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I am ARCMSR.SYSARCMSRSCSIDISK%s: PnPAction: StorQueryCapabilities SRB_STATUS_ERROR %s: PnPAction: Unknow PnPAction=%x arcmsr_HwStartIoDummyDevice RAID %s: mem_base0==NULL or mem_base1==NULL %s: ccbs pool range cross 4G! %s: get uncache ccbs pool and hbb message unit fail Areca RAID Host Adapter: HwMsiInterrupt (%x) %s: enable driver mode==FALSE %s: mem_base1==NULL %s: ARCMSR_ADAPTER_REMOVAL %s: mem_base0==NULL %s: invalid vendor id=%x %s: get pci configuration info error %s: ntldr dump error arcmsr_HwFindAdapterAreca SAS/SATA RAID Host Adapter family driver Built %s May 23 20160>Xp¡ڡ  *@Xf~¢ܢ,LhΣޣ $>^|BWd̀rRSDS;R@1/:d:\areca\sourcecode\win2000\arcmsr\arcmsr\objfre_win7_x86\i386\arcs_x86.pdbN@DN@t;uD5uӲU]̌ܠP0>Xp¡ڡ  *@Xf~¢ܢ,LhΣޣ $>^|._vsnprintfDPsTerminateSystemThreadKeWaitForSingleObjectKeSetPriorityThreadKeGetCurrentThreadMZwCloseObReferenceObjectByHandlePsCreateSystemThreadIoWriteErrorLogEntryIoAllocateErrorLogEntryKmemcpyOmemset`strncmpfKeReleaseSemaphoreYKeReadStateSemaphore@DbgPrintExKeInitializeSemaphoreKeTickCountKeBugCheckExntoskrnl.exeStorPortNotification/StorPortStallExecutionStorPortMoveMemory<StorPortWriteRegisterUlong&StorPortReadRegisterUlongStorPortGetScatterGatherList%StorPortReadRegisterUcharStorPortGetDeviceBase.StorPortSetDeviceQueueDepthStorPortGetPhysicalAddress+StorPortResumeStorPortPause(StorPortReady0StorPortSynchronizeAccessStorPortCompleteRequest StorPortFreeDeviceBaseStorPortGetUncachedExtension-StorPortSetBusDataByOffset StorPortGetBusDataStorPortInitializestorport.sys 8Ph   @@d@@@@    xAreca RAID controller get pci configuration info error. dAreca RAID controller invalid pci vendor id. dAreca RAID controller invalid pci device id. lAreca RAID controller get uncache ccbs pool fail. @Areca RAID Volume arrival. DAreca RAID Volume departure. @Areca RAID Volume arrival. @Areca RAID Volume removal. `Areca RAID controller ccbs resource empty. Areca RAID controller iop base address no memory map method. dAreca RAID controller iop base address error. tAreca RAID controller iop base address invalid range. |Areca RAID controller os dump error or system hibernate. `Areca RAID controller has pending command. Areca RAID controller wait to flush adapter cache timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to start adapter background rebulid timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to abort all outstanding command timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to get adapter firmware data timeout. Areca RAID controller set ccb high part physical address timeout. tAreca RAID controller set post queue window timeout. dAreca RAID controller can not set diver mode. tAreca RAID controller set post queue window timeout. tAreca RAID controller raid volume scsi command error. hAreca RAID controller enable EOI mode timeout. Areca RAID controller isr get an illegal ccb command done. Areca RAID controller isr get unknow command status error. hAreca RAID controller ccbs pool range cross 4G. hAreca RAID controller unknow scsi status error. Areca RAID controller wait to stop adapter rebulid timeout. 4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?*PStringFileInfo,040904b0PCommentssupport: Technology Corporation4 FileVersion6,20,0,32^LegalCopyrightARECA Technology Corporation4LegalTrademarksARECAZPrivateBuildTEL: 886-2-8797-4060 ext 2038 ProductVersion6,20,0,32VSpecialBuilde-mail: STORPORT-32 SATA/SAS RAID host controller\InternalName(arcs_x86.sys) Windows driverB OriginalFilenamearcs_x86.sys6ProductNameAreca (STORPORT-32) SATA/SAS RAID HOST ADAPTER DRIVERDVarFileInfo$Translation $11 2q22222E3K33>? ?0 0]0s00&12-2f22223 33 3*343>3H3O3V3]33333333 4"414O4j4n4r4v4z4~4444444444444 6788R9:<&??@40L122 3f36#768:):Y:_:n::^;;T< ===7>P(0B011+3Q344899:j:>??`d11222233334 455i6o6~6 7!7/7<7777777888Y9^999;;;m=~==> >>8?=?F?p\00011 1R12223 333(3333344 4,484D4P4\4h4t4444444444445000$0-040@0? *H ?0?1 0 +0L +7>0<0 +70 0!0 +_bBLXmIZW*ܱY00W~|NYKw;0  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Durbanville10 U Thawte10U Thawte Certification10UThawte Timestamping CA0 121221000000Z 201230235959Z0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20"0  *H 0 ITK %y"W*oܸ&Csk¿.PZvC%CE{t"״MD$k_E;DCsi+˙r&Mq1QaSI,xE/W?=ƒJ{3y uAQlie)`; tޒ"t|'JÞ-'}aqPK],e ؖ|NHDD h]jxdE`F~T|yq00U_n\t}?L.02+&0$0"+0http://ocsp.thawte.com0U00?U8060420. 0 +0U0(U!0010UTimeStamp-2048-10  *H  yY0h O]7_R DnmX|0i#s oG9*ÎY M1\*zzWLey@b%n7j!AW?wI*^8j"Q~0085njP0  *H 0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20 121018000000Z 201229235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G40"0  *H 0 c 9D#DIa Sۭ,Jn"hcSit<üu0V0>2uϬI0  *H  01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUzED}m0i0U00/U(0&0$" 0 +0U0.+"0 0+0http://s.symcd.com0_U X0V0TU 0L0#+"0 010USymantecPKI-1-6290UfJ4PlƬYn0U#0e0 C93130  *H  ?[u8*ZZL̔ndTX (Nt|dIAtA!Ȅe0&O9'KI#~2' rgo8X~]`ƨP_⏙XvAr~R 6P<"j5c6gf_ /lٔX}|"] '36~W4ïV臃6 1n,m0k0Sq4V PN}10  *H  01 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation10U Symantec Trust Network1B0@U9Symantec Class 3 Extended Validation Code Signing CA - G20 160217000000Z 190214235959Z010 +7<TW10UPrivate Organization10U704609551 0 UTW10 U Taiwan10 U Taipei1%0#U Areca Technology Corporation1%0#UAreca Technology Corporation0"0  *H 0 P Qc`X@v ^U [ztWUdM6GwTEΘ,'&ӢG*>6=ݬfrayg#rA*Wp`bnEd*9V.{|'hms$1 &t{g)7r8mo8QW7 cݲOKڑ>O]SX-jj1vVE)6[ шW0MYuxq]ǔ,f_f65}P!;00&U0+0 TW-704609550 U00U0+U$0"0`U Y0W0Ug 0L0#+ 0 +0U#0fJ4PlƬYn0UlK[MNYkDy0X+L0J0+0http://sw.symcd.com0'+0  *H  l0˜mS}'F7˚ N/>o`fɥL v)ζIZG!!I]qPS5\rIyhR2ɽZ;fV]6i}Fj3tzrwmRDCЉjHz u(}~ S]Q\%ǐ 88ng>,øبZEWFM1O&~ڵEk㬮繁r)$,7ל,hE%-(͟9|vY00 a0  *H 01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1)0'U Microsoft Code Verification Root0 110222192517Z 210222193517Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CU'a[]k͆eⲾ#j GMy9a: W|Gfض]JGqC2 wϴ?!')>yl? yI1*#$2ʞ2.Z!_ hp|u7hUG"i5n.μ lѻTcDerSt2 T0 * ?|EdJZz},>}h߳ I$l"/ 妐Ӕl戱6-qnc.z|ib z7VIh`xFvsKCVbn=8s롂$:0 *H  100r0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G285njP0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 160523095209Z0# *H  14aMF+ŗ 0  *H /.q<ѲwrliE!d/ `;!@ m.h߲Drx<1."N ӼRơ-Sxvd?+Q-K7V/q]P<0wZ ˢT0j]$-% Awu(S\Kf)ElBT:UOOThs]QO4CIIDQ(g 5&[pNZaʹm %>"J1C:-x0"+ +71"0" *H "0"10  `He0\ +7N0L0 +70 010  `He M$MâI7Z!$Fکi|2r h00g3-Nz왰_s-0  *H  01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1806U/Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 20120 160106194140Z 170406194140Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR1;09U2Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher0"0  *H 0 }|4o=͘*~_ ٿJDG͛@_O8?zUYs k Z0-ARJlT%o)̎\iX7{u;tp6gS o|qk]7b';-W9\mlMTxEA.+ܔ {b'/چ1!$dTe!VXur[[#.Ty̸ 1X.3eiE00U%0+ +7 0U9{m~H{y,#ƈ0QUJ0HF0D1 0 U MOPR1301U*32207+4491dc84-8699-4a27-819a-d418fc2fbadd0U#0aqi!vOR(y0tUm0k0igec U00  *H   T03j I:5zMBf5ǵn?ڛ1N Nb\HmC_ޠ+cRTDYħn'xOe9&H^|.yXjC=94#l Y&[9GhwYźzw)NJ>!k:jؚx4!+ӻ F]ġ(k H۴'M[0(ݭ.ߒԐFy,ʛPB ) Ƴ! 400ɠ a 0  *H  01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1200U)Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 20100 120418234838Z 270418235838Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1806U/Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 20120"0  *H 0 0 c. 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DISK_1 = "ARECA (Windows X86-32 STORPORT) SATA/SAS PCI RAID Host Adapter", \, \ ######################################################### [Defaults] # This section lists the default selection for each 'required' # hardware component. If a line is not present for a component, # the default defaults to the first item in the [] # section (see below). # # is one of computer, display, keyboard, mouse, scsi # is a unique string to be associated # with an option. SCSI = arcs_x86 ######################################################### [scsi] # This section lists the options available for a particular component. # # is the unique string for the option # is a text string, presented to the user in a menu # gives the name of the key to be created for the component in # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlSet001\Services # ID Description Key Name # == =========== ======== arcs_x86 = "ARECA (Windows X86-32 STORPORT) SATA/SAS PCI RAID Host Adapter", arcs_x86 ######################################################### [Files.scsi.arcs_x86] driver = DISK_1, arcs_x86.sys, arcs_x86 inf = DISK_1, oemsetup.inf inf = DISK_1, arcvdev.inf catalog = DISK_1, ######################################################### [HardwareIds.scsi.arcs_x86] id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1110","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1120","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1130","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1160","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1170","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1210","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1220","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1230","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1260","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1270","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1280","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1380","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1381","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1680","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1681","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1201","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1203","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1880","arcs_x86" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1214","arcs_x86" ######################################################### [Config.arcs_x86] value = "Parameters\PnpInterface", 5, REG_DWORD, 1 value = "", Tag, REG_DWORD, 20 value = "", DriverVersion, REG_SZ, "ARECA SATA/SAS RAID Controller Driver" Windows10/storport640000755000000000000000000000000013155465445011542 5ustar Windows10/storport64/arcmsr.cat0000755000000000000000000002734112723257204013603 0ustar 0. *H .0.10  `He0 3 +7  $0 0  +7 OHs|l 160531025126Z0 +7 0Q0!}놴"6T10 +7 104 +7 1&0$ OSAttr2:10.00: +7 1,0*Filearcvdev.inf0&@͘WÊvx%10 +7 104 +7 1&0$ OSAttr2:10.00< +7 1.0,Filearcs_a64.sys0' 8c`oŒ?^Ōsبʅfht10 +7 104 +7 1&0$ OSAttr2:10.00< +7 1.0,Filearcs_a64.sys0y +71k0i04 +70& <<<Obsolete>>>010  `He 8c`oŒ?^Ōsبʅfht0 p?B@g5fy10 +7 104 +7 1&0$ OSAttr2:10.00: +7 1,0*Filearcvdev.inf0q +71c0a0, +7<<<Obsolete>>>010  `He p?B@g5fy0SG1 syJ10 +7 104 +7 1&0$ OSAttr2:10.00< +7 1.0,Fileoemsetup.inf0 [P 3ԩeD].wʝ10 +7 104 +7 1&0$ OSAttr2:10.00< +7 1.0,Fileoemsetup.inf0q +71c0a0, +7<<<Obsolete>>>010  `He [P 3ԩeD].wʝ00J +7 <0:&Qualification Level 50000$ +7 0DTC10D +7 604Submission ID184587802 +7 $0"OS_v100_X640R +7 D0B HWID20,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12140R +7 D0B HWID19,pci\ven_17d3&dev_18800R +7 D0B HWID18,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12030R +7 D0B HWID17,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12010R +7 D0B HWID16,pci\ven_17d3&dev_16810R +7 D0B HWID15,pci\ven_17d3&dev_16800R +7 D0B HWID14,pci\ven_17d3&dev_13810R +7 D0B HWID13,pci\ven_17d3&dev_13800R +7 D0B HWID12,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12800R +7 D0B HWID11,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12700R +7 D0B HWID10,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12600P +7 B0@ HWID9,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12300P +7 B0@ HWID8,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12200P +7 B0@ HWID7,pci\ven_17d3&dev_12100P +7 B0@ HWID6,pci\ven_17d3&dev_11700P +7 B0@ HWID5,pci\ven_17d3&dev_11600P +7 B0@ HWID4,pci\ven_17d3&dev_11300P +7 B0@ HWID3,pci\ven_17d3&dev_11200P +7 B0@ HWID2,pci\ven_17d3&dev_11100j +7 \0Z HWID1Fscsi\other__raid___dummydevice____ h00g3-Nz왰_s-0  *H  01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1806U/Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 20120 160106194140Z 170406194140Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1 0 U MOPR1;09U2Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher0"0  *H 0 }|4o=͘*~_ ٿJDG͛@_O8?zUYs k Z0-ARJlT%o)̎\iX7{u;tp6gS o|qk]7b';-W9\mlMTxEA.+ܔ {b'/چ1!$dTe!VXur[[#.Ty̸ 1X.3eiE00U%0+ +7 0U9{m~H{y,#ƈ0QUJ0HF0D1 0 U MOPR1301U*32207+4491dc84-8699-4a27-819a-d418fc2fbadd0U#0aqi!vOR(y0tUm0k0igec U00  *H   T03j I:5zMBf5ǵn?ڛ1N Nb\HmC_ޠ+cRTDYħn'xOe9&H^|.yXjC=94#l Y&[9GhwYźzw)NJ>!k:jؚx4!+ӻ F]ġ(k H۴'M[0(ݭ.ߒԐFy,ʛPB ) Ƴ! 400ɠ a 0  *H  01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1200U)Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 20100 120418234838Z 270418235838Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1806U/Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 20120"0  *H 0 0 c. 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DAreca RAID Volume departure. @Areca RAID Volume arrival. @Areca RAID Volume removal. `Areca RAID controller ccbs resource empty. Areca RAID controller iop base address no memory map method. dAreca RAID controller iop base address error. tAreca RAID controller iop base address invalid range. |Areca RAID controller os dump error or system hibernate. `Areca RAID controller has pending command. Areca RAID controller wait to flush adapter cache timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to start adapter background rebulid timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to abort all outstanding command timeout. Areca RAID controller wait to get adapter firmware data timeout. Areca RAID controller set ccb high part physical address timeout. tAreca RAID controller set post queue window timeout. dAreca RAID controller can not set diver mode. tAreca RAID controller set post queue window timeout. tAreca RAID controller raid volume scsi command error. hAreca RAID controller enable EOI mode timeout. Areca RAID controller isr get an illegal ccb command done. Areca RAID controller isr get unknow command status error. hAreca RAID controller ccbs pool range cross 4G. hAreca RAID controller unknow scsi status error. Areca RAID controller wait to stop adapter rebulid timeout. 4VS_VERSION_INFO  ?*PStringFileInfo,040904b0PCommentssupport: Technology Corporation4 FileVersion6,20,0,32^LegalCopyrightARECA Technology Corporation4LegalTrademarksARECAZPrivateBuildTEL: 886-2-8797-4060 ext 2038 ProductVersion6,20,0,32VSpecialBuilde-mail: STORPORT-64 SATA/SAS RAID host controller\InternalName(arcs_a64.sys) Windows driverB OriginalFilenamearcs_a64.sys6ProductNameAreca (STORPORT-64) SATA/SAS RAID HOST ADAPTER DRIVERDVarFileInfo$Translation @0? *H ?0?1 0 +0L +7>0<0 +70 0!0 +&@͘WÊvx%00W~|NYKw;0  *H 01 0 UZA10U Western Cape10U Durbanville10 U Thawte10U Thawte Certification10UThawte Timestamping CA0 121221000000Z 201230235959Z0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20"0  *H 0 ITK %y"W*oܸ&Csk¿.PZvC%CE{t"״MD$k_E;DCsi+˙r&Mq1QaSI,xE/W?=ƒJ{3y uAQlie)`; tޒ"t|'JÞ-'}aqPK],e ؖ|NHDD h]jxdE`F~T|yq00U_n\t}?L.02+&0$0"+0http://ocsp.thawte.com0U00?U8060420. 0 +0U0(U!0010UTimeStamp-2048-10  *H  yY0h O]7_R DnmX|0i#s oG9*ÎY M1\*zzWLey@b%n7j!AW?wI*^8j"Q~0085njP0  *H 0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G20 121018000000Z 201229235959Z0b1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation1402U+Symantec Time Stamping Services Signer - G40"0  *H 0 c 9D#DIa Sۭ,Jn"hcSit<üu0V0>2uϬI0  *H  01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CUzED}m0i0U00/U(0&0$" 0 +0U0.+"0 0+0http://s.symcd.com0_U X0V0TU 0L0#+"0 010USymantecPKI-1-6290UfJ4PlƬYn0U#0e0 C93130  *H  ?[u8*ZZL̔ndTX (Nt|dIAtA!Ȅe0&O9'KI#~2' rgo8X~]`ƨP_⏙XvAr~R 6P<"j5c6gf_ /lٔX}|"] '36~W4ïV臃6 1n,m0k0Sq4V PN}10  *H  01 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation10U Symantec Trust Network1B0@U9Symantec Class 3 Extended Validation Code Signing CA - G20 160217000000Z 190214235959Z010 +7<TW10UPrivate Organization10U704609551 0 UTW10 U Taiwan10 U Taipei1%0#U Areca Technology Corporation1%0#UAreca Technology Corporation0"0  *H 0 P Qc`X@v ^U [ztWUdM6GwTEΘ,'&ӢG*>6=ݬfrayg#rA*Wp`bnEd*9V.{|'hms$1 &t{g)7r8mo8QW7 cݲOKڑ>O]SX-jj1vVE)6[ шW0MYuxq]ǔ,f_f65}P!;00&U0+0 TW-704609550 U00U0+U$0"0`U Y0W0Ug 0L0#+ 0 +0U#0fJ4PlƬYn0UlK[MNYkDy0X+L0J0+0http://sw.symcd.com0'+0  *H  l0˜mS}'F7˚ N/>o`fɥL v)ζIZG!!I]qPS5\rIyhR2ɽZ;fV]6i}Fj3tzrwmRDCЉjHz u(}~ S]Q\%ǐ 88ng>,øبZEWFM1O&~ڵEk㬮繁r)$,7ל,hE%-(͟9|vY00 a0  *H 01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1)0'U Microsoft Code Verification Root0 110222192517Z 210222193517Z01 0 UUS10U VeriSign, Inc.10U VeriSign Trust Network1:08U 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0CU'a[]k͆eⲾ#j GMy9a: W|Gfض]JGqC2 wwNr0  *H S,#mf2x({rnk?%'~% Vw9Jxi/͜tif# zR>7}s5 #]7\O'm}|ZCGePf_/IE{ .j%8-ۦ-ng[GJkMcD6y}8 bFo|8~ R_lB|$/VT`_48 -(Oy`9^bm,5=~ ($80 *H  100r0^1 0 UUS10U Symantec Corporation100.U'Symantec Time Stamping Services CA - G285njP0 +]0 *H  1  *H 0 *H  1 160523095128Z0# *H  1I)\u1h͒h0  *H X([afhq=.]y!B!k:jؚx4!+ӻ F]ġ(k H۴'M[0(ݭ.ߒԐFy,ʛPB ) Ƴ! 400ɠ a 0  *H  01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1200U)Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 20100 120418234838Z 270418235838Z01 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1806U/Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 20120"0  *H 0 0 c. 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DISK_1 = "ARECA (Windows STORPORT-64) SATA/SAS PCI RAID Host Adapter", \, \ ######################################################### [Defaults] # This section lists the default selection for each 'required' # hardware component. If a line is not present for a component, # the default defaults to the first item in the [] # section (see below). # # is one of computer, display, keyboard, mouse, scsi # is a unique string to be associated # with an option. SCSI = arcs_a64 ######################################################### [scsi] # This section lists the options available for a particular component. # # is the unique string for the option # is a text string, presented to the user in a menu # gives the name of the key to be created for the component in # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlSet001\Services # ID Description Key Name # == =========== ======== arcs_a64 = "ARECA (Windows STORPORT-64) SATA/SAS PCI RAID Host Adapter", arcs_a64 ######################################################### [Files.scsi.arcs_a64] driver = DISK_1, arcs_a64.sys, arcs_a64 inf = DISK_1, oemsetup.inf inf = DISK_1, arcvdev.inf catalog = DISK_1, ######################################################### [HardwareIds.scsi.arcs_a64] id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1110","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1120","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1130","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1160","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1170","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1210","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1220","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1230","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1260","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1270","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1280","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1380","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1381","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1680","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1681","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1201","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1203","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1880","arcs_a64" id = "PCI\VEN_17D3&DEV_1214","arcs_a64" ######################################################### [Config.arcs_a64] value = "Parameters\PnpInterface", 5, REG_DWORD, 1 value = "", Tag, REG_DWORD, 20 value = "", DriverVersion, REG_SZ, "ARECA SATA/SAS RAID Controller Driver"