is inserted. # is where the files are located on the disk. DISK_1 = "ARECA (Windows X86-64 STORPORT) SATA/SAS PCI RAID Host Adapter", \, \ ######################################################### [Defaults] # This section lists the default selection for each 'required' # hardware component. If a line is not present for a component, # the default defaults to the first item in the [] # section (see below). # # is one of computer, display, keyboard, mouse, scsi # is a unique string to be associated # with an option. SCSI = arcs_a64 ######################################################### [scsi] # This section lists the options available for a particular component. # # is the unique string for the option # is a text string, presented to the user in a menu # gives the name of the key to be created for the component in # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlSet001\Services # ID Description Key Name # == =========== ======== arcs_a64 = "ARECA (Windows X86-64 STORPORT) SATA/SAS PCI RAID Host Adapter", arcs_a64 ######################################################### [Files.scsi.arcs_a64] driver = DISK_1, arcs_a64.sys, arcs_a64 inf = DISK_1, oemsetup.inf inf = DISK_1, arcvdev.inf catalog = DISK_1, ######################################################### [HardwareIds.scsi.arcs_a64] id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1110","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1120","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1130","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1160","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1170","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1210","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1220","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1230","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1260","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1270","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1280","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1380","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1381","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1680","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1681","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1201","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1880","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1214","arcs_a64" ######################################################### [Config.arcs_a64] value = "Parameters\PnpInterface", 5, REG_DWORD, 1 value = "", Tag, REG_DWORD, 20 value = "", DriverVersion, REG_SZ, "ARECA SATA/SAS RAID Controller Driver"