------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supermicro IPMICFG Release Notes Copyright(c) 2023 Super Micro Computer, Inc. http://www.supermicro.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG is a command line tool utility, providing IPMI commands and Supermicro proprietary OEM commands to configure and monitor IPMI devices. It requires no pre installation and is easy to use for basic IPMI configuration and BMC status reading and monitoring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Operating system: * Microsoft DOS 5.0 or later version. * Windows 10 / 11 / Server 2012 / Server 2016 / Server 2019 / Server 2022. - Operating system must be pre-installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package. Download Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11895 - Need disabled UAC(User Account Control) or open a command prompt with "run as administrator". * Linux Kernel version 2.6.x or higher. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.8 and later version. SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 12 SP4 and later version. Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS and later version. * FreeBSD 10.4 or higher. * UEFI Shell * Free Disk Space: 200 MB (Linux, Windows) * Available RAM: 64 MB - Hardware: * Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) must support Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) version 2.0 specifications. - Software: * -tas, -nvme commands must be installed Thin-Agent Service. The TAS minimum required version is 1.6.0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation and Upgrade Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DOS Execute IPMICFG.exe - Windows Execute IPMICFG-Win.exe - Linux If your system has installed OpenIPMI driver, you can enabled Linux IPMI driver: # /etc/init.d/ipmi start or # modprobe ipmi_msghandler # modprobe ipmi_devintf # modprobe ipmi_si Then execute IPMICFG-Linux.x86 or IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 - FreeBSD Please use the "kldstat" command to check whether the IPMI device has been loaded. If not, use the "kldload ipmi" command to load the IPMI device. Then execute IPMICFG.bsd - UEFI Execute IPMICFG.efi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.34.2 build 230224 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added NVMe backplane "Rev" information. 2. Fixed "Most recent add" value when clearing SEL. 3. Modified the SEL display format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.34.1 build 221026 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fixed NVMe slot matching issue. 2. Fixed too many sensors causing hang issue. 3. Fixed an issue where hostname could not display more than 32 characters. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.34.0 build 220906 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added the "-lani" command to check and configure the BMC LAN interface. 2. Added the "-linkstatus" command to check the connection status of the BMC LAN interface. 3. Allowed users to view and modify the information of the multinode systems. 4. Added support for FreeBSD 10.4 and later versions. 5. Changed the number system of BMC's major version from hexadecimal to decimal. 6. Changed the normal state of the PSU from "ON" to "OK". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.33.2 build 220126 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fix the issue where some fan modes could not be set. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.33.1 build 211123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Modified the onscreen messages for the privilege levels of KCS Control: Operator, User, and Callback. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.33.0 build 210528 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added the "Liquid Cooling" and "Smart Speed" fan modes. 2. Modified the display format of firmware version. 3. Removed the function of putting a system in lockdown mode. 4. Added the IPv6 DHCPv6 disabled mode. 5. Supported a NVMe backplane. (Firmware information: 30 02) 6. Added the severity code and event ID fields to the "-sel list" command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.32.0 build 200910 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added the "-lockdown" command to put the system in lockdown mode. 2. Added the "-mel list" command to list maintenance event log. 3. Added the function of listing dynamic IPv6 addresses to the "-ipv6 list" command. 4. Update SEL description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.31.1 build 200623 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Support new NVME drawer. 2. Enhance "-pminfo" command. 3. Display IPv6 addresses in the "-summary" and "-ipv6 list" commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.31.0 build 200205 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Added options to the "-fd" command. 2. Added the "-addrptl" command to set up IP protocol. 3. Added a function to display sets of commands. (This function is not available on DOS.) 4. Added user and password pre-check mechanism. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.30.0 build 190710 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Add EFI version of IPMICFG. 2. Support H12, X12 and Nuvoton platform. 3. Add IPv6 routing functions. (option: -ipv6) 4. Support UEFI PXE boot option. (option: -reset, -soft) 5. Add mel (Maintenance Event Log) command set. (option: -mel) 6. Remove -fru 1m, 1p, 1s, 2m, 2p, 2s, 3s commands. 7. Add auxiliary firmware revision in "-ver" command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.29.0 build 181029 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. To modify IPMICFG to support MicroCloud SYS-5039MD8-H8TNR 8 nodes with ConfigID = 8. 2. Support NVMe backplane to expand to a group of 24 slots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.28.0 build 180302 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Add IPv6 setting functions. 2. Support BBP2 (BBP + PSU) module. 3. Support Purley MRC error code. 4. Fix known issues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.27.1 build 170901 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fix PMInfo command can't open DAT file issue in DOS edition. 2. Fix can't execute some commands in H11 platform. 3. Add warning message when remove NVME device. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.27.0 build 170620 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Add DCMI commands. 2. Add MCU ID support for 0xA5, 0xA6, 0xA7 and 0xA8 on IPMICFG with the "tp" command. 3. Disabled Microblade "VBAT" sensor all the upper threshold value. 4. Fix getting PMBus's detail status has duplicate information. 5. Update NM commands to Node Manager 4.0. 6. Support ATEN 8U Superblade firmware. 7. Update board ID. 8. Update KCS driver. 9. Modify PMBus Revision info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.26.0 build 161123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Support MultiNode config ID = 6 and 12. 2. Support MultiNode MCU ID = 0xA7. 3. Support TAS 1.4.0. 4. Update event log description in SEL command. 5. Presenting power module full status information in -pminfo command. 6. Improve NVME firmware information in "-nvme info" command. 7. Support the watchdog sensor in "-sdr" command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.25.0 build 160823 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Support discrete sensor. 2. Support NVME 48 nodes. 3. Update FRU chassis type. 4. Update board id. 5. Modify parameter list format. 6. Fix FRU fields too many characters lead to FRU wrong issue. 7. Add Get/Set host name command. 8. Update Windows KCS driver. 9. Fix can't boot from UEFI device issue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.24.2 build 160517 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fix power reading is incorrect with command nm oem power. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.24.1 build 160222 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Update Windows KCS driver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.24.0 build 160105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Add TAS commands. (Not supported DOS) 2. Update NVME commands. (Not supported DOS) 3. Add summary command. 4. Update board id. 5. Update MRC Code for SEL. 6. Update SEL description. 7. Fix MCU Version value wrong issue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.23.0 build 151106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Support MicroCloud device in tp commands. 2. Fix temperature sensor reading can't display negative issue. 3. Fix TJmax value wrong issue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.22.0 build 150814 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Update board id. 2. Update GUID. 3. When impicfg failed, error message will store to stderr variable. 4. When input wrong parameter, ipmicfg will print all the parameters explaination and cancel pause screen mechanism. (Not supported DOS) 5. When use not root permission account to launch ipmicfg, ipmicfg will show tip message. 6. Fix -sdr hang issue at SuperBlade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPMICFG 1.21.0 build 150615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Add BIOS MRC Code for SEL. 2. Add support power consumption sensor(SDR record type = 0x0b). 3. Add SDR Type 2 to support PS Status Compact SDR. 4. Update Fan mode. 5. Udpate SEL description and board id. 6. Modify FatTwin Right side node ID. 7. Modify TwinPro commands. 8. Replace KCS driver. 9. Update length of PWS Module Number from 12 bytes to 13 bytes. 10. Fix memory ECC error description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Issues, Limitations & Restrictions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 'Destination IP address' in the first entry under alerts subsection is volatile as per the IPMI spec. So, this field will not be saved if restored to factory defaults. 2. Some parameters need IPMI OEM commands support. If not, the execute result will response error message or information. The parameters include: -fd Reset to the factory default. option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -fdl Reset to the factory default. (Clean LAN) option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -fde Reset to the factory default. (Clean FRU & LAN) option: -d | Detected IPMI device for BMC reset. -ver Get Firmware revision. -nm nmsdr Display NM SDR. -nm seltime Get SEL time. -nm deviceid Get ME Device ID. -nm reset Reboots ME. -nm reset2default Force ME reset to Default. -nm updatemode Force ME to Update Mode. -nm selftest Get Self Test Results. -nm listimagesinfo List ME Images information. -nm oemgetpower OEM Power command for ME. -nm oemgettemp OEM Temp. command for ME. -nm pstate Get Max allowed CPU P-State. -nm tstate Get Max allowed CPU T-State. -nm cpumemtemp Get CPU/Memory temperature. -nm hostcpudata Get host CPU data. -fan Get Fan Mode. -fan Set Fan Mode. -pminfo [full] Power supply PMBus health. -psfruinfo Power supply FRU health. -psbbpinfo Battery backup power status. -autodischarge Set auto discharge by days. -discharge Manually discharge battery. -conf upload Upload IPMI configuration form binary file.