Filename: REDFISH_X10_314.bin version: 3.14 Date: 08-27-2015 Support Motherboard: X10DRU-I+, X10DRT-P, X10DRG-H, X10DRW-I, X10DRI-T4+, X10DDW-I, X10DRFR, X10DRI-T, X10DRFF, X10DRT-HIBF, X10DRFR-T, X10DRD, X10DRD-L, X10SRH 1. Category: fix Description: Remove debug message against Systems/1 Affected functions: Validation : 1.verify Systems/1 with LSI enabled. 2. Category: enhancement Description: Present all EthernetInterface members against Systems/1/EthernetInterfaces Affected functions: Validation : 1.verify Systems/1/EthernetInterfaces and its child path. 3. Category: fix Description: [65010] Redfish API doens't push event to webserver Affected functions: Validation : 1.Do factory default 2.Create an event sbuscription with destination point to the webserver 3.Remove platform FAN to generate an event. 4.Check with your webserver's reaction. ======================================================================================== Filename: REDFISH_X10_313.bin version: 3.13 Date: 08-26-2015 Support Motherboard: X10DRU-I+, X10DRT-P, X10DRG-H, X10DRW-I, X10DRI-T4+, X10DDW-I, X10DRFR, X10DRI-T, X10DRFF, X10DRT-HIBF, X10DRFR-T, X10DRD, X10DRD-L, X10SRH 1. Category: fix Description: [64881] [Redfish FW 3.12] Fail To Use Active Directory To Log In Redfish↵ API. Affected functions: Validation : 1.use AD account to login redfish service. 2. Category: New Description: X10SRH support redfish service. Affected functions: Validation : 3. Category: Fix Description: [64832] Missing MB_10G Temp in IPMI Web GUI with REDFISH 3.12. Infected motherboard: X10DRU-i+, X10DRU-X(LL) Affected functions: Validation : 1. After updating FW, power cycle the SUT. 2. Check the MB_10G Temp1 and Temp2 value. 4. Category: fix Description: [64840][IPMi_3.12]API Status report error Affected functions: Validation : 1. when pws fail, check status 2. also check overall status 5. Category: fix Description: [64873][v3.12] will not allow save/mount virtual media drive Affected functions: Validation : 1. Allow "\" character in path, \XXX\YYY.iso could be save and mount. ======================================================================================== 1. Category: fix Description: [64571] Inconsistent Fan Fail Behavior between IPMI and Redfish Affected functions: Validation : 1.Disconnecting a system fan while system is online triggers Fan Failure Alert in IPMI. 2. see status and health of Fan sensor. 2. Category: fix Description: Voltage sensor is absent but redfish show status OK. Affected functions: Validation : 1. 3.Check voltage sensor status. 3. Category: fix Description: Session Audit and AC Power On event log can't show message in log service. Affected functions: Validation : 1.Generate Session Audit and AC Power On event. 2. 3.Check event entries to see the message. 4. Category: fix Description: [64644][IPMI_3.11] HTTPS always pops out the first time after flash Affected functions: Validation : 1.check if SSL redirection is enable on ipmi web. ======================================================================================== Filename: REDFISH_X10_311.bin version: 3.11 Date: 08-14-2015 Support Motherboard: X10DRU-I+, X10DRT-P, X10DRG-H, X10DRW-I, X10DRI-T4+, X10DDW-I, X10DRFR, X10DRI-T, X10DRFF, X10DRT-HIBF, X10DRFR-T, X10DRD, X10DRD-L 1. Category: fix Description: [64504] Redfish IPMI FW 3.10: Redfish responses "200 OK" if we PATCH Accounts Password with empty string Affected functions: Validation : 1. 2. [patch] {"UserName":"opera123", "Password":"","RoleId":"Admin"} 3. Password length should be great than 8. 2. Category: fix Description: [64324] Redfish 1.03: Event subscription doesnot display correct error message after creating max number of subscription Infected motherboard: Affected functions: Validation : Step1: try to create 16 subscriptions. status code should be 403. 3. Category: fix Description: [64439] Redfish IPMI FW 3.10: After upgrading fw with factory default restored, previous event subscriptions remains present. Infected motherboard: Affected functions: Validation : 1. do factory default 2. check 4. Category: fix Description: [64441] Redfish IPMI FW 3.10: Redfish responses "200 OK" if we POST ComputerSystem reset operation without parsing payload. Infected motherboard: Affected functions: Validation : 1.[POST] without payload data. 2.will return status cod 400 and error message. 5. Category: fix Description: [64505] Redfish 1.03: HTTP response 200 on PATCH Accounts RoleId with unknow type Affected functions: Validation : 1. 2. [patch] {"UserName":"opera123","RoleId":"123"} 3. will return error code and error message. 6. Category: fix Description: [64506] Redfish 1.03: Account Collections miss Account after PATCH Account RoldId with unknow type Affected functions: Validation : 1. 2. [patch] {"UserName":"opera123","RoleId":"123"} 3. will return error code and error message. 7. Category: fix Description: [64465] [Redfish] Sensor readings missing in IPMI3.10 Motherboard: MBD-X10DRU-I+-P Affected functions: Validation : 1. 8. Category: fix Description: [64535] Redfish Managers/1/SerialInterface/1 InterfaceEnabled not available Affected functions: Validation : 1. 9. Category: fix Description: [64556] Redfish /redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors/2 and /redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors/1 were swapped Affected functions: Validation : 1. 10. Category: fix Description: SerialNumber and PartNumber of /redfish/v1/Systems/1 are from FRU0 Affected functions: Validation : 1. ======================================================================================== Filename: REDFISH_X10_310.bin version: 3.10 Date: 08-07-2015 1. Category: fix Description: fix the mismtach for odata.type field Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : 1. please use PostMan to verify. 2. Category: fix Description: fix the wrong for odata.context url Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : 1. please use PostMan to verify. 3. Category: fix Description: [62000] PWS serial number does not match when run this command Affected functions: Validation : 1. 2. Check PowerSupplies -> SerialNumber 4. Category: fix Description: [62003] Some sensor readings are showing wrong when run command Infected motherboard: X10DRI Affected functions: Validation : 1. 2. Check "PCH Temp" -> "Status" -> "Health" 5. Category: fix Description: [62005] Fans sernsor reading show wrong readings when Fans are not plugged in with command Infected motherboard: X10DRI Affected functions: Validation : 1. 2. Check "FAN" -> "Status" -> "Health" 6. Category: fix Description: [62714] Log service entries have no detail & time stamp do not match with IPMI SEL when run "" command Infected motherboard: Affected functions: Validation : 1. check how many event log in BMC. 2. Check event entries" 7. Category: fix Description: [63641] Incorrect data type found on Redfish, using firmware version 1.0.2 Infected motherboard: Affected functions: Validation : 1. to check "SensorNumber" data type: Integer 8. Category: fix Description: [63946] redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal: DIMM MIN/MAX Voltage values are not defined properly Infected motherboard: Affected functions: Validation : 1. to check DIMM MIN/MAX values 8. Category: fix Description: [64167] Redfish_FW 1.03: Event Subscription does not accept "ResourceRemoved" added inside “Event Type” Infected motherboard: Affected functions: Validation : Step1: Posting subscription->got 201 created [Post]http://IP/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/ {"Destination":"","Context":"user1_test","EventTypes":["Alert","StatusChange", "ResourceRemoved"],"Protocol":"Redfish"} Step2: Validating Subscription:http://IP/redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/ 9. Category: fix Description: [64324] Redfish 1.03: Event subscription doesnot display correct error message after creating max number of subscription Infected motherboard: Affected functions: Validation : Step1: try to create 16 subscriptions ======================================================================================== Filename: REDFISH_X10_103.bin version: 1.03 Date: 07-27-2015 1. Category: New implementation Description: enable Https by default. Note:please do the reset-to-default Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : 1. please use PostMan to verify. 2. Category: New implementation Description: Support NvME and LSI under Systems/1/SimpleStorage/ Note: LSI is restricted to LSI 3108 series Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : 1. MUST have NvME SSD or LSI storage card populated in the system. 2. please use PostMan to verify. 3. Category: Fix Description: fix the odata.context_url in some resources Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : please use PostMan to verify. 4. Category: New implementation Description: Support Fan Mode under /redfish/v1/Chassis/1 Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : please use PostMan to verify. 5. Category: New implementation Description: Support EventService and send out alert through redfish. Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : please use PostMan to verify. ======================================================================================== Filename: REDFISH_X10_102.bin version: 1.02 Date: 06-018-2015 1. Category: New implementation Description: Support to create, update and delete resource which is listed as below through redfish. It is supposed to be consistent with IPMI web. /redfish/v1/Systems/1 update: Boot BootSourceOverrideEnabled BootSourceOverrideTarget IndicatorLED /redfish/v1/Managers/1 update : DateTime (Note: value is changed when ntp is disabled) DateTimeLocalOffset (Note: value is changed when ntp is enabled) /redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol/ update : HTTP Enabled Port HTTPS Enabled Port IPMI Enabled Port KVMIP Enabled Port SNMP Enabled Port SSH Enabled Port VirtualMedia (Note: When KVMIP is disabled, VirtualMedia will get disabled together) Enabled Port /Managers/1/SerialInterfaces/1/ update : BitRate, FlowControl /Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1/ update : AutoNeg, FullDuplex, SpeedMbps, HostName, VLAN{ VLANEnable, VLANId}, IPv4Addresses{ AddressOrigin, Address, SubnetMask, Gateway}, NameServers /AccountService/Account UserName Password and RoleId are required to create users. /AccountService/Account/[num] delete users and update user. /SesssionService/ update :SessionTimeout Chassis/1/ update: AssetTag ======================================================================================== Filename: REDFISH_X10_101.bin version: 1.01 Date: 06-01-2015 1. Category: New implementation Description: Support the below new RedFish APIs and redfish authentication following "Redfish Scalable Platforms Management API Specification" Be noted that please do reset-to-default and take new settings into effect. Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : please use PostMan to verify. /redfish/v1/Managers/1/LogServices/ /redfish/v1/Managers/1/LogServices/Log1/ /redfish/v1/Managers/1/LogServices/Log1/Entries /redfish/v1/Managers/1/LogServices/Log1/Entries/[num] /redfish/v1/SessionService/ /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/ /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/[num] /redfish/v1/Systems /redfish/v1/Systems/1 /redfish/v1/Systems/1/Processors/[num] /redfish/v1/Systems/1/EthernetInterfaces/[num] (MUST install TAS) /redfish/v1/Managers/1/LogServices/Log1/Actions/LogService.Reset /redfish/v1/Managers/1/Actions/Manager.Reset /redfish/v1/Systems/1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset 2. Category: Fix Description: fix the issues under the below urls. /redfish/v1/Chassis/1 /redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power/Voltages/1 /redfish/v1/Managers/1/ /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SerialInterfaces /redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : 3. Category: Fix Description: fix the typo on IPMI web. Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : ======================================================================================== Filename: REDFISH_X10_100.bin version: 1.00 Date: 04-29-2015 1. Category: New implementation Description: Support the below RedFish APIs. Be noted that please do reset-to-default and take new settings into effect. Motherboard: X10 motherboards Affected functions: Validation : Please install JsonViewer and PostMan plugins in the browser, chrome or Firefox. /redfish/v1/ /redfish/v1/$metadata /redfish/v1/Chassis /redfish/v1/Chassis/1 /redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Thermal /redfish/v1/Chassis/1/Power /redfish/v1/Managers /redfish/v1/Managers/1 /redfish/v1/Managers/1/NetworkProtocol /redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces /redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/1 /redfish/v1/Managers/1/SerialInterfaces redfish/v1/Managers/1/SerialInterfaces/1 /redfish/v1/AccountService /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/ /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/[num] /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Admin /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/Operator /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/ReadOnlyUser